Press Release
August 27, 2015

Landi Renzo: Board of Directors approves H1 2015 Results
· · · · · Revenues of Euro 98.1 mln (Euro 112.4 mln in H1 2014) EBITDA of Euro 0.16 mln (Euro 7.6 mln in H1 2014) EBIT loss of Euro 7.6 mln (Euro 0.2 mln in H1 2014) Net Loss of Euro 7.2 mln (loss of Euro 1.8 mln in H1 2014) Net Debt of Euro 63.7 mln (debt of Euro 58.2 mln at March 31, 2015)

Cavriago (RE), August 27, 2015 The Board of Directors of Landi Renzo, in a meeting chaired today by Stefano Landi, approved the HalfYear Report at June 30, 2015. "The general economic and geopolitical conditions in the first six months of 2015 were particularly challenging, also in view of the considerable and continuing drop in the price of oil and the consequent impact on the alternative fuels sector. Despite these repercussions ­ stated Chief Executive Officer Stefano Landi ­ prospects remain encouraging, as seen for example from the Italian LPG and methane new vehicle registration figures and from the methane projects undertaken and supported by a number of countries. The Group therefore continues to invest in the innovation necessary to consolidate its sector leadership and to tap into all available opportunities; important cost streamlining actions also continue, which will be reflected in margins from the second half of 2015". H1 2015 Key Financial Highlights Revenues totalled Euro 98.1 million, compared to Euro 112.4 million in H1 2014: this result was achieved amid a drop in the price of oil, down approx. 46% on H1 2014, with direct impacts on the price of traditional fuels and on the number of vehicle conversions on the After Market channel. EBITDA amounted to Euro 0.16 million (Euro 7.6 million in H1 2014). The reduction is due to the lower volumes in the period and the altered sales mix, with the After Market channel strongly impacted - it features higher margins; costs were also incurred of approx. Euro 0.35 million for the transfer of a production plant form an external factory to a local unit already operating within the Group in order to optimise production and streamline industrial costs. EBIT saw a loss of Euro 7.6 million (Euro 0.2 million in H1 2014), after amortisation and depreciation of Euro 7.7 million (Euro 7.5 million in H1 2014). The Pre-tax result was a loss of Euro 8.9 million (loss of Euro 1.7 million in H1 2014); net financial charges of Euro 1.3 million were reported, improving on Euro 1.8 million in H1 2014. The Net Loss was Euro 7.2 million (loss of Euro 1.8 million in H1 2014). The Net Debt totalled Euro 63.7 million (debt of Euro 58.2 million at March 31, 2015). Shareholders' Equity amounted to Euro 101.3 million (Euro 108.1 million at December 31, 2014). Sales overview Segments Gas Segment revenues amounted to Euro 90.4 million (Euro 102.2 million in H1 2014). In particular: · Vehicle System (LPG and Methane) sales revenues amounted to Euro 79.2 million (Euro 91.5 million in H1 2014); the reduction is principally due to the impact on the After Market channel from the drop in oil prices, partially offset by the good OEM channel performance; · Distribution System sales revenues amounted to Euro 11.2 million (Euro 10.6 million in H1 2014).


Press Release
August 27, 2015
Other sector revenues (Anti-theft, Sound, Aquatronics, Robotics, Oil&Gas and other) totalled Euro 7.8 million (Euro 10.2 million in H1 2014). Regional performances Overseas revenues totaled Euro 78.2 million, 79.7% of total revenues (Euro 90.2 million in H1 2014, 80.3%), confirming the recognised historically strong international focus of the Landi Renzo Group. · Revenues in Italy totalled Euro 19.9 million, reducing 10.3% compared to H1 2014. The decrease is principally due to the general performance of conversions on the After Market channel, which reduced in the period on the previous year according to the Ecogas Consortium figures. Despite this reduction, the domestic market share of the Landi Group on the After Market channel was close to 33%. · In Europe, revenues amounted to Euro 44.4 million compared to Euro 48.7 million in H1 2014, principally due to poor performances on a number of Eastern European markets impacted by geopolitical instability. · In the Americas, revenues totalled Euro 17.4 million; the contained decrease on H1 2014 (Euro 18.4 million) reflects the strong performances in Brazil, Argentina and Columbia. · In Asia and the Rest of the World, revenues totalled Euro 16.4 million, reducing 29%, substantially due to weak sales in a number of areas. We highlight the strong sales in Iran, more than doubling on the first half of 2014 - supported by the gradual easing of international tensions.

Outlook Current sector conditions, with difficulties related to general economic and geopolitical factors, reduce the Group's visibility: 2015 revenues are expected at approx. Euro 210 million, with 2015 EBITDA of approx. Euro 10 million. The Group will continue to closely focus on operating and management cost streamlining, in addition to the monitoring of the economic and financial indicators. Multi-voting rights The Board of Directors today also approved the Regulation governing the process for inclusion in the Special List of shareholders for the obtaining of multi-voting rights. The Regulation and the registration form are available to shareholders on the company website, in the Investor Relations, Governance, Multi-vote shares section.

