RNS Number : 5502R

Royal Mail PLC

15 June 2018

Royal Mail plc

LEI: 213800TCZZU84G8Z2M70

15 June 2018

Publication of Annual Report and Financial Statements 2017-18 and 2018 Notice of Annual General Meeting

Following the release by Royal Mail plc (the Company) on 17 May 2018 of the Company's Financial Report for the Full Year Ended 25 March 2018 announcement, the Company announces that it has today published its Annual Report and Financial Statements 2017-18 (Annual Report 2017-18) on Royal Mail's website: https://www.royalmailgroup.com/results

The 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 19 July 2018 at 11.00am at the Mercure Sheffield St Paul's Hotel, 119 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. The 2018 Notice of AGM has also been published and is now available via Royal Mail's website:


In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1, copies of the Annual Report 2017-18, Notice of AGM and Proxy Form have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM

The Company also announces that it will provide shareholders, by their chosen communication means, the above documents.

Disclosures required in accordance with DTR 6.3.5

Information on important events that have occurred during the financial year and their impact on the Annual Report 2017-18 were included in the Financial Report for the Full Year Ended 25 March 2018 announcement released on 17 May 2018. This, together with the following information, which is extracted from the Financial report for the full year ended 25 March 2018 (Financial Report) and the Annual Report 2017-18, constitutes the information required by DTR 6.3.5 to be communicated in full, unedited text through a regulatory information service. This information is not a substitute for reading the full Annual Report 2017-18. Any page or note references in the text below refer to those in the Annual Report 2017-18.

For further information, please contact:

Company Secretary:

Kulbinder Dosanjh

Phone: 020 7449 8133

Email: kulbinder.dosanjh@royalmail.com

Investor Relations:

Catherine Nash

Phone: 020 7449 8183

Email: investorrelations@royalmail.com

Media Relations:

Beth Longcroft

Phone: 07435 768 549

Email: beth.longcroft@royalmail.com


The Governance section describes in detail how the Group manages its risk from the Group Board level, its respective sub-committees and throughout the organisation. Further details can be found on pages 54-99.

The table below details each principal business risk, those aspects that would be impacted were the risk to materialise, our assessment of the current status of the risk and how the Group mitigates it.

 Principal risk     Status                                                       How we are mitigating the 
 New Pension, Pay and Pipeline agreement and the risk of industrial action 
  There is extensive trade union recognition in respect of our workforce 
  in the UK with a strong and active trade union. As Royal Mail Group continues 
  to pursue the necessary efficiency programmes in order to remain competitive 
  in the letters and parcels markets and implements the new Pensions, Pay 
  and Pipeline agreement, there remains a risk of industrial action. 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 There is a risk    The Agenda for Growth                                        Our Agenda for Growth agreement 
 that                agreement developed                                          with the CWU provides a 
 one or more         jointly with the Communication                               joint commitment to improved 
 material            Workers Union (CWU)                                          industrial relations and 
 disagreements or    represented a fundamental                                    to resolving disputes at 
 disputes            change in our relationship                                   pace and in a way that is 
 between the         with the CWU, and continues                                  beneficial to both employees 
 Group and           to promote stability                                         and Royal Mail. 
 its trade unions    in industrial relations. 
 could                                                                            Under the Agenda for Growth, 
 result in           In February 2018, we                                         there is a prescribed resolution 
 widespread          announced the new Pensions,                                  process for disputes which 
 localised or        Pay and Pipeline agreement                                   requires trained mediators 
 national            (the "agreement") with                                       nominated by and representing 
 industrial          the CWU. As part of                                          both the CWU and the business. 
 action.             the agreement, Royal                                         This must be followed before 
                     Mail and the CWU have                                        any industrial action can 
 Widespread          committed to a broad                                         take place. 
 localised           programme of operational 
 or national         change, as well as pension                                   The Agenda for Growth agreement 
 industrial          reform, changes to pay                                       has legally binding protections 
 action would        and terms and conditions                                     for the workforce in respect 
 cause material      and a vision to achieve                                      of future job security and 
 disruption to       a 35-hour working week                                       our employment model. This 
 our business        by 2022.                                                     can be rescinded in the 
 in the UK and                                                                    event of national industrial 
 would be            The agreement requires                                       action if the appropriate 
 likely to result    a high level of operational                                  dispute resolution processes 
 in an               change in an increasingly                                    have not been followed. 
 immediate and       competitive market, 
 potentially         which may put additional 
 ongoing             strain on the stability 
 significant loss    of our industrial relations. 
 of revenue for 
 the Group. 
 It may also 
 cause Royal 
 Mail to fail to 
 the Quality of 
 prescribed by 
 Ofcom, leading 
 to enforcement 
 action and 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 We recognise       We have closed the Royal                                     We are lobbying Government 
 that pension        Mail Pension Plan (RMPP)                                     to make the necessary legislative 
 benefits are        to future accrual in                                         and regulatory changes required 
 important           its previous Defined                                         to introduce the CDC pension 
 to our people       Benefit form and introduced                                  scheme. 
 and that            a Defined Benefit Cash 
 we need to          Balance Scheme from 
 continue to         1 April 2018. 
 sustainable and     Both this transitional 
 affordable          arrangement and the 
 pensions            CDC scheme are expected 
 arrangements        to contain pension costs 
 that are            at about 400 million 
 acceptable to       per annum. 
 our people and 
 There is a risk 
 we may be unable 
 to obtain 
 the necessary 
 changes to 
 enable us 
 to implement the 
 first Collective 
 (CDC) pension 
 scheme as agreed 
 the CWU. 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Royal Mail must    In February 2018 we                                          The agreement creates a 
 become              announced the agreement                                      platform for Royal Mail 
 more efficient      with with the CWU. As                                        and CWU to work jointly 
 and flexible        part of the agreement,                                       together to rebuild confidence 
 in order to         Royal Mail and the CWU                                       and trust, deliver change 
 compete             have committed to a                                          and pursue opportunities 
 effectively         broad programme of operational                               to support growth and efficiency. 
 in the letter       change, as well as pension                                   This includes trialling 
 and parcel          reform, changes to pay                                       new delivery methods, a 
 markets and grow    and terms and conditions                                     new resource scheduling 
 revenue.            and a vision to achieve                                      system and automated hours 
                     a 35-hour working week                                       data capture, as well as 
 The success of      by 2022.                                                     progressing towards a shorter 
 our strategy                                                                     working week dependent on 
 relies on the       We are continuing to                                         progress on efficiency and 
 effective           see the positive impact                                      change initiatives. 
 control of costs    of our cost avoidance 
 across              activities across the                                        The implementation of the 
 all areas and       UK business. This has                                        agreement will be underpinned 
 the delivery        involved focus on our                                        by a rigorous programme 
 of efficiency       efficiency performance                                       comprising the initiatives 
 benefits.           in all areas, while                                          within the agreement. 
                     providing quality service 
 We continue to      to our customers through                                     The agreement also includes 
 operate             our engaged workforce.                                       proposals for a series of 
 a tight balance     Our cost avoidance programme                                 Forums that will allow us 
 between             achieved GBP235 million                                      to work collaboratively 
 achieving           of costs avoided in                                          with our unions to agree 
 efficiency          2017-18, despite the                                         efficiency improvements 
 improvements        industrial relations                                         and growth opportunities. 
 whilst having       environment. 
 some of the                                                                      This includes a fundamental 
 highest service     However, the negotiation                                     review of the pipeline over 
 specifications      of fundamental changes                                       three, five and seven years, 
 of any              to our pension and other                                     an innovation forum as well 
 major country in    terms and conditions                                         as a forum to monitor progress 
 Europe.             impacted productivity                                        to move towards a shorter 
 This requires       performance, which has                                       working week. 
 careful             fallen below the lower 
 management of       range of our two to                                          We exceeded our target on 
 efficiency          three per cent target.                                       cost avoidance and have 
 and Quality of      It also impacted progress                                    over 200 projects and initiatives 
 Service.            in some business as                                          both in and outside of the 
                     usual transformation                                         core operations, which underpin 
                     initiatives.                                                 the cost avoidance target 
                                                                                  of GBP230 million in 2018-19. 
                     Coming out of a difficult 
                     industrial relations                                         We continue to scope additional 
                     environment and given                                        cost avoidance opportunities 
                     the scale of change                                          beyond 2018-19. 
                     underpinning the agreement, 
                     there is a risk we will 
                     be unable to make the 
                     required short-term 
                     business as usual and/or 
                     programme level cost 
                     avoidance changes in 
                     a timely way consistent 
                     with the agreement. 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Changes in market conditions and customer behaviour 
  The industry sectors in which we operate remain highly competitive, with 
  customers demanding more and our competitors responding quickly to these 
  changing demands. 
 and Royal Mail's 
 to market 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Changes in         We expect addressed                                          We have produced a guide, 
 customer            letter volumes (excluding                                    which highlights key aspects 
 expectations,       political parties' election                                  of the new GDPR legislation 
 and changes in      mailings) to continue                                        when communicating and marketing 
 the markets         to decline in the range                                      to customers, including 
 in which the        of four - six per cent                                       how mail can help our customers 
 Group operates,     per annum in the medium-term.                                thrive in a GDPR world. 
 could impact the    For 2018-19, we expect                                       We are also undertaking 
 demand              to be at the higher                                          intervention activity with 
 for our products    end of the range of                                          our largest posting customers 
 and                 decline for the full                                         and cold data providers. 
 services.           year due to the impact 
                     of GDPR. However, during                                     During the year, we helped 
 There is a risk     2018-19 the rate could                                       launch JIC MAIL (Joint Industry 
 that                move outside of this                                         Committee) to offer standardised 
 our product         range for a period during                                    data on mails reach and 
 offerings           the year.                                                    frequency of mailing demonstrating 
 and customer                                                                     more clearly to the market 
 experience          GDPR may drive risk-averse                                   how consumers interact with 
 may not             behaviour, leading to                                        direct mail. It is the first 
 adequately meet     a reduction in marketing                                     time that the mail industry 
 evolving            mail volumes in 2018-19.                                     has had independent data 
 customer            However, marketing mail                                      to indicate frequency and 
 expectations,       does not fall within                                         usage. 
 or that we are      the scope of The Privacy 
 unable              and Electronic Communications                                There is a continuing requirement 
 to innovate or      Regulations (PECR),                                          to invest in targeted growth 
 adapt               which affect marketing                                       and innovation to meet challenges 
 our commercial      by electronic means,                                         in the marketplace, as well 
 and operational     such as email and SMS.                                       as reducing cost to ensure 
 activities fast                                                                  better price competitiveness. 
 enough              The parcels sector is                                        We use continuous in-depth 
 to respond to       competitive and evolving.                                    market monitoring and research 
 changes             Competition in the UK                                        to track how well we match 
 in the market.      domestic and international                                   our customers' expectations, 
                     markets is intense,                                          including relative to our 
 We expect the       with competitors offering                                    competitors, and to predict 
 letters             innovative solutions                                         volume trends. 
 sector to remain    that include convenient, 
 in structural       reliable delivery and                                        We continue to invest and 
 decline, in the     return options, and                                          introduce, at pace, new 
 medium-term,        improved tracking services.                                  and improved products and 
 driven by                                                                        services that enhance customers' 
 e-substitution,     The UK has one of the                                        online and delivery experience; 
 lower GDP, the      most developed e-commerce                                    and, expand our core offering 
 possible            markets in the world.                                        to small and medium sized 
 impact of GDPR      Growth available in                                          businesses and marketplace 
 and continuing      the addressable UK parcels                                   sellers. We target investments 
 business            market has been impacted                                     that will extend our value 
 uncertainty.        by Amazon's activities.                                      chain offer and increase 
                     Amazon is both a customer                                    our presence in faster growing 
                     of and a competitor                                          areas of the parcels sector. 
                     to the Group. Capacity                                       We are investing in new 
                     expansion in the sector                                      equipment to respond to 
                     continues to exert downward                                  both our sending and receiving 
                     pressure on prices.                                          customers evolving needs 
                                                                                  such as timely and accurate 
                     In the parcels business,                                     tracking information. 
                     disintermediation in 
                     online marketplaces                                          The agreement creates opportunities 
                     may divert traffic to                                        to implement initiatives 
                     other carriers.                                              such as later acceptance 
                                                                                  times. Estimated delivery 
                                                                                  window, enhanced collection 
                                                                                  and returns options are 
                                                                                  also key initiatives that 
                                                                                  are underway. 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Economic and 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Historically,      The Board continues                                            Macroeconomic risk assessments 
 there has          to monitor the economic                                        are embedded within the 
 been a             environment including                                          monthly Letters forecasting 
 correlation        possible implications                                          processes. 
 between            of Brexit on the UK 
 economic           economy and the Group's                                        The Group also has the following 
 conditions and     operations. Specific                                           strategies in place: 
 the level of       areas of focus include:                                         *    A cost avoidance programme to respond to possible 
 letter and          *    Business uncertainty, with the recent slowdown in              revenue headwinds. 
 B2B parcel               economic activity, is possibly an indicator that 
 volumes. Flat            business customers will look to reduce costs and 
 or adverse               compete aggressively for contracts, impacting letter      *    Business initiatives that are responding to fluid 
 economic                 volumes, in particular marketing mail.                         competitive pressures (especially in the advertising 
 conditions                                                                              arena). 
 could impact our 
 ability             *    A decline in the value of Sterling, which impacts ou 
 to maintain and    r                                                               *    A possible, absorbable reduction in investment in th 
 grow                     International business in terms of the exchange rate     e 
 revenue, either          effect on imports and exports and through the impact           short-term to protect the cash and indebtedness 
 by reducing              of higher inflation resulting from increases in the            position of the business. 
 volumes or               prices of UK imported goods and services. Movements 
 encouraging              in the Sterling exchange rate could also result in 
 customers to             higher import prices, increase terminal dues and 
 adopt cheaper            impact domestic inflation rates leading to higher        Risks associated with Brexit 
 products or              fuel and wage increases.                                 are continually monitored 
 formats for                                                                       and material risks reported 
 sending letters                                                                   to senior executives. An 
 and parcels.        *    The terms on which the UK leaves the EU's customs        internal working group has 
                          union and VAT territory. Our International business      been established, comprising 
 The Labour               is one of the largest third parties involved in the      taxation, legal and regulatory/policy 
 Party's 2017             collection of tax and duties on behalf of HMRC.          experts, to work with the 
 manifesto                Changes to customs arrangements could impact             International business to 
 included a               processing procedures and charges for international      update its Brexit scenario 
 pledge to bring          mail, customer demand and the achievability of           analysis as events unfold 
 a number                 regulated Quality of Service standards for EU mail.      and new information becomes 
 of private                                                                        available. 
 including Royal                                                                   We are working closely with 
 Mail,              Economic growth in the                                         Government to put in place 
 back into public   Eurozone has shown signs                                       systems to ensure the movement 
 ownership.         of improvement but remains                                     of cross--border parcels 
                    fragile in some countries                                      continues to operate effectively. 
                    (notably Italy). The                                           The UK Government explicitly 
                    Board will, however,                                           referenced the importance 
                    continue to monitor                                            of the passage of small 
                    this position in terms                                         parcels via Royal Mail in 
                    of the impact on our                                           the Customs Bill White Paper. 
                    international parcel                                           We are also engaging with 
                    volumes, including those                                       Ofcom and the Department 
                    handled by GLS.                                                for Business, Energy, and 
                                                                                   Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 
                    We are closely monitoring                                      on the applicability of 
                    the development of Labour                                      Quality of Service targets 
                    Party policy on renationalisation.                             after the UK leaves the 
                                                                                   Royal Mail engages regularly 
                                                                                   with politicians and policy 
                                                                                   makers, and closely monitors 
                                                                                   the potential impact of 
                                                                                   political and policy changes 
                                                                                   on the Company. The Company 
                                                                                   runs an extensive public 
                                                                                   affairs programme of engagement 
                                                                                   with politicians and policy 
                                                                                   makers. We regularly demonstrate 
                                                                                   the significant progress 
                                                                                   that the Company has made 
                                                                                   since privatisation in 2013. 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Growing in new 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Our success in     Royal Mail Group is                                          Our acquisitions are primarily 
 growing             well positioned to grow                                      delivered through a targeted 
 in new areas of     in new markets through                                       and focused expansion of 
 business            its subsidiary, GLS.                                         GLS' geographic footprint, 
 is dependent on     It has a replicable                                          investing behind a proven 
 such                and scalable business                                        operating model with a track 
 factors as our      model founded on the                                         record of identification, 
 continued           development of strong                                        integration and optimisation 
 ability to          regional businesses.                                         of acquisitions over many 
 identify new                                                                     years. 
 profitable and      Through increasing its 
 sustainable         footprint and focusing                                       We are also developing partnerships 
 areas of            on growth opportunities                                      with retailers and network 
 business,           in areas such as the                                         partners to stimulate cross-border 
 implementing        deferred parcels space                                       volumes between the UK and 
 appropriate         and B2C parcels market,                                      Asia, as well as working 
 investments,        GLS is well positioned                                       with China Post to provide 
 and having in       to support Royal Mail                                        Chinese and UK customers 
 place suitable      Group's overall strategy.                                    with faster delivery and 
 structures to                                                                    tracking services. 
 support             We are continuing to 
 continued           seek opportunities to                                        We also have a number of 
 transformation      develop a broader revenue                                    small-scale initiatives 
 of the business.    base and growth in the                                       to seek new revenues, which 
                     UK and overseas.                                             leverage our existing assets. 
                                                                                  As an example, during 2017 
                                                                                  Royal Mail launched a third 
                                                                                  party fleet offering to 
                                                                                  the market providing maintenance 
                                                                                  The agreement includes the 
                                                                                  establishment of a forum 
                                                                                  to assess new business opportunity 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Regulatory and legislative environment 
  The business operates in a regulated environment. Changes in legal and 
  regulatory requirements could impact our ability to meet our targets 
  and goals. 
 Absence of a 
 framework to 
 the USO 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 USO finances are   Ofcom will continue                                            We undertake extensive engagement 
 fragile.            to be focused on monitoring                                    with Ofcom across all workstreams, 
 The regulatory      Royal Mail's efficiency.                                       including the cost modelling 
 system              It will build a detailed                                       review and Second Class 
 applies some        delivery cost model                                            Safeguard cap consultation. 
 constraints         to help inform its view                                        We will provide comprehensive, 
 to Royal Mail's     on how cost might change                                       evidence-led reports setting 
 ability             over time under different                                      out our position. 
 to compete for      scenarios. It will also 
 traffic             be used to review the                                          We are continuing to lobby 
 to support the      allocation of Royal                                            BEIS and Ofcom to tackle 
 costs               Mail's delivery costs                                          emerging issues of USO sustainability. 
 of the Universal    between parcels and                                            We are arguing for fundamental 
 Service             letters.                                                       changes in the regulatory 
 network. It                                                                        environment including: 
 imposes             Ofcom is due to consult                                         *    greater focus on sustainability including 
 operational         on the level of the 
 requirements not    Second Class Safeguard 
 applied             cap. The outcome could                                         through the prompt introduction 
 generally to the    impact our commercial                                          of a proactive sustainability 
 industry.           flexibility.                                                   framework; and 
 These may impact                                                                    *    a level playing field across the whole industry, 
 our                 We have been lobbying                                                including higher consumer protection standards in 
 revenues and our    Ofcom to introduce fundamental                                       parcels and lifting labour standards across the 
 ability             changes to the regulatory                                            delivery sector. 
 to compete in       environment. This includes 
 the highly          a greater focus on sustainability. 
 competitive         Ofcom has not taken 
 sectors in          forward our proposal 
 which we            for a proactive sustainability 
 operate. This       framework. It has also 
 could ultimately    not taken forward the 
 impact              opportunity to raise 
 our ability to      consumer protection 
 deliver             standards across the 
 the Universal       industry. 
 on a sustainable 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Competition Act 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 In January 2014,   Royal Mail is refuting                                       This investigation remains 
 Royal               all of the allegations.                                      a key agenda item on all 
 Mail issued                                                                      updates to both the Royal 
 Contract            In its annual concurrency                                    Mail Board and Audit and 
 Change Notices      report published on                                          Risk Committee. We are working 
 (CCNs)              30 April, the Competition                                    closely with our external 
 under the terms     and Markets Authority                                        advisers at every stage 
 of the              stated that Ofcom expects                                    of this investigation and 
 access contract     to make a decision in                                        our position remains that 
 regime.             this case before summer                                      we have been fully compliant 
                     2018. However, Ofcom                                         with competition law. We 
 In February         has not published a                                          have refuted in our written 
 2014, Ofcom         formal timetable (or                                         and oral representations 
 announced that      provided any such timetable                                  all of the allegations that 
 they would          to Royal Mail).                                              Ofcom has put forward, and 
 investigate some                                                                 we will continue to defend 
 of these                                                                         our case. 
 CCNs. The 
 opening of 
 suspended the 
 CCNs that 
 were the subject 
 of the 
 CCNs were 
 therefore never 
 Ofcom issued a 
 of Objections in 
 2015. This 
 sets out Ofcom's 
 view that Royal 
 law by engaging 
 in conduct 
 that amounted to 
 postal operators 
 with Royal Mail 
 in delivery. 
 Depending on the 
 of the Ofcom 
 and any appeal, 
 Mail may be 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 and regulation 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Changes to laws    Recent case law has                                          We continue to monitor developments 
 and regulations     suggested that, in some                                      in case law relating to 
 relating to         circumstances, regular                                       the application of the Working 
 employment          overtime and commission                                      Time Directive in respect 
 (including the      payments should form                                         of holiday pay calculations. 
 interpretation      part of holiday pay                                          Based on our estimates of 
 and enforcement     calculations. The legal                                      the potential financial 
 of those            position remains unclear                                     impact, we believe that 
 laws and            as case law is still                                         we have made sufficient 
 regulations)        evolving in this area.                                       provision for any historic 
 could, directly     We have concluded an                                         liabilities that may arise. 
 or indirectly,      agreement with the trade 
 increase the        union about initial                                          We liaise with the CBI, 
 Group's             steps to mitigate the                                        HMRC and HM Treasury to 
 labour costs.       concern about holiday                                        influence employment tax 
 Given the           pay for part timers.                                         developments and minimise 
 size of the         Further discussions                                          the impacts for Royal Mail 
 Group's             are also planned on                                          as far as possible. 
 workforce,          this subject. 
 this could have 
 an adverse 
 effect on the 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Health, safety 
 and wellbeing 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 The way in which   The business has a large                                     We are reviewing our Safety, 
 we conduct          number of employees                                          Health and Environment Management 
 our business,       including seasonal staff                                     System (SHEMS) to ensure 
 despite             and agency workers.                                          that the Standards contained 
 having a            It also operates a very                                      within it achieve legal 
 rigorous health     large fleet, employs                                         compliance and adequately 
 and safety          a large number of contractors                                control our key risk areas. 
 regime, can         and interacts extensively 
 occasionally        with members of the                                          Operational implementation 
 have a human        public. A large proportion                                   of the SHEMS is monitored 
 impact. That is     of our employees spend                                       via an annual audit programme 
 why the             most of their time working                                   and a professional and independent 
 health, safety      outdoors, on foot or                                         SHE function is in place 
 and wellbeing       driving, where the environment                               to provide advice, support 
 of our              cannot be controlled.                                        and guidance on the implementation 
 employees,          Despite the very significant                                 of standards. 
 contractors,        focus on our people's 
 agency workers      wellbeing, due to this                                       There is an annual SHE initiative 
 and members         wide reach and the number                                    and communications plan 
 of the public is    of people affected by                                        in place. This is informed 
 of the              the business's undertakings,                                 by a review of compliance 
 utmost              the risk of serious                                          data, risk data, KPI performance 
 importance to       harm to people cannot                                        and legislative requirements. 
 us. We              be totally mitigated. 
 acknowledge that                                                                 Employees have access to 
 there is a risk     The potential fines                                          health and wellbeing assistance 
 that                for very large organisations                                 through our Feeling First 
 a health and        (as defined by the Health                                    Class website, First Class 
 safety incident     and Safety Executive)                                        Support helpline and Occupational 
 or failure could    have greatly increased                                       Health provision. 
 result              as a result of the Sentencing 
 in the serious      Guidelines - health                                          SHE performance is discussed 
 injury,             and safety breaches                                          and reviewed by the board 
 ill health or       now have a much greater                                      and senior leaders are committed 
 death of            financial impact for                                         to driving full compliance 
 employees,          the business. We acknowledge                                 to the SHE Management System. 
 contractors,        that every health and 
 agency workers      safety incident has 
 or members          a human impact. 
 of the public. 
 This risk           An integrated Safety, 
 is a key focus      Health and Environment 
 for us,             System was completed 
 given the           and deployed in 2017-18. 
 potential human     We continue to work 
 impact and the      to ensure full and consistent 
 corporate           implementation is achieved 
 ramifications.      across all parts of 
 We are              the business. 
 including it now 
 in our 
 Principal Risks 
 to reflect 
 its major 
 Such an incident 
 lead to criminal 
 or fines by the 
 authority or 
 civil action 
 by the injured 
 resulting in 
 large financial 
 losses and 
 damage for the 
 arrangements for 
 managing the 
 health and 
 wellbeing of our 
 could also lead 
 to financial 
 losses and 
 damage - through 
 absence, lower 
 civil action 
 or criminal 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Major breach of 
 data protection 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 We are subject     While no material losses                                     As external threats become 
 to a range          related to cyber security                                    more sophisticated, and 
 of regulations,     or data breaches have                                        the potential impact of 
 contractual         been identified, given                                       service disruption increases, 
 compliance          the increasing sophistication                                we continue to invest in 
 obligations,        and evolving nature                                          cyber security. Recognising 
 and customer        of this threat, and                                          that this risk cannot be 
 expectations        our reliance on technology                                   eliminated, we continuously 
 around the          and data for operational                                     review our security enhancement 
 governance          and strategic purposes,                                      and investment plans to 
 and protection      we consider cyber security                                   reflect the changes in the 
 of various          and/or a breach of data                                      threats we face. 
 classes of data.    protection regulation 
 In common           a principal risk.                                            For GDPR we are undertaking 
 with all major                                                                   activities across the Group 
 organisations,                                                                   to work towards compliance. 
 we are the                                                                       This includes protecting 
 potential                                                                        us from data breaches, managing 
 target of                                                                        information rights and managing 
 cyber--attacks                                                                   our marketing permissions 
 that could                                                                       correctly. 
 threaten the 
 and availability 
 of data 
 in our systems. 
 A cyber security 
 could also 
 trigger material 
 service and/or 
 A major breach 
 of data 
 is also 
 considered a 
 risk that could 
 in financial and 
 including loss 
 of customer 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Attracting and 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Our performance,   Voluntary turnover in                                        The Group's remuneration 
 operating           senior management continues                                  policy sets out that the 
 results and         at similar levels to                                         overall remuneration package 
 future growth       previous years but remains                                   should be sufficiently competitive 
 depend on our       a business risk.                                             to attract, retain and motivate 
 ability                                                                          executives with the commercial 
 to attract and                                                                   experience to run a large, 
 retain                                                                           complex business in a highly 
 talent with the                                                                  challenging context. 
 level of                                                                         We operate a succession 
 expertise.                                                                       planning process and have 
                                                                                  in place talent identification 
                                                                                  and development programmes. 
                                                                                  Our succession planning 
                                                                                  enabled us to announce two 
                                                                                  major internal promotions 
                                                                                  in April 2018. 
                   -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 


This Note provides details of amounts owed to and from related parties, 
 which include the Royal Mail Pension Plan (RMPP), the Group's associate 
 companies, and payments to key management personnel. Details of the Group's 
 principal subsidiaries and associates are also provided. 

Related party transactions

During the reporting year the Group entered into transactions with related parties as follows:

                                                          52 weeks  52 weeks 
                                                              2018      2017 
                                                              GBPm      GBPm 
========================================================  ========  ======== 
Sales/recharges to: 
  RMPP (administration and investment service recharge)          5         5 
========================================================  ========  ======== 
Purchases/recharges from: 
  Associate undertaking (Quadrant Catering Limited)            (7)       (8) 
========================================================  ========  ======== 
Amounts owed to: 
  Associate undertaking (Quadrant Catering Limited)            (1)       (1) 
========================================================  ========  ======== 

The sales to and purchases from related parties are made at normal market prices. Balances outstanding at the year end are unsecured, interest free and settlement is made by cash.

Key management compensation

                               52 weeks  52 weeks 
                                   2018      2017 
                                 GBP000    GBP000 
=============================  ========  ======== 
Short-term employee benefits   (14,592)  (11,174) 
Post-employment benefits           (70)      (44) 
Other long-term benefits          (551)     (734) 
Share-based payments            (3,679)   (4,102) 
=============================  ========  ======== 
Total                          (18,892)  (16,054) 
=============================  ========  ======== 

In July 2017, the Group made a payment of EUR6.6 million to Mr Rico Back as consideration for the termination of his contract of employment (and all rights and obligations contained within it) with GLS and its replacement with a new GLS contract. The original contract dated back to 2000 when the Post Office, then in State ownership, acquired German Parcel. It gave Mr Back certain management control rights relating to the governance of what subsequently became GLS, in order to retain its entrepreneurial focus. They included right of veto on decisions and membership of GLS' management board. In addition, Mr Back was only required to give the Company three months' notice and there were substantial payments for termination of his employment in certain circumstances. This arrangement was rooted in the fact that Mr Back was a shareholder in German Parcel, and its Managing Director, at the time of its acquisition by the Post Office. The Board came to the conclusion that some of the provisions of the original contract were increasingly inappropriate and needed to be removed. The growing importance of GLS for Royal Mail Group and our greater investment to accelerate its growth makes it important that it is integrated more closely with the rest of the Group, while maintaining its overall entrepreneurial focus and ethos. In addition, as part of the buyout, Mr Back's fixed pay was rebased downwards.

Key management are considered to be the Executive and Non-Executive Directors of Royal Mail plc, all other members of the Chief Executive's Committee (see page 62) and the remainder of the Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities.

The ultimate parent and principal subsidiaries

Royal Mail plc is the ultimate parent Company of the Group. The consolidated financial statements include the financial results of Royal Mail Group Limited and the other principal subsidiaries listed below. The reporting year end for these entities is 25 March 2018 unless otherwise indicated.

Company                       Principal activities      Country of incorporation    % equity   % equity 
                                                                                    interest   interest 
                                                                                        2018       2017 
============================  ========================  =========================  =========  ========= 
General Logistics Systems     Parcel services holding 
 B.V.1                         company                  Netherlands                      100        100 
Royal Mail Estates Limited    Property holdings         United Kingdom                   100        100 
Royal Mail Investments 
 Limited                      Holding company           United Kingdom                   100        100 
RM Property and Facilities 
 Solutions Limited(formerly 
 Romec Limited)               Facilities management     United Kingdom                   100        100 
============================  ========================  =========================  =========  ========= 

The Company has complied with section 410 of the Companies Act 2006 by including, in these financial statements, a schedule of interests in all undertakings (see Note 27).

1 GLS' reporting year end date is 31 March each year. No adjustment is made in the financial statements in this regard on the basis that, irrespective of the Group's reporting year end date (last Sunday in March) a full year of GLS results is consolidated into the Group.


The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Group and parent Company financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare Group and parent Company financial statements for each financial year. Under that law, they are required to prepare the Group financial statements in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU and applicable law, and have elected to prepare the parent Company financial statements in accordance with UK Accounting Standards, including FRS 101 'Reduced Disclosure Framework'.

Under company law, the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and parent Company and of their profit or loss for that period. In preparing each of the Group and parent Company financial statements, the Directors are required to:

-- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

-- make judgements and estimates that are reasonable, relevant, reliable and prudent;

-- for the Group financial statements, state whether they have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU;

-- for the parent Company financial statements, state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the parent Company financial statements;

-- assess the Group and parent Company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern; and

-- use the going concern basis of accounting unless they either intend to liquidate the Group or the parent Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the parent Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the parent Company and enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are responsible for such internal control as they determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Group and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.

Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Strategic Report, Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and Corporate Governance Statement that complies with that law and those regulations.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

The Directors consider that the Annual Report and Financial Statements 2017-18, when taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group's position and performance, business model and strategy.

Each of the Directors, whose names and function are set out on pages 58-60 confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and

-- the Strategic Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face.

This responsibility statement is approved by the Board of directors and is signed on its behalf by:

 Moya Greene        Stuart Simpson 
  Chief Executive    Chief Finance 
  Officer            Officer 

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 15, 2018 06:00 ET (10:00 GMT)

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