RNS No 9970e
9th October 1997

                   C H A I R M A N ' S    S T A T E M E N T

The  year ended 30th June 1997 has seen further significant progress  towards
improving  the  Group's  financial position.  The non  ring  fenced  retained
profit  for the year is #46,000 compared with a loss of #3,584,000 for  1996,
which included a charge for provisions against the value of development sites
of  #1,959,000.  This result also reflects the Board's emphasis on  improving
operating  cash  flows and reducing administrative costs. It is  particularly
pleasing  to  report that the major reductions in overheads  effected  during
1996  have  shown  through  in the profit and loss  account.   Administrative
expenses  for  1997  totalled  #590,000 compared  with  #1,319,000  in  1996.
Further economies in operating costs are being sought.

The  non ring fenced portfolio has been revalued as at 30th June 1997 by  DTZ
Debenham Thorpe in accordance with the Group's established accounting policy.
The  surplus  on  revaluation  is #344,000 and  the  fixed  asset  investment
portfolio  is  valued  at #6,725,000.  The combined effect  of  the  retained
profit  and  the revaluation surplus has resulted in an increase in  the  non
ring  fenced net asset value to #5,224,000 compared with #4,842,000 for 1996.
The non ring fenced net asset value per share equates to 78.8p (1996: 73.1p),
an increase of about 8% over the year.

In  the  second  half  of  the year, the disposals of  two  non  ring  fenced
investment  properties, one  in a joint venture company, have been completed.
These  disposals  have  raised  net  cash of  approximately  #450,000,  after
repaying associated borrowings.

The  prospects  for  a  successful development  of  the  site  at  Stirchley,
Birmingham,  have  been  enhanced  by  the  acquisition of an option  over an 
adjacent area of land which  increases the frontage area  and  enables better
access to the site. The probability of obtaining planning consent for a mixed 
use scheme  is  being  re-evaluated in the context  of  the  current planning 
guidance.  At  Percy  Business  Park  the  development  of  additional retail
warehouse and industrial space is being  progressed.  An encouraging level of
enquiries is being received for  the proposed  retail warehouse,  for which a
planning application is being prepared.

Further  progress has been made in disposing of ring fenced  properties  with
the  sale  in June 1997 of the two office buildings at Great Valley  Parkway,
near  Philadelphia, USA.  The ring fenced assets now remaining on the balance
sheet comprise only one UK property, a small equity investment in an unquoted
UK company and  a limited partnership investment in the USA.

The Board  has recently  appointed  Johan Claesson and  Peter Gyllenhammar as
Directors of the Company.  Mr Claesson, and his family,  and  Mr Gyllenhammar
are beneficially  interested  in 13.7% and  5.4% respectively  of the  issued
ordinary  share  capital of the Company.  The Board believes that the Company
will benefit from their involvement as directors.

I was  appointed Chairman of  the Board in  December 1995 and have overseen a
period  during  which  the Company has  disposed of  ring fenced  properties,
substantially reduced overhead costs and bank  borrowings  and simplified its
capital and corporate  structure.  In particular, a number of important steps
have been taken during the last financial year towards returning the Group to
financial stability.  The Board is now free to concentrate on the development
of the Company and on increasing shareholder value.                           

I believe that fresh leadership is now  required to take the  Company through
its next phase of development. As I wish  to  devote  most of  my energies to
the Terrace  Hill  Group  as  Chief  Executive,  I have  decided  not to seek
re-election as a  Director at the forthcoming  Annual  General  Meeting. As a
consequence  of  this  decision, the  Board  has  resolved to  appoint  Peter
Gyllenhammar  as Chairman,  from  the conclusion  of  the  forthcoming Annual
General Meeting.  Peter has interests in property and construction in England
and Sweden, as well as general investment and corporate finance activities in
these countries. His experience and  expertise will be of  considerable value
to the Company.

I believe  that the  last  year  has  marked a turning point in the Company's
fortunes and I look forward to further improvements in the future.

Nigel Turnbull

C O N S O L I D A T E D  P R O F I T  A N D  L O S S  A C C O U N T
for the year ended 30th June

                        Notes    Non   
                                ring    Ring          
                              fenced  fenced   Total
                                1997    1997    1997
                                #000    #000    #000
Turnover from                 
continuing operations     1    1,248   1,556   2,804
Cost of sales and           
property outgoings               (81)   (533)   (614)     
Gross profit/(loss)            1,167   1,023   2,190
Administrative expenses         (590)    (51)   (641)                         
Operating profit/(loss)
from continuing operations       577     972   1,549
Profit/(loss) on sale                     
of investments and          
investment properties     1      106     535     641
Amounts written off investments    -       -       -
Share of loss in            
associated undertakings          (77)      -     (77)
Exceptional item -           
financial reconstruction          (5)      -      (5)
Profit/(loss) on                          
ordinary activities
before interest and taxation     601   1,507   2,108       
Net interest payable        
and similar charges             (573) (1,172) (1,745)     
Profit/(loss) on ordinary                         
activities before taxation        28     335     363
Taxation                          18    (333)   (315)
Retained profit/(loss)       
for the year                      46       2      48
Earnings/(loss)per share: 3      0.7p      -     0.7p

