RNS Number : 8575F

Griffin Mining Ld

04 May 2011

60 St James's Street, London SW1A 1LE, United Kingdom

Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 7772 Facsimile: + 44 (0)20 7629 7773

E mail: griffin@griffinmining.com

4(th) MAY 2011


Griffin Mining Limited has today published its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2010.


-- Increased profit before tax and minority interests of $11.2 million, compared with $7.2m in 2009.

-- Increased profits from operations of $13.1m compared with $5.5m in 2009.

-- 389,496 tonnes of ore processed compared to 276,880 tonnes in 2009, a 40.6% increase.

-- 22,044 tonnes of zinc in concentrate produced compared to 17,167 tonnes in 2009, a 28% increase.

-- Record production of 7,067 ounces of gold in concentrate compared to 3,726 ounces in 2009, a 90% increase.

-- 157,679 ounces of silver in concentrate produced compared to 89,222 ounces in 2009, a 77% increase.

-- 690 tonnes of lead in concentrate produced compared to 500 tonnes in 2009, a 38% increase.


Griffin Mining Limited ("Griffin" or the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together the "Group") recorded a profit before tax for the year of $11,236,000 (2009: $7,246,000). The increase in profit arises despite the suspension of site activities from the 9(th) August 2010 to the 9(th) December 2010 following the death of two men employed by the mining contractor at Caijiaying. This result is a tribute to the efforts of all site and administrative personnel who worked so tirelessly to lift the operating suspension at Caijiaying.

Despite the suspension in activities during 2010, production in 2010 represents a significant increase in performance from the interrupted 2009 year with zinc concentrate production falling just short of the maximum achieved in 2008 of 22,922 tonnes. Outstandingly, 2010 was a record for gold production at Caijiaying.

In August 2010, construction of the upgraded processing facilities at Caijiaying was completed creating the operating capability to process 750,000 tonnes of ore per annum. The unfortunate events of the 8(th) August 2010 delayed commissioning of the new ball mill and crushing circuit until recommencement of operations on the 9(th) December 2010. Commissioning of the upgraded processing facilities has been completed and mining and haulage of ore has been increased to meet the expanded processing capacity of the mill. As with the previous construction of processing facilities at Caijiaying, it is expected that the engineering work recently completed on the upgrade to the processing facilities, in addition to the expertise of the staff on site, should enable significantly more throughput to be processed than the designated 750,000 tonnes of ore per annum.

In order to protect the Company's revenue stream should the price of zinc fall significantly, the Company purchased put options with a strike price of $1,700 per tonne over 24,000 tonnes of zinc metal at a cost of $2,238,000. The zinc price remained relatively strong in 2010 with the LME zinc price averaging approximately $2,160 per tonne. As a result, the put options were marked to market at 31 December 2010 with a charge to profit of $2,224,000.

With cash balances averaging some $67 million in 2010, Griffin benefited from interest receipts of $350,000 in 2010 (2009: $253,000).

Foreign exchange gains of $38,000 were recorded in 2010 (2009: gains of $1,956,000) with a weakened sterling creating losses on sterling deposits offset by the strengthening Australian Dollar and Chinese Renminbi which created profits on both Dollar and Renminbi accounts.

Griffin's 39.2% share of the losses of Spitfire Oil Limited ("Spitfire") of $109,000 has been recognised in 2010 (2009 $517,000).

Chairman's Statement:

In spite of the year not progressing as originally envisaged due to factors outside the control of the Company, the Group still managed to record a profit before tax for the year of $11.24 million compared to $7.25 million in 2009. This included a 40.6% increase in ore processed, a 28% increase in zinc concentrate produced, a 77% increase in silver produced in concentrate and a 90% increase in gold produced in concentrate, a record for gold production at Caijiaying.

The increase in profit and production was particularly noteworthy as it was achieved despite the suspension of all activities at Caijiaying for 4 months following the death of two men employed by the mining contractor at Caijiaying. Although the Company's subsidiary, Hebei Hua Ao Mining Industry Company Limited ("Hebei Hua Ao"), was exonerated from primary fault, I would like to express my deep sorrow that such an event could occur at Caijiaying and send my condolences to the deceased miners' families. Griffin has, and continues to provide, its full co-operation and support to the Chinese individuals and government departments touched by this unfortunate occurrence and continues to seek to improve safety at Caijiaying above and beyond that recommended by the Chinese authorities.

Although construction of the upgraded processing facilities at Caijiaying was completed in August 2010, the unfortunate deaths of the 8th August 2010 delayed commissioning of the new ball mill and crushing circuit until the first quarter of 2011. As with the previous construction of processing facilities at Caijiaying, it is expected that the upgrade of the processing facilities should enable significantly more throughput to be processed than the designated 750,000 tonnes of ore per annum.

