RNS Number : 5260R 
UK Select Trust Limited 
30 April 2009 

UK Select Trust Limited 
Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008 
UK Select Trust Limited 
Trust information 
UK Select Trust Limited's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. They 
can be bought or sold by investors through a stockbroker or by asking a 
professional adviser e.g. lawyer, accountant or bank manager to do so on their 
UK Select Trust Limited's share price is published daily under Investment 
Companies in the Share Information Service in the Financial Times. In addition 
it is published every Monday on the business pages of The Guernsey Press and 
Star and Jersey Evening Post. 
Objectives UK Select Trust Limited 
UK Select Trust Limited is registered in Guernsey and is qualified as a UK 
Investment Trust Company. The Company invests over 80% of its gross assets by 
value in the UK and the investment policy aims to provide a total return to 
shareholders in excess of the net total return on the FTSE All Share Index and a 
progressive dividend policy. 
Financial Highlights 
|         |                 |      |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
|         |                 |      |               |  |  |          31 |  |         31 | 
|         |                 |      |               |  |  |    December |  |   December | 
|         |                 |      |               |  |  |        2008 |  |       2007 | 
|         |                 |      |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
| Net asset value per share |      |               |  |  |     106.97p |  |    158.27p | 
| Equity shareholders'      |      |               |  |  |   GBP22.17m |  |  GBP32.78m | 
| interest (1)              |      |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
| Revenue return on ordinary activities for the    |  |  |    GBP1.04m |  |   GBP0.82m | 
| financial year after taxation                    |  |  |             |  |            | 
| Capital (loss)/return on ordinary activities for |  |  | GBP(11.22)m |  |   GBP0.97m | 
| the financial year after taxation                |  |  |             |  |            | 
| Revenue return per ordinary      |               |  |  |       5.04p |  |      3.96p | 
| share                            |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
| Capital (loss)/return per        |               |  |  |    (54.25)p |  |      4.67p | 
| ordinary share                   |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
| Dividend per ordinary     |      |               |  |  |       3.63p |  |      3.40p | 
| share (2)                 |      |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
| Share Price               |      |               |  |  |      86.25p |  |    128.00p | 
| Net asset value total     |      |               |  |  |    (30.70)% |  |      5.70% | 
| return                    |      |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
| FTSE All-Share total      |      |               |  |  |    (29.93)% |  |      5.32% | 
| return                    |      |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
|         |                 |      |               |  |  |             |  |            | 
(1) During the year the Company purchased 202,916 ordinary shares of 10p from 
the market to be held in Treasury. 216,587 ordinary shares of 10p each from the 
shares held in Treasury were reissued during the period. 104,742 shares remain 
in Treasury at 31 December 2008. These are held for reissue and the Company does 
not intend to cancel these. 
(2) The dividend figures include the proposed dividend for the relevant 
financial period. 
A final dividend of 2.73p per share will be recommended for 2008 (2007: 2.55p). 
This is in addition to an interim dividend of 0.90p (2007: 0.85p) paid during 
the year. 
Directors and Advisors 
JM Le Pelley, Age 60, Non-executive Chairman. He joined the board in 1983. Other 
Directorships include AcenciA Debt Strategies Limited. 
DR Maltwood, Age 70, Non-executive Director. He joined the board in 1997 after a 
career in stockbrocking in Jersey. He has held a number of positions including 
the Chairman and Director of a number of quoted companies. 
G Ross Russell, Age 75, Non-executive Director. He joined the board in 1995. He 
is a Director of Forsight 3 Venture Capital Trust Plc and former Chairman of the 
Securities & Investment Institute and Deputy Chairman of the London Stock 
JG West FCA, Age 61, Non-executive Director. He joined the board 
in 1997. He is the Chairman of Gartmore Fledgling Trust Plc, Jupiter Second 
Enhanced Trust Plc, New City High Yield Fund Limited, and a Director of a number 
of public and private companies including British Assets Trust Plc and JP Morgan 
Income and Capital Trust plc. He is a former chief executive of Lazard Asset 
Management Limited. 
D Warr, Age 55, Non-executive Director. He joined the board in 2006. He is an 
Executive Director of Fortis Reads International Management Limited, a Guernsey 
based fiduciary services business wholly owned by Fortis Plc. He is a fellow of 
the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and has worked for 
the Fortis Reads Group since 1972 specialising in Trust and Corporate work. He 
is also Non-executive Chairman of FRM Diversified Alpha Limited and a 
Non-executive Director of Marwyn Materials Limited, Invista Foundation Property 
Trust Limited, Hemisphere Defensive HF (USD) Limited and Unigestion (Guernsey) 
Secretary and Registered OfficeRegistrars 
Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited                    Capita Registrars 
(Guernsey) Limited 
Dorey Court  Longue Hougue Road 
Admiral Park                                                     St Sampson 
St Peter Port Guernsey GY2 4JN 
Guernsey GY1 3BG                                              0870 162 3100 
01481 727111 Calls cost 10p per minute plus network charges 
Investment Manager                                          Stockbrokers 
Scottish Widows Investment Partnership LimitedDresdner Kleinwort (resigned 30 
June 2008) 
Edinburgh One                                                PO Box 560 
Morrison Street                                               20 Fenchurch 
Edinburgh EH3 8BE London EC3P 3DB 
0131 655 8500                                                   0207 623 8000 
Auditors     Intelli Corporate Finance Limited 
Deloitte LLP                                                     (appointed 1 
October 2008) 
Regency Court 29 Rutland Square 
Glatengy Esplanade Edinburgh 
St Peter Port EH1 2BW 
Guernsey GY1 3HW                                            0131 222 9400 
01484 724011 
Bankers and Custodian 
HSBC Bank plc 
8 Canada Square 
London E14 5HQ 
Chairman's Statement 
Review of 2008 Performance 
This was an extraordinary year for equity markets. The banking crisis which 
unfolded through the year set the tone for global equity markets and created 
some of the most volatile conditions in stock market history. The 29.9% fall in 
the FTSE All Share Index represented its worst annual return for 34 years. 
While UK Select Trust's total return of -30.7% in 2008 was disappointing, the 
Company remains comfortably ahead of its benchmark over two, three and five 
years. The Company's equity portfolio outperformed the FTSE All Share Index for 
the fourth consecutive year driven by strong stock selection. 
Share Price and discount 
The share price fell by 32% in 2008 and the discount at which your Company's 
shares trade relative to their net asset value stood at 19% at the end of the 
year. Discounts across the investment trust sector remained at historically high 
levels reflecting the extreme levels of volatility in underlying equity markets. 
The investment manager significantly reduced the Company's gearing level through 
the year under review with an average level of 8% compared to 16% in 2007. 
However, this reduced borrowing level was still detrimental to performance. 
Earnings and dividend per share 
Earnings per share for the year amounted to 5.04p (2007: 3.96p) and, on behalf 
of the Board, I am pleased to recommend a final dividend of 2.73p (2007: 2.55p). 
This is in addition to the interim dividend of 0.90p (2006: 0.85p), bringing the 
total dividend for the year to 3.63p (2007: 3.40p). 
The outlook for global equity markets remains highly uncertain. The major 
western economies are in the grip of asset price deflation while growth rates in 
the key emerging markets are slowing sharply. Stability within the financial 
system will be central to any sustained recovery in equity markets and while 
de-leveraging in the banking sector is well underway, this will be a long 
corrective process. 
The early months of 2009 has seen further weakness in equity markets with many 
companies forced to raise fresh capital to shore up balance sheets. In the 
region of GBP20 billion of equity issuance has been announced already this year 
and this cash call on investors looks set to continue through the first half of 
the year, and perhaps beyond. 
On a more positive note, there has been an unprecedented response from both 
monetary and fiscal authorities around the world. Stimulus packages combined 
with aggressive interest rate cuts will undoubtedly re-ignite economic growth 
and stoke inflationary pressures though it is difficult to predict how long this 
medicine will take to work. The longer term implications for the taxpayer are 
also a source of concern. 
In this volatile environment, the investment manager will continue to manage the 
portfolio on a very active basis using the weakness in equity markets to build 
positions in companies where longer term prospects are not reflected in current 
share prices. 
JM Le Pelley 
3 April 2009 
Investment Manager's Report 
UK equities recorded their worst calendar year performance since 1974 with the 
FTSE All Share Index tumbling by 29.9% in 2008. Investor sentiment during the 
year was dominated by the unfolding global financial crisis which triggered a 
series of high profile corporate collapses. 
The Company's net asset value underperformed the benchmark FTSE All-Share 
Index during the period, falling by 30.7% on a total return basis as a result of 
the Company's gearing and total expense ratio. Stock selection was positive, 
however, with the Trust's underlying equity portfolio outperforming the FTSE All 
Share Index by 2.8% during the year. 
Global Background 
The global economic environment deteriorated markedly through 2008. The downturn 
in the major European and US housing markets continued to gather pace fuelled by 
sharply rising unemployment rates in those economies. The economic contraction 
in the western world also started to take its toll on Asian growth rates as 
exports started to slow through the latter stages of the year. 
The worsening global growth outlook was reflected in dramatic falls in commodity 
prices through the second half of the year. The oil price peaked at $145 per 
barrel in July and then proceeded to fall by over 60% to close the year at $54. 
Slowing demand also prompted precipitous falls in metals markets with inflation 
concerns replaced by the spectre of asset price deflation. 
The US economic agenda continued to be dominated by the domestic housing market 
and the escalating banking crisis. The demise of Wall Street stalwart, Bear 
Stearns, sent shock waves through global stock markets with JP Morgan stepping 
in to rescue the situation with an agreed take-over. However, the failure of 
Lehman Brothers in September marked the beginning of an unprecedented period of 
volatility across equity markets sending share prices sharply lower. The 
systemic fall out from the bankruptcy of Lehman left the global financial system 
teetering on the brink of collapse. 
The unprecedented conditions in the financial system were matched by the 
response from the monetary authorities. Interest rates around the world were 
slashed while sovereign governments intervened directly with massive cash 
injections to prop up the banking system. 
The UK Stock Market 
The FTSE All Share Index ended a five year winning streak posting its first 
annual decline since 2002. There were three key negative forces at work in 
equity markets during 2008. Firstly, the crisis of confidence in the banking 
system resulted in the banks reigning in lending practices which served to slow 
economic growth and prompt investors to re-appraise the appropriate capital 
structure for UK Plc. Secondly, a weakening global demand environment created 
more difficult trading conditions for many companies prompting a raft of profit 
warnings through the course of the year. Thirdly, the deteriorating economic 
outlook triggered a rotation out of risk assets including equities into lower 
risk investments such as cash and sovereign debt. 
Investment Manager's Report (continued) 
The dramatic change in mood was reflected in share price performance at the 
industry level. The sectors with the most defensive earnings characteristics 
including pharmaceuticals, beverages and tobacco generated the best equity 
returns in 2008 while the more economically exposed business models were hit the 
hardest with banks, mining and transportation stocks propping up the performance 
The largest positive contributor to the Company's performance during the year 
was pharmaceutical giant, Astrazeneca. The shares benefited from both a string 
of positive announcements from its drug portfolio as well as its financial 
strength and ability to grow earnings in the face of an economic slowdown. The 
portfolio's exposure to the structural growth opportunity in emerging market 
power also benefited investment performance with the holdings in Great Eastern 
Energy, KSK Power and Aggreko all delivering strong returns. 
The position in Royal Bank of Scotland was the most detrimental to performance 
during the year. The position was established at the start of the fourth quarter 
following the completion of the company's GBP12 billion rescue rights issue and 
a series of meetings with the company's management. However, the company's 
confidence over its funding position proved to be misplaced as the shares 
tumbled on growing liquidity concerns culminating in the government's decision 
to step in and part-nationalise the bank. The holdings in Dolphin Capital and 
Cadogan Petroleum were also a drag on performance. 
Portfolio activity 
The Company continues to be managed on a very active basis with portfolio 
construction shaped by rigorous fundamental analysis at the stock-specific 
level. At present this translates into overweight positions relative to the 
Company's benchmark in pharmaceuticals, support services and the oil & gas 
sectors. The major underweight positions include banks, food & drug retailers 
and beverages. 
Balance sheet strength remains a particular focus at present with a raft of 
companies currently being forced to raise fresh equity as a result of both 
adverse trading conditions and the de-leveraging process underway within the 
banking sector. 
Since the end of the year under review the Company has established several 
holdings of investment grade corporate bonds on the basis of very attractive 
yield levels and capital protection. 
Global stock markets have continued to weaken in the first two months of 2009 
with the FTSE All-Share Index shedding a further 12% of its value. The Company 
currently has no borrowings and the equity portfolio has made a good start to 
the year relative to its benchmark. 
The news flow surrounding the global financial system remains the key sentiment 
driver for equity markets. Whilst the deleveraging process in the banking system 
will last for years rather than months, equity valuations are already 
discounting a severe macro economic downturn. As and when economic news shows 
signs of stabilisation, the Company will shift the bias of the portfolio away 
from the more defensive areas of the market in favour of economically cyclical 
companies with strong business models. 
Scottish Widows Investment Partnership 
3 April 2009 
The Portfolio as at 31 December 2008 
|    | Company              |  Market | Activity |        |       |             |            | 
|    |                      |   Value |          |        |       |             |            | 
|    |                      | GBP'000 |          |        |       |             |            | 
|    |                      |         |          |        |       |             |            | 
|  1 | AstraZeneca Plc      |   1,715 | One of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. | 
|    |                      |         |                                                      | 
|  2 | Vodafone Group Plc   |   1,611 | The largest mobile telecommunications network in the | 
|    |                      |         | world.                                               | 
|  3 | GlaxoSmithKline Plc  |   1,585 | Large Anglo-American pharmaceutical company.         | 
|  4 | British American     |   1,160 | The world's most international tobacco group.        | 
|    | Tobacco Plc          |         |                                                      | 
|  5 | HSBC Plc             | 1,060   | Large UK - based financial services group.           | 
|  6 | BG Group Plc         |     971 | Formerly British Gas. Involved in oil and gas        | 
|    |                      |         | transmission and distribution, as well as power      | 
|    |                      |         | generation.                                          | 
|  7 | Great Eastern Energy |     928 | Indian based energy provider.                  |     | 
|    | Corporation Plc      |         |                                                |     | 
|  8 | Ryanair plc          |   880   | Irish - based budget airline.                  |     | 
|  9 | Imperial Energy Plc  |     867 | Company focused on oil exploration and production in | 
|    |                      |         | the Commonwealth of Independent States.              | 
| 10 | Lloyds TSB Group Plc |     818 | Large UK - based financial services group, owner of  | 
|    |                      |         | Cheltenham & Gloucester and Scottish Widows.         | 
| 11 | Imperial Tobacco Plc |     742 | Tobacco company.                               |     | 
| 12 | BHP Billiton Plc     |     703 | World's largest mining company.                |     | 
| 13 | Centrica Plc         |     700 | UK - based energy provider.                          | 
| 14 | Friends Provident    |     638 | International financial services provider.           | 
|    | Plc                  |         |                                                      | 
| 15 | Berkeley Group       |     612 | UK - based housebuilder and developer.         |     | 
|    | Holdings Plc         |         |                                                |     | 
| 16 | Tesco Plc.           |     528 | One of the world's leading retailers.   |      |     | 
| 17 | KSK Power Ventur plc |     502 | Engaged in emerging opportunities in the power       | 
|    |                      |         | development market                                   | 
| 18 | Legal and General    |     490 | UK - based financial services company.               | 
|    | Plc                  |         |                                                      | 
| 19 | Resolution Asset     |     440 | Offer a broad spectrum of funds to cater for the     | 
|    | Management Plc       |         | differing investment needs.                          | 
| 20 | Dolphin Capital      |   403   | Real Estate Holding & Development              |     | 
|    | Investors Ltd        |         |                                                |     | 
| 21 | Indus Gas Plc        |     371 | Oil and gas exploration and development company      | 
|    |                      |         | based in India                                       | 
| 22 | Hardy Oil & Gas Plc  |     334 | AIM-listed oil and gas exploration company.          | 
| 23 | Trading Emissions    |     312 | UK listed fund investing in a range of tradable      | 
|    | Plc                  |         | environmental permits                                | 
| 24 | Healthcare Locums    |     262 | Specialist healthcare recruitment company.           | 
|    | Plc                  |         |                                                      | 
| 25 | Balfour Beatty Plc   |     244 | Serves the international markets for rail, road and  | 
|    |                      |         | utility systems, buildings and complex structures.   | 
| 26 | Ingenious Media Plc  |     203 | Advisory and investment firm is now Europe's largest | 
|    |                      |         | private investor in the media sector.                | 
| 27 | Cadogan Petroleum    |     164 | An independent oil and gas exploration, development  | 
|    | Plc                  |         | and production company.                              | 
| 28 | Trikona Trinity      |   157   | Investing in real estate and real estate related     | 
|    | Capital Plc          |         | entities in India.                                   | 
| 29 | Leed Petroleum Plc   |   100   | Oil and gas exploration and production company       | 
|    |                      |         | focused on the Gulf of Mexico.                       | 
| 30 | American Leisure     |      92 | Vacation resort company.                             | 
|    | Group Ltd            |         |                                                      | 
| 31 | Persimmon Plc        |    73   | UK's leading housebuilder.                           | 
| 32 | Zincox Resources Plc |    69   | British based zinc mining company                    | 
| 33 | Candover Investments |     56  | UK based investment firm that specialises in         | 
|    | Plc                  |         | corporate buyouts.                                   | 
| 34 | Arden Partners Plc   |      54 | Institutional stockbroker specialising in small, |   | 
|    |                      |         | midcap and AIM companies.                        |   | 
  The Portfolio as at 31 December 2008 (continued) 
| 35 | Aurora Russia Ltd    |      46 | Investment vehicle established to make investments  | 
|    |                      |         | in small and mid-sized Russian companies.           | 
| 36 | Resaca Exploitation  |      43 | US - based independent oil and gas exploitation |   | 
|    | Plc                  |         | company.                                        |   | 
| 37 | Innovation Group Plc |     23  | Leading provider of business support services and   | 
|    |                      |         | systems to the UK insurance industry                | 
| 38 | Newfound NV Plc      |      21 | Developer and operator of up-market holiday     |   | 
|    |                      |         | resorts.                                        |   | 
| 39 | Eatonfield Group Plc |      12 | Commercial and residential property developer   |   | 
|    |                      |         | with a focus on Wales and the North of England. |   | 
|    |                      |         |          |        |       |             |       |   | 
|    | Total Valuation      | 19,989  | These holdings represent 100% of the total          | 
|    |                      |         | valuation.                                          | 
Sector Distribution 
|                                      |      |          Total |          Total | 
|                                      |      |           2008 |           2007 | 
| Sector Classification                |      |              % |              % | 
| Resources                            |      |                |                | 
| Oil and Gas                          |      |          17.1  |          17.2  | 
| Oil Equipment and Services           |      |            -   |           4.0  | 
|                                      |      |          17.1  |          21.2  | 
| Basic industrials                    |      |                |                | 
| Construction and building materials  |      |           4.2  |          13.6  | 
| Mining                               |      |           3.5  |           9.4  | 
| Chemicals                            |      |            -   |           1.2  | 
| Electronics and electrical equipment |      |            -   |           4.7  | 
|                                      |      |           7.7  |          28.9  | 
| Non-cyclical consumer goods          |      |                |                | 
| Tobacco                              |      |           8.5  |           2.3  | 
| Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology    |      |          14.8  |           6.8  | 
|                                      |      |          23.3  |           9.1  | 
| Cyclical services                    |      |                |                | 
| Support services                     |      |           1.2  |           3.7  | 
| Leisure, entertainment and hotels    |      |           4.5  |           7.1  | 
| Food and Drug Retailers              |      |           2.4  |            -   | 
|                                      |      |           8.1  |          10.8  | 
| Non-cyclical services                |      |                |                | 
| Telecommunication services           |      |           7.2  |          10.2  | 
|                                      |      |           7.2  |          10.2  | 
| Utilities                            |      |                |                | 
| Utilitiles other                     |      |           5.5  |          10.0  | 
|                                      |      |           5.5  |          10.0  | 
| Information and technology           |      |                |                | 
| Software and computer services       |      |           0.1  |            -   | 
|                                      |      |           0.1  |            -   | 
| Financials                           |      |                |                | 
| Banks                                |      |           8.5  |           8.6  | 
| Speciality and other finance         |      |           4.7  |           5.5  | 
| Real Estate                          |      |           2.6  |           4.8  | 
| Investment companies                 |      |           0.3  |           1.4  | 
| Life assurance                       |      |           5.1  |            -   | 
|                                      |      |          21.2  |          20.3  | 
| Net current assets/(liabilities)     |      |           9.8  |           5.3  | 
| Total assets less current            |      |         100.0  |         115.8  | 
| liabilities                          |      |                |                | 
| Borrowings                           |      |            -   |        - 15.8  | 
| Net assets                           |      |         100.0  |         100.0  | 
| Note: The distribution of investments is based on the valuations at 31        | 
| December 2008 and at 31 December 2007. All of the above are United Kingdom    | 
| Investments.                                                                  | 
|                                                                               | 
Sector Distribution (continued) 
Directors' Report 
The Directors have pleasure in submitting their annual report and financial 
statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 with comparatives for the year 
ended 31 December 2007. 
Principal activities 
The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company. 
The income statement set out on page 24 shows a deficit on ordinary activities 
for the financial year after taxation amounting to GBP10,182,000 (2007: return 
GBP1,796,000). The Directors recommend a final dividend of 2.73p which, together 
with the interim dividend of 0.90p makes a total of 3.63p for the year (2007: 
Subject to the approval by members, the final dividend will be paid on 8 May 
2009, to ordinary shareholders on the register on 27 March 2009 and shares in 
lieu of dividend will be offered. 
At the year end the net assets attributable to the ordinary shares were 
GBP22,171,000 (2007: GBP32,781,000). Based on this figure the net asset value of 
an ordinary share was 106.97p (2007: 158.27p). 
Share capital 
During the year nil shares were repurchased by the company for cancellation 
(2007: nil). During the year 202,916 issued ordinary shares of 10p each were 
purchased and held in treasury. The authority allowing the Company to purchase 
its own shares expires at the end of the 2009 AGM and allows the purchase of a 
maximum of 3,103,742 shares, representing 15% of the number of shares in issue 
on 31 December 2008. 
During the year 216,587 ordinary shares of 10p each were issued from the 
treasury reserve arising from elections by ordinary shareholders to receive 
shares in lieu of cash dividends (2007: 191,587 new shares issued in lieu of 
cash dividends thereby resulting in a total of GBP250,000 being capitalised). 
Substantial shareholdings 
At 27 March 2009 the holders of ordinary shares in excess of 3% were as follows: 
|                                          |  |     27 March |   |   25 March  | 
|                                          |  |         2009 |   |        2008 | 
|                                          |  |              |   |             | 
| State Street Nominees (held on behalf of |  |       29.28% |   |      29.50% | 
| clients of Scottish Widows Investment    |  |              |   |             | 
| Partnership Limited)                     |  |              |   |             | 
| JM & Mrs AE Le Pelley                    |  |        6.43% |   |       6.31% | 
| Mr G Green                               |  |        6.11% |   |       6.10% | 
So far as the Directors are aware there is no other interest of 3% or more in 
the ordinary shares of the Company. 
Directors' Report (continued) 
Crest registration 
On 3 January 2003, the Company made an application for Crest registration. This 
was granted hence shareholders have the option to hold stock in either 
certificated or uncertificated form. 
The current Directors who served on the Board during the year, together with 
their beneficial interests and those of their families at 31 December 2008, were 
as follows: 
|                                          |  |         2008 |  |        2007 | 
|                                          |  |       Shares |  |      Shares | 
| JM Le Pelley (Chairman)                  |  |    1,339,428 |  |   1,305,438 | 
| DR Maltwood                              |  |        3,309 |  |       3,226 | 
| G Ross Russell                           |  |      313,113 |  |     305,860 | 
| JG West                                  |  |       10,000 |  |      10,000 | 
| D Warr (Audit Committee Chairman)        |  |            - |  |           - | 
JM Le Pelley is also a Trustee of a Trust holding 546,365 (2007: 532,594) 
shares, of which he does not have a beneficial interest. 
 There have been 
no changes in the Directors' interests in the shares of the Company between 31 
December 2008 and 27 March 2009. 
 The Company has no service contracts 
with the Directors. 
 JM Le Pelley and JG West, retire from the board at 
the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Article 97 of the Articles of 
Association of the Company and are eligible for re-election. 
Corporate Governance 
The UK Listing Authority requires all listed companies to disclose how they have 
applied the principles and complied with the provisions of the Combined Code on 
Corporate Governance ("the Code") published in June 2006, which applies to all 
companies with accounting periods commencing on or before 1 November 2006. The 
Association of Investment Companies (formerly Association of Investment Trust 
Companies), of which the Company is a member, also published its Code of 
Corporate Governance for Investment Companies ("the AIC Code") in May 2007. The 
Combined Code on Corporate Governance is only applicable to companies 
incorporated in the United Kingdom and whilst this company was not incorporated 
in the United Kingdom the Board has sought to reflect the Code and AIC Code when 
reviewing its corporate governance arrangements. The Guernsey Financial Services 
Commission (GFSC) issued guidelines for corporate governance on 10 December 2004 
which the Company complies with in full and whose underlying principles are the 
same as those of the Code. 
Directors' Report (continued) 
The Board 
The Company is led and controlled by a Board comprising non-executive Directors, 
all of whom have wide experience and are considered to be independent. The Board 
believes that it is in the shareholders' best interests for the Chairman to be 
the point of contact for all matters relating to the governance of the Company. 
Mr D Warr has been appointed as the senior independent non-executive Director 
for the purpose of the Codes. The appointment of Directors is considered by the 
Board who are the Nominations Committee. The Articles of Association stipulate 
that one third, or the number nearest to but not exceeding one third, of the 
Directors shall retire and offer themselves for re-appointment at each annual 
general meeting, and the Board has chosen to adopt best practice in relation to 
retirement by rotation of two Directors over the Articles of Association and as 
stated in the Director's Report, two Directors will stand for re-appointment so 
that the shareholders will have the opportunity to consider each Director's 
continuing involvement with the Company every third year. During the year, the 
Board reviewed its performance and composition, and was content. 
In addition, following the evaluation of the performance of the Board, its 
committees and individual Directors, it is considered that the performance of 
both Directors who are to retire by rotation and offer themselves for 
re-appointment continues to be effective and that they have demonstrated 
commitment to their roles. 
The Board meets regularly, normally quarterly, with additional meetings should 
it be considered appropriate to discuss specific issues. 
The Directors have no service contracts. Further, they are not entitled to any 
minimum period of notice or to compensation in the event of their removal as a 
The table below lists the number of Board and Audit Committee meetings attended 
by each Director. 
| Director                    |  |   Board Meetings | Audit Committee Meetings | 
|                             |  |         Attended |                 Attended | 
| JM Le Pelley (Chairman)     |  |                4 |                        1 | 
| DR Maltwood                 |  |                5 |                        1 | 
| G Ross Russell              |  |                5 |                        1 | 
| JG West                     |  |                5 |                        1 | 
| D Warr (Audit Committee     |  |                5 |                        1 | 
| Chairman)                   |  |                  |                          | 
The Board has contractually delegated to Scottish Widows Investment Partnership 
Limited (SWIP) the management of the Company's investments. The management 
agreement between the Company and its investment manager, sets out the matters 
over which the manager has authority and the limits above which Board approval 
must be sought. Other matters reserved for the approval of the Board include the 
report and accounts, communications with shareholders and decisions on strategy. 
The safe custody of the Company's investments is managed by HSBC Plc and 
Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited are contracted to provide the Company's 
administration, secretarial and accounting functions and Capita IRG (CI) 
Limited, its registration function. The Board reviews regularly the performance 
of the service provided by these companies. 
In 2007 and 2008 the Company did not employ any personnel. 
The Board has established itself as an Audit Committee which meets when 
necessary, and at least once a year, with the auditors of the Company with a 
view to providing further assurance of the quality and reliability of the 
financial information used by the Board in these financial statements. The Board 
has also established itself as a Nominations Committee, which will meet when 
Directors' Report (continued) 
The Board (continued) 
All the Board are considered independent and non-executive and Director's fees 
are recommended by the full Board. 
The emoluments of the Directors for the year are as follows: 
|                                      |           2008 |   |           2007 | 
|                                      |           Fees |   |           Fees | 
|                                      |            GBP |   |            GBP | 
| JM Le Pelley (Chairman)              |         20,000 |   |         18,500 | 
| DR Maltwood                          |         15,000 |   |         13,500 | 
| G Ross Russell                       |         15,000 |   |         13,500 | 
| JG West                              |         15,000 |   |         13,500 | 
| D Warr                               |         16,000 |   |         14,000 | 
|                                      |         81,000 |   |         73,000 | 
The figures above represent emoluments earned as Directors during the relevant 
financial year which are paid quarterly in arrears. The Directors receive no 
other remuneration or benefits from the Company other than the fees stated 
Relations with shareholders 
In conjunction with the Board, the investment manager keeps under review the 
register of members of the Company. Potential investors are also contacted by 
the investment manager. 
All shareholders are encouraged to participate in the Company's annual general 
meeting. All Directors normally attend the annual general meeting, at which 
shareholders have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss matters with the 
Directors and the investment manager. 
It is recognised that the Code requires notice of annual general meetings to be 
dispatched at least 20 working days before the meeting. The Company intends to 
comply with the Code provision in 2009. 
Accountability and audit 
a) Directors' responsibilities in relation to the financial statements 
The Directors are required by the Companies (Guernsey) law, 2008 to prepare 
financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of 
the state of affairs of the Company as at the end of the year and of the net 
return for the year. The Directors consider that in preparing the financial 
statements on pages 24 to 43, the Company has used appropriate accounting 
policies, consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent 
judgements and estimates, and that all accounting standards which they consider 
applicable have been followed. 
The Directors have responsibility for ensuring that the Company keeps accounting 
records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial 
position of the Company and which enable them to ensure that the financial 
statements comply with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They have general 
responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard 
the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud and other 
b) Statement of going concern 
The Directors have formed a judgement at the time of approving the financial 
statements that there is a reasonable expectation of the Company having adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For 
this reason, they continue to adopt a going concern basis in preparing the 
Directors' Report (continued) 
Accountability and audit (continued) 
c) Internal control 
The Directors acknowledge that they are responsible for establishing and 
maintaining the Company's system of internal control and reviewing its 
effectiveness. Internal control systems are designed to manage rather than 
eliminate the failure to achieve business objectives and can only provide 
reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. 
They have therefore established an ongoing process designed to meet the 
particular needs of the Company in managing the risks to which it is exposed, 
consistent with the guidance provided by the Turnbull Committee. Such review 
procedures have been in place throughout the full financial year and up to the 
date of the approval of the financial statements. 
This process involves a review by the Board of Scottish Widows Investment 
Partnership Limited (SWIP) internal control report and Corporate Services 
(Guernsey) Limited internal control report, FRAG 21, and a report covering 
specific internal controls operated by SWIP to ensure that the Company's 
requirements are met. 
The Board has delegated certain aspects of the management and administration of 
the Company to SWIP. Further, the Company has delegated Corporate Services 
(Guernsey) Limited with the secretarial and accounting functions. 
SWIP maintains its own systems of internal controls, on which it has reported to 
the Board. The Company, in common with other investment trusts, does not have an 
internal audit function. The Board has considered the need for an internal audit 
function, but because of the internal control systems in place at the investment 
manager, has decided to place reliance on the investment manager's systems and 
internal audit procedures. 
The systems are designed to ensure effectiveness and efficient operations, 
internal control and compliance with laws and regulations. In establishing the 
systems of internal control regard is paid to the materiality of relevant risks; 
the likelihood of costs being incurred and costs of control. It follows 
therefore that the systems of internal control can only provide reasonable but 
not absolute assurance against the risk of material misstatement or loss. 
There are well established budgeting and forecasting procedures in place and 
reports are presented to the Board detailing variance against budget and prior 
year and other performance data. The effectiveness of the internal control 
systems is reviewed annually by the Board and the Audit Committee. The Audit 
Committee has a discussion annually with the auditor to ensure that there are no 
issues of concern in relation to the audit opinion on the accounts and, if 
necessary, representatives of the investment manager would be excluded from that 
Where non-audit services are provided by auditors, these engagements are 
pre-approved by the audit committee to ensure that the auditors' independence 
and objectivity is not breached. There were no non-audit services in the year 
ended 31 December 2008 (2007: nil). 
Directors' Report (continued) 
Institutional investors 
The investment manager employs highly experienced personnel and maintains a 
continuous training programme for fund managers. The fund managers 
are constantly monitoring the portfolio and over the past twelve months they 
have visited virtually all the companies in which the Company has invested. 
Under the terms of the management agreement, SWIP decides whether and in what 
manner all rights conferred by any investment shall be exercised. However, the 
Directors may, at any time, instruct SWIP as to the exercise of the voting and 
other rights attached to the Company's investments, and they review regularly 
the voting decisions taken by the investment manager. 
The corporate governance of companies is one of the several elements taken into 
consideration by the investment manager when making investment decisions. 
Statements of compliance 
The Directors believe that the Company has complied with the provisions of the 
Combined Code on Corporate Governance and the AIC Code where appropriate, and 
that it has complied throughout the year with the provisions where the 
requirements are of a continuing nature, except that a Remuneration Committee 
and Management Engagement Committee have not been established. During 2009, the 
Board will give further consideration to setting up these Committees. 
Investment Policy 
The Company is permitted to invest in any security listed on any recognised UK 
exchange in order to achieve its investment objective of outperforming the FTSE 
All-Share Index. 
