RNS Number : 7434K

EME Capital LLP

01 August 2013

Not for release, publication or distribution in whole or in part, directly or indirectly in or into or from any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the laws of such jurisdiction.

1 August 2013






(to be implemented by way of a scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006)


-- The board of Mirfield and the Independent Directors of the Company are pleased to announce that they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer, with a share alternative, to be made by Mirfield, for the whole of the issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of the Company (the "Acquisition"). Mirfield was incorporated on 11 June 2013 specifically for the purpose of making the Acquisition on behalf of EME Capital and its co-investors.

-- It is proposed that the Acquisition will be made by way of a Scheme of Arrangement between the Company and its shareholders under Part 26 of the Companies Act (the "Scheme").

-- Under the terms of the Acquisition, Target Company Shareholders will be entitled to receive 12.5 pence in cash (the "Cash Consideration") for each Target Company Share (the "Cash Offer"), valuing the existing issued ordinary share capital of the Company at approximately GBP2.9 million, and representing a premium of 100% to the closing mid-market price of 6.25 pence of a Target Company Share on 31 July 2013, being the last practicable business day prior to the date of this announcement.

-- In addition, Mirfield will offer a share alternative to the Cash Offer on the basis of 0.08796 unlisted Mirfield B Shares for each Target Company Share (the "Share Alternative"). Target Company Shareholders may elect to receive the Share Alternative in respect of all but not some of their holding of Target Company Shares. However, the maximum number of Mirfield B Shares that may be issued under the Share Alternative will be 611,111 Mirfield B Shares which would represent 10% of the issued share capital of Mirfield upon completion of the Scheme. This means that the Share Alternative will be available for a maximum of 6,947,601 Target Company Shares, which is equivalent to 30% of the issued share capital of the Company as at 31 July 2013, being the last practicable business day prior to the date of this announcement. If the maximum number of Mirfield B Shares available under the Share Alternative is not sufficient to satisfy all valid elections for the Share Alternative in full, entitlements will be scaled back pro rata and to the extent that, following such scale-back, any Target Company Shareholder does not receive Mirfield B Shares in respect of all the Target Company Shares which are the subject of his election for the Share Alternative, he will instead receive the Cash Consideration for the remaining Target Company Shares. Target Company Shareholders who do not elect to receive the Share Alternative will receive Cash Consideration in respect of all of their Target Company Shares.

-- The Mirfield B Shares will be unlisted and there are no plans to seek a public quotation on any recognised investment exchange or other market for the Mirfield B Shares which may be issued to Target Company Shareholders pursuant to the Share Alternative nor in respect of any other Mirfield Shares.

-- As part of the Acquisition, the Company will also acquire all the shares in The Original Design Partnership Limited ("ODP") which are not already held by it (the "ODP Purchase"). ODP is currently owned as to 20% by the Company, 60% by Mr Theo Fennell ("Mr Fennell"), 12% by Mr Alasdair Hadden-Paton ("Mr Hadden-Paton") and the remaining 8% is owned by other employees and former employees of the Company. Both of Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton are currently directors of the Company and ODP.

-- Also, as part of the Acquisition, Messrs Fennell and Hadden-Paton will continue as directors of the Company and have entered into new service agreements with the Company (the "New Service Agreements") which are conditional on completion of the Acquisition when Messrs Fennell and Hadden-Paton will also be appointed to the board of Mirfield.

-- Upon completion of the Acquisition, Mirfield will have four classes of shares: A Shares subscribed for by the original investors in Mirfield, B Shares which will be issued to Target Company Shareholders under the Share Alternative, and C Shares and D Shares which will be issued as "sweet equity" to incentivise Messrs Piasecki (the proposed CEO following completion of the Acquisition) and Fennell respectively.

-- Immediately following the Acquisition, and assuming no other Target Company Shareholders elect to receive the Share Alternative, Mr Fennell will own Mirfield B Shares and Mirfield D Shares representing 9.1% of the total Mirfield Shares.

-- Mirfield considers the "Theo Fennell" brand as crucial to its business plan and the success of the Acquisition. As part of the Acquisition, Mr Fennell has agreed to assign and transfer to the Company all rights he owns in the name "Theo Fennell" and associated intellectual property.

-- Mirfield recognises the Company's brand and existing creative talent remain of the calibre required to enhance and expand the Company's position as a highly respected designer and retailer. Mirfield intends to add additional retail experience to the Company's management.

-- Upon completion of the Acquisition, the Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mirfield and an application will be made for the admission of the Target Company Shares to trading on AIM will be cancelled (the "AIM Cancellation").

-- Implementation of the Scheme will be subject, amongst other things, to the sanction of the court and the approval of the Target Company Shareholders of the resolutions to be proposed at the Meetings. The Scheme Document setting out full details of the Scheme and the procedures to be followed to approve the Scheme, together with a Form of Election and Forms of Proxy will be despatched to Target Company Shareholders within 28 days of the date of this announcement.

-- Mirfield has received irrevocable undertakings from Target Company Shareholders holding 33.5% of the existing share capital of the Company to vote in favour of the Scheme, as well as irrevocable undertakings to consent to be bound by the Scheme, should it be approved, from Target Company Shareholders holding an additional 16.2% of the existing share capital of the Company.

-- In addition, Mirfield has received irrevocable undertakings from Target Company Shareholders holding 16.1% of the existing share capital of the Company to accept the Share Alternative, subject to possible scale back.

-- The Independent Directors, who have been so advised by Opus Corporate Finance LLP, consider the terms of the Acquisition, to be fair and reasonable. However, the Independent Directors do not express any view on the terms of the Share Alternative. In providing its advice to the Independent Directors, Opus Corporate Finance LLP has taken into account the commercial assessments of the Independent Directors. For the purpose of Rule 16 of the Takeover Code, Opus Corporate Finance LLP considers the terms of the ODP Purchase, the Brand Repatriation Agreement, the New Service Agreements and the "sweet equity" arrangements for Mr Fennell described in paragraph 9 below to be fair and reasonable insofar as the Independent Shareholders are concerned. The ODP purchase by the Company is a related party transaction under AIM Rule 13. The Independent Directors of the Company, having consulted with Cantor Fitzgerald Europe, consider that the ODP Purchase is fair and reasonable in so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned. Accordingly, the Independent Directors intend unanimously to recommend that Target Company Shareholders vote in favour of the resolutions to be proposed at the Court Meeting and the General Meeting.

Commenting on the offer, Rahan Shaheen, a partner in EME Capital and a Director of Mirfield 1964 said:

"This is an exciting opportunity for Mirfield. Theo Fennell is a well-established British luxury brand which is highly respected for its distinctive designs and creative talent. The Mirfield team have strong experience and proven track record of investing in and growing successful luxury and consumer businesses. We believe that with the necessary funding, a strong management team in place and a focus on broadening the product range, Mirfield can help Theo Fennell to realise its full potential and develop the business into a successful global luxury brand."

Theo Fennell, Founder and Creative Director of Theo Fennell plc, said:

"This is an excellent opportunity for the business. With the additional capital and management expertise of Mirfield we will be able to build an even stronger business and I am personally delighted that I will continue to play a central role for Theo Fennell plc"

This summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of this Announcement of which it forms part (including the Appendices).

The Acquisition (including the Scheme) will be subject to the other terms set out in this Announcement and to the conditions set out in Appendix 2 to this Announcement and to the full terms and conditions to be set out in the Scheme Document, when issued. Any vote in relation to the Acquisition or the Scheme should only be made on the basis of the information contained in the Scheme Document. Appendix 1 contains definitions of certain expressions used in this summary and in this Announcement.

Appendix 5 contains details of the bases and sources of certain information contained in this Announcement.


For further information contact:

 Rahan Shaheen                                  020 3468 1900 
 Theo Fennell Plc 
 Theo Fennell                                   020 7591 5000 
 finnCap Ltd (Financial adviser to Mirfield) 
 Stuart Andrews/Christopher 
  Raggett                                       020 7220 0500 
 Opus Corporate Finance LLP (Financial adviser and Rule 
  3 adviser to the Company) 
 Malcolm Strang/John McElroy                    020 7025 3600 
    Cantor Fitzgerald Europe (Nominated Adviser and Broker 
     to the Company) 
 Mark Percy/Catherine Leftley                   020 7894 7000 
 Pelham Bell Pottinger (Public Relations adviser to the 
 James Henderson/Lucy Miles                     020 7861 3885 

finnCap Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acting exclusively for Mirfield and no-one else in connection with the Acquisition and this announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Mirfield for providing the protections afforded to clients of finnCap Limited nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or the content of, or any matter or arrangement referred to in, this announcement.

Opus Corporate Finance LLP, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acting exclusively for the Company and no-one else in connection with the Acquisition and this announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to clients of Opus Corporate Finance LLP nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or the content of, or any matter or arrangement referred to in, this announcement.

Cantor Fitzgerald Europe, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acting exclusively for the Company and no-one else in connection with the confirmations made in this announcement in accordance with Rule 13 of the AIM Rules for Companies and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to clients of Cantor Fitzgerald Europe nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or the content of, or any matter or arrangement referred to in, this announcement.

The Mirfield Directors accept responsibility for the information contained in this Announcement other than that relating to the Target Company and ODP, the Target Company Directors and members of their immediate families, related trusts and persons connected with them. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Mirfield Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this Announcement for which they accept responsibility is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.

The Independent Directors have consented to the issue of this Announcement with the references to their names and the name of the Company in the form and context in which they appear.

finnCap Ltd has consented to the issue of this Announcement with the references to its name in the form and context in which it appears.

Opus Corporate Finance LLP has consented to the issue of this Announcement with the references to its name in the form and context in which it appears.

Cantor Fiztgerald Europe has consented to the issue of this Announcement with the references to its name in the form and context in which it appears.

This announcement is not a prospectus. It is for information purposes only and is not intended to, and does not constitute or form part of an offer or invitation to sell or purchase any securities or the solicitation of an offer to purchase, otherwise acquire, subscribe for, sell or otherwise dispose of any securities, pursuant to the Scheme or otherwise. Subject to the rights of Mirfield to elect, subject to any required consent of the Panel, to effect the Acquisition by way of an offer, the Acquisition will be made solely by the Scheme Document and the accompanying Forms of Proxy and Form of Election which will contain the full terms and conditions of the Scheme.

Dealing disclosure requirements

Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Takeover Code, any person who is interested in 1 per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of an offeree company or of any paper offeror (being any offeror other than an offeror in respect of which it has been announced that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an Opening Position Disclosure following the commencement of the offer period and, if later, following the announcement in which any paper offeror is first identified. An Opening Position Disclosure must contain details of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any paper offeror(s). An Opening Position Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10(th) business day following the commencement of the Offer Period and, if appropriate, by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10(th) business day following the announcement in whichany paper offeror is first identified. Relevant persons who deal in the relevant securities of the offeree company or of a paper offeror prior to the deadline for making an Opening Position Disclosure must instead make a Dealing Disclosure.

Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Takeover Code, any person who is, or becomes, interested in 1 per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of the offeree company or of any paper offeror must make a Dealing Disclosure if the person deals in any relevant securities of the offeree company or of any paper offeror. A Dealing Disclosure must contain details of the dealing concerned and of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any paper offeror, save to the extent that these details have previously been disclosed under Rule 8. A Dealing Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(b) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the business day following the date of the relevant dealing.

If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in relevant securities of an offeree company or a paper offeror, they will be deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.

Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company and by any offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company, by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert with any of them (see Rules 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4).

Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose relevant securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures must be made can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Takeover Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk, including details of the number of relevant securities in issue, when the Offer Period commenced and when any offeror was first identified.

