RNS Number : 9639X

Romania Property Fund Limited

14 December 2010

14 December 2010

The Romania Property Fund Limited Reports its Interim Results for the period ended 30 June 2010

London, United Kingdom - The Romania Property Fund Limited ("Romania Property Fund" or "the Company") today reports its interim results for the period ended 30 June 2010.

Overview of the period to 30 June 2010

-- Accounting NAV of EUR 19.2 cents (GBP 15.75 pence) per share.

-- On the 24 June 2010, the directors of Romania Property Fund announced the signing of non-binding heads of terms with Blackpearl Property Limited ("Blackpearl") in relation to a potential acquisition by the Company of a portfolio of additional Romanian property assets and simultaneous fundraising. The proposals, if consummated through legally binding agreements, will constitute a reverse takeover under Rule 14 of the AIM Rules. Although the original heads of terms have now fallen away a revised acquisition is being agreed.

Since the period end 30 June 2010

-- The Company has arranged for interim financing, via a loan with Moserburg Investments Limited, for GBP250,000 of working capital into the Company and a further EUR150,000 into its Romanian subsidiary, Gold Developments SPV SRL..

-- A number of creditors to the Company have also agreed to standstill to allow the Directors to continue their negotiations regarding the property acquisition from Blackpearl and simultaneous fund raising. The Directors expect these discussions to be concluded in the first quarter of 2011. However, there can be no certainty that those discussions will result in an acquisition by, and refinancing of, the Company.

-- The Company announced the cancellation of admission of the Company's Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM, following a period of six months of suspension from trading and in accordance with AIM Rule 41. If the Blackpearl discussions are successfully concluded and the resulting transaction approved by Shareholders, the Company will apply for its Ordinary Shares to be re-admitted to AIM on completion of the transaction.

For further information please contact:

The Romania Property Fund


Richard Prickett, Chairman +44 (0) 777 565 1421

Canaccord Genuity Limited

(Nominated Adviser and Broker)

