CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (UNAUDITED) Three months to October 31 Year ended October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 2007 2006 (millions of (Revised (Revised US dollars) Note 17) Note 17) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating activities Net income $ 15 $ 47 $ 772 $ 127 Income (loss) from discontinued operations - net of tax (2) 33 806 98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income (loss) from continuing operations 17 14 (34) 29 Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities relating to continuing operations (note 13) Items not affecting current cash flow 11 51 147 100 Changes in non-cash working capital balances relating to operations 58 (19) 87 (96) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations 86 46 200 33 Cash provided by (used in) operating activities of discontinued operations (4) 53 (56) 104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82 99 144 137 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investing activities Acquisitions (note 6) 1 - (600) - Purchase of intangibles - - (1) - Increase in deferred development charges (7) (4) (14) (10) Proceeds from MAPLE transaction - - - 24 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (note 14) (28) (14) (73) (53) Proceeds from sale of capital assets 4 - 4 - Proceeds on sale of short- term investments - - 165 - Purchases of short-term investments - (1) (118) (135) Proceeds on divestitures - 3 - 5 Proceeds on sale of investment - - 13 - Other (18) 5 (20) (11) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash used in investing activities of continuing operations (48) (11) (644) (180) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash provided by (used in) investing activities of discontinued operations - (8) 929 73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financing activities Repayment of long-term debt (10) (6) (18) (7) Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue and other long-term obligations (3) 2 (2) (7) Payment of cash dividends - (3) (3) (13) Issuance of shares - 2 15 26 Repurchase of shares - - (441) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash used in financing activities of continuing operations (13) (5) (449) (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash used in financing activities of discontinued operations - (3) (2) (12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 14 5 28 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase in cash and cash equivalents during the period 35 77 6 29 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 224 176 253 224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 259 $ 253 $ 259 $ 253 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See accompanying notes NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (All tabular amounts in millions of US Dollars, except where noted) 1. Basis of Presentation These interim consolidated financial statements of MDS Inc. (MDS or the Company) have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and follow the same accounting policies and methods of application as the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended October 31, 2006, except as described in Note 3. Under GAAP, additional disclosures are required in the annual financial statements and accordingly, these interim consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended October 31, 2006 and the accompanying notes on pages 32 to 63 of the Company's annual report. Amounts for the prior year have been revised to reflect the results of discontinued operations. 2. Reporting Currency The Company has historically prepared its consolidated financial statements in Canadian dollars and in accordance with Canadian GAAP. Effective November 1, 2006, the Company adopted the United States (US) dollar as the reporting currency for presentation of its consolidated financial statements. A significant portion of revenues, expenses and assets and liabilities are denominated in US dollars and the international focus of the Company's sales and operations is continuing to increase; consequently, the Company believes that investors will gain a better understanding of the operating results when presented in US dollars. The Company will continue to report its financial results for fiscal 2007 in accordance with Canadian GAAP. In accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, the Company is required to restate all amounts presented in US dollars using the current rate method. Under this method, all revenues, expenses and cash flows for each year (or period) are translated into the reporting currency using the rates in effect at the date of the transactions. Assets and liabilities are translated using the exchange rate at the end of that year or period. All resulting exchange differences are reported as a separate component of shareholders' equity. The functional currency of each of the Company's operations is unchanged. Assets and liabilities of the Company's operations having a functional currency other than US dollars are translated into US dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the end of the period, and revenues and expenses are translated at the average rate during the period. As a result of the change in the reporting currency, the Company reported a cumulative translation adjustment balance of $347 million as at October 31, 2006. All comparative financial information has been restated to reflect the Company's results as if they had been historically reported in US dollars. 