If you are in any doubt as to whether you are required to make an Opening Position Disclosure or a Dealing Disclosure, you should contact the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

Rule 2.10 Disclosure

In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the Takeover Code, the Company confirms that at the date of this Announcement, there are 23,158,029 Target Company Shares in issue and admitted to trading on AIM. The ISIN of the Target Company Shares is GB0008858986.

In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the Takeover Code, Mirfield confirms that at the date of this Announcement, there are 50,000 Mirfield A Shares in issue and no Mirfield B Shares, Mirfield C Shares or Mirfield D Shares have been issued.

Forward-looking statements

This announcement may contain "forward-looking statements" concerning the Target Company and Mirfield. Generally, the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "forecast", "intend", "may", "plan", "project", "should" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the relevant company's current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Many of these risks and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond the Company's and Mirfield's ability to control or estimate precisely, such as changes in general economic and business conditions, changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates, lack of acceptance of new exchange rates and interest rates, introduction of competing products or services, lack of acceptance of new products or services, changes in business strategy and the behaviour of other market participants and therefore undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Neither the Company nor Mirfield intends or assumes any obligation to update these forward-looking statements other than as required by law.

No profit forecasts or estimates

No statement in this Announcement is intended as a profit forecast or profit estimate and no statement in this Announcement should be interpreted to mean that future earnings per share of the Enlarged Group for the current or future financial periods will necessarily match or exceed the historical or published earnings per share of the Target Company.

No material change

There has been no material change in relation to any information previously published in the Offer Period except as disclosed in this Announcement and in the announcement made by the Target Company of its results for the year ended 31 March 2013 which is made today.

Overseas Shareholders

The availability of the Cash Offer and the Share Alternative and the release, publication or distribution of this Announcement in jurisdictions outside of the United Kingdom may be restricted by the laws of those jurisdictions and therefore persons into whose possession this Announcement comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. Failure to comply with any such restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the companies involved in the Acquisition disclaim any responsibility or liability for the violation of such restrictions by any person.

This announcement has been prepared for the purposes of complying with English law and the Takeover Code and the information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this announcement had been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations of any jurisdiction outside of England.

The Acquisition relates to the acquisition of shares in a UK public company and is proposed to be made by means of a scheme of arrangement of that company with its shareholders under Part 26 of the Companies Act. In particular, with respect to investors in the United States, a transaction effected by means of a scheme of arrangement is not subject to the tender offer rules under the US Exchange Act. Accordingly, the Scheme is subject to the disclosure requirements, rules and practices applicable in the United Kingdom to schemes of arrangement, which differ from the requirements of US tender offer rules. Financial information on the Company included in the relevant documentation has been prepared in accordance with accounting standards applicable to listed companies in the UK, being IFRS as adopted by the European Union. These may not be comparable to the financial statements of US companies.

This document is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. The Mirfield B Shares which will be issued in connection with the Acquisition have not been, will not be and are not required to be registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "US Securities Act") or under the securities laws of any state, district or other jurisdiction of the United States, and may not be offered, sold, delivered or transferred except pursuant to an available exemption from or in a transaction not subject to the registration requirements of the US Securities Act and applicable US state securities laws.

Neither the SEC nor any other US federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the Mirfield B Shares or passed an opinion upon the fairness or merits of such securities or upon the accuracy or adequacy of the disclosures contained in this document. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offence in the United States.

Information relating to Target Company Shareholders

Please be aware that addresses, electronic addresses and certain information provided by Target Company Shareholders, persons with information rights and other relevant persons for the receipt of communications from the Target Company may be provided to Mirfield during the offer period where requested under Section 4 of Appendix 4 of the Takeover Code to comply with Rule 2.12(c).

Publication on website and availability of hard copies

A copy of this announcement will be made available free of charge (subject to any applicable restrictions with respect to persons in restricted jurisdictions), at www.eme-capital.com and on the website of the Target Company at www.theofennell.com by no later than 12.00 noon on 2 August 2013 and will be available during the course of the Scheme. You may request a hard copy of this announcement, free of charge, by contacting finnCap, on 020 7220 0500. Unless so requested a hard copy of this Announcement will not be sent to you. Target Company Shareholders may also request that all future documents, announcements and information sent to you in relation to the Scheme should be in hard copy form.

For the avoidance of doubt, neither the content of the websites referred to above (nor any other website) nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on any such website is incorporated into or forms part of this announcement.

Not for release, publication or distribution in whole or in part, directly or indirectly in or into or from any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the laws of such jurisdiction.

1 August 2013






(to be implemented by way of a scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006)

   1.   Introduction 

The board of Mirfield and the Independent Directors are pleased to announce that they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended Cash Offer, with a Share Alternative, to be made by Mirfield, for the whole of the issued and to be issued share capital of Theo Fennell Plc.

It is proposed that the Acquisition will be made by way of a court-approved Scheme of Arrangement of the Company with the Target Company Shareholders under Part 26 of the Companies Act, although Mirfield reserves the right, at its sole discretion and subject (if required) to the consent of the Panel, to seek to implement the Acquisition by way of an offer for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of the Company, and to make appropriate amendments to the terms of the Acquisition arising from the change from the Scheme to an offer. The Scheme will be subject to the Conditions set out below and in Appendix 2 to this announcement and the full terms and conditions to be set out in the Scheme Document and the Form of Election.

Subject to the satisfaction or, where appropriate, waiver of the Conditions, it is expected that the Acquisition will become effective in October 2013. Further details in respect of the expected timetable of key events in relation to the Acquisition will be set out in the Scheme Document to be sent to Target Company Shareholders.

   2.   Terms of the Acquisition 

The Cash Offer

The Cash Offer, which will be subject to the conditions and principal further terms referred to in Appendix 2 of this announcement, will be made, on the following basis:

for each Target Company Share, 12.5p in cash

The Cash Offer values the Company's entire issued share capital of the Target Company at approximately GBP2.9 million, and represents a premium of:

-- 100% to the closing mid-market price of 6.25 pence of a Target Company Share on 31 July 2013 (being the last practicable business day prior to the date of this announcement); and

-- approximately 6.4% to the closing mid market price of 11.75 pence of a Target Company Share on 4 September 2012 (being the business day prior to the offer period);

-- approximately 37.4% to the average closing mid-market price of 9.1 pence of a Target Company Share over the six month period ended on and including 31 July 2013.

The Share Alternative

In addition, Target Company Shareholders (other than certain Overseas Shareholders in Restricted Jurisdictions) will be offered the Share Alternative as set out below and in Appendix 2.

Target Company Shareholders (other than certain Overseas Shareholders in Restricted Jurisdictions) may elect, in respect of all and not part of their holdings of Target Company Shares, to receive unlisted Mirfield B Shares instead of all but not part of the Cash Consideration due to them under the terms of the Acquisition on the following basis:

for each Target Company Share, 0.08796 Mirfield B Shares

A maximum of 611,111 Mirfield B Shares, which would represent 10% of the issued share capital of Mirfield upon completion of the Scheme, are available to Target Company Shareholders under the Share Alternative. This means that the Share Alternative is available for a maximum of 6,947,601 Target Company Shares, representing 30% of the issued share capital of the Company on 31 July 2013, being the last practicable business day prior to the date of this announcement.

If the maximum number of Mirfield B Shares available under the Share Alternative is not sufficient to satisfy all valid elections for the Share Alternative in full, entitlements will be scaled back pro rata and to the extent that, following such scale-back, any Target Company Shareholder does not receive Mirfield B Shares in respect of all the Target Company Shares which are the subject of his election for the Share Alternative, he will (in addition to his pro rata share of the Mirfield B Shares) instead receive the Cash Consideration for the remaining Target Company Shares. As a result, Target Company Shareholders who elect to participate in the Share Alternative, will not know the exact number of Mirfield B Shares or the amount of cash (if any) that they will receive until settlement of the consideration due to them in respect of the Acquisition.

Fractions of Mirfield B Shares will not be allotted or issued pursuant to the Scheme to Target Company Shareholders and entitlements will instead by rounded down to the nearest whole number of Mirfield B Shares.

Target Company Shareholders who do not elect to receive the Share Alternative will receive Cash Consideration in respect of all of their Target Company Shares.

Following completion of the Acquisition, Mirfield will have four classes of shares: A Shares subscribed for by the original investors in Mirfield, B Shares which will be issued to Target Company Shareholders under the Share Alternative, and C Shares and D Shares which will be issued as "sweet equity" to incentivise Messrs Piasecki and Fennell respectively. Details of their respective "sweet equity" arrangements are set out in paragraph 9 below.

The Mirfield B Shares are identical to, and rank pari passu with the Mirfield A Shares, Mirfield C Shares and Mirfield D Shares save that they will be non-dilutable for a period of two years following completion of the Acquisition. Following the expiry of this period, all Mirfield B Shares will automatically be converted into and be re-designated as Mirfield A Shares.

Further details of the terms of the Share Alternative and the rights attaching to the Mirfield A Shares, the Mirfield B Shares, the Mirfield C Shares and the Mirfield D Shares are set out in Appendix 3 and paragraph 9 below.

Risk Factors in relation to the Share Alternative

The Share Alternative is not and will not be the subject of a recommendation by the Independent Directors. It is recommended that Target Company Shareholders carefully consider, in light of their own investment objectives and having taken independent advice appropriate to their own financial circumstances, whether they wish to elect for the Share Alternative. The attention of Target Company Shareholders who may be considering electing for the Share Alternative is drawn to certain risk factors and other investment considerations relevant to such an election. These will be set out in full in the Scheme Document and include, amongst other things, the following:

-- Mirfield is an unlisted company and there currently is, and it is expected that there will continue to be, no market in Mirfield Shares;

-- Mirfield has no plans to seek a listing or public quotation of the Mirfield Shares on any recognised investment exchange or other market following the implementation of the Scheme. Consequently, Mirfield Shares may be difficult to sell;

-- Mirfield will not be subject to the disclosure, corporate governance and shareholder protection requirements of any recognised investment exchange;

-- the Mirfield Shares held by Target Company Shareholders will represent a minority interest in Mirfield; even if the maximum number of Mirfield B Shares is issued to the independent Target Company Shareholders under the Share Alternative, they will represent only 10 per cent. of the issued share capital of Mirfield;

   --      Mirfield currently has no intention to pay dividends; and 

-- there is a possibility in the future that additional shares will be issued by Mirfield and/or additional options over Mirfield Shares may be granted to the management and/or employees of Mirfield (as explained below). Although the Mirfield B Shares cannot be diluted for a period of two years following the completion of the Acquisition, the issue of new Mirfield Shares following the expiry of this period will dilute the holding in Mirfield of the Target Company Shareholders who elect for the Share Alternative and are issued Mirfield B Shares. At Completion, warrants to subscribe, (subject to certain conditions) at any time during a period of 5 years after completion of the Acquisition for up to such maximum number of Mirfield A Shares as represents 10% of the fully-diluted share capital of Mirfield at the time of exercise will be granted to EME Capital at an exercise price of 1p per Mirfield A Share. If these warrants are exercised after the two year period following the Acquisition, the issue of Mirfield A Shares upon exercise of these warrants will dilute the holders of Mirfield B Shares. Likewise, the issue of Mirfield C Shares and Mirfield D Shares to Mr Piasecki and Mr Fennell respectively (pursuant to their "sweet equity" arrangements further described in paragraph 9 below) after the two year period following the Acquisition will also dilute the holders of Mirfield B Shares.

   3.   Information on Theo Fennell Plc 

The Target Company is an international luxury jewellery business engaged in the design, manufacture and retailing of fine jewellery. In the year ended 31 March 2013, the Company had turnover of GBP10.7m and losses of GBP878k.

   4.   Information on The Original Design Partnership 

The ODP is a private company making specialised commissioned designs of jewellery. In the year ended 31 March 2013, the company had turnover of GBP784k and losses of GBP98k.

The Target Company owns 20% of ODP. 60% is owned by Mr Fennell, 12% by Mr Hadden-Paton and the remaining 8% is owned by other employees and former employees. As part of the Acquisition, the Company will purchase all of the shares in ODP which it does not currently own. Details of the ODP Purchase are set out in paragraph 10 below.

   5.   Information on Mirfield 

Mirfield was incorporated in England and Wales as a public limited company on 11 June 2013 for the purpose of carrying out the Acquisition. Mirfield has received irrevocable commitments from each of the persons listed below (together the "Investors"), subject to the Scheme becoming effective prior to 31 December 2013, to invest the aggregate sum of GBP5,500,000 through subscriptions for Mirfield A Shares. Subject to completion of the Acquisition, Mike Jatania, Sir Keith Mills and Jon Moulton have each agreed to subscribe GBP1,500,000 for Mirfield A Shares and Mr Piasecki and EME Capital have each agreed to subscribe GBP500,000 for Mirfield A Shares.

Mike Jatania was CEO of the Lornamead Group, which he built into a leading personal care company with the acquisition of over 30 brands with sales in over 50 countries around the world. He is most known and recognized for his success in acquiring and investing in well known brands. The Lornamead Group was sold to a strategic buyer in December 2012.

Sir Keith Mills founded Air Miles International Group BV in 1988, which developed Air Miles, and Loyalty Management UK in 2001, which developed the Nectar Card. He has also been a director of Nadler & Larimer and Mills, Smith & Partners. Sir Keith was knighted in recognition of his services to sport and in 2012 was deputy chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Sir Keith is a resident of the United Kingdom.

Jon Moulton is founder of the private equity firm Better Capital, and is the former managing partner of the private equity firm Alchemy Partners. Mr Moulton previously worked with Citicorp Venture Capital in New York and London, Permira and Apax Partners. He is a resident of Guernsey.

Jurek Piasecki was a director of Comet Group plc when he led the buyout of Northern Goldsmiths plc in 1983 to create Goldsmiths Group, which became the largest jewellery chain in the UK in 2004. He has since founded Lockend Investments, which oversees a varied portfolio of companies including home waste solutions and property, and Nuval, a watch distribution company specialising in the import and distribution of luxury watches and jewellery. He is a resident of the United Kingdom. Following completion of the Acquisition, Mirfield C Shares will be issued to Mr Piasecki pursuant to his "sweet equity" arrangements further described in paragraph 9 below.

EME Capital LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and has offices in London, Paris and Dubai. The firm engages in making private equity investments, primarily in the luxury, hospitality and lifestyle sectors in Europe, and in offering corporate finance and global capital placement services to its clients. Mirfield has granted warrants to EME Capital to subscribe for such maximum number of Mirfield A Shares as represent 10% of the fully diluted share capital of Mirfield at the time of exercise at an exercise price of 1p per Mirfield A Share. Subject to certain conditions, the warrants may be exercised at any time during the period of five years following completion of the Acquisition.

   6.   Background to and reasons for the Acquisition 

EME Capital identified the Company as a potential acquisition target in August 2012. Extensive due diligence has convinced EME Capital and Mirfield that, notwithstanding tough trading conditions, the Company's brand and the creative talent behind it remain of the calibre required to enhance and expand the Company's position as a highly respected designer and retailer. The Company's British heritage and distinctive designs combine to place it in an enviable position as a luxury brand with broad aspirational appeal.

The Company's recent trading has led to cash flow constraints and a consequent limitation on its capacity to invest in stock and the business. Whilst trading losses have been reduced, the Company needs additional capital in order to invest in stock to support both its existing and new product lines. Mirfield strongly believes that key to the success of its strategy will be a broadening of the range of products available, which it is hoped will lead to increased revenues generated from footfall in and around the Company's existing locations in Burlington Arcade, the Royal Exchange, Selfridges, Harrods and the Fulham Road. In particular, the Fulham Road store will remain the Company's head office and flagship retail location. Mirfield currently has no plans to redeploy any of the fixed assets of the Company.

Mirfield has received commitments for an equity injection on completion of the Acquisition of GBP5.5 million which will be used to fund the cash consideration due under the Cash Offer, the expenses incurred in making the Acquisition and further investment in working capital. In addition the Company has received a commitment letter to enter into a revolving credit facility of GBP2.5m, subject to completion of the Acquisition, from the Company's existing lender, Clydesdale Bank.

Mirfield believes that the management team will be key to the success of its strategy. Accordingly, Mirfield and the Company have agreed to appoint Jurek Piasecki, formerly of Goldsmiths, a leading jewellery chain, as Chief Executive Officer of the Company, subject to completion of the Acquisition. Messrs Piasecki and Fennell are being issued with the "sweet equity" in order to incentivise their performance. Any increase in Mr Piasecki's equity holding in Mirfield is subject to the Company meeting certain targets. Any increase in Mr Fennell's equity holding in Mirfield is subject to the proviso that at the time of such grant he has not either voluntarily resigned or been summarily dismissed by the Company in accordance with his service contract. Such incentivisation should ensure that Messrs Piasecki and Fennell are fully committed to growing the business over the medium to long term. Further details of the rights of Messrs Piasecki and Fennell to receive additional shares are set out in paragraph 9 below.

In addition it is intended that Alasdair Hadden-Paton will become a non-executive Director of the Company following completion of the Acquisition and will be incentivised through commission payments detailed in paragraph 9 below, to continue selling the Company's products under Mirfield's ownership.

Mirfield believes that the Company will be better able to pursue its strategy as a private company free from the financial and regulatory burdens of the public arena. The cost and resource savings arising if the Target Company's Shares cease to be admitted to trading on AIM will free up funds and management time for the achievement of Mirfield's strategy and realisation of the Company's potential.

   7.   Background to and reasons for the Recommendation 

As Shareholders will be aware, the Company has experienced challenging trading conditions over the last few years with the tough economic environment affecting consumer spending. As previously announced, the Company experienced weak Christmas trading. The Board has responded by significantly reducing costs and restructuring the wholesale division. The Company has also been proactive in launching new jewellery ranges, opening new sites in London and expanding on-line sales. This has resulted in a reduction in the losses of the business. However, despite these efforts, sales continue to be under pressure and the Company's bank, while generally supportive is seeking to reduce its facilities to the Company on a stand alone basis.

The view of the Board is that the Company needs access to additional capital to enable it to launch new ranges of jewellery including additional high end pieces, in response to increased demand. The Acquisition will lead to a substantial capital injection into the business and also help secure long term bank financing. This will enable the Company to expand its product range, especially at the high end, to enter new markets and expand internationally. The additional capital will also enable the management team of the Company to be strengthened: EME Capital has engaged Mr Piasecki, a very experienced chief executive for Mirfield and the Company.

On 5 September 2012, the Company announced that it had received an approach from EME Capital. Following this announcement the Board received approaches from a number of interested parties, none of which resulted in an acceptable proposal that the Board felt they could recommend to Shareholders. The Independent Directors have considered a number of alternative proposals for the Company, including raising new equity capital, but believe the Cash Offer to be the best option available to Shareholders. The Cash Offer will enable Shareholders to exit their investment at a substantial premium to the current share price.

The Share Alternative is not the subject of a recommendation by the Independent Directors and Target Company Shareholders are strongly advised to seek their own independent financial advice before electing to participate in the Share Alternative.

   8.   Management and Employees 

Mirfield recognises and respects the capabilities and experience of the existing management and employees of the Company. Mirfield intends to grow the Company's business over the coming years and Mirfield confirms that the existing employment rights and benefits of all the Target Company's and the ODP's employees will be fully safeguarded on completion of the Acquisition.

It is proposed that Mr Fennell will be employed as Creative Design Director of the Company and will be an executive director of the Target Company and a non-executive director of Mirfield. It is further proposed that Mr Hadden-Paton will no longer be the chief financial officer of the Target Company but will continue as a non-executive director of both the Target Company and Mirfield. Further details of these arrangements are set out in paragraph 9 below.

Upon the Scheme becoming effective it is proposed that the Independent Directors will resign from the board of the Company.

EME Capital has entered into, conditional upon completion of the Acquisition, an advisory agreement with Mirfield and the Company to provide financial advisory services (including the provision of personnel to undertake the role of chief financial officer, in return for which a fee of GBP120,000 per annum is payable). In consideration for its advisory services, EME Capital will also receive a transaction fee of up to GBP140,000, and has been granted, conditional upon completion of the Acquisition, warrants to subscribe at par for up to such maximum number of Mirfield A Shares as represents 10% of the fully-diluted share capital of Mirfield at the time of exercise (subject to adjustment) at any time during the period 5 years after the completion of the Acquisition subject to satisfaction of performance-based targets and other conditions. EME Capital will also provide two individuals, namely Ahmad Salam and Rahan Shaheen, to act as non-executive directors of Mirfield and will be paid an annual fee of GBP100,000 for the provision of these two directors.

Mr Piasecki will be appointed as a non-executive director of Mirfield and a company controlled by Mr Piasecki has entered into a consultancy agreement with Mirfield and the Company pursuant to which, conditional upon completion of the Acquisition, Mr Piasecki's services will be made available to undertake the functions of chief executive officer and to advise on, among other things, the Target Company's strategy, staffing, budgeting and risk management. The term of the consultancy agreement is for a fixed period of 30 months following which it may be terminated upon 6 months notice by either party (subject to earlier termination for breach). A fee of GBP180,000 per annum plus VAT shall be paid under the consultancy agreement. Mr Piasecki will also be paid GBP20,000 per annum in consideration for acting as non-executive director of Mirfield. Details of the "sweet equity" arrangements applicable to Mr Piasecki are set out in paragraph 9.

Upon completion of the Acquisition, Mike Jatania will be appointed as Non-Executive Chairman of Mirfield.

Further information on the employment and consultancy agreements will be included in the Scheme Document.

Save as set out above, Mirfield does not have any current plans to make any other material change in the terms and conditions of employment of the management and employees of the Target Company, the location of the Target Company's place of business or any redeployment of its fixed assets.

   9.   Management Incentivisation 

Mr Theo Fennell

Mr Fennell has entered into a new service agreement with the Target Company and Mirfield pursuant to which, conditional upon completion of the Acquisition, he will act as Creative Director of the Target Company in return for a salary of GBP300,000 per annum plus a pension entitlement of GBP50,000 per annum. These terms are generally based on Mr Fennell's existing terms of employment, save for an increase in salary (and certain benefits) to compensate Mr Fennell for agreeing to the brand repatriation as described in paragraph 11 below. Mr Fennell will also be appointed to the board of Mirfield. Mr Fennell will act as a director of both the Target Company and Mirfield, on an executive and non-executive basis respectively.

Mr Fennell's new service agreement will be for a minimum term of 36 months (subject to various dismissal rights) and can thereafter be terminated on 6 months' notice on either side. As this agreement has a fixed term of more than 2 years, shareholder approval will be required under the provisions of the Companies Act. An appropriate resolution will be put to shareholders at the General Meeting.

To incentivise Mr Fennell in connection with the future business of the Company, Mr Fennell will also be entitled to have sweet equity in the form of Mirfield D Shares issued to him up to such maximum number of Mirfield D Shares as represents 10% of the fully diluted share capital of Mirfield on the following basis:

-- Following completion of the Acquisition, such number of Mirfield D Shares as represents 5% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield at such date will be issued to him.

-- On the first anniversary of completion of the Acquisition, such further number of Mirfield D Shares as represents 1.67% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield at such date will automatically be issued to him.

