RNS No 0928q
9th July 1998



The Offers will be subject to the following conditions:-


Each of the Capital Share Offers is subject to the following

(i)   valid  acceptances  being  received  (and  not,  where
    permitted, withdrawn) by 3.00 p.m. on the first closing date
    of the Capital Share Offers (or such later time(s) and/or
    date(s) as Abpref or Abpref Securities, as the case may be,
    may,  subject to the rules of the City Code, decide)  in
    respect  of  not less than 90 per cent. (or such  lesser
    percentage as Abpref or Abpref Securities, as the case may
    be, may decide) in nominal value of the SNT  Capital Shares
    to which the Capital Share Offers relate. For the purposes
    of this condition:
    (a)  SNT  Capital Shares which have been unconditionally
         allotted shall be deemed to carry the voting rights
         they  will carry upon being entered in the register
         of members of SNT; and
    (b) the  expression  "SNT Capital Shares  to  which  the
        Capital  Share Offers relate" means (i) SNT  Capital
        Shares  unconditionally allotted  or  issued  on  or
        before  the date the Capital Share Offers  are  made
        and   (ii)   SNT   Capital  Shares   unconditionally
        allotted  or issued after that date but  before  the
        date  on  which  the  relevant Capital  Share  Offer
        ceases  to  be open for acceptance (or such  earlier
        date,  not being earlier than the date on which  the
        relevant  Capital Share Offer becomes  unconditional
        as  to  acceptances, or, if later, the first closing
        date  of  the  Capital Share Offers,  as  Abpref  or
        Abpref  Securities, as the case may be, may  decide)
        but  excluding any SNT Capital Shares which, on  the
        date the Capital Share Offers are made, are held  or
        (otherwise  than  under a contract as  described  in
        section   428(5)   of   the  Companies   Act   1985)
        contracted  to  be  acquired  by  Abpref  or  Abpref
        Securities,   as  the  case  may  be,   and/or   its
        associates  (within the meaning of section  430E  of
        the Companies Act 1985);
(ii)  in  the case of the Abpref Capital Share Offer,  valid
    acceptances of the Income Share Offer being received (and
    not, where permitted, withdrawn) by 3.00 p.m. on the first
    closing  date of the Income Share Offer, (or such  later
    time(s) and/or date(s) as Abpref may, subject to the rules
    of the City Code, decide) in respect of not less than 90 per
    cent. (or such lesser percentage as Abpref may decide) in
    nominal value of the SNT Income Shares to which the Income
    Share Offer relates. For the purposes of this condition:
     SNT  Income  Shares  which  have  been  unconditionally
     allotted  shall  be deemed to carry the  voting  rights
     they  will carry upon being entered in the register  of
     members of SNT; and
    (a)  the  expression  "SNT Income Shares  to  which  the
         Income  Share Offer relates" means (i)  SNT  Income
         Shares  unconditionally allotted or  issued  on  or
         before the date the Income Share Offer is made  and
         (ii) SNT Income Shares unconditionally allotted  or
         issued after that date but before the date on which
         the  Income  Share  Offer ceases  to  be  open  for
         acceptance (or such earlier date, not being earlier
         than  the  date on which the relevant Income  Share
         Offer becomes unconditional as to acceptances,  or,
         if  later,  the  first closing date of  the  Income
         Share  Offer,  as Abpref may decide) but  excluding
         any SNT Income Shares which, on the date the Income
         Share  Offer  is made, are held or (otherwise  than
         under a contract as described in section 428(5)  of
         the  Companies Act 1985) contracted to be  acquired
         by Abpref and/or its associates (within the meaning
         of section 430E of the Companies Act 1985);
(iii)     valid acceptances of the Abpref Stepped Preference
    Offer (in the case of the Abpref Capital Share Offer) or the
    Abpref Securities Stepped Preference Offer (in the case of
    the Abpref Securities Capital Share Offer) being received
    (and not, where permitted, withdrawn) by 3.00 p.m. on the
    first closing date of the Stepped Preference Offers, (or
    such  later time(s) and/or date(s) as Abpref  or  Abpref
    Securities, as the case may be, may, subject to the rules of
    the City Code, decide) in respect of not less than 90 per
    cent.  (or  such lesser percentage as Abpref  or  Abpref
    Securities, as the case may be, may decide) in nominal value
    of the SNT  Stepped Preference Shares to which the Stepped
    Preference  Offers  relate. For  the  purposes  of  this
    (a)  Stepped   Preference   Shares   which   have   been
         unconditionally allotted shall be deemed  to  carry
         the  voting  rights  they  will  carry  upon  being
         entered in the register of members of SNT; and
    (b)  the  expression "SNT Stepped Preference  Shares  to
         which  the Stepped Preference Offers relate"  means
         (i)  SNT  Stepped Preference Shares unconditionally
         allotted  or  issued  on or  before  the  date  the
         Stepped Preference Offers are made and (ii) Stepped
         Preference   Shares  unconditionally  allotted   or
         issued after that date but before the date on which
         the relevant Stepped Preference Offer ceases to  be
         open  for  acceptance (or such  earlier  date,  not
         being  earlier than the date on which the  relevant
         Stepped  Preference Offer becomes unconditional  as
         to  acceptances, or, if later, on the first closing
         date of the relevant Stepped Preference Offers,  as
         Abpref  or Abpref Securities, as the case  may  be,
         may  decide)  but excluding any Stepped  Preference
         Shares  which,  on the date the Stepped  Preference
         Offer is made, are held or (otherwise than under  a
         contract  as  described in section  428(5)  of  the
         Companies  Act 1985) contracted to be  acquired  by
         Abpref  or Abpref Securities, as the case  may  be,
         and/or  its  associates  (within  the  meaning   of
         section 430E of the Companies Act 1985);
(iv)  valid  acceptances  being  received  (and  not,  where
    permitted, withdrawn) by 3.00 p.m. on the first closing date
    of the Zero Offers, (or such later time(s) and/or date(s) as
    Abpref Securities may, subject to the rules of the  City
    Code, decide) in respect of not less than 90 per cent. (or
    such lesser percentage as Abpref Securities may decide) in
    nominal  value of the SNT Zeros to which the Zero  Offer
    relates. For the purposes of this condition:
    (a)  SNT  Zeros which have been unconditionally allotted
         shall  be  deemed to carry the voting  rights  they
         will  carry  upon being entered in the register  of
         members of SNT; and
    (b)  the  expression "SNT Zeros to which the Zero  Offer
         relates"   means   (i)  SNT  Zeros  unconditionally
         allotted  or issued on or before the date the  Zero
         Offer  is  made  and (ii) SNT Zeros unconditionally
         allotted  or issued after that date but before  the
         date on which the Zero Offer ceases to be open  for
         acceptance (or such earlier date, not being earlier
         than  the  date  on  which the Zero  Offer  becomes
         unconditional as to acceptances, or, if later,  the
         first  closing  date of the Zero Offer,  as  Abpref
         Securities  may  decide) but  excluding  any  Zeros
         which, on the date the Zero Offer is made, are held
         or (otherwise than under a contract as described in
         section   428(5)   of  the  Companies   Act   1985)
         contracted  to  be  acquired by  Abpref  Securities
         and/or  its  associates  (within  the  meaning   of
         section 430E of the Companies Act 1985);
(v)   the  Income Share Offer becoming unconditional in  all
    respects save for the condition in paragraph (iv) of Part B
    of  this Appendix, each of the Stepped Preference Offers
    becoming  unconditional in all  respects  save  for  the
    condition in paragraph (iii) of Part C of this Appendix, the
    Zero Offer becoming unconditional in all respects save for
    the condition in paragraph (iii) of Part D of this Appendix
    and, in the case of the Abpref Capital Share Offer,  the
    Abpref Securities Capital Share Offer becoming unconditional
    in all respects save for the condition in this paragraph (v)
    and,  in the case of the Abpref Securities Capital Share
    Offer, the Abpref Capital Share Offer becoming unconditional
    in   all  respects  save  for  the  condition  in   this
    paragraph (v);
(vi) the passing at an extraordinary general meeting of
Abpref (or at any adjournment thereof) of such resolutions
as are necessary to approve and implement the Offers and the
acquisition of any shares in SNT pursuant thereto, to
increase the authorised share capital of Abpref and to
confer authorities for the creation and allotment of the new
Abpref Ordinary Shares;
(vii)     the London Stock Exchange agreeing to admit the
new Abpref Group Securities to be issued pursuant to the
relevant Capital Share Offer to the Official List and such
admission becoming effective in accordance with paragraph
7.1 of the Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange;
(viii)    in the case of the Abpref Securities Capital Share
Offer, Abpref Securities having control (having the same
meaning as where used in section 135 of the Taxation of
Chargeable Gains Act 1992) of SNT or valid acceptances being
received (and not where permitted withdrawn) in respect of
such number of SNT Capital Shares as would ensure that on