Sue Inglis/Robert Finlay +44 (0) 207 050 6500

 Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of 
  comprehensive income 
 for the period 1 
  January to 30 June 
                                                                        30 June        30 June 
                                                                          2010          2009 
                                              Notes                       EUR            EUR 
  Sales                                                                          -             - 
                                                                                 -             - 
 Cost of 
 Reversal of impairment 
  of inventory                                  7                         (36,168)             - 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Gross profit                                                               36,168             - 
 Administration fees                            4                           51,227       109,839 
 Management fees                                                            74,366       288,422 
 Directors' fees 
  and expenses                                                              48,463        42,383 
  expenses                                                                 114,930       691,275 
 Legal and professional                                                    155,365       137,999 
 Loss / (gain) on 
  foreign currency 
  exchange                                                                  65,343     (368,590) 
 Loss on disposal 
  of subsidiary companies                       5                            2,749     3,001,231 
  expenditure                                                              512,443     3,902,559 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
  loss                                                                   (476,275)   (3,902,559) 
 Interest receivable                                                           939        17,037 
 payable                                                                  (99,829)             - 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Net finance (expense) 
  / income                                                                (98,890)        17,037 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Loss before 
  tax                                                                    (575,165)   (3,885,522) 
 Taxation                                                                        -             - 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Loss for the period                                                     (575,165)   (3,885,522) 
 Other comprehensive 
 Exchange differences arising 
  on translation of 
 foreign operations                                                       (25,497)     (691,399) 
 Reclassification adjustment 
  for foreign exchange on 
 disposal of foreign 
  operation                                                                      -     2,299,211 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the period                                                    (600,662)   (2,277,710) 
                                                                     =============  ============ 
 Loss per share - 
  basic and 
 diluted (cents per 
  share)                                        6                           (2.94)       (19.85) 
 All items in the above statement derive from continuing 
  operations except where stated otherwise 
 These financial statements are unaudited and not the Group's 
  Statutory financial statements. 
 The accompanying notes 1 to 10 form an integral 
  part of these financial statements 
 Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of financial 
 as at 30 June 2010 
                                                                        30 June      31 December 
                                                                          2010          2009 
                                              Notes                       EUR            EUR 
 Non current assets 
 Inventory                                      7                        6,300,000     6,350,000 
 Total non current 
  assets                                                                 6,300,000     6,350,000 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                                                               91,810        62,623 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                 304,409       830,935 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Total current assets                                                      396,219       893,558 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                                            6,696,219     7,243,558 
                                                                     =============  ============ 
 Capital and reserves attributable 
 equity holders of the group 
 Issued capital and 
  reserves                                                               3,764,079     4,364,741 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Total equity                                                            3,764,079     4,364,741 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Short term loans 
  payable                                                                2,767,141     2,758,687 
 Trade and other 
  payables                                                                 164,996       120,127 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Total current liabilities                                               2,932,137     2,878,814 
 Non-current liabilities 
  shares                                                                         3             3 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
  liabilities                                                            2,932,140     2,878,817 
 Total equity and liabilities                                            6,696,219     7,243,558 
                                                                     =============  ============ 
 NAV per ordinary 
  share (Euro per 
  share)                                        8                            0.192         0.223 
 NAV per ordinary share at launch (Euro per share)                           1.935         1.935 
 These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors 
  on 10 December 2010. 
 Signed on behalf of the Board 
 P Duquemin                                C Simon 
 Director                                  Director 
 These financial statements are unaudited and not the Group's 
  Statutory financial statements. 
 The accompanying notes 1 to 10 form an integral part of these financial 
 Unaudited condensed consolidated statements of changes in equity 
 for the period 1 January to 30 June 2010 
                                 Share       Foreign       Share        Revenue 
                                capital     exchange      premium       reserve         Total 
                                  EUR          EUR          EUR           EUR            EUR 
 As at 1 January 
  2009                                 -   (2,137,212)   39,517,333   (24,526,178)    12,853,943 
 Disposal of subsidiary                -     2,299,211            -              -     2,299,211 
 Foreign exchange 
 arising on consolidation              -     (691,399)            -              -     (691,399) 
