RNS Number:7938V
Waterline Group plc
19 December 2005

Waterline Group PLC

Unaudited Interim Results

Six months ended

30 September 2005


CEO's statement for the six months ended 30 September 2005

We are pleased to deliver our maiden Interim Results for the period up to 30th
September 2005, three months after our flotation on AIM. In line with the Board
of Directors objectives for expanding the Group's UK presence the results
presented below include one month of Coolectric, a business acquired on 1st
September 2005.

In what has been a very challenging market place, our revenue levels of #35.0m
are only 1.7% below the first six months of last year (2005 : #35.6m), based on
the Group's structure in 2005. If, however, we include the first month of
trading for Coolectric the overall turnover for the Group is increased to
#35.8m. The gross margin achieved during the six month period is 23.9% compared
with 23.5% for the year ending 31 March 2005.

Profit before tax has increased by 38.5% compared with the same period in 2005.
This is further increased to 48.6% when the profit before tax for Coolectric of
#51,000 is included. The trading profit for the Group has been compared before
the deduction of exceptional costs relating to the IPO of #227,000.

The basic earnings per share is at 0.02p for the half year. The earnings per
share for 31 March 2005 has been restated based on the restructuring of the
Group's share capital undertaken prior to the flotation. While the Board of
Directors have decided not to declare a dividend, it is their continued
intention to pursue a progressive dividend policy in line with annual profit

The net assets per share have increased by 9p to 49p per share (2005 : 40p). The
cash flow has continued to be strong with #2.7m generated from operations. When
this is combined with the proceeds of the share issue this has allowed an
initial payment by the Group for the acquisition of Coolectric amounting to
#880,000. The net effect of these movements leaves the Group with a cash
increase of #3.1m.

The second half of our year will remain challenging. It appears that products
particularly aimed at the higher end of our sector are selling well, whilst
entry point and middle market products continue to be under price and margin

We look forward to a strong showing at our regional trade shows during March and
April 2006, when we expect to meet around 3,000 trade customers who will be able
see the latest products from our portfolio.

We shall be integrating the Coolectric business into our site at Newport Pagnell
during February 2006 and early signs of our projected growth for the business
are promising.

We look forward to delivering full term results in line with market



Consolidated profit and loss account for the six months ended 30 September 2005

Continuing operations

                              Six months ended     Six months ended      Six months ended       Year ended
                                  30 September         30 September          30 September         31 March
                                          2005                 2005                  2005             2005
                                    (unaudited)          (unaudited)           (unaudited)        (audited)
                                             #                    #                     #                #
Turnover                            34,970,368              780,346            35,750,714       71,209,733
Cost of sales                       26,591,312              596,703            27,188,015       54,501,954
                                      ________            _________             _________        _________

Gross profit                         8,379,056              183,643             8,562,699       16,707,779
Distribution costs                                                              2,426,027        5,118,548
Administrative expenses                                                         5,188,335        9,988,110
                                                                                _________        _________
Operating profit                                                                  948,337        1,601,121
Other income                                                                       19,481           28,016
Interest payable and similar charges                                             (352,631)        (688,248) 
                                                                                _________        _________

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                     615,187          940,889
Taxation on profit from ordinary activities                                       350,357          460,833
                                                                                _________        _________
Retained profit for the period                                                    264,830          480,056

Earnings per share
Basic (pence per share)                                                              0.02             0.05
Diluted (pence per share)                                                            0.02             0.05


Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses and reconciliation
of movements in shareholders' funds for the six months ended 30 September 2005

                                                             Six months ended           Year ended
                                                                 30 September             31 March
                                                                         2005                 2005
                                                                   (unaudited)            (audited)
                                                                            #                    #
Statement of total recognised gains and losses

Profit for the year                                                   264,830              480,056
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of investments                            -                5,256
Currency translation differences on foreign currency
net investments                                                        69,049              (30,482)
                                                                     ________             ________

Total recognised gains and losses for the year                        333,879              454,830

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                                             Six months ended           Year ended
                                                                 30 September             31 March
                                                                         2005                 2005
                                                                   (unaudited)            (audited)
                                                                            #                    #

Profit for the year                                                   264,830              480,056

Issue of shares                                                     2,000,000                    -
Costs of share issue                                                 (192,044)                   -
Other recognised gains and losses                                      69,049              (25,226)
                                                                     ________             ________
                                                                    2,141,835              454,830

Opening shareholders' funds                                         4,291,700            3,836,870
                                                                     ________             ________

Closing shareholders' funds                                         6,433,535            4,291,700


Consolidated balance sheet at 30 September 2005

                                             30 September    30 September     31 March    31 March
                                                     2005            2005         2005        2005
                                               (unaudited)     (unaudited)    (audited)   (audited)
                                                        #               #            #           #

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                1,113,582               1,041,549
Tangible assets                                                  6,384,679               6,252,266
Investments                                                         21,980                  15,838
                                                                 _________               _________

                                                                 7,520,241               7,309,653
Current assets
Stocks                                          9,863,281                    7,809,507
Debtors                                        11,897,583                   10,668,361
Cash at bank and in hand                        1,566,389                       10,626
                                                _________                    _________

                                               23,327,253                   18,488,494
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year                                21,420,730                   18,942,360
                                                _________                    _________
Net current assets/(liabilities)                                 1,906,523               (453,866)
                                                                 _________               _________

Total assets less current liabilities                            9,426,764              6,855,787

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year                                        (2,924,229)            (2,495,087)

