RNS No 2303q
29 July 1999
                             MEDISYS PLC
    Unaudited Interim results for the six months to 31 March 1999
                    and update on current trading

*    First half trading satisfactory - sales #4.2 million

*    Reorganisation and cost cutting measures implemented

*    Hypoguard
     - Sales of Supreme monitoring strip showing steady growth
     - Supreme   Petit   blood  glucose  meter  performing   ahead   of
       expectations - 30,000 placements achieved since launch in March
     - Sales  in  quarter ended 30 June 1999 28% ahead of  previous
     - Joint  venture with Elan Corporation will accelerate development
       of Arrow re-usable biosensor

*    Lukens
     - Comprehensively restructured since acquisition in  September
     - Sale of sutures business removes loss making non-core business
       from portfolio and completes restructuring process
     - Excluding the sutures business, Lukens reported an operating
       profit for the half year
     - NicSafe selling well in Mexico - further distribution  deals
       signed with PSS in the US and Becton Dickinson in the Far East
     - Remaining  businesses renamed Futura Medical  Corporation  -
       product portfolio now firmly focused on healthcare worker safety

Kurt E. Amundson, President & Chief Operating Officer commented:

"Both   Hypoguard   and  Lukens  (Futura  Medical   Corporation) made
significant   progress  towards  achieving  operating  profitability
during  the  first  half year. This trend is  expected  to  continue
during  the  second  half  of  the  year.   Overall,  following  the
streamlining of the operating businesses, it is expected that losses
for  the  Group  for the year as a whole will be significantly  less
than  the  loss  in  the first half.  The Board  believes  that  the
Company  is  now well positioned to take advantage of future  growth


Medisys PLC
Kurt Amundson, President & Chief Operating Officer  001 650 327 7900
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer 29 July 1999:    01394 387333
                                         Thereafter:001 770 271 2795

Square Mile Communications                             0171 601 1000
Kevin Smith/James Melville-Ross

                             MEDISYS PLC
    Unaudited Interim results for the six months to 31 March 1999
                    and update on current trading
The  Group  made good progress during the first half of the  current
year.    Trading   results  were  satisfactory  and  continued   re-
organisation  within  the Group, including the  integration  of  the
Needle   Incinerator  Company  ("NIC")  into  Lukens,  resulted   in
immediate cost savings.

Financial Review
Turnover  in  the six months ended 31 March 1999 was  #4.2  million,
including  #0.6  million of sales from the Lukens  sutures  business
which  was sold subsequent to the half year end and is shown on  the
profit and loss account as operations to be discontinued.  Operating
losses were #1.9 million, including #0.4 million of losses from  the
Lukens  sutures  business.  The loss before tax  was  #2.2  million.
Comparative  six  month  figures are  not  shown  in  the  financial
statements,  because  the year end changed  in  1998  from  June  to
September.  Given the acquisition of Lukens and the restructuring of
the  NIC and Biocure operations, such comparative figures would  not
be meaningful.

The  Directors  are  not  recommending the  payment  of  an  interim

Research and development costs in the period totalled #0.2 million.

Net  cash decreased by #5.6 million during the period.  #2.7 million
of  this  decrease was due to the completion of certain transactions
associated  with  the  acquisition of Lukens.   The  remaining  #2.9
million  decrease in cash resulted from the funding  of  operations.
Subsequent  to  the  half-year end, approximately  #4.1  million  in
aggregate  net  proceeds was raised from a  placing  of  shares,  an
equity investment by Elan Corporation plc and the sale of the Lukens
sutures business.

Operational Review

Hypoguard  is  a  developer, manufacturer and distributor  of  blood
glucose   monitoring  products  for  the  world-wide  blood  glucose
monitoring market.