The Company's investment universe comprises the constituents of the FTSE All- 
Share Index. While the Directors expect the bulk of the Company's portfolio to 
be within the investment universe, the Company reserves the right to invest in 
companies traded on any recogonised UK exchange, for example, the Alternative 
Investment Markets (AIM) of the London Stock exchange (and any successor market 
to it) which the Directors believe, because of movement in their market 
capitalisations or, in the case of new listings, because of their likely market 
capitalisations, may be considered appropriate for investment. In addition, the 
Company reserves the right to retain an investment in any company that was 
within the appropriate range of market capitalisation when the investment was 
made but which has subsequently moved out of the investment universe as a result 
of changes in its market capitalisation relative to the rest of the investment 
universe. The Investment Manager's investment approach favours a value bias, 
which is to identify undervalued companies in all sector of the Company's 
investment universe. Considerable emphasis is palced on identifying companies 
which are well managed, have high levels of cash generation and enjoy real 
pricing power. The investment manager considers those attributes to be the key 
components of a strong market position. 
No holding in another Company may exceed 15% of the value of Investment Trust's 
portfolio. This test is applied when the investment is first acquired and 
subsequently, when additions are made to the holding. 
In addition to the original shareholders' capital, the Company has at its 
disposal a Revolving Loan Facility for the amount of GBP2,000,000 which is 
subject to an agreemnt with Lloyds Banking Group and is detailed further in Note 
12 to the financial statements. The interest rate on the loan is renegotiated 
annually and was set at a rate of LIBOR plus 0.60%. At the year end, the Company 
had GBPnil drawn down against the facility (2007: GBP5,200,000). 
A breakdown of the risks the Company is subject to and how they are mitigated 
are detailed further below and in Note 17 to the Financial Statements. 
Directors' Report (continued) 
During the year under review, the assets of the Company were invested in 
accordance with the Company's investment policy. Further details of the 
performance of the Company and the extent to which the Company's objectives were 
achieved are detailed further in the Chairman's Statement and Investment 
Manager's Review on pages 6 to 7. 
The Company's portfolio consisted of 39 Investments as at 31 December 2008 and 
is detailed further on pages 8 and 9. The sector distribution of the portfolio 
is provided on page 10. As at 31 December 2008, the portfolio only held 
investments issued in the United Kingdom. The top 10 holdings comprise 52.30% of 
total net assets (2007: 53.92%). 
The Company's gearing stood at nil% as at 31 December 2008 (2007: 15.86%). 
Financial risk profile 
The Company's financial instruments comprise investments, cash and various items 
such as debtors, creditors etc that arise directly from the Company's 
operations. The main purpose of these instruments is the investment of 
shareholders' funds. 
It is, and has been throughout the period under review, the Company's policy 
that no trading in other financial instruments shall be undertaken 
Market price risk 
The main risk arising from the Company's financial instruments is market price 
 In accordance with the Company's investment objectives, the Company does 
not hedge against its exposure to market price risk. 
The investment strategy of the Company has been delegated to the Company's 
Investment Manager, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited under an 
agreement dated 25 April 2002. The Investment Manager operates under agreed 
parameters and the Board monitors their performance on a regular basis. 
Liquidity risk 
The Company's assets comprise securities that can be readily realised to meet 
obligations arising on the redemption of shares. As a result the Company is able 
to quickly liquidate its investments in these instruments at an amount close to 
its fair value in order to meet its liquidity requirements. 
The Company has entered into a revolving 5-year loan facility explained in Note 
Interest rate risk 
The Company's interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities mainly comprise of 
cash at bank and a bank loan. The cash at bank and bank loan are subject to 
floating rates and the loan is considered to be part of the investment strategy 
of the Company. No other hedging is undertaken in respect of this interest rate 
risk. The bank loan is due to expire on 23 September 2012. 
Directors' Report (continued) 
Financial risk profile (continued) 
Foreign currency risk 
Foreign currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will 
fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. 
 The Company's foreign currency risk in 2008 arose from the investment 
portfolio and was minimal as it was principally Sterling denominated. No hedging 
was undertaken in respect of this foreign currency exposure. The Company had no 
exposure to major currencies as at 31 December 2008 (See Note 17). 
Investment Manager 
Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited (SWIP) provides investment 
management services to the Company. 
The Board believes that in the light of the performance of the portfolio, SWIP 
should continue as the Investment Manager of the Company. The Directors have the 
view that there are significant advantages to both the Company and the 
shareholders as a whole by having SWIP manage the assets of the Company. It is 
SWIP's size and its expertise which gives the Board the confidence that the 
objectives of the Company are being met. The Directors are of the opinion that 
the continuing appointment of SWIP as the Company's Investment Manager on the 
terms agreed under the agreement dated 25 April 2002 is in the interest of 
shareholders as a whole. Details of the agreement are explained in Note 4. 
New Fund Rules 
The Company was granted consent to raise funds under The Control of Borrowing 
(Bailiwick of Guernsey) Ordinances 1959, as amended ("Old Rules"). 
With effect from 29 October 2008 all but limited sections of The Control of 
Borrowing (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Ordinances 1959 to 2003 have been repealed and 
new rules have been introduced by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission 
with effect from 15 December 2008 under The Protection of Investors (Bailiwick 
of Guernsey) Law 1987, as amended (the "New Rules"). The Company operates in 
accordance with the provisions of both the Old Rules and New Rules. There is no 
requirement for existing Funds to comply with The New Rules immediately, but 
principal documents must be amended to comply by 15 December 2010 or earlier if 
documents are revised before that date. 
With effect from 29 October 2008, the Company became regulated under the New 
Rules and is deemed to be an authorised closed ended investment scheme under the 
New Law rules with an option to elect to be treated as a registered collective 
investment scheme by writing to the Guernsey Financial Services Commission 
("GFSC") on or before 15 April 2009. 
The Company will not elect to be treated as a registered collective investment 
Directors' Report (continued) 
On 1 December 2008, Deloitte & Touche LLP changed its name to Deloitte LLP. 
Accordingly, Deloitte LLP have expressed their willingness to continue in office 
as auditors and a resolution to re-appoint them will be proposed at the 
forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 
At the date of approval of the financial statements, the Directors confirm that: 
  *  so far as they are aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the 
  Company's auditor is unaware; and 
  *  they have taken all steps they ought to have taken as Directors to make 
  themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the 
  Company's auditor is aware of that information. 
This confirmation is given and should be interpreted in accordance with the 
provisions of section 249 of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. 
By order of the Board 
JM Le Pelley 
D Warr 
31 March 2009 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 requires the Directors to prepare financial 
statements for each financial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to 
prepare the financial statements in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards (IFRSs). 
International Accounting Standard 1 requires that financial statements present 
fairly for each financial year the company's financial position, financial 
performance and cash flows. This requires the faithful representation of the 
effects of transactions, other events and conditions in accordance with the 
definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, income and 
expenses set out in the International Accounting Standards Board's 'Framework 
for the preparation and presentation of financial statements'. In virtually all 
circumstances, a fair presentation will be achieved by compliance with all 
applicable IFRSs. However, the Directors are also required to: 
  *  properly select and apply accounting policies; 
  *  present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides 
  relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; 
  *  provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in 
  IFRSs are insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular 
  transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial position and 
  financial performance; and 
  *  make an assessment of the company's ability to continue as a going concern. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with The 
Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They are also responsible for safeguarding the 
assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention 
and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. The 
Directors believe that this basis is appropriate as the Company has significant 
net assets, is not dependant on external finance and is expected to operate for 
the foreseeable future. The Directors have reviewed the cash flow and projected 
income and expenses over the next twelve months and deemed that the Company has 
adequate financial resources to meet its obligations. 
Directors' responsibility statement 
We confirm to the best of our knowledge: 
| 1.                                     | the financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and                     | 
|                                        |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | 
| 2.                                     | the Investment Managers Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company. | 
By order of the Board 
JM Le Pelley 
D Warr 
3 April 2009 
Independent Auditors' Report 
To the members of UK Select Trust Limited 
We have audited the financial statements of UK Select Trust Limited for the year 
ended 31 December 2008 which comprise the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet, 
the Statement of Changes in Equity, the Cash Flow Statement and the related 
notes 1 to 19. These financial statements have been prepared under the 
accounting policies set out therein. 
This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance 
with Section 262 of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. Our audit work has been 
undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are 
required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose. To 
the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility 
to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our 
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
Respective responsibilities of Directors and Auditors 
As described in the statement of Directors' responsibilities, the Company's 
Directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in 
accordance with applicable Guernsey law and International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRSs). Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in 
accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International 
Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). 
We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true 
and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with The Companies 
(Guernsey) Law, 2008. We also report if, in our opinion the Company has not kept 
proper accounting records, or if we have not received all the information and 
explanations we require for our audit. 
We read the Directors' report and the other information contained in the Annual 
Report for the above year as described in the contents section and consider the 
implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or 
material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do 
not extend to any other information. 
Basis of Opinion 
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing 
(UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes 
examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and 
disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the 
significant estimates and judgements made by the Directors in the preparation of 
the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate 
to the Company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. 
We are not required to review any Corporate Governance disclosures required by 
the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority as the Company is an 
overseas company. 
We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and 
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with 
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements 
are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other 
irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall 
adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. 
Independent Auditors' Report (continued) 
In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance 
with IFRSs of the state of the Company's affairs as at 31 December 2008 and of 
its loss for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance 
with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. 
Deloitte LLP 
Chartered Accountants 
St Peter Port 
3 April 2009 
  Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
|           |       |   |       |  |                 2008                |  |               2007                | 
|           |       |   |Notes  |  | Revenue |  |  Capital |  |    Total |  | Revenue |  | Capital |  |   Total | 
|           |       |   |       |  | GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 |  | GBP'000 |  | GBP'000 |  | GBP'000 | 
| (Losses)/gains on     |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| investments           |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Net realised                  |  |       - |  |  (5,526) |  |  (5,526) |  |       - |  |   3,515 |  |   3,515 | 
| (losses)/gains on             |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| financial                     |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| assets and liabilities        |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| held at fair                  |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| value through profit or       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| loss     8                    |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Net changes in        |  8    |  |       - |  |  (5,409) |  |  (5,409) |  |       - |  | (2,088) |  | (2,088) | 
| unrealised            |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| depreciation on       |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| financial assets      |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| and liabilities       |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| held at fair value    |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| through profit or     |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| loss                  |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Net foreign           |       |  |       - |  |        - |  |        - |  |       - |  |       1 |  |       1 | 
| exchange gain         |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
|                       |       |  |       - |  | (10,935) |  | (10,935) |  |       - |  |   1,428 |  |   1,428 | 
| Income            |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Other income      |   |  3    |  |   1,449 |  |        - |  |    1,449 |  |   1,241 |  |       - |  |   1,241 | 
|           |       |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Expenses  |       |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Investment            |  4    |  |      38 |  |      115 |  |      153 |  |      47 |  |     143 |  |     190 | 
| management fees       |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Performance       |   |  4    |  |       - |  |        - |  |        - |  |      20 |  |      62 |  |      82 | 
| fee               |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Administration    |   |       |  |      84 |  |        - |  |       84 |  |      80 |  |       - |  |      80 | 
| fees              |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Registrars'       |   |       |  |      19 |  |        - |  |       19 |  |      12 |  |       - |  |      12 | 
| fees              |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Auditors' |       |   |       |  |      21 |  |        - |  |       21 |  |      11 |  |       - |  |      11 | 
| fees      |       |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Directors'        |   |   16  |  |      82 |  |        - |  |       82 |  |      73 |  |       - |  |      73 | 
| fees and          |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| expenses          |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Other expenses                |  |     105 |  |        - |  |      105 |  |      91 |  |       - |  |      91 | 
| Total operating     |         |  |     349 |  |      115 |  |      464 |  |     334 |  |     205 |  |     539 | 
| expenses before     |         |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| finance costs       |         |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
|                               |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Operating             |       |  |   1,100 |  | (11,050) |  |  (9,950) |  |     907 |  |   1,223 |  |   2,130 | 
| profit/(loss)         |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| before finance        |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| costs and tax         |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
|           |       |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Finance costs     |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Interest          |   |  12   |  |      58 |  |      174 |  |      232 |  |      83 |  |     251 |  |     334 | 
| payable           |   |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
|                               |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Profit/(loss)         |       |  |   1,042 |  | (11,224) |  | (10,182) |  |     824 |  |     972 |  |   1,796 | 
| before tax            |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Taxation              |  5    |  |       - |  |        - |  |        - |  |       - |  |       - |  |       - | 
|                       |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Net Profit/(loss)     |       |  |   1,042 |  | (11,224) |  | (10,182) |  |     824 |  |     972 |  |   1,796 | 
|                       |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| Basic and diluted     |  7    |  |   5.04p |  | (54.25)p |  | (49.21)p |  |   3.96p |  |   4.67p |  |   8.63p | 
| return/(deficit)      |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
| per Ordinary Share    |       |  |         |  |          |  |          |  |         |  |         |  |         | 
The total column of this statement is the Income Statement of the Company, with 
the revenue and capital columns representing supplementary information. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. All income is attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the 
The notes on pages 28 to 43 are an integral part of these financial statements. 
