RNS Number : 1353W

SacOil Holdings Limited

04 November 2014

SacOil Holdings Limited

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

(Registration number 1993/000460/06)

JSE share code: SCL AIM share code: SAC

ISIN: ZAE000127460

("SacOil" or "the Company" or "the Group")



   -     Cementing of Board and executive team 
   -     Transition from development to production initiated 
   -     Acquisition of 20% interest in Nigeria's OPL 233 completed; seismic survey initiated 
   -     Completion of satellite imagery survey for Botswana assets and ESIA initiation in Malawi 
   -     Strategic entry into Egypt through 100% acquisition of Lagia Oil Field 
   -     Active review of capital structure and funding options 

Dr Thabo Kgogo, Chief Executive of SacOil, commented:

"We attained a number of milestones during this period with the support of a new Board and re-energised executive team.

In particular, the acquisition of Lagia Oil Field in Egypt marks our transition from a development to a production company supported by a reserve base able to deliver production and cash flow in the near term. This transformational transaction also provides us with greater access to the capital markets as we roll out our strategy to build a substantial pan-African exploration and production business.

Looking ahead, our funding situation remains a top priority and we will continue to work towards the successful resolution of the loan situation with EERNL but also actively review alternative options, including rebalancing of our portfolio. The completion of the forensic investigation and resolution of the matters raised will remain a priority of the Board."


SacOil is an independent African oil and gas company, dual-listed on the JSE and AIM, and has business operations that are focused across the African continent. Currently, the Group operates in the following jurisdictions: the Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC"); the Republic of Malawi; the Republic of Botswana; and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Further, the Company continues to evaluate opportunities to secure high-impact acreage in other established and prolific hydrocarbon basins in Africa.


Shareholders are referred to the announcement issued on SENS and RNS on 9 October 2014, in which the Company communicated a detailed update on its asset-level operations.


The Group reported a decrease of 23% in profit after tax to R20.7 million for the six months ended 31 August 2014 compared to R27.0 million for the corresponding prior comparative period. Although the Group's investment income increased by 64%, the resultant increase was off-set by foreign exchange losses on the Group's financial assets coupled with higher other operating costs.

The increase in investment income is attributable to the compounding effect of the interest accruals on the loan advanced to Energy Equity Resources (Norway) Limited ("EERNL"). Furthermore, the loan now attracts interest of 32% compared to 30% for the corresponding prior comparative period, following the renegotiation of the loan repayment terms (refer to note 13). The composition of investment income is disclosed in note 4.

Other operating costs, as disclosed in note 3, increased by 305% to R46.6 million (2013: R11.5 million) during the period under review. The Group impaired its financial assets by R19.7 million (2013: nil). The increase is also reflective of the Group's investment in business development activities.

The Group's foreign exchange losses for the six months total R7.2 million (2013: R43.7 million foreign exchange gains). The US dollar / Rand exchange rate was less volatile during the six months under review compared to the corresponding prior comparative period when it fluctuated between R8.8398/US$1 and R10.3016/US$1 at the beginning and end of the reporting period, respectively.

The Group extinguished all its debt in January 2014, resulting in the elimination of borrowing costs (2013: R10.5 million).

Exploration and evaluation assets increased by R29.2 million to R296.0 million (28 February 2014: R266.8 million) as a result of the Group capitalising the seismic survey costs relating to OPL 233.

Other financial assets, as disclosed in note 8, increased by R35.2 million to R691.1 million (28 February 2014: R655.9 million). The net movement comprises:

- An increase in interest of R73.4 million on the EERNL loan (R59.4 million), contingent consideration (R10.7 million) and other financial assets (R3.3 million);

   -     A part repayment of the EERNL loan of R10.6 million; 
   -     An impairment charge of R19.7 million against the EERNL loan; and 
   -     Foreign exchange losses totalling R7.9 million. 

Cash and cash equivalents comprise the translated US$10 million cash collateral held as security for the performance bond on OPL 233 of R106.7 million (28 February 2014: R108.1 million) and cash deposits amounting to R214.0 million (28 February 2014: R273.5 million). The decrease in cash is reflective of the Group's investment in the OPL 233 seismic survey, business development activities and normal operating costs.

Other financial liabilities, as disclosed in note 10, decreased by R20.9 million, reflecting the settlement of the amounts owed to Nigdel United Oil Company, the operator of OPL 233.