3. Accounting Policies The Company adopted the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook Sections 1530, "Comprehensive Income"; 3855, "Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement"; 3861, "Financial Instruments - Disclosure and Presentation" and 3865, "Hedges" on November 1, 2006. The adoption of these new standards resulted in changes in the accounting for financial instruments and hedges, as well as the recognition of certain transition adjustments, that have been recorded in opening accumulated comprehensive income as described below. The comparative interim consolidated financial statements have not been restated. With the adoption of these standards, the Company's accounting for financial instruments is now largely harmonized with US GAAP for this area. The principal changes in the accounting for financial instruments and hedges due to the adoption of these accounting standards are described below. (a) Comprehensive Income Comprehensive income is composed of the Company's net income and other comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income includes unrealized gains and losses on assets held for sale, unrealized exchange gains and losses on translation of self-sustaining foreign operations, translation gains and losses resulting from the application of US dollar reporting, unrealized gains and losses on translation of debt designated as a hedge, and changes in the fair market value of derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges, net of applicable income taxes. The components of comprehensive income are disclosed in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income. (b) Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Under the new standards, all financial instruments are classified into one of the following five categories: held-for-trading, held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables, available-for-sale financial assets or other financial liabilities. All financial instruments, including derivatives, are included on the consolidated statements of financial position and are measured at fair value except for loans and receivables, held-to-maturity investments and other financial liabilities which are measured at amortized cost. Held-for-trading financial investments are recorded at cost as they are initiated and are subsequently measured at fair value and all gains and losses are included in net income in the period in which they arise. Available-for-sale financial instruments are also initially recorded at cost and are subsequently measured at fair value with revaluation gains and losses included in other comprehensive income until the instrument is disposed, derecognized, or impaired. As a result of the adoption of these standards, the Company has classified its cash and cash equivalents as held-for-trading. Short-term investments are classified as available-for-sale investments. Accounts receivable, and long-term note receivables are classified as loans and receivables. The financial instrument pledged as security on long-term debt is classified as a held-to-maturity investment. Accounts payable, long-term debt and capital lease obligations have been classified as other financial liabilities, all of which are measured at amortized cost. The carrying value, which equals the fair value of financial assets and liabilities as at October 31, 2007 is summarized as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Held-for-trading $ 259 Held-to-maturity 46 Loans and receivables 413 Available-for-sale 116 Other liabilities $ 855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Derivatives and Hedge Accounting Derivatives ----------- All derivative instruments, including embedded derivatives, are recorded in the statement of financial position at fair value unless exempted from derivative treatment as a normal purchase and sale. All changes in their fair value are recorded in income unless cash flow hedge accounting is used, in which case the changes in fair value associated with the effective portions of the hedge is recorded in other comprehensive income. The Company has elected to apply this accounting treatment for all embedded derivatives in host contracts entered into on or after November 1, 2003. The impact of the change in the accounting policy related to embedded derivatives was not material. Hedge Accounting ---------------- At the inception of a hedging relationship, the Company documents the relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item, as well as the risk management objectives and strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. This process includes linking all derivatives to specific assets and liabilities on the consolidated statements of financial position or to specific firm commitments or forecasted transactions. The Company also assesses, both at the inception of the hedge and on an ongoing basis, whether the derivatives that are used are effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of hedged items. Under the previous standards, derivatives that met the requirements for hedge accounting were generally accounted for on an accrual basis. Under the new standards, all derivatives are recorded at fair value. All gains and losses from changes in the fair value of derivatives not designated as a part of a hedging relationship are recognized in the statement of income. These gains and losses are reported in other income (expense). When derivatives are designated as hedges, the Company classifies them either as: (i) hedges of the change in fair value of recognized assets or liabilities or firm commitments (fair value hedges); (ii) hedges of the variability in highly probable future cash flows attributable to a recognized asset or liability, or a forecasted transaction (cash flow hedges); or (iii) hedges of net investments in a foreign operation (net investment hedges). Cash flow hedge --------------- The Company operates globally, which gives rise to risks that its earnings and cash flows may be adversely impacted by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. The Company enters into foreign currency forward contracts and foreign currency option contracts to hedge foreign exchange exposures on anticipated sales. The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognized in other comprehensive income. Any gain or loss in fair value relating to the ineffective portion is recognized immediately in the statement of income in other income (expense). Amounts accumulated in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the statement of income in the period in which the hedged item affects income. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in other comprehensive income at that time remains in other comprehensive income as long as the occurrence of the forecasted transaction is still probable and it would be recognized in the statement of income in the period the hedged transaction impacts income. When a forecasted transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was reported in other comprehensive income is immediately transferred to the statement of income. Upon adoption of the new standards, the Company recorded a net increase in derivatives assets included in accounts receivables of $1 million designated as cash flow hedges and an increase of $1 million pre-tax in accumulated other comprehensive income. Net investment hedges --------------------- Hedges of net investments in foreign operations are accounted for in a manner that is similar to cash flow hedges. Any gain or loss on the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of the hedge is recognized in other comprehensive income. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognized immediately in the statement of income. Gains and losses accumulated in other comprehensive income are included in the statement of income upon the repatriation, reduction or disposal of the investment in the foreign operation. The adoption of the new standards resulted in the reclassification of $347 million previously recorded in the foreign currency translation adjustment account to opening accumulated comprehensive income. (d) Measurement Uncertainty The preparation of consolidated financial statements that confirm with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Estimates are derived from financial models that are based on historical experience, current trends and other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could differ from those estimates. In early August 2007, we invested in $17 million of asset-backed commercial paper that has since been affected by the recent liquidity disruption in that market. We recorded a valuation provision of $2 million as an adjusting item to reflect our estimate of the current value of that asset. The provision reflects management's best estimate of the likely impairment based on a risk-adjusted estimate of expected future cash flows. Continuing uncertainties regarding the value of the assets, the nature and timing of future cash flows, and the outcome of the restructuring of this financial market may impact the amount that MDS will ultimately realize on this investment (e) Future Changes in Accounting Policies Capital Disclosures The CICA issued a new accounting standard, Section 1535 - "Capital Disclosures", which requires the disclosure of both qualitative and quantitative information that enables users of financial statements to evaluate the entity's objectives, policies and processes for managing capital. This new standard is effective for the Company beginning November 1, 2007. Financial Instruments The CICA issued two new accounting standards, Section 3862 - "Financial Instruments - Disclosures", and Section 3863, "Financial Instruments - Presentation", which apply to interim and annual financial statements relating to fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2007. The Company intends to adopt these new standards effective November 1, 2007. Accounting for Transaction Costs of Financial Instruments Classified Other than as Held for Trading On June 1, 2007, the EIC issued EIC-166, "Accounting Policy Choice for Transaction Costs", which allows an entity the accounting policy choice of recognizing all transaction costs in net income or adding to the initial carrying cost those transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial instrument for all similar financial instruments other than those classified as held for trading. The guidance is effective beginning November 1, 2007. The new guidance is not expected to have a material effect on the financial position or earnings of the Company. 4. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income The accumulated balances related to each component of other comprehensive income, net of income taxes are as follows: As at October 31, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unrealized gains on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges $ 4 Unrealized foreign currency gains on debt designated as a hedge 135 Unrealized foreign currency gain (loss) on translation 337 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated other comprehensive income balance as at October 31, 2007 $ 476 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income tax liabilities related to the above components of accumulated other comprehensive income for unrealized gains on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges and unrealized gains on translation of debt designated as a hedge are $2 million and $24 million, respectively. 5. Share Capital and Stock Options The following table summarizes information on share capital and stock options and related matters as at October 31, 2007: (number of shares in thousands) Number Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common shares Balance as at October 31, 2006 144,319 $ 572 Issued during the period 1,090 21 Repurchased during the period (22,831) (91) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance as at October 31, 2007 122,578 $ 502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the second quarter, the Company repurchased and cancelled 22,831 Common shares, under the terms of a substantial issuer bid. Average Exercise (number of options in thousands) Number Price ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stock options Balance as at October 31, 2006 5,850 C$ 18.76 Activity during the period: Granted 1,241 C$ 21.72 Exercised (982) C$ 16.47 Cancelled or forfeited (554) C$ 20.35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance as at October 31, 2007 5,555 C$ 19.66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were 3,223 stock options exercisable as at October 31, 2007. 