Balance Sheet 
As at 31 December 2008 
|                            |          | Notes  |    |       2008 |    |       2007 | 
|                            |          |        |    |    GBP'000 |    |    GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets                    |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Financial assets at fair value        |   8    |    |     19,989 |    |     36,289 | 
| through profit or loss                |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Total non-current assets   |          |        |    |     19,989 |    |     36,289 | 
|                            |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Current assets             |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Receivable from brokers    |          |        |    |      1,153 |    |      1,466 | 
| Receivables                           |   9    |    |         76 |    |        233 | 
| Cash at bank                          |        |    |      1,298 |    |        336 | 
| Total current assets       |          |        |    |      2,527 |    |      2,035 | 
|                            |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Total assets               |          |        |    |     22,171 |    |     38,324 | 
|                            |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Liabilities                |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Current Liabilities        |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Payable to brokers         |          |        |    |        224 |    |          - | 
| Payables                   |          |  11    |    |        121 |    |        343 | 
| Total current liabilities  |          |        |    |        345 |    |        343 | 
|                                       |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Non-current liabilities    |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Borrowings                            |  12    |    |          - |    |      5,200 | 
| Total non-current          |          |        |    |          - |    |      5,200 | 
| liabilities                |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
|                                       |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Total liabilities          |          |        |    |        345 |    |      5,543 | 
|                            |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Net assets attributable to holders of |        |    |     22,171 |    |     32,781 | 
| equity shares                         |        |    |            |    |            | 
|                            |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Equity shareholders' funds |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Share Capital              |          |  14    |    |      2,083 |    |      2,083 | 
| Own shares held in         |          |  14    |    |      (168) |    |      (176) | 
| treasury                   |          |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Reserves                              |        |    |     20,256 |    |     30,874 | 
|                                       |        |    |     22,171 |    |     32,781 | 
|                                       |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Number of ordinary shares in issue    |  14    |    | 20,725,742 |    | 20,712,071 | 
| (net of treasury shares)              |        |    |            |    |            | 
|                                       |        |    |            |    |            | 
| Net asset value per share             |  15    |    |    106.97p |    |    158.27p | 
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 3 April 
2009 and are signed on behalf of the Board by: 
JM Le Pelley    D Warr 
Date: 3 April 2009 
The notes on pages 28 to 43 are an integral part of these financial statements. 
Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders' Funds 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
|             |  Equity |      Own |   Share |    Capital |          Capital |    Capital | Revenue |    Total | 
|             |   share |   shares | premium | redemption | reserve-realised |   reserve- | reserve |          | 
|             | capital |     held |         |    reserve |                  | unrealised |         |          | 
|             |         |       in |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
|             |         | treasury |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
|             | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |          GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| At 1        |   2,083 |    (176) |   5,422 |      4,308 |           14,139 |      3,281 |   3,724 |   32,781 | 
| January     |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| 2008        |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Shares      |       - |    (280) |       - |          - |                - |        (7) |       - |    (287) | 
| repurchased |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| during the  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| period      |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Premiums    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| arising on  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| share       |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| elections:  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| -2007 final |       - |        - |       - |          - |                - |          - |   (316) |    (316) | 
| dividend    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| -2008       |       - |        - |       - |          - |                - |          - |   (109) |    (109) | 
| interim     |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| dividend    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Dividend    |       - |      288 |       - |          - |                - |        288 |   (288) |      288 | 
| and scrips  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Net profit  |       - |        - |       - |          - |          (5,819) |    (5,409) |   1,042 | (10,186) | 
| At 31       |   2,083 |    (168) |   5,422 |      4,308 |            8,320 |    (1,847) |   4,053 |   22,171 | 
| December    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| 2008        |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
There are no other recognised Income and Expenses for the year ended 31 December 
For the year ended 31 December 2007 
|             |  Equity |      Own |   Share |    Capital |          Capital |    Capital | Revenue |    Total | 
|             |   share |   shares | premium | redemption | reserve-realised |   reserve- | reserve |          | 
|             | capital |     held |         |    reserve |                  | unrealised |         |          | 
|             |         |       in |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
|             |         | treasury |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
|             | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |          GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| At 1        |   2,083 |        - |   5,422 |      4,308 |           11,079 |      5,369 |   3,578 |   31,839 | 
| January     |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| 2007        |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Shares      |       - |    (426) |       - |          - |                - |          - |       - |    (426) | 
| repurchased |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| during the  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| year        |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Premiums    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| arising on  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| share       |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| elections:  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| -2006 final |       - |      189 |       - |          - |                - |          - |       - |      189 | 
| dividend    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| -2007       |       - |       61 |       - |          - |                - |          - |     (1) |       60 | 
| interim     |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| dividend    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Dividend    |       - |        - |       - |          - |                - |          - |   (677) |    (677) | 
| and scrips  |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| Net profit  |       - |        - |       - |          - |            3,060 |    (2,088) |     824 |    1,796 | 
| At 31       |   2,083 |    (176) |   5,422 |      4,308 |           14,139 |      3,281 |   3,724 |   32,781 | 
| December    |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
| 2007        |         |          |         |            |                  |            |         |          | 
There are no other recognised Income and Expenses for the year ended 31 December 
The notes on pages 28 to 43 are an integral part of these financial 
statements.  Statement of Cash Flows 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
|                                      |        |         2008 |    |          2007 | 
|                                      |        |      GBP'000 |    |       GBP'000 | 
| Cash flows from operating activities          |              |    |               | 
| Payment on purchase of investments   |        |    (125,206) |    |     (120,860) | 
| Proceeds from sale of investments    |        |      131,182 |    |       121,390 | 
| Cash received from investments       |        |        1,524 |    |         1,081 | 
| Other income                         |        |           76 |    |            43 | 
| Investment management fee paid       |        |         (94) |    |         (190) | 
| Other cash payments                  |        |        (279) |    |         (395) | 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
| Net cash inflow from operating       |        |        7,203 |    |         1,069 | 
| activities                           |        |              |    |               | 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
| Cash flows from financing activities |        |              |    |               | 
| Interest paid                        |        |        (336) |    |         (301) | 
| Share repurchase                     |        |        (280) |    |         (426) | 
| Equity dividends paid                |        |        (425) |    |         (428) | 
| Repayment of long term loan          |        |       (5200) |    |             - | 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
| Net cash outflow from financing      |        |      (6,241) |    |       (1,155) | 
| activities                           |        |              |    |               | 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash      |          962 |    |          (86) | 
| equivalents                                   |              |    |               | 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the     |        |          336 |    |           422 | 
| beginning of the period              |        |              |    |               | 
|                                      |        |              |    |               | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end |        |        1,298 |    |           336 | 
| of the period                        |        |              |    |               | 
The notes on pages 28 to 43 are an integral part of these financial statements. 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1. General information 
UK Select Trust Limited is a UK Investment Trust Company incorporated under The 
Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, with its registered office at Dorey Court, 
Admiral Park, St Peter Port, Guernsey. UK Select Trust Limited's shares are 
listed on the London Stock exchange. 
The objective of the Company is to invest over 80% of its gross assets by value 
in the UK and the investment policy aims to provide a total return to 
shareholders in excess of the net total return on the FTSE All Share Index and a 
progressive dividend policy. 
2. Accounting Policies 
a.    Basis of presentation 
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the applicable 
International Reporting Standards and interpretations adopted by the 
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and in accordance with the 
guidelines included in the AIC Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial 
Statements of Investment Trust Companies issued in January 2003 and revised in 
January 2009 ("AIC SORP") to the extent that it is not in conflict with IFRS. 
The financial information is prepared under the historical cost basis except for 
the revaluation of financial instruments. 
In order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and in 
accordance with guidance issued by the AIC, supplementary information which 
analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has 
been presented alongside the Income Statement. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with International 
Financial Reporting Standards requires the Company to make estimates and 
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the 
date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and 
expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those 
b.    Going concern 
The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. The 
Directors believe that this basis is appropriate as the Company has significant 
net assets, is not dependant on external finance and is expected to operate for 
the foreseeable future. The Directors have reviewed the cash flow and projected 
income and expenses over the next twelve months and deemed that the Company has 
adequate financial resources to meet its obligations. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
2. Accounting Policies (continued) 
c.    Standards and interpretations 
In the current financial year, the Company has adopted IFRIC 11 & IFRS 2 (Group 
and Treasury Share Transactions) which came into force for periods commencing on 
or after 1 March 2007. The Directors believe that the adoption of this standard 
and interpretation will not have a material impact on the financial statements 
of the Company. 
At the date of authorisation of these statements, the following standards and 
interpretations were in issue but not yet effective: 
 IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' (Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 
1 January 2009); and 
 Amendments to IAS 1: 'Presentation of financial statements - A revised 
presentation' (Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
The Directors believe that other pronouncements, which are in issue but not yet 
operative or adopted by the Company, will not have a material impact on the 
financial statements of the Company. 
d.    Other receivables 
Other receivables do not carry any interest and are short-term in nature and are 
accordingly stated at their nominal value as reduced by appropriate allowances 
for estimated irrecoverable amounts. 
e.    Investments 
Investments are recognised and derecognised on the trade date where a purchase 
or sale is under a contract whose terms require delivery within the timeframe 
established by the market concerned, and are initially measured at fair value. 
Investments are classified as fair value through profit or loss. As the 
Company's business is investing in financial assets with a view to profiting 
from their total return in the form of interest, dividends or increases in fair 
value and are managed on a portfolio basis to meet the objectives of the 
Company, listed equities and fixed income securities are designated as fair 
value through profit or loss on initial recognition. The Company manages and 
evaluates these investments on a fair value basis in accordance with an 
investment strategy. 