the Abpref Securities Capital Share Offer becoming
unconditional Abpref Securities would have such control;
(ix) the level of the FTSE All-Share Index remaining above
2000 and SNT's published total assets less current
liabilities remaining above #425 million, provided that the
Offeror shall not invoke this condition on any date if on
such date the directors or investment manager of SNT certify
to Abpref and Abpref Securities that the FAV of the SNT
Capital Shares if calculated as at such date would be above
5p per share:
(x)  the auditors of Abpref Securities reporting to the
board of Abpref Securities in the terms provided by article
3.2.3(A)(2)(a) of the articles of association of Abpref
Securities that the ZDP Shares in issue immediately after
the issue of the ZDP Shares pursuant to the Offers and the
Placing would have Cover of not less than two times;
(xi)     the  consent dated 9 July 1998 of the trustee under
   the  trust  deed constituting and securing the  Debenture
   Stock  to  the  issue of the ZDP Shares pursuant  to  the
   Offers and the Placing becoming unconditional;
(xii)the  Placing Agreement not having been terminated,  and
   no  event having occurred which would render any  of  the
   conditions   to  the  Placing  Agreement   incapable   of
   satisfaction,   in   each   case   before   the    Wholly
   Unconditional Date;
(xiii)no event occurring or having occurred which causes  or
   would  cause  either Abpref or SNT to  cease  to  be,  or
   cease  to  be capable of being, eligible for approval  as
   an  investment trust within the meaning of section 842 of
   the  Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 in respect  of
   any  accounting period and/or which would  cause  any  of
   Abpref, Abpref Securities or SNT to cease to comply  with
   the  requirements  specified in  section  266(2)  of  the
   Companies Act 1985;
(xiv)no  scheme  or arrangement proposed in connection  with
   the  winding-up of SNT being approved by SNT Shareholders
   or  any  class of them, or becoming effective,  prior  to
   the  Wholly  Unconditional  Date  and  the  register   of
   members  of SNT being open for registration of  transfers
   of SNT Shares at the Wholly Unconditional Date;
(xv)     no  government or governmental, quasi-governmental,
   supranational,  statutory  or regulatory  body  or  trade
   agency  or  any  court or other body  or  person  in  any
   jurisdiction, including (without limitation)  the  United
   Kingdom   Inland   Revenue,  having  decided   to   take,
   instituted,   implemented  or  threatened   any   action,
   proceedings,  suit, investigation, enquiry  or  reference
   or  enacted, made or proposed, or taken any other  steps,
   and  there not continuing to be outstanding any  statute,
   regulation or order, that would or might:
    (a)  make   the   Offers   or   any   of   them,   their
         implementation or the acquisition of any SNT Shares
         by  Abpref or Abpref Securities void, unenforceable
         or   illegal  or  restrict,  prohibit,   delay   or
         otherwise interfere with the implementation of,  or
         impose  additional conditions or  obligations  with
         respect  to, or otherwise challenge, the Offers  or
         the  acquisition  of any SNT Shares  by  Abpref  or
         Abpref Securities;
    (b)  result  in  any delay in the ability of  Abpref  or
         Abpref  Securities,  or  render  Abpref  or  Abpref
         Securities  unable, to acquire some or all  of  the
         SNT Shares and/or some or all of SNT's assets;
    (c)  require, prevent or delay the divestiture, or alter
         the  terms  envisaged for any proposed divestiture,
         by Abpref or any of its subsidiaries or any company
         in  which  it has a substantial interest  (together
         the  "Wider Abpref Group") or by SNT of all or  any
         part  of  their  respective businesses,  assets  or
         properties  or  impose  any  limitation  on   their
         ability  to  conduct  their  respective  businesses
         and/or  to  own any of their respective  assets  or
    (d)  impose any limitations on the ability of Abpref  or
         Abpref Securities to acquire or hold or to exercise
         effectively, directly or indirectly, any rights  of
         ownership  of shares in SNT and/or some or  all  of
         SNT's assets; or
    (e)  require  Abpref or Abpref Securities to acquire  or
         offer to acquire any SNT Shares;
    (f)  otherwise adversely affect the business, profits or
         prospects  of any member of the Wider Abpref  Group
         or of SNT;
    and all applicable waiting periods during which any such
    government,  body, agency, court or other  person  could
    institute,  implement  or  threaten  any  such   action,
    proceeding,  suit, investigation, enquiry  or  reference
    having expired, lapsed or been terminated;
(xvi)      all authorisations, orders, grants, recognitions,
