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District Metals (DMX)

District Metals Corp
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14/04/202114h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Provides Drilling Update from the Tomtebo Property and Appointment of Key Technical AdvisorTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
31/03/202114h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Reports on Significant Gravity High Anomalies at the Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
15/03/202113h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Commences 5,000 m Drill Program at Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
03/03/202114h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Reports on Shallow Historic Drill Results from the Lövås-Nyberget Area Including 15.9 m at 1.3% CopperTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
04/02/202114h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Receives Permits, Outlines Drilling Plans, and Announces Management ChangeTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
18/01/202114h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Executes Drilling Contract for Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
11/01/202114h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Appoints Hein Raat as Country Manager of SwedenTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
30/12/202019h11PR Newswire (Canada)L'OCRCVM permet la reprise de la négociation - DMXTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
30/12/202019h09PR Newswire (Canada)IIROC Trading Resumption - DMXTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
30/12/202019h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Metals Announces Closing of $4.75 Million Private Placement FinancingTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
30/12/202017h06PR Newswire (Canada)Suspension de la négociation par l'OCRCVM - DMXTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
30/12/202017h05PR Newswire (Canada)IIROC Trading Halt - DMXTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
14/12/202017h11PR Newswire (Canada)District Metals Announces Upsized $4.5 Million Private Placement FinancingTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
10/12/202022h01PR Newswire (Canada)District Metals Announces $3 Million Private Placement FinancingTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
09/12/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Commences Ground Gravity Survey over the Tomtebo Mine TrendTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
07/12/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Identifies Numerous High Priority Geophysical Targets across the Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
28/10/202013h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Samples up to 1,397 g/t AgEq and Reports on Additional Historic Drill Results on the Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
15/10/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Reports on SkyTEM Results at the Former Tomtebo MineTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
07/10/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Reports on 3D Modeling of Mineralized Zones at the Former Tomtebo Mine and Changes to the BoardTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
01/10/202005h59PR Newswire (Canada)District Reports on Initial Geological Work at the Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
02/09/202014h30PR Newswire (Canada)District Commences Fieldwork at the Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
18/08/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Executes Agreement to Sell 80% of the Bakar Property on Northern Vancouver Island, British ColumbiaTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
11/08/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Releases Additional Historic Drill Results at the Former Tomtebo Mine Including 4.0 m at 11.79% CopperTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
27/07/202016h05PR Newswire (Canada)District Reports on Additional Historic High Grade Polymetallic Drill Intercepts at the Former Tomtebo MineTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
13/07/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Commences SkyTEM Survey at the Tomtebo PropertyTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
06/07/202014h29InvestorsHub NewsWireDistrict Reports on Historic Shallow and High Grade Polymetallic Drill Intercepts at the Former Tomtebo MineTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
06/07/202014h00PR Newswire (Canada)District Reports on Historic Shallow and High Grade Polymetallic Drill Intercepts at the Former Tomtebo MineTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
08/06/202022h30PR Newswire (Canada)District Announces Closing of $2.4 Million Non-Brokered Private Placement, Grant of Stock Options and Change of Corporate Sec...TSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
20/05/202014h30PR Newswire (Canada)District Announces Non-Brokered Private PlacementTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
11/05/202022h14PR Newswire (Canada)L'OCRCVM permet la reprise de la négociation - DMXTSXV:DMXDistrict Metals Corp
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