The Board continues to explore funding and other alternatives available to the Group to ensure that the Group has adequate resources to continue operating for the next 12 months. The Group interim financial statements presented have been prepared on a going concern basis as detailed in note 14.


The Board of SacOil recently engaged Ernst & Young Inc. to carry out a forensic investigation on specific historical transactions of the Company between 1 August 2011 and 30 November 2011 relating to the Company's unsuccessful attempt to acquire interests in Block I and II in the DRC, amongst other matters.

Based on matters raised in the preliminary forensic report, Ernst & Young Inc., the Company's external auditors, have reported to the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors that they have reason to believe that Reportable Irregularities committed by previous members of management took place. These Reportable Irregularities relate to matters which do not affect the current condensed consolidated interim financial statements. The directors do not expect that future losses will arise from the matters raised.

The forensic investigation represents a key step taken by the Board to address historical governance issues.

Shareholders will be kept informed of progress made regarding this matter.


On 1 June 2014 the new CEO, Dr Thabo Kgogo, joined SacOil and was appointed to the Board. On 11 August 2014 Bradley Cerff was appointed to the Board as an Executive Director.


Good progress has been made across the existing portfolio of exploration and appraisal assets during the period.

The acquisition of the Lagia Oil Field in Egypt completed in October 2014 marks an inflexion point in SacOil's investment profile with the Company transitioning from a pure exploration play to an exploration and production business with cash-generating assets.

SacOil is now focusing on its funding situation and will assess various alternatives to ensure that an adequate capital structure is in place to deliver on its stated strategy. This may include a combination of portfolio rebalancing, rationalisation of assets and alternative funding options which are being continually assessed. The resolution of the US$18 million loan due to SacOil by EERNL is a top priority which is anticipated to be resolved before the end of the financial year.

Longer term, SacOil will continue to execute on ongoing projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Botswana and Nigeria which are all expected to yield significant future milestones and value for the Group. The partnership announced in March 2014 between SacOil, the Public Investment Corporation of South Africa and the Instituto De Gestao Das Participacoes Do Estado in Mozambique regarding the investigation of gas opportunities and future distribution of gas in southern Africa also offers exciting prospects.


                                                            Reviewed       Reviewed 
                                                          Six months     Six months 
                                                        to 31 August   to 31 August 
                                                                2014           2013 
-----------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
                                                 Note              R              R 
-----------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Other income                                                       -     43 737 699 
Other operating costs                                   (46 575 517)   (11 501 668) 
Operating (loss)/profit                             3   (46 575 517)     32 236 031 
Investment income                                   4     77 001 921     46 927 405 
Finance costs                                                  (646)   (10 474 963) 
Profit before taxation                                    30 425 758     68 688 473 
Taxation                                                 (9 756 554)   (41 712 659) 
Profit for the period                                     20 669 204     26 975 814 
Total comprehensive income for the period                 20 669 204     26 975 814 
Profit/(loss) attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent                              22 320 598     26 284 839 
Non-controlling interest                                 (1 651 394)        690 975 
                                                          20 669 204     26 975 814 
Total comprehensive income/(loss) attributable 
Equity holders of the parent                              22 320 598     26 284 839 
Non-controlling interest                                 (1 651 394)        690 975 
                                                          20 669 204     26 975 814 
Earnings per share 
Basic (cents)                                       6           0.72           2.76 
Diluted (cents)                                     6           0.72           2.76 


                                                             Reviewed  Audited Twelve 
                                                           Six months       months to 
                                                         to 31 August     28 February 
                                                                 2014            2014 
------------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------- 
                                                  Note              R               R 
------------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------- 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                 216 164         247 207 
Exploration and evaluation assets                    7    296 012 868     266 809 536 
Other intangible assets                                       130 172         175 476 
Other financial assets                               8    461 698 405     433 344 048 
Total non-current assets                                  758 057 609     700 576 267 
Current assets 
Other financial assets                               8    229 396 582     222 542 359 
Trade and other receivables                                 4 549 486         649 764 
Cash and cash equivalents                            9    320 705 723     381 579 766 
Total current assets                                      554 651 791     604 771 889 
                                                            1 312 709       1 305 348 
Total assets                                                      400             156 
Equity and Liabilities 
Shareholders' equity 
                                                            1 109 977       1 109 977 
Stated capital                                                    054             054 
Reserves                                                    6 001 847       6 001 847 
                                                             (157 105        (179 426 
Accumulated loss                                                 558)            156) 
Equity attributable to equity holders of parent           958 873 343     936 552 745 
Non-controlling interest                                   10 567 082      12 218 476 
Total shareholders' equity                                969 440 425     948 771 221 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax liability                                     93 820 127      92 498 394 
Total non-current liabilities                              93 820 127      92 498 394 
Current liabilities 
Other financial liabilities                         10     53 242 500      74 167 311 
Share-based payment liability                               1 066 000               - 
Current tax payable                                       183 250 024     176 856 253 
Trade and other payables                                   11 890 324      13 054 977 
Total current liabilities                                 249 448 848     264 078 541 
Total liabilities                                         343 268 975     356 576 935 
                                                            1 312 709       1 305 348 
Total equity and liabilities                                      400             156 
                                                            3 086 169       3 086 169 
Number of shares in issue                                         261             261 
Net asset value per share (cents)                               31.41           30.74 
Net tangible asset value per share (cents)                      21.82           22.10 


