RNS Number : 0469Y 
UK Select Trust Limited 
26 August 2009 
UK Select Trust Limited 
Half-Yearly Report and Condensed Unaudited Financial Statements 
 for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
UK Select Trust Limited 
| Trust Information                                                                 |   2 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Objectives                                                                        |   2 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Financial Highlights                                                              |   3 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Cautionary Note                                                                   |   3 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Directors and Advisors                                                            |   4 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Chairmans Statement                                                              |   5 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Interim Management Report                                                         |   6 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Responsibility Statement                                                          |   9 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| The Portfolio and Sector Distribution                                             |  10 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Condensed Income Statement                                                        |  14 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Condensed Balance Sheet                                                           |  16 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Condensed Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders Funds               |  17 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Condensed Cash Flow Statement                                                     |  18 | 
|                                                                                   |     | 
| Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements                                       |  19 | 
Trust information 
UK Select Trust Limited's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. They 
can be bought or sold by investors through a stockbroker or by asking a 
professional adviser e.g. lawyer, accountant or bank manager to do so on their 
UK Select Trust Limited's share price is published daily under Investment 
Companies in the Share Information Service in the Financial Times. In addition 
it is published every Monday on the business pages of The Guernsey Press and 
Star and Jersey Evening Post. 
Objectives UK Select Trust Limited 
UK Select Trust Limited is registered in Guernsey and is qualified as a UK 
Investment Trust Company. The Company invests over 80% of its gross assets by 
value in the UK and the investment policy aims to provide a total return to 
shareholders in excess of the net total return on the FTSE All Share Index and a 
progressive dividend policy. 
Financial Highlights 
|            |                              |                |     Six months |               |   Six months ended |         Year ended | 
|            |                              |                |          ended |               |                    |                    | 
|            |                              |                |   30 June 2009 |               |       30 June 2008 |   31 December 2008 | 
|            |                              |                |                |               |                    |                    | 
| Net asset value per share                 |                |        120.35p |               |            154.57p |            106.97p | 
| Equity shareholders' interest (1)         |                |      GBP24.75m |               |          GBP31.94m |          GBP22.17m | 
| Revenue return on ordinary activities for the financial    |       GBP0.10m |               |           GBP0.68m |          GBP 1.04m | 
| period/year after taxation                                 |                |               |                    |                    | 
| Capital return/(loss) on ordinary activities for the       |       GBP3.22m |               |         GBP(0.91)m |        (GBP11.22)m | 
| financial year after taxation                              |                |               |                    |                    | 
| Revenue return per ordinary share         |                |          0.48p |               |              3.30p |              5.04p | 
| Capital return/(loss) per ordinary share  |                |         15.57p |               |            (4.40)p |           (54.25)p | 
| Dividend per ordinary share (2)           |                |          0.90p |               |              0.90p |              3.63p | 
+-------------------------------------------+                +----------------+---------------+--------------------+--------------------+ 
| Share Price                               |                |        109.50p |                |       132.50p |             86.25p | 
+-------------------------------------------+                +----------------+----------------+---------------+--------------------+ 
| Net asset value total return              |                |         12.92% |                |       (1.03)% |           (30.70)% | 
+-------------------------------------------+                +----------------+----------------+---------------+--------------------+ 
| FTSE All-Share total return               |                |        (3.37)% |                |      (11.16)% |           (29.93)% | 
+-------------------------------------------+                +----------------+----------------+---------------+--------------------+ 
|            |                |                              |                |                |               |                    | 
(1) During the period the Company purchased 446,709 ordinary shares of 10p from 
the market to be held in Treasury. 281,018 ordinary shares of 10p each from the 
shares held in Treasury were reissued during the period. 270,433 shares remain 
in Treasury at 30 June 2009. These are held for reissue and the Company does not 
intend to cancel these. 
(2) The dividend figures include the proposed dividend for the relevant 
financial period. 
 An interim dividend of  0.90p per share will be paid for 2009 (Six months ended 
30 June 2008: 0.90p). The Company will normally pay the final dividend in May 
each year. 
Cautionary Note and Forward Looking Statements 
The Interim Management Report (IMR) has been prepared solely to provide 
additional information to shareholders to assess the UK Select Trust Limited's 
strategies and the potential for those strategies to succeed. The IMR should not 
be relied on by any other party or for any other purpose. 
The IMR contains certain forward-looking statements. These statements are made 
by the Directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to 
the time of their approval of this report and such statements should be treated 
with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and 
business risk factors, underlying any such forward looking information. 
Directors and Advisors 
JM Le Pelley, Non-executive Chairman. He joined the board in 1983. Other 
Directorships include AcenciA Debt Strategies Limited. 
DR Maltwood, Non-executive Director. He joined the board in 1997 after a career 
in stockbrocking in Jersey. He has held a number of positions including the 
Chairman and Director of a number of quoted companies. 
G Ross Russell, Non-executive Director. He joined the board in 1995. He is a 
Director of Forsight 3 Venture Capital Trust Plc and former Chairman of the 
Securities & Investment Institute and Deputy Chairman of the London Stock 
JG West FCA, Non-executive Director. He joined the board in 1997. 
He is the Chairman of Gartmore Fledgling Trust Plc, Jupiter Second Enhanced 
Trust Plc, New City High Yield Fund Limited, and a Director of a number of 
public and private companies including British Assets Trust Plc and JP Morgan 
Income and Capital Trust plc. He is a former chief executive of Lazard Asset 
Management Limited. 
D Warr,  Non-executive Director.  He joined the board in 2006.He is an Executive 
Director of Intertrust International Management Limited, a Guernsey based 
fiduciary services business.He is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered 
Accountants in England and Wales.He is also Non Executive Chairman of FRM 
Diversified Alpha Limited and a Non-executive Director of Marwyn Materials 
Limited, Invista Foundation Property Trust Limited, Hemisphere Defensive (USD) 
Limited and Unigestion (Guernsey) Limited. 