It is expected that part of that substantially increased throughput, over and above 750,000 tonnes of ore per annum, will be provided from the new resource at Zone II. In January 2011, a new JORC reported Mineral Resource Estimate for Caijiaying was produced which showed an 18% increase in the mineral resource at Zones II and III representing a 30 plus year mine life at the increased throughput rate. This gave Hebei Hua Ao sufficient confidence to commence the necessary extra infill drilling, reports and work to support an application for a mining licence at Zone II with a view to extracting a further 500,000 tonnes of ore per annum from that area.

In this modern age, it is vital for a mining company to be a good citizen of the community and country in which it operates. To that end, Hebei Hua Ao has provided direct water supplies to the local villagers, constructed sealed roads to the Caijiaying mine and nearby villages, financed the construction of a local kindergarten and old people's rest home and assisted with other infrastructure projects. Hebei Hua Ao has also assisted in the upgrade of facilities at the local township school and set up "Project Hope" to provide scholarships to local students. Griffin estimates that the Caijiaying mine has provided employment directly and indirectly to over 1,000 Chinese nationals whilst minimizing the employment of foreign personnel. Griffin has striven to protect the local environment and in that regard Hebei Hua Ao's activities in China were formally recognized when it was presented with the environmental award at the 2010 China Mining conference. Griffin, through Hebei Hua Ao, has shown itself to be a responsible partner and operator in China.

Unfortunately, the Company does not operate in an economic vacuum. As has been mentioned numerous times in past missives, mining is generally a fixed cost business whose profitability is largely dependent on a predetermined commodity price. With China now acquiring 60% of the world's iron ore and 40% of its base metals production, neither China nor the world's economy can be ignored, even at the microeconomic level at which Griffin operates.

Unfortunately the world's economy has been shown to be, at best, brittle and, at worst, structurally unsound. The global financial crisis of 2008 has demonstrated that the USA and Europe are on the downward slope of their economic power without the political or economic bipartisanship will to undertake the reforms critical to stave off economic decline. The huge transference of private to public debt in the USA reaching a staggering $14.3 trillion, unfunded Medicare and pension liabilities and the need to raise the national debt ceiling merely to pay recurring expenditure and interest obligations on US government debt, does not bode well for the world's largest economy. Europe continues to try to live with the unliveable with a European Central Bank setting monetary policy over wayward individual country members setting their own fiscal policies. The inevitable consequences have become apparent with Ireland, Portugal and Greece with more surely to follow. China remains the world's economic powerhouse although with the advent of rapid inflation coupled with a fixed exchange rate, its export driven economy will inevitably suffer. It is also worthy to note the questionable status of the Chinese banking system and the level of non-performing loans in that country.

What this means for Griffin is the need for patience. Although the Company has significant financial resources, including some $65 million in cash, real value is created by purchasing assets below their true intrinsic value at the low end of an economic cycle or in a severe financial downturn. It is the view of the Company that mineable resources are scarce and becoming ever harder to find. It is also true that China and India are in the midst of a large urbanization process which will cause commodity prices to remain buoyant in the long term. When commodity prices are high, mining asset values are even higher. No economic growth process in history has been linear and the Company expects a significant correction in this progression in the near future. It is therefore the Company's task to assemble the right acquisition targets, human capital and capital markets support to make these acquisitions when the inevitable correction occurs. The Company remains dedicated to only acquiring further assets where they provide real value over a long period of time with substantial added value to shareholders.

It is also likely that the Company will list its shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at some point in the future. That date will be driven by the Company's need for capital should the next acquisition require additional funds. History has shown that unless liquidity is provided in a new listing through a new issue of shares, that company's stock will trade thinly and without any real interest by Hong Kong and retail investors. Needless to say, an acquisition would never be made, a capital raising completed or a listing sought unless it was genuinely in the best long-term interest of shareholders.

In that same vein, the directors have agonized, after extensive consultation with shareholders, over the reinstatement of a dividend to shareholders. Whilst understanding and agreeing with the discipline and financial need of many shareholders for a dividend, the Company still believes that the better use of internal funds can be made on the acquisition of assets that may become available in the near future. In the interim, to alleviate some shareholders need for capital and to allow each individual shareholder to deal with his or her tax position, the Company has continued its share buy-back programme.

In such a year as 2010, tribute must be paid to the efforts of all site staff, head office personnel and the directors who worked so tirelessly to lift the operating suspension at Caijiaying, commission the plant upgrade, increase throughput, evaluate acquisitions and set the Company on the path to renewed financial strength in 2011. My sincere thanks to every one of them.


The directors do not recommend payment of a dividend at this time in the Company's development but have instigated a share buyback programme which provides an effective and tax efficient method of providing returns to individual shareholders.

