MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO today reported financial results for the period ended September 30, 2007.

The reporting period is a shortened period brought about by the Company's decision to change its financial year end to September 30. The Company's decision to change year ends was made public in a notice dated October 23, 2007. Accordingly, these results reflect the results of operations and financial performance for the two month period ending September 2007, and the five month period ending September 2007. The comparative periods are the three month and six month periods ending October 31, 2006.

Consolidated revenue for the two month period ended September 30, 2007 was $9.9 million, an increase of 85% from the most comparable period last year, which included three months of revenue. Included in revenue the period ending September 30, 2007 is $4.6 million of revenue contribution from UTS Geophysics, representing 46% of consolidated revenue, and $5.4 million or 54% of the total from Aeroquest Limited.

Consolidated revenue for the five month period ending was $19.3 million, an increase of 90% from the six month period ended October 31, 2006. After accounting for the difference in months between the five month period ended September 30, 2007 and the six month period ended October 31, 2006, organic revenue growth in Aeroquest was approximately 50%, resulting from an overall increase in business activity reflected in an increase in the number of systems in the field and an increase in line kilometers flown. The remainder of the growth in revenue came from the inclusion of UTS Geophysics revenue for the three months since the closing of this acquisition on July 3, 2007.

Gross profit in the two month period was $3.9 million, or 39% of revenue, while gross profit for the year-to-date was $7.7 million or 40% of revenue. Year-to-date, the consolidated gross profit margin in the Company's helicopter operations has been lower than recent historical averages while gross margins in fixed wing operations are higher than recent historical averages. The negative variance in margins in helicopter operations has been primarily a result of unusually bad weather during the summer and fall flying season in several areas of Canada where the Company conducts surveys, most notably in Northern Saskatchewan, Northern Quebec and the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Gross margins in helicopter operations are expected to improve as the weather in these areas returns to normal.

Operating profit for the two months period ending September 30, 2007 was $1.4 million, or 15% of revenue, while operating profit for the five months period ending was $3.1 million or 16% of revenue. Operating profit was reduced by $0.2 million and $0.4 million for the two and five month periods respectively as a consequence of a loss on foreign exchange brought about by the weakening of the US dollar relative to both the Canadian and Australian dollars during the period. Operating profit was also reduced by $0.5 million and $0.9 million for the two and five month periods respectively due to non-cash intangible asset amortization expenses resulting from the acquisition of UTS Geophysics.

Net income for the two months period ending was $1.1 million or $0.05 per share, as compared to $0.9 million, or $0.06 per share for three months period ending October 31, 2006. Net income for five months period ending September 30, 2007 was $2.0 million or $0.09 per share.

Operating cash flow before changes in working capital was $1.8 million, or $0.08 per share for the two months period ending September 30, 2007 and $3.4 million or $0.15 per share for the five month period ending September 30, 2007.

Capital expenditures totaled $0.6 million and $1.6 million for the two and five month periods ended September 30, 2007, representing 6% and 8% of revenue respectively. This is in line with the Company's expectations.

"We continue to be very pleased with the progress of both Aeroquest and UTS Geophysics." said Roy Graydon, President & CEO of Aeroquest; "While we have faced difficult weather throughout the summer and fall in many of our Canadian survey areas, the diversification brought about through the acquisition of UTS Geophysics has proved to be very beneficial in allowing us to maintain our margins and sustain our growth throughout this period." Contract backlog in both helicopter and fixed wing operations remains strong heading into the Northern Hemisphere's winter season with a total backlog at September 30, 2007 of $16.3 million, comprised of $8.4 million in helicopter operations and $7.9 million in fixed wing operations.

About Aeroquest International

Aeroquest International is a world leader in the development and operation of innovative and proprietary airborne geophysical surveying platforms servicing the mineral exploration, oil and gas, and environmental industries. Directly, and through its sister company UTS Geophysics, Aeroquest fields a fleet of helicopter and fixed wing systems and is active on almost every continent in the world. More information about Aeroquest can be found at www.aeroquest.ca. More information on UTS Geophysics can be found at www.uts.com.au

For Investors

This news release may include statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. The Company cautions that actual performance will be affected by a number of factors, many of which are beyond its control. Future events and results may vary substantially from what the Company currently foresees. Discussion of the various factors that may affect future results is contained in the Company's recent filings, available on SEDAR.