 Loss for the period                   -             -            -    (3,885,522)   (3,885,522) 
 As at 30 June 2009                    -     (529,400)   39,517,333   (28,411,700)    10,576,233 
                               =========  ============  ===========  =============  ============ 
 As at 1 January 
  2010                                 -     (538,726)   39,517,333   (34,613,866)     4,364,741 
 Foreign exchange 
 arising on consolidation              -      (25,497)            -              -      (25,497) 
 Loss for the period                   -             -            -      (575,165)     (575,165) 
 As at 30 June 2010                    -     (564,223)   39,517,333   (35,189,031)     3,764,079 
                               =========  ============  ===========  =============  ============ 
 These financial statements are unaudited and not the Group's 
  Statutory financial statements. 
 The accompanying notes 1 to 10 form an integral part of these financial 
 Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 
 for the period 1 January to 30 June 2010 
                                                                        30 June        30 June 
                                                                          2010          2009 
                                                                          EUR            EUR 
 Loss for the period                                                     (575,165)   (3,885,522) 
 Loss on disposal 
  of subsidiary company                                                      2,749     3,001,231 
 Impairment of inventory                                                  (36,168)             - 
 Net finance expense                                                        98,890      (17,037) 
 Operating cash flows before movements 
 in working 
  capital                                                                (509,694)     (901,328) 
 Increase in trade 
  and other receivables                                                   (33,501)      (65,229) 
 Increase in trade 
  and other payables                                                        51,372       101,825 
 Cash used in operations                                                 (491,823)     (864,732) 
  received                                                                     939        17,037 
 Interest paid                                                            (99,829)             - 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash outflow 
  from operating activities                                              (590,713)     (847,695) 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Investing activities 
 Investment in inventory                                                    86,168     (604,489) 
 Cash and cash equivalents disposed 
  of on disposal of subsidiary                                             (4,938)      (25,131) 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash inflow / (outflow) from 
  investing activities                                                      81,230     (629,620) 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from loans                                                         8,454     1,509,602 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash inflow 
  from financing activities                                                  8,454     1,509,602 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 (Decrease) / increase in 
  cash and cash equivalents                                              (501,029)        32,287 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of the period                                               830,935     2,112,752 
 Effect of foreign 
  exchange rates                                                          (25,497)     (691,399) 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of the period                                                     304,409     1,453,640 
                                                                     =============  ============ 
 These financial statements are unaudited and not the Group's 
  Statutory financial statements. 
 The accompanying notes 1 to 10 form an integral 
  part of these financial statements 
 Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements 
 for the period 1 January to 30 June 
                The Romania Property Fund Limited formerly Lewis Charles Romania 
                 Property Fund Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries 
                 (together the "Group") is an investment fund with an investment 
                 portfolio in Romania. The aim of the Company is to generate 
                 capital gains by investing in both residential and commercial 
                 property in Romania, primarily, although not exclusively, around 
                The Company is a limited company incorporated in Guernsey. 
                 The address of the registered office is shown on page 2. The 
                 life of the Company is fixed by the Articles to sixth anniversary 
                 of Admission. The directors have the right to extend to the 
                 seventh anniversary of Admission, thereafter the duration of 
                 the Company may be extended at an extraordinary general meeting 
                 convened for the purpose. 
                On 2 August 2007 the Company was listed on the Alternative 
                 Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange PLC, however 
                 shares were suspended from trading on 10 June 2010, whilst 
                 negotiations for re-structuring took place. However, these 
                 negotiations were not successful and the company has arranged 
                 for alternative finances. A reinstatement of trading in the 
                 Company's shares should occur on publication of these accounts 
                 by the Company. 
                These financial statements were authorised by the Board for 
                 issue on 10 December 2010 and are signed on its behalf by P 
                 Duquemin and C Simon. 
                These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements 
                 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting 
                 Standard 34: Interim Financial Reporting ("IAS 34"). They do 
                 not include all the information required for full annual financial 
                 statements and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated 
                 financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009. 
                The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of 
                 the accounting policies set out in the Group's annual financial 
                 statements for the year ended 31 December 2009 except for the 
                 adoption of standards described below. The Group's annual financial 
                 statements refer to new Standards and Interpretations none 
                 of which had a material impact on the financial statements. 
                IFRS 3 (revised) - "Business Combinations" is applicable prospectively 
                 to all business combinations for which the designated acquisition 
                 date is on or after 1 January 2010. IAS 27 (revised) - "Consolidated 