For the six months ended 31 August 2014

                      Stated capital       Share-based  Accumulated        Total 
                                       payment reserve         loss       equity 
                                                                       to equity 
                                                                          of the  Non-controlling 
                                                                          parent        interests  Total equity 
--------------------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
                                   R                 R            R            R                R             R 
--------------------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
Balance at 28              1 109 977                       (179 426      936 552 
 February 2014                   054         6 001 847         156)          745       12 218 476   948 771 221 
Changed to equity: 
Profit / (loss)                                                           22 320 
 for the period                    -                 -   22 320 598          598      (1 651 394)    20 669 204 
Total comprehensive 
 income/(loss)                                                            22 320 
 for the period                    -                 -   22 320 598          598      (1 651 394)    20 669 204 
                                                                          22 320 
Total changes                      -                 -   22 320 598          598      (1 651 394)    20 669 204 
Balance at 31              1 109 977                       (157 105      958 873 
 August 2014                     054         6 001 847         558)          343       10 567 082   969 440 425 
For the six months 
 ended 31 August 
Balance at 28                534 172                       (219 700      341 153 
 February 2013                   123        26 681 469         074)          518       22 298 155   363 451 673 
Changes in equity: 
Profit for the                                                            26 284 
 period                            -                 -   26 284 839          839          690 975    26 975 814 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the                                                           26 284 
 period                            -                 -   26 284 839          839          690 975    26 975 814 
Share options 
 lapsed                            -      (20 679 622)   20 679 622            -                -             - 
                                                                          26 284 
Total changes                      -      (20 679 622)   46 964 461          839          690 975    26 975 814 
Balance at 31                534 172                       (172 735      367 438 
 August 2013                     123         6 001 847         613)          357       22 989 130   390 427 487 


                                                                    Reviewed       Reviewed 
                                                                  Six months     Six months 
                                                                to 31 August   to 31 August 
                                                                        2014           2013 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                           R              R 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash used in operations                                         (24 114 839)    (8 739 666) 
Interest income                                                    3 528 096        217 185 
Tax received                                                               -         32 412 
Net cash used in operating activities                           (20 586 743)    (8 490 069) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of exploration and evaluation assets                   (29 233 332)    (4 210 593) 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                           (28 986)              - 
Receipts from loans and receivables                               10 607 190      4 303 501 
Net cash (used in)/from investing activities                    (18 655 128)         92 908 
Cash flows from financing activities 
(Repayment of)/proceeds from other financial liabilities        (20 220 311)      3 288 700 
Net cash (used in)/from financing activities                    (20 220 311)      3 288 700 
Total movement in cash and cash equivalents for the period      (59 462 182)    (5 108 461) 
Foreign exchange (losses)/gains on cash and cash equivalents     (1 411 861)     14 656 775 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period         381 579 766     94 032 416 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period               320 705 723    103 580 730 



The consolidated condensed interim financial statements of the Group, comprising SacOil Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (together "the Group"), for the six months ended 31 August 2014, have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"), the preparation and disclosure requirements of IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting Practices Committee, the Financial Pronouncements as issued by the Financial Reporting Standards Council, the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited and in the manner required by the South African Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 (as amended).

Principal accounting policies

The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation have been followed in these consolidated condensed interim financial statements of the Group as those applied in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2014.

The consolidated condensed interim financial statements of the Group should be read in conjunction with the Group's consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2014.

