RNS Number : 3145C

Waterlogic PLC

15 April 2013

15 April 2013

Waterlogic Plc

("Waterlogic", the "Group" or the "Company")



Waterlogic Plc (AIM: WTL.L), a leading manufacturer and global distributor of point-of-use ("POU") drinking water purification and dispensing systems, today announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2012.

                              2012     2011    Change 
 Revenue                   $101.0m   $84.9m     19.0% 
 Gross margin                60.9%    59.2%      3.0% 
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)         $14.7m   $13.0m     12.6% 
 EBITDA                      $9.9m   $10.4m    (4.8)% 
 Adjusted operating 
  profit(1)                  $7.3m    $7.9m    (7.4)% 
 Operating profit            $2.5m    $5.3m   (51.9)% 
 Adjusted net income(1)      $6.1m    $5.2m     16.6% 
 Net income                  $1.4m    $2.8m   (47.5)% 
 Net assets                 $90.6m   $86.6m      4.6% 
 Net cash and cash 
  equivalents (3()          $29.8m   $50.6m   (41.1)% 

Group Highlights

   --      Board strengthened by appointment of Peter Cohen as CEO of Waterlogic Commercial Division 

-- Recurring rental and service revenue increased 44.3 per cent to $39.0m (38.6 per cent of Group revenues) with organic(2) growth at 1 per cent

   --      Cash generated from operating activities increased 97.9 per cent to $6.9m 
   --      Solid performance in direct business offset by weakness in the indirect business 

-- New consumer distributors in European market and new joint venture with Eureka Forbes in India

-- Continued commercialisation of our innovative Firewall(TM) UV technology and progression of its further expansion into new markets

-- Acquisition of Aqua Service, Prisme, Det Stavangerske Kaffeselskap (DSK), Taylor Made, AquaPrix and AquaPerfect businesses

   --      Strong net cash position allowing the Company to pursue further acquisition opportunities 

-- Since the year end, the Company has continued to pursue its acquisition pipeline with one transaction already completed

Jeremy Ben-David, Waterlogic Group CEO, commented

"This year has seen many significant achievements, including growth in both adjusted EBITDA and adjusted net income, plus the delivery of almost twice the cash generated from operations on 2011.

Operationally, the Group acquired a number of complementary businesses, invested heavily in R&D and added 75,000 units to its machines in field base. Although overall trading was weaker than expected, these achievements place the Group in a strong position for the future.

We enter 2013 with a $29.8m net cash and cash equivalents position and have a number of attractive acquisition opportunities. Our core business is driven by both rental and service income and contract-based trade sales (38.6 per cent recurring and45.6 per cent total contractual) and is therefore more resilient to economic cycles.

Whilst the external commercial environment is expected to remain challenging in 2013, we believe that we have built strong foundations that will stand us in good stead. The Directors remain confident about the Group's Firewall(TM) technology projects, potential acquisitions, and organic business."

(1) The Directors use adjusted measures to judge the profitability of the Group to provide them with a consistent basis for comparison of the Group's results, on a year on year basis. During the years under review, "Adjusted" measures include adjustments for the share based incentives expense, capital reorganisation related costs, acquisition & integration related costs and corporate reorganisation costs. Further details and reconciliations to statutory measures are included in note 5 to the financial information.

(2) Organic growth is measured as the change in revenue year on year, at constant currency excluding current year revenues from acquisitions until after the first anniversary of the acquisition.

   (3)   Cash and cash equivalents less bank overdrafts. 


 Waterlogic Plc                            Via Redleaf Polhill 
 Jeremy Ben-David, Group Chief Executive 
 Liberum Capital (Nominated Adviser        Tel: +44 (0)20 3100 2000 
  and Broker) 
 Steve Pearce 
  Richard Bootle 
 Redleaf Polhill (PR Adviser)              Tel: +44 (0)20 7382 4730 
 Emma Kane                                 Email: waterlogic@redleafpr.com 
  Rebecca Sanders-Hewett 
  David Ison 

Website: www.waterlogic.com


2012 was a year characterised by significant investment in growth offset by uneven business conditions in our markets and by variable levels of achievement across our companies. Whilst we have made progress on multiple fronts, including the development of new products and our recently established Consumer Division, our results were disappointing when compared to the Board's expectations. We have been working hard to put in place robust strategies to address the areas of concern, and remain confident that our actions will translate into better results.


Group revenue increased by 19.0 per cent to $101.0 million (2011: $84.9 million). Adjusted EBITDA increased by 12.6 per cent to $14.7 million (2011: $13.0 million). Adjusted operating profit decreased by 7.4 per cent to $7.3 million (2011: $7.9 million) as a result of a combination of increased investment in research and development, weak trading from our indirect sales and a delay in the launch of products from our Consumer Division. Accordingly operating profit decreased by 51.9 per cent to $2.5 million (2011: $5.3 million). Earnings per share decreased by 62.1 per cent to 1.56 cents (2011: 4.12 cents) due in part to the full year effect of the Group's equity issuance at Admission on AIM in July 2011.

The increase in revenue was a result of a combination of mostly contributions from acquisitions with some organic growth (1 per cent) in the underlying business.

Our balance sheet remains strong, ending the year with net cash and cash equivalents of $29.8 million (2011: $50.6 million) reflecting a net cash inflow from operating activities of $6.9 million (2011: $3.5m), $21.0 million spent on acquisitions (2011: $6.0 million, including $0.7m deferred consideration) and $3.3 million of net loan repayments (2011: $7.4 million). Net funds were $24.4m (2011: $43.3m). A more detailed review of this year's performance is given in the Business Review and Financial Review within the Chief Executive's Statement.


During 2012 we made further progress in delivering on our strategy of strengthening further our position as a leading international manufacturer and distributor of quality POU water coolers, acquiring six bolt-on businesses in countries where we already had wholly owned direct sales operations, in Scandinavia, France and the US. In addition we signed a joint venture agreement for the manufacture of our products in India. Our joint venture partner will then distribute these products in India.

Building on our Firewall(TM) UV technology commercialisation strategy, we have signed two further supply agreements with leading consumer products companies, with shipment of our first consumer products beginning in Q1 2013 and expected commercial launch in Q2 2013.

We also invested in our infrastructure and added talented people to our company in order to achieve our objectives. This included recruiting several people to our developing Consumer Division.

Since year-end we have completed the acquisition of Water Filters Limited trading as Aqua Cure Scotland (consideration $0.5 million) in the UK, and increased our shareholding in our existing Aqua Cure business in the UK from 70 per cent to 93.85 per cent.

Board and Governance

Last year, we as a Board agreed on a number of key responsibilities. The first was to discuss and refine our strategy and to hold the executive team accountable for its execution; the second was to ensure we have the right team in place and to plan for succession; and the third was to set the tone for governance to ensure that high standards of governance are part of our culture.

During 2012, we have maintained our focus on these responsibilities, further developing a number of the key elements of our Governance Strategy, a process that we intend to continue into the future. Underpinning this strategy has been the on-going development of controls and challenge and support to the Executive Directors to ensure adequate planning to deliver our business plan in a difficult trading environment.

We have continued to monitor the composition of our Board since our listing in 2011, and in doing so identified the need to strengthen our commercial and international experience. As a result, we are pleased to welcome Peter Cohen to the Group as Chief Executive of our Waterlogic Commercial Division. This appointment has enabled Jeremy Ben-David, our Group Chief Executive Officer, to focus more of his time on the Consumer Division, an area in which we see significant growth opportunity for the Group in the coming years. We believe that the opportunities we see in both the commercial and the consumer areas warrant the focus on those two divisions by talented individuals with a proven record of managing entrepreneurial growth. As of 31 December 2012, Steven Harrison stepped down from his role as Group CFO. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank him for his contribution to the success and development of the Group, including its successful Admission to AIM and subsequent growth. We wish Steve the very best in his future endeavours. The process to recruit a suitable replacement Group CFO has progressed well and we expect to soon make an announcement in this regard.

Our Board currently comprises two Executive Directors and four Non-Executive Directors. Of these Non-Executive Directors, the Board considers three to be independent. The Board comprises business leaders from a wide range of sectors including accounting, banking, general management, investing, management consulting, operations, sales and marketing. Between them they have an extensive geographic knowledge.