                 and Separate Financial Statements" is effective as from 1 January 
                 2010. The application of these two revised standards does not 
                 have a material impact on the Group's financial statements 
                 at 30 June 2010. Other amendments obligatorily applicable as 
                 of 1 January 2010 do not have a material impact on the consolidated 
                 financial statements. 
                The Directors have reviewed the current budgets and cash flow 
                 projections for the period to 31 May 2012. These forecasts 
                 indicate the need for additional funding for continuing working 
                Confirmation has been obtained from creditors for a deferral 
                 to the value of GBP450,000 but the Group still requires additional 
                 cash for working capital needs. This will be met by a loan 
                 facility of GBP250,000 to the Company and an additional loan 
                 facility of EUR150,000 to Romanian joint venture company SC 
                 Gold Developments SPV SRL. Deferral of payment to creditors 
                 and cash received will allow sufficient time for Directors 
                 to consider alternative financing and disposal of the property 
                 within the Joint Venture. Based on advanced discussions with 
                 Unicredit Bank, the directors anticipate that the loan payable, 
                 which is due for renewal on 15 December 2010, by Joint Venture 
                 entity will be rolled forward. 
                Various sources of financing are currently being considered 
                 by the directors including negotiating new property acquisitions 
                 and raising fresh equity with the Blackpearl group. A final 
                 decision regarding the source of financing has not been made. 
                Accordingly the directors have prepared these financial 
                 statements on going concern basis. 
 4              ADMINISTRATION FEES 
                Under the Administration Agreement the Administrator is entitled 
                 to receive an annual administration fee at a rate as may be 
                 agreed in writing from time to time between the Company and 
                 the Administrator. The present fee is 0.09% per annum of the 
                 Net Asset Value of the Company up to GBP100 million and 0.07% 
                 of the Net Asset Value of the Company above GBP100 million, 
                 subject to a minimum fee during the period of GBP65,958 per 
                 annum plus disbursements. 
                Other administration fees are paid by the underlying subsidiaries 
                 at a rate as may be agreed in writing from time to time between 
                 those companies and their separately appointed administrators. 
                The Group sold its Luxembourg subsidiary Romholdings S.A. to 
                 Blackpearl Real Estate LLP for a nominal consideration of EUR 
                 1 on 11 June 2010. The cash balances of Romholdings S.A., of 
                 EUR 22,525.40, was used to clear all outstanding liabilities 
                 including The Romania Property Fund Limited's' Shareholders 
                 Loan of EUR 40,658.56. The remaining balance of The Romania 
                 Property Fund Limited's' Shareholders loan, after this part 
                 repayment, was written off in the books of both Romholdings 
                 S.A. and The Romania Property Fund Limited. 
                The consolidated basic and diluted loss per Ordinary Share 
                 of 2.94 cents (2009: 19.85 cents) is based on the net loss 
                 of EUR575,165 (2009: 3,885,522) and on 19,576,405 (2009: 19,576,405) 
                 ordinary shares in issue, being the weighted average number 
                 of shares in issue during the period. 
 7              INVENTORY 
                                                                                     31 December 
                                            Ploiesti     Mogosoaia       Total          2009 
                                               EUR          EUR           EUR            EUR 
                                          ------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
  As at 1 
   January 2010 
   / 2009                                            -    6,350,000      6,350,000    17,600,000 
                        Additions during 
                              the period             -       30,634         30,634     1,362,972 
                        Foreign exchange 
                             adjustments             -    (116,802)      (116,802)     (895,014) 
                                          ------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
                                                     -    6,263,832      6,263,832    18,067,958 
  Reversal of impairment 
   / (impairment)                                    -       36,168         36,168   (5,186,693) 
                                          ------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
                                                     -    6,300,000      6,300,000    12,881,265 
  Disposals                                          -            -              -   (6,531,265) 
                                          ------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
  As at 30 
   June 2010 
   / 31 Dec 
   2009                                              -    6,300,000      6,300,000     6,350,000 
                                          ============  ===========  =============  ============ 
   value                                             -    6,300,000      6,300,000     6,350,000 
                                          ============  ===========  =============  ============ 
                The Group's main activity is the development and sale of residential 
                 and commercial property. The process of obtaining zoning and 
                 permits may in itself take some time. This period is then added 
                 to by the time taken to construct the properties. In this time 
                 the costs of the land and the construction are recorded in 
                 Inventories. The Group continually reviews the net realisable 
                 value of the inventory against the cumulative costs that are 
                 held on its balance sheet. To enable this review, management 
                 have appointed appropriately qualified personnel to monitor 
                 and control the costs of construction. 
                The costs that have been incurred and are projected to be incurred 
                 are benchmarked against those available in the market to ensure 
                 that best value is achieved. A strict tendering process is 
                 adhered to when procuring construction services and the costs 
                 are controlled locally on a monthly basis. In addition to this, 
                 the Group has appointed DTZ Echinox Consulting S.R.L to assist 
                 them to undertake an independent assessment of the net realisable 
                 value of its developments. 
                DTZ Echinox Consulting S.R.L in their valuation report as of 
                 30 June 2010 have calculated value of the Mogosoaia Project, 