Financial assets designated as fair value through profit or loss are measured at 
fair value, which is either bid price or the last traded price, depending on the 
convention of the exchange on which the investment is quoted. 
Where securities are designated upon initial recognition as fair value through 
profit or loss, gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are included 
in the income statement for the period as a capital item and transaction costs 
on acquisition or disposal of the security are expensed as a capital item. 
Foreign exchange gains and losses for fair value through profit or loss 
investments are included within the changes in its fair value. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
2. Accounting Policies (continued) 
f.    Financial liabilities and equity 
Financial liabilities and equity instruments are classified according to the 
substance of the contractual arrangements entered into. A financial liability is 
any liability that contractually obligates the Company to deliver cash or 
another financial asset or exchange financial assets or financial liabilities 
that are potentially unfavourable to the Company, or a contract that will or 
maybe settled in the Company's own equity instruments. An equity instrument is 
any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company 
after deducting all of its liabilities. As the Ordinary shares have no fixed 
rights to redemption or income they are classified as equity. 
g.    Financial instruments 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Company's 
balance sheet when the company becomes party to the contractual provisions of 
the instrument. The Company shall offset financial assets and financial 
liabilities if the Company has a legally enforceable right to set off the 
recognised amounts and interests and intends to settle on a net basis. 
h.    Bank borrowings 
Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at the proceeds 
received, net of direct issue costs, finance charges, including premiums payable 
on settlement or redemption and direct issue costs. They are accounted for on an 
accruals basis in the income statement using the effective interest method and 
are added to the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are 
not settled in the period in which they arise. 
i.    Other payables 
Other payables are not interest-bearing and are stated at their nominal value. 
j.    Income 
Dividends are brought into the Income Statement as revenue items on the 
ex-dividend date or, where no ex-dividend date is quoted, when the Company's 
right to receive payment is established. All dividends are shown gross of 
withholding tax and received net of imputed tax credits as the Company is exempt 
from Guernsey Income Tax. 
Fixed returns on non-equity investments and on debt securities are recognised 
as revenue items in the income statement on a time apportionment basis so as to 
reflect the effective yield on the investment. Other returns on non-equity 
shares are recognised when the right to the return is established. Deposit 
interest is included on an accruals basis. 
Where the Company has elected to receive its dividends in the form of 
additional shares rather than in cash, the amount of the cash dividend is 
recognised as revenue in the Income Statement. 
k.    Foreign exchange 
The presentational and functional currency of the Company is sterling, which is 
the currency of the primary economic environment in which the company operates. 
Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at 
the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Transactions in foreign 
currencies are translated into sterling at the rate ruling at the date of the 
transaction. Realised and unrealised foreign exchange gains and losses are 
recognised in the income statement as capital realised, and capital reserve - 
unrealised, respectively. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
2. Accounting Policies (continued) 
l.    Expenses 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged 
through the Income Statement as revenue except as follows: 
  *  expenses which are incidental to the acquisition of an investment are deducted 
  from gains on investments through the Income Statement as capital; 
  *  expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an investment are deducted from 
  the disposal proceeds of the investment; and 
  *  expenses are charged to the Income Statement as capital realised where a 
  connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments 
  can be demonstrated. In this respect the investment manager's fee 
  and performance fee have been allocated 75% to the capital reserve - realised 
  and 25% to the revenue reserve in line with the Board's expected long-term split 
  of returns in the form of capital gains and income respectively from the 
  investment portfolio of the Company. 
The Company has no employees 
m.    Finance costs 
Finance costs are accounted for on an accruals basis. Finance costs are 
allocated, insofar as they relate to the financing of the Company's investments, 
75% to capital reserve - realised and 25% to revenue account, in line with the 
Board's expected long-term split of returns, as outlined in the expenses note 
n.    Segment Reporting 
A business segment is a distinguishable component of the Fund that is engaged in 
providing products and services and that is subject to risks and returns that 
are different from those of other business segments. A geographical segment is a 
distinguishable component of the Fund that is engaged in providing products and 
services and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those 
of other economic environments. The Board of Directors is of the opinion that 
the Fund is organised in one main business segment, namely the management of the 
Fund's investments in order to achieve the Fund's investment objectives as 
described in Note 1 to the financial statements. The Board of Directors is 
further of the opinion that the Fund's secondary segment reporting format is 
also organised into one main geographical unit as the location of all 
investments is materially all within the United Kingdom. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
2. Accounting Policies (continued) 
o.    Capital reserves 
Capital reserve - realised 
The following are accounted for in the Income Statement and then in this 
  *  gains and losses on the realisation of investments; 
  *  charged to this reserve in accordance with the above policies; 
  *  realised foreign exchange gains and losses; and 
  *  consideration paid on repurchase of own shares. 
Capital reserve - unrealised 
The following are accounted for in the Income Statement and then in this 
  *  difference between cost and valuation of investments held at the year end; and 
  *  unrealised foreign exchange gains and losses. 
p.    Fair values of financial instruments 
Many of the Company's financial instruments are measured at fair value on the 
balance sheet and it is usually possible to determine fair values within a 
reasonable range of estimates. 
For all the Company's investments there is an active market and quoted market 
prices available. 
q.    Impairment 
The Company is required to evaluate the securities in its portfolio to determine 
if any of the securities are impaired. 
As a matter of accounting policy, UK Select Trust Limited has determined that it 
will have intent and ability to hold a security with unrealised loss until the 
cost of purchases has been recovered. 
Fair value and impairment estimates are made at a specific point in time based 
on market conditions and information about the financial instrument. These 
estimates are subjective in nature and involve uncertainties and matters of 
significant judgement. 
The Company invests in Listed UK equities and therefore at the balance sheet 
date there were no sources of significant judgement or uncertainty. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
3.    Other income 
|                                              |         2008 |   |         2007 | 
|                                              |      GBP'000 |   |      GBP'000 | 
| Dividend income from investments designated  |              |   |              | 
| at fair value through profit or loss:        |              |   |              | 
| Listed UK                                    |       1,373  |   |        1,160 | 
| Listed overseas                              |           -  |   |          36  | 
|                                              |        1,373 |   |        1,196 | 
| Dividend income from financial assets not at |              |   |              | 
| fair value through profit or loss:           |              |   |              | 
| Deposit interest arising on cash and cash    |           54 |   |           45 | 
| equivalents                                  |              |   |              | 
| Underwriting commission                      |           22 |   |            - | 
|                                              |           76 |   |           45 | 
| Total income                                 |        1,449 |   |        1,241 | 
|                                              |              |   |              | 
| Total income comprises:                      |              |   |              | 
| Dividends                                    |        1,373 |   |        1,196 | 
| Interest                                     |           54 |   |           45 | 
| Other income                                 |           22 |   |            - | 
| Total income                                 |        1,449 |   |       1,241  | 
4.    Investment management and performance fee 
|                      |  |            2008             |            2007             | 
|                      |  | Revenue | Capital |   Total | Revenue | Capital |   Total | 
|                      |  | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| Investment           |  |      38 |     115 |     153 |      47 |     143 |     190 | 
| management fee       |  |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Performance fee      |  |       - |       - |       - |      20 |      62 |      82 | 
|                      |  |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
The investment manager was appointed under an agreement with the Company dated 
25 April 2002. The agreement may be terminated by either side giving 6 months 
notice. The basic remuneration of the investment manager is 0.125% quarterly in 
arrears, based on the value of the portfolio at 31 March, 30 June, 30 September 
and 31 December. The investment manager is entitled to receive a performance fee 
payable in arrears linked to the excess total return of the Company's net assets 
compared to the total return of the FTSE All Share Index. The performance fee is 
capped at 0.25% in any year. On this basis the maximum possible management fee 
in any year will be 0.75% if the average of two years outperformance equals or 
exceeds 2.5%. A performance fee of GBPnil (2007: GBP82,275) is due for the 
current year. 
Where the investment manager is also manager of funds in which the Company has 
an investment, an arrangement is in place to avoid double charging of fees and 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
|                                              |         2008 |  |          2007 | 
|                                              |      GBP'000 |  |       GBP'000 | 
| Taxation                                     |            - |  |             - | 
|                                              |              |  |               | 
This represents withholding tax suffered on the dividends received during the 
The Company is exempt from Guernsey Income Tax under the Income Tax (Exempt 
Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinances 1989 to 1997 and is charged an annual exemption 
fee of GBP600. (2007: GBP600). 
6.    Dividends 
|                                                    |   |     2008 |  |     2007 | 
|                                                    |   |  GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 | 
| Equity dividends                                   |   |          |  |          | 
| Ordinary shares                                    |   |          |  |          | 
| Interim of 0.90p on 12,111,111 shares for 2008     |   |          |  |          | 
| paid in 2008                                       |   |          |  |          | 
| (2007 paid in 2007: 0.85p (gross) on 20,806,410    |   |      109 |  |      177 | 
| shares)                                            |   |          |  |          | 
|                                                    |   |          |  |          | 
| Final dividend for 2007: 2.55p (gross) on          |   |          |  |          | 
| 12,392,157 shares paid in 2008                     |   |          |  |          | 
| (2006 paid in 2007: 2.40p (gross) on 20,825,333    |   |      316 |  |      500 | 
| shares paid in 2007                                |   |          |  |          | 
|                                                    |   |      425 |  |      677 | 
|                                                    |   |          |  |          | 
7.    Basic and diluted return per ordinary share 
|               |                                |            |          |                   | 
|               |              2008              |                   2007                    | 
|               |  Revenue |  Capital |    Total |    Revenue |           Capital |    Total | 
|               |      GBP |      GBP |      GBP |        GBP |               GBP |      GBP | 
|               |          |          |          |            |                   |          | 
| Return/(loss) |    5.04p | (54.25)p | (49.21)p |      3.96p |             4.67p |    8.63p | 
Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue on ordinary 
activities of GBP1,042,000 (2007: return GBP824,000) and on 20,689,850 ordinary 
shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the 
year (2007: 20,803,667). 
Capital loss per ordinary share is based on a net capital loss for the financial 
year of GBP11,228,000 (2007: return GBP972,000) and on 20,689,850 ordinary 
shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the 
period (2007: 20,803,667). 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
8.    Investments 
|       |            |            |      |   |          2008           |           2007            | 
|       |            |            |      |   |Fair Value  |  % of net  |Fair Value  |  % of net    | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |  assets    |            |    assets    | 
| Financial assets at fair value through |   |    GBP'000 |            |    GBP'000 |              | 
| profit or loss                         |   |            |            |            |              | 
+                                        +---+------------+------------+------------+--------------+ 
|                                        |       |            |            |      |                | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |            |            |              | 
| Designated at fair value through profit or |            |            |            |              | 
| loss                                       |            |            |            |              | 
| - Listed equity securities             |   |    19,989  |     90.16  |    36,289  |       110.65 | 
|       |            |            |      |   |     19,989 |     90.16  |    36,289  |       110.65 | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |              |          |            | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |              |          |              | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |         2008 |          |         2007 | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |      GBP'000 |          |      GBP'000 | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |              |          |              | 
| Opening book cost               |      |   |            |    33,008    |          |      31,125  | 
| Opening unrealised appreciation        |   |            |      3,281   |          |       5,369  | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |              |          |              | 
| Opening valuation               |      |   |            |    36,289    |          |      36,494  | 
|       |            |            |      |   |            |              |          |              | 
| Movements in the period/year:          |   |            |              |          |              | 
| Purchases at cost               |      |   |            |     125,431  |          |     121,906  | 
| Sales - proceeds                |      |   |            |    (130,796) |          |    (123,538) | 
|   - realised (losses)/gains on sales   |   |            |     (5,526)  |          |       3,515  | 
| Decrease in unrealised appreciation                     |      (5,409) |          |      (2,088) | 
|       |            |            |    |     |            |              |          |              | 
| Closing valuation               |    |     |            |      19,989  |          |      36,289  | 
|       |            |            |    |     |            |              |          |              | 
| Comprising:        |            |    |     |            |              |          |              | 
| Closing book cost               |    |     |            |      22,116  |          |      33,008  | 
| Closing unrealised                         |            |   (2,127)    |          |       3,281  | 
| (depreciation)/appreciation                |            |              |          |              | 
|       |            |            |    |     |            |              |          |              | 
| Closing valuation               |    |     |            |      19,989  |          |      36,289  | 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
9.    Receivables 
|                                                  |         2008 |   |         2007 | 
|                                                  |      GBP'000 |   |      GBP'000 | 
| Accrued income                                   |           71 |   |          223 | 
| Prepayments                                      |            5 |   |           10 | 
|                                                  |           76 |   |          233 | 
|                                                  |              |   |              | 
The Directors consider that the carrying amount of receivables approximates 
their fair value. 
10.    Cash at Bank 
Cash at bank comprises bank balances and cash held by the Company including 
short-term deposits with an original maturity of three months or less. The 
carrying amount of these assets approximates to their fair value. 
11.    Payables 
|                                                  |         2008 |   |         2007 | 
|                                                  |      GBP'000 |   |      GBP'000 | 
| Interest payable                                 |            - |   |          106 | 
| Other payables                                   |          121 |   |          237 | 
|                                                  |          121 |   |          343 | 
|                                                  |              |   |              | 
The Directors consider that the carrying amount of payables approximates their 
fair value. 
12.    Borrowings 
The Company has a revolving 5 year loan facility, secured on the assets of the 
Company, which is due to expire on 23 September 2012 with an aggregate principal 
amount of GBP2,000,000, for the purposes of future investment. During the year 
ended 31 December 2008, the previous loan facility of GBP5,200,000, which was 
fully drawn down, was repaid in full. Interest is payable at a rate of six month 
sterling LIBOR plus 0.6% and the borrowing is held at amortised cost. During the 
year, interest of GBP231,502 (2007: GBP334,634) was paid. A fee of 0.30% per 
annum is payable on the undrawn amount of GBP2,000,000 of this facility (1). 
Further, the Company is required to comply with the following financial 
covenants imposed by the bank: 
  *  the Company is required to ensure that the borrowing does not at any time exceed 
  45% of the Adjusted Gross Asset Value; 
  *  the Company is required to maintain the Net Worth at not less that 
  GBP20,000,000; and 
  *  the Company is required to ensure that the investment portfolio includes 
  holdings in not less that 30 separate businesses. 
(1)     The loan is secured on the assets of the Company. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
13.    Business and geographical segments 
As described in the summary of significant accounting policies in note 2 to the 
financial statements the Board of Directors is of the opinion that the Comapny 
is organised in one main business segment, namely the management of the 
Company's investments in order to achieve the Company's investment objectives as 
described in note 1 to the financial statements, and considers this to be the 
primary reporting format for segment information and no further business segment 
information not already included in other parts of the financial statements is 
The Board of Directors is further of the opinion that the Company's secondary 
segment reporting format is also organsised into one main geographical unit as 
the location of all of its investments is materially all within the United 
|                                |        Income          |  |      Net Assets        | 
|                                |     2008 |  |     2007 |  |     2008 |  |     2007 | 
|                                |  GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 | 
| United Kingdom                 |    1,449 |  |    1,241 |  |   22,171 |  |   32,796 | 
|                                |    1,449 |  |    1,241 |  |   22,171 |  |   32,796 | 
|                                |          |  |          |  |          |  |          | 
Geographical locations are determined by the Company based on the country of 
primary listing for listed instruments and the country of incorporation for 
unlisted instruments. 
14.    Share capital 
|     |      |       |      |  |                       |        2008 |  |         2007 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                       |     GBP'000 |  |      GBP'000 | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                       |             |  |              | 
| Authorised |       |      |  |                       |             |  |              | 
| 100,000,000 ordinary shares of 10p each              |     10,000  |  |      10,000  | 
|                                                      |             |  |              | 
| 250,000 5% cumulative preference restrictive voting  |        250  |  |         250  | 
| shares of GBP1 each                                  |             |  |              | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                       |             |  |              | 
|     |      |       |      |  |                       |     10,250  |  |      10,250  | 
The holders of the five per cent cumulative preference restrictive voting shares 
shall be entitled, out of profits for dividend, to a fixed cumulative 
preferential dividend at the rate of five per cent per annum and in a winding-up 
or on a return of capital shall be entitled to repayment of capital in priority 
to the ordinary shareholders. The ordinary shareholders carry the right to 
receive any surplus income and in winding-up any surplus assets, after repayment 
of the preference capital and dividends as above. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
14.    Share capital (continued) 
|     |      |                |      |  |          |          2008 |        |           2007 | 
|     |      |                |      |  |          |       GBP'000 |        |        GBP'000 | 
| Issued, called up and fully paid:  |  |          |               |        |                | 
| 20,830,484 ordinary shares of 10p each           |               |        |                | 
| (2007: 20,830,484)          |      |  |          |        2,083  |        |         2,083  | 
|     |      |                |      |  |          |               |        |                | 
|     |      |                |      |  |                          |                         | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |                      2008                      | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |  Own Shares held in  |    Shares in issue      | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |      treasury        |                         | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |  Shares    |GBP'000  |    Shares    | GBP'000  | 
| Balance at 1 January 2008   |      |  |   |    118,413 |     176 |   20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
| Shares purchased for cancellation  |  |   |         -  |      -  |           -  |       -  | 
| Shares issued in lieu of dividends |  |   |         -  |      -  |           -  |       -  | 
| Shares purchased and held in treasury     |    202,916 |     280 |           -  |       -  | 
| Shares issued in lieu of dividends from   | (216,587)  |  (288)  |           -  |       -  | 
| treasury                                  |            |         |              |          | 
| Balance at 31 December 2008 |      |  |   |    104,742 |     168 |   20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |            |         |              |          | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |                31 December 2007                | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |  Own shares held in  |    Shares in issue      | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |      treasury        |                         | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |  Shares    |GBP'000  |    Shares    | GBP'000  | 
| Balance at 1 January 2007   |      |  |   |         -  |      -  |   20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
| Shares purchased for cancellation  |  |   |         -  |      -  |           -  |       -  | 
| Shares issued in lieu of dividends |  |   |         -  |      -  |           -  |       -  | 
| Shares purchased and held in treasury     |    310,000 |     426 |           -  |       -  | 
| Shares issued in lieu of dividends from   |  (191,587) |   (250) |           -  |       -  | 
| treasury                                  |            |         |              |          | 
| Balance at 31 December 2007        |  |   |    118,413 |     176 |   20,830,484 |    2,083 | 
|     |      |                |      |  |   |            |         |              |          | 
| During the period no shares were purchased for cancellation (2007: nil).                   | 
On 13 March 2008, 39,500 shares were purchased for Treasury at a total cost 
including expenses of GBP55,862. 
On 14 May 2008, 140,000 shares were purchased for Treasury at a total cost 
including expenses of GBP191,673. 
On 12 June 2008, 23,416 shares were purchased for Treasury at a total cost 
including expenses of GBP30,884. 
On 2 May 2008, 152,117 shares were issued to shareholders who elected to receive 
them in lieu of a final cash dividend for 2007. On 6 November 2008 64,470 shares 
were issued to shareholders who elected to receive them in lieu of an interim 
dividend for 2008. Ordinary shares of 10p each, fully paid were issued to 
shareholders from the Treasury reserves account held by the Company. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
15.    Net asset value per share 
Net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets attributable to the 
ordinary shareholders of GBP22,171,000 (2007: GBP32,781,000) and on 20,725,742 
(2007: 20,712,071) ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue 
at the end of the year. 
16.    Related party transactions 
The members of the Board of Directors are listed on page 3 of the annual report. 
Fees earned by the Directors of the Company during the year were GBP81,000 
(2007: GBP73,000) of which GBP20,250 (2007: GBP20,250) was outstanding at the 
year end. 
The investment manager, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited has a 
29.28% (2007: 29.50%) shareholding in the Company and earned investment 
management fees of GBP153,587 (2007: GBP190,408) during the year of which 
GBP27,958 (2007: GBP47,827) was outstanding at the year end and a performance 
fee of GBPnil (2007: GBP82,275). The basis of calculation of these fees is 
detailed in note 4 of the annual financial statements. 
The Company has appointed Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited to provide 
administrative and accounting services. Administrative fees (including the 
accounting fee) for the year ended 31 December 2008 totalled GBP84,000 (2007: 
GBP80,172) of which GBP38,333 (2007: GBP36,672) was outstanding at the year end. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
17.Financial assets and liabilities interest rate disclosure and other financial 
A description of the financial risk profile can be seen in the Directors' report 
on page 18. 
Capital risk management 
The capital structure of the Company consists of the cash and cash equivalents 
and equity attributable to ordinary shareholders, comprising issued share 
capital, own shares held in treasury, share premium, capital redemption reserve, 
capital reserves and revenue reserve as disclosed in the Statement of changes in 
equity. The Company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements. 
At 31 December 2008 the Company had capital of GBP22.171 million (2007: 
GBP32.781 million). 
The investment objective of UK Select Trust Limited is to invest over 80% of its 
gross assets by value in the UK and the investment policy aims to provide a 
total return to shareholders in excess of the net total return on the FTSE All 
Share Index and a progressive dividend policy. 
The Company aims to deliver its objective by investing available cash and using 
leverage whilst maintaining sufficient liquidity to meet on-going expenses and 
dividend payments. 
The Company's policy is to provide net income for distribution from the dividend 
income earned from a portfolio of UK equity securities, all of which are listed 
on the London Stock Exchange. Further, the Company has capitalised 75% of its 
investment management fee, performance fee and finance costs in respect of the 
loan facility in line with the Board's expectation of long-term returns in the 
form of capital gains from the investment portfolio of the Company. 
UK Select Trust Limited uses leverage to enhance the returns to shareholders and 
for this purpose hadsentered into a long-term loan facility amounting to GBP2 
million for future investments. The interest payable on borrowing is six month 
sterling LIBOR plus 0.6%, therefore limiting the Company's interest rate risk. 
The company has pledged its assets to secure such borrowings. 
During the year under review, the assets of the Company were invested in 
accordance with the Company's Investment Manager's strategy. The Company invests 
in various sectors and businesses to mitigate the primary risk of the company, 
price risk. In addition, price-volatility levels are reviewed and monitored 
As at 31 December 2008, the Company's portfolio consisted of 39 investments 
spread over 8 sectors. Further, the portfolio only held investments issued in 
the United Kingdom. 
The Board has also adopted an investment restriction to manage the risk profile, 
that is; 
  *  No holding in another Company may exceed 15% of the value of the Investment 
  Trust's portfolio. This test is applied when the investment is first acquired 
  and subsequently, when additions are made to the holding. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
17.    Financial assets and liabilities interest rate disclosure and other 
financial risks (continued) 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or counter-party may be unable or 
unwilling to meet a commitment that it has entered into with the Company. 
The Company's principal financial assets are bank balances and cash, other 
receivables and investments as set out in the balance sheet which represent the 
Company's maximum exposure to credit risk in relation to the financial assets. 
The credit risk on bank balances is limited because the counter-parties are 
banks with high credit ratings of A-1+ assigned by international credit-rating 
All transactions in listed securities are settled upon delivery using approved 
brokers. The risk of default is considered minimal as delivery of securities 
sold is only made once the broker has received payment. Payment is made on a 
purchase once the securities have been received by the broker. The trade will 
fail if either party fails to meet its obligations. 
Liquidity risk 
The Company's assets comprise securities that can be readily realised to meet 
obligations. As a result the Company is able to quickly liquidate its 
investments in these instruments at an amount close to its fair value in order 
to meet its liquidity requirements. Dividend income is also expected to be 
sufficient to cover short-term liquidity requirements. 
The Company has entered into a revolving 5-year loan facility explained in Note 
12, to provide leverage and enhance returns to shareholders. 
The following table details the Company's liquidity analysis for its financial 
liabilities. The table has been drawn up based on the undiscounted gross cash 
flows on those financial liabilities that require gross settlement. 
|                                                    | 1-3 months |  |  1-5 years | 
|                                                    |    GBP'000 |  |    GBP'000 | 
| 2008                                               |            |  |            | 
| Gross settled:                                     |            |  |            | 
| Other payables                                     |        345 |  |          - | 
| Bank loan                                          |          - |  |          - | 
|                                                    |        345 |  |          - | 
|                                                    |            |  |            | 
| 2007                                               |            |  |            | 
| Gross settled:                                     |            |  |            | 
| Other payables                                     |        357 |  |          - | 
| Bank loan                                          |          - |  |      5,200 | 
|                                                    |        357 |  |      5,200 | 
|                                                    |            |  |            | 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
17.    Financial assets and liabilities interest rate disclosure and other 
financial risks (continued) 
Market risk 
Market risk is the possibility that future changes in market prices may make a 
financial instrument less valuable or more onerous. The Company's market risk is 
managed by the investment manager through diversification of the investment 
portfolio in accordance with the Company's investment policy. 
a) Price risk 
Price risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial 
instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices whether those 
changes are caused by factors specific to the individual financial instrument or 
its issuers, or factors affecting similar financial instruments traded in the 
In accordance with the Company's investment objectives, the Company does not 
hedge against its exposure to market price risk. 
The investment strategy of the Company has been delegated to the Company's 
Investment Manager, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited under an 
agreement dated 25 April 2002. The Investment Manager operates under agreed 
parameters and the Board monitors their performance on a regular basis. 
Price sensitivity 
The following table details the Company's sensitivity to a 30% increase and 
decrease in the market prices while all other variables were held constant. 30% 
is the sensitivity rate used when reporting price risk internally to key 
management personnel and represents management's assessment of the possible 
change in market prices. A positive number indicates an increase in net assets 
attributable to holders of redeemable shares where the market price of the 
relevant financial instrument increases and a negative number indicates a 
decrease where the market price of the relevant financial instrument decreases. 
|                            |         Income          |          |         Net Assets          | 
|                            |  30% increase in price  |          |    30% decrease in price    | 
|                            |          |   |          |          |        |         |          | 
|                            |  Impact on financial    |          | Impact on financial assets  | 
|                            |  assets at fair value   |          |    at fair value through    | 
|                            | through profit or loss  |          |       profit or loss        | 
+----------------------------+                         +----------+                             + 
|                            |                         |          |                             | 
|                            |     2008 |   |     2007 |          |         2008 |   |     2007 | 
|                            |  GBP'000 |   |  GBP'000 |          |      GBP'000 |   |  GBP'000 | 
|                            |          |   |          |          |              |   |          | 
| Increase/(decrease) in net |          |   |          |          |              |   |          | 
| assets attributable        |          |   |          |          |              |   |          | 
| -Designated as at fair     |    5,997 |   |   10,887 |          |      (5,997) |   | (10,887) | 
| value through profit or    |          |   |          |          |              |   |          | 
| loss                       |          |   |          |          |              |   |          | 
|                            |    5,997 |   |   10,887 |          |      (5,997) |   | (10,887) | 
b) Interest rate risk 
The Company's interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities mainly comprise of 
cash at bank and a bank loan. The cash at bank and loan are subject to floating 
rates and the loan is considered to be part of the investment strategy of the 
Company. No other hedging is undertaken in respect of this interest rate risk. 
As such the Board does not believe the Company suffers any material interest 
rate risk. 
Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 
17.    Financial assets and liabilities interest rate disclosure and other 
financial risks (continued) 
c) Currency risk 
Foreign currency risk is the risk that a financial instrument will fluctuate 
because of changes in foreign exchange rates. 
The Company's foreign 
currency risk in 2007 and 2008 is minimal as all of the Company's material 
assets and liabilities are Sterling denominated. 
18.    Parent and ultimate controlling party 
The Board is of the opinion that there is no immediate parent or ultimate 
controlling party of the Company. 
19.    Events after the balance sheet date 
On 27 March 2009, the Board declared a final dividend of 2.73p per share. In 
accordance with the requirements of IFRS, as this was not approved until after 
the balance sheet date, no accrual has been reflected in these financial 
statements for this amount 
Due to significant global turmoil in the financial markets, the Company's NAV 
has fallen by 10% since the end of the annual reporting period (correct as at 30 
March 2009). 
Ten Year Record 
|             |    Gross |  |      Net |  |  Revenue |  |     Gross |  |  Ordinary |  |      Net | 
|             |  revenue |  |  revenue |  |   return |  | dividends |  |     share |  |    asset | 
|             |          |  |    after |  |      per |  |       per |  |   capital |  |    value | 
|             |          |  | taxation |  | ordinary |  |  ordinary |  |  eligible |  |       of | 
|             |          |  |          |  |    share |  |     share |  |       for |  | ordinary | 
|             |          |  |          |  |          |  |           |  | dividends |  |   shares | 
|             |          |  |          |  |          |  |           |  |           |  | (Ex-div) | 
| Year ended  |  GBP'000 |  |  GBP'000 |  |        p |  |      p(3) |  |   GBP'000 |  |        p | 
| 31 December |    (1+2) |  |          |  |          |  |           |  |           |  |          | 
|             |          |  |          |  |          |  |           |  |           |  |          | 
| 1999        |    2,528 |  |    2,053 |  |     3.56 |  |     3.06* |  |     5,763 |  |    146.9 | 
| 2000        |    2,216 |  |    1,733 |  |     3.04 |  |      2.77 |  |     5,663 |  |    134.2 | 
| 2001        |    2,168 |  |    1,735 |  |     3.05 |  |      2.79 |  |     5,717 |  |    104.4 | 
| 2002        |    1,735 |  |    1,276 |  |     2.72 |  |      2.80 |  |     4,186 |  |     76.1 | 
| 2003        |    1,500 |  |    1,130 |  |     2.69 |  |      2.83 |  |     4,203 |  |     90.7 | 
| 2004        |    1,536 |  |    1,117 |  |     2.77 |  |      0.83 |  |     3,858 |  |     97.9 | 
| 2005        |    1,517 |  |      880 |  |     2.48 |  |      2.95 |  |     2,073 |  |    125.5 | 
| 2006        |    1,041 |  |      648 |  |     3.12 |  |      3.10 |  |     2,083 |  |    152.9 | 
| 2007        |    1,241 |  |      824 |  |     3.96 |  |      3.25 |  |     2,071 |  |    158.3 | 
| 2008        |    1,449 |  |    1,046 |  |     5.04 |  |      3.63 |  |     2,073 |  |    106.9 | 
  1.  The information provided prior to 2006 in the above statement is prepared in 
  accordance with UK GAAP and not IFRS. 
  2.  Following the introduction of FRS16 (IAS 12) all dividends receivable from 1999 
  have been shown gross of withholding tax whereas previously they were shown net. 
  3.  Following the introduction of FRS 21 (IAS 10) all dividends paid by the company 
  from 2004 are accounted for in the period in which the Company is liable to pay 
  them. Such treatment is also consistent with International Financial Reporting 
  Standards. In previous years, the Company accrued dividends in the period in 
  which the net revenue, to which those dividends related, were accounted for. 
*The 1999 gross dividends for ordinary shares include special dividends of 
Notice of Meeting 
Notice is hereby given that the Fiftieth Ordinary Annual General Meeting of UK 
Select Trust Limited (the "Company") will be held at La Trelade Hotel, Forest, 
Guernsey, on Wednesday 29 April 2009 at 11:30am., for the following purposes: 
  1.  To consider the Directors' report and financial statements for the year ended 31 
  December 2008. 
  2.  To authorise the implementation by the Directors of the provisions of Article 
  133 of the Company's Articles of Association in respect of any dividend (or part 
  thereof) declared or proposed to be declared by way of final dividend in respect 
  of the financial year of the Company ending 31 December 2008, or by way of an 
  interim dividend in respect of the financial year of the Company ending 31 
  December 2009. 
  3.  To declare a final dividend of 2.73p gross per ordinary share of the Company 
  payable on 8 May 2009 to ordinary shareholders registered at the close of 
  business on 27 March 2009 in respect of all ordinary shares then registered in 
  their respective names, provided that, if the foregoing Resolution 2 shall have 
  been duly passed, such dividend shall not be paid in respect of which elections 
  to receive additional ordinary shares shall have been duly lodged pursuant to 
  the terms of the Company's circular letter dated 6 April 2009. 
  4.  To re-elect JM Le Pelley as Director in accordance with Article 97 of the 
  Company's Articles of Association. 
  5.  To re-elect Mr JG West as Director in accordance with Article 97 of the 
  Company's Articles of Association. 
  6.  To re-appoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors. 
  7.  To consider, and if thought fit, approve the renewal of the unconditional and 
  general authorisation of the Company authorised by the forty-ninth Annual 
  General Meeting held on 25 April 2008, so that the Company is generally and 
  unconditionally authorised in accordance with the Companies (Purchase of Own 
  Shares) Ordinance 1998 to make market purchases (within the meaning of Section 5 
  of the said Ordinance) of its own ordinary shares out of distributable profits 
  subject as follows: 
  *  the maximum number of shares hereby authorised to be purchased is 3,103,742 
  (representing 14.9% of the number of shares of the Company in issue on 31 
  December 2008) ; 
  *  the maximum price which may be paid for such shares is, as for a share which the 
  Company contracts to purchase on any day, a sum equivalent to 105% of the 
  average of the middle market quotation for the ordinary shares of the Company in 
  the daily official list of the London Stock Exchange or the 5 business days 
  immediately proceeding the day; 
  *  any purchase of shares will be made in the market for cash at prices below the 
  prevailing asset value per share; 
  *  the minimum price which may be paid for such shares is 10p; and 
  *  the authority conferred by this resolution shall expire at the conculsion of the 
  fifty first Annual General Meeting of the Company or 30th September 2010, 
  whichever is earlier. 
By order of the Board 
Corporate Services (Guernsey) Limited 
Dorey Court 
St Peter Port 
Note: A member entitled to be present and vote at the meeting may appoint a 
proxy to attend and, on a poll, to vote in his stead. Appointment of a proxy 
will not preclude a member from attending the meeting and voting in person. A 
proxy need not be a member of the Company. The Directors have no contracts with 
the Company. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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