Sales  volumes for the Supreme monitoring strip and Supreme  Petit
meter  continued to grow steadily throughout the first half, and  in
March Hypoguard posted its highest monthly sales (#381,000) in  over
two  years.  The Supreme Petit system, launched in March  1998,  has
been  well  received  by  the market and,  with  over  30,000  meter
placements, continues to exceed our sales expectations, assisted  by
significant contract awards in both France and Bulgaria.

Progress  on  the  Arrow  re-usable  biosensor-based  blood  glucose
monitoring system has been greatly enhanced by the formation of  the
joint  venture  with  Elan Corporation which is  discussed  in  more
detail  below.   The  Arrow product is currently going  through  the
final stages of development.  Medisys expects to file an application
for FDA 510K approval for Arrow early in 2001.

Licensing  opportunities  for the DART  single  use  biosensor-based
product  are being actively pursued.  It is envisaged that licensing
agreements  in  selected markets will be entered into  in  the  near
term, for the development and commercialisation of the product.

In   addition  to  its  well  recognised  skills  in  blood  glucose
monitoring,  Hypoguard  is also developing tests  for  osteoporosis,
Alzheimer's  disease  and  H.  pylori  (peptic  ulcers).   Hypoguard
received  a #250,000 grant from the Department of Trade and Industry
to  help fund the development of the H. pylori test during the first

Other recent significant developments include the identification  of
potential  franchise  partners for the  Spectrum  visual  monitoring
strip  in  India, China and certain other markets, and,  in  May,  a
collaboration  agreement with Tesco, the UK  supermarket  chain,  to
promote   the   Supreme  Petit  system  through  its  216   in-store

The Board believes Hypoguard is making good progress towards its aim
of  restoring profitability in the near term.  Sales in the  quarter
ended  June  30,  1999 increased to #1.1 million, 28%  over  of  the
previous quarter, due primarily to strong sales of the Supreme Petit
range  of  products. Furthermore, the business approached  operating
break  even  during  this  period  (before  charging  research   and
development costs).

Since  its  acquisition in September 1998, Lukens  has  undergone  a
comprehensive  restructuring of its operations.   A  new  management
team  with  a strong healthcare marketing and operations  background
has  been appointed, bringing a new focus to the development of  the

As  announced on 26 July, Medisys has disposed of the Lukens sutures
business  for a consideration of $2.1 million.  The sutures business
was  loss making and the sale will enable the Group to focus on  its
core  healthcare  worker safety products.  Under the  terms  of  the
transaction Surgical Specialities Corporation Inc. also acquired the
Lukens  Medical  name and the remaining business  will  be  re-named
Futura  Medical Corporation.  Excluding the sutures business, Lukens
reported an operating profit for both the half year and the  quarter
ended 30 June 1999.

The  manufacturing  facility in India, which currently  manufactures
lancets, has been retained as a valuable low-cost production site.

Following  the agreement in May with Physicians Supply  and  Service
Inc.  to  distribute  the NicSafe products in  the  US,  sales  have
commenced  in this important market.  Legislative changes,  designed
to  reduce  the  incidence of needlestick injury amongst  healthcare
workers, continue to proceed in several states in the US.  The Board
believes that this legislation will ultimately drive demand for  the
NicSafe  product  range.  California, one of the states  introducing
this  type of legislation, is in the process of compiling a list  of
safety  products  that  fall under the new legislation.   Management
believe that the NicSafe products will be included on this list.

In  Mexico,  where  the NicSafe is distributed by Becton  Dickinson,
Medisys  has  now  begun  to see replacement  cartridges  being  re-
ordered.   The  Board  views this as a positive  indication  of  the
products'  initial acceptance by the marketplace.  In  May,  Medisys
extended   its   relationship  with  Becton  Dickinson,   adding   a
distribution  agreement for the Far East.  Additional  opportunities
to extend NicSafe's geographical market coverage, including building
on relationships with existing partners, are being examined.