                 to be EUR6,300,000, in accordance with RICS valuation standards. 
                 The approved RICS definition of market value is the '"The estimated 
                 amount for which a property should exchange on the date of 
                 valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an 
                 arm's-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the 
                 parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without 
 8              NAV PER SHARE 
                                                                          June        December 
                                                                          2010          2009 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
                                                                          EUR            EUR 
  Net Asset Value attributable 
   to ordinary shareholders                                              3,764,079     4,364,741 
  Number of 
   shares in 
   issue                                                                19,576,405    19,576,405 
  Net asset 
   value per 
   share                                                                     0.192         0.223 
                The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share is based on the Net 
                 Asset Value at the balance sheet date and on 19,576,405 (2009: 
                 19,576,405) Ordinary Shares, being the number of shares in 
                 issue at the balance sheet date. 
 9               NAV 
                                            June 2010                     2009 
                                          ------------  -----------  -------------  ------------ 
                                               EUR        Per share       EUR          Per share 
  Net Asset Value per 
   financial statements                      3,764,079        0.192      4,364,741         0.223 
                Add back: 
   expenses                                    688,218        0.035        736,747         0.038 
   Net Asset 
   Value                                     4,452,297        0.227      5,101,488         0.261 
                                          ============  ===========  =============  ============ 
                The Company's principal documents require the dealing valuation 
                 of the Company's net assets to include preliminary expenses 
                 incurred in the establishment of the Company, such expenses 
                 to be amortised over the expected life of the Company. However, 
                 this accounting treatment is not permitted for financial reporting 
                 purposes and has been adjusted accordingly within these financial 
                The Group, on 24 June 2010, obtained a short term loan of GBP73,000 
                 from Blackpearl Property Limited at an interest rate of 5% 
                 per annum. The loan is secured by assigning Group's beneficial 
                 interest in Magnolia Real Estate SRL to the lender. This loan 
                 will mature on earlier of date of restructuring of the Group 
                 or date when a new loan is introduced into The Romania Property 
                 Fund Limited. 
                As discussed in note 3, the Company entered into agreements 
                 to obtain loan facilities of GBP250,000 from Moserburg Investments 
                 Limited which has been earmarked by Directors for working capital 
                 in the Group. A further agreement for a loan of EUR150,000 
                 was entered into with Moserburg Investments Limited for SC 
                 Gold Developments SPV SRL. Both loans mature on 2 April 2012 
                 and have an interest payable at 15.5% per annum and are secured 
                 against a first ranking charge over the shareholder loan of 
                 Rominvestments S.A. or the first proceeds remitted to The Romania 
                 Property Fund or its subsidiaries from the Borrower for the 
                 amount of the Loan. 
                The Directors are currently negotiating a new property acquisition 
                 and financing arrangement with the Blackpearl group. A number 
                 of creditors have agreed to standstill until these negotiations 
                 are completed and the Group is restructured. 
 Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive 
 for the period 1 January to 30 June 2010 
 Restated into Pound Sterling 
                                                                        30 June        30 June 
                                                                          2010          2009 
                                                                          GBP            GBP 
  Sales                                                                          -             - 
 Cost of 
 Reversal of impairment 
  of inventory                                                            (31,250)             - 
 Gross profit                                                               31,250             - 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Administration fees                                                        44,260        97,246 
 Management fees                                                            64,253       255,354 
 Directors' fees 
  and expenses                                                              41,872        37,524 
  expenses                                                                  99,300       612,019 
 Legal and professional                                                    134,236       122,177 
 Loss / (gain) on 
  foreign currency 
  exchange                                                                  56,457     (326,330) 
 Loss on disposal 
  of subsidiary companies                                                    2,375     2,657,132 
 Total expenditure                                                         442,753     3,455,122 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
  loss                                                                   (411,503)   (3,455,122) 
 Interest receivable                                                           811        15,084 
 payable                                                                  (86,253)             - 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Net finance (expense) 
  / income                                                                (85,442)        15,084 
 Loss before 
  tax                                                                    (496,945)   (3,440,038) 
 Taxation                                                                        -             - 
 Loss for the period                                                     (496,945)   (3,440,038) 
 Other comprehensive 
 Exchange differences arising 
  on translation of 
 foreign operations                                                      (141,406)   (1,879,366) 
 Reclassification adjustment 
  for foreign exchange on 
 disposal of foreign 
  operation                                                                      -     2,035,601 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the period                                                    (638,351)   (3,283,803) 
                                                                     =============  ============ 
 Loss per share - basic and diluted 
  (pence per share)                                                         (2.54)       (17.57) 
 Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of 
  financial position 
 as at 30 June 2010 
 Restated into Pound Sterling 
                                                                        30 June      31 December 
                                                                          2010          2009 
                                                                          GBP            GBP 
 Non current assets 
 Inventory                                                               5,160,551     5,414,393 
 Total non current 
  assets                                                                 5,160,551     5,414,393 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                                                               75,205        53,396 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                 249,352       708,505 
 Total current assets                                                      324,557       761,901 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                                            5,485,108     6,176,294 
                                                                     =============  ============ 
 Capital and reserves attributable to 
 equity holders of the group 
 Issued capital and 
  reserves                                                               3,083,290     3,721,641 
 Total equity                                                            3,083,290     3,721,641 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Short term loans 
  payable                                                                2,266,662     2,352,223 
 Trade and other 
  payables                                                                 135,154       102,428 
 Total current liabilities                                               2,401,816     2,454,651 
 Non-current liabilities 
  shares                                                                         2             2 
  liabilities                                                            2,401,818     2,454,653 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Total equity and 
  liabilities                                                            5,485,108     6,176,294 
                                                                     =============  ============ 
 NAV per ordinary 
  share (pence per 
  share)                                                                     15.75         19.01 
 NAV per ordinary share 
  at launch (pence per share)                                               140.00        140.00 
 Unaudited condensed consolidated statements of changes in equity 
 for the period 1 January to 30 June 2010 
 Restated into Pound Sterling 
                                 Share       Foreign       Share        Revenue 
                                capital     exchange      premium       reserve         Total 
                                  GBP          GBP          GBP           GBP            GBP 
 As at 1 January 
  2009                                 -     2,405,015   26,584,758   (16,688,035)    12,301,738 
 Foreign exchange 
 arising on consolidation              -   (1,879,366)            -              -   (1,879,366) 
 Loss for the period                   -             -            -    (3,440,038)   (3,440,038) 
 Disposal of subsidiary                -     2,035,601            -              -     2,035,601 
 As at 30 June 2009                    -     2,561,250   26,584,758   (20,128,073)     9,017,935 
                               =========  ============  ===========  =============  ============ 
 As at 1 January 
  2010                                 -     6,045,650   26,584,758   (28,908,767)     3,721,641 
 Foreign exchange 
 arising on consolidation              -     (141,406)            -              -     (141,406) 
 Loss for the period                   -             -            -      (496,945)     (496,945) 
 As at 30 June 2010                    -     5,904,244   26,584,758   (29,405,712)     3,083,290 
                               =========  ============  ===========  =============  ============ 
 Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 
 for the period 1 January to 30 June 2010 
 Restated into Pound Sterling 
                                                                        30 June        30 June 
                                                                          2010          2009 
                                                                          GBP            GBP 
 Loss for the period                                                     (496,945)   (3,440,038) 
 Loss on disposal 
  of subsidiary company                                                      2,375     2,657,132 
 Impairment of inventory                                                    31,250             - 
 Net finance income                                                         85,442      (15,084) 
 Operating cash flows before movements 
 in working 
  capital                                                                (377,878)     (797,990) 
 Increase in trade 
  and other receivables                                                   (28,945)      (57,750) 
 Increase in trade 
  and other payables                                                        44,386        90,151 
 Cash used in operations                                                 (362,437)     (765,589) 
  received                                                                     811        15,084 
 Interest paid                                                            (86,253)             - 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities                              (447,879)     (750,505) 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Investing activities 
 Investment in inventory                                                    74,450     (535,183) 
 Cash and cash equivalents disposed 
  of on disposal of subsidiary                                             (4,266)      (22,250) 
 Net cash inflow / (outflow) from investing 
  activities                                                                70,184     (557,433) 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from loan                                                          7,304     1,336,522 
 Net cash inflow 
  from financing activities                                                  7,304     1,336,522 
                                                                     -------------  ------------ 
 (Decrease) / increase in 
  cash and cash equivalents                                              (370,391)        28,584 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of the period                                               708,505     2,021,988 
 Effect of foreign exchange 
  rates                                                                   (88,762)     (811,111) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of the period                                                            249,352     1,239,461 
                                                                     =============  ============ 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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