Further to the appointment of a Director of Internal Audit announced last year, we have delivered a number of initiatives including a Board performance evaluation process and an assessment of corporate governance compliance and we will shortly be launching our Code of Conduct across the Group. Further information on the Board and governance is given in the Governance section of the Directors' Report.


We expect 2013 to be a year of progress with a combination of organic growth, contributions from new acquisitions and the commercial launch of products from the Consumer Division.

The commercial environment remains challenging in some of our international territories, but we have developed a clear plan for the business in the coming years and are committed to its execution. In these tough economic times, we believe it is vital that we listen to our customers and stay true to our corporate values in order to successfully execute our strategy.

Our strong balance sheet means that we are ideally positioned to take advantage of accretive acquisitions that we have identified. We intend to proceed in a disciplined and deliberate manner so that acquisitions deliver long-term value to our shareholders.

As I stated last year, we have developed new products for existing and new markets. During 2013, following the signature of key partners, we expect to commence the distribution of our first Firewall(TM) units into the consumer market.

Finally, on behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our employees at all levels for their continued commitment and dedication to making this an exceptional company.

Ariel Recanati

Group Non-Executive Chairman

12 April 2013



2012 was a mixed year for the Group. There were many significant achievements that place the Group in a strong position for the future, but overall trading was weaker than expected.

Although Waterlogic's revenue grew by almost 19.0 per cent in 2012, reaching $101.0m, the Group did not achieve its objectives on several fronts. A delay in the launch of the consumer market products and a weakness in third party dealer sales resulted in Group revenues being below the Board's revenue target. During the year the Group invested substantially in strengthening the management team, in building the new Consumer Division and in research and development. The combination of lower revenue than anticipated due to delayed sales and higher operating expenses, research and development costs and investments caused the adjusted operating profit, adjusted for the effects of capital reorganisation related costs, acquisition and integration related costs, corporate reorganisation costs and share based incentives, to be below the Board's expectations at $7.3m (2011: $7.9m).

During 2012, we added circa 75,000 units to our install base, which is now approximately 640,000 units.


The Group is managed on the basis of segment performance, focused on the geographical location of markets. Following the establishment of the new Consumer Division, operations are also reviewed on the basis of performance of the Consumer and Commercial Divisions separately.

The costs incurred in the Consumer Division were $3.5m comprising $2.5m operating costs (2011: $0.9m) and $1.0m invested in research and development. This additional $2.6m expenditure resulted in only $0.5m of revenue, which came in the last weeks of the year. On the positive side, three substantial contracts have been signed by the Consumer Division, which should underpin much of 2013's budgeted sales in the division.

Group research and development costs were $3.8m in aggregate (2011: $1.2m) of which $2.1m was capitalised (2011: $0.9m). Management consider 2012 an exceptional year in terms of research and development spending, due to the launch of several new products for the consumer market, an additional product range for the commercial market, as well as the investment in increased manufacturing capacity required for the Consumer Division.

Lower sales to third party distributors in the Commercial Division also affected revenue and profitability in 2012. These sales were affected by difficult economic conditions in certain markets, destocking by distributors in anticipation of new product launches and a major international client undertaking substantial restructuring that resulted in sales of 10,000 units fewer than in previous years. We reported on this issue in 2011, but have not seen sales to this customer return to former levels during 2012.

Organic revenue growth was only 1 per cent (2011: 6.2 per cent), much lower than our experience in recent years. Analysis of Group revenue for the year points to the main weakness being in indirect sales. Our direct business grew by 31.9 per cent of which 4.6 per cent was organic and, most pleasingly, our recurring rental and service revenues grew from 31.8 per cent of overall revenue to 38.6 per cent, of which 4.0 per cent was organic. Continuing to increase recurring revenue is a focal point for management in the coming years. It is the business model with the highest margins and the recurring nature of the revenue lowers volatility and provides highly visible income streams.

The Group continues to have a very low churn rate of customers at the end of contracts (approximately 5 per cent average across our POU customer base) and has programmes in place to continue improving customer retention through continuing to provide excellent products and customer service.

The Group also made significant progress in many areas during 2012. I am delighted that we have strengthened our senior management team, with the recruitment of Peter Cohen as CEO of our Commercial Division. Peter has an excellent track record and in his previous role as CEO of PHS where he grew the company's revenue from GBP40m to approximately GBP400m. Peter has extensive experience in acquiring companies (over 80 in his previous role) as well as in running service companies in the business-to-business environment. The recruitment of Peter has enabled the Company to restructure into two divisions going forward, with my time now focussed mainly on the Consumer Division, and my role as Group CEO.

The Group will soon announce the recruitment of a new CFO. The Finance team, under Robert Bell's stewardship (as Director of Accounting and acting CFO) has done an excellent job in the interim and the addition of the new CFO will add a substantial amount of experience and bandwidth to the team. The CFO is expected to be appointed prior to the announcement of first half results.

The USA senior management team was restructured in the middle of 2012 and we are seeing significant progress in both our Waterlogic Commercial Products subsidiary (previously 'Innowave') and our direct sales operations in the USA.

Technological innovation

There have been significant developments on the new product development front in 2012. We have gone from concept drawings to finished products on three major consumer product lines. In addition, the Waterlogic 3 POU dispenser was launched in January 2013. The modern design of the Waterlogic 3 incorporates the patent pending Firewall(TM) technology and replaces the very popular and reliable WL850 range of sparkling water dispensers for the high end commercial market.

Our Firewall(TM) technology continues to win international acclaim and accolades. Jonathan Ben-David (CEO Group Manufacturing, R&D) and Heung Soon Kim (Director of R&D) from Waterlogic China have been recognised by the Water Quality Association (WQA) with an International Award of Merit. This award is given in recognition for their development of the unique Firewall(TM) technology as a breakthrough in water purification innovation. Both made significant contribution to the development of Firewall(TM), which has revolutionised water purification and quality. The invention provides an intense dose of UV purification at the point of dispense whilst also protecting the spout from back contamination. The technology is the first of its type to achieve NSF/ANSI 55a and P231 together. It is 99.9999 per cent effective, something which has been proven by over 5,000 physical tests by main respected independent laboratories. The award is given to individuals that have made significant contributions to the international water quality improvement industry.

An international (PCT) application was filed for the Firewall(TM) patent application in October 2010, and national phase applications based on this international application were filed in Europe and nineteen other countries in April 2012. In addition, three direct national applications were filed in 2011. The South African Firewall(TM) application has already been accepted. The other Firewall(TM) applications are currently pending. Following the recent allowance of the South African Firewall(TM) application, our patent attorneys are working to achieve patent grant of the remaining national applications in a timely manner.

Acquisitions and asset purchases

During 2012 our Mergers & Acquisition department oversaw a total of six acquisitions with a total consideration net of cash of $21.0m. The first acquisitions of 2012 were in Norway, where we acquired Det Stavangerske Kaffeselskap SA (DSK), a $3.5 million revenue business focusing on coffee and POU dispensers in the Stavanger area, and France with acquisition of Prisme S.A.R.L. (Prisme), a distributor of Waterlogic machines. Prisme was a classic bolt-on acquisition that added 2,400 machines to our machines in field (MIF) in France and $1.0 million in revenue annually.

In March 2012, the Group acquired Aqua Service AS (Aqua Service) in Scandinavia, our first acquisition of a company that is part bottled water and part POU. The plan to convert bottled water dispensers to POU products is progressing very positively and acquisition results during the first nine months have been promising and above budget. Should this conversion plan from bottled water to POU products prove to be successful, it will significantly increase the scope of potential future acquisitions. The Group can target bottled water companies as well as POU companies and gain substantial synergies due to lower cost of products, shared back offices and customer density.

Aqua Service had 10,885 machines installed in Norway and Sweden at the time of the acquisition, with $10.5m revenue. POU water dispensers, its fastest growing segment, represented 16 per cent of its installed base. The Board of Waterlogic believes that the growth in conversion from bottled water dispensers to POU dispensers represents an excellent opportunity for the Group as customers look for more convenient, cost effective and environmental solutions. Waterlogic expects to continue and accelerate this process of converting customers to POU.

Three acquisitions in California have also helped the Group establish a base in this crucial market. The introduction of Waterlogic's highly innovative Firewall(TM) UV dispensers in this region through this newly formed base should open up future growth opportunities for the Group. The combination of the three operations will enable us to provide an enhanced service in California to corporations across the spectrum of the industrial, commercial, hotel and restaurant, public, healthcare and education sectors. This brings the existing installed base to over 10,500 water dispensers and coffee machines managed by our US west coast hub.