Futura  Medical  is now primarily focused on the supply  of  medical
safety  devices and products that ensure their safe  disposal.   Its
product  range includes sharps bins, lancets, safety scalpels,  bone
wax,  the  NIC needle incineration device and the recently  acquired
Futura safety needle, enabling Futura to offer its customers a  full
product  line of medical safety and disposal products. Other product
opportunities,  which would complement the existing  portfolio,  are
also being evaluated.

Acquisition of the Futura Safety Syringe
Subsequent  to  the  half-year end Medisys acquired  the  world-wide
rights  of  the  Futura safety syringe and related  technology  from
Adventec,  Inc.  ("Adventec")  of  the  USA.   The  transaction  was
approved by Adventec's shareholders on 15 July 1999.

The  Futura is an innovative safety syringe featuring a state of the
art  passive  retraction system - when the plunger is  pressed  down
fully the needle is automatically retracted into the syringe barrel.
The  Futura  has  a  number  of unique features,  which  will  bring
considerable benefits in terms of manufacturing cost and complexity,
and the potential exists for it to be priced very competitively.

Acquisition  of  the Futura technology will enable Medisys  to  take
advantage of the introduction of US safety legislation and  build  a
strong  position in the rapidly growing market for safety  syringes.
The  Futura  is also complementary to the NicSafe product,  allowing
the  Group  to offer a total solution to the problem of  needlestick
injury.   Medisys  expects  to  file an  application  for  FDA  510K
approval for the Futura early in 2000.

Joint Venture with Elan Corporation plc
On 2 July 1999, the Group announced the formation of a joint venture
with  Elan  Corporation,  plc to develop new  biosensor-based  blood
glucose  monitoring systems for use by diabetics. In  addition,  the
joint  venture acquired the rights to certain technologies  relating
to  the  in-vivo  monitoring  of blood  glucose  in  diabetics  from
Marathon Medical Technologies, Inc.

The  joint  venture  creates a new company with a strong  technology
portfolio  and  the capability to build a leading  position  in  the
market  for blood glucose monitoring systems.  Combining  the  joint
technology and marketing resources of Hypoguard and Elan is expected
to  accelerate  the  development of the Group's  Arrow  product  and
enhance  our  future product pipeline.  In addition, the  continuous
monitoring technology acquired from Marathon will form the basis for
the   next  generation  of  glucose  monitoring  products,   placing
Hypoguard at the forefront of glucose monitoring innovation.

Board Appointment
Following the announcement of the diabetes monitoring joint  venture
with  Elan  Corporation plc, Mr Todd C Davis was  appointed  to  the
Board  as a non-executive director.  Mr Davis, 38, is a director  of
Strategic  Planning within Elan and is also a director of  Sheffield
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Current Trading and Prospects
Both Hypoguard and Lukens (Futura Medical Corporation) made significant
progress towards achieving operating profitability during the  first
half year. This trend is expected to continue during the second half
of  the  year.  Overall, following the streamlining of the operating
businesses, it is expected that losses for the Group for the year as
a  whole will be significantly less than the loss in the first half.
The  Board believes that the Company is now well positioned to  take
advantage of future growth opportunities.

Note to editors:

Medisys  PLC develops, manufactures and markets diagnostic,  medical
and safety products serving the rapid test and point of care medical
market.    The  Group  has  two  principal  operating  subsidiaries,
Hypoguard  and Futura, located in the UK and in the US respectively.
The   diagnostic  division  develops  and  supplies  blood   glucose
monitoring systems for the diabetic market.  Its future focus is  on
serving  unmet  medical needs through the development of  diagnostic
products   based  on  its  own  proprietary  platform  technologies.
Futura,   the  safety  and  medical  supplies  division,   develops,
manufactures and markets a wide range of safety products and medical
supplies for the point of care market.  Medisys, headquartered  in
Ipswich,  UK, employs approximately 225 people in  the  UK and US.