Provision for liability and charges                                (69,000)               (69,000) 
                                                                 _________               _________

                                                                 6,433,535               4,291,700

Capital and reserves
Called up share capita                                            l 65,568                   4,128
Share premium account                                            1,847,931                  51,879
Revaluation reserve                                                 90,256                  90,256
Other reserves                                                       4,047                   4,047
Profit and loss account                                          4,425,733               4,141,390
                                                                 _________               _________

Shareholders' funds - equity                                     6,433,535               4,291,700


Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 30 September 2005

                                                 30 September  30 September   31 March    31 March
                                                         2005          2005       2005        2005
                                                   (unaudited)   (unaudited)  (audited)   (audited)
                                                            #             #          #           #

Net cash inflow from operating activities                         2,688,068              1,219,349

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                                      19,481                   28,016
Interest paid                                        (334,820)                (663,322)
Interest element of finance lease
rental payments                                       (17,811)                 (24,926)
                                                     ________                  ________

Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance                               (333,150)              (660,232)

UK corporation tax paid                                (91481)                (256,635)
Overseas tax repaid/(paid)                             45,764                 (185,749) 
                                                     ________                  ________
                                                                    (45,717)              (442,384)
Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                    (265,041)                (456,348)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                          85,869                  154,382
                                                     ________                  ________
                                                                   (179,172)              (301,966)

Acquisition and disposals

Acquisition of group companies                       (880,000)                       -
Cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings            443,737                        -
                                                     _________                 ________

                                                                   (436,263)                     -
                                                                   ________               ________
Cash inflow/(outflow) before use of
liquid resources and financing                                    1,693,766               (185,233)


Issue of ordinary shares                            1,807,956                        -
Bank loan                                            (157,950)                 (299,051) 
Capital element of finance lease
rental payments                                      (238,867)                 (370,293)
                                                     ________                  ________
                                                                  1,411,139               (669,344) 
                                                                   ________               ________

Increase /(decrease) in cash                                      3,104,905               (854,577)


Notes forming part of the interim report for the six months ended 30 September

1 Basis and preparation

The accounts for the group for the six months ended 30 September 2005, which are
unaudited, were approved by the board on 7 December 2005. The accounts have been
prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the annual
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2005.

The results contained in this report do not constitute statutory accounts as
defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for
the full preceding year is based on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31
March 2005. Those accounts on which the auditors, BDO Stoy Hayward LLP, issued
an unqualified opinion have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

2 Segmental analysis
                                          Turnover             Pre tax profit
                                    Six months       Year   Six months      Year
                                  30 September   31 March 30 September  31 March
                                          2005       2005         2005      2005
Analysis by geographical market:    (unaudited)  (audited)  (unaudited) (audited)
                                             #           #           #         #

United Kingdom                      32,921,002  65,884,764     415,376   771,677
United States of America             2,829,712   5,324,969     199,811   169,212
                                     _________   _________   _________ _________
                                    35,750,714  71,209,733     615,187   940,889

3 Earnings per share

Basic and diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 30 September 2005
is based on the group profit on ordinary activities after taxation of #264,830
(31 March 2005 #480,056) attributed to 11,923,276 (31 March 2005 : 10,732,800)
ordinary shares being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the

4 Reserves
                                                 Share                Capital       Profit
                                      Share    premium Revaluation redemption     and loss
                                    Capital     account    reserve    reserve      account
                                          #           #          #          #            #
At 1 April 2005                       4,128      51,879     90,256      4,047    4,141,390
Retained profit the period                                                         264,830
Bonus issue                          49,536                                        (49,536)
Issue of shares                      11,904   1,988,096 
Costs of share issue                           (192,044) 
Revaluation of investments 
Translation differences on
foreign currency net investments
in subsidiary undertakings                                                          69,049
                                   ________    ________  ________     ________    ________
At 30 September 2005                 65,568   1,847,931    90,256        4,047   4,425,733


Notes forming part of the interim report for the six months ended 30 September
2005 (Continued)

5 Acquisition of Coolectric Limited

The interim report includes a cost of acquisition for Coolectric Limited of
#1,109,076. This is based on the draft completion accounts which are yet to be
formally agreed by both parties. The directors do not anticipate any material
change to this figure on finalisation of the completion accounts.

6 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating

                                                       30 September    31 March
                                                               2005        2005
                                                         (unaudited)   (audited)
                                                                  #           #

Operating profit                                            948,337   1,601,121
Depreciation                                                361,032     693,227
Amortisation                                                 29,046      57,244
Loss on sale of fixed assets                                 29,235      35,631
Currency translation differences                             47,104     (27,919)
Increase in stocks                                         (619,987)   (836,087)
Decrease in debtors                                       1,273,523     309,471
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                            619,778    (613,339)
                                                           ________    ________

Net cash inflow from operating activities                 2,688,068   1,219,349

7            Reconciliation of net cash inflow to movement in net debt

                                            30 September 30 September   31 March  31 March
                                                    2005         2005       2005      2005
                                              (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) (audited)
                                                        #           #          #         #

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year         3,104,905               (854,577)
Cash movements relating to debt                   157,951                299,051
Capital element of hire purchase and
finance lease rentals                             238,867                370,293
                                                 ________              _________

Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                3,501,722             (185,233)
New finance leases                                           (312,539)            (376,245)
                                                             ________             ________

Movement in net debt in the year                            3,189,184             (561,478)
Opening net debt                                           (6,002,427)          (5,440,949)
                                                             ________              ________

Closing net debt                                           (2,813,243)          (6,002,427)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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