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Koninklijke Philips NV (1PHIA)

Koninklijke Philips NV
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08/11/201815h03Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips conferma outlook al 2020 con aumento delle vendite comparabiliBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
22/10/201809h35Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips, utile in calo nel terzo trimestre nonostante aumento venditeBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
23/07/201808h29Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips, utile netto in forte calo nel secondo trimestreBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
05/07/201811h06Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPolizia brasiliana perquisisce uffici di Philips, si indaga per frodeBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
05/06/201812h50Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsEUROPEAN MARKET MIDDAY: Indici in verde, solo Londra in caloBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
05/06/201812h22Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips Electronics firma accordo di acquisizione di EPD SolutionsBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
23/04/201808h55Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips conferma target nonostante calo utile del 46% primo trimestreBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
30/01/201809h17Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips, utile sale a EUR899,0 milioni nel quarto trimestreBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
29/11/201711h52Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsRoyal Philips riduce partecipazione in Philips Lighting sotto il 30% (ALLISS)BIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
24/11/201712h45Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips Electronics acquisisce start-up Usa Analytical InformaticsBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
23/10/201709h41Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips, utile e vendite in aumento nel terzo trimestreBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
24/07/201713h19Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsEUROPEAN MARKET MIDDAY: Borse europee in calo dopo dati macroBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
24/07/201707h51Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsUtili di Philips in calo nel secondo trimestre ma guidance confermataBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
18/07/201711h32Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips Electronics acquisisce la tedesca TomTec Imaging SystemsBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
28/06/201712h19Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsPhilips acquisirà Spectranetics per EUR1,90 miliardiBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
24/04/201708h26Alliance News (Italiano)Alliance NewsAumentano utili primo trimestre di Royal Philips, guidance invariataBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
02/04/201417h03PR Newswire (US)Philips Lifeline introduces HomeSafe Wireless medical alert solution, helping more seniors remain independent in their homesBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
28/03/201414h00PR Newswire (US)Philips spotlights advanced imaging technology solutions at American College of Cardiology annual meetingBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
04/02/201415h00PR Newswire (US)Philips SpaceWise LED System Selected to Participate in GSA's Green Proving Ground Program for Potential to Reduce Lighting E...BIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
04/11/201319h30PR Newswire (US)Mercy Teams Up with Philips to Launch Telehealth ServicesBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
13/06/201314h03PR Newswire (US)Maria Menounos Teams Up with Philips Oral Healthcare to Share Her Best Beauty Tips for Summer ... Starting with Her SmileBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
14/05/201314h00PR Newswire (US)Next Generation Philips Hue App is full of bright ideas with geofencing, a new channel on IFTTT, recurring schedules and moreBIT:1PHIAKoninklijke Philips NV
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