The executive responsible for the preparation of the corporate accounting documents Mr. Paolo Cilloni declares in accordance with Article 154 bis, paragraph 2, of Leg. Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998, that the accounting information contained in the present press release corresponds to the underlying accounting documents, records and accounting entries.
The present press release is available on the company website and at The present press release, together with the presentation, is available also on the company's website. At 4 PM the Group Top Management will hold a teleconference. Connection details are available on the company website in the Investor Relations section. Landi Renzo is the global leader in the LPG and Methane gas components and systems for motor vehicles sector. The Company is based in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia) and has over 60 years' experience in the sector, is renowned for the extent of its international activities in over 50 Countries, with export sales of approx. 80%. Landi Renzo SpA has been listed on the STAR segment of the MTA Market of Borsa Italiana since June 2007. LANDI RENZO Pierpaolo Marziali M&A and Investor Relations Officer Corrado Storchi Public Affairs Officer Tel. +39 0522.94.33 IR TOP CONSULTING Maria Antonietta Pireddu, Domenico Gentile Tel. +39 02 45473884/3


Press Release
August 27, 2015

Attachments: · Consolidated Income Statement H1 2015 · Consolidated Balance Sheet at June 30, 2015 · Consolidated Cash Flow Statement at June 30, 2015


Press Release
August 27, 2015

(thousands of Euros) INCOM E STATEMENT Rev enues (goods and services) Rev enues (goods and services)- related parties Other revenue and income Cos t of raw materials, consumables and goods and change in inventories Cos ts for services and use of third party assets Cos ts for services and use of third party assets ­ related parties Per s onnel expenses A c c r uals , impairment losses and other operating expenses Gr os s Operating Profit A mortiz ation, depreciation and impairment losses Ne t Operating Profit Financ ial income Financ ial expenses Gains (losses) on exchange rate Gains (losses) on equity investments consolidated using the equity method Pr of it (Loss) before tax Cur rent and deferred taxes Pr of it (loss) of the period for the Group and m in or ity interests, including: Minority interests Prof it (Loss) of the period for the Group 30/06/2015 97,990 135 864 -46,701 -27,098 -1,561 -22,206 -1,263 160 -7,716 -7,556 224 -2,101 597 -100 -8,936 1,703 -7,233 -64 -7,169 30/06/2014 111,618 752 876 - 50,635 - 30,025 - 1,248 - 21,921 - 1,770 7,647 - 7,481 166 219 - 2,237 217 - 77 - 1,712 - 94 - 1,806 64 - 1,870

Bas ic earnings (loss) per share (calculated on 112,500,000 shares)


- 0.0166

Diluted earnings (loss) per share


- 0.0166


Press Release
August 27, 2015
(thousands of Euros) ASSET S Non -cur r e nt assets Proper ty , plant and equipment Dev elopment expenditure Goodw ill Other intangible assets w ith finite useful lives Equity investments consolidated using the equity method Other non-current financial assets Def er red tax assets T ot al non-current assets Cur r e nt assets Trade receivables Trade receivables - related parties Inv entories Contrac t w orks in progress Other receivables and current assets Cas h and cash equivalents T ot al current assets T OT AL ASSETS 38,001 2,426 67,382 3,993 15,787 58,942 186,531 313,428 33,069 1,986 63,269 2,590 15,533 31,820 148,267 273,424 41,301 593 68,024 4,812 17,093 28,127 159,950 285,463 35,118 7,491 39,942 23,802 297 797 19,450 126,897 35,277 7,101 39,942 24,637 180 773 17,247 125,157 34,674 6,329 40,190 25,518 364 535 17,903 125,513 30/06/2015 31/12/2014 30/06/2014

( thous ands of Euros) EQUIT Y AND LIABILITIES Gr ou p shareholders' equity Share capital Other reserves Prof it (loss) of the period T ot al equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent Minority interests T OT AL EQUITY Non -cur r e nt liabilities Non-c urrent bank loans Other non-current financial liabilities Prov is ions for risks and charges Def ined benefit plans Def er red tax liabilities T ot al non-current liabilities Cur r e nt liabilities Bank overdrafts and short-term loans Other current financial liabilities Trade payables Trade payables - related parties Tax liabilities Other current liabilities T ot al current liabilities T OT AL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 56,041 268 59,569 1,756 2,360 9,707 129,701 313,428 51,580 137 54,632 1,304 4,492 8,564 120,709 273,424 47,286 25 67,192 1,101 4,120 9,671 129,395 285,463 32,299 34,041 4,399 3,374 8,324 82,437 26,171 1,178 5,055 3,818 8,417 44,639 30,138 661 5,190 3,613 8,816 48,418 11,250 96,549 -7,169 100,630 660 101,290 11,250 98,018 -1,783 107,485 591 108,076 11,250 97,748 -1,870 107,128 522 107,650 30/06/2015 31/12/2014 30/06/2014


Press Release
August 27, 2015
(thousands of Euros) STAT EM ENT OF CASH FLOWS Cas h flow from operating activities Prof it (Loss) of the period Adj us tments for: Deprec iation A mortiz ation of intangible assets impairment loss on trade receivables Net finance costs including forex exchange Gain on curtailment Tax expense Changes in: inv entories trade and other receivables trade and other paybles prov is ions and employee benefits Cas h generated from operating activities Interes t paid inc ome taxes paid Ne t cash flow from (for) operating activities Cas h flow from investing activities Proc eeds from sale of property, plant and equipment A f f iliates consolidated using the equity method A c quis ition of property, plant and equipment A c quis ition of intangible assets Dev elopment expenditure Ne t cash used in investing activities 111 -117 -4,335 -414 -2,475 -7,230 226 -364 -3,329 -186 -1,432 -5,085 -5,516 -8,068 6,942 -356 -7,167 -1,562 -582 -9,311 -8,214 -4,620 17,856 -1,161 11,592 -1,857 -471 9,264 4,383 3,333 215 1,280 -444 -1,703 -169 4,593 2,888 287 1,801 -126 94 7,731 -7,233 -1,806 30/06/2015 30/06/2014

Cas h flow from financing activities Net proceeds from the issue of bonds Net repayments and financings Ne t cash from (used in) financing activities 32,994 10,589 43,583 -8,771 -8,771

Ne t increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents



Cas h and cash equivalents at 1 January Ef f ec t of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held Cas h and cash equivalents at the end of the period

31,820 80 58,942

32,953 -234 28,127


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