Approval of Group Consolidated and of Saras SpA draft Financial Statements1 for the year ended 31st December 2013 and change of the date for the Shareholders' Meeting

Milan, 19th March 2014: The Board of Directors of Saras SpA met today and approved the Group Consolidated Financial Statements and the draft of Saras SpA Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2013. The comments for each business segment are the same as those made for the FY/13 preliminary results. Therefore, please st refer to the press release dated 21 February 2014. 2013 Financial Statements have been submitted to the Board of Statutory Auditors and to the external auditors and, together with all other documents required by the article 154-ter of the Legislative Decree 58/1998 (the "Consolidated Finance Act" ­ T.U.F.), they shall be made available to the general public at the company's Registered Office, and they will also be published on Saras website ( in due course, as prescribed by the current regulations. Herewith enclosed are the 2013 Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement and Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity, and Cash Flow Statement for both the Saras Group and for the parent company Saras SpA. This press release has been prepared pursuant to the Regulation implementing Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, adopted by CONSOB under resolution number 11971 of 14th May 1999, as amended and supplemented. It is available to the public at the offices of Borsa Italiana SpA and from the Company's website, under "Investor Relations/Financial News/Press Releases".

Comments to Full Year 2013 Group results
Group Revenues in FY/13 were EUR 11,230 ml, down 6% vs. FY/12. This change is primarily due to the decrease in revenues generated by the Refining and Marketing segments, as a consequence of the lower prices for the refined oil products. In particular, in FY/13 the average price for gasoline stood at 982 $/ton versus 1,021 $/ton in FY/12, while diesel traded at an average price of 930 $/ton versus 969 $/ton in FY/12. Moreover, also the Power Generation segment achieved lower revenues, due to the new calculation methodology applied to the CIP6/92 tariff, which regulates the sale of electricity from the Sarlux subsidiary to the National Grid Operator (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici SpA), as required by Legislative Decree 69/2013. Group reported EBITDA in FY/13 was EUR 71.7 ml, down vs. EUR 176.0 ml in FY/12. The main difference between the two years under comparison is due to the steep deterioration of the refining margins in 2013 (approx. EUR 60 ml), which penalised the results of the Refining segment. The rest of the difference is almost entirely related to the Power Generation segment, which achieved lower results vis a vis FY/12, due to the previously mentioned change in the CIP6/92 tariff. Group reported Net Result stood at EUR -271.1 ml, down versus EUR -88.6 ml in FY/12, because of the same reasons discussed at EBITDA level, and also because of the devaluation of the CIP6/92 contract and its effects on the deferred tax assets. Indeed, as established by an independent appraisal, the revision of the CIP6/92 tariff according to the new calculation methodology required by the Legislative Decree 69/2013, determined a devaluation of approx. EUR 232 ml (pre tax) to the above mentioned contract, which was entirely accounted for into Q2/13 results. Further details on this process were given in the previous Financial Statements. Moving to the analysis of the "Financial Charges and Income", which include also the net FOREX result and the result of the derivative instruments used for hedging purposes, in FY/13 the Net Financial Charges were equal to EUR 29.4 ml, while in FY/12 the charges stood at EUR 51.9 ml. Such change in Net Financial Charges is due mainly to positive results on FOREX and derivatives.

1 Pursuant to the provisions of article 154 bis, paragraph 2, of the Consolidated Finance Act, Mr. Corrado Costanzo, the Executive Director responsible for the preparation of the company's financial reporting, states that the financial information set out in this press release corresponds to the company's documents, books and accounting records.