The following new IFRS and/or IFRICs were effective for the first time for this interim period from 1 January 2014:

   -     Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27, Investment Entities 
   -     Amendments to IAS 32, Off-setting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities 
   -     Amendments to IAS 36, Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-financial Assets 
   -     Amendments to IAS 39, Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting 

The above standards did not have an impact on the Group's results.

Notes to oil and gas disclosure

In accordance with AIM Guidelines, Bradley Cerff is the qualified person that has reviewed the technical information contained in this news release. Bradley has 18 years' experience in the oil and gas industry with a Masters Degree in Science and Business Administration focused on Foreign Direct Investment in the African oil and gas industry. He is also a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.


The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard, IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting Practices Committee and Financial Pronouncements as issued by Financial Reporting Standards Council and the requirements of the Companies Act of South Africa. The accounting policies applied in the preparation of these interim financial statements are in terms of International Financial Reporting Standards and are consistent with those applied in the previous annual financial statements. These interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the period ended 31 August 2014 have been reviewed by Ernst & Young Inc. who expressed an unmodified review conclusion. They have been prepared under the supervision of the Group's Financial Director: Tariro Mudzimuirema CA (SA).

The unqualified review report includes an Emphasis of Matter Paragraph on material uncertainties relating to the going concern of the entity.

The report also includes an "Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements" paragraph with respect to reportable irregularities which were reported in terms of section 45 of the Auditing Profession Act to the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA). The reportable irregularities are based on the further analysis by the external auditors of the preliminary findings of a forensic investigation into the historical conduct of the affairs of the Company, which investigation was instituted by the Company on the instruction of the board. The board is considering the section 45 report to the IRBA in relation to the reportable irregularities, with a view to take such action as is appropriate.

A copy of the auditor's review report is available for inspection at the Company's registered office together with the financial statements identified in the auditor's report.

                                                          31 August         31 August 
                                                               2014              2013 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
                                                                  R                 R 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
Foreign exchange (losses)/gains                         (7 243 168)        43 737 699 
Provision for impairment of financial asset (note 8)   (19 736 842)                 - 
Corporate costs                                         (1 533 726)       (1 496 983) 
Auditor's remuneration                                  (1 017 750)         (140 926) 
Employee benefit expense                                (8 780 907)       (5 171 965) 
Accounting fees                                            (34 400)          (20 000) 
Consulting fees                                         (2 084 710)         (759 620) 
Legal fees                                                (485 718)         (947 065) 
Travel and accommodation                                (1 627 679)         (691 390) 
Depreciation                                              (105 334)          (94 046) 
     Property, plant and equipment                         (60 030)          (63 235) 
     Other intangible assets                               (45 304)          (30 811) 
Rentals - premises                                        (497 871)         (561 303) 
Broker's fees                                             (545 863)         (744 998) 
                                                 31 August   31 August 
                                                      2014        2013 
----------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                         R           R 
----------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Interest receivable - loans                     59 430 348  34 225 495 
Interest received - cash and cash equivalents    3 528 096     217 185 
Imputed interest on financial assets            14 043 477  12 484 725 
                                                77 001 921  46 927 405 

The Group operates in five geographical locations which form the basis of the information evaluated by the Group's chief operating decision-maker. For management purposes the Group is organised and analysed by these locations. These locations are: South Africa, Nigeria, DRC, Botswana and Malawi. Operations in South Africa relate to the general management, financing and administration of the Group.

                                Nigeria             DRC   Malawi   Botswana  South Africa  Consolidated 
-------------------------  ------------  --------------  -------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
                                      R               R        R          R             R             R 
-------------------------  ------------  --------------  -------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
For the six months 
 ended 31 August 2014 
Other income                          -               -        -          -             -             - 
Investment income                   109      10 718 172        -          -    66 283 640    77 001 921 
Finance costs                         -           (621)        -          -          (25)         (646) 
Other operating expenses    (1 003 951)     (1 627 639)        -  (491 032)  (43 452 895)  (46 575 517) 
Taxation                           (11)    (14 602 884)        -          -     4 846 341   (9 756 554) 
Profit/(loss) for 
 the period                 (1 003 853)     (5 512 972)        -  (491 032)    27 677 061    20 669 204 
Segment assets 
- non-current               220 393 305     303 726 387  866 740    386 548   232 684 629   758 057 609 
                                                                                                554 651 
- current                   106 732 672      38 425 476        -          -   409 493 643           791 
Segment liabilities 
- non-current                         -    (91 744 045)        -          -   (2 076 082)  (93 820 127) 
                                               (146 310                                        (249 448 
- current                  (53 242 500)            390)        -  (222 400)  (49 673 558)          848) 
For the six months 
 ended 31 August 2013 
Other income                          -      27 078 912        -          -    16 658 787    43 737 699 
Investment income               211 077       9 693 141        -          -    37 023 187    46 927 405 
Finance costs                         -               -        -          -  (10 474 963)  (10 474 963) 
Other operating expenses       (17 793)               -        -    (8 241)  (11 475 634)  (11 501 668) 
Taxation                         32 413    (34 612 756)        -          -   (7 132 316)  (41 712 659) 
Profit/(loss) for 
 the period                     225 697       2 159 297        -    (8 241)    24 599 061    26 975 814 
Segment assets 
- non-current               131 009 869     324 724 643  896 740    386 548   195 125 810   652 143 610 
- current                   103 235 757          67 931        -          -    155 657344   258 961 032 
Segment liabilities 
- non-current                         -    (88 755 267)        -          -             -  (88 755 267) 
                                                                                 (286 376      (431 921 
- current                  (51 508 000)    (94 037 825)        -          -          063)          888) 
                                                                  31 August    31 August 
                                                                       2014         2013 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------- 
                                                                          R            R 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------- 
Basic (cents)                                                          0.72         2.76 
Diluted (cents)                                                        0.72         2.76 
Profit for the period used in the calculation of the basic 
 and diluted earnings per share                                  22 320 598   26 284 839 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the            3 086 169 
 calculation of basic earnings per share                                261  953 340 791 
                                                                  3 086 169 
Issued shares at the beginning of the reporting period                  261  953 340 791 
Effect of shares issued during the reporting period (weighted)            -            - 
Add: Dilutive share options                                       2 325 710            - 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the            3 088 494 
 calculation of diluted earnings per share                              971  953 340 791 
Headline earnings per share 
Basic (cents)                                                          0.72         2.76 
Diluted (cents)                                                        0.72         2.76 
Reconciliation of headline earnings 
Profit for the period                                            22 320 598   26 284 839 
Headline earnings for the period                                 22 320 598   26 284 839 
                  At 28 February   Additions  At 31 August  Additions  28 February             Disposals  At 31 August 
                            2013                      2013                    2014  Additions                     2014 
----------------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
                               R           R             R          R            R          R 
----------------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
Block III 
 DRC                  74 366 275           -    74 366 275          -   74 366 275          -          -    74 366 275 
OPL 281 Nigeria       44 072 922           -    44 072 922          -   44 072 922          -          -    44 072 922 
                                                               60 150      147 087     29 233                  176 320 
OPL 233 Nigeria       43 523 230  43 413 717    86 936 947        104          051        332          -           383 
Botswana                       -     386 548       386 548          -      386 548          -          -       386 548 
Malawi                   896 740           -       896 740          -      896 740          -   (30 000)       866 740 
                         162 859                   206 659     60 150      266 809     29 233                  296 012 
                             167  43 800 265           432        104          536        332   (30 000)           868 

OPL 233

No borrowing costs have been capitalised during the period under review (August 2013: R32.6 million), as the Group settled the debt previously incurred to finance OPL 233, in January 2014. Exploration expenditures totalling R29.3 million (August 2013: R10.8 million) have been capitalised, primarily relating to the seismic survey.


                                                            31 August   28 February 
                                                                 2014          2014 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                                    R             R 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Contingent consideration                                  229 360 113   221 493 152 
Deferred consideration on disposal of Greenhills Plant      3 442 662     3 281 164 
Advance payment against future services                    65 459 171    62 388 430 
Loan due from EER                                         163 436 459   146 181 302 
                                                          461 698 405   433 344 048 
Loan due from EER                                         237 930 825   210 835 454 
Loan due from DIG                                          47 097 098    47 694 469 
Deferred consideration on disposal of Greenhills Plant      1 983 876     1 890 811 
                                                          287 011 799   260 420 734 
Less: Provision for impairment                           (57 615 217)  (37 878 375) 
                                                          229 396 582   222 542 359 
Total                                                     691 094 987   655 886 407 


                                        31 August  28 February 
                                             2014         2014 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                R            R 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 
Bank balances                          10 610 303  273 466 636 
Short-term deposits                   203 394 054            - 
                                      214 004 357  273 466 636 
Restricted cash                       106 701 366  108 113 130 
                                      320 705 723  381 579 766 

Restricted cash comprises the cash collateral of US$10 million (February 2014: US$10 million) paid to Ecobank to secure the US$25 million performance bond on OPL 233. The cash is held in the bank account of SacOil's wholly owned subsidiary, SacOil 233 Nigeria Limited. The remainder of the performance bond is secured by a first ranking legal charge over SacOil's investment in SacOil 233 Nigeria Limited.


                                            31 August  28 February 
                                                 2014         2014 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------- 
                                                    R            R 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------- 
Energy Equity Resources (Norway) Limited   53 242 500   53 947 000 
Nigdel United Oil Company Limited                   -   20 220 311 
                                           53 242 500   74 167 311 


                                                                  31 August    31 August 
                                                                       2014         2013 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                          R            R 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Exploration and evaluation assets - work programme commitment   744 044 728  413 938 891 

Exploration and evaluation activities will be funded from current cash resources and funds from future capital-raising initiatives.

                                                             31 August  28 February 
                                                                  2014         2014 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                     R            R 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Contingent liabilities 
Performance bond on OPL 233 issued by Ecobank in respect 
 of OPL 233 exploration activities                         159 727 500  161 841 000 
Cost carry arrangement with Total                           36 591 084   36 508 805 
Farm-in and transaction fees on receipt of title to OPL 
 233                                                       139 495 350  141 341 140 
Farm-in and transaction fees on receipt of title to OPL 
 281                                                       154 403 250  156 446 300 
                                                           490 217 184  496 137 245 

Performance bond

In April 2012, the Group posted a US$25 million performance bond to support the work programme on OPL 233. This performance bond is secured by a R106.7 million (US$10 million) (28 February 2014: R108.1 million (US$10 million)) cash collateral as disclosed in note 9. The remainder of the performance bond, disclosed as a contingent liability, is secured by a first ranking legal charge over SacOil\'s investment in SacOil 233 Nigeria Limited.

Cost carry arrangement

The farm-in agreement between Semliki and Total provides for a carry of costs by Total on behalf of Semliki. Total will be entitled to recover these costs, being Semliki's share of the costs on Block III, plus interest, from future oil revenues. The contingency becomes probable when production of oil commences and will be raised in full at that point.

At 31 August 2014, Total has incurred R36.6 million (28 February 2014: R36.5 million) of costs on behalf of Semliki. Should this liability be recognised, a corresponding increase in assets will be recognised, which, together with existing exploration and evaluation assets, will be recognised as development infrastructure assets.

Farm-in and transaction fees

OPL 233

A farm-in fee of R112.9 million (28 February 2014: R114.3 million (US$10.6 million)) is due to Nigdel United Oil Company Limited ("Nigdel") following the formal approval by the Nigerian Government of the assignment of title to SacOil 233 Nigeria Limited in relation to OPL 233. The existence of the possible obligation to Nigdel will be confirmed by the occurrence of an uncertain future event, being the verification of the award of title, which process is not wholly within the control of SacOil. A transaction fee of R26.6 million (28 February 2014: R27.0 million (US$2.5 million)) is also due to Energy Equity Resources (Norway) Limited ("EERNL") following the assignment of title to OPL 233, pursuant to the provisions of the Master Joint Venture Agreement. The fee payable to EER will be off-set against the loan receivable from EERNL, when the award of title has been verified, if this occurs prior to the settlement of the loan.

OPL 281

A farm-in fee of R127.8 million (28 February 2014: R129.4 million (US$12 million)) is due to Transnational Corporation of Nigeria Limited upon the formal approval by the Nigerian Government of the assignment of title to SacOil 281 Nigeria Limited in relation to OPL 281. A transaction fee of R26.6 million (28 February 2014: R27.0 million (US$2.5 million)) is due to EERNL upon the assignment of title to OPL 281, pursuant to the provisions of the Master Joint Venture Agreement.

12. Dividends

The Board has resolved not to declare any dividends to shareholders for the period under review.

