Interim Results
03 November 2003 - 11:27AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:5752R
ARC Risk Management Group PLC
03 November 2003
ARC Risk Management Group Plc ("ARC" or the "Group"), the AIM-listed provider of
worldwide security risk management services, announces today its results for the
six months to 30 September 2003.
*Significant new contracts for red24 with HSBC Bank plc and Hiscox plc
*Training division performing well
*Consultancy division ahead of budget
*Maldwyn Worsley-Tonks, MBE appointed to the Board
*#370,000 raised in September 2003
*Loss before tax more than halved from previous half year ended 31 March
*Loss per share: 0.26p (2002: loss 0.33p)
*No dividend recommended.
Commenting on today's announcement, Simon Richards, Chairman of ARC, stated:
"The time taken in getting innovative new products from concept to revenue
production has been greater than originally envisaged. However, following the
signing of significant new contracts and reduced pre-tax losses, the outlook
remains encouraging and your Board believes we can look forward to further
growth and improved revenues."
ARC Risk Management Group Plc Tel: 020 7235 0036
Simon Richards, Chairman
Bishopsgate Communications Tel: 020 7430 1600
Maxine Barnes
Dominic Barretto
Seymour Pierce Limited Tel: 020 7107 8000
Jeremy Porter
I am pleased to enclose our interim report to shareholders for the six months to
30 September 2003.
Since my report to you in July, I am pleased to say that your Board has
successfully raised additional capital of #370,000 to support the continued
development of the Group's products during the current financial year. Interim
finance was provided by the Director's and their associates whilst the fund
raising was finalised.
Loss before tax amounted to #328,000 (2002: #189,000). However, as the
acquisition of ARC was only completed on 29 July 2002, last year's figures only
included two months trading. The loss per share is 0.26p (30 September 2002:
(0.33p)) and no dividend is recommended. We continue to explore non-equity
alternative financing arrangements, in order to further support the roll-out of
Current Trading
Although turnover has only increased marginally over the previous half year,
pre-tax losses have been more than halved. The Board expects that margins will
continue to improve in the second half of this financial year and that the Group
will become cash flow positive in the new financial year, as the income from
red24 is expected to increase. As part of our strategy, we continue to keep a
tight reign on costs.
In September, we were pleased to announce that HSBC Bank plc had signed a formal
three year agreement with ARC. This is the culmination of a number of years
spent building a good working relationship with them. Under the terms of the
agreement HSBC, which currently provides the red24 cover within its Platinum
Plus home insurance policies, will enhance its policies to include the upgraded
red24 Alert cover, which provides an active response in a crisis. In addition,
they have agreed to introduce this same red24 Alert service to a new section
of their international customer base. As HSBC have already had the red24TM
service for twelve months, the Board considers this to be a significant
endorsement of ARC's ability to both develop and deliver value-added products
and services to customers.
We were also pleased to announce that Hiscox plc would be including the red24
service in their UK based individual insurance product, which is expected to be
launched in January 2004 as a mandatory part of their product offering to a
minimum of 30,000 customers. Not only does this provide further credibility, but
also diversifies our revenue source. We are confident that together these
developments will raise the level of red24 income, although the full benefits
are not expected to be felt until the new financial year.
Our training division continues to attract favourable comment on the quality of
its courses, its client service levels and its innovative ways of attracting new
delegates. It has further consolidated its position as the pre-eminent
international security training operation in the UK and had a modestly
profitable half year.
Consultancy business has continued to grow in the half year and is ahead of
budget for the period. This business is now profitable and has reached the stage
where its operations have made it necessary to establish a base in London to be
closer to the insurance market and its corporate customers. The modest new
offices, based in the heart of the City, are now open and the Board feels
confident that increased levels of business will result.
ARC recently had the pleasure of announcing that it has appointed Maldwyn
Worsley-Tonks as a Director to the Board. His appointment, which follows the
recently won significant contracts for the provision of red24 and red24
Alert security services, highlights the Group's focus on the importance of
operational support for its brand. Mr Worsley-Tonks is a former Lieutenant
Colonel in the British Army, and has been awarded an MBE. Since retiring from
the army, he has built up over seven years of active experience in the Security
industry. He heads up the Group's Insurance market and Operations Division, and
is responsible for quality control on all ARC projects with an increased focus
on the security and response aspects of the red24 services.
Future prospects
The time taken in getting innovative new products from concept to revenue
production has been greater than originally envisaged. However, following the
signing of significant new contracts and reduced pre-tax losses, the outlook
remains encouraging and your Board believes we can look forward to further
growth and improved revenues.
Simon Richards
3 November 2003
Interim Report for the six months to 30th September 2003
Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
6 Months ended 6 Months ended 12 Months Ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2003 2002 2003
#'000 #'000 #'000
Continuing 507 132 621
========= ========= =========
Operating (loss)
Continuing (324) (194) (905)
Net interest (4) 5 2
__________ __________ __________
Loss on ordinary (328) (189) (903)
activities before
Taxation on loss on 0 0 0
Ordinary activities
__________ __________ __________
Loss for the period (328) (189) (903)
Dividends 0 0 0
__________ __________ __________
Retained loss for the (328) (189) (903)
========= ========= =========
Loss per share (0.26p) (0.33p) (1.09p)
========= ========= =========
Interim Report for the six months to 30th September 2003
Consolidated Balance Sheet
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
30 September 30 September 31 March
2003 2002 2003
#'000 #'000 #'000 #'000 #'000 #'000
Fixed Assets:
Intangible assets 639 1,000 684
Tanbigle assets 63 31 47
------- ------- -------
702 1,031 731
Current Assets:
Debtors 568 354 217
Cash at bank and in
hand 53 173 43
------- ------- -------
621 527 260
Amounts falling due
within one year 621 466 561
------- ------- ------
Net Current Assets/ 0 61 (301)
------- ------- -------
Total Assets less 702 1,092 430
Current Liabilities
Amounts falling due 76 86 81
after more than one ------- ------- -------
626 1,006 349
======= ======= =======
Capital and Reserves:
Called up share 3,048 2,413 2,444
Share premium 216 189 215
Profit and loss (2,638) (1,596) (2,310)
------- ------- -------
Shareholders' Funds - 626 1,006 349
Equity ======= ======= =======
1. The interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2003
have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those set out
in the annual report and accounts of Arc Risk Management Group Plc for the
year ended 31 March 2003. The interim financial statements for the six
months ended 30 September 2003 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
2. The figures for the year ended 31 March 2003 are extracted from the
Company's statutory accounts for that year, which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies and contain a report from the auditors that is
unqualified save as to matters of emphasis. Copies of the statutory accounts
may be obtained from the Company or Seymour Pierce.
3. The loss per share for the six months ended 30 September has been calculated
on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.
4. Copies of this interim financial statement will be available for at least
one month from Seymour Pierce Limited., Bucklersbury House, 3 Queen Victoria
Street, London EC4N 8EL.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange