RNS No 0867a
7 September 1999



On 9 October 1998 I acquired 1,997,337 ordinary shares, representing 29.84% of
the issued share capital of the Company, from Denys Cole, the former chairman.
On  the same date, Denys Cole and Roger Maddock resigned from the board and  I
was  appointed a director together with Charles Helvert and Jacques  Delacave.
I was also appointed chairman.

Review of the year ended 30 June 1999
The preliminary announcement for the year ended 30 June 1999 shows  no
material change in the net assets from the previous year.

Existing non ring fenced properties
Percy  Business  Park,  the 7,400 sq. m (80,000 sq. ft) industrial  estate  at
Oldbury,  West  Midlands  has  benefited  from  improved  marketing  and   the
refurbishment  works undertaken during 1997.  A number of  new  lettings  have
been  agreed and annual net rental income has increased by #46,000.   In  July
1998, the estate was extended by the purchase of an adjacent 0.49 hectare (1.2
acre)  open  storage  site  for #170,000.  This  land  provides  an  important
additional area for future re-development.  The site has been let on  a  short
term basis, and the directors are considering the possibility of changing  the
use  and planning of the business park with a view to developing it as an out-
of-town retail location.

The  group's other investment properties comprise secondary office  properties
located  in Sheffield and Barnsley, South Yorkshire.  The property in Barnsley
is  under  offer,  subject to certain conditions, for  #1.6  million  and  the
Sheffield  property  is being marketed at its current  market  value  of  #2.7

Ring fenced properties and investments
The  only  ring  fenced  assets  now remaining  are  the  investment  in  the
Brandywine  Limited  Partnerships in the USA and an equity  investment  in  a
private UK financial services company.

The  Brandywine  Partnerships own 160 hectares (400 acres) of land  in  Prince
George's  County,  Maryland  near  Washington  DC.   The  land  is  zoned  for
residential,  industrial and retail development. Under a Priorities  Agreement
with  the relevant ring fenced bank the proceeds from the disposal of  the  US
ring  fenced assets are split 7/9ths to the bank and 2/9ths to the Orb  Group.
The   existing  board  of  directors  has  significant  concerns  around  this
investment  and,  in  particular,  the  long  term  partnership  strategy  for
submission of development plans, the ability of Orb to realise value  and  the
funding  commitment  required.  This uncertainty has led to  the  decision  to
provide fully against the carrying value of the Brandywine Partnerships at  30
June 1999 and is disclosed as an exceptional item.

The  equity  investment  in the English Trust Group Limited,  a  UK  financial
services company is shown in the balance sheet at valuation of #150,000 (1998:
#150,000).   Opportunities to dispose of the asset are being pursued  although
it  is unlikely that the realisation proceeds will exceed the ring fenced debt
outstanding against the investment.

Operating expenses
In  order  to cut operating expenses, the group has reduced staff  and  sublet
surplus  office  space.   The group is expected to benefit  from  future  cost
savings  following  the  acquisition  of Albemarle  Property  Investments  PLC

Treasury policy
All  significant treasury policy decisions are made with the approval  of  the
board.  The principal objectives are to ensure the availability of finance  to
meet current and anticipated requirements, and to minimise the group's cost of
capital.  These objectives are followed by investing the group's surplus  cash
balances on interest bearing accounts, maintaining relationships with  various
leading  banks and other financial institutions in order to provide the  group
with  access  to  different sources of finance as it grows, and  managing  the
maturity  profile  of  the group's borrowings and the  group's  interest  rate

The group's borrowings are required for property investment or development and
it  aims  to  obtain  the most appropriate form of borrowing  to  finance  its
underlying  current or future assets.  At 30 June 1999, the  majority  of  the
group's  borrowing are medium term secured debt at variable rates of interest.
These  borrowings are in respect of investment properties being  marketed  for
disposal, and there are no plans to refinance these specific borrowings.

The  group does not use financial instruments, such as an interest rate swaps,
and  the  directors  consider that the group is not of a  sufficient  size  to
warrant a separate treasury department.

The   group's  current  overseas  investments  are  ring  fenced  assets   and
consequently any foreign currency risk is outside its control.

At  30 June 1999, the group's cash balance including deposits stood  at
#3,193,000, and there were no undrawn borrowing facilities.

Events subsequent to 30 June 1999
It  is  an accepted fact that small property companies suffer from a  lack  of
investor  interest and this is reflected in their share prices which presently
stand at a substantial discount to their net asset values.  I have stated at
meetings of shareholders since I became chairman that it is  my intention  to
build  Orb into a substantial property  company  both  by  the acquisition of
investment properties and also by undertaking developments.

Acquisition of Albemarle Property Investments PLC
On 22 June 1999, Orb announced the terms and conditions of a recommended offer
for  Albemarle, a property investment company.  At that date,  Orb  held  13.5
million Albemarle shares representing 6.07 per cent of Albemarle.   The  offer
for  Albemarle became unconditional in all respects on 10 August 1999 and,  as
at 6 September 1999 Orb owned 74 per cent of the issued ordinary share capital
of  Albemarle.  The terms of the recommended offer were one new Orb share  for
every 15 ordinary shares of Albemarle which valued Albemarle's issued ordinary
share capital at approximately  #7 million.

The  Albemarle group owns 24 freehold and leasehold properties.  The portfolio
totals  735,000  square feet, representing  285,000 square  feet  of  offices,
215,000  square  feet of industrial space, 105,000 square feet of  warehousing
and  130,000 square feet of retail space, with a  small element of residential
properties.   Vacant  space  represents  approximately  5  per  cent  of   the

The  audited financial statements of Albemarle for the year ended 31  December
1998  show  a  turnover  of  #6,341,000  compared  with  #8,093,000  for   the
corresponding  period ended 31 December 1997.  Operating profit  in  1998  was
#3,611,000,  compared  with  #6,508,000  in 1997  and  the  loss  on  ordinary
activities  after  taxation was #3,119,000 in 1998 compared with  #407,000  in

Since  December  1998, Albemarle has sold 11 properties for  an  aggregate  of
#16.7 million. The purpose of the sales is to reduce Albemarle's gearing which
has  been  uncomfortably high for many years.  In overall terms, the Albemarle
group has realised its properties at above valuation.

Whilst  the  combination  of  Orb  and Albemarle  is  small  by  stock  market
standards,  the  additional critical mass should facilitate the  financing  of
further acquisitions of properties and property companies, either through  the
issue  of equity or for cash, in order to increase the scale of the group  and
its activities.

Acquisition of Poole Pottery Limited ("Poole Pottery")
Orb  has signed an agreement to acquire all the issued share capital of  Poole
Pottery   for  #14,500,000  which  is  now  unconditional  in  all   respects.
Completion  is  scheduled for 15 September 1999, and  of  the  purchase  price
#10,500,000  is  payable in cash and #4,000,000 will remain as  a  convertible
unsecured loan repayable within 15 months of completion with a coupon of   7.5
per cent per annum.

Poole  Pottery  represents, in the opinion of Orb's directors, an  exceptional
property  development  opportunity.  The existing Poole property  comprises  a
pottery  and  factory outlet and operates from a leasehold site and  1.6  acre
freehold plot on the quay in the town centre of Poole, Dorset.  Orb intends to
develop  the  freehold site, to sell the pottery business as soon as  possible
but to retain a model pottery and visitors centre in the development.  Orb has
commenced contractual negotiations  with  a major national  house  builder  to
sell the residential elements of the scheme and to build an additional 80,000
square feet of factory outlet space, once planning has been established.

Proposed acquisition of Gander Properties Plc ("Gander")
On  11 August 1999 the terms of the recommended proposal under which Orb would
acquire Gander were announced.

Gander  is  a  listed  residential property investment and  development  group
specialising  in the Kensington and Chelsea area of London.   In  its  audited
preliminary  results for the 18 months ended 30 June 1999,  the  Gander  group
reported  turnover, which does not include net rental income, of #1.6  million
(year  to  31  December 1997: #1.19 million) and loss  before  tax  of  #2.79
million (year to 31 December 1997: profits of #244,000).  Its net assets at 30
June 1999 were #59.2 million.