6. Acquisition of Molecular Devices Corporation On March 20, 2007, the Company completed a tender offer which resulted in MDS acquiring 100% of the shares of Molecular Devices Corporation (MD), a California-based company with global operations. MD designs, develops, manufactures, sells and services bioanalytical measurement systems that accelerate and improve drug discovery and other life sciences research. The Company acquired MD primarily to add their leading-edge products to those of MDS Sciex to strengthen MDS's position as one of the top global providers of analytical instrumentation and related products marketed to life sciences customers. The operations for this acquisition are reported within the results of the Company's newly formed MDS Analytical Technologies segment (which combines MD with the previous Instruments segment) in the consolidated financial statements from the acquisition date. The aggregate purchase consideration (net of cash acquired of $21 million) was approximately $600 million paid in cash from existing cash on hand. Included in the consideration is the cash cost of $27 million to settle all outstanding in-the-money options of MD at the closing date of the acquisition. Direct and incremental third party acquisition costs associated with the acquisition were approximately $7 million. The acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase in accordance with CICA Handbook Section 1581 "Business Combinations" and the Company has accordingly allocated the purchase price of the acquisition based upon the preliminary fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The purchase price and related allocations have not been finalized and may be revised as a result of adjustments made to the purchase price as additional information becomes available regarding liabilities incurred and revisions are made to preliminary estimates of fair values made at the acquisition date. In connection with determining the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, management performed assessments of intangible assets using customary valuation procedures and techniques. The components of the preliminary purchase price allocation for the acquisition cost of MD are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consideration and acquisition costs: Cash and payments, net of cash acquired $ 593 Transaction costs 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net consideration and acquisition costs $ 600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allocation of purchase price: Net tangible assets acquired $ 15 Intangible assets acquired: Developed technologies 161 Brands 60 Goodwill (non-tax deductible) 364 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total purchase price $ 600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table summarizes the components of the net tangible assets acquired at fair value: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventories $ 40 Property, plant and equipment 12 Other assets and liabilities, net (37) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net tangible assets acquired $ 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other assets and liabilities include $25 million of net future tax liabilities. Net tangible assets acquired include a charge of $8 million to eliminate redundant positions and consolidate redundant facilities at MD over the course of the next year. The developed technologies will be amortized over their estimated lives, which are estimated to range between five and seven years, while the brands have an indefinite life and are not amortized. The acquisition of MD has added $6 million of annual commitments related to operating leases and $14 million of inventory purchase commitments in 2007. 7. Sale of Canadian Diagnostics Business and Discontinued Operations In 2005, The Board of Directors of the Company approved a strategic plan to focus the Company on its life sciences businesses and to close or divest of businesses that were not strategic to this plan. As a result, the Company had reclassified its Canadian diagnostics business as discontinued operations. On February 26, 2007, the Company completed the sale of its Canadian diagnostic services business to Borealis Infrastructure Management Inc. for gross proceeds of C$1.325 billion. The sale was structured as an asset purchase transaction and after provision for taxes, expenses and amounts attributable to minority interests, resulted in net proceeds of US$988 million comprising $929 million in cash and $65 million in an unconditional non-interest bearing note payable in March 2009. This note was recorded at an effective interest rate of 4.4% and had a book value of $59 million. Included in income from discontinued operations, the Company recorded a net gain of US$791 million on the transaction. As a result of the sale, MDS sold $84 million in net assets consisting of: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accounts receivable $ 31 Property, plant and equipment 27 Long-term investments and other 18 Goodwill 57 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (25) Long-term debt and other long-term obligations (24) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net assets $ 84 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The results of discontinued operations in the quarter and the twelve- months ended October 31 were as follows: Three months to October 31 Year ended October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net revenues $ - $ 82 $ 95 $ 362 Cost of revenues - (45) (57) (225) Selling, general and administration (1) (15) (16) (53) Depreciation and amortization - (3) - (10) Restructuring charges - - - (1) Other expenses - (3) - (3) Equity earnings - 1 1 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating income (loss) (1) 17 23 73 Gain on sale of discontinued operations - - 904 24 Dividend and interest income - 1 1 2 Income tax recovery (expense) - 16 (117) 7 Minority interest - net of tax (1) (1) (5) (8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income (loss) from discontinued operations - net of tax $ (2) $ 33 $ 806 $ 98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic earnings per share $ (0.01) $ 0.23 $ 6.12 $ 0.68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diluted earnings per share $ (0.01) $ 0.23 $ 6.10 $ 0.68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The results from discontinued operations for 2007 reflect only the Canadian diagnostic services business. The results from discontinued operations for 2006 include results from the Canadian diagnostic services business, the results of Source Medical Corporation, and certain small MDS Pharma Services businesses discontinued in 2005. In accordance with Section 3475 of the CICA Handbook, long-lived assets classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of carrying value and fair value less costs to sell. Assets held for sale and liabilities related to assets held for sale comprised: As at As at October 31 October 31 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assets held for sale Accounts receivable $ - $ 31 Inventories - 3 Prepaid expenses and other - 3 Property, plant and equipment - 28 Future tax asset - 63 Long-term investments and other 1 13 Goodwill - 54 Intangibles - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets held for sale 1 196 Less: Current assets held for sale(1) (1) (196) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long-term assets held for sale $ - $ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liabilities related to assets held for sale Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ - $ 33 Income taxes payable - - Long-term debt - 4 Other long-term obligations - 6 Future tax liabilities - 55 Minority interest - 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total liabilities related to assets held for sale - 114 Less: Current liabilities related to assets held for sale(1) - (114) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long-term liabilities related to assets held for sale $ - $ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Assets held for sale and liabilities related to assets held for sale have been classified as current as the Company had signed agreements where such assets were expected to be disposed of within one year. 8. Research and Development Three months to October 31 Year ended October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross expenditures $ 22 $ 14 $ 72 $ 52 Investment tax credits (2) (3) (5) (9) Recoveries from partners (7) (4) (24) (21) Development costs deferred (5) - (14) (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research and development expense $ 8 $ 7 $ 29 $ 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three months ended October 31, 2007 depreciation and amortization includes $2 million (2006 - $2 million) related to equipment used for research and development, and $2 million from amortization of deferred development costs (2006 - $2 million). For the twelve months ended October 31, 2007 depreciation and amortization includes $6 million (2006 - $7 million) related to equipment used for research and development and $6 million (2006 - $6 million) from amortization of deferred development costs. 9. Restructuring An analysis of the activity in the reserve, which covers restructuring plans announced and recorded in 2005, 2006 and 2007, is as follows: Cumulative drawdowns ------------------------ Restructuring Reserve Charge Cash Non-cash Balance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 Restructuring Plan: Workforce reductions $ 34 $ (32) $ (1) $ 1 Equipment and other asset write-downs - adjustment 7 - (7) - Contract cancellation charges 10 (2) (8) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total for 2005 Plan $ 51 $ (34) $ (16) $ 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2006 Restructuring Plan: Workforce reductions $ 1 $ (1) $ - $ - Contract cancellation charges (8) (1) 9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total for 2006 Plan $ (7) $ (2) $ 9 $ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 Restructuring Plan: Workforce reductions $ 18 $ (9) $ - $ 9 Equipment and other asset write-downs 4 - (2) 2 Contract cancellation charges 5 (5) - - Other 13 (9) (2) 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total for 2007 Plan $ 40 $ (23) $ (4) $ 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remaining Reserve Balance, Total $ 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the quarter ended April 30, 2007, management of the Company approved a restructuring plan designed principally to improve the profitability of MDS Pharma Services. The Company recorded a restructuring provision of $28 million in the second quarter including $17 million for severance, $5 million to reduce the carrying value of certain assets and $6 million for other costs. During the three months ended October 31, 2007, the Company utilized $5 million of this provision. 10. Earnings Per Share (a) Dilution Three months to October 31 Year ended October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (number of shares in millions) 2007 2006 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average number of Common shares outstanding - basic 123 143 132 143 Impact of stock options assumed exercised - 1 - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average number of Common shares outstanding - diluted 123 144 132 144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (b) Pro-Forma Impact of Stock-Based Compensation Compensation expense related to the fair value of stock options granted prior to November 1, 2003 is excluded from the determination of net income and is, instead, calculated and disclosed on a pro-forma basis in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Compensation expense for purposes of these pro-forma disclosures is determined in accordance with a methodology prescribed in CICA Handbook Section 3870 "Stock-Based Compensation and Other Stock-Based Payments". The Company used the Black- Scholes option valuation model to estimate the fair value of options granted. For purposes of these pro-forma disclosures, the Company's net income and basic and diluted earnings per share would have been: Three months Year ended to October 31 to October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $ 15 $ 47 $ 772 $ 127 Compensation expense for options granted prior to November 1, 2003 - - - (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income - pro-forma $ 15 $ 47 $ 772 $ 125 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro-forma basic earnings per share $ 0.13 $ 0.33 $ 5.86 $ 0.89 Pro-forma diluted earnings per share $ 0.13 $ 0.33 $ 5.85 $ 0.89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Stock Options During the quarter, the Company granted 17,900 options (2006 - 9,000) at an average exercise price of C$20.87 (2006 - C$19.77). These options have a fair value determined using the Black-Scholes model of C$5.32 per share (2006 - C$4.18) based on the following assumptions: 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Risk-free interest rate 4.2% 4.0% Expected dividend yield 0.0% 0.0% Expected volatility 0.20 0.21 Expected time to exercise (years) 4.40 3.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Other Income (Expense) - Net Three months to October 31 Year ended October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write-down of other long-term assets $ - $ - $ - $ (1) Write-down of investments - - (6) - Gain on sale of long-term assets 1 - 3 2 Loss on sale of Hamburg clinic - - (4) - Gain on sale of business - - 1 - Acquisition integration costs (2) - (4) - FDA provision - - (61) - Valuation provision (2) - (2) - Protana settlement 5 - 5 - Unrealized gain on interest rate swaps 2 2 1 - MAPLE settlement 3 - 6 (9) Insurance settlement - (1) - 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other income (expense) - net $ 7 $ 1 $ (61) $ (6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Post-Employment Obligations The Company sponsors various post-employment benefit plans including defined benefit and contribution pension plans, retirement compensation arrangements, and plans that provide extended health care coverage to retired employees. All defined benefit pension plans sponsored by the Company are funded plans. Other post-employment benefits are unfunded. During 2005, the Company amended the terms of certain post-employment plans such that effective January 1, 2008, and subject to certain transitional conditions, newly retired employees will no longer be entitled to extended health care benefits. The post-employment obligation expense for the quarter was nil (2006 - nil) and $2 million (2006 - $1 million) for the year. 13. Supplementary Cash Flow Information Non-cash items affecting net income comprise: Three months to October 31 Year ended October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depreciation and amortization $ 26 $ 18 $ 91 $ 63 Stock option compensation 2 1 4 4 Deferred revenue (2) (1) (5) (7) Future income taxes (10) 32 36 19 Equity earnings - net of distribution - 7 - 15 Write-down of MAPLE assets - - - 9 Write-down of investments 2 - 8 - Write-down of intangibles 1 - 1 - Loss on sale of Hamburg clinic - - 4 - (Gain) loss on disposal of equipment and other assets (5) - 1 - Gain on sale of investment/business - - (2) (2) Amortization of purchase price adjustments 2 1 14 1 Other (5) (7) (5) (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 11 $ 51 $ 147 $ 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in non-cash working capital balances relating to operations include: Three months to October 31 Year ended October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accounts receivable $ (21) $ (17) $ (30) $ (19) Unbilled revenue 11 44 23 (25) Inventories (10) 4 (20) 49 Prepaid expenses and other 25 6 33 (5) Accounts payable and deferred revenue 49 - 81 (41) Income taxes 4 (56) - (55) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 58 $ (19) $ 87 $ (96) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Segmented Information Three months to October 31, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDS MDS Pharma MDS Analytical Corporate Services Nordion Technologies and Other Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net revenues $ 123 $ 76 $ 119 $ - $ 318 Cost of revenues (78) (40) (60) - (178) Selling, general and administration (40) (15) (23) (14) (92) Research and development - - (8) - (8) Depreciation and amortization (9) (3) (14) - (26) Restructuring charges - net 4 - - - 4 Other income (expense) - net - 3 (1) 5 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating income (loss) $ - $ 21 $ 13 $ (9) $ 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets $ 853 $ 772 $ 938 $ 501 $ 3,064 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital expenditures $ 20 $ 3 $ 2 $ 3 $ 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three-months to October 31, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDS MDS Pharma MDS Analytical Corporate Services Nordion Technologies and Other Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net revenues $ 122 $ 76 $ 62 $ - $ 260 Cost of revenues (91) (39) (39) - (169) Selling, general and administration (37) (14) (3) (5) (59) Research and development - (2) (5) - (7) Depreciation and amortization (9) (4) (5) - (18) Restructuring charges - net 1 2 - 8 11 Other income (expense) - net (1) - - 2 1 Equity loss - - - (1) (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating income (loss) $ (15) $ 19 $ 10 $ 4 $ 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Assets $ 877 $ 621 $ 166 $ 720 $ 2,384 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital expenditures $ 9 $ - $ 2 $ 3 $ 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended October 31, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDS MDS Pharma MDS Analytical Corporate Services Nordion Technologies and Other Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net revenues $ 477 $ 289 $ 396 $ - $ 1,162 Cost of revenues (326) (150) (218) - (694) Selling, general and administration (138) (51) (64) (33) (286) Research and development - (2) (27) - (29) Depreciation and amortization (35) (13) (41) (2) (91) Restructuring charges - net (31) - - (9) (40) Other income (expense) - net (65) 7 (3) - (61) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating income (loss) $ (118) $ 80 $ 43 $ (44) $ (39) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets $ 853 $ 772 $ 938 $ 501 $ 3,064 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital expenditures $ 48 $ 8 $ 10 $ 7 $ 73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended October 31, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDS MDS Pharma MDS Analytical Corporate Services Nordion Technologies and Other Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net revenues $ 459 $ 297 $ 246 $ - $ 1,002 Cost of revenues (343) (150) (151) - (644) Selling, general and administration (128) (51) (16) (30) (225) Research and development - (4) (14) - (18) Depreciation and amortization (30) (15) (18) - (63) Restructuring charges - net - 2 - 5 7 Other income (expense) - net 4 (9) - (1) (6) Equity loss (1) - - (4) (5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating income (loss) $ (39) $ 70 $ 47 $ (30) $ 48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Assets $ 877 $ 621 $ 166 $ 720 $ 2,384 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital expenditures $ 35 $ - $ 7 $ 11 $ 53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Financial Instruments The carrying amounts and fair values for all derivative financial instruments are as follows: As at October 31 As at October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Amount Value Amount Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asset (liability) position: Currency forward and option - asset $ 7 $ 7 $ 1 $ 1 Currency forward and option - liabilities $ (12) $ (12) $ - $ - Interest rate swap and option contracts $ (1) $ (1) $ (2) $ (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of October 31, 2007, the Company had outstanding foreign exchange contracts in place to sell US$34 million at a weighted average exchange rate of C$1.1280 maturing over the next five months. The Company also had interest rate swap contracts that convert a notional amount of US$80 million of debt from a fixed to a floating interest rate. Foreign exchange options and interest rate swaps not eligible for hedge accounting are included in accounts payable and are marked to market each period. During the third quarter, the Company de-designated $70 million of the US dollar debt from being a hedge of its US net investment, and entered into foreign exchange contracts to lock in the exchange rate the Company would pay to buy the US dollars required to make the scheduled December debt payments. Gains and losses on the foreign exchange contracts and on this portion of the US dollar denominated debt are offsetting in the income statement. 16. Income Taxes A reconciliation of expected income taxes to the reported income tax expense is provided below. Our effective tax rate for the quarter was lower than expected due to the bankruptcy proceeds that we recorded this quarter relating to Protana Inc., that are not subject to income tax. Three months to October 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected income tax expense (recovery) at MDS's 35% (2006 - 35%) statutory rate $ 9 $ 6 Decrease to taxes expense as a result of: Protana bankruptcy proceeds not subject to tax (1) Impact of tax rate changes on future tax balances (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reported income tax expense $ 8 $ 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Comparative Figures All comparative financial information has been restated to reflect the Company's results as if they had been historically reported in US dollars. Certain figures for the previous period have been reclassified to conform to the current period's financial statement presentation. 18. Subsequent Events Subsequent to the year-end, the Company signed an agreement to sell its external beam therapy and self-contained irradiator product lines. The sale is a result of MDS Nordion's strategy to focus its resources on being a leading innovator in molecular medicine. Under the terms of this agreement, Best Medical International Inc., a provider of radiotherapy and oncology products, will purchase MDS Nordion's external beam therapy and self-contained irradiator product lines for $15 million. Best Medical International Inc. will acquire these two product lines with combined annualized revenues of approximately US$32 million and approximately 150 employees. The transaction, which is subject to the usual closing conditions, is expected to close in the second quarter of 2008. The Company will report a loss on disposal of this product line, including all costs associated with the disposal, in the range of $4 million to $6 million. On November 30 and December 5, 2007, we announced that MDS Nordion was experiencing an interruption in supply of medical isotopes from our primary supplier, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) while they completed a scheduled shutdown and an upgrade to the electrical system of the National Research Universal reactor. AECL advised us that they are working closely with industry regulators on this matter. They also advised us that production was scheduled to recommence in early to mid- January. While we are working closely with our global supply network to lessen the impact of this shutdown, we will not be able to fully mitigate the impact of this supply disruption on our results. We currently estimate the impact of this disruption on operating income at $8 to $9 million in total for the first quarter of 2008. DATASOURCE: MDS Inc. CONTACT: PRNewswire - - 12/13/2007
