RNS No 0926n
9th July 1998



The  8.25  per cent. subordinated unsecured loan stock  2023
(the  "Subordinated  Loan Stock") of up  to  #3  million  in
nominal  amount  of  the  Company  will  be  created  by   a
resolution  of a duly appointed committee of  the  Board  of
Directors of the Company and will be constituted by a  trust
deed   (the  "Subordinated  Loan  Stock  Trust  Deed"  which
expression  shall  include any further  deeds  or  documents
supplemental thereto from time to time) between the  Company
and  Royal  Exchange Trust Company Limited (the  "Trustee").
The  Trustee  will act as trustee for the holders  (together
the "Stockholders") of the Subordinated Loan Stock.
The  Subordinated Loan Stock Trust Deed will contain,  inter
alia, provisions to the following effect:

(a)The  following expressions (in addition to those  defined
   in Part 7) shall have the following meanings, namely:
"Adjusted Total of Capital and Reserves" means at  any  time
the  aggregate of the amount paid up or credited as paid  up
on  the issued share capital of the Company and the total of
the  capital  and  revenue  reserves  of  the  Abpref  Group
(including  any  share premium account,  capital  redemption
reserve, merger reserve, capital reserve and credit  balance
on  revenue  account),  in each case  whether  or  not  such
amounts  are available for distribution, all as shown  in  a
consolidation of the latest accounts of the members  of  the
Abpref  Group, which shall, in the case of annual  accounts,
be  audited  accounts or, in the case of interim or  initial
accounts,  be  prepared  either on the  same  basis  as  the
audited  accounts or in accordance with the requirements  of
sections 270 to 276 of the Act, but after:
      (i)    making  such adjustments as may be  appropriate
      in  respect of any variation in the amount paid up  or
      credited  as  paid up on the issued share  capital  or
      total   of  the  share  premium  account  or   capital
      redemption reserve or merger reserve since the date of
      the  latest  relevant accounts and so  that  for  this
      purpose  if any issue or proposed issue of shares  for
      cash  or  otherwise has been underwritten or otherwise
      agreed to be subscribed (for cash or otherwise)  then,
      at  any  time when the underwriting of such shares  or
      other  agreement  as aforesaid shall be  unconditional
      and  not capable of termination, such shares shall  be
      deemed  to  have been issued and the amount (including
      any  premium) payable (or which would be  credited  as
      payable)  in respect thereof (not being money  payable
      later  than  six months after the date  of  allotment)
      shall  be  deemed to have been paid up to  the  extent
      that  the  underwriters or other  persons  are  liable
      (ii)  deducting (to the extent included):
             (a)   any amount distributed or proposed to  be
         distributed  (but  not  provided  in   the   latest
         relevant   accounts)   other   than   distributions
         payable to the Company; and
             (b)    an amount equal to the aggregate  amount
         payable  on the redemption or repayment of the  ZDP
         Shares and any preference shares of the Company  or
         a  Subsidiary which fall to be redeemed  or  repaid
         prior  to  the Redemption Date (or, if  lower,  the
         then   current  entitlement  of  such   shares   to
         participate  in the assets of the relevant  company
         on  a  winding-up) and any amount  attributable  to
         goodwill  (other  than  goodwill  arising  only  on
         consolidation) or other intangible assets;
      (iii) excluding:
            (a)   any sums set aside for taxation; and
            (b)   any  amount  attributable  to  minority
         interests  in  Subsidiaries  other  than  the   ZDP
         Shares and any preference shares which do not  fall
         to  be  redeemed or repaid prior to the  Redemption
      (iv)   deducting  any  debit balance  on  the  revenue
      account; and
      (v)    making such other adjustments (if any)  as  the
      Auditors may consider appropriate,

provided that in the event that at any time the Company does
not  have any Subsidiaries the adjusted total of capital and
reserves  shall be calculated by reference to  the  relevant
accounts of the Company alone;

"Auditors" means the auditor or auditors for the time  being
of  the  Company or, in the event of their being  unable  or
unwilling to carry out any action requested of them pursuant
to the terms of the Subordinated Loan Stock Trust Deed, such
other firm of accountants as may be nominated or approved by
the Trustee for the purpose;

"Debenture  Stock"  means  the 5 3/8  per  cent.  RPI-Linked
Debenture Stock 2007 of Abpref;

