RNS Number:4502T
Mid Kent Water PLC
19 December 2003

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003
                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

The last year has seen many changes in the Board of our Company. However, with
my appointment as Chairman in July and subsequent appointments of Jo Stimpson,
Finance Director and Paul Seeley, Asset Director I am certain we now have a team
in place capable of taking the business forward.

That is not to say that the performance has been anything other than very good
throughout the period. The financial performance is strong and service to
customers exceeds last year for all measures.

The summer represented a significant challenge both to Mid Kent Water and its
neighbouring water companies. The result was excellent with very few
interruptions to supply whilst temperature and water demand were at record
levels. This performance on customer service was achieved only by the commitment
and efforts of our staff and I take this opportunity to thank them for their
hard work and dedication.

Financial Performance

Turnover in the half year to 30 September 2003 was #21.0m compared with #20.2m
for the same period last year, an increase of 4%. Water income rose by 3.2% to
#19.0m, which includes the price increase of 2.65% allowed by OFWAT.

Operating profit, before refinancing and restructuring work was #7.1m for this
and the same period last year.

Net interest payable has increased from #2.6m to #3.2m, reflecting the increased
borrowings as a result of refinancing.

There have been a number of significant disposals of surplus property and land,
which have resulted in profits of #1.6m.

As a result of the above factors, profit before tax in the half year to 30
September 2003 was #5.4m compared with #4.6m for the same period last year.

Price Review 2004

The company submitted its draft business plan to OFWAT in August and is now in
dialogue with all regulators and stakeholders, prior to submission of the final
version in April next year. The plan sets out our views on future water resource
requirements, including the impact of new housing in Ashford, future levels of
customer service, our ability to achieve efficiencies and future levels of
customer water bills. WaterVoice have commended the public version of our plan
on its clarity and we have had encouraging response from other stakeholders.

Capital Expenditure

Cash payments for capital expenditure in the period amounted to #10.1m, compared
to #13.9m for the same period last year. This year's programme so far has a
lower spend than that of the first half of last year, when the new treatment
plant programme was being completed, although expenditure is planned to increase
for the latter half of the year.

We continue to drive forward the quality programme and the section 19
undertaking and are reviewing strategic options to ensure we meet customer
demand next summer.

Water Quality

The quality of water at our customers' taps continues to improve, with reported
compliance for 2002 being 99.89% compared with 99.84% for the previous year.

Non Regulated Activity

We have continued to develop our Commercial Activities focussing on water
engineering and contracting services. The Commercial Activity continues to build
on core expertise and brand values.

Gordon Maxwell
18 December 2003

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003
                            PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT

                                 Half year ended  Half year ended  Year ended
                                  30 September     30 September      31 March
                                          2003             2002          2003
Notes                              (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                                          #000             #000          #000

4    Turnover                           20,954           20,150        41,116
     Operating costs                   (13,882)         (14,363)      (29,622)

5    Operating profit                    7,072            5,787        11,494
     Profit on sale of fixed             1,642            1,409         1,931

     Profit on ordinary                  8,714            7,196        13,425
     activities before

     Interest receivable                 1,467               46           863

     Interest payable and               (4,745)          (2,675)       (6,800)
     similar charges

     Profit on ordinary                  5,436            4,567         7,488
     activities before

3    Tax on profit on ordinary            (589)          (1,627)       (2,764)

     Profit on ordinary                  4,847            2,940         4,724
     activities after

     Proposed dividends                 (3,701)               -       (29,892)

     Retained profit/(loss) for          1,146            2,940       (25,168)
     the period

     Earnings per ordinary                26.0p            15.8p         25.3p
     share - basic

     Dividends per ordinary              19.85p            0.00p       160.31p

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003
                            SUMMARISED BALANCE SHEET

                               Half year ended  Half year ended  Year ended
                                30 September     30 September      31 March
                                        2003             2002          2003
                                 (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                                        #000             #000          #000

   Fixed assets
   Tangible assets                   165,718          158,522       161,763

   Current assets
   Stocks                                249              730           681
   Debtors - amounts falling          17,686            8,071        11,157
   due within one year
   Debtors - amounts falling
   due after more than one
   Investments                        35,000                -        35,000
   Cash at bank and in hand           12,526                -        14,928
                                       1,205              806         1,572

                                      66,666            9,607        63,338

   Creditors: amounts falling        (37,253)         (27,396)      (35,752)
   due within one year

   Net current liabilities            29,413          (17,789)       27,586

   Total assets less current         195,131          140,733       189,349

   Creditors: amounts falling
   due after more than one

   Provision for deferred           (149,028)         (64,157)     (144,059)

                                     (10,493)         (14,004)      (10,826)
   Net assets                         35,610           62,572        34,464

   Capital and reserves
   Attributable to equity
   Called up share capital            18,646           18,646        18,646
   Profit and loss account            16,964           43,926        15,818

   Equity shareholders'               35,610           62,572        34,464

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003
                         SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                               Half year ended  Half year ended  Year ended
                                30 September     30 September      31 March
                                        2003             2002          2003
                                 (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                                        #000             #000          #000

   Net cash inflow from                8,100            7,140        15,034
   operating activities

   Returns on investments and         (2,355)          (2,476)       (7,590)
   servicing of finance

   Taxation                                -             (884)         (840)

   Capital expenditure                (6,372)          (9,754)      (16,253)

   Equity dividends paid              (3,142)          (2,640)      (29,388)

   Cash outflow before
   management of liquid
   resources and financing            (3,769)          (8,614)      (39,037)

   Management of liquid                2,402                -       (14,928)

   Financing                           1,000            8,050        54,167
   (Decrease)/increase in               (367)            (564)          202

   Notes 6 to 9 are part of this statement.