The  directors of Orb believe that there is an opportunity for Orb to  utilise
its  tax losses to maximise the after tax capital gain in  the Gander property
portfolio  that  will result from further development and  marketing  of  that

It  is intended that the acquisition will be effected by means of a scheme  of
arrangement  between Gander and its shareholders ("Scheme").   If  the  Scheme
becomes  effective, Gander Shareholders will receive 10 pence in cash and  one
convertible  loan  note for each ordinary share in Gander held  by  them,  and
would  value an ordinary share in Gander at 10.75 pence based on the value  of
0.75  pence  assessed  to the convertible loan note by Grant  Thornton,  Orb's
sponsor.   The  total  consideration for the entire issued  share  capital  of
Gander,  on  this  basis, would be #56.63 million.  It is Orb's  intention  to
finance  the  acquisition by way of a term loan facility of #101 million  from
The  Royal  Bank of Scotland International Limited, which would be secured  on
the property portfolio of the Gander group.

With  the  above we have taken the first steps to build Orb into a substantial
property  company.  I believe that with our management and financial resources
we  are well placed to achieve this ambition and I look forward to an exciting

Peter Catto
9 September 1999

for the year ended 30 June 1999
                         Non  Ring          ring      Ring      
                        ring fenced  Total  fenced  fenced  Total
                        1999   1999   1999    1998    1998   1998
                        #000   #000   #000    #000    #000   #000
Turnover from            799     6     805    3,121  6,802  9,923
 continuing operations             
Cost of sales and      (103)     9     (94)  (2,067)(6,331)(8,398)
 property outgoings            
Gross profit             696    15     711    1,054   471   1,525
Administrative         (537)   (25)  (562)     (545)  (47)  (592)
Exceptional  item:     (265)     -   (265)         -    -     -
 Provision against                    
Operating              (106)   (10)  (116)      509    424   933            
 from continuing
Profit on sale of        -       -     -         65     -     65
 and investment
(Loss)/profit on       (106)   (10)  (116)      574    424    998     
 ordinary activities
 before interest and
Net interest payable  (260)      3   (257)     (279)  (423)  (702)
 and similar charges   
(Loss)/profit on      (366)     (7)  (373)      295      1    296
 ordinary activities           
 before taxation                                       
Taxation on            (4)      7     3         -     (1)    (1)
(loss)/profit on
 ordinary activities
Retained (loss)/profit (370)     -   (370)      295      -     295
for the financial year                
Basic and diluted                   (5.6p)                    4.4p
(loss)/earnings per                
at 30 June 1999

At 30 June 1999                   Group
                                      (Note 6)
                               1999   1998
                               #000   #000
Fixed assets:                        
Tangible assets               6,764   6,264
Investments                     555   1,126

                              7,319   7,390
Current assets:                            
Debtors                         370   2,036
Cash deposits                 3,000       -
Cash at bank and in hand        193   2,974

                              3,563   5,010
Creditors: amounts falling                 
 due within one year
Limited recourse loans        (203)   (1,406)
Other creditors               (999)   (1,144)
                            (1,202)   (2,550)
Net current assets           2,361     2,460

Total assets less current    9,680     9,850
Creditors: amounts falling  (3,775)   (3,950)
 due after more than one year  
Net assets                   5,905     5,900

Capital and reserves:                      
Called up share capital      3,313     3,313
Revaluation reserve            313      (482)
Special reserve              2,381     2,381
Profit and loss account     (2,975)   (1,145)
Limited recourse reserve     2,873     1,833
Equity shareholders' funds   5,905     5,900
Basic and diluted net asset  89.1p     89.0p
value per share

1  Analysis of consolidated profit and loss account

   Turnover and                                             
   (loss)/profit for    Non                 Non           
   the year ended       Ring   Ring  Total  Ring   Ring     Total        
   30 June 1999         fenced fenced       fenced fenced
                        1999   1999   1999   1998  1998      1998
                        #000   #000   #000   #000  #000      #000
   Gross rentals         770      6    776    834   402      1,236
   Property outgoings   (103)     9    (94)  (102) (205)      (307)
   Net rental income     667     15    682    732   197        929
   Trading turnover        -      -      -  2,275   6,400    8,675
   Cost of sales           -      -      - (1,965) (4,850)  (6,815)
   Transfer from           -      -      -      -  (1,276)  (1,276)       
    Limited Recourse       
   Trading Profit          -      -      -    310     274      584
   Other turnover         29      -     29     12       -       12
   Gross profit          696     15    711  1,054     471    1,525
   Administrative       (537)  (25)  (562)  (545)     (47)    (592)
   Exceptional item:                                          
    Provision against   (265) (927) (1,192)    -        -       -
   Less transfer to        -   927     927     -        -       -
    Limited Recourse                     
   Total Exceptional    (265)    -    (265)    -        -       -
   Operating            (106)  (10)   (116)   509      424     933
   Sale of investments                                        
    and investment
   Sale proceeds           -      -      -     822       -     822
   Cost of sales           -      -      -    (757)      -    (757)
   Profit on sale of       -      -      -      65       -      65 
    investments and        
    investment properties

2  Analysis of consolidated balance sheet

                                          Restated Restated Restated
                          Non                Non             
   Balance sheet         Ring  Ring  Total   Ring    Ring   Total
   at 30 June 1999     Fenced  Fenced        Fenced fenced       
                         1999  1999   1999   1998   1998    1998
                         #000  #000   #000   #000   #000    #000
   Fixed assets:                                              
   Tangible assets      6,764     -  6,764  6,264     -    6,264
   Investments            405   150    555    217   909    1,126
                        7,169   150  7,319  6,481   909    7,390
   Current assets:                                            
   Debtors                370     -    370  2,036     -    2,036
   Cash deposits        3,000     -  3,000      -     -      -
   Cash at bank and        85   108    193  2,416   558    2,974
    in hand                                                              
                        3,455   108  3,563  4,452   558    5,010
    amounts falling
    due within one year                                     
   Limited recourse loans  -   (203) (203)    -   (1,406)  (1,406)            
   Other creditors      (944)   (55) (999) (1,083)   (61)  (1,144)

                        (944) (258)(1,202) (1,083) (1,467) (2,550)

   Net current         2,511  (150) 2,361   3,369    (909)  2,460
   Total assets less   9,680     -  9,680   9,850      -    9,850
    current liabilities  
   Creditors: amounts (3,775)   -  (3,775) (3,950)     -   (3,950)
    falling due after 
    more than one year    
   Net assets          5,905    -   5,905   5,900      -    5,900
   Basic and diluted
    net asset value per  
    share              89.1p        89.1p   89.0p           89.0p
3.   Earnings per share
     In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 14 Earnings per Share:
     (i)  the  (loss)/earnings per share have been calculated on the loss  for
     the  financial year of #370,000 (1998: #295,000 profit) and a  weighted
     average  number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of  6,626,429
     (1998: 6,626,429).
     (ii)  the  net  assets  per  share have been  calculated  on  the  equity
     shareholder's  funds as at 30 June 1999 of #5,905,000 (1998:  #5,900,000)
     on  the  number  of  ordinary shares in issue at that date  of  6,626,429
     (1998:  6,626,429).   As at 30 June 1999 there was no difference  between
     basic and diluted earnings per share.

4.   Financial information
     The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute
     the  Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 June 1999 or  30
     June 1998.  The financial information for the year ended 30 June 1998  is
     derived  from  the  statutory accounts for  that  year  which  have  been
     delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors reported on  those
     accounts,  their report was unqualified and did not contain  a  statement
     under S237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for  the
     year  ended 30 June 1999 will be finalised on the basis of the  financial
     information  presented by the directors in this preliminary  announcement
     and  will  be  delivered  to  the Registrar of  Companies  following  the
     Company's annual general meeting.
5.   Presentation of accounts