"Further  Subordinated Loan Note" means  any  loan  note  or
similar instrument issued by the Company in relation to  the
proceeds of issue of ZDP Shares or other Zero Shares in  the
capital of any Subsidiary on substantially similar terms  or
to similar effect as the Subordinated Loan Note;

"Further   Subordinated  Loan  Stock"  means   any   further
Subordinated Loan Stock which may be created and  issued  by
the Company pursuant to paragraph 8 below;

"Further  Subscription  Agreement"  means  any  subscription
agreement  entered into by the Company in  relation  to  ZDP
Shares or other Zero Shares in the capital of any Subsidiary
on  substantially similar terms as or to similar  effect  to
the  Subscription Agreement and includes any  instrument  or
agreement  having  similar effect in  relation  to  any  ZDP
Shares or other Zero Shares in the capital of any Subsidiary
as the Subordinated Loan Note and the Subscription Agreement
taken together;

''Redemption Date" means 28 February 2023;

"relevant  system" shall have the meaning ascribed  to  such
term in the Uncertificated Securities Regulations;

"Subordinated  Loan  Note" means the  #32,000,000  unsecured
subordinated  loan  note 2003 issued  by  Abpref  to  Abpref
Securities  pursuant to a resolution of a committee  of  the
board of directors of Abpref passed on 7 April 1998;

"Subscription  Agreement"  means  the  agreement   for   the
subscription of shares in Abpref Securities dated  8   April
1998 and made between the Company and Abpref  Securities;

"Subsidiary" means a subsidiary (as defined in  section  736
of   the  Act)  for  the  time  being  of  the  Company  and

"Subsidiaries" shall be construed accordingly;

"Uncertificated    Securities   Regulations"    means    the
Uncertificated  Securities Regulations  1995  including  any
modification  thereof  or  any regulations  in  substitution
therefor  made under section 207 of the Companies  Act  1989
and for the time being in force; and

"Zero  Shares"  means  zero dividend preference  shares  (by
whatever name called) in the capital of the Company  or  any
Subsidiary  or  to be issued or deemed to be issued  by  the
Company or any Subsidiary and for the time being outstanding
or deemed to be outstanding;

(b)For the purposes of these Particulars:
      (1)    "money borrowed" shall be deemed to include the
      following  except  insofar  as  otherwise  taken  into
             (a)   the principal amount (including any fixed
         or  minimum premium payable on final repayment) for
         the  time  being  outstanding  in  respect  of  any
         debenture within the meaning of section 744 of  the
         Act  issued  by  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary,
         whether for cash or for a consideration other  than
         cash  or partly in one way and partly in the other,
         and  owned  otherwise than by the  Company  or  any
         other Subsidiary;
              (b)    the  principal  amount  raised  by  the
         Company  or a Subsidiary by acceptances  under  any
         acceptance credit opened on its behalf and  in  its
         favour by any bank or accepting house;
             (c)    the nominal amount of any share  capital
         and  the  principal amount of any borrowed  moneys,
         together  in  each case with any fixed  or  minimum
         premium  payable on final repayment,  the  payment,
         repayment  or  redemption  whereof  is  secured  or
         guaranteed  by  or is the subject of  an  indemnity
         given by the Company and/or any Subsidiary and  the
         beneficial  interest  in  which  or  the  right  to
         repayment  or redemption of which is not  owned  by
         the Company or a Subsidiary; and
             (d)    the nominal amount of any share  capital
         (other  than equity share capital) of a  Subsidiary
         and  any  other  Zero  Shares in  each  case  owned
         otherwise   than   by   the  Company   or   another
      but  shall  be  deemed not to  include  amounts
      borrowed for the purpose of repaying (and intended  to
      be  so  applied  within  six  months  of  being  first
      borrowed) the whole or any part of borrowings or other
      indebtedness  of  the Company or a  Subsidiary  (other
      than  from the Company or a Subsidiary) for  the  time
      being  outstanding  (including any  fixed  or  minimum
      premium  payable  on  final repayment)  pending  their
      application for such purpose within such period.
      (2)    For  the purposes of calculating the amount  at
      any  time outstanding in respect of money borrowed  by
      the Company and the Subsidiaries, in the case of:
             (e)    a debenture which constitutes a relevant
         discount security (for the purposes of Schedule  13
         to  the  Finance Act 1996) and contains  provisions
         for prepayment or acceleration; or
             (f)    a debenture which is linked to any index
         (whether    relating   to   prices,    commodities,
         securities   or  otherwise  and  whether   or   not
         published,   calculated   or   provided   by    any
         governmental,  public or private body)  in  respect
         of  which  the  amount payable by way of  principal
         does  or  may  increase or reduce by  reference  to
         such  index  and  which  contains  provisions   for
         prepayment or acceleration,
      such  amount  shall be deemed to be the  amount  which
      would,  if  such  debenture  were  to  be  repaid   in
      accordance  with any such provision for prepayment  or
      acceleration,  be  repayable at the relevant  time  in
      respect of the principal amount thereof.
(c)References  in  these  Particulars to  Subordinated  Loan
   Stock  (or to a holding of Subordinated Loan Stock) being
   in  uncertificated  form  or  in  certificated  form  are
   references,  respectively,  to  Subordinated  Loan  Stock
   being an uncertificated unit or a certificated unit of  a
   security (as such terms are defined in the Uncertificated
   Securities Regulations).


