RNS Number:6746R
World Travel Holdings PLC
28 September 2000

                           World Travel Holdings plc
                          2000 Second Quarter Results
World Travel Holdings plc ("WTH" or "the Group"), the travel technology and
services business, today announces its maiden trading results for the quarter
to 30 June 2000.

The company was recently demerged from business development group Culver
Holdings plc and admitted to trading on AIM in mid September.

All trading figures relate to WTH's consumer business worldtraveldirect and
have previously been commented on in the AIM admission document distributed to
shareholders on 1 September 2000.  As was stated in the Prospectus, the
management expected the Group to make a loss and to have negative cash flow
during this period as it invests in the development of its businesses.  These
Q2 results are in line with management's expectations.

The Business
WTH distributes travel products and services over the internet on a global
basis through a variety of channels using the Group's proven Powerflyerr
technology platform. WTH targets three distinct markets through separately
branded channels of delivery:

*  the travel agent through Fare 1;
*  the direct booking leisure consumer through worldtraveldirect.com; and
*  the corporate travel customer through Trident.

As stated in the Group's Prospectus, the gross funds of #11.55m raised at
flotation will be primarily used for the development of Fare 1, as WTH has
identified the travel agent market as that with the most short-term growth
The Q2 results represent the performance of WTH's consumer business,
worldtraveldirect, as this was the most developed part of the Group's business
at the period end.

Turnover on continuing activities has increased by 26 per cent. in the second
quarter and our overall commission rate has risen from 7.8 per cent. during
quarter 1 to 9.7 per cent. in quarter 2.

The results of the group for the second quarter of 2000 show a loss before and
after taxation of #1.69m, bringing the loss for the half year to #2.9m.

Sales and distribution costs have remained broadly consistent quarter on
quarter, demonstrating the effectiveness of WTH's conservative customer
acquisition strategy. Administration costs have increased sharply in the
second quarter, reflecting the investment the Group has made in the technology
being built to underpin Fare1.

Development of the Group's consumer facing website, worldtraveldirect.com,
continues. Sales of travel and travel related products directly to consumers
both by telephone and over the Internet is progressing well, with sales
significantly ahead of plan, while customer acquisition costs are declining.
The attractiveness of the Group's technology platform to users continues to be
demonstrated by the ongoing success of this part of the business.

Important progress has been made during the period in developing
worldtraveldirect as a consumer travel portal.  The number of consumer
transactions has nearly doubled, with the number of registered users
increasing nearly fivefold.  Site visits have also nearly tripled during the
three months and bookings completed on line have risen through the quarter to
24 per cent. in June.  Customer acquisition spend has been held below the
original plan.  Margin per transaction for the call centre and web site was
#40 for the quarter compared with a plan for the year of #43.  The web index,
used by the Group to monitor the effectiveness of conversion of site visitors,
averaged 45 in the quarter compared with 34 in the first quarter.  The call
index, used to monitor the effectiveness of call centre conversion, averaged
77 for the quarter compared with 65 in the first quarter.  The mature level
assumed by the Group's business plan for both these index measures is 100.

Fare 1
Fare 1, the Group's business that enables travel agents to use the Internet as
a competitive tool was launched this week at the American Society of Travel
Agents ("ASTA") World Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Response to the
launch advertising campaign has been excellent.  In addition, over 250 US
travel agents attending ASTA have signed up, to date, for Fare 1's travel
Internet services.

Significant progress has been made with Fare 1 since the publication of WTH's
Prospectus. WTH has now signed a strategic agreement with Worldspan, one of
the world's leading global distribution systems ("GDS") which, from mid-
November, will enable travel agents to access Worldspan's global travel
billing and information system from their desktops, as well as being able to
book a wide range of consolidated fares on line.

Fare 1 has also announced today that it has signed agreements with two of the
largest ticket consolidators in the US, Skylink and DER.  This gives the
Company significant competitive advantage and enables Fare 1 to offer its
travel agent clients access to negotiated fares in the US to more than 1050
destinations worldwide.  The Company is making good progress in converting the
other agreements in principle with consolidators referred to in the

Finally, Fare 1 has also signed an agreement with Kemwell Holiday Autos which
enables Fare 1 agents to directly access Kemwell's fleet of 750,000 cars in
4,000 locations throughout the world.