Further information

Griffin Mining Limited

Mladen Ninkov - Chairman Telephone: +44(0)20 7629 7772

Roger Goodwin - Finance Director

Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7459 3600

Dominic Morley

Hannah Woodley

Griffin Mining Limited's shares are quoted on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange (symbol GFM).

The Company's news releases are available on the Company's web site: www.griffinmining.com

Griffin Mining Limited

Summarised Consolidated Income Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2010

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                                2010      2009 
                                                $000      $000 
Revenue                                       41,050    25,368 
Cost of sales                               (16,780)  (11,909) 
Gross profit                                  24,270    13,459 
Net operating expenses                      (11,127)   (7,940) 
Profit from operations                        13,143     5,519 
Share of losses of associated company          (109)     (517) 
Foreign exchange gains                            38     1,956 
Finance income                                   350       253 
Finance losses                               (2,224)         - 
Other income                                      38        35 
Profit before tax                             11,236     7,246 
Income tax expense                           (2,376)   (1,013) 
Profit after tax                               8,860     6,233 
                                            ========  ======== 
Attributable to non-controlling interests      6,116     2,621 
Attributable to equity share owners for 
 the parent                                    2,744     3,612 
                                               8,860     6,233 
                                            ========  ======== 
Basic earnings per share (cents)                1.51      1.99 
                                            ========  ======== 
Diluted earnings per share (cents)              1.49      1.97 
                                            ========  ======== 

Griffin Mining Limited

Summarised Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 December 2010

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                                2010   2009 
                                                $000   $000 
Profit for the year                            8,860  6,233 
                                              ------  ----- 
Other comprehensive income 
Exchange differences on translating foreign 
 operations                                    1,374     87 
Other comprehensive income for the period, 
 net of tax                                    1,374     87 
                                              ------  ----- 
Total comprehensive income for the period     10,234  6,320 
                                              ======  ===== 
Attributable to non-controlling interests      6,218  2,616 
Attributable to equity owners of the parent    4,016  3,704 
                                              10,234  6,320 
                                              ======  ===== 

Griffin Mining Limited

Summarised Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 December 2010

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                                      2010         2009 
                                                      $000         $000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                       77,745       63,214 
Intangible assets - Exploration interests            1,481        1,422 
Investment in associated company                     3,877        3,986 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
                                                    83,103       68,622 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                          3,136        2,780 
Other current assets                                 3,423        5,279 
Cash and cash equivalents                           66,450       67,630 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
                                                    73,009       75,689 
Total assets                                       156,112      144,311 
                                               ===========  =========== 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the 
Share capital                                        1,804        1,817 
Share premium                                       74,948       75,984 
Contributing surplus                                 3,690        3,690 
Share based payments                                 2,513        4,790 
Other reserves                                         938          759 
Foreign exchange reserve                             8,480        7,234 
Profit and loss reserve                             47,631       40,440 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
Total equity attributable to equity holders 
 of the parent                                     140,004      134,714 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
Non-controlling interests                            6,218        2,616 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Long-term provisions                                   768          743 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Taxation payable                                     1,011        1,572 
Trade and other payables                             8,111        4,666 
Total liabilities                                    9,122        6,238 
                                               -----------  ----------- 
Total equities and liabilities                     156,112      144,311 
                                               ===========  =========== 
Number of shares in issue                      180,408,496  181,688,497 
Attributable net asset value / total equity 
 per share                                           $0.78        $0.74 

Griffin Mining Limited

Summarised Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity.