   confirmations,  consents,  clearances,  permissions   and
   approvals  necessary or appropriate for or in respect  of
   the  Offers  or any of them and the proposed  acquisition
   of  SNT  Shares  by  Abpref  or Abpref  Securities  being
   obtained  in terms and in a form satisfactory  to  Abpref
   or   Abpref  Securities,  as  the  case  may   be,   from
   appropriate           governments,          governmental,
   quasi-governmental,    supranational,    statutory     or
   regulatory  bodies, courts, trade agencies,  professional
   associations  or persons or bodies with whom  any  member
   of  the  Wider  Abpref  Group or  SNT  has  entered  into
   contractual   arrangements,  and   such   authorisations,
   orders,  grants,  recognitions, confirmations,  consents,
   clearances, permissions and approvals remaining  in  full
   force  and  effect and all necessary filings having  been
   made  and  all  appropriate  waiting  periods  under  any
   applicable   legislation   and   regulations    in    any
   jurisdiction  having expired or been  terminated  and  no
   notice  of any intention to revoke any of the same having
   been  received,  in  each case as  may  be  necessary  in
   connection  with  the  Offers  or  any  of  them  or  the
   proposed acquisition of any SNT Shares, or of control  of
   SNT,  by  Abpref or Abpref Securities (including for  the
   avoidance of doubt any consent, waiver or ruling  of  the
   Panel  in  connection with the Offers  or  any  of  them)
   under  the  laws  or regulations of any jurisdiction  and
   all  necessary statutory or regulatory obligations in any
   jurisdiction having been complied with;
(xvii)there being no provision of any arrangement, agreement
   or  other  instrument to which SNT or any partnership  or
   company in which SNT is interested (an "associate") is  a
   party or by or to which SNT or any such associate or  any
   of  their assets may be bound or be subject which  could,
   as  a  result  of the proposed acquisition by  Abpref  or
   Abpref  Securities of the issued share capital of SNT  or
   any part thereof or otherwise, result in:
    (a) any moneys borrowed by SNT or other indebtedness  of
        SNT,  actual  or contingent, becoming  repayable  or
        capable  of being declared repayable immediately  or
        earlier  than  the  repayment date  stated  in  such
        arrangement, agreement or instrument;
    (b)  any  such  arrangement, agreement or instrument  or
         the rights, liabilities or obligations under any of
         the  same  being  terminated  or  modified  or  any
         onerous  obligation  arising or  any  action  being
         taken or arising thereunder;
    (c)  the  interests or business of SNT in  or  with  any
         other  person, firm or company (or any arrangements
         relating  to  such  interest  or  business)   being
         adversely affected;
    (d)  any assets of SNT being disposed of or charged,  or
         any right arising under which any such assets could
         be required to be disposed of or charged, otherwise
         than in the ordinary course of business;
    (e)  the  creation  of  any mortgage,  charge  or  other
         security  over  the  whole  or  any  part  of   the
         business,  property or assets of SNT  or  any  such
         security   (whenever  arising  or  having   arisen)
         becoming enforceable; or
    (f)  the  financial  or trading position  of  SNT  being
         prejudiced or adversely affected;
(xviii)SNT  not  having since 30 September 1997  (except  as
     disclosed in the Annual Report and Accounts of SNT  for
     the  year  ended  30  September 1997  or  otherwise  as
     publicly  announced by delivery of an  announcement  to
     the  Company  Announcements Office of the London  Stock
     Exchange by SNT prior to the date of this announcement.
    (a)  issued or agreed to issue or authorised or proposed
         the  issue  of additional shares of any  class,  or
         securities  convertible into any  such  shares,  or
         rights,  warrants  or options to subscribe  for  or
         acquire,  any such shares or convertible securities
         or  redeemed, purchased or repaid any  of  its  own
         shares  or other securities or reduced or made  any
         other  change  to  its share capital  or  any  part
    (b)  declared, paid or made or proposed to declare,  pay
         or  make  any bonus, dividend or other distribution
         in respect of any part of the share capital of SNT;
    (c)  authorised or proposed or announced an intention to
         propose  any  merger or demerger or acquisition  or
         disposal  of  assets (other than  in  the  ordinary
         course of trading) or shares;
    (d)  authorised  or proposed or announced its  intention
         to propose any change in its share or loan capital;
    (e)  issued  any  debentures or (save  in  the  ordinary
         course  of  business) incurred any indebtedness  or
         contingent liability;
    (f)  entered into or varied or proposed or announced its
         intention  to  enter into or vary any  contract  or
         commitment   (whether   in   respect   of   capital
         expenditure or otherwise) which is of a long  term,
         onerous  or  unusual nature or  which  involves  or
         could   involve  an  obligation  of  a  nature   or
         magnitude which is material in the context of SNT;
    (g)  entered  into  or varied the terms of  any  service
         agreement with any of the directors of SNT;
    (h)  entered  into or varied the terms of any  agreement
         with  Gartmore  Investment Limited or  any  of  its
         holding  companies or any subsidiary  of  any  such
         holding company;
    (i)  disposed of or transferred, mortgaged or encumbered
         any  assets or any right, title or interest in  any
         asset  or  entered into any contract,  transaction,
         reconstruction,   amalgamation    or    arrangement
         otherwise  than in the ordinary course of  business
         which is material;
    (j)  entered  into  any  contract or  other  transaction
         otherwise than in the ordinary course of business;
    (k)  taken  any  corporate action or  had  any  petition
         presented   or  order  made  for  its   winding-up,
         dissolution   or   reorganisation   or   for    the
         appointment    of    a   receiver,   administrator,
         administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer
         of all or any of its assets or revenues; or
    (l)  entered  into any contract, commitment or agreement
         with  respect to any of the transactions or  events
         referred to in this paragraph;
(xix)    since 30 September 1997 (except as disclosed in the
   Annual  Report and Accounts of SNT for the year ended  30
   September  1997  or  otherwise as publicly  announced  by
   delivery  of an announcement to the Company Announcements
   Office  of the London Stock Exchange by SNT prior to  the
   date of this announcement:
    (a)  no  adverse  change in the business  or  assets  or
         financial   or  trading  position  or  profits   or
         prospects of SNT having occurred; and
    (b)  no  contingent  or  other liability  having  arisen
         which  might be likely materially and adversely  to
         affect SNT;
(xx)     since 30 September 1997 (except as disclosed in the
   Annual  Report and Accounts of SNT for the year ended  30
   September  1997  or  otherwise as publicly  announced  by
   delivery  of an announcement to the Company Announcements
   Office  of the London Stock Exchange by SNT prior to  the
   date  of  this  announcement, no litigation,  arbitration
   proceedings,  prosecution  or  other  legal   proceedings
   having   been  instituted  by  or  remaining  outstanding
   against  SNT  (whether  as  plaintiff  or  defendant   or
   otherwise)   and   no   such  proceedings   having   been
   threatened against SNT; and
(xxi)    Abpref  or Abpref Securities, as the case  may  be,
   not having discovered:
    (a)  that   any   financial   or  business   information
         concerning SNT publicly disclosed at any time by or
         on   behalf  of  SNT  is  misleading,  contains   a
         misrepresentation of fact or omits to state a  fact
         necessary to make the information contained therein
         not misleading; or
    (b)  any  information which affects the  import  of  any
         information disclosed at any time by or  on  behalf
         of SNT;
    (c)  that  any  partnership, undertaking or  company  in
         which  SNT  has a significant economic interest  is
         subject  to any liability, contingent or otherwise,
         which  is  not disclosed in the Annual  Report  and
         Accounts  of  SNT for the year ended  30  September
         1997 .
Abpref  or  Abpref Securities, as the case may be,  reserves
the  right  to  waive all or any of conditions  (i)  to  (v)
inclusive  and  (viii) to (xxi) inclusive, in  whole  or  in
part.  Conditions (ii) to (xxi) inclusive must be  satisfied
as  at,  or  waived  (where  possible)  on  or  before,  the
twenty-first  day after the later of the first closing  date
of  the Capital Share Offers and the date on which condition
(i)  is fulfilled or waived (or in each case such later date
as   the   Panel  may  agree).  Neither  Abpref  nor  Abpref
Securities shall be under any obligation to waive  or  treat
as  fulfilled  any  of conditions (i) to (v)  inclusive  and
(viii)  to (xxi) inclusive by a date earlier than  the  date
specified  above  for the fulfilment thereof notwithstanding
that  the  other  conditions of the relevant  Capital  Share
Offer may at such earlier date have been fulfilled and  that
there  are  at such earlier date no circumstances indicating
that   any  of  such  conditions  may  not  be  capable   of

Notwithstanding  the foregoing, neither  Abpref  nor  Abpref
Securities  will  waive  or declare  satisfied  any  of  the
conditions  set  out  above  if immediately  thereafter  the
relevant  Capital  Share  Offer  is  unconditional  in   all
respects  unless  Abpref  simultaneously  declares,  or  the
Income Share Offer becomes, unconditional in all respects.


The   Income  Share  Offer  is  subject  to  the   following

(i)   valid  acceptances  being  received  (and  not,  where
    permitted, withdrawn) by 3.00 p.m. on the first closing date
    of  the Income Share Offer (or such later time(s) and/or
    date(s) as Abpref may, subject to the rules of the  City
    Code, decide) in respect of not less than 90 per cent. (or
    such  lesser percentage as Abpref may decide) in nominal
    value of the SNT Income Shares to which the Income Share
    Offer relates. For the purposes of this condition:
    (a)  SNT  Income  Shares which have been unconditionally
         allotted shall be deemed to carry the voting rights
         they  will carry upon being entered in the register
         of members of SNT; and
    (b)  the  expression  "SNT Income Shares  to  which  the
         Income  Share Offer relates" means (i)  SNT  Income
         Shares  unconditionally allotted or  issued  on  or
         before the date the Income Share Offer is made  and
         (ii) SNT Income Shares unconditionally allotted  or
         issued after that date but before the date on which
         the  Income  Share  Offer ceases  to  be  open  for
         acceptance (or such earlier date, not being earlier
         than  the  date on which the relevant Income  Share
         Offer becomes unconditional as to acceptances,  or,
         if  later,  the  first closing date of  the  Income
         Share  Offer,  as Abpref may decide) but  excluding
         any SNT Income Shares which, on the date the Income
         Share  Offer  is made, are held or (otherwise  than
         under a contract as described in section 428(5)  of
         the  Companies Act 1985) contracted to be  acquired
         by Abpref and/or its associates (within the meaning
         of section 430E of the Companies Act 1985);
(ii)  the  passing  at an extraordinary general  meeting  of
    Abpref (or at any adjournment thereof) of such resolutions
    as are necessary to approve and implement the Offers and the
    acquisition  of any shares in SNT pursuant  thereto,  to
    increase the authorised share capital of Abpref  and  to
    confer authorities for the creation and allotment of the new
    Abpref Ordinary Shares;
(iii)     the London Stock Exchange agreeing to admit the
new Abpref Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Income Share Offer to the Official List and such admission
becoming effective in accordance with paragraph 7.1 of the
Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange;
(iv) each of the Capital Share Offers becoming unconditional
in all respects save for the condition in paragraph (v) of
Part A of this Appendix, each of the Stepped Preference
Offers becoming unconditional in all respects save for the
condition in paragraph (iii) of Part C of this Appendix and
the Zero Offer becoming unconditional in all respects save
for the condition in paragraph (iii) of Part D of this
Appendix; and
(v)  satisfaction of the conditions set out in paragraphs
(i) to (iv), (vi), (vii) and (ix) to (xxi) of Part A of this

Abpref  reserves the right to waive all or any of conditions
(i), (iv) and (v) above in whole or in part. Conditions (ii)
to  (v)  inclusive must be satisfied as at, or waived (where
possible) on or before, the twenty-first day after the later
of  the first closing date of the Income Share Offer and the
date  on which condition (i) is fulfilled or waived  (or  in
each  case such later date as the Panel may agree).   Abpref
shall  not  be  under any obligation to waive  or  treat  as
fulfilled  any  of conditions (i), (iv) and (v)  by  a  date
earlier  than  the date specified above for  the  fulfilment
thereof  notwithstanding that the other  conditions  of  the
Income  Share  Offer  may  at such earlier  date  have  been
fulfilled  and  that  there are  at  such  earlier  date  no
circumstances indicating that any of such conditions may not
be capable of fulfilment.

Notwithstanding  the foregoing, Abpref  will  not  waive  or
declare  satisfied any of the conditions set  out  above  if
immediately   thereafter   the   Income   Share   Offer   is
unconditional  in  all  respects unless  Abpref  and  Abpref
Securities  simultaneously declare the Capital  Share  Offer
made   by   it,   or   the  Capital  Share  Offers   become,
unconditional in all respects.


Each  of  the  Stepped Preference Offers is subject  to  the
following conditions:

(i)  the  passing  at  an extraordinary general  meeting  of
     Abpref   (or  at  any  adjournment  thereof)  of   such
     resolutions  as are necessary to approve and  implement
     the  Offers  and the acquisition of any shares  in  SNT
     pursuant  thereto,  to  increase the  authorised  share
     capital  of  Abpref and to confer authorities  for  the
     creation  and  allotment  of the  new  Abpref  Ordinary
(ii) the  London  Stock Exchange agreeing to admit  the  new
     Abpref  Group Securities to be issued pursuant  to  the
     relevant Stepped Preference Offer to the Official  List
     and  such  admission becoming effective  in  accordance
     with  paragraph 7.1 of the Listing Rules of the  London
     Stock Exchange;
(iii)       each   of  the  Capital  Share  Offers  becoming
     unconditional in all respects save for the condition in
     paragraph  (v) of Part A of this Appendix,  the  Income
     Share Offer becoming unconditional in all respects save
     for  the condition in paragraph (iv) of Part B of  this
     Appendix, the Zero Offer becoming unconditional in  all
     respects  save for the condition in paragraph (iii)  of
     Part  D of this Appendix and, in the case of the Abpref
     Stepped Preference Offer, the Abpref Securities Stepped
     Preference Offer becoming unconditional in all respects
     save for the condition in this paragraph (iii) and,  in
     the  case  of the Abpref Securities Stepped  Preference
     Offer,  the  Abpref Stepped Preference  Offer  becoming
     unconditional in all respects save for the condition in
     this paragraph (iii);
(iv) in the case of the Abpref Securities Stepped Preference
     Offer,  Abpref  Securities having control  (having  the
     same  meaning  as  where used in  section  135  of  the
     Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992) of SNT or  valid
     acceptances  being  received (and not  where  permitted
     withdrawn)  in  respect of such number of  SNT  Stepped
     Preference  Shares as would ensure that on  the  Abpref
     Securities    Stepped   Preference    Offer    becoming
     unconditional   Abpref  Securities  would   have   such
     control; and
(v)  satisfaction  of the conditions set out  in  paragraphs
     (i) to (iv), (vi), (vii) and (ix) to (xxi) of Part A of
     this Appendix.
Abpref  or  Abpref Securities, as the case may be,  reserves
the  right  to waive all or any of conditions (iii)  to  (v)
above  in  whole or in part. Conditions (i) to (v) inclusive
must  be satisfied as at, or waived (where possible)  on  or
before,  the twenty-first day after the later of  the  first
closing  date of the Stepped Preference Offers and the  date
on  which  the  condition in paragraph  (i)  of  Part  A  is
fulfilled or waived (or in each case such later date as  the
Panel may agree). Neither Abpref nor Abpref Securities shall
be  under any obligation to waive or treat as fulfilled  any
of  conditions (iii) to (v) by a date earlier than the  date
specified  above  for the fulfilment thereof notwithstanding
that the other conditions of the relevant Stepped Preference
Offer may at such earlier date have been fulfilled and  that
there  are  at such earlier date no circumstances indicating
that   any  of  such  conditions  may  not  be  capable   of


The Zero Offer is subject to the following conditions:

(i)  the  passing  at  an extraordinary general  meeting  of
     Abpref   (or  at  any  adjournment  thereof)  of   such
     resolutions  as are necessary to approve and  implement
     the  Offers  and the acquisition of any shares  in  SNT
     pursuant  thereto,  to  increase the  authorised  share
     capital  of  Abpref and to confer authorities  for  the
     creation  and  allotment  of the  new  Abpref  Ordinary
(ii) the  London  Stock Exchange agreeing to admit  the  new
     Abpref  ZDP  Shares to be issued pursuant to  the  Zero
     Offer  to the Official List and such admission becoming
     effective  in  accordance with  paragraph  7.1  of  the
     Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange;
(iii)       each   of  the  Capital  Share  Offers  becoming
     unconditional in all respects save for the condition in
     paragraph  (v) of Part A of this Appendix,  the  Income
     Share Offer becoming unconditional in all respects save
     for  the condition in paragraph (iv) of Part B of  this
     Appendix  and  each  of the Stepped  Preference  Offers
     becoming  unconditional in all respects  save  for  the
     condition  in  paragraph  (iii)  of  Part  C  of   this
(iv) Abpref  Securities  having  control  (having  the  same
     meaning as where used in section 135 of the Taxation of
     Chargeable  Gains Act 1992) of SNT or valid acceptances
     being  received (and not where permitted withdrawn)  in
     respect  of  such number of SNT Zeros as  would  ensure
     that  on  the Zero Offer becoming unconditional  Abpref
     Securities would have such control; and
(v)  satisfaction  of the conditions set out  in  paragraphs
     (i) to (iv), (vi), (vii) and (ix) to (xxi) of Part A of
     this Appendix.
Abpref Securities reserves the right to waive all or any  of
conditions  (iii)  to  (v)  above  in  whole  or  in   part.
Conditions (i) to (v) inclusive must be satisfied as at,  or
waived  (where possible) on or before, the twenty-first  day
after  the later of the first closing date of the Zero Offer
and the date on which the condition in paragraph (i) of Part
A is fulfilled or waived (or in each case such later date as
the  Panel may agree). Abpref Securities shall not be  under
any  obligation  to  waive  or treat  as  fulfilled  any  of
conditions  (iii)  to (v) by a date earlier  than  the  date
specified  above  for the fulfilment thereof notwithstanding
that  the  other conditions of the Zero Offer  may  at  such
earlier date have been fulfilled and that there are at  such
earlier  date no circumstances indicating that any  of  such
conditions may not be capable of fulfilment.


(a)  The  making  of  the offers in, or to  certain  persons
     resident in, or nationals or citizens of, jurisdictions
     outside the United Kingdom ("overseas shareholders") or
     to  nominees  of or trustees for overseas  shareholders
     may   be   affected  by  the  laws  of   the   relevant
     jurisdiction.   Overseas  shareholders  should   inform
     themselves  about  and  observe  any  applicable  legal

(b)  The  Offers are not being made, directly or indirectly,
     in  or  into  the United States, Canada,  Australia  or
     Japan  or  by use of the mails if, or by any  means  or
     instrumentality of interstate or foreign  commerce  of,
     or  of  any facility of a national securities  exchange
     of,  the  United  States, Canada, Australia  or  Japan.
     This   includes,  but  is  not  limited  to,  facsimile
     transmission,  telex  and telephone.   The  new  Abpref
     Group  Securities to be issued pursuant to  the  Offers
     and  the  Placing  have  not  been  and  will  not   be
     registered under the United States Securities Act 1933,
     as  amended,  or  under any of the relevant  securities
     laws  of  any  state  of  the  United  States,  Canada,
     Australia  or Japan.  Accordingly, unless an  exemption
     under  such Act or laws is applicable, new Abpref Group
     Securities  may  not  be offered,  sold  or  delivered,
     directly  or indirectly, in or into the United  States,
     Canada, Australia or Japan.

     Copies of this announcement, the Offer Document,  Forms
     of  Acceptance and any related offer documents are  not
     being  and must not be distributed, mailed or sent  in,
     into  or  from the United States, Canada, Australia  or
     Japan,   and  so  doing  may  invalidate  any   related
     purported acceptance of the Offers.

(c)  The  Offers will extend to SNT Shares in issue  on  the
     date the Offers are made and to any further such shares
     which are unconditionally allotted or issued after such
     date  and  before the relevant Closing  Date  (or  such
     earlier  date  (if any), being not less  than  14  days
     after  the Wholly Unconditional Date, as the Abpref  or
     Abpref  Securities  (as the case may  be)  may  decide,
     including any shares which are unconditionally allotted
     or  issued  on  exercise of warrants to  subscribe  for
     capital shares of 25p each in SNT.



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