     The  Group  undertook a financial reconstruction in 1993,  a  significant
     part  of which was a Master Banking Agreement ("MBA").  Under  the  terms
     of the MBA, the repayment of the ring fenced bank debt was limited to the
     realisation  proceeds  and  net  rental receipts  from  the  ring  fenced
     property  assets over which those banks had security.  These arrangements
     are known as "ring fences" or "ring fenced" assets and liabilities.
     The  notes to the profit and loss account and balance sheet are presented
     in  three  columns  to  show ring fenced and non ring  fenced  operations
     separately.   Notes 1 and 2 to this announcement provides a three  column
     analysis  of  the profit and loss account and balance sheet between  ring
     fenced  and  non ring fenced.  The total column represents the  statutory
     accounts  of the Group as required by the Companies Act and UK accounting

6.   Restatement of comparative information

     The  comparative financial information has been restated to  reflect  the
     adoption  of  FRS9,  Associates and joint ventures.   An  undertaking  is
     regarded  as a joint arrangement if the group has joint control over  its
     operating  and financial policies.   Under FRS9, the group  accounts  for
     its  share  of  the  individual  items of  income,  expenditure,  assets,
     liabilities  and  cash  flows of incorporated joint  arrangements.    The
     directors  consider  that  this departure from the  requirements  of  the
     Companies  Act  1985  to account for incorporated joint  arrangements  as
     either associates or trade investments according to whether the group has
     significant  influence  over their operating and  financial  policies  is
     necessary  for  the  financial statements to show a true  and  fair  view
     because  joint arrangements are in substance an extension of the  group's
     Prior  to the adoption of FRS9, the joint arrangements in which the group
     is  involved were accounted for as associates.  Adoption of FRS9 has  had
     no  impact  on the net assets of the group or company in the  comparative
     period,  but has resulted in the minor restatement of certain assets  and
     liabilities of the group and company as at 30 June 1998.

7.   Contingent liabilities
     a.  There are no guarantee liabilities outstanding in either the Group or
     the  Company in respect of the liabilities of   undertakings  which  have
     not been consolidated.

     b.   The  Company has given a fixed charge over its investment in English
     Trust  Shares  shown at a net book value of #150,000 (1998: #150,000)  in
     respect  of the borrowings of a subsidiary company.  The Company  has  no
     guarantee  liabilities  in respect of the bank borrowings  of  subsidiary

     c.  The Company has received dividends from its ring-fenced investment in
     English  Trust  Group  Limited.   Merita  Bank  PLC, a  lender  secured
     on ring fenced assets, has  claimed entitlement to #150,000 of these
     dividend payments because it contends that they are covered by the charge
     in its favour.  Whilst Orb has been advised by its lawyers that the
     underlying charging documentation does not give the bank any claim on the
     dividends, Merita Bank PLC contends that there ae other factors which 
     support the bank's claim.  For this reason, and until the matter has been
     resolved with Merita Bank PLC, these dividend receipts have been held as
     deferred income in the company's balance sheet.

     d.  The Company has given a guarantee dated 10 December 1998 in favour of
     Maxcar  Finance  Limited  ("Maxcar  Finance")  ("Guarantee")  limited  to
     #400,000  in  respect of sums due or payable by Maxcar  under  a  current
     account  agreement  dated  24 February 1998 between  Maxcar  Finance  and
     Maxcar  ("Current Account Agreeement") in relation to any  shortfalls  in
     the  value of stocks held by Maxcar.  The Company has an indemnity  dated
     10  December 1998 from General Equity L.P. ("General Equity") against any
     sums  payable  by the company to Maxcar Finance under the  terms  of  the
     Guarantee,  subject  to  a  maximum limit of  #400,000.  There  are  also
     agreements  dated  28   January 1999, 29 March 1999  and  30  April  1999
     between  the  Company  and  Maxcar Finance  to  amend  the  Guarantee  by
     extending  the  date for calculation of the shortfall under  the  Current
     Account Agreement from 31 January 1999 to 31 March 1999 to 30 April  1999
     and  then to 31 May 1999. 
8.   Dividend

     There  is  a  deficit on the profit and loss account and accordingly  the
     Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.

9.   Annual Report

     Copies of  this report are available from the Company's Registered Office
     at  24  Brook's Mews, London W1Y 1LF.  The annual report will be sent  to
     all shareholders shortly.


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