Medisys PLC
Kurt Amundson, President & Chief Operating Officer  001 650 327 7900
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer 29 July 1999:    01394 387333
                                         Thereafter:001 770 271 2795

Square Mile Communications                             0171 601 1000
Kevin Smith/James Melville-Ross
                             Medisys PLC
                  Unaudited profit and loss account
               for the six months ended 31 March 1999
                                                Six months     15 months to
                                            ended 31 March     30 September   
                                                      1999             1998
                      Continuing    Operations to    Total            Total   
                      operations  be discontinued
                           #'000            #'000    #'000            #'000
Turnover                   3,600              647    4,247            5,097
Cost of sales             (2,067)            (928)  (2,995)          (2,844)
                        --------         -------- --------         --------   
Gross profit / (loss)      1,533             (281)   1,252            2,253

Research and development    (161)               -     (161)          (1,792)

Administration expenses   (2,834)            (113)  (2,947)          (4,945)

                        --------         -------- --------         --------   
Operating loss            (1,462)            (394)  (1,856)          (4,484)
Interest receivable                                     26               50

Interest payable and
  similar charges                                     (365)            (135)

                                                  --------         --------   
Loss on ordinary activities                                   
   before taxation                                  (2,195)          (4,569)
                                                  --------         --------   
Taxation on loss on                           
  ordinary activities                                    -                -   
                                                  --------         --------   
Loss on ordinary activities                         
  after taxation                                    (2,195)          (4,569)
                                                  --------         --------   
Loss per ordinary share                              (1.22)p          (2.73)p
                                                  --------         --------   
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
Loss for the financial period                       (2,195)          (4,569)
Loss on foreign currency translation                   (11)             (14)
                                                  --------         --------   
Total recognised gains and losses for the period    (2,206)          (4,583)

                             Medisys PLC
                Unaudited consolidated balance sheet
                          at 31 March 1999
                                                         At              At
                                                   31 March    30 September
                                                       1999            1998
                                                      #'000           #'000
Fixed assets                                                
Intangible assets                                       366             327
Tangible assets                                       2,576           2,579
Investments                                               -             420
                                                   --------        --------   
                                                      2,942           3,326
                                                   --------        --------   
Current assets                                       
Stocks                                                1,499           1,484
Debtors                                               2,006           1,879
Cash at bank and in hand                              3,466           7,593
                                                   --------        --------   
                                                      6,971          10,956
                                                   --------        --------   
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year       (7,878)        (10,130)

Net current assets / (liabilities)                     (907)            826
Total assets less current liabilities                 2,035           4,152
Creditors: amounts falling due after                 
  more than one year
Other creditors                                      (1,426)         (1,849)
Convertible bonds due 2002                          (12,046)        (13,961)
                                                   --------        --------   
Net liabilities                                     (11,437)        (11,658)
                                                   --------        --------   
Capital and reserves                                 
Called up share capital                               1,833           1,697
Share premium account                                 4,880           2,263
Other reserves                                       (7,326)         (7,000)
Profit and loss account                             (10,824)         (8,618)
                                                   --------        --------   
Equity shareholders' funds                          (11,437)        (11,658)
                                                   --------        --------   


1.    The  interim  financial information has been prepared  on  the
      basis of the accounting policies set out in the 1998 annual report
      and accounts, but has not been audited.
2.    The  interim  financial information does not  constitute  full
      accounts  within the meaning of Section 240 of the  Companies  Act
      1985.  The accounts for the 15 months ended 30 September 1998 have
      been  filed  with  the  Registrar of  Companies  and  received  an
      unqualified auditors' report.
3.    The  loss per ordinary share has been calculated on losses  of
      #2,196,000 divided by 180,125,397, the weighted average number  of
      ordinary shares in issue.
4.    The interim report for the six months ended 31 March 1999  has
      been prepared by the Company and was approved by the Directors on 27
      July 1999
5.    A  copy of this announcement will be sent to all shareholders.
      Further  copies  are available to members of the public  from  the
      Company's  registered office, Bruce & Partners, 23 Bridge  Street,
      Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41 9AA.



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