Aeroquest International Limited
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Unaudited - Prepared by Management

                                       As at Sept. 30, 2007 April 30, 2007
Assets                                           (Unaudited)      (Audited)
 Cash and cash equivalents                    $   5,398,777  $   4,706,035
 Accounts receivable                              8,014,717      3,758,228
 Unbilled contracts in progress                   2,312,098         23,029
 Prepaid expenses and deposits                      462,109        606,144
Total current assets                             16,187,701      9,093,436
 Long term
  Long term investments (Note 1)                     90,001         16,001
  Capital assets (Note 2)                         7,618,873      3,649,769
  Intangible assets (Note 3)                     20,431,860              -
  Goodwill (Note 4)                               9,199,108              -
  Future income taxes (Note 10)                     143,747          1,567
Total long term assets                           37,483,589      3,667,337
Total Assets                                  $  53,671,290  $  12,760,773

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
  Accounts payable and accrued
  liabilities                                 $   5,325,928  $   2,134,442
  Income taxes payable                            2,238,543        994,943
  Deferred revenue                                3,838,463      1,761,281
  Promissory notes (Note 5)                         536,449              -
  Capital lease obligations (Note 6)                292,466              -
Total current liabilities                        12,231,849      4,890,666
 Long term
  Promissory notes (Note 5)                       2,597,339              -
  Capital lease obligations (Note 6)                720,230              -
  Future income taxes (Note 10)                   6,566,056
Total Liabilities                                22,115,474      4,890,666

 Shareholders' equity
  Share capital (Note 8)                         27,403,594      5,992,289
  Contributed surplus (Note 8)                    1,320,461      1,102,228
  Accumulated other comprehensive income             72,794              -
 Retained earnings                                2,758,967        775,590
Total shareholders' equity                       31,555,816      7,870,107
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity    $  53,671,290  $  12,760,773


The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes
are an integral part of these financial statements.

Aeroquest International Limited

Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income
Unaudited - Prepared by Management

                    For the two  For the three  For the five   For the six
                         months         months        months        months
                          ended          ended         ended         ended
                   Sep. 30, '07   Oct. 31, '06  Sep. 30, '07  Oct. 31, '06

Sales               $ 9,944,268    $ 5,387,482  $ 19,299,618  $ 10,152,455
 Cost of sales        6,077,781      2,388,050    11,573,913     5,188,447
Gross profit          3,866,487      2,999,432     7,725,705     4,964,008
Expenses and
 other items
 Amortization of
  assets                534,499         31,253       892,587        62,505
 Depreciation of
  capital assets        371,074        259,300       694,808       426,838
  expense               115,128        149,858       287,554       314,343
 Foreign exchange
  (gain)/loss           240,518          3,793       384,363        (5,248)
 General and
  administrative      1,156,581        953,324     2,353,069     1,720,776
 Stock based
  expense                 4,582         21,330        11,458       144,830
Total operating
 expenses             2,422,382      1,418,858     4,623,839     2,664,044

Operating profit      1,444,105      1,580,574     3,101,866     2,299,964
 Other costs
  (income) (Note 12)     38,346        (24,151)         (420)      (35,197)

Income before
 income taxes         1,405,759      1,604,725     3,102,286     2,335,161
Income taxes
 (Note 10)
  Current               649,933        659,504     1,408,701       826,118
  Future               (290,009)             -      (289,792)            -
Net income
 for the period     $ 1,045,835      $ 945,221   $ 1,983,377   $ 1,509,043

Revaluation of
 long term
 investments to
 fair market value       (1,000)             -        (1,000)            -
Unrealized gain on
 translation of self
 sustaining foreign
 operations              23,990              -        25,793             -
Total comprehensive
 income, for the
 period             $ 1,068,825      $ 945,221   $ 2,008,170   $ 1,509,043

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes
are an integral part of these financial statements.