In order to give a better representation of the Group's operating performance, and in line with the standard practice in the oil industry, the operating results (EBITDA and EBIT) and the Net Result are provided also with an evaluation of oil inventories based on the LIFO methodology (instead of the FIFO methodology adopted in the Financial Statements prepared according to IFRS accounting principles), and deducting the change in "fair value" of the derivative instruments, as well as the non-recurring items. The results calculated in the above manner are called "comparable" and "adjusted", and they are not subject to audit. Group comparable EBITDA amounted to EUR 115.5 ml in FY/13, down from EUR 219.7 ml achieved in FY/12. As per previous comments, the main difference comes from the Refining segment, which operated within extremely penalising market conditions. Moreover, also the Power Generation segment achieved lower results compared to FY/12, due to the previously discussed changes in the calculation methodology for the CIP6/92 tariff. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that, for the Power Generation segment, the comparable EBITDA is coincident with the reported EBITDA. Finally, the Group adjusted Net Result stood at EUR -84.1 ml, down versus the Group adjusted Net Result in FY/12 (equal to EUR -33.7 ml), mainly because of the weaker EBITDA results, which were partially compensated by lower Net Financial Charges in FY/13, as shown above, and also by lower depreciation of tangible and intangible assets. CAPEX in FY/13 was EUR 109.6 ml, in line with the investment programme for 2013. These CAPEX were primarily dedicated to the Refining segment (EUR 87.1 ml), and also to the Power Generation segment (EUR 16.9 ml).
st Group Net Financial Position on the 31 of December 2013 stood at EUR -8 ml, meaningfully improved versus the position at the beginning of the year (EUR -218 ml), and also versus the position at 30th September (EUR -171 ml). The main contribution comes from the optimisations achieved on the working capital. Moreover, the self-financing stemming from the provisions for amortisations more than offset the CAPEX for the period. Finally, it should be noted that some payments for crude oil are still outstanding, due to the oil embargo declared by the European Union against Iran, as of July 2012.

Comments to Full Year 2013 Saras SpA results
Saras SpA is the Group parent company and it also operates in the oil markets both at national and international level, through the sale and purchase of oil products deriving from the refining activities. Within the corporate reorganisation st project approved by the Board of Directors of Saras SpA in January 2013, and effective as of the 1 of July 2013, all the refining activities held by Saras SpA have been transferred to the subsidiary Sarlux Srl, in order to concentrate in a single company all the industrial activities carried out at the Sarroch site, with the aim to achieve higher organisational and operational efficiency. Saras SpA Revenues in FY/13 were EUR 10,166 ml, down by 6% vs. FY/12. This change is mainly related to the lower prices for the refined oil products. EBITDA was EUR -70 ml in FY/13, improved versus the result of the previous year, and Saras SpA Net Result stood at EUR -124 ml, vs. EUR -153 ml in FY/12. CAPEX in FY/13 was EUR 51 ml (EUR 97 ml in FY/12). This change, as previously discussed, is mainly related to the transfer of the refining activities to the subsidiary Sarlux Srl. Consequently, Saras SpA financial accounts in FY/13 include only the CAPEX made in the first half of the year. As such, it is not possible to make a homogenous comparison between the two years. The Net Financial Position of Saras SpA on 31st Dec 2013 was EUR -118 ml, significantly improved versus the position st of EUR -471 ml on the 31 Dec 2012. The main contributions come from the partial extinction of the financial debts towards the subsidiary Sarlux Srl, stemming from the contribution of the refining assets, and also from the reduction in working capital.

Change of date for the Shareholders' Meeting
With regards to the Financial Calendar already published on the 17th January 2014, we hereby notify that there has been th a change of date for the Shareholders' Meeting. The Meeting, originally planned for the 24 April, is now scheduled for th the 28 April 2014. Further details regarding the time and venue shall be communicated in due course, as prescribed by the current regulations.


Procedures for Transactions with Related Parties
The Board of Directors resolved to modify the "Procedures for Transactions with Related Parties" with regards to the composition of the "Committee" described in Article 5, which shall be now made of at least two independent Directors of the Board, rather than three.

Coherently with the negative adjusted Net Result posted by the Group in FY/13, and in line with the company's dividend policy, the Board of Directors will propose to the AGM no dividend distribution for the FY 2013.

Main events after the end of the end of FY/13
th th Respectively on the 4 February 2014 and 5 February 2014, the Board of Directors of Saras SpA and the Shareholders Meeting of Arcola Petrolifera Srl, by resolution filed with the Companies Register of Cagliari on the 12th February 2014, th approved the Merger by incorporation of Arcola Petrolifera Srl in Saras SpA, following the notices given on 14 th November 2013 and 11 December 2013. The Merger aims to rationalise the Saras Group's structure, placing the business carried out by the subsidiary in the Italian market, within Saras SpA as a division of the latter.