| Secretary and Registered Office                    | Registrars                                         | 
| Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited              | Capita Registrars (Guernsey) Limited               | 
| (resigned 18 August 2009)                          | Longue Hougue Road                                 | 
| Dorey Court                                        | St Sampson                                         | 
| Admiral Park                                       | Guernsey GY2 4JN                                   | 
| St Peter Port                                      | 0870 162 3100                                      | 
| Guernsey GY1 3BG                                   |                                                    | 
| 01481 727111                                       |                                                    | 
|                                                    |                                                    | 
| Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands)                 | Stockbrokers                                       | 
| Fund Services Limited (appointed 18 August 2009)   | Intelli Corporate Finance Limited                  | 
| Dorey Court                                        | 29 Rutland Square                                  | 
| Admiral Park                                       | Edinburgh                                          | 
| St Peter Port                                      | EH1 2BW                                            | 
| Guernsey GY1 3BG                                   | 0131 222 9400                                      | 
| 01481 727111                                       |                                                    | 
|                                                    |                                                    | 
| Investment Manager                                 | Bankers and Custodian                              | 
| Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited     | HSBC Bank plc                                      | 
| Edinburgh One                                      | 8 Canada Square                                    | 
| Morrison Street                                    | London E14 5HQ                                     | 
| Edinburgh EH3 8BE                                  |                                                    | 
| 0131 655 8500                                      |                                                    | 
|                                                    |                                                    | 
| Auditors                                           |                                                    | 
| Deloitte LLP                                       |                                                    | 
| Regency Court                                      |                                                    | 
| Glatengy Esplanade                                 |                                                    | 
| St Peter Port                                      |                                                    | 
| Guernsey GY1 3HW                                   |                                                    | 
| 01481 724011                                       |                                                    | 
Chairman's Statement 
Review of Performance 
I am pleased to report that the Company produced an excellent result for the six 
months to 30 June 2009 with the net asset value rising by 12.92% on a total 
return basis. Strong stock selection was the driver of this performance and the 
key contributors are discussed in the Interim Management Report. This was in 
spite of the continuation of the volatile equity market environment which 
characterised much of 2008. 
Share Price and discount 
The share price traded 26.6% higher over the six months under review while the 
discount at which your shares trade relative to their net asset value closed the 
period at 9.3%. 
Although the Company has a borrowing facility of GBP2,000,000, it did not 
utilise any borrowings during the period under review. 
The Board is pleased to announce an unchanged interim dividend of 0.90p per 
Following the sharp rally in equity markets investors now need evidence of 
recovering end demand in order to propel share prices higher. At present, the 
majority of companies exposed to the economic cycle are supporting their 
earnings through self help and cost cutting with very few management teams 
pointing to an improved outlook for their sales line. 
While the worst of the financial crisis may be behind us, it remains unclear as 
to how long it will take for the unprecedented monetary and fiscal easing to 
translate into economic recovery.  The investment manager will continue actively 
to seek out opportunities for the Company to add value for all shareholders. 
J M Le Pelley 
26 August 2009 
  Interim Management Report 
The FTSE All Share Index recorded a gain of 0.81% over the six months under 
review. This performance masked some extremely volatile equity market conditions 
in the period characterised by two very different quarters. The fall out from 
the financial crisis continued to weigh heavily on investor sentiment through 
the first quarter of the year sending share prices sharply lower. However, these 
losses were reversed through the second quarter as equity markets drew 
encouragement from several macro economic leading indicators showing signs of a 
stabilisation in activity levels. 
The start of the year saw renewed weakness in the financials sector as concerns 
mounted over the potential scale of bad debts facing the banking industry. 
However, the co-ordinated global monetary and fiscal response of pumping 
liquidity into the financial system continued in an attempt to revive debt 
markets which had effectively closed to the vast majority of the corporate 
sector. As a result, many companies were forced to turn to the equity market for 
funding and an unprecedented number of equity capital raisings were completed in 
the first half of the year. 
Tentative signs of economic stabilisation in the major Western economies 
combined with the relentless economic expansion in China provided a platform for 
equity markets to rally through the second quarter. The low yields available on 
sovereign debt and cash added weight to the relative attraction of equities as 
an asset class while the gradual thawing of debt markets lured investors further 
up the risk curve in search of returns. 
The growing belief that the worst of the financial crisis had passed heralded a 
change in sector leadership within the equity market. The banking sector was one 
of the best performers through the second quarter as investor focus shifted away 
from the carrying value of assets on the balance sheet to the strong underlying 
trading conditions being reported, particularly within investment banking. 
The resource based sectors were also strong performers during the period as 
commodity prices recovered sharply on the expectation that mounting inflationary 
pressures would be the likely outcome of the various monetary and fiscal 
stimulus packages implemented to stimulate demand. Mining stocks were among the 
largest gainers as the global growth theme returned and consolidation rumours 
swirled around the sector. 
The Company produced a very strong performance in the period with the net asset 
value posting an increase of 12.92% at the total return level. This was driven 
by strong stock selection and the active management of the portfolio to capture 
the trading opportunities presented by the volatility in equity markets. The 
Company has remained debt free through the first half of the year and this 
position is being closely monitored. 
The dislocation in debt markets provided the Company with the opportunity to 
acquire several investment grade corporate bonds offering a combined yield to 
maturity of over 8%. Marks and Spencer, British American Tobacco and WPP were 
among the blue chip bonds acquired and spreads have narrowed significantly since 
purchase providing an excellent return for the portfolio. 
The largest positive contributor to performance was the Company's holding in KSK 
Power Ventur. KSK is a leading player in the delivery of captive and merchant 
power plants in India and was established in 2001 to take advantage of the rapid 
growth in power demand in the deregulating Indian power market. The group 
commands a fully integrated business model through its access to extensive local 
coal reserves providing the group with a significant competitive cost advantage 
over many of its rivals, forced to import coal from Indonesia. 
Interim Management Report (continued) 
Performance (continued) 
The structural growth story in energy demand within emerging markets such as 
India has been a key theme running through the Company's portfolio for the last 
three years. Great Eastern Energy has been another successful holding and looks 
well placed to continue to benefit from the growing demand for energy in India. 
The company operates a portfolio of coal bed methane licences which will supply 
gas into the local market in West Bengal. Potential customers for Great 
Eastern's gas are currently paying significantly higher prices for their fuel 
requirements, providing a clear arbitrage opportunity to switch to Great 
Eastern's locally supplied, and hence cheaper, gas. 
The Company participated in a number of equity issues announced during the 
period which benefited performance. Several of these capital raisings were 
forced on companies due to the prevailing conditions in debt markets and as a 
result were priced at distressed valuations. Wolseley, Liberty International and 
Taylor Wimpey all fell into this category and the three holdings have 
subsequently been sold at profits ranging from 30% to 110%. The Company also 
supported equity issues from existing holdings, Berkeley Group and KSK Power, 
which both raised money to fund growth opportunities and these positions have 
been retained. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The major risks associated with the Company are credit, liquidity and market 
risk. The Company has established policies to manage these risks. Further 
information on the principal long term risks and uncertainties of the Company is 
included in our latest annual report in Note 17. 
The related party transactions entered into in the first six months of this 
financial year have not had a material effect on the performance of the Company. 
Details of the related party transactions are shown in Note 10 to the 
Half-yearly report. 