Jonathan Biles, Chief Executive, WTH, said:

"We are pleased with the progress the Group is making.  We continue to work
towards creating a company that delivers travel technology and services to the
travel agent, consumer and corporate markets.  The flotation of WTH has given
us the funds we need to fulfil our plan of achieving breakeven by April 2002.

"Our initial priority is the development and roll out of Fare 1, initially in
the US and then in the UK and Europe.  We are delighted with the reaction of
the US travel agency market to the launch of Fare 1.  The Board is confident
that the strategy and the business plan will be delivered successfully."

For further information please contact:

World Travel Holdings plc                            020 7456 1352
Jonathan Biles, Chief Executive

Credit Lyonnais Securities                           020 7588 4000
Christopher Yates

Financial Dynamics                                   020 7831 3113
Nick Miles or Jon Earl

The travel market
*  Global travel market estimated at over US$500 billion in air travel alone
   each year
*  Only 20 per cent. of those who research travel online then book online
*  It is currently estimated that approximately 12 per cent. of the global
   travel market will be booked   directly on the Internet by consumers by
*  It is currently estimated that 88 per cent. of travel commerce will be
   booked by other means -  principally travel agents - by 2003
*  Over 40,000 travel agency offices in the US with estimated 250,000
*  Each US agency location processes on average 350 tickets per month
*  8,500 travel agency locations in the UK with 23,000 travel agency managers

Consolidated profit and loss accounts

                              Three months      Six months               
                                     ended           ended     Year ended
Gross Travel                        30-Jun          30-Jun         31-Dec
                                      2000            2000           1999
                   Note              #'000           #'000          #'000
Continuing                           1,233           2,444          1,454
Acquisitions                             -               -          1,151
                                     1,223           2,444          2.605
Discontinued                            47             308            948
                                     1,280           2,952          3,553
Turnover            1                                                    
Continuing                             120             215            110
Acquisitions                             -               -             72
                                       120             215            182
Discontinued                             -              18             87
                                       120             233            269
Selling and         1                (420)           (803)          (138)
Administration      1              (1,390)         (2,157)        (2,169)
Operating loss      1                                                    
Continuing                         (1,690)         (2,727)        (1,968)
Acquisitions                             -               -           (55)
                                   (1,690)         (2,727)        (2,023)
Discontinued                             -               -           (15)
Operating loss                     (1,690)         (2,727)        (2,038)
Loss on disposal                        2            (148)             -
of fixed assets
Profit on sale of                       -               -             72
Loss on ordinary                   (1,688)         (2,875)        (1,966)
Finance charges                         2              17             (4)
Loss on ordinary                                                         
before taxation                    (1,686)         (2,858)        (1,970)
Taxation                                -               -             (3)
Loss on ordinary                                                         
after taxation                     (1,686)         (2,858)        (1,973)
being retained
Basic loss per      4               (3.5p)          (6.0p)         (4.7p)

Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                31-Mar          30-Jun             31-Dec
                                  2000            2000               2000
                  Not            #'000           #'000              #'000
Fixed Assets                                                             
Intangible -                        90              90                 92
Tangible assets                  2,232           2,131                 81
                                 2,322           2,221                173
Current Assets                                                           
Debtors                            918             682                912
Cash at bank and                 1,563             127                 96
in hand
                                 2,481             809              1,005
amounts falling
due within one                 (2,712)         (1,777)            (2,625)
Net Current                      (231)           (968)            (1,620)
Total assets                     2,091           1,253            (1,447)
less current
amounts falling
due after more                                                           
than one
year                               (7)           (855)                (5)
Net assets                                                               
                                 2,084             398            (1,452)
Called up share                    345             345               302
Share premium                    4,713           4,713                48
Shares to be                        48              48                48
Capital reserve                    178             178               178
Profit and loss                 (3,200)         (4,886)           (2,028)
Equity                           2,084           3,918            (1,452)