      C O N S O L I D A T E D  P R O F I T  A N D  L O S S  A C C O U N T
for the year ended 30th June

                        Notes    Non             
                                ring    Ring
                              fenced  fenced   Total
                                1996    1996    1996
                                #000    #000    #000
Turnover from                 
continuing operations     1    1,841   2,289   4,130
Cost of sales and           
property outgoings            (2,926) (1,162) (4,088)     
Gross profit/(loss)           (1,085)  1,127      42
Administrative expenses       (1,319)    (60) (1,379)                         
Operating profit/(loss)
from continuing operations    (2,404)  1,067  (1,337)
Profit/(loss) on sale                     
of investments and          
investment properties     1      (68)    (55)   (123)
Amounts written  off          
investments                     (394)   (287)   (681)                         
Share of loss in            
associated undertakings          (65)      -     (65)
Exceptional item -           
financial reconstruction         (18)  3,276   3,258
Profit/(loss) on                          
ordinary activities
before interest and taxation  (2,949)  4,001   1,052           
Net interest payable        
and similar charges             (633) (1,957) (2,590)     
Profit/(loss) on                          
ordinary activities
before taxation               (3,582)  2,044  (1,538)
Taxation                          (2)      -      (2)
Retained profit/(loss)       
for the year                  (3,584)  2,044  (1,540) 
Earnings/(loss)per share: 3    (54.1)p     -   (23.2)p

            C O N S O L I D A T E D   B A L A N C E   S H E E T

at 30th June        Notes           
                                1997       1996
                                #000       #000
Fixed assets:                           
Tangible assets                6,755     14,584
Investments                    1,296      1,816
                               8,051     16,400
Current assets:                         
Trading properties             6,750      6,864
Debtors                        1,046        580
Cash at bank and               1,759      1,390
in hand
                               9,555      8,834
Creditors: amounts                      
falling due within one year

Limited recourse loans        (7,006)    (6,474)        
limited recourse loans             -     (1,701)
Other creditors               (2,387)    (2,324)
                              (9,393)   (10,499)
Net current                         
assets/(liabilities)             162     (1,665)
Total assets less                       
current liabilities            8,213     14,735                               
Creditors: amounts falling                     
due after more than one year  (2,989)   (11,594)
Net assets                     5,224      3,141
Capital and reserves:

Called up share capital        3,313      3,313
Revaluation reserve             (806)    (1,925)                            
Special reserve                2,381      2,381
Profit and loss account       (2,655)    (2,591)    
Limited recourse reserve       2,991      1,963
Equity shareholder's funds     5,224      3,141

          N  O  T  E  S    T  O    T  H  E    A  C  C  O  U  N  T  S

1. Analysis of consolidated profit and loss account
   Turnover and profit               
   for the year               ring     Ring
   ended 30th June          fenced   fenced      Total
                              1997     1997       1997
                              #000     #000       #000
   Gross rentals             1,112    1,555      2,667
   Property outgoings         (125)    (533)      (658)
   Net rental income           987    1,022      2,009
   Trading turnover              -       -           -
   Cost of sales                 -       -           -
   Provisions (created)/              
   released                     44       -          44
   Trading profit/(loss)        44       -          44
   Other turnover              136        1        137
   Gross profit/(loss)       1,167    1,023      2,190
   Administrative expenses    (590)     (51)      (641)
   Operating profit/(loss)     577      972      1,549
   Sale of investments:
   Sale proceeds             3,200    6,407      9,607
   Cost of sales            (3,094)  (5,872)    (8,966)
   Profit/(loss) on    
   sale of investments         106      535        641

          N  O  T  E  S    T  O    T  H  E    A  C  C  O  U  N  T  S

1  Analysis of consolidated profit and loss account
   Turnover and profit        
   for the year               ring     Ring
   ended 30th June          fenced   fenced      Total
                              1996     1996       1996
                              #000     #000       #000
   Gross rentals             1,205    2,150      3,355
   Property outgoings         (211)    (738)      (949)
   Net rental income           994    1,412      2,406
   Trading turnover            595       90        685
   Cost of sales              (756)     (87)      (843)  
   Provisions (created)/              
   released                 (1,959)    (337)    (2,296) 
   Trading profit/(loss)    (2,120)    (334)    (2,454)   
   Other turnover               41       49         90
   Gross profit/(loss)      (1,085)   1,127         42
   Administrative expenses  (1,319)     (60)    (1,379)
   Operating profit/(loss)  (2,404)   1,067     (1,337)
   Sale of investments:

   Sale proceeds               907      962      1,869
   Cost of sales              (975)  (1,017)    (1,992)
   Profit/(loss) on    
   sale of investments         (68)     (55)      (123)

          N  O  T  E  S    T  O    T  H  E    A  C  C  O  U  N  T  S

2  Analysis of consolidated balance sheet

                              ring     Ring      
                            fenced   fenced      Total
at 30th June                  1997     1997       1997
                              #000     #000       #000  
Fixed assets:                            
Tangible assets              6,755        -      6,755
Investments                    409      887      1,296
                             7,164      887      8,051
Current assets:                          
Trading properties           1,900    4,850      6,750
Debtors                        235      811      1,046
Cash at bank and in hand       767      992      1,759

                             2,902    6,653      9,555
Creditors: amounts                       
falling due within one year
Limited recourse loans          -    (7,006)    (7,006)
limited recourse loans          -         -          -
Other creditors             (1,853)    (534)    (2,387)
                            (1,853)  (7,540)    (9,393)
Net current assets/
(liabilities)                1,049     (887)       162

Total assets less                        
current liabilities          8,213        -      8,213

Creditors: amounts                       
falling due after more     
than one year               (2,989)       -     (2,989)
Net assets/(liabilities)     5,224        -      5,224
Net asset value per share     78.8p               78.8p

          N  O  T  E  S    T  O    T  H  E    A  C  C  O  U  N  T  S

2. Analysis of consolidated balance sheet

                              ring     Ring
                            fenced   fenced      Total
at 30th June                  1996     1996       1996
                              #000     #000       #000  
Fixed assets:                            
Tangible assets              9,147    5,437     14,584
Investments                    922      894      1,816
                            10,069    6,331     16,400
Current assets:                          
Trading properties           1,812    5,052      6,864
Debtors                        402      178        580
Cash at bank and in hand       784      606      1,390

                             2,998    5,836      8,834
Creditors: amounts                       
falling due within one year
Limited recourse loans          -    (6,474)    (6,474)
limited recourse loans          -    (1,701)    (1,701)
Other creditors             (1,822)    (502)    (2,324)
                            (1,822)  (8,677)   (10,499)
Net current assets/
(liabilities)                1,176   (2,841)    (1,665)

Total assets less                        
current liabilities         11,245    3,490     14,735

Creditors: amounts                       
falling due after more     
than one year               (6,403)  (5,191)   (11,594)
Net assets/(liabilities)     4,842   (1,701)     3,141
Net asset value per share     73.1p               47.4p  

          N  O  T  E  S    T  O    T  H  E    A  C  C  O  U  N  T  S          

3. Earnings/loss and net assets per share
   The  profit  per share has been calculated on  (1)  a  total
   profit  after  tax of  #48,000 (1996: #1,540,000  loss)  and
   (2)  a  non  ring fenced profit after tax of #46,000  (1996:
   #3,584,000  loss) and a weighted average number of  ordinary
   shares   in  issue  during  the  year  of  6,626,429  (1996:
   6,626,429).  The Directors believe that the second basis  of
   calculation   provides  a  realistic  view  of  the   profit
   attributable to the ordinary shares.
   The  assets  per  share values are prepared  using  (1)  the
   shareholders' funds shown in the total consolidated  balance
   sheet,   and  (2)  on  the  basis  that  the  uncrystallised
   shortfalls  are  not deducted from the shareholders'  funds.
   The  Directors believe that the second basis of calculations
   provides   a   realistic  view  of  the  net   asset   value
   attributable to the ordinary shares.

4. Financial information
   The  financial  information  set  out  in  the  consolidated
   balance  sheet,  consolidated profit and  loss  account  and
   notes  does  not  constitute  statutory  accounts  for   the
   Company  or  the Group within the meaning of Section  204(5)
   of  the Companies Act 1985.  The Company's auditors have not
   reported on such statutory accounts for the year ended  30th
   June  1997  and  neither have such statutory  accounts  been
   delivered  to  the  Registrar  of  Companies,  however  this
   preliminary statement has been agreed with the auditors  for
5. Presentation of accounts
   The  Group  undertook a financial reconstruction in  1993  a
   significant  part  of which was a Master  Banking  Agreement
   ("MBA").   Under the terms of the MBA, the repayment of  the
   ring  fenced  bank  debt  was  limited  to  the  realisation
   proceeds  and  net  rental receipts  from  the  ring  fenced
   property   assets  over  which  those  banks  had  security.
   These  arrangements  are  known as "ring  fences"  or  "ring
   fenced" assets and liabilities.
   The  profit  and loss account is presented in three  columns
   to  show  the  ring  fenced and non ring  fenced  operations
   separately.    Note  2  to  the accounts  provides  a  three
   column  analysis  of the balance sheet between  ring  fenced
   and  non  ring  fenced.   The total  column  represents  the
   statutory  accounts  of  the  Group  as  required   by   the
   Companies Act and UK accounting standards.
6. Dividend

   There  is a  deficit  on  the  profit  and  loss account and
   accordingly the Directors do not recommend the  payment of a

7. Annual Report

   Copies of this announcement are available from the Company's
   Registered Office at  24 Brook's Mews,  London W1Y 1LF.  The 
   Annual Report will be sent to shareholders shortly.

   Enquiries to: 

   Orb Estates plc

   Nigel Turnbull       0171 631 1666
   Peter Gyllenhammar   0171 629 0041 or 00 46 8 678 7444
   Philip Ridal         0171 629 0041

   English Trust

   Peter Ward           0171 608 0888



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