13. Subsequent events

Acquisition of 100% interest in the Lagia oil field, onshore Sinai Peninsula, Egypt

Shareholders are referred to the announcement issued on SENS and RNS on 10 September 2014 wherein the Company announced that it had entered into a sale and purchase agreement dated 9 September 2014 (the "Agreement") to acquire a Cyprus-registered exploration and production company, Mena International Petroleum Company Ltd ("MIP"), from Mena International Petroleum Holdings Company Ltd (the "Seller"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TSX Venture listed as Mena Hydrocarbons Inc. (TSXV:MNH) ("Mena Hydrocarbons") (the "Acquisition"). MIP has a 100% interest in the development lease for the Lagia oil field, covering an area of approximately 32 square kilometres on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. The Lagia oil field is at a development stage with heavy oil (16 - 18 degrees API) in shallow reservoirs and light oil potential in deeper reservoirs. The assets include existing production facilities and oil storage for 3 000 barrels of oil. The completion of the Acquisition is expected to occur on or about 31 October 2014. The full announcements are available on the SacOil website: www.sacoilholdings.com.

Loan advanced to EERNL

On 20 October 2014, the repayment of the loan due from EERNL was extended to 30 November 2014. As part of the extension terms, EERNL agreed to pay interest of 32% on the outstanding loan and to accept the interest on the non-cash component of the loan previously disputed.

The loan is secured by EERNL's shares in its subsidiary, EER233 Nigeria, which holds a 20% interest in OPL 233. The loan has not been impaired in full as the value of the security exceeds the carrying value of the loan.

14. Going concern

The Company continues to remain dependent on its ability to obtain sufficient funding to sustain operations and complete its exploration projects. While the Company has been successful in raising financing in the past, there can be no absolute assurance that it will be able to do so in future. As noted in note 13, the repayment of the loan advanced to EERNL has been extended to 30 November 2014, whilst EERNL undergoes its own recapitalisation, which will enable it to settle in full the loan owed to SacOil. Whilst this would be the best outcome for the Company, given the implications of default by EERNL, it is difficult to determine with certainty the outcome of the planned recapitalisation and, consequently, the settlement of the loan owed to SacOil. Should EERNL default on 30 November 2014, the Company will acquire an additional 20% interest in OPL 233, being the security provided for the debt, which will double SacOil's funding commitments for the OPL 233 asset. The disposal of this additional interest would not be expected to occur immediately upon default given the seismic survey that is still under way. The cash flow projections to February 2016 include cash inflows from EERNL totalling R201.0 million (US$18.0 million).

The above conditions give rise to material uncertainties which may cast significant doubt about the

Company's ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, that it may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. The Board remains reasonably confident that it will manage the material uncertainties that exist, as such the financial statements have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies applicable to a going concern. This basis presumes that funds will be available to finance future operations and that the realisation of assets and settlement of liabilities, contingent obligations and commitments will occur in the ordinary course of business.

By order of the Board

Dr Thabo Kgogo

Chief Executive


4 November 2014


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Contact details:

Tel: +27 (0) 11 575 7232 | Fax: +27 (0) 11 576 2258

E-mail: info@sacoilholdings.com | Website: www.sacoilholdings.com


Dr Thabo Kgogo (Chief Executive Officer), Tariro Mudzimuirema (Finance Director),

Bradley Cerff (Executive Director), Tito Mboweni**, Mzuvukile Maqetuka**, Stephanus Muller**,

Vusi Pikoli**, Ignatius Sehoole*, Gontse Moseneke*, Danladi Verheijen*, Titilola Akinleye*

* Non-executive Director

** Independent Non-executive Directors


Company Secretary:

Fusion Corporate Secretarial Services (Proprietary) Limited

Transfer Secretaries South Africa:

Link Market Services South Africa (Proprietary) Limited

Transfer Secretaries United Kingdom:

Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited

Corporate Legal Advisers:

Norton Rose Fullbright South Africa


Ernst & Young Inc.

JSE Sponsor:

Nedbank Capital, a division of Nedbank Limited

 For further information please contact: 
 finnCap Limited (Nominated Adviser 
  and Broker) 
 Matthew Robinson / Christopher Raggett     +44 (0) 20 7220 0500 
 FirstEnergy Capital (Financial Adviser 
  and Joint Broker UK) 
 Majid Shafiq / Travis Inlow                +44 (0) 20 7448 0200 
 Instinctif Partners London (UK Investor 
  David Simonson / Anca Spiridon            +44 (0)20 7457 2020 
 Instinctif Partners Johannesburg (SA 
  Investor Relations) 
 Nicholas Williams / Fred Cornet            +27 (0)11 447 3030 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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