RNS Number : 6953E

Mercury Recycling Group PLC

01 June 2012

1 June 2012




At the time of this statement, I hoped that MRG would have concluded the negotiations regarding the acquisition of iron ore assets from Sylvania Platinum Limited. Unfortunately the transaction is taking longer to conclude than we had originally anticipated, but I am hopeful that we will shortly be in a position to move forward with the acquisition.

Sales for the year were GBP2,537,000 compared to GBP2,668,000 for the previous year. Operating losses after non-recurring costs were GBP31,000 compared to a profit of GBP272,000 in 2010. The volume of lamps recycled has been consistent with the previous period but the price being paid by the sole compliance scheme company purchasing B2B lamp evidence, has been reduced. We have taken advice from Leading Competition Counsel and we have been assured that we have very strong grounds for appeal. We have done so, and are in detailed negotiations.

The results do not therefore give a full picture of our future prospects and I believe that future results will demonstrate a change for the better. On the cost side, there have been substantial non-recurring costs amounting to GBP160,000 including the cost of preparing the site for the battery recycling business, proposed acquisition costs and a container write down resulting from a review of our container policy in the year. This container review also resulted in a change in accounting policy for our Lampsafe containers, which was accounted for as a prior period adjustment.

The new WEEE Recast consultation process has been moving forward and, as I previously explained, this will be important to the lamp recycling sector, indeed it should further transform our position for the better.

I can also report that our preparations for the move into the battery recycling business are now complete and that interest to date is very encouraging. Unfortunately the granting of battery treatment and export permits has taken much longer than expected but we were eventually granted the permits in February 2012 and have now started processing batteries on our newly installed battery sorting line.

I am hopeful that all this will ensure that Mercury Recycling Limited will have excellent prospects in both lamp and battery recycling.

Once again I would like to thank all our staff for their contribution during these major changes to the Group.

The Rt Hon The Lord Barnett JP PC


For further information, please contact:

Mercury Recycling Group plc

Bryan Neill, Managing Director 0161 877 0977

Nick Harrison 0330 3338246

   Shore Capital and Corporate Limited                                                  020 7408 4090 

Stephane Auton / Toby Gibbs


                                                      2011                2010 
                                                    GBP000              GBP000 
 Revenue                                             2,537               2,668 
 Cost of sales                                       (148)               (179) 
                                           ---------------  ------------------ 
 Gross profit                                        2,389               2,489 
 Administrative expenses                           (2,420)             (2,217) 
                                           ---------------  ------------------ 
 Operating (loss)/profit                              (31)                 272 
 Finance costs                                         (4)                 (7) 
                                           ---------------  ------------------ 
 (Loss)/profit before tax                             (35)                 265 
 Tax                                                   (6)                (14) 
                                           ---------------  ------------------ 
 (Loss)/profit for the period                         (41)                 251 
                                           ===============  ================== 
 (Attributable to owners of the company) 
 (Loss)/earnings per share                         (0.11p)               0.73p 
                                           ===============  ================== 
 - Basic 
 - Diluted                                             n/a               0.72p 
                                           ===============  ================== 

The income statement has been prepared on the basis that all operations are continuing operations.

There is no difference between the results as disclosed above and the results on an historical cost basis.


                                                  2011       2010 
                                                GBP000     GBP000 
 Profit for the year                              (41)        251 
 Other comprehensive income for the year             -          - 
                                               -------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the year          (41)        251 
                                               =======  ========= 
 (Attributable to the owners of the Company) 


                                                         2011                 2010       2009 
                                                                          Restated   Restated 
                                                       GBP000               GBP000     GBP000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                               4,122                4,122      4,122 
 Property, plant and equipment                          1,265                1,409      1,431 
                                           ------------------  -------------------  --------- 
                                                        5,387                5,531      5,553 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                              465                  448        478 
 Cash and bank balances                                   343                  412          1 
 Current tax assets                                        18                    -         10 
                                           ------------------  -------------------  --------- 
                                                          826                  860        489 
                                           ------------------  -------------------  --------- 
 Total assets                                           6,213                6,391      6,042 
                                           ==================  ===================  ========= 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                               (234)                (270)      (249) 
 Borrowings                                              (68)                 (86)      (139) 
 Current tax liabilities                                    -                 (17)       (25) 
                                           ------------------  -------------------  --------- 
                                                        (302)                (373)      (413) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                                (24)                 (33)       (42) 
 Borrowings                                              (88)                (155)      (225) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                               (167)                (157)      (158) 
                                           ------------------  -------------------  --------- 
                                                        (279)                (345)      (425) 
                                           ------------------  -------------------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                                      (581)                (718)      (838) 
                                           ==================  ===================  ========= 
 Net assets                                             5,632                5,673      5,204 
                                           ==================  ===================  ========= 
 Share capital                                          3,583                3,583      3,403 
 Share premium                                            235                  235        242 
 Other reserves                                           386                  386        365 
 Retained earnings                                      1,428                1,469      1,194 
                                           ------------------  -------------------  --------- 
 Total equity                                           5,632                5,673      5,204 
                                           ==================  ===================  ========= 
 (Attributable to owners of the Company) 


                             Share     Share     Other   Retained    Total 
                           Capital   Premium   Reserve   Earnings   Equity 
                            GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000   GBP000 
 Balance at 1 January 
  2010                       3,403       242       365      1,263    5,273 
 (As previously stated) 
 Effect of change in 
 policy                          -         -         -       (69)     (69) 
                          --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 As restated                 3,403       242       365      1,194    5,204 
 Profit for the period 
  (restated)                     -         -         -        251      251 
 Warrants issued                                    21                  21 
 Issue of share capital        180       (7)         -          -      173 
 Credit to equity for 
 share based payments            -         -         -         24       24 
                          --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2010                       3,583       235       386      1,469    5,673 
 Loss for the period             -         -         -       (41)     (41) 
                          --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2011                       3,583       235       386      1,428    5,632 
                          ========  ========  ========  =========  ======= 


                                                                       2011       2010 
                                                                     GBP000     GBP000 
 Net cash from operating activities                                     169        525 
                                                        -------------------  --------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                           (153)      (187) 
                                                        -------------------  --------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities                                (153)      (187) 
                                                        -------------------  --------- 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds on issue of equity                                              -        194 
 Repayment of borrowings                                               (69)       (66) 
                                                        -------------------  --------- 
 Net cash generated (used in)/from financing 
  activities                                                           (69)        128 
                                                        -------------------  --------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                  (53)        466 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of year                                                               396       (70) 
                                                        -------------------  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                               343        396 
                                                        ===================  ========= 


1. Basis of preparation

The information in this announcement has been extracted from the Company's audited Financial Statements which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union.

2. Revenue

The revenue and profit on ordinary activities before taxation arise from the Group's principal activity.

The Group's revenue has been analysed by geographic area as follows:

                             2011               2010 
                           GBP000             GBP000 
 United Kingdom             2,537              2,668 
                  ===============  ================= 

3. Operating (loss)/profit

                                                                                           2011                  2010 
 Loss/(profit) for the year is shown after charging / (crediting):                       GBP000                GBP000 
 Depreciation on tangible assets                                                            289                   207 
 Government grants                                                                          (9)                   (9) 
 Profit on disposal of tangible assets                                                        -                     1 
 Operating leases:                                    -Land and buildings                    86                    84 
  -Other                                                                                     37                    40 
                                                                            ===================  ==================== 
 Fees paid to the auditor are analysed as follows: 
 Audit fees (Group excluding parent company)                                                 13                    13 
 Audit fees (Parent company)                                                                  4                     4 
 Tax consultancy                                                                              4                     4 
 Other review reports                                                                        13                     4 
                                                                            ===================  ==================== 

4. (Loss)/earnings per share

Basic - The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on a loss of GBP41,000 (2010 - Profit - GBP251,000 restated) and on 35,827,462 (2010 - 34,509,795) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

Diluted - The diluted earnings per share is based on the loss for the year of GBP41,000 (2010 - Profit - GBP251,000 restated) and on 35,827,462 (2010 - 34,509,795) ordinary shares as adjusted for share options below:

                                                  2011         2010 
                                                Number       Number 
 Basic weighted average number of shares    35,827,462   34,509,795 
 Dilutive potential ordinary shares: 
 Dilution caused by options                        n/a      117,793 
                                           -----------  ----------- 
 Diluted weighted average number                   n/a   34,627,588 
                                           ===========  =========== 

5. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Mercury Recycling Group plc ("the Company") will be held at 12 noon on 29 June 2012 at The Thistle Hotel, Cardington Street, Euston, London NW1 2LP.

6. Posting of Financial Statements

The Company's Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 together with the Notice of the Annual General Meeting are being posted to shareholders on Wednesday 6 June 2012 and will be available for download from the Company's website at www.mercuryrecycling.co.uk

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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