Moderator and
of the organizing committee of the ICGN Milan
Conference ICGN Mid Year Conference Milan 2013 of March 2013, hosted by the Italian Stock Exchange and sponsored by Assogestioni (National Association of Italian Asset Managers) and Assonime (National Association of Italian
Issuers), on corporate governance, with such top speakers as Mr. Massimo Tononi (Chairman, Borsa Italiana S.p.A.- Italian Stock Exchange), Mr. Ugo Bassi (Director of Capital and Companies, Director of General Internal Market and Services,
European Commission, Belgium), Mr. Gabriele Galateri di Genola (Chairman, Italian Corporate Governance Committee Chairman, Assicurazioni Generali), Mr. Marcello Bianchi (Chairman of the OECD Corporate Governance Committee and Head of
Corporate Governance Division, CONSOB), Mr. Stefano Micossi (Director General Assonime), Mr. Giuseppe Recchi (Chairman, ENI), Ms. Magda Bianco (Head of Law & Economics Division, Bank of Italy Research Department),
Ms. Michelle Edkins, (Managing Director, Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment BlackRock), Mr. Luigi G. Zingales, (Finance professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business), Mr. Fabio Galli (Director General,
Assogestioni), with the participation of a large number of institutional foreign and Italian investors, among which, particularly, BlackRock, Fidelity, TIAA-CREF, Natixis, Jupiter, Legal & General, Newton, Norges Bank, Hermes, Railpen, but
also of their advisors
Shareholder Services and Glass Lewis & Co, LLC, represented by Mr. Gary Retelny (Managing Director and President of ISS) and Ms. Katherine Rabin (CEO
of Glass Lewis), but also of the leading Italian issuers.