(a)The  Subordinated Loan Stock will constitute a direct and
   general unsecured obligation of the Company, subordinated
   in accordance with sub-paragraph (b).

(b)The  obligations  of the Company under  the  Subordinated
   Loan  Stock,  to the extent not converted  into  ordinary
   share capital of the Company in accordance with paragraph
   5,  shall, in the event of the winding-up of the Company,
   be  subordinated in right of payment to the claims of the
   secured and unsecured creditors of the Company (including
   to   claims   under  the  Subordinated  Loan  Note,   the
   Subscription  Agreement,  any Further  Subordinated  Loan
   Note  and any Further Subscription Agreement). In such  a
   winding-up  the Company shall, to the extent required  to
   make  payment in respect of the Subordinated Loan  Stock,
   make  payment  only of such amounts as  would  have  been
   payable if the Stockholders in respect of the outstanding
   Subordinated  Loan  Stock had,  on  the  day  immediately
   preceding the date of commencement of the winding-up (the
   "Relevant Date"), become holders of shares in the Company
   of a class having a right to receive (pari passu with the
   holders  of  any  other  class or classes  of  securities
   which,  following  the  issue of  the  Subordinated  Loan
   Stock,  may be issued by the Company, subordinated  on  a
   similar  basis)  in a winding-up of the Company  (ranking
   after  any  claims  in  respect of  Zero  Shares  but  in
   priority to the holders of all other classes of shares in
   the  Company,  issued or to be issued  or  deemed  to  be
   issued)  an  amount equal to the redemption moneys  which
   would  have  been payable in respect of the  Subordinated
   Loan  Stock  if  the  Subordinated Loan  Stock  had  been
   redeemed  on  the  Relevant Date together  with  interest
   expressed  to  be payable in respect of the  Subordinated
   Loan Stock up to but excluding the Relevant Date.


(a)The  Subordinated Loan Stock will carry interest  at  the
   rate  of  8.25  per cent. per annum on  the  Issue  Price
   payable  (subject  to sub-paragraph (b))  (less  any  tax
   required by law to be deducted) in arrear by equal  half-
   yearly instalments on 28 February and 31 August (each  an
   "Interest  Payment Date") in each year,  the  first  such
   payment being made on 28 February 1999 in respect of  the
   period from, but excluding, the date of issue thereof  up
   to and including such date.

(b)The   interest  otherwise  due  (including  any   arrears
   accumulated pursuant to this paragraph) on any particular
   Interest Payment Date shall not become due if and to  the
   extent  that immediately after making payment thereof  on
   that  Interest  Payment Date the Company would  not  have
   profits  available  for distribution and  to  the  extent
   aforesaid   the  Company  shall  not  pay  the   interest
   otherwise  due  on that Interest Payment Date  (including
   any arrears accumulated pursuant to this paragraph).  The
   certificate  of  the Auditors as to whether  or  not  the
   Company would at any relevant time have profits available
   for  distribution shall be conclusive and binding on  all

(c)To  the  extent  that  any payment  of  interest  on  the
   Subordinated  Loan  Stock is not made  pursuant  to  sub-
   paragraph  (b), the liability to pay the  same  shall  be
   accumulated so that the amount of the payment due on  the
   next  Interest Payment Date shall be increased pro tanto,
   provided  that  the  obligation to  pay  the  same  shall
   nevertheless be subject to sub-paragraph (b).

(a)Any   of  the  Subordinated  Loan  Stock  not  previously
   redeemed  or  purchased and cancelled by the  Company  as
   hereinafter  provided  will be redeemed  at  par  plus  a
   premium  equal  to whichever shall be the higher  of  the
   (i)the  premium  calculated as provided in  sub-paragraph
      (f) below; and
   (ii)the  premium  calculated as provided in sub-paragraph
      (d) (ii) below,
   on  the Redemption Date together (in the case of both (i)
   and  (ii) above) with interest on the Issue Price of  the
   Subordinated  Loan Stock accrued up to and including  the
   date of redemption.

(b)The  Company  or  any Subsidiary may  at  any  time,  but
   subject   to   sub-paragraphs   (g)  and  (h),   purchase
   Subordinated Loan Stock in any manner and at  any  price,
   provided  that  (i)  if purchases  are  made  by  tender,
   tenders  must  be  available  to  all  holders   of   the
   Subordinated Loan Stock alike, and (ii) so  long  as  the
   Subordinated  Loan Stock is listed on  the  London  Stock
   Exchange,  such purchases must comply with  the  relevant
   rules (if any) of the London Stock Exchange for the  time
   being applicable.

(c)Any  Subordinated Loan Stock purchased by the Company  or
   redeemed  will  be cancelled forthwith and  will  not  be
   available  for  re-issue.  Any  Subordinated  Loan  Stock
   purchased  by a Subsidiary may be resold but, while  held
   by  a Subsidiary, will not entitle the holder to vote at,
   or  to  be  counted  in the quorum for,  any  meeting  of
   Stockholders  and,  for the purposes  of  the  provisions
   contained in the Trust Deed concerning Trustee powers and
   discretions   and   meetings   of   Stockholders,    such
   Subordinated Loan Stock will not be regarded as being  in

(d)The  Company  may  at  any  time,  but  subject  to  sub-
   paragraphs (g) and (h), having given not less than 30 nor
   more than 45 days' notice in writing to the Stockholders,
   redeem  the  whole  or any part of the Subordinated  Loan
   Stock  before  the Redemption Date at its nominal  amount
   plus a premium equal to whichever shall be the higher  of
   the following:
      (i)    the  premium  calculated as  provided  in  sub-
      paragraph (f) below; and
      (ii)  that price (less the par value) (as reported  in
      writing  to the Company and the Trustee by a financial
      adviser  approved by the Trustee) at which  the  Gross
      Redemption Yield on the Subordinated Loan Stock (based
      on  the Issue Price) on the Relevant Date is equal  to
      150  basis points above the Gross Redemption Yield  at
      3.00  p.m.  (London time) on that date on  the  8  per
      cent. Treasury Stock 2021 while that stock is in issue
      and  thereafter such government stock as the  Trustee,
      with  the  advice  of three brokers and/or  gilt-edged
      market makers or such other three persons operating in
      the  gilt-edged market as the Trustee may  agree  with
      the  Company, may agree to be appropriate and so that,
      for the purposes of this sub-paragraph (ii), "Relevant
      Date" means the date which is the second business  day
      in  London  prior to the date of the despatch  of  the
      notice of redemption referred to in this sub-paragraph
      (d)  and  "Gross  Redemption Yield"  means  the  gross
      redemption   yield  expressed  as  a  percentage   and
      calculated  on the basis indicated by the Joint  Index
      and  Classification  Committee of  the  Institute  and
      Faculty of Actuaries as reported in the Journal of the
      Institute of Actuaries, Volume 105, Part 1, 1978, page

   together  (in the case of both (i) and (ii)  above)  with
   interest  on the Issue Price of the relevant Subordinated
   Loan  Stock  accrued  up  to and including  the  date  of

   If  the  Subordinated Loan Stock shall  become  repayable
   before the Redemption Date in the event of winding-up  or
   under  any  of  the enforcement provisions of  the  Trust
   Deed,  it  shall  be repaid at the same premium  as  that
   which  would  have  been repayable had it  been  redeemed
   pursuant to this sub-paragraph (d) (except that for  this
   purpose "Relevant Date" shall mean the date which is  the
   second business day in London prior to the date on  which
   the  Stock becomes so repayable), together with  interest
   on the Issue Price of the Subordinated Loan Stock accrued
   up to and including the date of repayment.