For the year ended 31 December 2010

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                  Share    Share  Contributing     Share     Other   Foreign   Profit  attributable          Non    Total 
                                                                                  and     to equity 
                Capital  Premium       surplus     Based  Reserves  Exchange     loss       holders  Controlling   Equity 
                                                Payments             Reserve  Reserve     Of parent    Interests 
                   $000     $000          $000      $000      $000      $000     $000          $000         $000     $000 
At 31 December 
 2008             1,816   75,950         3,690     5,826       711     7,142   35,345       130,480            -  130,480 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
 transfer for 
 investment           -        -             -         -        48         -     (48)             -            -        - 
Issue of share 
 capital              1       41             -         -         -         -        -            42            -       42 
Purchase of 
 shares for 
 cancellation         -      (7)             -         -         -         -        -           (7)            -      (7) 
Cost of share 
 payments             -        -             -       495         -         -                    495            -      495 
Transfer in 
 respect of 
 share based 
 payments             -        -             -   (1,531)         -         -    1,531             -            -        - 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
 with owners          1       34             -   (1,036)        48         -    1,483           530            -      530 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
 profit for 
 the year             -        -             -         -         -         -    3,612         3,612        2,621    6,233 
 operations           -        -             -         -         -        92        -            92          (5)       87 
 income for 
 the year             -        -             -         -         -        92    3,612         3,704        2,616    6,320 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
At 31 December 
 2009             1,817   75,984         3,690     4,790       759     7,234   40,440       134,714        2,616  137,330 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
 transfer for 
 investment           -        -             -         -       153         -    (153)             -            -        - 
Issue of share 
 capital              3       94             -         -         -         -        -            97            -       97 
Purchase of 
 shares for 
 cancellation      (16)  (1,130)             -         -         -         -        -       (1,146)            -  (1,146) 
Cost of share 
 payments             -        -             -     2,323         -         -        -         2,323            -    2,323 
Transfers in 
 respect of 
 share based 
 payments             -        -             -   (4,600)         -         -    4,600             -            -        - 
Transfers in 
 respect of 
 distributions        -        -             -         -         -         -        -             -      (2,616)  (2,616) 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
 with owners       (13)  (1,036)             -   (2,277)       153         -    4,447         1,274      (2,616)  (1,342) 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
 profit for 
 the year             -        -             -         -         -         -    2,744         2,744        6,116    8,860 
 operations           -        -             -         -        26     1,246        -         1,272          102    1,374 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
 income for 
 the year             -        -             -         -        26     1,246    2,744         4,016        6,218   10,234 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
At 31 December 
 2010             1,804   74,948         3,690     2,513       938     8,480   47,631       140,004        6,218  146,222 
                =======  =======  ============  ========  ========  ========  =======  ============  ===========  ======= 

Griffin Mining Limited

Summarised Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2010

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                                        2010     2009 
                                                        $000     $000 
Net cash flows from operating activities 
Profit before taxation                                11,236    7,246 
Share of associated company losses                       109      517 
Foreign exchange (gains)                                (38)  (1,956) 
Finance (income)                                       (350)    (253) 
Finance losses                                         2,224        - 
Adjustment in respect of share based payments          2,323      495 
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation               2,151    1,533 
(Increase) / decrease in inventories                   (356)      446 
(Increase) / decrease in other current assets          (747)      285 
Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables      3,445  (2,882) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities             19,997    5,431 
                                                    --------  ------- 
Taxation paid                                        (2,936)        - 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest received                                        350      253 
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets 
 - exploration interests                                (10)    (105) 
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets 
 - mineral interests                                (10,162)  (5,944) 
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets 
 - plant and equipment                               (4,285)  (1,298) 
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets 
 - office equipment                                     (36) 
Payments to acquire put options                      (2,239) 
Net cash outflow from investing activities          (16,382)  (7,094) 
                                                    --------  ------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Issue of ordinary share capital                           97       42 
Purchase of shares for cancellation                  (1,146)      (7) 
                                                     (1,049)       35 
                                                    --------  ------- 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                  (370)  (1,628) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
 of the year                                          67,630   67,193 
Effects of exchange rates                              (810)    2,065 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
 year                                                 66,450   67,630 
                                                    --------  ------- 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise bank deposits. 
Bank deposits                                         66,450   67,630 
                                                    ========  ======= 

Included within net cash flows of $370,000 (2009 $1,628,000) are foreign exchange gains of $38,000 (2009 $1,956,000) which have been treated as realised.


1. This statement has been prepared using accounting policies and presentation consistent with those applied in the preparation of the statutory accounts of the Company.

2. The summary accounts set out above do not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 84 of the Bermuda Companies Act 1981 or Section 435 of the UK Companies Act 2006. The summarised consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 2010 and the summarised consolidated income statement, summarised statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity and the summarised consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended have been extracted from the Group's 2010 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors' opinion is unqualified. The results for the year ended 31 December 2009 have been extracted from the statutory accounts for that period, which contain an unqualified auditors' report.

3. The annual report and accounts for 2010 are being sent by post to all registered shareholders. Additional copies of the annual report and accounts are available from the Company's London office, 6(th) Floor, 60 St James's Street, London, SW1A 1LE.

4. The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and other dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Reconciliation of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                               2010                               2009 
                               Weighted       Per                 Weighted       Per 
                                Average     share                  Average     share 
                 Earnings     number of    amount   Earnings     number of    amount 
                     $000        shares   (cents)       $000        shares   (cents) 
 Basic earnings per 
  to ordinary 
  shareholders      2,744   181,579,409      1.51      3,612   181,560,512      1.99 
 Dilutive effect of 
 Options                      2,648,124                          1,906,603 
                ---------  ------------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
  earnings per 
  share             2,744   184,227,533      1.49      3,612   183,467,115      1.97 
                =========  ============  ========  =========  ============  ======== 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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