Consolidated cash flow statements

                          Three months      Six months               Year
                                 ended           ended              ended
                                30-Jun          30-Jun             31-Dec
                                  2000            2000               1999
                                 #'000           #'000              #'000
operating activities             (891)         (3,105)                285
Returns on                                                               
investments and
servicing of finance                2              17                  (4)
Taxation                            -               -                  (3)
Capital expenditure                                                      
and financial
investment                     (1,310)         (2,366)               (48)
Acquisition and                     -               -               (300)
Cash outflow before            (2,200)         (5,454)               (70)
Financing                         900           5,612                 (5)
Increase/(decrease)            (1,300)            158                (75)
in cash in
the period                                                               
Reconciliation of                                                        
net cash
flow to movement in                                                      
net debt
Increase/(decrease)            (1,300)             158               (75)
in cash in period
Cash inflow from                                                         
increase in debt
and lease financing              (900)            (900)               (7)
Change in net                                                            
from cash flows                (2,200)           (742)               (82)
New finance leases                   -             (4)                 5
Movement in net                (2,200)           (746)               (77)
(debt)/ cash in the
Net (debt) at the               1,375             (79)                (2)
start of the period
Net (debt)/cash at                                                       
the end of the
period                           (825)           (825)               (79)


1.   Turnover and operating profit/(loss)

The  group  is  engaged  in only one class of business,  the  sale  of  travel
products and services. These activities are principally undertaken in the UK.

Costs  of  selling and distribution and administrative costs analysed  between
continuing and discontinued operations are as follows:

                        3 months ended     6 months ended          Year ended
                                30-Jun             30-Jun              31-Dec
                                  2000               2000                1999
                                 #'000              #'000               #'000
Selling and                                                                  
distribution costs
Continuing                         420                803                  98
Discontinued                         -                  -                  40
                                   420                803                 138
Continuing                        1390              2,139               1,980
Acquisitions                         -                  -                 127
                                  1390              2,139               2,107
Discontinued                                           18                  62
                                  1390              2,157               2,169

2.   Loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging:

                        3 months ended     6 months ended          Year ended
                                30-Jun             30-Jun              31-Dec
                                  2000               2000                1999
                                 #'000              #'000               #'000
- Audit                             13                 15                   6
- Other                              4                  7                   3
Depreciation and                                                             
other amounts
written off
-tangible fixed                                                              
- Owned                             42                322                   6
- Leased                             1                  2                   3
Amortisation and                                                             
write of
goodwill                             -                  2                 318
Research and                                                                 
expenditure                        568                688                 196
Operating lease                                                              
rentals - plant
and machinery                        1                  2                   2
Recharge of costs                                                            
and fees from
Culver Holdings plc                 36                 84               1,239

3.   Staff numbers and costs

The average monthly number of persons employed by worldtraveldirect.com plc
Group (including directors) during the period, analysed by category, was:

                                31-Mar             30-Jun              31-Dec
                                  2000               2000                1999
Management and                      24                 22                   3
Sales                               18                 27                  10
                                    42                 49                  13
Their aggregate remuneration comprised:

                        3 months ended     6 months ended          Year ended
                              Jun 2000               2000         31 Dec 1999
                                 #'000              #'000               #'000
Wages and                          232                478                 218
Social Security                     21                 47                  18
Other pension                        3                  5                   0
                                   256                530                 236

4.   Loss per share

The  calculation of loss per share is based on the loss on ordinary activities
after  taxation  in  the financial period and the weighted average  number  of
ordinary  shares  of World Travel Holdings plc in issue immediately  upon  the
listing   of   World  Travel  Holdings  plc  as  adjusted  for   the   capital
reorganisation  described in the Accountants' Report on World Travel  Holdings
plc   and   changes  in  worldtraveldirect.com  plc's'  issued  share  capital
throughout the reported period.

                       3 months ended      6 months ended          Year ended
                                 June              30-Jun              31-Dec
                                 2000                2000                1999
Loss on ordinary              (1,686)             (2,859)             (1,973)
activities after
Weighted  average                                                            
number of shares
(000's)                        48,119              47,326              42,373

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