(e)Any  partial  redemption of the Subordinated  Loan  Stock
   shall  be  either on the basis of selection  by  drawings
   (the  method  of  such drawings to  be  approved  by  the
   Trustee)  or, at the option of the Company, pro  rata  to
   holdings  without involving the redemption of a  fraction
   of  1p  nominal  of  Subordinated Loan  Stock.  Any  such
   drawing  shall be made in lots of not more than #10  each
   or,   if   less  than  #20,000  in  nominal   amount   of
   Subordinated Loan Stock is outstanding, in  lots  of  not
   more than #1 each.

(f)For  the  purposes  of  this  paragraph  4,  the  premium
   referred  to in sub-paragraphs 4(a)(i) and 4(d)(i)  above
   as at any date shall be the lower of the following:
      (i)    99p per 1p nominal of Subordinated Loan  Stock;
      (ii)   in  respect of each 1p nominal of  Subordinated
      Loan  Stock an amount expressed in pence equal  as  at
      that date to the total assets of the Company less  (A)
      all  liabilities to creditors other than  subordinated
      creditors,  (B) all liabilities under the Subordinated
      Loan  Note,  the Subscription Agreement,  any  Further
      Subordinated  Loan  Note and any Further  Subscription
      Agreement and (C) all liabilities in respect  of  Zero
      Shares  in the capital of the Company, divided by  the
      aggregate  nominal  amount of  the  Subordinated  Loan
      Stock outstanding.
(g)For so long as any of the Debenture Stock is outstanding,
   the  right to redeem Subordinated Loan Stock pursuant  to
   sub-paragraph 4(d) above or to purchase Subordinated Loan
   Stock  pursuant to sub-paragraph 4(b) above may  only  be
   exercised by the Company or any of the Subsidiaries  with
   the  prior  written consent of the trustee for  the  time
   being  under  the trust deeds  constituting and  securing
   the Debenture Stock.
(h)For so long as the Company has money borrowed outstanding
   under the Syndicated Loan Agreement (as to be defined  in
   the  Subordinated Loan Stock Trust Deed),  the  right  to
   redeem  Subordinated Loan Stock pursuant to sub-paragraph
   4(d)   above  or  to  purchase  Subordinated  Loan  Stock
   pursuant  to  sub-paragraph  4(b)  above  may   only   be
   exercised by the Company or any of the Subsidiaries  with
   the  prior  written  consent of the  Majority  Banks  (as
   defined in such Syndicated Loan Agreement).


If, on the Redemption Date or any date (a "Conversion Date")
on  which  Zero Shares are due to be redeemed or repurchased
by  the  issuer  thereof or acquired by the Company  or  any
Subsidiary  pursuant  to the terms of  issue  of  such  Zero
Shares or the articles of association of the issuer thereof,
the net assets of the Company (ignoring for this purpose the
aggregate  amount payable to the holders of any Zero  Shares
in  the capital of the Company so due on such date  and  any
liabilities  of  the  Company  in  respect  of  subordinated
indebtedness    or    other    obligations    ("Subordinated
Obligations")  to a Subsidiary related to  any  Zero  Shares
issued  by such Subsidiary and so due on such date are  less
than  the  aggregate amount payable to the holders  of  such
Zero Shares in the capital of the Company or the Company has
net liabilities:
      (i)    an  amount of Subordinated Loan Stock (being  a
      pro rata amount of the Subordinated Loan Stock of each
      Stockholder) equal at the Issue Price to the aggregate
      of  the  amount  of the Company's net liabilities  (if
      any)   and   the   amount  due  on  such  Subordinated
      Obligations   shall  automatically  convert   on   the
      Redemption  Date or the Conversion Date (as  the  case
      may be) into ordinary share capital of the Company  at
      par  (rounded  down  to the nearest  whole  number  of
      Ordinary Shares); and
      (ii)    interest   on  Stock  converted   under   this
      paragraph shall cease to accrue immediately after  the
      Redemption  Date or the Conversion Date (as  the  case
      may  be) but any interest which is accrued and  unpaid
      on  such date shall, subject to sub-paragraph 2(b)  be
      payable on the Redemption Date or the Conversion  Date
      (as  the  case may be). All ordinary share capital  of
      the  Company allotted on conversion shall be  credited
      as fully paid and shall carry the right to participate
      in  full  in  all  dividends and  other  distributions
      declared,  paid or made on the ordinary share  capital
      of  the  Company by reference to a record date  on  or
      after  the Redemption Date or the Conversion  Date  as
      the case may be and shall rank pari passu in all other
      respects  and  form one class with the ordinary  share
      capital of the Company in issue on such date.

The  Company  shall promptly give notice to the Stockholders
of  the  conversion of any of their Subordinated Loan  Stock
and to the Trustee and the certificate of the Auditors as to
whether  or not and the extent to which Stock has  converted
on  any  Redemption  Date or Conversion Date  into  ordinary
share  capital  shall  be  conclusive  and  binding  on  all


(a)The Trustee at its discretion may, and if so requested in
   writing  by  the holders of at least one-quarter  of  the
   nominal  amount  of  the  Subordinated  Loan  Stock  then
   outstanding   or  if  so  directed  by  an  Extraordinary
   Resolution  (as  defined  in  the  Trust  Deed)  of   the
   Stockholders shall, give notice to the Company  that  the
   Subordinated  Loan  Stock is, and  it  shall  accordingly
   immediately become, due and repayable (i) if  default  is
   made  in  the  payment  of  any  principal  due  on   the
   Subordinated Loan Stock or any of it or for a  period  of
   14 days or more in the payment of any interest due on the
   Subordinated Loan Stock or any of it or (ii) if an  order
   is  made or a resolution passed for the winding-up of the
   Company. If the Subordinated Loan Stock becomes  due  and
   repayable,  the  Trustee may at its discretion  institute
   proceedings for the winding-up of the Company in  England
   (but  not  elsewhere) to enforce the obligations  of  the
   Company in respect of the Subordinated Loan Stock and the
   Trust  Deed  in so far as it relates to the  Subordinated
   Loan  Stock;  provided that no repayment of principal  in
   respect of the Subordinated Loan Stock may be made by the
   Company pursuant to this sub-paragraph 6(a), nor will the
   Trustee accept the same, otherwise than during or after a
   winding-up or dissolution of the Company or where (i) the
   directors  of the Company shall certify that the  Company
   would  not be unable to pay its debts (within the meaning
   of  section  123 of the Insolvency Act 1986)  immediately
   before and immediately after such repayment, (ii) so long
   as  any  of the Debenture Stock remains outstanding,  the
   trustee  for  the  time  being  under  the  trust   deeds
   constituting and securing the same shall give  its  prior
   written  consent to such repayment and (iii) for so  long
   as  the Company has money borrowed outstanding under  the
   Syndicated  Loan  Agreement (as  to  be  defined  in  the
   Subordinated  Loan Stock Trust Deed), the Majority  Banks
   (as defined in such Syndicated Loan Agreement) shall give
   their prior written consent to such repayment.

(b)No  Stockholder  shall be entitled  to  proceed  directly
   against  the  Company unless the Trustee,  having  become
   bound  so  to proceed, fails to do so, in which case  any
   such  holder  shall  have only such  rights  against  the
   Company  as  those  which  the  Trustee  is  entitled  to
   exercise.  No such holder shall be entitled to  institute
   proceedings  for  the winding-up of the  Company,  or  to
   prove  in any winding-up of the Company, except  that  if
   the  Trustee, having become bound to proceed against  the
   Company  as aforesaid, fails to do so, or, being able  to
   prove  in any winding-up of the Company fails to  do  so,
   then   any  such  holder  may,  on  giving  an  indemnity
   satisfactory to the Trustee, in the name of  the  Trustee
   (but not otherwise) himself institute proceedings for the
   winding-up in England (but not elsewhere) of the  Company
   and/or prove in any winding-up of the Company to the same
   extent  (but  not further or otherwise) that the  Trustee
   would  have  been  entitled so to do in respect  of  such
   Subordinated  Loan Stock held by him. No  remedy  against
   the  Company,  other than the institution of  proceedings
   for  the  winding-up  in England of the  Company  or  the
   proving  or  claiming in any winding-up of  the  Company,
   shall  be  available to the Trustee or such  Stockholders
   for  the  recovery of amounts owing in  respect  of  such
   Subordinated Loan Stock or under the Trust Deed in so far
   as it relates to the Subordinated Loan Stock.

(c)If  the Subordinated Loan Stock becomes due and repayable
   pursuant  to  this paragraph 6, it shall be repayable  at
   the price specified for the purpose in sub-paragraph 4(d)
   together (where applicable) with accrued interest on  the
   Issue Price as provided in the Trust Deed.

(d)The   Trustee  may  at  its  discretion  institute   such
   proceedings  as  are  contemplated by  this  paragraph  6
   against  the  Company to enforce the obligations  of  the
   Company  under the Trust Deed in so far as it relates  to
   the Subordinated Loan Stock, but it shall not be bound to
   institute  any such proceedings unless (i) it shall  have
   been  so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution  of  the
   holders of the Subordinated Loan Stock or so requested in
   writing  by Stockholders holding at least one-quarter  in
   nominal  amount  of  the  Subordinated  Loan  Stock  then
   outstanding  and (ii) it shall have been  indemnified  to
   its satisfaction.


So  long  as  any  of  the Subordinated Loan  Stock  remains

(a)the  Company  will  procure that the aggregate  principal
   amount  (together  with  any  fixed  or  minimum  premium
   payable on final redemption or in the case of Zero Shares
   at  the then current capital entitlement thereof) at  any
   time   outstanding  in  respect  of  all  money  borrowed
   (whether  secured or unsecured) by the  Company  and  the
   Subsidiaries (if any) (exclusive of the Subordinated Loan
   Stock,  any  Further Subordinated Loan  Stock  and  money
   borrowed by the Company from and for the time being owing
   to  and  beneficially owned by any Subsidiary or  by  any
   Subsidiary  from  and for the time  being  owing  to  and
   beneficially  owned by the Company or  other  Subsidiary)
   shall  not  exceed a sum equal to 4.5 times the  Adjusted
   Total of Capital and Reserves without the sanction of  an
   Extraordinary  Resolution  of  Stockholders   passed   in
   accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed;

(b)the  Company will remain an investment trust (as  defined
   in  section 842 of the Income and Corporation  Taxes  Act
   1988,  as  amended, extended or re-enacted from  time  to
   time),  will direct its affairs so that at all  times  it
   satisfies  the conditions (if any) required for  approval
   as  an investment trust under such section 842 aforesaid,
   and  will procure that no action is taken (whether by the
   acquisition  of  Subsidiaries  or  otherwise   howsoever)
   whereby  the business of the Company would be carried  on
   to  a  substantial extent otherwise than as an investment
   trust business; and

(c)the  Company  will not reduce or cancel or  purchase  for
   consideration, the whole or any part of its issued  share
   capital  (otherwise than out of the proceeds of  a  fresh
   issue of shares made for the purpose) unless the Auditors
   shall have reported to the Trustee that immediately after
   such  redemption, cancellation or purchase, as  the  case
   may be, the limit referred to in sub-paragraph 7(a) above
   would not be exceeded.


Power is reserved to the Company (without the consent of the
Stockholders but subject as hereinafter provided) to  create
and  issue  further  sterling-denominated subordinated  loan
stock (being Further Subordinated Loan Stock) constituted by
a  deed  supplemental to the Subordinated Loan  Stock  Trust
Deed and ranking pari passu with the Subordinated Loan Stock
and  all (if any) other Further Subordinated Loan Stock  and
either  forming  a single series with the Subordinated  Loan
Stock or any series of other Further Subordinated Loan Stock
or  a single series therewith save for the first payment  of
interest   or  carrying  such  rights  (including,   without
limitation,  rights  as  to  interest,  premium,  repayment,
conversion  and otherwise) as the Directors may  think  fit,
provided that:

(a)no  Further Subordinated Loan Stock shall be paid  up  in
   whole or in part by way of capitalisation of reserves  or
   undistributed profits of the Company or any Subsidiary or
   be  issued by way of security for any obligation  of  the
   Company  or  any Subsidiary or any obligation of  another
   person; and

(b)the Company shall not be entitled to create and issue any
   Further  Subordinated Loan Stock unless not more than  14
   days  prior  thereto the Auditors shall have reported  to
   the  Trustee  that  immediately after such  creation  and
   issue  the  limit mentioned in sub-paragraph  7(a)  above
   will be complied with.


The  Company  will covenant in the Subordinated  Loan  Stock
Trust Deed to use its best endeavours to obtain and, so long
as  any  of the Subordinated Loan Stock remains outstanding,
maintain  a listing for the Subordinated Loan Stock  on  the
London  Stock Exchange or, if it is unable to do  so  having
used  such  best  endeavours or if the maintenance  of  such
listing  is agreed by the Trustee to be unduly onerous,  use
its best endeavours to obtain and maintain the quotation  or
listing  of the Subordinated Loan Stock on such other  stock
exchange as it may (with the prior written approval  of  the
Trustee) decide.


Holders  of the Subordinated Loan Stock will have  power  by
Extraordinary  Resolution, as defined  in  the  Trust  Deed,
inter  alia,  to  sanction any modification,  abrogation  or
compromise  of  or arrangement in respect  of  their  rights
against  the  Company,  to assent  to  any  modification  or
abrogation of the provisions of the Trust Deed or  to  which
the Subordinated Loan Stock is subject proposed or agreed to
by  the  Company  and  also  to sanction  other  matters  as
provided therein. In addition, the Trustee has power without
the  sanction or consent of the Stockholders at any time and
from  time to time to concur with the Company in making such
modifications to the Trust Deed as may be agreed between the
Company  and the Trustee where the Trustee is of the opinion
that   any   such   modification  will  not  be   materially
prejudicial  to the interests of the Stockholders  or  where
the  modification is made to correct a manifest error or  is
of a formal, minor or technical nature. The Trustee also has
power  without  the sanction or consent of the  Stockholders
whenever it is of the opinion that so to do would be in  the
interests  of the Company and not materially prejudicial  to
the interests of the Stockholders, unless otherwise directed
by an Extraordinary Resolution of the Stockholders, to waive
or authorise on such terms and conditions (if any) as may to
the Trustee seem expedient any breach or proposed breach  by
the  Company  of  any provision of the Trust  Deed,  without
prejudice  to the rights of the Trustee and the Stockholders
in  respect  of  any  other  or subsequent  breach,  and  to
authorise on such terms and conditions as may to the Trustee
seem  appropriate, any act or thing which would but for this
provision  and  such  authorisation  be  in  breach  of  any
provision of the Trust Deed.

In  connection with the exercise by it of any of its trusts,
powers,  authorities  and  discretions  (including,  without
limitation, any modification, waiver or authorisation),  the
Trustee  shall have regard to the general interests  of  the
Stockholders  as a class but shall not have  regard  to  any
interests   arising   from   circumstances   particular   to
individual  Stockholders (whatever  their  number)  and,  in
particular but without limitation, shall not have regard  to
the   consequences  of  any  such  exercise  for  individual
Stockholders  (whatever their number) resulting  from  their
being for any purpose domiciled or resident in, or otherwise
connected  with,  or  subject to the  jurisdiction  of,  any
particular  territory or any political sub-division  thereof
and  the Trustee shall not be entitled to require, nor shall
any  Stockholder be entitled to claim, from the Company, the
Trustee  or any other person any indemnification or  payment
in  respect of any tax consequence of any such exercise upon
individual Stockholders.


The   Trust   Deed   will   contain   provisions   for   the
indemnification  of  the Trustee and  for  its  relief  from
responsibility.   Any   consent,  approval,   authorisation,
waiver,   release,  agreement  or  determination  given   or
discretion  exercised  by  the  Trustee  may  be  given   or
exercised  on  such terms and conditions,  if  any,  as  the
Trustee  may  think  fit.  Any such  consent  may  be  given


The   Subordinated  Loan  Stock  will  be   registered   and
transferable in amounts and integral multiples of 1p nominal
by  instrument in writing in the usual common form  or  such
other form as the Directors may approve. Every instrument of
transfer  must  be signed by or on behalf of the  transferor
and  the  transferor shall be deemed to remain the owner  of
the Subordinated Loan Stock to be transferred until the name
of  the  transferee  is entered in the register  in  respect

The   Subordinated  Loan  Stock  Trust  Deed  will   contain
provisions enabling the Subordinated Loan Stock to  be  held
and  transferred  in  uncertificated  form  by  means  of  a
relevant  system  in  accordance with the  Regulations.  The
Trustee  may concur with the Company in making modifications
to  the provisions of the Subordinated Loan Stock Trust Deed
in  order  to  reflect  changes in  the  Regulations  or  in
applicable  law  and practice relating  to  the  holding  or
transfer of Subordinated Loan Stock in uncertificated form.


The Trustee may at any time retire on the expiry of not less
than  three months' written notice to that effect  given  to
the  Company without assigning any reason and without  being
responsible for any costs occasioned by such retirement. The
statutory power of appointing a new trustee or new  trustees
shall  be  exercisable  by the Company.  A  new  trustee  so
appointed  must  in  the  first  place  be  approved  by  an
Extraordinary Resolution of the Stockholders.


The  Trust  Deed  will  not  provide  for  any  prescription


The  Trust  Deed  will  be  governed  by  and  construed  in
accordance with English law.



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