Consumer products contracts

One of the most significant achievements in 2012 was the signing of a joint venture agreement with India's Eureka Forbes Ltd, a leading player in the consumer durables industry, Asia's largest direct selling organisation and the market leader in residential water purification systems.

A new company has been created with equal shareholdings between Waterlogic and Eureka Forbes called Aquaignis Private Ltd ("Aquaignis" or the "Joint Venture").

The Joint Venture will manufacture water purification products specifically suited to both Indian residential consumers and business customers. These products will be sold in India through Eureka Forbes' extensive sales network, which includes the largest and most highly developed direct sales network for water dispensing systems in Asia, as well as market-leading retail and commercial channels. Additionally, products will be manufactured for export sales by both Waterlogic globally and by Eureka Forbes in selected territories outside India.

All relevant products will carry the Firewall(TM) branding, to denote the use of Waterlogic's UV purification technology.

Aquaignis will begin manufacturing products incorporating Waterlogic's filtration and purification technologies, at their manufacturing facility in Dehradun, in the northern state of Uttarakhand, India, which is due to open in the second half of 2013. Prior to this facility gearing up for full production, Eureka Forbes will sell selected Waterlogic products manufactured and imported from the Group's production centre in Qingdao, China.

We are excited to be working with an Indian super-brand like Eureka Forbes, an organisation that is already well respected for bringing cutting edge innovation to the market. Waterlogic's Firewall(TM) UV technology is one of the most effective water purification technologies for POU water dispenser applications currently on the market and the technology is certified by the Water Quality Association as being able to guarantee pure and safe water meeting U.S. EPA standards 100 per cent of the time. We are certain that it will be a valuable addition to Eureka Forbes' offering in multiple markets. We look forward to reporting on further progress in due course.

In early October 2012, the Group announced that it had signed a supply agreement, effective until the end of 2015, with Indesit Company S.p.A. (Indesit), one of Europe's leading manufacturers and distributors of major domestic appliances.

This exclusive agreement is for the supply and distribution of advanced water purification devices designed for the kitchen incorporating Waterlogic's innovative Firewall(TM) UV technology. Furthermore, the two companies will continue to investigate other opportunities in the consumer market. The agreement covers 50 countries including all of Europe and parts of Asia. The first commercial orders were shipped in February 2013, with launches planned in 2013 in further key Indesit markets.

This represents for Waterlogic another major supply and distribution agreement for products incorporating Firewall(TM) UV technology for the residential market. It is being undertaken with a key European player that manufactures and distributes its own internationally well-recognised brands (Hotpoint, Indesit and Scholtès) through major retail outlets.

All relevant units will display the Firewall(TM) branding as well as Indesit's product branding.

This agreement further emphasises the quality of Waterlogic's products and business as we strengthen our position in the consumer market. Supplying water dispensers incorporating the most effective water purification technology currently on the market will ensure Indesit has a unique advantage.

This is a fantastic opportunity for Waterlogic to exploit further the significant opportunities that Firewall(TM) is opening up in Europe and beyond in the consumer market.

In September 2011 the Group announced that it had signed an exclusive distribution contract for Firewall(TM) consumer products with a prominent Middle Eastern consumer products company. The project continues and in 2012 Waterlogic completed the design and commenced manufacture of these OEM products. Launch of these products is planned for May 2013 and orders for thousands of units have been placed and are currently being shipped.

In December 2012, the Group shipped approximately 900 units to a major consumer goods company in Latin America. These products were for the purpose of testing the market and discussions are on-going with this company regarding a distribution agreement for the region.

The Consumer Division is currently focusing on several new projects. Opportunities are being reviewed in Japan, the USA and Latin America. There are plans to meet with potential partners in China in the coming months. Tests continue with refrigerator manufacturers that are testing the Firewall(TM) for the water-dispensing units in refrigerators.

The Consumer Division enters 2013 with three contracts and several significant opportunities that will help to underpin much of the 2013 budget.

Management and staff

Although we did not fully meet our internal budgets and expectations in 2012, the efforts of our management and employees continue to be exceptional. I would like to thank them for their relentless efforts in making Waterlogic a successful market leader in the global POU market. We continue to develop new products for new markets and I have little doubt that these efforts will be reflected in our future results providing Waterlogic enormous potential for many years to come.

I believe that Waterlogic's senior management objectives are aligned with shareholders' interests. The Group PSP plan incentivises management to achieve compound shareholder returns as well as meeting EBIT objectives.

Since Admission to AIM in July 2011 the Group has continued to strengthen the senior management team, as reflected in the recruitment of Peter Cohen and the soon to be announced recruitment of a new CFO. We have also recruited a full time Director of Internal Audit to help improve our internal control and governance. The Consumer Division is new and has a group of talented and experienced individuals, focused on developing this very exciting sector for Waterlogic.


Waterlogic's strategic direction continues to be based on further strengthening its position as a leading international manufacturer and distributor of superior quality POU water coolers and on taking advantage of the movement away from bottled water to POU dispensers.

The Board believes that Waterlogic POU dispensers provide customers with a more environmentally friendly and cost effective solution, offering higher quality water and more features. The commercial bottled water and POU dispenser markets are estimated at $2 billion (2010) in the USA and Europe. Within this, Waterlogic has seen a significant trend away from bottled water coolers to POU; circa. 73 per cent of new installations between 2005-2011 were POU. In the same period, the overall market grew 22 per cent and the POU market grew 146 per cent, with a further shift from bottled water to POU expected, driven by cost and environmental concerns.

Growth through acquisition of dealers, competitors and into related businesses continues to be a major part of the Group's strategy. To facilitate this future growth and ensure the efficiency of our balance sheet, we are engaging with a number of banks to secure funds to help us realise this strategy. We are also discussing several other exciting acquisition opportunities, some of which should complete in 2013, that could utilise these facilities.

The commercialisation of the Firewall(TM) technology with new product launches in the consumer market is a strategy the Group is pursuing actively. These new market segments represent a substantial opportunity for the Group with the global residential point of entry (POE)/POU market estimated at $7 billion by Piper Jaffray's 2010 report. The Group is in discussions with several potential distribution partners including water treatment companies, white goods manufacturers and consumer product companies with a view to launching these products through different channels in 2013 and beyond. Senior management resource has been recruited, with expertise in consumer sales and marketing, to help achieve the Group objectives.

2011 saw Waterlogic partner with WaterAid USA, a charity which shares the same ambitions and goals as Waterlogic for the improvement of drinking water quality worldwide. Every day 4,000 children die from diseases that could easily be prevented by safe water supplies, sanitation and hygiene education. Waterlogic is now a proud global partner of WaterAid, committing to a minimum donation of $225,000 over the three year period 2012 to 2014.


Group results

Group revenue for 2012 was $101.0 million, up 19.0 per cent on 2011 ($84.9 million). Excluding the net impact of foreign currency effects (-$2.4 million) and acquisitions (+$17.9 million), underlying revenue was slightly higher at $85.5 million, representing organic growth of 1 per cent on 2011. Weakness in indirect sales by the Group were offset by direct sales, with growth of 31.9 per cent (including contribution from acquisitions), and recurring rental and service revenues growing by 21 per cent from 31.8 per cent of overall revenue to 38.6 per cent.

The benefit to gross profit from comparable year on year unit sales growth was offset by a reduction of 9.6 per cent in the external sales of the International wholesale segment, the higher mix of direct sales helping to lift the gross margin to 60.9 per cent (2011: 59.2 per cent) with gross profit of $61.5 million.

Group operating profit for the year was $2.5 million, 51.9 per cent below 2011 ($5.3 million). The Group has presented an adjusted operating profit which eliminates the effect of the share incentive plans, capital reorganisation costs, acquisition and integration related costs, and corporate reorganisation costs. This adjusted operating profit of $7.3 million represents a decrease of 7.4 per cent on 2011, driven by the increase in operating costs of 31.2 per cent mentioned above. Adjusted EBITDA was $14.7m, 12.6% above 2011, and points to an improvement in underlying profitability, eliminating the effect of a $2.3m increase in depreciation and amortisation to $7.4m (2011: $5.1m) as a result of our investment strategy.

Segment operating profit rose strongly in Scandinavia (38.1 per cent) as a result of our acquisitions, and the French segment strengthened performance with an operating profit of $0.5 million compared to an operating loss in 2011 of $0.1 million. The German segment made a profit of $2.0 million (2011: $1.4 million).The US segment operating subsidiaries, being CoolerSmart and Innowave, together with our new acquisitions Taylor Made, Aqua Prix and Aqua Perfect made a combined operating loss of $1.1 million, (2011: $0.1m profit).

Group operating costs increased by $14.1 million to $59.3 million in the year reflecting headcount increases from both newly acquired businesses and in response to organic growth needs, as well as $2.3m in one-off acquisition and integration related costs, increased technical spend in order to invest in future product development and increased costs in relation to development of the Consumer Division, as mentioned above.

Finance costs in 2012 were $0.7 million compared to $1.6 million in 2011. The 2012 charge includes $0.1 million in respect of interest rate swaps to secure the Group's long term borrowing at an attractive average rate of 4.5 per cent until 2016.

Group profit before tax for the year was $2.0 million, $1.8 million below 2011 profit before tax due to the above factors and inclusive of the share incentive plan costs and acquisition costs.

Taxation was $0.5 million for the year (2011: $1.0m). The effective tax rate for the Group fell to 26.6 per cent (2011: 26.7 per cent).

Basic earnings per share for the year were 1.56 cents, compared with 4.12 cents in 2011. Diluted earnings per share were 1.53 cents, compared with 4.10 cents for 2011.

Financial position

Net assets increased to $90.6 million (2011: $86.6 million). The main movements in the balance sheet items were property, plant and equipment (relating mainly to the addition of water coolers for rental of $3.9 million) and goodwill and other intangible fixed assets increasing by $25.2 million (primarily arising from acquisitions during the year).

Cash and treasury

The Group continues to be cash generative from its operating activities, with net cash inflow from operating activities for 2012 of $6.9 million, 97.9 per cent above 2011. The Group closed the year with net cash and cash equivalents of $ 29.8 million (2011: $50.6 million), and net funds of $24.4m (2011: $43.3m). These higher inflows were offset by higher cash outflows in support of acquisitions. ($22.4 million, being $21.0 million of acquisitions and $1.4 million of intangible assets) and net repayment of financing arrangements ($3.3 million). Interest received and paid resulted in a net outflow of $0.3 million which was $1.5 million lower than 2011, due predominantly to a full year's effect of lower interest payments on debt post the Group's Admission in July 2011. Investing activities for 2012 resulted in an outflow of $24.4 million in total which was $16.3 million higher than the corresponding outflow in 2011.

The Group's net funds are notionally allocated for future acquisition opportunities and working capital requirements, the development and commercialisation of Firewall(TM) technology and creating additional manufacturing capacity. As mentioned previously, the Group is currently in the process of securing additional debt finance to ensure we are able to continue to pursue our growth strategy.

Post balance sheet events

After the year end, the Group acquired a 100 per cent interest in Water Filters Limited trading as AquaCure Scotland. The deal was completed for an initial consideration of $0.5 million. Additionally the Group paid deferred consideration of $0.2m for Prisme, released money from escrow for DSK and Aqua Service and acquired an additional 23.85 per cent of the equity in AquaCure. On 28 February 2013, $0.2m was sent by Waterlogic Plc towards the equity capital in the new joint venture in India with Eureka Forbes.

Current trading and outlook

While the external commercial environment is expected to remain challenging in 2013, the Directors remain confident about the Group's Firewall(TM) technology projects, potential acquisitions and, most importantly, the Group's organic business.

Looking ahead, we have put together comprehensive bottom-up business plans with key emphasis on 'focus on delivery'. The business plan is built around seven key business drivers:

-- Continue to deliver growth in consumer and commercial markets by developing new products through innovation and creativity using internal resource and the use of external specialists.

-- Deliver best value from suppliers through the introduction of professional procurement.

-- Improve productivity, reduce costs and improve customer service through investment in IT hardware and software.

-- Develop people skills through training and recruitment appropriate to the fast growing and increasingly complex business.

-- Make acquisitions in key existing geographic markets and one in a new geographic territory.

-- Develop e-commerce marketing to accelerate acquisition of new customers at optimum cost.

-- Develop appropriate pricing strategy and tactics in the Group to maximise the multiple of price and volume.

We believe these plans reinforce the Group's philosophy of our people working in a meritocracy, where making a strong contribution to the Group will enable employees to develop their career within the Group, that creates opportunities through both organic growth and acquisitions. We are putting increased emphasis on the statement "well done is better than well said" and we will develop our values built on trust, honesty, loyalty, teamwork, commitment, skill and determination.

Jeremy Ben-David

Group Chief Executive Officer

12 April 2013

Consolidated income statement                       Year ended 31 
 for the year ended 31 December 2012                   December 
                                                      2012      2011 
                                            Note     $'000     $'000 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                        3   100,968    84,856 
Cost of sales                                     (39,463)  (34,652) 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Gross profit                                        61,505    50,204 
Administrative expenses                           (57,513)  (43,677) 
Distribution expenses                                (900)     (792) 
Marketing expenses                                   (911)     (696) 
Other gains and losses                                 346       213 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Operating profit                                     2,527     5,252 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
 Adjustment for the effect of: 
Share based incentives                         5     1,630     1,872 
Capital reorganisation related costs           5        56       628 
Acquisition and integration related costs      5     2,308        66 
Corporate reorganisation costs                 5       774        61 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Adjusted operating profit                            7,295     7,879 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
 Finance income                                        177        83 
Finance costs                                        (730)   (1,571) 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Profit before tax                                    1,974     3,764 
Income tax expense                                   (525)   (1,006) 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Profit for the year                                  1,449     2,758 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Profit attributable to: 
Owners of the Company                                1,185     2,488 
Non-controlling interests                              264       270 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
                                                     1,449     2,758 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Earnings per share                             6 
Basic (cents per share)                               1.56      4.12 
Diluted (cents per share)                             1.53      4.10 
------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
                                                                  Year ended 31 
for the year ended 31 December 2012                                  December 
                                                                    2012    2011 
                                                                   $'000   $'000 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---  -------  ------ 
Profit for the year                                                1,449   2,758 
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations            882   (574) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total comprehensive income for the year                            2,331   2,184 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total comprehensive income attributable to: 
Owners of the Company                                              2,061   1,815 
Non-controlling interests                                            270     369 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
                                                                   2,331   2,184 
 --------------------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 

Consolidated balance sheet

as at 31 December 2012

                                              2012     2011 
                                             $'000    $'000 
------------------------------------  ---  -------  ------- 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                                    24,858   11,199 
Other intangible assets                     20,296    8,801 
Property, plant and equipment               16,302   10,452 
Deferred tax asset                           1,071      288 
-----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total non-current assets                    62,527   30,740 
Current assets 
Inventories                                 13,361   12,495 
Trade and other receivables                 23,312   19,441 
Cash and cash equivalents                   30,154   51,130 
-----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total current assets                        66,827   83,066 
-----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total assets                               129,354  113,806 
-----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Capital and reserves 
Stated capital                                   -        - 
Additional paid in capital                  60,389   60,261 
Translation reserve                            298    (578) 
Share based payment reserve                  4,420    2,882 
Retained earnings                           25,218   24,033 
-----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Equity attributable to Shareholders         90,325   86,598 
Non-controlling interest                       297       27 
-----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total equity                                90,622   86,625 
-----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

Consolidated balance sheet continued

as at 31 December 2012

                                                2012     2011 
                                               $'000    $'000 
--------------------------------------  ---  -------  ------- 
Non-current liabilities 
- bank and other borrowings                    2,783    4,173 
- obligations under finance leases                21       89 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total borrowings                               2,804    4,262 
Derivative financial instruments                  96      132 
Deferred tax liability                         1,520      282 
Provisions                                        81       69 
Deferred and contingent consideration          1,271    1,863 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total non-current liabilities                  5,772    6,608 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                      19,407   13,769 
- bank and other borrowings                    2,855    3,431 
- convertible loan notes                           -        - 
- obligations under finance leases                65       89 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total borrowings                               2,920    3,520 
Current tax liabilities                        1,484    1,112 
Provisions                                        81       92 
Deferred revenue                               5,496    2,069 
Deferred and contingent consideration          3,572       11 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total current liabilities                     32,960   20,573 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total liabilities                             38,732   27,181 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total equity and liabilities                 129,354  113,806 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

The consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 12 April 2013 and were signed on its behalf by:

J Ben-David

Group Chief Executive Officer

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 31 December 2012

                                      paid               Share-based              Attributable           Non- 
                        Stated          in  Translation      payment   Retained             to    controlling 
                       capital     capital      reserve      reserve   earnings   Shareholders       interest    Total 
                         $'000       $'000        $'000        $'000      $'000          $'000          $'000    $'000 
--------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
Balance at 1 January 
 2011                        -         605           95            -     21,545         22,245          1,301   23,546 
Share for share 
 to acquire 
 interest                    -       1,571            -            -          -          1,571        (1,571)        - 
Issue of new shares 
 Admission                   -      65,387            -            -          -         65,387              -   65,387 
Costs relating to 
 issue of new shares         -     (7,147)            -            -          -        (7,147)              -  (7,147) 
Initial recognition 
 interest                    -           -            -            -          -              -           (72)     (72) 
Fair value of put 
 call option over 
 interest acquired 
 in the 
 year                        -       (155)            -            -          -          (155)              -    (155) 
Fair value of LTIP 
 transferred to 
 reserves                    -           -            -        1,507          -          1,507              -    1,507 
Transfer to reserves 
 share based payment 
 expense                     -           -            -        1,375          -          1,375              -    1,375 
Profit for the year          -           -            -            -      2,488          2,488            270    2,758 
Other comprehensive 
 income                      -           -        (673)            -          -          (673)             99    (574) 
--------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
Balance at 1 January 
 2012                        -      60,261        (578)        2,882     24,033         86,598             27   86,625 
Fair value of put 
 call option over 
 interest acquired 
 in the 
 year                        -         128            -            -          -            128              -      128 
Transfer to reserves 
 share based payment 
 expense                     -           -            -        1,538          -          1,538              -    1,538 
Profit for the year          -           -            -            -      1,185          1,185            264    1,449 
Other comprehensive 
 income                      -           -          876            -          -            876              6      882 
--------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
Balance at 31 
 2012                        -      60,389          298        4,420     25,218         90,325            297   90,622 
--------------------  --------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ---------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
                                                                Year ended 31 
for the year ended 31 December 2012                                December 
                                                                  2012      2011 
                                                        Note     $'000     $'000 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Profit after tax for the year                                    1,449     2,758 
- depreciation and amortisation                                  7,363     5,142 
- acquisitions (contingent consideration adjustments)              375     (379) 
- share based incentives expense                                 1,630     1,872 
- income tax expense                                               525     1,006 
- net interest expense and changes in the fair 
 value of derivative financial instruments                         584     1,593 
- loss on disposal of non-current assets                            57        55 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Adjusted operating profit before working capital 
 movements                                                      11,983    12,047 
Net effect of working capital movements                    8     1,300   (1,086) 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Cash flow before purchase of rental assets, 
 interest and tax                                               13,283    10,961 
Purchases of rental assets                                     (3,931)   (3,671) 
Proceeds on disposal of rental assets                               57        98 
Interest paid                                                    (488)   (1,890) 
Tax paid                                                       (2,016)   (2,009) 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Net cash from operating activities                               6,905     3,489 
Investing activities 
Interest received                                                  181        85 
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and 
 equipment                                                           4         4 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                     (2,181)   (1,031) 
Purchases of intangible assets                                 (1,380)   (1,271) 
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                            (21,045)   (5,112) 
Deferred and contingent consideration paid                        (12)     (726) 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Net cash used in investing activities                         (24,433)   (8,051) 
Financing activities 
Proceeds from the issue of new shares (net of 
 costs)                                                    8         -    58,240 
New bank loans raised                                            1,257     5,027 
Repayment of bank loans and other financing                    (4,567)  (12,442) 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Net cash from financing activities                             (3,310)    50,825 
Translation differences                                             17     (125) 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents          (20,821)    46,138 
Net cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
 year                                                           50,631     4,493 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Net cash and cash equivalents at end of year               8    29,810    50,631 
------------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 


1. General information

Waterlogic Plc (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together the "Group") operate as a vertically integrated business engaged in the design, manufacture, distribution, servicing and sale of point of use water machines in worldwide markets.

The Company is a Public Limited company which is listed on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (AIM) The Company is incorporated in Jersey under registration number 108193. The address of its registered office is 15, Union Street, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, JE2 3RF and the company's operating activities are based in Ireland.

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2012, but is derived from those accounts. The auditors reported on those accounts on 12 April 2013 and their report was unqualified. Statutory accounts for 2012 will be delivered following the company's Annual General Meeting.

2. Basis of preparation

The Company has prepared the financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU. The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and under the historical cost convention, modified by the revaluation of certain financial instruments.

The financial statements are presented in US Dollars. This is the predominant functional currency of the Group and is the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates. Foreign operations are consolidated within the financial statements in accordance with the policies set out below.

3. Revenue

An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows:

                                Year ended 31 
                                 2012    2011 
                                $'000   $'000 
----------------------------  -------  ------ 
Continuing operations 
Direct sales                   16,004  12,130 
Indirect sales                 45,994  45,719 
Rental and service income      38,970  27,007 
----------------------------  -------  ------ 
Consolidated total revenues   100,968  84,856 
----------------------------  -------  ------ 

4. Business and geographical segments

Information reported to the Group's Chief Executive for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance is focused on the location of markets in which the Group operates. The Group's reportable segments are set out overleaf.

The following is an analysis of the Group's revenues and operating profit/(loss) by reportable segment.

                                    Year ended 31 
                                     2012    2011 
                                    $'000   $'000 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
International Trading 
External sales                     14,375  15,909 
Inter-segment sales                12,636  13,563 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total revenue                      27,011  29,472 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Segment operating profit            3,415   5,386 
External sales                     31,786  21,014 
Inter-segment sales                   563      58 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total revenue                      32,349  21,072 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Segment operating profit            3,361   2,434 
External sales                      7,342   6,539 
Inter-segment sales                     -       - 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total revenue                       7,342   6,539 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Segment operating profit/(loss)       481   (122) 
External sales                     11,934  11,618 
Inter-segment sales                    25      92 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total revenue                      11,959  11,710 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Segment operating profit            2,024   1,359 
External sales                     24,768  22,655 
Inter-segment sales                     -       - 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total revenue                      24,768  22,655 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Segment operating (loss)/profit   (1,137)      67 
External sales                     10,757   7,118 
Inter-segment sales                   374     168 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total revenue                      11,131   7,286 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Segment operating profit            1,433     717 
External sales                          6       3 
Inter-segment sales                15,258  15,834 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total revenue                      15,264  15,837 
--------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Segment operating (loss)            (115)   (238) 
Segment result 
External sales                                            100,968    84,856 
Inter-segment sales                                        28,856    29,715 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Total revenue                                             129,824   114,571 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Segment operating profit                                    9,462     9,603 
Elimination of inter-segment sales                       (28,856)  (29,715) 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Eliminations from operating profit                           (40)   (1,588) 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 4. Business and geographical segments continued 
External sales                                            100,968    84,856 
Aggregate segment operating profit net of eliminations      9,422     8,015 
Central administration costs                              (6,895)   (2,763) 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Operating profit                                            2,527     5,252 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the Group's accounting policies. Inter segment sales are charged at prevailing market rates. Segment operating profit represents the profit earned by each segment without allocation of the share of central administration costs including Directors' salaries, investment revenue and finance costs and income tax expense. This is the measure reported to the Group's Chief Executive for the purpose of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.

Central administration costs comprise principally the employment related costs and other overheads incurred by the Company, and its subsidiaries WIL and WLI (UK) Ltd, net of management charges to and from other subsidiaries, and inter-company commission income. Also included within central administration costs is the charge relating to the share based payment plans of $1,630,000 for the year ended 31 December 2012 (2011: $1,872,000) (see note 9).

Segment net assets

                            2012     2011 
Year ended 31 December     $'000    $'000 
------------------------  ------  ------- 
International Trading      5,904    2,399 
Scandinavia               10,019    4,272 
France                     2,154      202 
Germany                    4,975    3,763 
USA                        9,928   12,118 
UK                         5,597    5,819 
PRC                        2,551    1,760 
Total segment assets      41,128   30,333 
Eliminations               (736)  (2,041) 
Central services          50,230   58,333 
------------------------  ------  ------- 
Consolidated net assets   90,622   86,625 
------------------------  ------  ------- 

For the purposes of monitoring segment performance and allocating resources between segments the Group's Chief Executive monitors the tangible, intangible and financial assets attributable to each segment. All assets are allocated to reportable segments with the exception of investments in associates, other financial assets (except for trade and other receivables) and tax assets. Goodwill has been allocated to reportable segments. Assets used jointly by reportable segments are allocated on the basis of the revenues earned by individual reportable segments. The eliminations principally represent goodwill recognised on internal transfers and investments in subsidiaries.

Other segment information

                            Depreciation         non-current 
                           and amortisation        assets 
                         -------------------   -------------- 
                              2012      2011     2012    2011 
Year ended 31 December       $'000     $'000    $'000   $'000 
-----------------------  ---------  --------   ------  ------ 
International Trading          127        96    1,004     372 
Scandinavia                  1,477       339   16,222     231 
France                         611       436    2,463     751 
Germany                      1,458     1,277    1,491   1,369 
USA                          2,557     2,198   13,646   3,917 
UK                             395       271       52   7,896 
PRC                            521       325    1,560     624 
Central services               217       200      364     515 
-----------------------  ---------  --------   ------  ------ 
Total                        7,363     5,142   36,802  15,675 
-----------------------  ---------  --------   ------  ------ 

4. Business and geographical segments continued

The Group is managed on the basis of segment performance, focused on the geographical location of markets. Following the establishment of the new Consumer Division, operations are also reviewed on the basis of performance of the Consumer and Commercial Divisions. Accordingly, the following additional disclosure has been made with respect to the Consumer and Commercial Divisions.

                                                                                                      Year ended 31 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                                                      2012                        2011 
                                                                                      $000                       $'000 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Commercial Sales 
 External sales                                                                    100,461                      84,856 
 Gross profit                                                                       61,416                      50,204 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Gross margin                                                                          61%                         59% 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Division operating 
  profit                                                                            12,869                       8,876 
 Consumer Sales 
 External sales                                                                        507                           - 
 Gross profit                                                                           89                           - 
-------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Gross margin                                                                          18%                           - 
-------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Division operating 
  loss                                                                             (3,447)                       (861) 
   External sales                                                                  100,968                      84,856 
 Gross profit                                                                       61,505                      50,204 
 Gross margin                                                                          61%                         59% 
 Aggregate division operating 
  profit                                                                             9,422                       8,015 
 Central administration 
  costs                                                                            (6,895)                     (2,763) 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Operating profit                                                                    2,527                       5,252 
-------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 

Information about major customers

No single customer accounted for more than 10 per cent of reported sales in 2012 and no single major customer accounted for more than 10 per cent of the total balance of trade receivables net of allowances for doubtful debts on 31 December 2012. At 31 December 2011 a single major customer accounted for more 12.1 per cent of the total balance of trade receivables net of allowances for doubtful debts, but no other single customer accounted for more than 10 per cent of this balance.

5. Adjusted profitability measures

The Directors use adjusted measures to judge the profitability of the Group to provide them with a consistent basis of comparison of the Groups results, on a year on year basis. During the years under review, these "Adjusted" measures include: Adjusted operating profit; Adjusted EBITDA; and Adjusted net income.

Where applicable the following items, including their tax effect where applicable, have been excluded when calculating adjusted items:

- Share based incentives expense

   --      Share based payment expense recognised in connection with the PSP and the LTIP (note 9). 

- Capital reorganisation related costs

-- Costs associated with the capital reorganisation of WIL and those incurred by the Company in connection with the admission of the Company's ordinary shares to AIM.

- Acquisition and integration related costs

-- Costs associated with acquisitions, including transaction costs, now also including fair value adjustments on contingent consideration. (To ensure a consistent basis of comparison, prior year figures have been updated where appropriate.); and

-- Costs associated with the integration of companies, including restructuring undertaken as a result of the acquisition of subsidiaries by the Group.

- Corporate reorganisation costs

   --      Costs associated with termination of employment resulting from: 

o relocation and/or redundancy of role; and

o termination payments to Executive Directors of the Group.

                                                    Year ended 31 
                                                     2012    2011 
                                                    $'000   $'000 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Operating profit                                    2,527   5,252 
Add depreciation and amortisation                   7,363   5,142 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
EBITDA                                              9,890  10,394 
 Adjusting items: 
- share based incentives expense                    1,630   1,872 
- capital reorganisation related costs                 56     628 
- acquisition and integration related costs         2,308      66 
- corporate reorganisation costs                      774      61 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Total adjusting items                               4,768   2,627 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Adjusted operating profit                           7,295   7,879 
  Adjusted EBITDA                                  14,658  13,021 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Profit for the year (net income)                    1,449   2,758 
Total adjusting items and related finance costs     4,883   2,727 
Tax effect of adjusting items                       (256)   (276) 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Adjusted net income                                 6,076   5,209 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 

6. Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data:


                                                     Year ended 31 
                                                      2012    2011 
                                                     $'000   $'000 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Profit attributable to the owners of the Company     1,185   2,488 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
                                                                 Year ended 31 
                                                             2012         2011 
                                                           Number       Number 
----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Weighted average number of shares in issue             77,604,207   61,986,447 
Weighted average number of shares held by employee 
 share trust                                          (1,660,000)  (1,660,000) 
----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Shares used to calculate basic earnings per share      75,944,207   60,326,447 
Dilution due to share-based incentive plans             1,356,781      341,523 
----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Shares used to calculate diluted earnings per share    77,300,988   60,667,970 
----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Basic earnings per share (cents)                             1.56         4.12 
Diluted earnings per share (cents)                           1.53         4.10 
----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Earnings per share have been calculated by dividing the profit attributable to Shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

7. Acquisition of subsidiaries

Det Stavangerske Kaffeselskap AS

On 1 February 2012 the Group acquired 100 per cent of the shares of Det Stavangerske Kaffeselskap AS ("DSK") for total consideration of $1.5 million. DSK of Norway is a leading vendor of water dispensers and coffee machines in the Stavanger region and the acquisition represents a strategic opportunity for Waterlogic to enhance market share in Norway.

                                          Fair value 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
Net assets acquired: 
- property, plant and equipment                   22 
- trade receivables                              364 
- other monetary assets                          604 
- monetary liabilities assumed                 (675) 
- intangible assets recognised                   560 
- deferred tax liability                       (164) 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
Total net assets acquired                        711 
Goodwill recognised                              790 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
Satisfied by: 
- cash                                         1,587 
- assignment of declared dividend               (86) 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
Net cash flow on acquisition: 
Cash consideration                             1,587 
Less: assignment of declared dividend           (86) 
Add: bank overdrafts assumed                      69 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 

Intangible assets of $560,000 have been recognised comprising the value of the customer contracts and on-going customer relationships that existed at the date of acquisition. Customer contracts in place at the acquisition date have been valued based upon the discounted cash flows arising from these contracts following the deduction of relevant contributory asset charges. The customer relationship value represents the future discounted cash flows arising on the customer base projected over ten years allowing for customer attrition rates and expected growth in revenue and profits from these customers. A deferred tax provision of $164,000 is recognised in respect of these intangible assets with a corresponding off-set to goodwill. This deferred tax provision is recycled through profit and loss in line with the amortisation charges of the related intangible asset. We do not expect the goodwill to be deductible for tax purposes.

Acquisition-related costs of $88,000 have been expensed and are included in administrative expenses as incurred. DSK contributed $2,378,100 of revenue and $96,400 of operating loss to the Group's results for the period between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date. Had the acquisition of DSK occurred on 1 January 2012, Group revenue would have been approximately $220,700 higher and Group operating profit would have been approximately $8,900 lower.

7. Acquisition of subsidiaries continued

Prisme SARL

On 31 January 2012 the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Prisme SARL ("Prisme") for total consideration of $1.5 million. Prisme, based in the south of France, is a leading vendor of POU dispensers in the region and the acquisition represents a strategic opportunity for Waterlogic to enhance market share in France.

                                    Fair value 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Net assets acquired: 
- property, plant and equipment             88 
- trade receivables                        189 
- other monetary assets                      1 
- monetary liabilities assumed           (527) 
- intangible assets recognised             684 
- deferred tax liability                 (228) 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Total net assets acquired                  207 
Goodwill recognised                      1,305 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Satisfied by: 
- cash                                   1,360 
- contingent cash consideration            152 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Net cash flow on acquisition: 
Cash consideration                       1,360 
Add: bank overdrafts assumed                62 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------  ------------ 

The contingent cash consideration represents the retained element of the purchase price, which has subsequent to the balance sheet date been paid on the first anniversary of the completion date.

Intangible assets of $684,000 have been recognised comprising the value of the customer contracts and on-going customer relationships that existed at the date of acquisition. Customer contracts in place at the acquisition date have been valued based upon the discounted cash flows arising from these contracts following the deduction of relevant contributory asset charges. The customer relationship value represents the future discounted cash flows arising on the customer base projected over ten years allowing for customer attrition rates and expected growth in revenue and profits from these customers. A deferred tax provision of $228,000 is recognised in respect of these intangible assets with a corresponding off-set to goodwill. This deferred tax provision is recycled through the income statement in line with the amortisation charges of the related intangible asset. We do not expect the goodwill to be deductible for tax purposes.

Acquisition-related costs of $66,000 have been expensed and are included in administrative expenses as incurred. Prisme contributed $427,200 of revenue and $1,900 of operating loss to the Group's results for the period between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date. Had the acquisition of Prisme occurred on 1 January 2012, Group revenue would have been approximately $38,300 higher and Group operating profit would have been approximately $200 lower.

7. Acquisition of subsidiaries continued

Aqua Service AS

On 13 March 2012 the Group acquired 100 per cent of the shares of Aqua Service AS ("Aqua Service") for total consideration of $6.7 million. Aqua Service is a leading rental and service supplier of bottled water coolers, water dispensers and coffee machines in Norway and Sweden and the acquisition represents a strategic opportunity for Waterlogic to enhance market share in both countries.

                                    Fair value 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Net assets acquired: 
- property, plant and equipment          3,411 
- trade receivables                        727 
- monetary liabilities assumed         (6,664) 
- intangible assets recognised           6,374 
- deferred tax liability               (1,737) 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Total net assets acquired                2,111 
Goodwill recognised                      4,609 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Satisfied by: 
- cash                                   6,720 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
Net cash flow on acquisition: 
Cash consideration                       6,720 
Add: loan balances assumed               2,558 
Less: cash balances acquired             (495) 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------  ------------ 

Intangible assets of $6,374,000 have been recognised comprising the value of the customer contracts and on-going customer relationships that existed at the date of acquisition and the trade name "Aqua Service". Customer contracts in place at the acquisition date have been valued based upon the discounted cash flows arising from these contracts following the deduction of relevant contributory asset charges. The customer relationship value represents the future discounted cash flows arising on the customer base projected over ten years allowing for customer attrition rates and expected growth in revenue and profits from these customers. The value of the trade name has been established using the 'Relief from Royalty' method using an applicable royalty rate based on an assessment of the strength of the trade name and is being amortised over a five year period.

A deferred tax provision of $1,737,000 is recognised in respect of these intangible assets with a corresponding off-set to goodwill. This deferred tax provision is recycled through the profit and loss in line with the amortisation charges of the related intangible asset. We do not expect the goodwill to be deductible for tax purposes.

Acquisition-related costs of $368,000 have been expensed and are included in administrative expenses as incurred. Aqua Service contributed $9,612,000 of revenue and $1,012,300 of operating profit to the Group's results for the period between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date. Had the acquisition of Aqua Service occurred on 1 January 2012, Group revenue would have been approximately $2,119,100 higher and Group operating profit would have been approximately $38,400 lower.

7. Acquisition of subsidiaries continued

Taylor Made Water Systems Inc

On 23 August 2012, the Group acquired 100 per cent of the shares of Taylor Made Water Systems, Inc. ("TMW") for total consideration of $6.9 million. TMW of USA is a leading vendor of water dispensers and coffee machines in the Northern California region and the acquisition represents a strategic opportunity for Waterlogic to enter a new geographic region. The purchase price allocation exercise is not yet finalised and accordingly the fair values set out below are provisional.

                                   fair value 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Net assets acquired: 
- property, plant and equipment         1,122 
- trade receivables                       435 
- other monetary assets                   312 
- monetary liabilities assumed        (1,627) 
- intangible assets recognised          2,300 
Total net assets acquired               2,542 
Goodwill recognised                     4,382 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Satisfied by: 
- cash                                  5,000 
- working capital adjustment            (880) 
- contingent consideration              2,804 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Net cash flow on acquisition: 
Cash consideration                      5,000 
Less: cash balances acquired             (47) 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
--------------------------------  ----------- 

Intangible assets of $2,300,000 have been recognised comprising the value of the trade name "Taylor Made Water Systems", non-compete agreements with vendors and on-going customer relationships that existed at the date of acquisition. The customer relationship value represents the future discounted cash flows arising on the customer base projected over ten years allowing for customer attrition rates and expected growth in revenue and profits from these customers. The trade name is being amortised over a five year period.

The Group has an obligation to the vendors to make payments in the future based upon the earnings of the TMW business over the three years after acquisition. Payments are to be made in stages and the obligation has been recorded as either a current or non-current liability dependent on the expected timing of the payment. The present value of the expected payments is $2,804,000.

Acquisition-related costs of $225,000 have been expensed and are included in administrative expenses as incurred. TMW contributed $1,589,700 of revenue and $227,900 of operating profit to the Group's results for the period between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date. Had the acquisition of TMW occurred on 1 January 2012, Group revenue would have been approximately $2,873,700 higher and Group operating profit would have been approximately $412,000 higher.

7. Acquisition of subsidiaries continued

AquaPrix Inc

On 18 September 2012, the Group acquired the Commercial POU coolers and rental contracts of AquaPrix Inc. ("APX") for total consideration of $1.8 million. APX of the USA is a leading vendor of water dispensers and coffee machines in the Northern California region and the acquisition represents a strategic opportunity for Waterlogic to increase market share in this region. The purchase price allocation exercise is not yet finalised and accordingly the fair values set out below are provisional.

                                   fair value 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Net assets acquired: 
- property, plant and equipment           164 
- trade receivables                        47 
- other monetary assets                    69 
- monetary liabilities assumed           (60) 
- intangible assets recognised          1,110 
Total net assets acquired               1,330 
Goodwill recognised                       475 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Satisfied by: 
- cash                                  1,800 
- purchase price adjustment                 5 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Net cash flow on acquisition: 
Cash consideration                      1,800 
--------------------------------  ----------- 

Intangible assets of $1,110,000 have been recognised comprising the value of the trade name "AquaPrix", non-compete agreements with vendors and on-going customer relationships that existed at the date of acquisition. The customer relationship value represents the future discounted cash flows arising on the customer base projected over ten years allowing for customer attrition rates and expected growth in revenue and profits from these customers. The trade name is being amortised over a five year period.

Acquisition-related costs of $100,000 have been expensed and are included in administrative expenses as incurred. APX contributed $268,100 of revenue and $(28,100) of operating loss to the Group's results for the period between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date. Had the acquisition of APX occurred on 1 January 2012, Group revenue would have been approximately $672,700 higher and Group operating profit would have been approximately $70,500 lower.

7. Acquisition of subsidiaries continued

Aqua Perfect LLC

On 14 November 2012, the Group acquired the Commercial POU coolers and rental contracts of Aqua Perfect LLC ("APT") for total consideration of $2.4 million. APT of the USA is a leading vendor of water dispensers and coffee machines in the Northern California region and the acquisition represents a strategic opportunity for Waterlogic to increase market share in this region. The purchase price allocation exercise is not yet finalised and accordingly the fair values set out below are provisional.

                                   fair value 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Net assets acquired: 
- property, plant and equipment           138 
- trade receivables                        73 
- other monetary assets                    77 
- monetary liabilities assumed           (73) 
- intangible assets recognised          1,100 
Total net assets acquired               1,315 
Goodwill recognised                     1,083 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Satisfied by: 
- cash                                  2,350 
- purchase price adjustment                48 
--------------------------------  ----------- 
Net cash flow on acquisition: 
Cash consideration                      2,000 
Deferred consideration                    350 
--------------------------------  ----------- 

Intangible assets of $1,100,000 have been recognised comprising the value of the trade name "Aquaperfect", non-compete agreement with the vendor and on-going customer relationships that existed at the date of acquisition. The customer relationship value represents the future discounted cash flows arising on the customer base projected over ten years allowing for customer attrition rates and expected growth in revenue and profits from these customers.

Acquisition-related costs of $109,000 have been expensed and are included in administrative expenses as incurred. APT contributed $121,600 of revenue and $12,200 of operating loss to the Group's results for the period between the date of acquisition and the balance sheet date. Had the acquisition of APT occurred on 1 January 2012, Group revenue would have been approximately $822,700 higher and Group operating profit would have been approximately $82,500 lower.

8. Notes to the cash flow statement

                                              Year ended 31 December 
                                                   2012         2011 
                                                  $'000        $'000 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Movements in working capital 
Increase in trade and other receivables           (451)      (3,393) 
Decrease in inventories                             362           27 
Increase in trade and other payables              1,513        1,953 
(Decrease)/increase in deferred revenue           (124)          327 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Net effect of working capital movements           1,300      (1,086) 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Proceeds from issue of new shares 
Cash from issue of new shares                         -       65,387 
Costs associated with issue of new shares             -      (7,147) 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Net proceeds from issue of new shares                 -       58,240 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents                        30,154       51,130 
Bank overdrafts                                   (344)        (499) 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash and cash equivalents                    29,810       50,631 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and short-term bank deposits with an original maturity of three months or less, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. The carrying amount of these assets is approximately equal to their fair value.

9. Share-based compensation

Cash-settled Long Term Incentive Plan

The Group had established a Long Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") that has been granted to certain executives under what is known as the phantom share scheme.

The Group recognised a liability for the services provided by the qualifying executives in accordance with the fair value of the expected cash settlement due in the future. The vesting period ranged between four and six years across the holders from date of grant. The award was forfeited if the executive left the Group before vesting.

As at the date of Admission to AIM the beneficiaries of the LTIP exchanged their interest in the LTIP for awards under the Performance Share Plan (PSP). The fair value of the LTIP awards at the date of Admission as estimated by the Directors based upon the enterprise value of the Group immediately before Admission was transferred from provisions to the share based payment reserve in accordance with modification accounting of IFRS 2 "Share based payments".

Prior to the transfer to the share based payment reserve the fair value of this liability was re-measured at each balance sheet date, with any changes in fair value recognised in administrative expenses in the income statement for the period.

The fair value of the LTIP liability for the period under review is as follows:

-------------------------------------------  ------- 
Fair value at 31 December 2010                 1,405 
Change in fair value during 2011                 102 
Transferred to share based payment reserve   (1,507) 
-------------------------------------------  ------- 
Fair value at 31 December 2011                     - 
Change in fair value during 2012                   - 
Transferred to share based payment reserve         - 
-------------------------------------------  ------- 
Fair value at 31 December 2012                     - 
-------------------------------------------  ------- 

9. Share-based compensation continued

Performance Share Plan and Non-Executive Awards

At Admission the Company established the PSP for certain officers and employees of the Group. Awards take the form of a right to acquire Ordinary Shares in the Company for nil consideration. All the Awards include performance conditions, which are primarily one or more of (i) continued employment within the Group; (ii) earnings for a specified fiscal year of the consolidated Group or an individual subsidiary; or (iii) an absolute level of Total Shareholder Return (TSR) over a specified period of typically three years. Awards based on EBIT have been issued for fiscal years up to the year ending 31 December 2016.

The Company has also made Non-Executive Awards to Benoit Raillard and Jeremy Marshall. The Non-Executive Awards are not granted pursuant to the PSP but, except for not having any performance conditions other than continuing to be a Director of the Company have terms that mirror the PSP Awards.

The number of Awards with the different performance conditions at 31 December 2012 is as follows:

---------------------------------------------------------  --------- 
Continued employment only (including the Non-Executive 
 Awards)                                                   1,661,162 
Continued employment and EBIT for a specific fiscal year   1,878,153 
Continued employment and TSR for a specific period         1,029,070 
Continued employment and other non-market conditions          81,097 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------- 
Total                                                      4,649,482 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------- 

There are 37 beneficiaries of the PSP as at 31 December 2012 (2011: 35). The weighted average fair value of each award made in 2012 is $2.78 (2011: $2.21).

Details of awards outstanding under the PSP are as follows:

                                            2012       2011 
Performance Share Plan (PSP)              Number     Number 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
Outstanding at beginning of period     4,192,788         -- 
Granted during the period              2,054,240  4,192,788 
Forfeited during the period            (839,692)         -- 
Exercised during the period                   --         -- 
Expired during the period              (757,854)         -- 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
Outstanding at the end of the period   4,649,482  4,192,788 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
Exercisable at the end of the period     835,640         -- 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 

The total expense recognised in the year for the PSP awards (including the social security charges estimated to arise on the eventual exercise of the awards) is $1,630,000 (2011: $1,732,000).

The weighted average remaining contractual life of the awards outstanding at 31 December 2012 is 2.7 years (2011: 3.2 years). In 2012, awards were granted on 11 June, 27 and 28 September and 1 October. The aggregate of the estimated fair values of awards issued on those dates is $5,705,000. In 2011, awards were granted on 11 July, 1 and 8 November and 13 December. The aggregate of the estimated fair values of awards issued on those dates was $9,292,000.

Valuation methodology

The fair value of the PSP awards other than the TSR related awards is measured as the market price of the underlying share at the date of grant. The market price is obtained from external, publicly available sources. At each year end the relevant accrual for each grant is revised, if appropriate, to take account of any changes in estimate of the likely number of shares expected to vest.

The fair value of the TSR related awards is measured by applying the probability of satisfying the conditions at the grant date through an appropriate statistical model. This initial valuation remains fixed throughout the life of the Award, irrespective of the actual performance. Where a lapse occurs on non-market based options due to the cessation of employment the cumulative charge taken to date is reversed.

10. Events after the balance sheet date

Acquisitions of subsidiaries

Aqua Cure Scotland

On 28 February 2013 the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Water Filters Limited trading as Aqua Cure Scotland for a total consideration of $0.5m. Aqua Cure Scotland, a vendor of water filtration and water purification equipment based in Perth, has for 20 years supplied a diverse customer base of both business and residential customers. Waterlogic's strategic acquisition of Aqua Cure Limited in 2011 has provided the Group with a complementary range of products to offer its customers. The acquisition of Aqua Cure Scotland expands upon this strategy, increasing coverage of the UK market and giving the Company direct access to the Scottish market. Following completion, the Aqua Cure Scotland business will become part of Aqua Cure Limited, a subsidiary of Waterlogic Plc. Due to the proximity of the acquisition date to the date these financial statements were authorised for issue, the fair values of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are yet to be finalised.

Acquisition of non-controlling interest

Aqua Cure Limited

On 7 March 2013, the Group acquired a further 23.85 per cent holding in Aqua Cure Limited to bring its total holding in the company to 93.85 per cent. The Group has an option over the remaining 6.15 per cent interest which may be exercised up to 31 December 2015.

Joint venture

On 7 November 2012, Waterlogic signed a joint venture agreement with Eureka Forbes Ltd ("Eureka Forbes"), a leading player in the consumer durables industry, Asia's largest direct selling organisation and the market leader in residential water purification systems.

A new company has been created with equal shareholdings between Waterlogic and Aquamall Water Solutions Ltd (the wholly-owned manufacturing division subsidiary of Eureka Forbes) called Aquaignis Private Ltd ("Aquaignis" or the "Joint Venture").

The Joint Venture will manufacture and market water purification products specifically suited to both Indian residential consumers and business customers. The products will be sold in India through Eureka Forbes' extensive sales network, which includes the largest and most highly developed direct sales network for water dispensing systems in Asia, as well as market-leading retail and commercial channels. Additionally, products will be manufactured for export sales by both Waterlogic globally and by Eureka Forbes in selected territories outside of India.

All relevant products will carry the Firewall(TM) branding, to denote the use of Waterlogic's ultra-violet ("UV") purification technology.

Aquaignis will begin manufacturing products incorporating Waterlogic's filtration and purification technologies, at a new manufacturing facility in Dehradun, in the northern state of Uttarakhand, India, which is due to open in the second half of 2013. Prior to the manufacturing facility gearing up for full production, Eureka Forbes will sell selected Waterlogic products manufactured and imported from the Company's main production centre in Qingdao, China.

On 28 February 2013, $153,000 was sent by both Aquamall Water Solutions Limited and Waterlogic Plc towards the equity capital in the new Company.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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