Aeroquest International Limited

Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings
Unaudited - Prepared by Management

                      For the two For the three  For the five  For the six
                           months        months        months       months
                            ended         ended         ended        ended
                     Sep. 30, '07  Oct. 31, '06  Sep. 30, '07 Oct. 31, '06
Retained earnings
 beginning of
 period, as
 previously reported  $ 1,713,132    ($ 840,885)    $ 530,561 ($ 1,136,790)
  of change in
  policy (Note 9)               -       365,685       245,029       97,768
Retained earnings
 beginning of
 period, as
 restated               1,713,132      (475,200)      775,590   (1,039,022)
 Net income             1,045,835       945,221     1,983,377    1,509,043
Retained earnings,
 end of period        $ 2,758,967     $ 470,021   $ 2,758,967    $ 470,021
Earnings per
 share (Note 11)
 Basic                     $ 0.05        $ 0.06        $ 0.09       $ 0.10
 Fully diluted             $ 0.04        $ 0.05        $ 0.08       $ 0.09

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are
an integral part of these financial statements.

Aeroquest International Limited

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
Unaudited - Prepared by Management

                   For the two  For the three   For the five   For the six
                        months         months         months        months
                         ended          ended          ended         ended
                  Sep. 30, '07   Oct. 31, '06   Sep. 30, '07  Oct. 31, '06
Cash provided by
 (used in)
 Net income for
  the period       $ 1,045,835      $ 945,221    $ 1,983,377   $ 1,509,043
 Operating items
  not requiring
 Depreciation of
  capital assets       371,074        259,300        694,808       426,838
 Amortization of
  intangible assets    534,499         31,253        892,587        62,505
 Translation of
  operation             23,991              -         25,794             -
 Future income
  taxes               (290,009)        22,792       (289,792)       22,792
  accretion on
  promissory notes      76,434              -         76,434             -
 Stock based
  compensation           4,582         21,330         11,458       144,830
Operating cash
 flow before
 changes in
 non-cash working
 capital             1,766,406      1,279,896      3,394,666     2,166,008

  receivable           493,102     (1,122,315)    (1,160,771)   (1,429,172)
 Prepaid expenses      156,414        (27,409)       144,035        (1,386)
  in progress         (803,589)        33,203       (927,830)       43,763
 Accounts payable
  and accrued
  liabilities          959,155       (367,934)      (762,718)     (163,453)
 Income taxes         (803,066)       727,000        (84,273)      893,614
 Deferred revenue   (1,730,205)       150,679      2,077,182       166,915
Total cash flow
 from operating
 activities             38,217        673,120      2,680,291     1,676,289

 Capital asset
  purchases           (573,571)      (318,192)    (1,553,809)     (783,509)
 Loan receivable             -         16,278              -        16,278
 Acquisition, net
  of cash
  acquired (Note 4)    (19,090)             -     (7,321,077)            -
Total cash flow
 from investing
 activities           (592,661)      (301,914)    (8,874,886)     (767,231)

 Capital lease
  payments             (86,920)             -       (110,743)            -
  shares redeemed                      (2,925)                      (2,925)
 Proceeds from
  of common
  shares                66,000          1,250      6,998,080         1,250
Total cash flow
 from financing
 activities            (20,920)        (1,675)     6,887,337        (1,675)

Net change
 in cash / cash
 for the period     ($ 575,364)     $ 369,531      $ 692,742     $ 907,383

Cash and cash
 beginning of
 period              5,974,141      3,048,531      4,706,035     2,510,679

Cash and cash
 end of period     $ 5,398,777    $ 3,418,062    $ 5,398,777   $ 3,418,062

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are
an integral part of these financial statements.

Aeroquest International Limited

Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity
Unaudited - Prepared by Management
For the five months ending September 30, 2007

                             Contri-               compre-          Total
                  Share        buted   Retained    hensive    shareholders'
                capital      surplus   earnings     income         equity

Apr 30, '07  $5,992,289   $1,102,228   $775,590        $ -     $7,870,107
 instruments                                        48,000          48,000

 of common
 for cash     7,650,000                                          7,650,000

 of common
 shares on
 tion        14,620,000                                         14,620,000

 issue       (1,005,670)                                        (1,005,670)

 to stock
 exercised      146,975      (63,225)                               83,750

 warrants                    270,000                               270,000

Net income
 for the
 period                               1,983,377                  1,983,377

 expense                      11,458                                11,458

 gain on
 of self
 operations                                         25,794          25,794

 of long
 to fair
 market value                                       (1,000)         (1,000)
Sep. 30 '07 $27,403,594   $1,320,461 $2,758,967    $72,794     $31,555,816

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are
an integral part of these financial statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Aeroquest International Limited Roy Graydon President & Chief Executive Officer (905) 672-9129, Ext 222. Email: rgraydon@aeroquest.ca Website: www.aeroquest.ca

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