1    The figures for the year ended 31 March 2003 do not constitute the
     Company's statutory accounts for that period but have been extracted from
     the statutory accounts, which have been filed with the Registrar of
     Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts and that report
     was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) of
     the Companies. The accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2003
     have not been audited, nor have the accounts for the equivalent period in
     2002. They comply with relevant accounting standards and have been
     prepared on a consistent basis using accounting policies set out in the
     2003 Annual Report.

2    All recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss
     account for the period.

3    The tax charge for the period ended 30 September 2003 has been based on
     the estimated effective rate for the full year. The effective tax rate for
     the period ended 30 September 2003 is lower than the equivalent period in
     2002 due to changes in the underlying gilt rate and its effect on the
     deferred tax discount.

                                 Half year ended  Half year ended  Year ended
                                  30 September     30 September      31 March
                                          2003             2002          2003
                                   (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                                          #000             #000          #000

4    Analysis of turnover
     Unmeasured supplies                10,607           10,636        21,144
     Measured supplies                   8,359            7,735        15,595
     Other activities                    1,988            1,779         4,377
                                        20,954           20,150        41,116


5    Operating profit
     Operating profit is stated
     after charging
     Refinancing costs                      24                -           751
     Restructuring costs                     -            1,307         1,536

6    Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow
     Operating profit                    7,072            5,787        11,494
     Depreciation charge                 4,321            3,403         7,866
     Decrease/(increase) in                432             (163)         (114)
     Increase in debtors                (3,510)            (487)       (2,933)
     (Decrease)/increase in               (215)           (1400)       (1,279)

                                         8,100            7,140        15,034


7    Analysis of cash flows
     Returns on investment and
     servicing of finance
     Interest received                     857               46           223
     Interest paid                      (3,212)          (2,522)       (5,355)
     Issue costs                             -                -        (2,450)
     Interest element of
     finance lease rental
     payments                                -                -            (8)

                                        (2,355)          (2,476)       (7,590)

Notes (continued)

                                    Half year ended  Half year ended    Year ended
                                     30 September     30 September        31 March
                                             2003             2002            2003
                                      (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                                             #000             #000            #000

7    Analysis of cash flows
     Capital expenditure
     Purchase of tangible fixed           (10,069)         (13,906)        (22,016)
     Contributions to                       2,042            2,332           3,120
     infrastructure assets
     Sale of tangible fixed                 1,655            1,820           2,643
                                           (6,372)          (9,754)        (16,253)

     Management of liquid
     Cash deposits                          2,402                -         (14,928)
     Capital element of finance                 -                -             (53)
     lease rental payments
     Loans from other group                 1,000            8,050         (45,780)
     Loan to parent undertaking                 -                -         (35,000)
     Index linked loan                          -                -         135,000
                                            1,000            8,050          54,167

                                         At                             30 September
                                    1 April       Cash        Non-cash        #000
                                       2003       Flow          #000
                                       #000       #000

  8    Analysis of net debt
       Cash at bank and in hand       1,572       (367)            -         1,205
       Short term deposits           14,928     (2,402)            -        12,526
                                     16,500     (2,769)            -        13,731
       Loans from other group        (5,820)    (1,000)            -        (6,820)
       Loan to parent                35,000          -             -        35,000
       Index linked loan           (136,203)         -        (1,544)     (137,747)
       Issue costs                    2,425          -           (42)        2,383
       Debenture stock               (4,461)         -             -        (4,461)
                                    (92,559)    (3,769)       (1,586)      (97,914)

Notes (continued)

                                 Half year ended  Half year ended  Year ended
                                  30 September     30 September      31 March
                                          2003             2002          2003
                                   (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                                          #000             #000          #000

9    Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
     Decrease in cash in the              (367)            (564)          202
     Cash inflow from increase
     in debt and lease
     financing (net of issue
     costs paid)
     Cash (inflow)/outflow from         (1,000)          (8,050)      (51,717)
     movement in liquid
     resources                          (2,402)               -        14,928

     Movement in net debt               (3,769)          (8,614)      (36,587)
     resulting from cash          
     Loan indexation                    (1,544)               -        (1,203)
     Amortisation of issue                 (42)               -           (25)
     Net debt at start of              (92,559)         (54,744)      (54,744)
     Net debt at end of                (97,914)         (63,358)      (92,559)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange