RNS Number:7660V
Reflex Group PLC
10 May 2002

                                REFLEX GROUP PLC

                                 ANNUAL RESULTS

                          YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2001

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

As you are aware your Board has been seeking a new direction for the Group for
some time and the year 2001 saw major changes in the structure of the Reflex

In September 2001 we completed the disposal of First Rental Limited by way of
management buyout and at the same time completed the acquisition of Fitness &
Leisure Group (Holdings) Limited ("FLG"). The accounts for the year reflect the
trading of First Rental Limited ("FRL") until disposal in September and the
trading of FLG since then. In recognition of the UK source of income, these
accounts have been prepared in pounds sterling.


FLG has a unique approach to the health and fitness industry as it is the first
operator to specifically target the over 40's market, with a specifically
designed range of motorised exercise equipment, operated under the Motorcise
Healthy Living Centres brand.

At the time of the announcement of the acquisition, FLG operated 23 Motorcise
Healthy Living Centres; since then a further eight centres have been opened in
the UK, bringing the total to 31. The Motorcise membership base has grown
significantly in the period. Trading since September 2001 proved somewhat more
difficult than expected and fewer new centres than originally planned were
opened in the period.

FLG turnover for the four months of ownership was £1,605,000 with a loss prior
to goodwill amortisation in the four months of our ownership of £257,000. This
loss reflects particularly the initial losses incurred with the new centres.
Shareholders should also note that the bulk of FLG's income relates to annual
subscriptions and the accounting policy adopted for these creates an element of
income deferred and not recognised in the profit and loss account until the next
year, which at 31 December 2001 amounted to £1,252,000.

Consolidated Group results

The Group recorded a loss attributable to shareholders of £5,715,000, which
compares with a profit of £204,000 in 2000. As FLG was acquired for shares,
Accounting Standards require that FLG be valued at the share price of Reflex at
the date of announcement of the acquisition, even though the share price has
been thinly traded and somewhat volatile. This created goodwill of £5,199,000.
Your Board has adopted a prudent approach and these accounts include an
amortisation and an impairment of goodwill together totalling £5,054,000, which
has the effect of reducing the carrying value of goodwill in the balance sheet
to £181,000.

The balance sheet shows shareholders funds of £2,068,000. The Group is currently
ungeared with net cash in the bank. The fixed assets held by the Group
principally comprise expenditure on the Motorcise Healthy Living Centres and the
proprietary exercise equipment used in these centres.

I would like to welcome Luke Johnson, Paul May and Philip Daw to the Board and I
would like to thank all the executives and staff of the Group for all their
efforts and commitment during the year.


Trading has picked up in the current year and to support this, new marketing
initiatives are being put into place.

We expect further growth in membership this year both in the existing centres
and from new centre openings.

M. A. Kilduff



                          FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2001

                                      Continuing                        Discontinued                          operations
                                      Operations       Acquisition        operations             Total             Total
                                            2001              2001              2001              2001              2000
                                          £000's            £000's            £000's            £000's            £000's

Turnover                                       -             1,605               871             2,476             2,282

Cost of sales                                  -                 -                 -                 -             (841)

Gross profit                                   -             1,605               871             2,476             1,441

expenses                                    (33)           (6,916)             (994)           (7,943)           (1,153)

(loss)/profit                               (33)           (5,311)             (123)           (5,467)               288

Exceptional loss
on disposal of
operations                                     -                 -             (222)             (222)                 -

(Loss)/profit on
ordinary activities
before interest                             (33)           (5,311)             (345)           (5,689)               288

Interest, net                                                                                       19                 3

(Loss)/profit on
ordinary activities
before taxation                                                                                (5,670)               291

Taxation                                                                                          (45)              (87)

attributable to
group shareholders                                                                             (5,715)               204

Earnings per
ordinary share                                                                                 (8.28)p             0.49p

                               CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                 AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2001

                                                                                                    2001            2000
                                                                                                  £000's          £000's

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                                                    181               -
Tangible assets
- Lease and rental equipment                                                                           -             806
- Gym fixtures and fittings and equipment                                                          4,162             221

                                                                                                   4,343           1,027

Current assets
Stock                                                                                                 50              14
Debtors                                                                                              168             290
Cash at bank and in hand                                                                             428           1,098

                                                                                                     646           1,402

Creditors (amounts falling due within one year)                                                  (2,159)           (451)

Net current (liabilities)/assets                                                                 (1,513)             951

Creditors (amounts falling due after more than one year)                                           (300)            (24)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                                                             (462)            (40)

Net assets                                                                                         2,068           1,914

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                                            4,932           1,649
Share premium account                                                                              6,074           3,410
Profit and loss account                                                                          (8,938)         (3,145)

Shareholders' funds - all equity                                                                   2,068           1,914

                            CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                          FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2001

                                                                                                    2001            2000
                                                                                                  £000's          £000's

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                            341           1,038

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                                       19               3

Taxation                                                                                               -               -

Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                       (625)           (397)

Acquisitions and disposals                                                                           589               -

Cash (outflow)/inflow before finance                                                                 324             644

Financing                                                                                        (1,032)            (51)

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                                                            (708)             593

                                                                                                   2001            2000
                                                                                                 £000's          £000's

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
(Decrease)/increase in cash in year                                                               (708)             593
Cash outflow from financing                                                                         350              51
Cash outflow from finance leases                                                                     63               -

Change in net funds resulting from cash flows                                                     (295)             644

Loans, finance leases disposed/acquired with subsidiary                                           (683)               -

New finance leases                                                                                    -            (22)

Movement in net funds in the year                                                                 (978)             622

Net funds, beginning of year                                                                      1,044             422

Net funds, end of year                                                                               66           1,044


                          FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2001

                                                                                                    2001            2000
                                                                                                  £000's          £000's

(Loss)/profit attributable to group shareholders                                                 (5,715)             204

Exchange adjustments                                                                                (78)             (4)

Total recognised (losses)/gains for the year                                                     (5,793)             200


                          FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2001

                                                                                                    2001            2000
                                                                                                  £000's          £000's

At 1 January 2001                                                                                  1,914           1,714

Total (losses)/gains for the year                                                                (5,793)             200

Issue of shares                                                                                    5,947               -

At 31 December 2001                                                                                2,068           1,914


                          FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2001

1.     Accounting Policies

The significant policies adopted by the Group are as set out in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 December, 2000 except for the following:

(a)     Principles of consolidation

        The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements
        of the Company and all its subsidiaries made up to the 31 December 2001.
        All inter-company transactions and balances have been eliminated in
        their preparation.

        Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and
        businesses, representing any excess of the fair value of the
        consideration given over the fair value of the identifiable assets and
        liabilities acquired, is capitalised and written off on a straight line
        basis over its useful economic life.

        Goodwill arising on the acquisition of Fitness & Leisure (Holdings)
        Limited is regarded by the Directors as having a useful economic life of
        five years.

(b)     Turnover

        Turnover includes annual membership sales and the income is recognised
        as 20% in the month of joining with the balance recognised evenly over
        the period of membership. Other income included within turnover is
        recognised when it is earned.

        Rentals arising from the provision of data processing equipment are
        recognised over the period of the rental contract. Revenues from the
        disposal of rental assets are recognised on delivery of the related
        products with the book value of the assets at the date of sale included
        in related costs of sales.

(c)     Foreign currencies

        These accounts are presented in pounds sterling to reflect the fact that
        substantially all activity of the Group is in that currency.
        Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into
        pounds sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the transaction date.
        Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
        retranslated at the rates ruling at the balance sheet date with the
        resulting profit or loss included in the profit and loss account for the

        The balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of Irish subsidiary
        companies are translated into pounds sterling using the closing rate
        method. Exchange differences arising from translation of the opening net
        investment in foreign subsidiary companies are dealt with as adjustments
        to reserves.

2.     Exceptional losses

                                                                                                   2001            2000
                                                                                                 £000's          £000's

Loss on sale of subsidiary                                                                          222               -
See note 6 for further information

3.     Taxation
                                                                                                   2001            2000
                                                                                                 £000's          £000's

Corporation tax - foreign taxes                                                                       -            (87)
Adjustments in respect of prior periods                                                            (45)               -

                                                                                                   (45)            (87)

There was no unprovided deferred taxation at 31 December 2001 or 31 December

4.     Earnings per ordinary share
                                                                                                    2001            2000

(Loss)/profit attributable to group shareholders (£000's)                                        (5,715)             204
Number of ordinary shares in issue (000's)                                                       130,262          41,615
At 31 January 2001                                                                                41,615          41,615
At 31 December 2001                                                                              130,262          41,615
Weighted average                                                                                  69,059          41,615
Earnings per ordinary share (pence)                                                              (8.28)p           0.49p

It is not proposed to pay a dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December,

5.     Acquisition

On 10 September 2001 the Group acquired 831,183 of ordinary shares of £1 each in
Fitness & Leisure Group (Holdings) Limited, being 100% of its nominal share
capital for a consideration of £6,565,542, satisfied by the issue of 88,646,876
ordinary shares at €0.06 at a premium of €0.06 per share. Goodwill arising on
the acquisition of Fitness & Leisure Group (Holdings) Limited has been
capitalised. The purchase of Fitness & Leisure Group (Holdings) Limited has been
accounted for by the acquisition method of accounting.

Costs amounting to £619,000 in relation to this issue of shares were written off
to share premium account in the year.

The consolidated profit before and after taxation of Fitness & Leisure Group
(Holdings) Limited for the period from
1 April 2001, the beginning of the subsidiary's financial year to the date of
acquisition was £183,000. During this period, turnover amounted to £1,318,000,
operating profit amounted to £161,000 and profit before taxation amounted to
£167,000. The loss after taxation for the year ended 31 March 2000 was £355,000.

The assets and liabilities of Fitness & Leisure Group (Holdings) Limited
acquired were as follows:
                                                                                                                Book and
                                                                                                              fair value

Fixed assets
Tangible                                                                                                           3,498
Intangible                                                                                                            37
Investments                                                                                                          140

Current assets
Stocks                                                                                                                30
Debtors                                                                                                              183
ACT debtor                                                                                                            45
Bank and cash                                                                                                        479

Total assets                                                                                                       4,412

Bank loans and overdrafts                                                                                             42
Trade creditors                                                                                                      380
Other creditors                                                                                                      263
Deferred income                                                                                                    1,255
Finance lease payable                                                                                                 33
Loans                                                                                                                650
Deferred tax provision                                                                                               422

Total liabilities                                                                                                  3,045

Net assets                                                                                                         1,367

Purchased goodwill capitalised                                                                                     5,199


Satisfied by:
Issue of shares                                                                                                    6,566

The subsidiary undertakings acquired during the year made the following
contributions to, and utilisations of, Group cash flow.

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                                            830
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                                                        2
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                                       (525)
Financing                                                                                                          (359)

Decrease in cash                                                                                                    (52)

Analysis of net outflow of cash in respect of the purchase of the subsidiary

Cash at bank and in hand acquired                                                                                    479
Bank overdrafts                                                                                                     (42)

Cash consideration                                                                                                     -


6.     Disposals

During the year the Group disposed of its interest in First Rental Limited.
Prior to disposal, a dividend of £1,000,000 was paid by First Rental to the
Group. Group losses include a loss of £985,000 after dividend payment earned by
First Rental Limited up to its date of disposal on 10 September 2001.

Net assets disposed of:
Tangible fixed assets                                                                                                625
Stocks                                                                                                                 5
Debtors                                                                                                                9
Intercompany debtors                                                                                                 496
Cash at bank and in hand                                                                                             248
Creditors                                                                                                          (286)

Net assets                                                                                                         1,097

Leasehold write off                                                                                                   21
Loss on disposal                                                                                                   (222)
Intercompany debtor waiver                                                                                         (496)


Satisfied by:
Cash                                                                                                                 400
Deferred contingent consideration                                                                                  1,600

Deferred contingent consideration provision                                                                      (1,600)


The deferred contingent consideration is represented by:

Deferred asset consideration                                                                                         600
Deferred loan notes                                                                                                  500
Deferred investments                                                                                                 500

Deferred contingent consideration                                                                                  1,600

The deferred asset consideration is payable in 34 monthly instalments commencing
March 2003, with interest being payable on a monthly basis at LIBOR plus 6%.

The convertible interest bearing loan notes are repayable in seven equal
tranches of £66,667 commencing 31 March 2003 with a final payment of £33,331
payable on 30 June 2005. The loan notes attract interest at a rate of LIBOR
until 30 June 2003 and thereafter at LIBOR plus 6%. Each tranche of the loan
notes is convertible into ordinary shares in the capital of the purchaser at the
election of Reflex Holdings (UK) Limited in the event that, within three months
of the due time for redemption, the purchase has not redeemed 25% or more of
that tranche of loan notes.

Deferred investments relate to 19,800 'A' redeemable ordinary shares of £1 each
and 480,200 'A' cumulative redeemable preference shares of £1 each in the
company acquiring First Rental Limited.

The 'A' ordinary shares have no coupon attached to them and are redeemable only
following the repayment in full of the 'A' preference shares, the loan notes and
the asset consideration.

The 'A' preference shares are redeemable in seven equal tranches of £68,600,
commencing 31 December 2004 and ending 31 December 2006. The 'A' preference
shares have a coupon attached to them commencing on 30 June 2003 being LIBOR
plus 6% until 30 June 2004 and LIBOR plus 8% thereafter until redemption.

As the deferred consideration is deemed to be contingent it has been deducted
from the calculation of the loss on sale of First Rental Limited.

First Rental Limited contributed £617,000 of net operating cash flow during the
year, received £4,000 in respect of net returns on investment and servicing of
finance and paid £1,000,000 on equity dividends in the year.

Analysis of the net cash inflow of cash in respect of disposals during the year:


Cash at bank and in hand disposed of                                                                                 248

7.     Financial Statements

The announcement set out above does not constitute a full financial statement of
the Group's affairs for the year ended 31 December 2001. The auditors have
reported on the full accounts for the said year and have accompanied them with
an unqualified report. The accounts have yet to be delivered to the Companies
Office in Ireland. The annual report and accounts is expected to be posted to
shareholders shortly.

For further information:

Tony Kilduff


Reflex Group plc

Tel: + 353 1 660 04 66

Mary Finan


Tel: + 353 1 669 00 30

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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