There are a number of potential risks and uncertainties which would have a 
material impact on the Company's performance over the remaining six months of 
the financial year and could cause actual results to differ materially from 
expected and historic results, the key risks identified have been outlined as 
Regulatory risk: The Company operates in a complicated regulatory environment 
and faces a number of regulatory risks. Breaches of regulations, such as the UK 
Listing Authority Listing Rules and the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, could 
lead to a number of serious outcomes and reputational damage. The Board monitors 
compliance with regulations by reviewing internal control reports. 
Interest rate risk: The Company's interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities 
mainly comprise of cash at bank. The cash at bank is subject to floating rates. 
No hedging is undertaken in respect of this interest rate risk. As such the 
Board does not believe the Company suffers any material interest rate risk. 
Gearing risk: The use of the long-term loan facility increases the Company's 
potential exposure to gearing risk.   During the period ended 30 June 2009 the 
Company did not use its loan facility and therefore had a nil balance 
outstanding at the period end. The Company is also required to ensure that the 
borrowing does not at any time exceed 45% of the Adjusted Gross Asset Value. 
Interim Management Report (continued) 
The unprecedented wave of monetary and fiscal stimulus initiatives announced 
around the world over the past eighteen months will inevitably precipitate 
inflationary pressures as demand starts to recover. On this basis we continue to 
favour companies with pricing power exposed to the global growth theme where 
rising commodity prices remains a central plank of our strategy. Industries 
including mining, oil and gas and emerging market power are very well paced to 
continue benefiting from the structural growth opportunity in developing 
economies such as China and India. 
The portfolio also continues to favour companies in a strong financial position 
which are not being penalised by expensive debt and have the opportunity to 
acquire competitors, weakened by the financial crisis, at an interesting time in 
the economic cycle.  The fund remains underweight domestic sales reflecting our 
view that the UK economy is in a relatively weak global position through its 
high borrowings and bleak employment outlook. 
The key risk to equity markets remains a further deterioration in macro economic 
data as we move through the second half of the year. This would send a strong 
signal to investors that the corporate profits cycle has not yet troughed and 
would likely prompt a switch back out of risk assets including equities into 
cash and sovereign debt. The outlook statements from companies in the upcoming 
corporate earnings season will be pivotal in determining the direction of equity 
markets through the third and fourth quarters. 
Responsibility Statement 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
  *  the half-yearly report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim 
  Financial Reporting'; 
  *  the interim management report includes a fair review of the important events 
  during the first six months of 2009 and provides a fair review of the risks and 
  uncertainties faced by the Company in the remaining six months of the year, as 
  required by Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") 4.2.7R; and 
  *  the interim management report includes a fair review of related party 
  transactions and changes therein, as required by DTR 4.2.8R. 
By order of the Board 
JM Le Pelley 
D Warr 
26 August 2009 
Scottish Widows Investment Partnership ("SWIP") is one of the largest asset 
management companies in the UK. They actively manage funds across a broad range 
of asset types and are major investors in global and pan-European equity 
markets, as well as property, fixed interest and cash. SWIP manages money for a 
large number of investors with a wide variety of investment objectives. The 
investor's needs can be met by investing in SWIP's diverse fund range or through 
a bespoke portfolio. SWIP's flexible investment style also enables them to meet 
their client objectives in all market conditions. They have a rigorous 
investment process, which emphasises their own independent fundamental research. 
This gives them a depth of information and insight that is not available to the 
market generally. 
With GBP82.7 billion* of funds as at 30 June 2009 under management and the 
backing of their parent company, Lloyds Banking Group plc, clients can have 
confidence in their stability and position of strength. Their size and market 
leadership have also allowed them to attract and retain one of the UK's 
strongest and most experienced investment teams. SWIP believes that the 
expertise of their investment teams and the comprehensive research that they 
conduct is key to providing consistently superior returns for their clients. 
*Source: SWIP 
The Portfolio as at 30 June 2009 
|    | Company              |  Market | Activity |        |       |             |           | 
|    |                      |   Value |          |        |       |             |           | 
|    |                      | GBP'000 |          |        |       |             |           | 
|    |                      |         |          |        |       |             |           | 
|  1 | BG Group Plc         |   1,761 | Formerly British Gas. Involved in oil and gas       | 
|    |                      |         | transmission and distribution as well as power      | 
|    |                      |         | generation.                                         | 
|  2 | HSBC                 |   1,687 | Large UK - based financial services group.          | 
|  3 | Barclays Bank Plc    |   1,596 | Large UK - based financial services group.          | 
|  4 | Xstrata              |   1,564 | Coal, copper, zinc and alloys mining company.       | 
|  5 | KSK Power Ventur Plc |   1,457 | Engaged in emerging opportunities in the power      | 
|    |                      |         | development market.                                 | 
|  6 | AstraZeneca          |   1,310 | One of the world's largest              |      |    | 
|    |                      |         | pharmaceutical companies                |      |    | 
|  7 | BP                   |   1,151 | One of the world's largest energy companies,        | 
|    |                      |         | providing fuel, energy and pertrochemicals.         | 
|  8 | Vodafone             |   1,061 | The largest mobile telecommunications network  |    | 
|    |                      |         | in the world.                                  |    | 
|  9 | Royal Dutch Shell    |   1,036 | One of the world's largest energy companies which   | 
|    |                      |         | explore, produce and market oil, gas and chemicals. | 
| 10 | Berkeley Group       |     927 | UK-based housebuilder and developer            |    | 
|    | Holdings Plc         |         |                                                |    | 
| 11 | WPP                  |     911 | Communications services company providing           | 
|    |                      |         | advertising, media and consultancy services.        | 
| 12 | Hardy Oil and Gas    |     889 | AIM listed oil and gas exploration company.    |    | 
|    | Plc                  |         |                                                |    | 
| 13 | Great Eastern Energy |     761 | US-based energy provider.                           | 
|    | Corporation          |         |                                                     | 
| 14 | BAE Systems          |     747 | Global defence, security and aerospace company.     | 
| 15 | Unilever             |     733 | Consumer nutrition, hygiene and         |      |    | 
|    |                      |         | personal care goods                     |      |    | 
| 16 | British American     |     710 | The world's most international tobacco group.       | 
|    | Tobacco              |         |                                                     | 
| 17 | Venture Production   |     647 | Petroleum and natural gas exploration company. |    | 
| 18 | Indus Gas            |     609 | Oil and gas exploration and development company     | 
|    |                      |         | based in India.                                     | 
| 19 | Friends Provident    |     464 | International financial services provider.     |    | 
|    | Plc                  |         |                                                |    | 
| 20 | Kingfisher           |     416 | Europe's largest home improvement retailer.    |    | 
| 21 | Marks & Spencer      |     414 | Retailer of clothing, food and home products   |    | 
| 22 | Dolphin Capital      |     365 | Real Estate Holding and Development.                | 
|    | Investors            |         |                                                     | 
| 23 | Trading Emissions    |     360 | UK Listed fund investing in a range of tradable     | 
|    |                      |         | environmental permits.                              | 
| 24 | Healthcare Locums    |     299 | Specialist healthcare recruitment company.          | 
| 25 | Resolution Asset     |     291 | Offer a broad spectrum of funds to cater for the    | 
|    | Management           |         | differing investment needs.                         | 
| 26 | Ingenious Media Plc  |     214 | Advisory and investment firm is now Europe's        | 
|    |                      |         | largest private investor in the media sector.       | 
| 27 | Bat International    |     196 | International tobacco company.                 |    | 
|    | Finance              |         |                                                |    | 
| 28 | ZincOx Resources Plc |    150  | British based zinc mining company                   | 
| 29 | Leed Petroleum       |     131 | Oil and gas exploration and production company      | 
|    |                      |         | focussed on the Gulf of Mexico.                     | 
| 30 | Cadogan Petroleum    |     123 | An independent oil and gas exploration, development | 
|    |                      |         | and production company.                             | 
| 31 | Arden Partners       |     112 | Institutional stockbroker specialising in small,    | 
|    |                      |         | midcap and AIM companies.                           | 
| 32 | British Sky          |      98 | Operate a pay television broadcast service,         | 
|    | Broadcasting         |         | broadband and telephony services in the UK and      | 
|    |                      |         | Ireland.                                            | 
  The Portfolio as at 30 June 2009 (continued) 
| 33      | Aurora Russia        |         73 | Investment vehicle established to make investments     | 
|         |                      |            | in small and mid-sized Russian companies.              | 
| 34      | Resaca Exploitation  |         60 | US - based independent oil and gas exploitation    |   | 
|         |                      |            | company.                                           |   | 
| 35      | Legal and General    |         42 | UK - based financial services company.             |   | 
| 36      | Eatonfield Group     |         33 | Commercial and residential property developer with     | 
|         |                      |            | a focus on Wales and the North of England.             | 
| 37      | Candover Investments |         23 | UK Based investment firm that specialises in       |   | 
|         |                      |            | corporate buyouts.                                 |   | 
| 38      | Bowleven             |         20 | Exploration, developing and producing oil and gas.     | 
| 39      | Newfound NV          |         10 | Developer and operator of up-market holiday            | 
|         |                      |            | resorts.                                               | 
|         |                      |            |          |        |       |             |          |   | 
|         | Total Valuation      |            | These holdings represent 100% of the total             | 
|         |                      |    23,451  | valuation.                                             | 
|         |                      |            |          |        |       |             |      |       | 
|         |                      |            |          |        |       |             |      |       | 
| Sector Distribution as at 30 June 2009                                  |             |      |       | 
|         |                      |        |              |        |       |             |      |       | 
|       1 | Resources            |  33.9% |              |        |       |             |      |       | 
|       2 | Basic industrials    |  14.9% |              |                |             |      |       | 
|       3 | General industrials  |   0.0% |              |                |             |      |       | 
|       4 | Non-cyclical         |   0.0% |              |                              |      |       | 
|         | consumer goods       |        |              |                              |      |       | 
|       5 | Cyclical services    |  17.9% |              |                              |      |       | 
|       6 | Non-cyclical         |   0.0% |              |                              |      |       | 
|         | services             |        |              |                              |      |       | 
|       7 | Utilities            |   3.5% |              |                              |      |       | 
|       8 | Information          |   5.0% |              |                              |      |       | 
|         | technology           |        |              |                              |      |       | 
|       9 | Financials           |  24.8% |              |                              |      |       | 
  The Portfolio as at 30 June 2009 (continued) 
Sector Distribution as at 30 June 2009 
|                              |        |   Total | 
|                              |        |  30-Jun | 
|                              |        |    2009 | 
| Sector Classification        |        |       % | 
| Resources                    |        |         | 
| Oil and Gas                  |        |   29.1  | 
| Oil Equipment and Services   |        |     -   | 
| Metals                       |        |     -   | 
|                              |        |   29.1  | 
| Basic industrials            |        |         | 
| Construction and building    |        |     -   | 
| materials                    |        |         | 
| Mining                       |        |    6.9  | 
| Chemicals                    |        |     -   | 
| Electronics and electrical   |        |    5.9  | 
| equipment                    |        |         | 
|                              |        |   12.8  | 
| General industrials          |        |         | 
| Industrial transportation    |        |     -   | 
| Automobiles and parts        |        |     -   | 
|                              |        |     -   | 
| Non-cyclical consumer goods  |        |         | 
| Tobacco                      |        |    3.7  | 
| Pharmaceuticals and          |        |    5.3  | 
| biotechnology                |        |         | 
|                              |        |    9.0  | 
| Cyclical services            |        |         | 
| Support services             |        |    1.2  | 
| Leisure, entertainment and   |        |   11.2  | 
| hotels                       |        |         | 
| Food and Drug Retailers      |        |    3.0  | 
|                              |        |   15.4  | 
| Non-cyclical services        |        |         | 
| Telecommunication services   |        |     -   | 
|                              |        |     -   | 
| Utilities                    |        |         | 
| Aerospace & defence          |        |    3.0  | 
| Utilitiles other             |        |     -   | 
|                              |        |    3.0  | 
| Information and technology   |        |         | 
| Software and computer        |        |    4.3  | 
| services                     |        |         | 
|                              |        |    4.3  | 
|                              |        |         | 
  The Portfolio as at 30 June 2009 (continued) 
Sector Distribution as at 30 June 2009 (continued) 
| Financials                   |        |          | 
| Banks                        |        |    13.3  | 
| Specialty and other finance  |        |      -   | 
| Real Estate                  |        |     1.6  | 
| Investment companies         |        |     4.3  | 
| Life assurance               |        |     2.0  | 
|                              |        |    21.3  | 
| Net current                  |        |     5.2  | 
| assets/(liabilities)         |        |          | 
| Total assets less current    |        |   100.0  | 
| liabilities                  |        |          | 
| Borrowings                   |        |      -   | 
| Net assets                   |        |   100.0  | 
  Condensed Income Statement 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 
|                |              |                                         |         |      |                                        |  |                                       | 
|                |              |                                         |         |      | Six months ended 30 June 2009          |  | Six months ended 30 June 2008         | 
|                |              |                                         | Notes   |      |    Revenue |  |    Capital |  | Total    |  | Revenue  |  | Capital  |  |     Total | 
|                |              |                                         |         |      |    GBP000 |  |    GBP000 |  |  GBP000 |  |  GBP000 |  |  GBP000 |  |   GBP000 | 
| Gains/(losses) on investments                                           |         |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Net realised gains on financial assets and liabilities held at fair     | 5       |      | -          |  | 4,532      |  | 4,532    |  | -        |  | 1,772    |  | 1,772     | 
| value through profit or loss                                            |         |      |            | |            | |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Net changes in unrealised (depreciation)/appreciation on financial      | 5       |      |          - |  |    (1,242) |  |  (1,242) |  |        - |  |  (2,462) |  |   (2,462) | 
| assets and liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss        |         |      |            | |            | |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Net foreign exchange gain                                               |         |      |          - |  |          - |  |        - |  |        - |  |        - |  |         - | 
|                                                                         |         |      |          - |  |      3,290 |  |    3,290 |  |        - |  |    (690) |  |     (690) | 
| Income                        |                                         |         |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Other income                  |                                         | 3       |      |        290 |  |          - |  |      290 |  |      944 |  |        - |  |       944 | 
|                |              |                                         |         |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Expenses       |              |                                         |         |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Investment management fees                                              |         |      |         14 |  |         43 |  |       57 |  |       21 |  |       62 |  |        83 | 
| Performance fee               |                                         |         |      |          8 |  |         23 |  |       31 |  |       11 |  |       32 |  |        43 | 
| Administration fees           |                                         |         |      |         72 |  |          - |  |       72 |  |       58 |  |        - |  |        58 | 
| Registrars fees              |                                         |         |      |          7 |  |          - |  |        7 |  |        7 |  |        - |  |         7 | 
| Auditors fees |              |                                         |         |      |          5 |  |          - |  |        5 |  |        8 |  |        - |  |         8 | 
| Directors fees               |                                         | 10      |      |         41 |  |          - |  |       41 |  |       41 |  |        - |  |        41 | 
| Other expenses                                                                    |      |         44 |  |          - |  |       44 |  |       72 |  |        - |  |        72 | 
| Total operating expenses before |                                                 |      |        191 |  |         66 |  |      257 |  |      218 |  |       94 |  |       312 | 
| finance costs                   |                                                 |      |            | |            | |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
|                                                                                   |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Operating profit/(loss) before  |                                                 |      |         99 |  |      3,224 |  |    3,323 |  |      726 |  |    (784) |  |      (58) | 
| finance costs and tax           |                                                 |      |            | |            | |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
|                |              |  |                                                 |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Finance costs                 |  |                                                 |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Interest payable              |  |                                                 |      |          - |  |          - |  |        - |  |       42 |  |      127 |  |       169 | 
|                                                                                   |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Profit before tax                                                       |         |      |         99 |  |      3,224 |  |    3,323 |  |      684 |  |    (911) |  |     (227) | 
| Taxation                                                                |         |      |          - |  |          - |  | -        |  |        - |  |        - |  |         - | 
|                                                                         |         |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Net Profit                                                              |         |      |         99 |  |      3,224 |  | 3,323    |  |      684 |  |    (911) |  | (227)     | 
|                                                                         |         |      |            |  |            |  |          |  |          |  |          |  |           | 
| Basic and diluted return per Ordinary Share                             | 4       |      |      0.48p |  |     15.57p |  | 16.05p   |  |    3.30p |  |  (4.40)p |  | (1.10)p   | 
The total column of this statement is the Income Statement of the Company, with 
the revenue and capital columns representing supplementary information. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. All income is attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the 
The notes on pages 19 to 24 are an integral part of these financial statements. 
Condensed Income Statement (continued) 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 
|             |       |                      |       | |    Year ended 31 December 2008     |  | 
|             |       |                      | Notes | | Revenue |  |  Capital | |    Total |  | 
|             |       |                      |       | | GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 | |  GBP'000 |  | 
| Gains/(losses) on investments              |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Net realised gains on financial                    | |       - |  |  (5,526) | |  (5,526) |  | 
| assets and liabilities held at fair                | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| value through profit or loss              5        | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Net changes in unrealised                  |  5    | |       - |  |  (5,409) | |  (5,409) |  | 
| (depreciation)/appreciation on financial   |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| assets and liabilities held at fair value  |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| through profit or loss                     |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Net foreign exchange gain                  |       | |       - |  |        - | |        - |  | 
|                                            |       | |       - |  | (10,935) | | (10,935) |  | 
| Income      |       |                      |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Other income                               |  3    | |   1,449 |  |        - | |    1,449 |  | 
|             |       |                      |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Expenses            |                      |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Investment management fees                 |       | |      38 |  |      115 | |      153 |  | 
| Performance fee     |                      |       | |       - |  |        - | |        - |  | 
| Administration fees |                      |       | |      84 |  |        - | |       84 |  | 
| Registrars' |       |                      |       | |      19 |  |        - | |       19 |  | 
| fees        |       |                      |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Auditors' fees      |                      |       | |      21 |  |        - | |       21 |  | 
| Directors' fees     |                      |  10   | |      82 |  |        - | |       82 |  | 
| Other       |       | |                            | |     105 |  |        - | |      105 |  | 
| expenses    |       | |                            | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Total operating expenses before finance costs      | |     349 |  |      115 | |      464 |  | 
|             |       | |                            | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Operating             |                            | |   1,100 |  | (11,050) | |  (9,950) |  | 
| profit/(loss) before  |                            | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| finance costs and tax |                            | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
|                     | |                            | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Finance costs       | |                            | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Interest payable                                   | |      58 |  |      174 | |      232 |  | 
|                                            |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Profit before tax                          |       | |   1,042 |  | (11,224) | | (10,182) |  | 
| Taxation                                   |       | |       - |  |        - | |        - |  | 
|                                            |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Net Profit                                 |       | |   1,042 |  | (11,224) | | (10,182) |  | 
|                                            |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
| Basic and diluted return per Ordinary      |  4    | |   5.04p |  | (54.25)p | | (49.21)p |  | 
| Share                                      |       | |         |  |          | |          |  | 
The total column of this statement is the Income Statement of the Company, with 
the revenue and capital columns representing supplementary information. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. All income is attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the 
The notes on pages 19 to 24 are an integral part of these financial statements. 
Condensed Balance Sheet 
As at 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 
|                              |        | Notes |   |    30 June |  |    30 June |   |   31 December | 
|                              |        |       |   |       2009 |  |       2008 |   |          2008 | 
|                              |        |       |   |    GBP'000 |  |    GBP'000 |   |       GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets                    |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Financial assets at fair value        |  5    |   |     23,451 |  |     33,744 |   |        19,989 | 
| through profit or loss                |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Total non-current assets     |        |       |   |     23,451 |  |     33,744 |   |        19,989 | 
|                              |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Current assets               |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Receivable from brokers      |        |       |   |        996 |  |        597 |   |         1,153 | 
| Other receivables                     |       |   |        527 |  |         87 |   |            76 | 
| Cash at bank                          |       |   |        203 |  |         23 |   |         1,298 | 
| Total current assets         |        |       |   |      1,726 |  |        707 |   |         2,527 | 
|                              |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Total assets                 |        |       |   |     25,177 |  |     34,451 |   |        22,171 | 
|                              |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Liabilities                  |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
|                              |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Current Liabilities          |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Payable to brokers           |        |       |   |          4 |  |          - |   |           224 | 
| Payables                     |        |       |   |        428 |  |        514 |   |           121 | 
| Total current liabilities    |        |       |   |        432 |  |        514 |   |           345 | 
|                                       |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Non-current liabilities      |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Borrowings                            |  6    |   |          - |  |      2,000 |   |             - | 
| Total non-current            |        |       |   |          - |  |      2,000 |   |             - | 
| liabilities                  |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
|                                       |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Total liabilities            |        |       |   |        432 |  |      2,514 |   |           345 | 
|                              |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Net assets attributable to holders of |       |   |     24,745 |  |     31,937 |   |        22,171 | 
| equity shares                         |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
|                              |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Equity shareholders' funds   |        |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Share Capital                |        |  7    |   |      2,083 |  |      2,083 |   |         2,083 | 
| Own shares held in treasury  |        |  7    |   |      (397) |  |      (245) |   |         (168) | 
| Reserves                              |       |   |     23,059 |  |     30,099 |   |        20,256 | 
|                                       |       |   |     24,745 |  |     31,937 |   |        22,171 | 
|                                       |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Number of ordinary shares in issue    |  7    |   | 20,560,051 |  | 20,661,272 |   |    20,725,742 | 
| (net of treasury shares)              |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
|                                       |       |   |            |  |            |   |               | 
| Net asset value per share             |  8    |   |    120.35p |  |    154.57p |   |       106.97p | 
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 26 August 
2009 and signed on behalf of the Board by: 
JM Le Pelley    D Warr 
The notes on pages 19 to 24 are an integral part of these financial statements. 
Condensed Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders' Funds 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 
|               |  Equity |      Own |    Share |    Capital |          Capital |             Capital |  Revenue |     Total | 
|               |   share |   shares |  premium | redemption | reserve-realised | reserve- unrealised |  reserve |           | 
|               | capital |  held in |          |    reserve |                  |                     |          |           | 
|               |         | treasury |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
|               | GBP000 |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |    GBP000 |          GBP000 |             GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
| At 1 January  |   2,083 |    (168) |    5,422 |      4,308 |            8,320 |             (1,847) |    4,053 |    22,171 | 
| 2009          |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| Shares        |       - |    (463) |        - |          - |                - |                   - |        - |     (463) | 
| repurchased   |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| during the    |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| period        |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
|               |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| Premium       |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| arising on    |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| share         |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| elections     |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| -2008 final   |       - |        - |        - |          - |                - |                   - |    (332) |     (332) | 
| dividend      |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| Dividend      |       - |      234 |        - |          - |                - |                   - |    (234) |         - | 
| and scrips    |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
|               |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
| Net profit    |       - |        - |        - |          - |            4,512 |             (1,242) |       99 |     3,369 | 
| At 30 June    |   2,083 |    (397) |    5,422 |      4,308 |           12,832 |             (3,089) |    3,586 |    24,745 | 
| 2009          |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |           | 
There are no other recognised Income and Expenses for the six months ended 30 
June 2009 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 (audited) 
|               |  Equity |      Own |    Share |    Capital |          Capital |             Capital |  Revenue |    Total | 
|               |   share |   shares |  premium | redemption | reserve-realised | reserve- unrealised |  reserve |          | 
|               | capital |  held in |          |    reserve |                  |                     |          |          | 
|               |         | treasury |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
|               | GBP000 |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |    GBP000 |          GBP000 |             GBP000 |  GBP000 |  GBP000 | 
| At 1 January  |   2,083 |    (176) |    5,422 |      4,308 |           14,139 |               3,281 |    3,724 |   32,781 | 
| 2008          |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| Shares        |       - |    (280) |        - |          - |                - |                 (7) |        - |    (287) | 
| repurchased   |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| during the    |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| year          |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
|               |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| Premium       |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| arising on    |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| share         |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| elections     |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| -2007 final   |       - |        - |        - |          - |                - |                   - |    (316) |    (316) | 
| dividend      |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| -2008 interim |       - |        - |        - |          - |                - |                   - |    (109) |    (109) | 
| dividend      |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| Dividend      |       - |      288 |        - |          - |                - |                 288 |    (288) |      288 | 
| and scrips    |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
|               |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
| Net profit    |       - |        - |        - |          - |          (5,819) |             (5,409) |    1,042 | (10,186) | 
| At 31         |   2,083 |    (168) |    5,422 |      4,308 |            8,320 |             (1,847) |    4,053 |   22,171 | 
| December 2008 |         |          |          |            |                  |                     |          |          | 
There are no other recognised Income and Expenses for the year ended 31 December 
The notes on pages 19 to 24 are an integral part of these financial 
statements.  Condensed Cash flow statement 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 
|                                           |       |                            |  |              | 
|                                           |       |      Six months ended      |  |   Year ended | 
|                                           |       |    30 June |  |    30 June |  |  31 December | 
|                                           |       |       2009 |  |       2008 |  |         2008 | 
|                                           |Notes  |    GBP'000 |  |    GBP'000 |  |      GBP'000 | 
| Cash flows from operating activities              |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Payment on purchase of investments        |       |   (37,386) |  |   (61,687) |  |    (125,206) | 
| Proceeds from sale of investments         |       |     37,045 |  |     64,548 |  |      131,109 | 
| Cash received from investments            |       |        237 |  |      1,068 |  |        1,373 | 
| Other income                              |       |         24 |  |         14 |  |           54 | 
| Investment management fee paid            |       |       (57) |  |       (83) |  |       ( 153) | 
| Other cash payments                       |       |      (162) |  |      (105) |  |        (263) | 
|                                           |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating  |       |      (300) |  |      3,755 |  |        6,914 | 
| activities                                |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
|                                           |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Cash flows from financing activities      |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Interest paid                             |       |          - |  |      (269) |  |        (326) | 
| Share repurchase                          |       |      (463) |  |      (279) |  |         ( 1) | 
| Equity dividends paid                     |       |      (332) |  |      (320) |  |        (425) | 
| Repayment of long term loan               |       |          - |  |    (3,200) |  |      (5,200) | 
|                                           |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Net cash outflow from financing           |       |      (795) |  |    (4,068) |  |      (5,952) | 
| activities                                |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
|                                           |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash          |    (1,095) |  |      (313) |  |          962 | 
| equivalents                                       |            |  |            |  |              | 
|                                           |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the          |       |      1,298 |  |        336 |  |          376 | 
| beginning of the period                   |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
|                                           |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end of   |       |        203 |  |         23 |  |        1,298 | 
| the period                                |       |            |  |            |  |              | 
The notes on pages 19 to 24 are an integral part of these financial statements. 
Notes to the Condensed Set of Financial Statements (unaudited) 
1. General information 
UK Select Trust Limited is a UK Investment Trust Company incorporated under The 
Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, with its registered office at Dorey Court, 
Admiral Park, St Peter Port, Guernsey. UK Select Trust Limited's shares are 
listed on the London Stock exchange. 
The objective of the Company is to invest over 80% of its gross assets by value 
in the UK and the investment policy aims to provide a total return to 
shareholders in excess of the net total return on the FTSE All Share Index and a 
progressive dividend policy. 
The half-yearly report has not been audited or reviewed by the auditors Deloitte 
LLP pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board guidance on 'Review of Interim 
Financial Information'. 
The information presented for the year ended 31 December 2008 does not 
constitute the statutory financial statements of the Company. A copy of the 
annual report and audited financial statements for that year have been delivered 
to the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. The auditors' report on those 
financial statements was unqualified. 
2. Accounting Policies 
a.    Basis of presentation 
The half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 June 2009 has been prepared 
in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the 
European Union. The half-yearly report should be read in conjunction with the 
annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008, which have been 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. 
b.    Standards and interpretations 
The accounting policies applied in the half-yearly report are consistent with 
those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008, as 
described in those financial statements. 
At the date of authorisation of these statements, the following standards and 
interpretations were in issue but not yet effective: 
 IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' (Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 
1 January 2009); and 
 Amendments to IAS 1: 'Presentation of financial statements - A revised 
presentation' (Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
The Directors believe that other pronouncements, which are in issue but not yet 
operative or adopted by the Company, will not have a material impact on the 
financial statements of the Company. 
Notes to the Condensed Set of Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued) 
3.    Other income 
|                  |        Six months ended          |         | Year ended | 
|                  |      30 June |      |    30 June |         |         31 | 
|                  |              |      |            |         |   December | 
|                  |         2009 |      |       2008 |         |       2008 | 
|                  |      GBP'000 |      |    GBP'000 |         |    GBP'000 | 
| Dividends        |          266 |      |        935 |         |      1,449 | 
| Interest         |           11 |      |          9 |         |         54 | 
| Other income     |           13 |      |          - |         |         22 | 
| Total income     |          290 |      |        944 |         |      1,449 | 
4.    Basic and diluted return per ordinary share 
|               |      Six months ended      |      Six months ended       |         |  Year    |          | 
|               |                            |                             |         |  ended   |          | 
|               |        30 June 2009        |        30 June 2008         |       31 December 2008        | 
|               | Revenue | Capital |  Total | Revenue | Capital |   Total | Revenue |  Capital |    Total | 
|               |     GBP |     GBP |    GBP |     GBP |     GBP |     GBP |     GBP |      GBP |      GBP | 
|               |         |         |        |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Return/(loss) |   0.48p |  15.57p | 16.05p |   3.30p | (4.40)p | (1.10)p |   5.04p | (54.25)p | (49.21)p | 
Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue on ordinary 
activities of GBP99,000 (Six months ended 30 June 2008: GBP684,000. Year ended 
31 December 2008: GBP1,042,000.) and on 20,707,544 ordinary shares, being the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period (Six 
months ended 30 June 2008:20,699,258 . Year ended 31 December 2008: 20,689,850). 
Capital return per ordinary share is based on a net capital return for the 
financial period of GBP3,224,000 (Six months ended 30 June 2008: capital loss 
GBP 911,000. Year ended 31 December 2008: capital loss GBP11,224,000) and on 
20,707,544 ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
in issue during the period (Six months ended 30 June 2008: 20,699,258. Year 
ended 31 December 2008: 20,689,850). 
Notes to the Condensed Set of Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued) 
5.    Investments 
|       |          |        |      |         |   Six months ended    |      Six months       |      Year ended       | 
|       |          |        |      |         |                       |        ended          |                       | 
|       |          |        |      |         |     30 June 2009      |     30 June 2008      |   31 December 2008    | 
|       |          |        |      |         |  Fair    |  % of net  |  Fair    |    % of    |  Fair   |  % of net   | 
|       |          |        |      |         |  Value   |  assets    |  Value   |    net     |  Value  |   assets    | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |  assets    |         |             | 
| Financial assets at fair value   |         |  GBP'000 |            |  GBP'000 |            | GBP'000 |             | 
| through profit or loss           |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
+                                  +---------+----------+------------+----------+------------+---------+-------------+ 
|                                  |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Designated at fair value through profit or |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| loss                                       |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| - Listed securities              |         |   23,451 |      94.87 |   33,744 |     105.70 |  19,989 |       90.16 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |   23,451 |      94.87 |   33,744 |     105.70 |  19,989 |       90.16 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |         Six months ended           |         |        Year | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |                                    |         |       ended | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |    30 June |          |         30 |         |          31 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |       June |         |    December | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |       2009 |          |       2008 |         |        2008 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |    GBP'000 |          |    GBP'000 |         |     GBP'000 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Opening book cost         |      |         |          |     22,116 |          |     33,008 |         |      33,008 | 
| Opening unrealised appreciation  |         |          |    (2,127) |          |      3,281 |         |       3,281 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Opening valuation         |      |         |          |     19,989 |          |     36,289 |         |      36,289 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Movements in the period/year:    |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Purchases at cost         |      |         |          |     37,386 |          |     61,824 |         |     125,431 | 
| Sales - proceeds          |      |         |          |   (37,214) |          |   (63,679) |         |   (130,796) | 
|   - realised gains on sales      |         |          |      4,532 |          |      1,772 |         |     (5,526) | 
| Increase/(decrease) in unrealised appreciation        |    (1,242) |          |    (2,462) |         |     (5,409) | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Closing valuation         |      |         |          |     23,451 |          |     33,744 |         |      19,989 | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Comprising:      |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Closing book cost         |      |         |          |     26,820 |          |     32,924 |         |      22,116 | 
| Closing unrealised               |         |          |    (3,369) |          |        820 |         |     (2,127) | 
| (depreciation)/appreciation      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
|       |          |        |      |         |          |            |          |            |         |             | 
| Closing valuation         |      |         |          |     23,451 |          |     33,744 |         |      19,989 | 
Notes to the Condensed Set of Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued) 
6.    Borrowings 
The Company has a revolving 5 year loan facility, secured on the assets of the 
Company, which is due to expire on 23 September 2012 with an aggregate principal 
amount of GBP2,000,000, for the purposes of future investment. Interest is 
payable at a rate of six month sterling LIBOR plus 0.6% and the borrowing is 
held at amortised cost. During the period, interest of GBPnil (Six months ended 
30 June 2008: GBP169,416. Year ended 31 December 2008: GBP231,502) was paid. A 
fee of 0.30% per annum is payable on the undrawn amount of this facility (1). 