On the 7th March 2014 the Court of Appeals of Cagliari, in relation to the accident on 26th May 2009, which caused the death of three workers of the contracting company CO.ME.SA., confirmed the full acquittal for Saras SpA from any administrative responsibility under Decree 231/2001. Moreover, the Court of Appeals confirmed also the acquittal for the manager of the production area, and for the director of Industrial Operations, currently no longer employed with Saras, and the conviction with a suspended sentence of 24 months for the former legal representative of the company CO.ME.SA.. Finally, the Court of Appeals condemned the General Manager of the Saras Group and the former Plant Manager (currently no longer employed with Saras), with a suspended sentence of 20 months (versus the previous sentence of 24 months), in addition to granting an award of damages to the plaintiffs. Saras awaits the grounds of the decision for further evaluation.

For further information, please contact: Massimo Vacca Saras ­ Head of Investor Relations & Financial Communications Tel +39 02 7737376 Alessandra Gelmini Saras ­ IR Officer Tel +39 02 7737642

The Saras Group, whose operations were started by Angelo Moratti in 1962, has approximately 1,800 employees and total revenues of st about 11.2 billion Euros as of 31 December 2013. The Group is active in the energy sector, and is a leading Italian and European crude oil refiner. It sells and distributes petroleum products in the domestic and international markets, directly and through its subsidiaries. The Group also operates in the electric power production and sale, through the subsidiaries Sarlux Srl and Sardeolica Srl. In addition, the Group provides industrial engineering and scientific research services to the oil, energy and environment sectors through the subsidiary Sartec SpA. Finally, the Group operates also in the field of exploration for gaseous hydrocarbons.


Statement of consolidated Financial Position: as of 31st December 2013 and 31st December 2012
EUR thousand 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 (1) 2,287,407 506,827 34,645 670,818 108 926,063 48,950 100,104 1,526,124 1,217,425 97,083 505 205,560 5,551 3,813,531 2,209,352 302,950 42,326 820,215 109 920,891 45,699 77,271 1,730,570 1,288,758 348,767 526 86,430 6,089 3,939,922

Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Other financial assets held for trading Trade receivables of which with related parties: Inventories Current tax assets Other assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Other equity interests Deferred tax assets Other financial assets Total assets

Current liabilities Short-term financial liabilities Trade and other payables of which with related parties: Current tax liabilities Other liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term financial liabilities Provisions for risks and charges Provisions for employee benefits Deferred tax liabilities Other liabilities Total liabilities 2,014,985 180,970 1,605,867 251 168,472 59,676 877,344 385,780 42,978 19,906 3,641 425,039 2,892,329 1,817,254 166,997 1,394,342 348 161,125 94,790 925,970 424,891 52,391 22,825 3,163 422,700 2,743,224

Share capital Legal reserve Other reserves Profit/(loss) for the year Total equity attributable to owners of the company Minority interest Total equity Total liabilities and equity 54,630 10,926 1,126,726 (271,080) 921,202 0 921,202 3,813,531 54,630 10,926 1,219,718 (88,576) 1,196,698 0 1,196,698 3,939,922

(1) 2012 values reflect the application of IAS 19 revised


Consolidated Income Statements: 1st Jan ­ 31st Dec 2012 and 2013
Consolidated Income Statement for the periods: 1st January - 31st December 2013 and 2012
(2) EUR thousand 1st January 31st December 2013 11,106,282 123,682 116 11,229,964 (10,484,447) (542,693) (1,102) (131,243) (425,742) (11,584,125) (354,161) (232,455) (232,455) (208,882) 23,573 23,573 of which non recurring (1) 1st January 31st December 2012 11,810,717 78,532 109 11,889,249 (10,975,704) (601,498) (1,549) (136,001) (244,186) (11,957,389) (68,140) (36,008) (36,008) (36,008) 0 of which non recurring

Revenues from ordinary operations Other income of which with related parties: Total revenues Purchases of raw materials, spare parts and consumables Cost of services and sundry costs of which with related parties: Personnel costs Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs Total costs Operating results Net income/(charges) from equity interests Financial income Financial charges Profit before taxes Income tax for the year Net profit/(loss) for the year Net profit/(loss) for the year attributable to: Equity holders of the company Minority interest

209,285 (238,724) (383,600) 112,520 (271,080) (208,882) 60,575 (148,307)

248,233 (300,117) (120,024) 31,448 (88,576) (36,008) 10,727 (25,281)