-- On the second anniversary of completion of the Acquisition, such further number of Mirfield D Shares as represents 1.67% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield at such date will automatically be issued to him.

-- On the third anniversary of completion of the Acquisition, such further number of Mirfield D Shares as represents 1.66% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield at such date will automatically be issued to him.

-- No Mirfield D Shares will be issued to Mr Fennell on the first, second or third anniversary of completion of the Acquisition if, before any such date, Mr Fennell has either voluntarily resigned or been summarily dismissed by the Company in accordance with his service agreement.

-- If Mr Fennell has died or retired by reason of ill-health before the first, second or third anniversary of completion of the Acquisition when further Mirfield D Shares would have been issued to him (or his estate), he will still be issued a proportionate number of those Mirfield D Shares relative to the time served by him.

-- All Mirfield D Shares issued to Mr Fennell will be issued to him at par (i.e. at a subscription price of 1p per share) and will be issued to him credited as fully paid by way of a capitalisation of amounts standing to the credit of the Company's share premium account, i.e. at no cost to Mr Fennell.

-- If at any time before the date which is the earlier of the third anniversary of completion of the Acquisition, the date on which Mr Fennell ceases to hold any D Shares or the date on which Mr Fennell ceases to be engaged in the business of the Company, an offer is made for the entire issued share capital of Mirfield and such offer becomes unconditional in respect of at least 75% of the share capital of Mirfield, any Mirfield D Shares not yet issued will be issued to him immediately provided that Mr Fennell has not either voluntarily resigned or been summarily dismissed by the Company in accordance with his service agreement.

-- Once Mirfield D Shares have been issued to Mr Fennell he will be entitled to retain those shares even if he subsequently ceases to be an employee of the Company for any reason.

The Mirfield D Shares issued to Mr Fennell will be protected against dilution during the period of 3 years after the completion of the Acquisition provided that Mr Fennell has not either voluntarily resigned or been summarily dismissed by the Company in accordance with his service agreement. Following the expiry of this period, all Mirfield D Shares will automatically be converted into and be re-designated as Mirfield A Shares.

It is currently proposed that Louise Fennell, Mr Fennell's wife will, conditional upon completion of the Acquisition, also be engaged as a consultant of the Target Company in a part-time role in public relations and as a brand ambassador for a salary of GBP50,000 per annum.

Alasdair Hadden-Paton

Mr Hadden-Paton will, conditional upon completion of the Acquisition, act as a Non-Executive Director for both the Target Company and Mirfield for a fee of GBP50,000 per annum and will have the right to receive commission of 50% of the retail margin achieved on a sale of Target Company products to individuals introduced to the Target Company by him.

In addition, Mr Hadden-Paton will enter into a one month consultancy agreement to hand over his functions as chief financial officer for a fee of GBP4,500 plus expenses. Mr Hadden-Paton will also enter into a compromise agreement relating to the change in his existing engagement with the Company pursuant to which he will receive a payment of GBP20,500.

Jurek Piasecki

The services of Mr Piasecki will be made available to the Enlarged Group to undertake the role of chief executive officer pursuant to a consultancy agreement. To incentivise Mr Piasecki in connection with the future business of the Company, subject to satisfaction of performance-based targets and other conditions, Mr Piasecki will be entitled to have sweet equity in the form of Mirfield C Shares issued to him up to such maximum number of Mirfield C Shares as represents 10% of the fully diluted share capital of Mirfield on the following basis:

-- Following completion of the Acquisition, such number of Mirfield C Shares as represents 5% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield at such date will be issued to him.

-- Subject to satisfaction of performance-based targets and other conditions and provided that his services continue to be provided to the Enlarged Group pursuant to his consultancy agreement at the relevant time, such further number of Mirfield C Shares as represents 2.5% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield will be issued to him on two further occasions after completion of the Acquisition. If at any time before the third anniversary of completion of the Acquisition, Mr Piasecki's consultancy agreement has been terminated by the Company in certain circumstances, he will be required to compulsorily offer to sell to the holders of the Mirfield A Shares at a price of 1p per share such number of Mirfield C Shares as represents up to 5% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield. However, Mr Piasecki will be entitled to retain those Mirfield C Shares issued to him following completion of the Acquisition even if his consultancy agreement is terminated for any reason.

-- All Mirfield C Shares issued to Mr Piasecki will be issued to him at par (i.e. at a subscription price of 1p per share) and will be issued to him credited as fully paid by way of a capitalisation of amounts standing to the credit of Mirfield's share premium account, i.e. at no cost to him.

-- If at any time before the date which is the earlier of the fifth anniversary of completion of the Acquisition, the date on which Mr Piasecki ceases to hold any D Shares or the date on which Mr Piasecki ceases to be engaged in the business of the Company, an offer is made for the entire issued share capital of Mirfield and such offer becomes unconditional in respect of at least 75% of the share capital of Mirfield, any Mirfield C Shares not yet issued will be issued to him immediately provided that he continues to provide consultancy services to the Company.

-- The Mirfield C Shares issued to Mr Piasecki will be protected against dilution during the period of 5 years after the completion of the Acquisition provided that he continues to provide consultancy services to the Company. Following the expiry of this period, all Mirfield C Shares will automatically be converted into and be re-designated as Mirfield A Shares.

10. The ODP Purchase

The Company currently has a 20% shareholding in The Original Design Partnership Limited (the "ODP"), a private company making specialised commissioned designs, managed by Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton, who own 60% and 12% of the equity in the ODP respectively.

Subject, inter alia, to completion of the Acquisition having occurred on or before 31 December 2013, the Company has agreed to acquire the outstanding 80% of the share capital in the ODP not already owned by it, being Messrs Fennell's and Hadden-Paton's interests, plus other minority shareholders' interests (totalling an additional 8%), for an aggregate purchase price of GBP200,000 payable in cash. On this basis, Messrs Fennell and Hadden-Paton will receive GBP150,000 and GBP30,000 in cash respectively. Limited warranties and indemnities are being given by the selling shareholders to the Company as buyer. Completion of the acquisition of the ODP will occur simultaneously with completion of the Acquisition. Upon completion of the ODP Purchase, the Company has agreed to procure the repayment by ODP of its outstanding overdraft to Clydesdale, which currently stands at approximately GBP42,000 from a maximum available facility of GBP85,000, and to procure that Clydesdale releases Mr Fennell from his obligations and liabilities as a guarantor of the ODP's obligations to Clydesdale.

Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton currently have outstanding shareholder loans made by them to the ODP of GBP95,000 and GBP10,000 respectively (the "ODP Shareholder Loans") plus accrued interest. A further amount of GBP136,000 in aggregate is also outstanding to Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton in respect of outstanding and unpaid salaries (including National Insurance and PAYE payments) (the "Unpaid Salaries").

If and to the extent that the ODP Shareholder Loans cannot be discharged out of net cash available from cash realisations at completion of the ODP Purchase, as part of the ODP Purchase, the ODP will repay the ODP Shareholder Loans pro rata out of net cash generated by the ODP in the 24 month period following completion of the Acquisition. Any amounts still outstanding in respect of the ODP Shareholder Loans and any Unpaid Salaries at the end of such 24 month period will be settled by a transfer to them of stock owned by the ODP at the time (such stock being valued at cost) in full and final settlement of all amounts which then remain under the ODP Shareholder Loans and Unpaid Salaries. Accordingly, if and to the extent that the ODP has insufficient stock to repay the outstanding balance of the ODP Shareholder Loans in full, Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton have agreed to waive any outstanding balance of their Shareholder Loans and Unpaid Salaries. The ODP has granted Mr Fennell a floating charge over its stock as security for its obligations in respect of his ODP Shareholder Loan. This floating charge will rank behind Clydesdale's own charge over the shares and assets of the ODP pursuant to the revolving credit facility referred to in paragraph 6 above.

As the purchase of Mr Fennell's shares in ODP will constitute a substantial property transaction with a director for the purposes of the Companies Act, the acquisition of his shares will be subject to shareholder approval.

11. Brand Repatriation

Mirfield considers the "Theo Fennell" brand, as well as the participation of Mr Fennell, as crucial to its business plan and the success of the Acquisition. As part of the Acquisition, Mr Fennell has entered into the Brand Repatriation Agreement pursuant to which he has agreed, subject to completion of the Acquisition, to assign and transfer all intellectual property rights he owns in the business name "Theo Fennell" and associated intellectual property to the Company as further described below.

Under the Brand Repatriation Agreement Mr Fennell:

-- unconditionally and irrevocably assigns and transfers to the Company all intellectual property rights he owns in the business name "Theo Fennell" and its constituent elements "Theo" and "Fennell" (the "TF Name") in relation to the business of the Company, all attendant goodwill and, in addition, any rights he owns in trade marks used by the Company and other intellectual property rights in relation to the Company's business, such as rights in designs and ideas for products sold by the Company;

-- provides warranties to the effect that all intellectual property rights in relation to the TF Name, trade marks and such designs and ideas are either owned by him (and thus are being assigned under the agreement) or are, to the best of his knowledge, already owned by the Company or any company within the Company's group. Mr Fennell also provides warranties to the effect that he is not aware of any infringement issues relating to the Company's business or of any reason why these intellectual property rights might be vulnerable to challenge; and

-- agrees not to use the TF Name in relation to any business, but the agreement permits him to use the TF Name to identify himself as the author of any literary or musical work, such as a book or song, any dramatic work, sound recording or film, or of any two dimensional artistic work. He is permitted also to use the TF Name to identify himself as the author or designer of any product which is created and/or gifted by him for non-commercial purposes. In each case, the permission is subject to the proviso that he does so only in good faith and in a way which is not misleading.

12. The AIM Cancellation

On completion of the Acquisition, the Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mirfield. Prior to the Scheme becoming effective, a request will be made to the London Stock Exchange to cancel trading in the Target Company Shares on AIM immediately following completion of the Acquisition without seeking the separate approval of the Target Company Shareholders under Rule 41 of the AIM Rules for Companies.

Following the AIM Cancellation, Target Company Shares will not be quoted on any publicly quoted market in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.

Target Company Shareholders should note the Risk Factors set out in paragraph 2 above.

Share certificates in respect of Target Company Shares will cease to be valid and should be destroyed upon the Scheme taking effect. In addition, entitlements held within CREST to Target Company Shares will be cancelled upon, or shortly after, the Scheme taking effect. As soon as possible after completion of the Acquisition, it is intended that the Company will be re-registered as a private limited company.

13. Share Options

All of the outstanding options under the Target Company Approved Employee Share Option Scheme, Unapproved Employee Share Option Schemes and Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme (the "Option Schemes") have an exercise price which is significantly higher than the cash consideration per Target Company Share under the Cash Offer. Accordingly, it is not expected that these options will be exercised prior to the completion of the Acquisition. Mirfield has therefore agreed with the Panel that no equivalent offer will be made to the holders of the Option Schemes. Participants in the Option Schemes will receive further details on the effect of the Acquisition on their outstanding options in the separate letters which will be despatched to them in due course.

14. Financing of Acquisition

Mirfield has received irrevocable undertakings to subscribe for 328,827 Mirfield B Shares under the terms of the Share Alternative. Full acceptance of the Cash Offer in respect of the remaining Target Company Shares will result in the payment by Mirfield of approximately GBP2,427,457 in cash to Target Company Shareholders. The Cash Consideration due under the Cash Offer will be funded by cash from the equity subscription of Mirfield A Shares by the Investors.

finnCap, which is advising Mirfield in relation to the cash confirmation pursuant to Rules 2.7(d) and 24.8 of the Takeover Code, is satisfied that resources are available to Mirfield sufficient to satisfy in full the maximum amount of the Cash Consideration payable under the terms of the Acquisition.

15. Opening Position Disclosures and interests

Mirfield confirms that it is making an Opening Position Disclosure today, setting out the details required to be disclosed by it under Rule 8.1(a) of the Takeover Code.

16. The Scheme

It is proposed that the Acquisition will be made by way of a court-approved Scheme of Arrangement of the Target Company with the Target Company Shareholders under Part 26 of the Companies Act, although Mirfield reserves the right, at its sole discretion and subject (if required) to the consent of the Panel, to seek to implement the Acquisition by way of an offer for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of the Company, and to make appropriate amendments to the terms of the Acquisition arising from the change from the Scheme to an offer.

Mr Fennell and the TF SIPP hold the same class of shares in the Target Company as all of the other Target Company Shareholders but in light of the availability to Mr Fennell of the 'sweet equity' described in paragraph 9 above, the Court meeting will be for the Target Company Shareholders other than Mr Fennell and the TF SIPP. Mr Fennell has irrevocably undertaken that he and the TF SIPP will agree to be bound by the Scheme.

The Scheme, which will be effected by way of a reduction of capital of the Company, will be subject to (inter alia) each of the following matters:

-- the approval of the Scheme at a Court-convened meeting of the Target Company Shareholders (excluding Mr. Fennell and the TF SIPP) by a majority in number representing at least 75% in value of such Target Company Shareholders present and voting (whether in person or by proxy);

-- the approval of the capital reduction at a general meeting of the Target Company Shareholders by a special resolution of those Target Company Shareholders present and voting (whether in person or by proxy);

-- the approval of all other shareholders' resolutions in connection with the Scheme at the General Meeting referred to below;

-- the sanction of the Scheme and confirmation of the capital reduction by the Court; and

-- the delivery of the Court orders sanctioning the Scheme and the capital reduction to the Registrar of Companies, whereupon the Scheme will become effective.

Upon the Scheme becoming effective:

-- the Target Company Shares will be reclassified as 'A Scheme Shares', in respect of which the Cash Consideration will be paid (including those Target Company Shares in respect of which an election to receive the Share Alternative was made but which have been scaled back) and 'B Scheme Shares', in respect of which the Share Alternative has been validly chosen, subject to any scale-back;

-- the 'A Scheme Shares' and 'B Scheme Shares' will be cancelled and in their place a like number of new ordinary shares in the capital of the Company will be issued to Mirfield, whereupon the Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mirfield;

-- as consideration for the cancellation of the 'A Scheme Shares' the Cash Consideration will be paid by Mirfield and as consideration for the cancellation of the 'B Scheme Shares', one Mirfield B Share will be issued for each 'B Scheme Share' cancelled; and

-- the Mirfield B Shares will be issued credited as fully paid and will rank pari passu in all respects with each other and with the Mirfield A Shares in issue at such time, save for the anti-dilution and other rights attaching to the Mirfield B Shares as described in Appendix 3.

17. The Court Meeting and the General Meeting

The Acquisition (including the Scheme) will be put to Target Company Shareholders at the Court Meeting and at the General Meeting, which are expected to be held during September 2013.

Notices to convene the Court Meeting (subject to the consent of the Court) and the General Meeting will be included in the Scheme Document.

The purpose of the Court Meeting is to seek the approval of Target Company Shareholders (other than Mr. Fennell and the TF SIPP) for the Scheme and certain related matters.

The purpose of the General Meeting is to consider and, if thought fit, pass the other necessary resolutions to give effect to the Acquisition, being:

-- a special resolution to approve the reduction of capital of the Company in connection with the Scheme;

-- a special resolution to approve amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company in connection with and to facilitate the Scheme;

   --                  a special resolution to re-register the Company as a private company; 

-- an ordinary resolution of Target Company Shareholders (other than Mr Fennell, the TF SIPP and Mr Hadden-Paton) to be taken on a poll to approve the New Service Agreements and ancillary arrangements with Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton and the 'sweet equity' arrangements with Mr Fennell, for the purposes of Rule 16 of the Takeover Code;

-- an ordinary resolution of Target Company Shareholders (other than Mr Fennell, the TF SIPP and Mr Hadden-Paton) to be taken on a poll to approve the ODP Purchase and the Brand Repatriation Agreement, for the purposes of Rule 16 of the Takeover Code; and

-- ordinary resolutions of Target Company Shareholders to approve Mr Fennell's new service contract for the purposes of section 188 of the Companies Act and the acquisition of Mr Fennell's shares in the ODP by the Company pursuant to the ODP Purchase for the purposes of section 190 of the Companies Act;

Neither Mr Fennell nor the TF SIPP can vote at the Court Meeting. Neither Mr Fennell or the TF SIPP (in relation to arrangements with Mr Fennell) nor Mr Hadden-Paton (in relation to arrangements with himself), nor any person acting in concert with or connected with them, may vote on the resolutions pursuant to Rule 16 of the Takeover Code that apply to their respective arrangements.

Rule 16 of the Takeover Code provides that, except with the consent of the Panel, an offeror or persons acting in concert with it may not make any arrangements with shareholders and may not deal or enter into arrangements to deal in shares of the offeree company, or enter into arrangements which involve acceptance of an offer, either during an offer or when one is reasonably in contemplation, if there are favourable conditions attached which are not being extended to all shareholders. An arrangement made with a person who, while not a shareholder, is interested in shares carrying voting rights in the offeree company will also be prohibited by Rule 16 of the Takeover Code if favourable conditions are attached which are not being extended to the shareholders.

Each of the arrangements with Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton outlined in paragraphs 9, 10 and 11 constitutes an arrangement with a shareholder of the Company made when the Acquisition was reasonably in contemplation and to which favourable conditions are attached which are not being extended to all Target Company Shareholders.

The Panel has confirmed to finnCap that it consents to these arrangements with Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton provided that such arrangements are approved by Target Company Shareholders (other than Mr Fennell, the TF SIPP and Mr Hadden-Paton and any person acting in concert with them or connected with them) in general meeting. The vote must be taken on a poll.

Target Company Shareholders should note that completion of the Acquisition will be conditional upon passing of all the above resolutions.

18. Expected timetable for posting of the Scheme Document

It is expected that the Scheme Document, which will include notices to convene the Court Meeting and the General Meeting, will be posted to Target Company Shareholders during August 2013 (and, in any event, within 28 days of this announcement, unless otherwise agreed with the Panel) and that the Scheme will become effective in October 2013, subject to the satisfaction of the Conditions.

19. Overseas Persons

The availability of Mirfield B Shares under the Share Alternative to persons not resident in the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdiction. Such persons should inform themselves about and observe any applicable requirements. Further details in relation to Overseas Persons will be contained in the Scheme Document.

20. Irrevocable undertakings

Independent Directors

Irrevocable undertakings to vote, or procure the vote, in favour of all of the Resolutions to be proposed at the Meetings have been received from Rupert Hambro and Francis McKay in respect of their entire beneficial holdings of Target Company Shares amounting, in aggregate, to 1,657,538 Target Company Shares, which represents approximately 7.2 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company.

Theo Fennell and Alasdair Hadden-Paton

An irrevocable undertaking has been received from Mr Fennell to consent to be bound by the Scheme and to vote, or procure the vote, in favour of all the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting other than those in respect of which he is not entitled to vote (being the resolutions to approve the arrangement with himself, for the purposes of Rule 16 of the Code) in respect of his entire beneficial holding of Target Company Shares amount to 3,750,279 Target Company Shares which represent 16.2 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company.

An irrevocable undertaking has been received from Alasdair Hadden-Paton to vote, or procure the vote, in favour of all of the Resolutions to be proposed at the Meetings other than those in respect of which he is not entitled to vote (being the resolution to approve the arrangements with himself, for the purposes of Rule 16 of the Takeover Code) in respect of his entire beneficial holdings of Target Company Shares amounting to 866,626 Target Company Shares, which represent 3.7 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company.

Each of Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton has also undertaken to elect to receive the Share Alternative in full in respect of his entire beneficial holding of Target Company Shares (other than, in the case of Mr Fennell, the Target Company Shares held by the TF SIPP), which will equate to a maximum of 328,827 Mirfield B Shares, representing approximately 53.8% of the Mirfield B Shares that will be available to be issued on completion of the Scheme, assuming that no other Target Company Shareholders elect to receive the Share Alternative.

Other Shareholders

Irrevocable undertakings have been received from each of Centric Investments Limited, Francis Richard Northcott and Lodestone Limited to vote, or procure the vote, in favour of all of the Resolutions to be proposed at the Meetings in respect of their entire beneficial holdings of Target Company Shares amounting, in aggregate, to 5,225,903 Target Company Shares, which represents approximately 22.6 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company. Further details of these irrevocable undertakings are set out in Appendix 4.

Each of the above irrevocable undertakings will cease to be binding only if the Acquisition (or, if made, a takeover offer) lapses or is withdrawn at any time (but will continue to bind if the Acquisition is changed from the Scheme to an offer) or if the Scheme Document if not posted within 28 days of the date of this Announcement.

21. Recommendations

The board of directors of the Company has determined that Messrs Fennell and Hadden-Paton are not independent for the purposes of considering and recommending the Acquisition due to their proposed participation in Mirfield following completion of the Acquisition. Accordingly, it has been agreed that Rupert Hambro and Francis McKay will be the Independent Directors for the purposes of the Takeover Code and the AIM Rules.

The Independent Directors, who have been so advised by Opus Corporate Finance LLP, consider the terms of the Acquisition to be fair and reasonable. However, the Independent Directors do not express any view on the terms of the Share Alternative. In providing its advice to the Independent Directors, Opus Corporate Finance LLP has taken into account the commercial assessments of the Independent Directors.

For the purpose of Rule 16 of the Takeover Code, Opus Corporate Finance LLP considers the terms of the ODP Purchase, the Brand Repatriation Agreement, the New Service Agreements and the "sweet equity" arrangements for Mr Fennell described in paragraph 9 above to be fair and reasonable insofar as the Independent Shareholders are concerned.

The ODP purchase by the Company is a related party transaction under AIM Rule 13. The Independent Directors of the Company, having consulted with Cantor Fitzgerald Europe, consider that the ODP Purchase is fair and reasonable in so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned. Accordingly, the Independent Directors intend unanimously to recommend that Target Company Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the Court Meeting and the General Meeting.

22. Documents on display

Copies of the following documents, will by no later than 12 noon on 2 August 2013 be published on EME Capital's website (www.eme-capital.com):

   --      a copy of this announcement; 
   --      the irrevocable undertakings listed in Appendix 4; 

-- the subscription agreements relating to the financing of the Acquisition as referred to in paragraph 14 above; and

   --      the commitment letter from Clydesdale as referred to in paragraph 6 above. 

Appendix 1


In this Announcement the following words and expressions have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:

 "Acquisition"                    the recommended cash offer, 
                                   with a share alternative, to 
                                   be made by Mirfield for the 
                                   whole of the issued and to 
                                   be issued ordinary share capital 
                                   of the Company whether undertaken 
                                   by way of the Scheme or alternatively 
                                   by way of a takeover offer 
                                   under the Takeover Code 
 "AIM"                            the AIM market operated by 
                                   the London Stock Exchange plc 
 "AIM Cancellation"               the cancellation of the admission 
                                   of the Company's ordinary shares 
                                   to trading on AIM 
 "Announcement"                   this announcement 
 "Board"                          the board of directors of the 
                                   Target Company 
 "Brand Repatriation Agreement"   the agreement relating to the 
                                   "Theo Fennell" brand described 
                                   in paragraph 11 of this Announcement 
 "Business Day"                   a day, other than a Saturday, 
                                   Sunday or public holiday, on 
                                   which banks are open for non-automated 
                                   business in the City of London 
 "Cash Consideration"             the entitlement for Target 
                                   Company Shareholders under 
                                   the terms of the Acquisition 
                                   to receive 12.5p in cash in 
                                   consideration for each Target 
                                   Company Share 
 "Cash Offer"                     the offer by Mirfield to the 
                                   Target Company Shareholders 
                                   to acquire their Target Company 
                                   Shares for the Cash Consideration 
 "Companies Act" or "Act"         the Companies Act 2006, as 
 "Court"                          the High Court of Justice in 
                                   England and Wales 
 "Conditions"                     the conditions of the Acquisition 
                                   set out in Appendix 2 of this 
 "Court Meeting"                  the meeting of Target Company 
                                   Shareholders (other than Mr 
                                   Fennell and the TF SIPP) to 
                                   be convened by order of the 
                                   Court under section 896 of 
                                   the Act for the purposes of 
                                   considering and, if thought 
                                   fit, approving the Scheme (with 
                                   or without amendment), and 
                                   any adjournment thereof 
 "Clydesdale"                     Clydesdale Bank plc 
 "EME Capital"                    EME Capital LLP 
 "Enlarged Group"                 Mirfield as enlarged by the 
                                   acquisition of the Target Company 
                                   and ODP, subject to the Scheme 
                                   becoming effective 
 "finnCap"                        finnCap Limited 
 "Form of Election"               the form of election for use 
                                   by Shareholders to make the 
                                   Share Election in respect of 
                                   the Share Alternative 
 "Form(s) of Proxy"               the forms of proxy for use 
                                   by Shareholders in connection 
                                   with the Court Meeting and 
                                   the General Meeting 
 "General Meeting"                the meeting of Target Company 
                                   Shareholders to be convened 
                                   for the purposes of considering 
                                   and, if thought fit, approving 
                                   the capital reduction associated 
                                   with the Scheme and other resolutions 
                                   ancillary to the Scheme, and 
                                   any adjournment thereof 
 "Independent Directors"          Rupert Hambro and Francis McKay 
 "Independent Shareholders"       Target Company Shareholders 
                                   other than Mr Fennell, the 
                                   TF SIPP, and Mr Hadden-Paton 
 "Investors"                      the subscribers for Mirfield 
                                   A Shares as set out in paragraph 
                                   5 of this Announcement 
 "Meetings"                       the General Meeting and the 
                                   Court Meeting 
 "Mirfield"                       Mirfield 1964 plc, a public 
                                   limited company having registered 
                                   number 8564652 and with a registered 
                                   office at 3 Bunhill Row, London 
                                   EC1Y 8YZ 
 "Mirfield Director"              means a director of Mirfield 
 "Mirfield A Share(s)"            the A ordinary shares of GBP0.01 
                                   each in the capital of Mirfield 
                                   which have the rights set out 
                                   in the Articles of Mirfield, 
                                   to be issued to the founders 
                                   of Mirfield 
 "Mirfield B Share(s)"            the B ordinary shares of GBP0.01 
                                   each in the capital of Mirfield 
                                   which have the rights set out 
                                   in the Articles of Mirfield, 
                                   to be issued to Target Company 
                                   Shareholders who accept the 
                                   Share Alternative 
 "Mirfield C Share(s)"            the C ordinary shares of GBP0.01 
                                   each in the capital of Mirfield 
                                   which have the rights set out 
                                   in the Articles of Mirfield, 
                                   to be issued to Mr Piasecki 
                                   pursuant to his "sweet equity" 
                                   arrangements described in paragraph 
                                   9 above 
 "Mirfield D Share(s)"            the D ordinary shares of GBP0.01 
                                   each in the capital of Mirfield 
                                   which have the rights set out 
                                   in the Articles of Mirfield, 
                                   to be issued to Mr Fennell 
                                   pursuant to his "sweet equity" 
                                   arrangements described in paragraph 
                                   9 above 
 "Mirfield Share(s)"              all or any ordinary share(s) 
                                   in Mirfield, being the Mirfield 
                                   A Shares, Mirfield B Shares, 
                                   Mirfield C Shares and the Mirfield 
                                   D Shares 
 "Mr Hadden-Paton"                Mr Alasdair Hadden-Paton 
 "Mr Fennell"                     Mr Theo Fennell 
 "New Service Agreements"         the new directors' contracts 
                                   entered into between Mr Fennell, 
                                   Mirfield and the Company and 
                                   the letter of appointment and 
                                   the consultancy agreement entered 
                                   into by Mr Hadden-Paton, Mirfield 
                                   and the Company, and the compromise 
                                   agreement between the Company 
                                   and Mr Hadden-Paton, in each 
                                   case conditional on completion 
                                   of the Acquisition 
 "ODP"                            The Original Design Partnership 
 "ODP Purchase"                   the acquisition by the Company 
                                   of the shares in ODP not already 
                                   owned by it 
 "Overseas Shareholders"          Target Company Shareholders 
                                   (or nominees, or custodians 
                                   or trustees of Target Company 
                                   Shareholders) who are resident 
                                   in, or nationals or citizens 
                                   of jurisdictions outside the 
                                   UK or who are citizens or residents 
                                   of countries other than the 
 "Panel"                          The Panel on Takeovers and 
 "Resolutions"                    each of the resolutions (where 
                                   applicable) as described in 
                                   paragraph 16 of the Announcement 
 "Restricted Jurisdictions"       any jurisdictions where making 
                                   the Share Alternative available 
                                   would constitute a violation 
                                   of the relevant laws and regulations 
                                   of such jurisdiction or would 
                                   result in a requirement to 
                                   comply with any governmental 
                                   or other consent or any registration, 
                                   filing or other formality which 
                                   Mirfield or the Company regards 
                                   as unduly onerous 
 "Scheme"                         the proposed scheme of arrangement 
                                   in relation to the Scheme under 
                                   Part 26 of the Companies Act 
                                   2006 between the Company and 
                                   its shareholders as described 
                                   in this document 
 "Scheme Document"                the document to be sent to 
                                   Shareholders in relation to 
                                   the Scheme in accordance with 
                                   Part 26 of the Companies Act 
 "Scheme Record Time"             6pm on the Business Day immediately 
                                   preceding the court hearing 
                                   to confirm the reduction of 
 "Share Alternative"              the alternative whereby Target 
                                   Company Shareholders (other 
                                   than Overseas Shareholders 
                                   in Restricted Jurisdictions) 
                                   may elect (subject to scale 
                                   back) to receive 0.08796 unlisted 
                                   Mirfield B Shares in consideration 
                                   for each Target Company Share 
                                   as an alternative to the Cash 
 "Share Election"                 the election by a Target Company 
                                   Shareholder to accept the Share 
 "Takeover Code"                  the City Code on Takeovers 
                                   and Mergers 
 "Target Company" or "Company"    Theo Fennell Plc 
 "Target Company Share(s)"        an ordinary share of GBP0.05 
                                   in the Company 
 "Target Company Shareholders"    the holders of ordinary shares 
  or "Shareholders"                in the Company 
 "Target Company Director"        means a director of the Target 
 "TF SIPP"                        Mr Fennell's self invested 
                                   personal pension 
 "Voting Record Time"             the time and date specified 
                                   in the Scheme Document by reference 
                                   to which entitlement to vote 
                                   in the Court Meeting will be 
 "Wider Company Group"            the Company and ODP. 

For the purposes of this Announcement, "subsidiary" has the meaning given to such term in the Act.

Appendix 2


1. The Acquisition is conditional upon the Scheme, subject to the Takeover Code, becoming unconditional and becoming effective by no later than 31 December 2013 or such later date (if any) as Mirfield and the Company may, with the consent of the Panel, agree and (if required) the Court may approve.

   2.         The Scheme is subject to the following Conditions: 

(a) the approval of the Scheme by a majority in number representing three-fourths or more in value of the Target Company Shareholders (or, if applicable, the relevant class or classes thereof) present and voting, either in person or by proxy, at the Court Meeting and at any separate class meeting which may be required by the Court (or at any adjournment of any such meeting);

(b) all resolutions required to approve and implement the Scheme as set out in the notice of the General Meeting in the Scheme Document (when issued) being duly passed by the requisite majorities at the General Meeting (or at any adjournment thereof); and

(c) the sanction of the Scheme and the confirmation of the reduction of capital of the Company in connection with the Scheme by the Court (in each case without modification or with such modification as is agreed by Mirfield and the Company) and the delivery for registration of each of the Court Orders to the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales and, if so ordered by the Court in order to take effect, the registration by the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales, in relation to the reduction of capital of the Company in connection with the Scheme, of such Court Order.

3. In addition, the Company and Mirfield have agreed that, save as stated in paragraph 5 below, the Scheme is conditional on the following matters and, accordingly, the necessary actions to make the Acquisition effective will not be taken unless the following Conditions (as amended, if appropriate) have been satisfied or waived:

(a) no Third Party (as defined below) having intervened and there not continuing to be outstanding any statute, regulation or order of any Third Party in each case which is or is likely to be material in the context of the Acquisition which would or might reasonably be expected to:

(i) make the Scheme, its implementation or the acquisition or proposed acquisition by Mirfield of any shares or other securities in, or control of, the Company or any member of the Wider Company Group void, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, or otherwise directly or indirectly restrain, prevent, prohibit, restrict or delay the same or impose additional conditions or obligations with respect to the Scheme or such acquisition, or otherwise impede, challenge or interfere with the Scheme or such acquisition, or require amendment to the terms of the Scheme or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any the Target Company Shares or the acquisition of control or management of the Company or the Wider Company Group by Mirfield;

(ii) limit or delay, or impose any material limitations on, the ability of Mirfield to acquire or to hold or to exercise effectively, directly or indirectly, all or any rights of ownership in respect of shares or other securities convertible into the Target Company Shares in, or to exercise voting or management control over, any member of the Wider Company Group;

(iii) require, prevent or delay the divestiture or alter the terms envisaged for any proposed divestiture by Mirfield of any shares or other securities in the Company;

(iv) require, prevent or delay the divestiture or alter the terms envisaged for any proposed divestiture by any member of the Wider Company Group or by Mirfield of all or any portion of their respective businesses, assets or properties or limit the ability of any of them to conduct any of their respective businesses or to own or control any of their respective assets or properties or any part thereof;

(v) except pursuant to sections 974-991 of the Act require Mirfield or any member of the Wider Company Group to acquire, or to offer to acquire, any shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in any member of the Wider Company Group owned by any third party;

(vi) limit the ability of Mirfield or any member of the Wider Company Group to conduct or integrate or co-ordinate its business, or any material part of it, with the businesses or any part of the businesses of Mirfield or any member of the Wider Company Group;

(vii) result in any member of the Wider Company Group or Mirfield ceasing to be able to carry on business under any name under which it presently does so; or

(viii) otherwise adversely affect any or all of the business, assets, profits, financial or trading position or prospects of Mirfield or any member of the Wider Company Group in each such case to the extent that it is material in the context of the Wider Company Group and/or Mirfield taken as a whole, and all applicable waiting and other time periods during which any Third Party could intervene under the laws of any relevant jurisdiction having expired, lapsed or been terminated;

(b) all notifications and filings which are necessary or are reasonably considered appropriate by Mirfield having been made, all appropriate waiting and other time periods (including any extensions of such waiting and other time periods) under any applicable legislation or regulation of any relevant jurisdiction having expired, lapsed or been terminated (as appropriate) and all statutory or regulatory obligations in any relevant jurisdiction having been complied with or obtained on terms and in a form reasonably satisfactory to Mirfield, in each case (and to the extent that it is material) in connection with the Scheme or the Acquisition or the acquisition or the proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities in, or control or management of, the Company or any other member of the Wider Company Group or the carrying on by any member of the Wider Company Group of its business, unless otherwise waived by Mirfield, and no temporary restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction or other order having been issued and being in effect by a court or other Third Party of competent jurisdiction which has the effect of making the Scheme or the Acquisition illegal or otherwise prohibiting the consummation of the Scheme or the Acquisition;

(c) all Authorisations which are necessary or are reasonably considered necessary or appropriate by Mirfield in any relevant jurisdiction for or in respect of the Scheme or the Acquisition or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities in, or control or management of, the Company or any other member of the Wider Company Group or by Mirfield or the carrying on by Mirfield or any member of the Wider Company Group of its business having been obtained, in terms and in a form reasonably satisfactory to Mirfield, from all appropriate Third Parties or from any persons or bodies with whom any member of the Wider Company Group has entered into contractual arrangements and all such Authorisations remaining in full force and effect and there being no notice or intimation of any intention to revoke, suspend, restrict, modify or not to renew any of the same in connection with the Scheme or the Acquisition;

(d) since 31 March 2013 and except as disclosed in the Company's annual report and accounts for the year then ended or as publicly announced by the Company prior to the date of the Announcement (by the delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory Information Service) or as fairly disclosed prior to the date of the Announcement to Mirfield by or on behalf of the Company in the course of negotiations, there being no provision of any arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or other instrument to which any member of the Wider Company Group is a party, or by or to which any such member or any of its assets is or are or may be bound, entitled or subject or any circumstance, which, in each case as a consequence of the Scheme or the Acquisition or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities in, or control of, the Company or any other member of the Wider Company Group by Mirfield or otherwise, could or might reasonably be expected to result in:

(i) any monies borrowed by or any other indebtedness or liabilities (actual or contingent) of, or any grant available to, any member of the Wider Company Group being or becoming repayable or capable of being declared repayable immediately or prior to its stated repayment date or the ability of any member of the Wider Company Group to borrow monies or incur any indebtedness being withdrawn or inhibited or becoming capable of being withdrawn;

(ii) the creation or enforcement of any mortgage, charge or other security interest over the whole or any part of the business, property, assets or interests of any member of the Wider Company Group or any such mortgage, charge or other security interest (wherever created, arising or having arisen) becoming enforceable;

(iii) any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or other instrument, or the rights, liabilities, obligations or interests of any member of the Wider Company Group thereunder, being, or becoming capable of being, terminated or adversely modified or affected or any adverse action being taken or any obligation or liability arising thereunder;

(iv) any material asset or material interest of any member of the Wider Company Group being or failing to be disposed of or ceasing to be available to any member of the Wider Company Group or any right arising under which any such asset or interest could be required to be disposed of or could cease to be available to any member of the Wider Company Group otherwise than in the ordinary course of business;

(v) any member of the Wider Company Group ceasing to be able to carry on business under any name under which it presently does so;

(vi) the creation of material liabilities (actual or contingent) by any member of the Wider Company Group other than in the ordinary course of business;

(vii) the rights, liabilities, obligations or interests of any member of the Wider Company Group under any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or other instrument or the interests or business of any such member in or with any other person, firm, company or body (or any arrangement or arrangements relating to any such interests or business) being terminated or adversely modified or affected; or

(viii) the financial or trading position or the prospects or the value of any member of the Wider Company Group being prejudiced or adversely affected; and

(ix) except as aforesaid, no event having occurred which, under any provision of any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit or other instrument, would be reasonably likely to result in any of the events or circumstances which are referred to in paragraphs (i) to (viii) of this Condition 3(d);

(e) since 31 March 2013 and except as disclosed in the Company's annual report and accounts for the year then ended or as otherwise publicly announced by the Company prior to the date of the Announcement (by the delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory Information Service) or as otherwise fairly disclosed prior to the Announcement in writing to Mirfield by or on behalf of the Company in the course of negotiations or otherwise as a result of the Acquisition no member of the Wider Company Group having:

(i) issued or agreed to issue, or authorised the issue of, additional shares of any class, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for, or rights, warrants or options to subscribe for or acquire, any such shares or convertible securities or transferred or sold any shares out of treasury other than: (i) as between the Company and wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company; or (ii) any shares issued upon the exercise of any options granted under the Company Option Schemes;

(ii) purchased or redeemed or repaid any of its own shares or other securities or reduced or made any other change to any part of its share capital;

(iii) recommended, declared, paid or made any dividend or other distribution whether payable in cash or otherwise or made any bonus issue (other than to the Company or a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company);

(iv) except as between the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or between such wholly-owned subsidiaries made or authorised any material change in its loan capital;

(v) (other than any acquisition or disposal in the ordinary course of business or a transaction between the Company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company or between such wholly-owned subsidiaries) merged with, demerged or acquired any body corporate, partnership or business or acquired or disposed of or transferred, mortgaged, charged or created any security interest over any assets or any right, title or interest in any assets (including shares in any undertaking and trade investments) or authorised the same (in each case to an extent which is material in the context of the Company Group taken as a whole);

(vi) issued, agreed to issue or authorised the issue of, or made any change in or to, any debentures or (except in the ordinary course of business or except as between the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or between such wholly-owned subsidiaries) incurred or increased any indebtedness or liability (actual or contingent) which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole;

(vii) entered into, varied, or authorised any agreement, transaction, arrangement or commitment (whether in respect of capital expenditure or otherwise) which (A) is of a long term, onerous or unusual nature or magnitude or which is reasonably likely to involve an obligation of such nature or magnitude; or (B) is reasonably likely to restrict the business of any member of the Wider Company Group, and which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole;

(viii) except as between the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or between such wholly-owned subsidiaries entered into, implemented, effected or authorised any merger, demerger, reconstruction, amalgamation, scheme, commitment or other transaction or arrangement in respect of itself or another member of the Wider Company Group, which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole;

(ix) entered into or varied the terms of, any contract, agreement or arrangement with any of the directors or senior executives of any member of the Wider Company Group;

(x) save in relation to the Scheme, taken any corporate action or had any legal proceedings instituted against it or petition presented, or meeting convened or order made for its winding-up (voluntarily or otherwise), dissolution or reorganisation or a notice of intention to appoint an administrator is filed at court or application to appoint an administrator is made to the court, or any step is taken for the appointment of a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer of all or any material part of its assets and revenues or any analogous proceedings in any jurisdiction or appointed any analogous person in any jurisdiction which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole; been unable, or admitted in writing that it is unable, to pay its debts or having stopped or suspended (or threatened to stop or suspend) payment of its debts generally or ceased or threatened to cease carrying on all or a substantial part of its business;

(xi) waived or compromised any claim, which is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole;

(xii) made any alteration to its memorandum or articles of association which is material in the context of the Scheme or the Acquisition;

(xiii) other than as a result of the Acquisition, proposed, agreed to provide or modified the terms of any share option scheme, incentive scheme or other benefit (including in relation to any personal defined contribution pension scheme(s) of any director or any person employed by the Wider Company Group) relating to the employment or termination of employment of any person employed by the Wider Company Group; or

(xiv) other than as a result of the Acquisition, entered into any agreement, commitment or arrangement or passed any resolution or made any offer (which remains open for acceptance) or proposed or announced any intention with respect to any of the transactions, matters or events referred to in this Condition 3(e);

(f) since 31 March 2013 and except as disclosed in the Company's annual report and accounts for the year then ended or as otherwise publicly announced by the Company prior to the Announcement (by the delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory Information Service) or as otherwise fairly disclosed prior to the date of the Announcement in writing to Mirfield by or on behalf of the Company in the course of negotiations:

(i) there having been no adverse change or deterioration in the business, assets, financial or trading positions or profit or prospects of any member of the Wider Company Group which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole;

(ii) no contingent or other liability of any member of the Wider Company Group having arisen or become apparent or increased which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole;

(iii) no litigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or other legal proceedings to which any member of the Wider Company Group is or may become a party (whether as plaintiff, defendant or otherwise) having been threatened, announced, implemented or instituted by or against or remaining outstanding against or in respect of any member of the Wider Company Group which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole; and

(iv) (other than as a result of the Scheme or the Acquisition) no enquiry or investigation by, or complaint or reference to, any Third Party having been threatened, announced, implemented, instituted by or against or remaining outstanding against or in respect of any member of the Wider Company Group which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole; and

(g) Mirfield not having discovered, other than to the extent otherwise publicly announced by the Company prior to the Announcement (by the delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory Information Service) or otherwise fairly disclosed prior to the date of the Announcement in writing to Mirfield by or on behalf of the Company in the course of negotiations:

(i) that any financial or business or other information concerning the Wider Company Group disclosed at any time by or on behalf of any member of the Wider Company Group, whether publicly or Mirfield, is misleading or contains any misrepresentation of fact or omits to state a fact necessary to make any information contained therein not misleading to an extent which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole;

(ii) that any member of the Wider Company Group is subject to any liability (actual or contingent) which is not disclosed in the Company's annual report and accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2013 and which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole; or

(iii) any information which affects the import of any information disclosed at any time by or on behalf of any member of the Wider Company Group to an extent which is material in the context of the Wider Company Group taken as a whole.

(h) the passing of ordinary resolutions of independent Target Company Shareholders to be taken on a poll to approve the arrangements with Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton, as summarised in paragraphs 9, 10 and 11 above, for the purposes of Rule 16 of the Takeover Code.

4. If the Panel requires Mirfield to make an offer for the Target Company Shares under the provisions of Rule 9 of the Takeover Code, Mirfield may make such alterations to the conditions of the Acquisition, including to the Conditions set out in paragraph 2 of this Appendix 1 of this document, as are necessary to comply with the provisions of that Rule.

5. Except with the Panel's consent, Mirfield will not invoke any of the above Conditions (except Condition 2) so as to cause the Acquisition not to proceed, unless the circumstances that give rise to the right to invoke the relevant Condition are of material significance in the context of the Acquisition. For the avoidance of doubt, the insolvency Condition stipulated at 3(e)(x) is considered of material significance in the context of the Acquisition.

6. Mirfield reserves the absolute right to elect, subject to the prior consent of the Panel, to implement the Acquisition by way of a takeover offer in accordance with the Takeover Code as it may determine in its absolute discretion. In such event, such offer will be implemented on the same terms (subject to appropriate amendment, including (without limitation) an acceptance condition set at 90 per cent. (or such lesser percentage (being more than 50 per cent.) as Mirfield may decide or the Panel may require) of the Target Company Shares to which such offer would relate), so far as applicable, as those which would apply to the Scheme.

7. Target Company Shares will be acquired by Mirfield fully paid and free from all liens, equitable interests, charges, encumbrances and other third party rights of any nature whatsoever and together with all rights attaching to them, including the right to receive and retain all dividends and distributions (if any) declared, made or payable after the date on which the Scheme becomes effective.

8. The Acquisition will be on the terms and will be subject, amongst other things, to the Conditions which will be set out in the Scheme Document (when issued) and accompanying Forms of Proxy and such further terms as may be required to comply with the AIM Rules, the provisions of the Takeover Code and the provisions of the Companies Act. The Scheme will be governed by the laws of England and Wales.

9. The availability of the Acquisition to persons not resident in the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdictions. Persons who are not resident in the United Kingdom should inform themselves about and observe any applicable requirements.

10. All of the Conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this Appendix 2 must be fulfilled, be determined by Mirfield to be or remain satisfied or (if capable of waiver) be waived by the Scheme Record Time, failing which the Acquisition will lapse. Subject to the requirements of the Panel, Mirfield reserves the right to waive all or any of the Conditions in paragraphs 3(a) to 3(g) (inclusive) of this Appendix 2 in whole or part. Mirfield shall be under no obligation to waive (if capable of waiver), to determine to be or remain satisfied or to treat as fulfilled any of the Conditions in paragraphs 3(a) to 3(g) (inclusive) of this Appendix 2 by a date earlier than the date specified in paragraph 1 of this Appendix 2 above for the fulfilment thereof, notwithstanding that the other Conditions of the Acquisition may at such earlier date have been waived or fulfilled and that there are, at such earlier date, no circumstances indicating that any of such Conditions may not be capable of fulfilment.

   11.           For the purpose of these Conditions: 
   (a)        "Third Party" means any central bank, government, government department or governmental, quasi-governmental, supranational, statutory, regulatory or investigative body, authority (including any national anti-trust or merger control authority), court, trade agency, association, institution or professional or environmental body or any other person or body whatsoever in any relevant jurisdiction; 

(b) a Third Party shall be regarded as having "intervened" if it has decided to take, institute, implement or threaten any action, proceeding, suit, investigation, enquiry or reference or made, proposed or enacted any statute, regulation, decision or order or taken any measures or other steps or required any action to be taken or information to be provided or otherwise having done anything and "intervene" shall be construed accordingly; and

(c) "Authorisations" means authorisations, orders, grants, recognitions, determinations, certificates, confirmations, consents, licences, clearances, provisions and approvals.

Appendix 3



Part 1

Terms and Conditions of the Share Alternative

A Share Alternative will be made available to the Target Company Shareholders so that Target Company Shareholders (other than Overseas Shareholders in Restricted Jurisdictions) may elect to receive Mirfield B Shares, instead of the Cash Consideration to which they would otherwise become entitled upon completion of the Acquisition, subject to the Maximum Share Amount (as defined below). Subject to any scale back, as explained below, to the extent that a Target Company Shareholder elects to receive the Share Alternative in respect of his Target Company Shares, he will receive Mirfield B Shares on the following basis:

for every Target Company Share 0.08796 Mirfield B Shares

Mirfield B Shares issued pursuant to the Acquisition will be issued credited as fully paid and will have the rights set out in Mirfield's Articles of Association. Target Company Shareholders should note that the Mirfield B Shares have different rights to the Mirfield A Shares, that are currently held by Mirfield Shareholders and that will be issued to investors pursuant to the arrangements set out in paragraph 5 of this Announcement and to the C Shares and D Shares that will be issued to Mr Fennell and Mr Piasecki pursuant to the arrangements summarized in paragraph 9 of this Announcement. Further details of the rights attaching to the Mirfield B Shares are set out in part 2 of this Appendix 3.

Fractions of Mirfield B Shares will not be allotted of issued pursuant to the Scheme to Target Company Shareholders and entitlements will instead by rounded down to the nearest whole number of Mirfield B Shares.

Target Company Shareholders who do not elect to receive the Share Alternative will receive the Cash Consideration under the terms of the Acquisition in respect of all of their Target Company Shares.

The total number of Mirfield B Shares that may be issued under the Scheme (the "Maximum Share Amount") is 611,111 Mirfield B Shares representing up to 10% of the issued share capital of Mirfield immediately following the Scheme becoming effective. The Maximum Share Amount will not be varied as a result of elections under the Share Alternative. This means that the Share Alternative will be available in respect of a maximum of 6,947,601 Target Company Shares which is equivalent to 30% of the issued share capital of Target Company as at the close of business on the last Business Day prior to the date of publication of this Announcement.

If the maximum Share Alternative is not sufficient to satisfy all valid Share Elections for the Share Alternative in full, entitlements will be scaled back pro rata (in proportion to the number of shares in respect of which valid Share Elections for the Share Alternative are made). To the extent that, following such scale back, any Target Company Shareholder does not receive Mirfield B Shares in respect of all the Target Company Shares which are the subject of his election for the Share Alternative, he will instead receive the Cash Consideration for the remaining Target Company Shares.

As a result, Target Company Shareholders who elect for the Share Alternative will not know the exact number of Mirfield B Shares or the amount of cash (if any) they will receive until settlement of the Consideration due to them in respect of the Offer.

The Share Alternative will not be available to Overseas Shareholders in Restricted Jurisdictions.

Part 2

The Mirfield B Shares to be issued pursuant to the Share Alternative will be B ordinary shares of 1p each in the capital of Mirfield. The Mirfield B Shares will be issued free from all liens, charges, encumbrances and other third party rights and/or interests of any nature whatsoever. The Mirfield B Shares will be issued in registered form, may only be held in certificated form, will be issued credited as fully paid and will rank pari passu with the Mirfield A Shares, Mirfield C Shares and Mirfield D Shares in all respects save that the holders of the Mirfield B Shares will be protected against dilution for the period of 2 years after the completion of the Acquisition and the Mirfield C Shares and the Mirfield D Shares shall have the rights set out in paragraph 9 of this Announcement. Accordingly, the percentage (up to a maximum percentage of 10% if the Maximum Share Amount is issued as a result of valid elections for the Share Alternative under the Acquisition) which the Mirfield B Shares represent of the enlarged issued share capital of Mirfield immediately following completion of the Acquisition will not be decreased during this period. At the end of the 2 year period each Mirfield B Share will automatically convert into and be re-designated as a Mirfield A Share.

If any further Mirfield A Shares, Mirfield C Shares and/or Mirfield D Shares are issued during this two year period, additional Mirfield B Shares will be issued pro rata to the holders of the Mirfield B Shares at par, credited as fully paid, by way of a capitalisation of amounts standing to the credit of the Company's share premium account (i.e. at no cost to the holders of the Mirfield B Shares) so as to maintain the percentage shareholding in the Company held by the holders of the Mirfield B Shares.

However, the Mirfield B Shares will be diluted by any further Mirfield A Shares, Mirfield C Shares and/or Mirfield D Shares issued after the expiry of this two year period, including any "sweet equity" in the form of Mirfield C Shares and Mirfield D Shares issued to Mr Piasecki and Mr Fennell respectively after the expiry of this two year period and by any Mirfield A Shares issued to EME Capital upon the exercise of its warrants after the expiry of this two year period or if the exercise of its warrants is accelerated. For the avoidance of doubt, the tranche of Mr Fennell's "sweet equity", consisting of the issue of such further number of Mirfield D Shares as represents 1.67% of the fully-diluted issued share capital of Mirfield on the second anniversary of completion of the Acquisition, will not have the effect of diluting the Mirfield B Shares on such issue.

The Articles of Association of Mirfield contain restrictions on the transfer of Shares.

A holder of Shares of any class is entitled to transfer shares to certain permitted transferees. A body corporate is entitled to transfer its shares to another member of the same group. An individual is entitled to transfer his shares to certain family members and/or the trustees of trust for such family members. Shares transferred in this way must be transferred back to the original holder or another permitted transferee if the original transferee ceases to qualify as a permitted transferee.

Subject to the above, shares may be transferred in compliance with pre-emption rights or with the prior written consent of the holders of at least 75% of the Mirfield A Shares by value.

A holder of Shares of any class is required to offer all of his Shares for sale at the appraised fair value of such shares if he creates a security interest over any of his shares or a specified insolvency event occurs in relation to him.

The Articles of Association of Mirfield contain provisions ("drag-along rights") under which a holder of Shares of any class can be required to sell all of his shares to a third party where an offer has been made by such third party to acquire the entire issued share capital of Mirfield and such offer has been accepted by shareholders holding at least 75% of the voting rights in the Company.

The Articles of Association of Mirfield contain provisions ("tag-along rights") which provide that no transfer of shares shall be made which would result in the acquisition of a majority of voting rights in Mirfield by the transferee unless such transferee has offered to acquire the shares held by all other members of Mirfield on the same terms.

Target Company Shareholders should note that, following completion of the Acquisition, none of the Mirfield share capital will be listed on an investment exchange, neither is there any present intention to list the share capital of Mirfield in the future. The ability of Target Company Shareholders who elect the Share Alternative, to sell the Mirfield B Shares will therefore be limited. Target Company Shareholders should consider whether Mirfield B Shares are a suitable investment in light of their own personal circumstances and are, therefore, strongly advised to seek their own independent financial advice before deciding whether to elect to participate in the Share Alternative. Any decisions to elect for the Share Alternative should be based on a full consideration of the Scheme Document (when issued).

Appendix 4


The following target Company Shareholders have given irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Proposal on the basis set out below:

   Name of Target Company          Number of Target   Percentage of existing 
         Shareholder              Company Shares in     issued share capital 
                                   respect of which    of the Target Company 
                               undertaking is given 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Rupert Nicholas Hambro                   1,525,959                      6.6 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Francis John McKay                         131,579                      0.6 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Alister Theodore 
  Fennell (including 
  the TF SIPP)                            3,750,279                     16.2 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Alasdair Kinloch 
  Hadden-Paton                              866,626                      3.7 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Centric Investments 
  Limited                                   481,516                      2.1 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Francis Richard Northcott                2,969,987                     12.8 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Lodestone Limited                        1,774,400                      7.7 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 
  Total                                  11,500,346                     49.7 
---------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------- 

These irrevocable undertakings include undertakings:

-- To vote, or procure the vote, in favour (or to submit, or procure the submission of, Forms of proxy voting in favour) of

(a) the Scheme at the Court meeting (save for Mr Fennell and the TF SIPP who may not vote on the Scheme at the Court Meeting); and

(b) the resolutions at the general Meeting save that Mr Fennell and Mr Hadden-Paton will not vote these shares in respect of any resolution relating to his own arrangements required in accordance with Rule 16 of the Takeover Code; and

-- If Mirfield exercises its right to structure the Acquisition as an Offer, to accept, or procure the acceptance of the Offer.

These irrevocable undertakings will lapse if:

-- This Announcement has not been released within one business day following the date of such undertaking; or

-- The Scheme document is not posted within 28 days of the date of this Announcement or within such longer period as Mirfield and the Target Company, with the consent of the Panel, determine; or

-- In the event the Scheme lapses or otherwise ceases to be capable of becoming effective or is withdrawn; or

   --      In the event of an Offer being made, upon the Offer being withdrawn or lapsing. 

Mr Fennell has further undertaken to accept the Share Alternative in respect of 2,871,745 Shares.

Mr Hadden-Paton has further undertaken to accept the Share Alternative in respect of 866,626 Shares.

Appendix 5


1. Unless otherwise stated, financial information relating to the Target Company has been extracted or derived (without any adjustment) from the Target Company's announcement dated the same day as this Announcement of its results for the year ended 31 March 2013.

2. The value of the Acquisition is calculated by reference to the price of 12.5p per Target Company Share being a premium of 6.25p per Target Company Share over the closing price of 6.25p per Target Company Share on 31 July 2013, being the latest practicable date prior to this announcement and on the basis of the current undiluted number of Target Company Shares in issue referred to in paragraph 5 below.

3. The calculation of up to a maximum of 611,111 Mirfield B Shares to be issued to Target Company Shareholders who accept the Share Alternative is based upon 30% of the current undiluted number of Target Company Shares in issue referred to in paragraph 5 below multiplied 0.08796.

4. References to percentages of Target Company Shares (before completion of the Acquisition) are based upon the current undiluted number of Target Company Shares in issue referred to in paragraph 5 below.

5. As at the close of business on 31 July 2013, being the latest practicable date prior to this announcement, the Target Company had in issue 23,158,029 Target Company Shares (being its undiluted share capital) and this does not include any shares issuable pursuant to any options, warrants or other convertible securities in the Target Company and assumes no further issue of Target Company Shares prior to completion of the Acquisition.

Unless otherwise stated, all closing prices for Target Company Shares are closing middle market quotations derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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