The registrant, ERF Wireless, Inc. is referred to herein as "we" or "our."
On May 15 and August 15, 2015, we failed to complete and file our Forms 10-Q for our 1st and 2nd Fiscal Quarters (ending March 31, 2015, and June 30, 2015, respectively) on the prescribed due dates due to a lack of adequate financial resources. We will continue the work required to complete and file our Forms 10-Q for these periods and intend to file them as soon as practical after we have adequate financial resources.
SECTION 3 – Securities and Trading Markets
ITEM 3.03. Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders
The registrant, ERF Wireless, Inc. is referred to herein as "we", "our" or "us".
On July 6 and on August 19, 2015, by resolution of the board of directors pursuant to a provision in our Articles of Incorporation, we filed and amended a Certificate of Designation with the Secretary of State of Nevada establishing a new series of convertible preferred stock (Series B) along with its voting powers, designations, preferences, limitations, restrictions and relative rights, as given below:
SERIES B CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCK $.001 PAR VALUE [the "Series B" consisting of 10,000,000 (ten million) shares with a .25% monthly coupon rate paid monthly in cash or Preferred B stock and with an initial price of $1.00].
The Series B shall be senior to all of the Corporation's Preferred Stock except the Series A. The Series B Preferred Stock shall have no voting power. Each holder of shares of Series B Preferred Stock may, at any time after six (6) months from the date of issue (or sooner with the agreement of the Corporation), and upon a seven (7) day written notice, convert up to 5% per month of the original issued amount of shares, plus all dividends accrued and unpaid on such Series B Preferred Stock up to the conversion date on the terms and conditions set forth in the Certificate of Designation, into fully paid non-assessable shares of the Corporation's Common Stock. The number of shares of Common Stock into which each share of Series B Preferred Stock may be converted shall be determined by multiplying the number of shares of Series B Preferred Stock to be converted by ten (10). All or part of the Preferred B may be redeemed in cash or debt at the original purchase price with the mutual consent of Corporation and the Preferred B stockholder.