(271,080) 0

(88,576) 0

Earnings per share - basic (EUR cent) Earnings per share - diluted (EUR cent)

(29.29) (29.29)

(9.54) (9.54)



Statement of Comprehensive Income for the periods: 1st January - 31st December 2013 and 2012
1st January 31st December 2013 (271,080) 1st January 31st December 2012 (88,576)

EUR thousand

Net result for the year (A) Items included in comprehensive income which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (when specific conditions are met) Effect of translation of f/s in foreign currency Items included in comprehensive income which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (when specific conditions are met) IAS 19 actuarial effect on end-of-service payments Income / (loss), net of fiscal effect (B) Consolidated Comprehensive Result for the year (A + B) Net consolidated Comprehensive Result for the year attributable to : Parent Company shareholding Minority Interest (1) 2012 values reflect the application of IAS 19 revised (2) The column "of which non recurring" includes:



(171) (225) (271,305)

(1,525) (1,539) (90,115)

(271,305) 0

(90,115) 0

- Other income amounting to 23,573 EUR thousand due to grants related to previous years - Depreciations and amortizations amounting to 232,455 EUR thousand due to write-off of Sarlux S.r.l. / G.S.E. contract - Income tax: - tax effect on grants and write-off above mentioned amounting to 80,705 EUR thousand - reversal of deferred tax asset (4% Robin tax) amounting to 20,130 EUR thousand


Statement of Changes in Consolidated Shareholders' Equity: from 31st December 2011 to 31st December 2013
Total equity attributable to owners of the company 1,283,034

EUR thousand

Share capital 54,630

Legal reserve 10,926

Other reserve 1,158,676

Profit (Loss) 58,802

Minority interest 0

Total equity

Balance as of 31/12/2011 Period 1/1/2012 - 31/12/2012 Appropriation of previous year profit Reserve for employee share plan Effect of translation of f/s in foreign currency IAS 19 actuarial effect Net profit (loss) for the year
Total comprehensive profit (loss) for the year


58,802 3,779 (14) (1,525)


0 3,779 (14) (1,525)

0 3,779 (14) (1,525) (88,576)

(1,539) (88,576)


Balance as of 31/12/2012 Period 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2013 Appropriation of previous year profit Purchase on own shares Reserve for employee share plan Effect of translation of f/s in foreign currency Reversal of deferred tax asset (4% Robin tax) on 2012 actuarial effect of IAS 19 IAS 19 actuarial effect Net profit (loss) for the year
Total comprehensive profit (loss) for the year








(88,576) (5,943) 1,654 (54) 98 (171)


0 (5,943) 1,654 (54) 98 (171)

0 (5,943) 1,654 (54) 98 (171) (271,080)

(225) (271,080)


Balance as of 31/12/2013









Consolidated Cash Flow Statements as of: 31st December 2013 and 31st December 2012
(1) EUR thousand A - Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year B - Cash generated from/(used in) operating activities Net Profit / (Loss) for the year Unrealised exchange losses/(gain) on bank accounts Amortisation, depreciation and write-downs of fixed assets Grants booked to income statements Net change in provisions for risks and charges Net change in employee benefits Net change in deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets Net interest gains (losses) Accrued Income tax Change in fair value of derivatives, greeen certificates Other non cash items (Increase)/Decrease in trade receivables of which with related parties: (Increase)/Decrease in inventory Increase/(Decrease) in trade and other payables of which with related parties: Change in other current assets Change in other current liabilities Interest received Interest paid Tax paid Change in other non-current liabilities Total (B) C - Cash flow from (to) investing activities (Investments) in tangible and intangible assets - of which interest paid capitalized (Investments)/disinvestments in other holdings Change in financial assets Total (C) D - Cash generated from/(used in) financing activities Increase/(Decrease) in medium/long term borrowings Increase/(Decrease) in short term borrowings (Decrease) in short term financial debts due to reimbursements Dividends and buy-back of own shares Total (D) E - Cashflow for the year (B+C+D) F - Net Cash from disposal of Akhela/Artemide Unrealised exchange losses/(gain) on bank accounts G - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year (1) 2012 values reflect the application of IAS 19 revised 0 (13,402) (35,170) (5,943) (54,515) 205,709 0 (1,832) 506,827 (317,415) 165,923 (366) (1,950) 302,950 171,954 (291,325) (198,044) (106,690) (5,528) 21 43,133 (63,536) (105,452) (9,634) 0 52,510 (52,942) (271,080) 1,832 425,742 (23,573) (9,413) (2,919) (118,652) 33,633 6,132 (26,990) 1,581 149,397 (1) (5,172) 211,525 (97) (9,485) 11,005 731 (32,705) (20,168) 2,339 323,760 (88,576) 1,950 244,186 0 (24,866) 810 (55,571) 30,815 23,189 (5,431) 3,572 41,758 45 233,459 204,342 340 18,961 26,597 882 (36,306) (22,965) (60,526) 536,280 1/1/2013 31/12/2013 302,950 1/1/2012 31/12/2012 139,343


Saras SpA Statement of Financial Position: as of 31st December 2013 and 31st December 2012
(EUR Thousand) 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 (1) 1,551,494 247,296 13,629 462,196 237,606 732,811 37,874 57,688 34,711 932,374 8,535 19,191 729,449 495 99,382 75,322 70,000 2,483,868 1,776,770 209,660 31,493 637,818 303,105 777,054 40,882 79,863 52,382 1,195,553 715,305 18,538 302,421 495 83,057 75,737 70,000 2,972,323

Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Other financial assets held for trading Trade receivables of which with related parties: Inventories Current tax assets Other assets of which with related parties: Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Equity interests at cost Other equity interests Deferred tax assets Other financial assets of which with related parties: Total assets

Current liabilities Short-term financial liabilities of which with related parties: Trade and other payables of which with related parties: Current tax liabilities Other liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term financial liabilities Provisions for risks and charges Provisions for employee benefits Other liabilities of which with related parties: Total liabilities 1,611,621 138,942 69,422 1,376,337 53,145 71,677 24,665 391,413 361,302 3,838 9,963 16,310 16,268 2,003,034 1,877,119 468,868 377,450 1,279,553 36,660 63,300 65,398 485,956 391,750 42,854 21,180 30,172 30,092 2,363,075

Share capital Legal reserve Other reserves Profit/(loss) for the year Total equity Total liabilities and equity (1) 2012 values reflect the application of IAS 19 revised 54,630 10,926 539,315 (124,037) 480,834 2,483,868 54,630 10,926 696,383 (152,691) 609,248 2,972,323


Saras SpA Income Statements: 1st Jan ­ 31st Dec 2013 and 2012
Saras SpA - Income Statement for the periods: 1st January - 31st December 2013 and 2012
(2) (EUR Thousand) 1st January 31st December 2013 10,044,833 2,230,345 121,059 57,131 10,165,892 (9,785,475) (94,245) (387,431) (132,179) (62,957) (52,414) (10,288,277) (122,385) (2,361) 217,570 9,691 (238,921) (8,640) (146,097) 22,060 (124,037) 23,633 11,769 35,402 60 0 23,573 23,573 23,573 of which non recurring (1) 1st January 31st December 2012 10,679,997 2,524,399 111,975 76,984 10,791,972 (10,301,834) (51,526) (470,244) (84,974) (110,991) (105,817) (10,988,886) (196,914) 1,042 251,443 3,742 (299,343) (9,453) (243,772) 91,081 (152,691) (2,999) (2,999) (2,060) 0 0 (939) 0 of which non recurring

Revenues from ordinary operations of which with related parties: Other income of which with related parties: Total revenues Purchases of raw materials, spare parts and consumables of which with related parties: Cost of services and sundry costs of which with related parties: Personnel costs Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs Total costs Operating results Net income/(charges) from equity interests Other financial income of which with related parties: Other financial charges of which with related parties: Profit before taxes Income tax for the year Net profit/(loss) for the year

Saras SpA Statement of Comprehensive Income for the periods 1st January - 31st December 2013 and 2012
1st January 31st December 2013 (124,037) 1st January 31st December 2012 (152,691)

(EUR Thousand)

Result for the year (A) Items included in comprehensive income which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (when specific conditions are met)

0 Items included in comprehensive income which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (when specific conditions are met) IAS 19 actuarial effect on end-of-service payments Income / (loss), net of fiscal effect (B) Comprehensive Result for the year (A + B) Net consolidated Comprehensive Result for the year attributable to : Parent Company shareholding Minority Interest (1) 2012 values reflect the application of IAS 19 revised (2) The column "of which non recurring" includes: - Other income amounting to 23,573 EUR thousand due to grants related to previous years - Income tax: - tax effect on grants and write-off above mentioned amounting to 8,015 EUR thousand - reversal of deferred tax asset (4% Robin tax) amounting to 19,784 EUR thousand (124,210) 0


(173) (173) (124,210)

(1,318) (1,318) (154,009)

(154,009) 0


Saras SpA Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity: from 31st December 2011 to 31st December 2013

(EUR Thousand) Balance as of 31/12/2011 Period 1/1/2012 - 31/12/2012 Appropriation of previous year profit Reserve for employee share plan IAS 19 actuarial effect Profit/(loss) for the year
Total comprehensive profit (loss) for the year

Share capital 54,630

Legal reserve 10,926

Other reserve 739,468

Profit (loss) (45,547)

Total equity 759,477

(45,547) 3,780 (1,318)


0 3,780 (1,318)

(1,318) (152,691)


Balance as of 31/12/2012 Period 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2013 Appropriation of previous year profit Purchase on own shares Reserve for employee share plan Reversal of deferred tax asset (4% Robin tax) on 2012 actuarial effect of IAS 19 IAS 19 actuarial effect Profit/(loss) for the year
Total comprehensive profit (loss) for the year






(152,691) (5,943) 1,654 85 (173)


0 (5,943) 1,654 85 (173)

(173) (124,037)


Balance as of 31/12/2013







Saras SpA Cash Flow Statements as of: 31 December 2012 and 31st December 2011
(1) (EUR Thousand) A - Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year B - Cash generated from/(used in) operating activities Profit/ (Loss) for the year Unrealised exchange losses/(gain) on bank accounts Amortisation, depreciation and write-downs of fixed assets Grants booked to income statements Net (income)/charges from equity interests of which with related parties: Net change in provisions for risks and charges Net change in employee benefits Net change in tax liabilities and tax assets Net interest gains (losses) Accrued Income tax Change in Fair Value of financial assets held for trading, and of financial liabilities Other non cash items (Increase) / Decrease in trade receivables of which with related parties: (Increase) / Decrease in inventory Increase / (Decrease) in trade and other payables of which with related parties: Change in other current assets of which with related parties: Change in other current liabilities Interest received of which with related parties: Interest paid of which with related parties: Income tax paid Change in other non-current liabilities of which with related parties: Total (B) C - Cash flow from / (to) investing activities Investments in tangible and intangible assets - dof which interest paid capitalized Changes in equity interests Change in financial assets Other cash items Total (C) D - Cash generated from / (used in) financing activities Increase / (Decrease) in medium/long term borrowings Increase / (Decrease) in short term borrowings of which with related parties: (Decrease) in short term financial debts due to reimbursements Dividends and buy-back of own shares Total (D) E - Cashflow for the year (B+C+D) Cash and cash equivalents tranferred to Sarlux S.r.l. Unrealised exchange losses/(gain) on bank accounts F - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (1) 2012 values reflect the application of IAS 19 revised 0 (143,483) (308,028) (26,000) (5,943) (175,426) 39,472 (4) (1,832) 247,296 (144,712) 114,325 0 (1,950) 209,660 167,579 (122,291) 151,982 (190,000) (124,037) 1,832 52,414 (23,573) 2,361 2,361 (24,414) (2,582) (12,609) 29,706 (9,451) 6,372 1,566 174,838 65,499 (28,538) 195,693 313,461 26,280 17,671 2,480 3,832 3,198 (32,894) (6,507) 0 (1,214) (13,824) 238,062 (152,691) 1,950 105,817 0 (1,042) 1,042 (23,039) 461 (45,790) 19,208 (46,099) 3,172 6,065 34,653 44,175 182,778 209,027 (5,129) 35,982 (9,335) 19,658 3,515 3,742 (36,918) (7,393) (544) (5,252) (4,971) 310,911 01/01/2013 31/12/2013 209,660 01/01/2012 31/12/2012 97,285

(52,491) (5,528) 0 29,327 0 (23,164)

(87,209) (9,634) 700 34,635 0 (51,874)


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