Further, the Company is required to comply with the following financial 
covenants imposed by the bank: 
  *  the Company is required to ensure that the borrowing does not at any time exceed 
  45% of the Adjusted Gross Asset Value; 
  *  the Company is required to maintain the Net Worth at not less that 
  GBP20,000,000; and 
  *  the Company is required to ensure that the investment portfolio includes 
  holdings in not less that 30 separate businesses. 
(1)     The loan is secured on the assets of the Company. 
7.    Share capital 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |  30 June |  |    30 June |     |         31 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |          |  |            |     |   December | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |     2009 |  |       2008 |     |       2008 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |  GBP'000 |  |    GBP'000 |     |    GBP'000 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |          |  |            |     |            | 
| Authorised |       |      |  |           |          |  |            |     |            | 
| 100,000,000 ordinary shares of 10p each  |   10,000 |  |     10,000 |     |     10,000 | 
|                                          |          |  |            |     |            | 
| 250,000 5% cumulative preference         |      250 |  |        250 |     |        250 | 
| restrictive voting shares of GBP1 each   |          |  |            |     |            | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |          |  |            |     |            | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |   10,250 |  |     10,250 |     |     10,250 | 
The holders of the five per cent cumulative preference restrictive voting shares 
shall be entitled, out of profits for dividend, to a fixed cumulative 
preferential dividend at the rate of five per cent per annum and in a winding-up 
or on a return of capital shall be entitled to repayment of capital in priority 
to the ordinary shareholders. The ordinary shareholders carry the right to 
receive any surplus income and in winding-up any surplus assets, after repayment 
of the preference capital and dividends as above. 
Notes to the Condensed Set of Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued) 
7.    Share capital (continued) 
|     |      |       |      |  |                  |     30 June |             |     31 December | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                  |        2009 |             |            2008 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                  |     GBP'000 |             |         GBP'000 | 
| Issued, called up and     |  |                  |             |             |                 | 
| fully paid:               |  |                  |             |             |                 | 
| 20,830,484 ordinary shares of 10p each          |             |             |                 | 
| (2008: 20,830,484) |      |  |                  |       2,083 |             |           2,083 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                  |             |             |                 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                                |                               | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |                    30 June 2009                    | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |    Own Shares held in     |    Shares in issue     | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |         treasury          |                        | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |   Shares    |  GBP'000    |   Shares    | GBP'000  | 
| Balance at 1       |      |  |           |   (104,742) |       (168) |  20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
| January 2009       |      |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
| Shares purchased and held in treasury    |   (446,709) |       (463) |          -  |       -  | 
| Shares issued in lieu of dividends from  |     281,018 |         234 |          -  |       -  | 
| treasury                                 |             |             |             |          | 
| Balance at 30 June |      |  |           |   (270,433) |       (397) |  20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
| 2009               |      |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |                  31 December 2008                  | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |    Own shares held in     |    Shares in issue     | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |         treasury          |                        | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |   Shares    |  GBP'000    |   Shares    | GBP'000  | 
| Balance at 1       |      |  |           |   (118,413) |         176 |  20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
| January 2008       |      |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
| Shares purchased for      |  |           |          -  |          -  |          -  |       -  | 
| cancellation              |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
| Shares issued in lieu of  |  |           |          -  |          -  |          -  |       -  | 
| dividends                 |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
| Shares purchased and held in treasury    |   (202,916) |       (280) |          -  |       -  | 
| Shares issued in lieu of dividends from  |     216,587 |         288 |          -  |       -  | 
| treasury                                 |             |             |             |          | 
| Balance at 31 December    |  |           |   (104,742) |       (168) |  20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
| 2008                      |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
|     |      |       |      |  |           |             |             |             |          | 
| During the period no shares were purchased for cancellation (Year ended 31 December 2008:     | 
| nil).                                                                                         | 
Notes to the Condensed Set of Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued) 
7.    Share capital (continued) 
On 27 April 2009, 180,000 shares were purchased for Treasury at a total cost 
including expenses of GBP176,400. 
On 5 June 2009, 266,709 shares were purchased for Treasury at a total cost 
including expenses of GBP286,712. 
On 8 May 2009, 281,018 shares were issued to shareholders who elected to receive 
them in lieu of a final cash dividend for 2008. Ordinary shares of 10p each, 
fully paid were issued to shareholders from the Treasury reserves account held 
by the Company. 
8.    Net asset value per share 
Net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets attributable to the 
ordinary shareholders of GBP24,745,000 (year ended 31 December 2008: 
GBP22,171,000) and on 20,561,051 (year ended 31 December 2008: 20,725,742 ) 
ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of the 
10.    Related party transactions 
The members of the Board of Directors are listed on page 4 of the half-yearly 
report. Fees earned by the Directors of the Company during the period were 
GBP40,500 (year ended 31 December 2008: GBP81,000) of which GBP20,250 (year 
ended 31 December 2008: GBP20,250) was outstanding at the period end. 
The investment manager, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited 
 exercises discretion over 28.42% (2008: 29.28%) of shares in the Company, on 
behalf of their clients, and earned investment management fees of GBP57,129 
(year ended 31 December 2008: GBP 153,587) during the period of which GBP31,099 
(2008: GBP27,958) was outstanding at the period end and a performance fee of 
GBP31,099 (year ended 31 December 2008: GBPNil) which was outstanding at the 
period end. The basis of calculation of these fees is detailed in note 3 of the 
annual financial statements. 
On 18 August 2009 Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited resigned and the Company 
appointed Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands) Funds Services Limited as provider 
of administrative and accounting services.  Administrative fees (including the 
accounting fee) for the period ended 30 June 2009 totalled GBP72,000 (year ended 
31 December 2008: GBP84,000) of which GBPNil (year ended 31 December 2008: 
GBP38,333) was outstanding at the period end. 
11.    Events after the balance sheet date 
There have been no significant events after balance sheet date which in the 
opinion of the Board of Directors require disclosure in the financial 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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