Max Property Group Plc 
Results for the year ended 31 March 2012 
Max Property Group Plc is a Jersey resident real estate investment company. It 
has an experienced board, chaired by Aubrey Adams, and is exclusively advised by 
Prestbury Investments LLP, which is owned and managed by a team led by Nick 
Leslau and Mike Brown. 
The Company's strategy is to exploit cyclical weakness in the UK real estate 
market through opportunistic investment and active management with a view to 
realising cash returns for shareholders over an investment cycle of 
approximately seven and a half years from its listing in May 2009. 
                                                      Change in       Change in 
                                     31 March         12 months       34 months 
                                         2012   since last year   since listing 
 Net assets                            GBP285.9m          up  GBP4.4m       up  GBP74.6m 
 EPRA net assets per share (1)         133.4p           up 2.6%        up 38.8% 
 EPRA earnings per share (2)             6.4p          up 42.2% 
(1)                excluding fair values of financial instruments and deferred 
tax and including trading properties at fair value 
(2)                excluding property revaluation movements, profits or losses 
on sales of properties, fair value movements on financial instruments and 
deferred tax 
Financial highlights 
  * EPRA NAV per share up 2.6% to 133.4p per share in the year to March 2012 and 
    up 38.8% since listing in May 2009 
  * EPRA EPS up 42.2% to 6.4p 
  * Low net loan to value ratio at 24.9% (27.3% including Hospitals joint 
  * Valuations steady over the year; portfolio initial yield 8.3% and equivalent 
    yield 9.3% 
  * Active capital recycling leaves uncommitted cash of c.  GBP90 million for 
Portfolio highlights 
  *  GBP164.5 million acquisition of St Katharine Docks (Max share  GBP98.7 million) 
    with performance incentive for Max on JV partner equity; early pre-letting 
    of 38,000 sq ft improved overall ERV by 16.4% 
  * Industrious vacancy rate by area 15%, down from 16% at 31 March 2011 and 
    21% at purchase 32 months ago 
  * Provincial Offices vacancy rate by area 28%, down from 39% at 31 March 2011 
    and 48% at purchase 28 months ago 
  * Overall EPRA vacancy rate(3) now 13% of ERV down from 19% at 31 March 2011 
  * 186 new lettings covering 751,000 sq ft signed with a net rent roll of  GBP3.2 
  * Disposals of  GBP13.3 million at a 2% profit over book value and a 19% profit 
    over historic cost 
  * London and South East weighting now 65%, up from 40% at 31 March 2011 
(3)                excluding assets not available for letting 
Aubrey Adams, Chairman of Max Property Group Plc, comments: 
"Max has achieved 39% EPRA NAV growth over its first three years and we believe 
our strong cash position at a time of renewed market uncertainty, combined with 
further value to be realised from asset management initiatives within our 
existing portfolio, will propel attractive returns for shareholders over the 
remainder of Max's life." 
[28] May 2012 
 Prestbury Investments LLP              Tel 020 7647 7647 
 Mike Brown 
 Sandy Gumm 
 College Hill                           Tel 020 7457 2020 
 Mike Davies 
 Helen Tarbet 
 Oriel Securities (Nominated advisor)   Tel 7710 7600 
 Mark Young 
 Joe Winkley 
Forward looking statements 
This document includes forward looking statements which are subject to risks and 
uncertainties.  You are cautioned that forward looking statements are not 
guarantees of future performance and that if risks and uncertainties 
materialise, or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove 
incorrect, the actual results of operations and financial condition of the Group 
may materially differ from those made in, or suggested by, the forward looking 
statements.  Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligations, 
the Company undertakes no obligation to review, update or confirm expectations 
or estimates or to release publicly any revisions to any forward looking 
statements to reflect events that arise after the date of this announcement. 
Chairman's Statement 
Dear Shareholder 
I am pleased to report Max Property Group Plc's results and present the 
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012. 
Max has today been listed for exactly three years, over which time it has built 
a high yielding portfolio with significant potential for growth through active 
asset management. The business was established to invest during periods of 
market distress and to realise value over the investment cycle, and as we have 
stated in the past, over the course of the cycle we will see periods of growth 
and periods of value declines. We run the business to produce attractive returns 
over our anticipated life of seven to eight years, not for a stately progression 
of consistent returns in every six month reporting period. We believe that we 
continue to make good progress against this objective. 
Results and financial position 
The Group's EPRA net asset value per share at 31 March 2012 of 133.4p represents 
an increase of 2.6% over the year and an increase of 38.8% in the 34 months 
since listing. 
The growth in net asset value per share in the year is derived primarily from 
net rental surpluses, comprising 11.9 pence from rent net of direct property 
costs, less 4.2 pence of net finance costs, 2.7 pence of administrative 
expenses, 1.4 pence of property revaluation losses and 0.4 pence of tax. With a 
0.2 pence contribution from the Hospitals joint venture, this is a net increase 
of 3.4 pence per share since 31 March 2011. 
As the Company's stated aim is ultimately to return cash to shareholders, we 
measure also the extent to which retained results are realised in cash terms, as 
opposed to being represented by valuation uplifts. Max's net assets per share 
growth since listing is 51% realised. After raising a net  GBP211 million upon 
listing in May 2009, Max has since then purchased  GBP448 million of property which 
has generated a further  GBP97 million of cash (after all costs, interest and tax) 
to add to the Group's resources for investment. We continue to apply a 
disciplined approach to capital recycling, remaining firmly focussed on 
increasing net assets per share, not just growth in net assets. 
EPRA earnings per share has increased by over 40% since last year, growing from 
4.5p per share to 6.4p per share. As the Company has become more fully invested, 
the contribution to earnings from recurring net property income has increased. 
The results of this are flowing through in higher earnings and cash flow, though 
we expect the contribution to be lower in the forthcoming year because of 
refurbishment work at St Katharine Docks, principally at Commodity Quay, which 
will reduce the Group's share of net rent by c.  GBP1 million compared to the 
results reported in these financial statements. 
The Group's net loan to value ratio at the year end is 24.9% excluding the debt 
in the Hospitals joint venture and 27.3% including Max's share of the Hospitals 
debt. All debt is strictly non-recourse and all facilities are fully compliant 
with banking covenants. 
We report at 31 March 2012 uncommitted cash of c.  GBP90 million, which includes 
the  GBP32 million proceeds of the financing of five of our Provincial Offices 
announced on 22 May 2012 and is stated after Max's share of expected 
refurbishment costs for St Katharine Docks. We believe that this war chest, 
coupled with continued capital recycling efforts, leaves Max well positioned to 
take advantage of further weaknesses in the market when they arise. 
Our dividend policy is unchanged since listing. After the first four years of 
Max's five year investment period, capital may be reinvested but not profits and 
after the end of year four (so from May 2013), capital is expected to be applied 
towards shareholder returns rather than investment. The Board will therefore 
consider the appropriateness of dividend payments in the circumstances at that 
Looking back over our three year history, Max took advantage of a favourable 
buying window within the early months of its life when significant purchases 
totalling some  GBP283 million were made against  GBP211 million of shareholders' 
funds raised. This created the platform for much of our capital growth; our 
subsequent intensive asset management reduced voids and the sale of assets let 
at much higher levels of occupancy generated healthy profits. We believe the 
 GBP209 million purchases of St Katharine Docks and the London Pubs portfolio will 
also bear fruit over the next few years but beyond this, despite appraising 
countless opportunities, we have largely chosen to bide our time, waiting for 
the next attractive buying window to appear. This has required considerable 
patience but we believe this will be rewarded as market dislocations are 
beginning to reappear. 
We expect to see secondary prices continuing to fall reflecting the combination 
of a weak economy and an extremely restricted lending market, largely due to 
increasing regulation. In practice, whether quarterly GDP figures in the UK are 
a small negative or positive number makes little difference to occupational 
markets, which will remain challenging until economic growth reverts much closer 
to historic trends. Indeed, we have seen a noticeable drop off in take-up in all 
sectors over recent months as occupiers have deferred making decisions at a time 
of heightened uncertainty. Notwithstanding the unpromising outlook for property 
fundamentals, we believe that the pendulum of investor sentiment is likely to 
swing into negative territory setting the scene for better buying conditions. 
Stock selection continues to pose a challenge to all property investors. The 
scale of the past crash combined with the uncertainty of how the Eurozone crisis 
will play out has encouraged investors to pay an unprecedented premium for 
safety. With most prime property trading at close to historic peaks it remains 
to be seen whether this level of pricing can be sustained when investors 
eventually become less risk averse. The gap between prime and genuinely 
achievable secondary property yields is at an historic high and this is usually 
a strong buy signal for the secondary market. However, in some cases yield has 
now ceased to be a reliable indicator of value. Structural issues are 
overwhelming parts of the secondary market with shortening unexpired lease 
terms, higher vacancy costs and passing rents that may provide little indication 
of an asset's capability to generate income in the medium term. 
As risk aversion has increased, the definition of what constitutes prime 
property has narrowed, leaving a growing secondary sector with little investor 
interest. Rather than exacerbate the crisis, the UK banks, which are in de facto 
control of much of the secondary stock, have tried to maximise recovery by 
avoiding dumping stock on the market. As a consequence, the supply of new deals 
over recent years has been much lower than many anticipated, requiring investors 
to show equal patience in waiting for the right opportunity to materialise. 
However, over the last year loan books have been sold to opportunistic debt 
funds with shorter term investor horizons and many CMBS loans are now reaching 
maturity. These events will eventually increase the volume of stock available 
for purchase and amongst the upheaval, opportunities will inevitably arise. Some 
assets recently relegated into the secondary tier have the potential to become 
reclassified as prime in better economic times. Other secondary assets may not 
be facing structural challenges but still become priced at distressed levels in 
the overall investor malaise. Max is a special situations vehicle willing to 
operate in both prime and secondary markets and across all property sectors. 
This gives it access to the widest range of opportunities to consider and 
through actively recycling equity rather than resorting to rights issues it has 
remained small and nimble so that it needs only to source a few attractive 
opportunities to be able to generate strong NAV per share growth. 
The disappointingly slow economic recovery has lowered the trajectory of 
property returns emerging from the crash. The banks' patient approach to 
deleveraging has also restricted the number of attractive opportunities arising. 
Nonetheless, Max has still managed to achieve 39% EPRA NAV growth over its first 
three years and we believe our strong cash position at a time of renewed market 
uncertainty, combined with further value to be realised from asset management 
initiatives within our existing portfolio, will propel attractive returns for 
shareholders over the remainder of Max's life. 
Aubrey Adams 
28 May 2012 
Report from the Property Advisor, Prestbury Investments LLP 
Prestbury Investments LLP exclusively advises Max Property Group Plc and is 
pleased to report on the operations of the Group. 
The portfolio 
A diverse, liquid and high-yielding portfolio has been created with low average 
lot sizes and a broad spread of tenants, with a geographic concentration in 
London and the South East. 
Portfolio valuation movements in the year to 31 March 2012 
                                    Market              Market value         ERV 
                                value (Max Market value  compared to compared to 
                 Proportion of      share)  compared to     31 March    31 March 
                     portfolio         GBP000         cost         2011        2011 
Industrious                49%     201,595         9.3%       (4.1)%      (2.4)% 
St Katharine 
Docks                      25%     102,222         3.1%        3.1%*      16.4%* 
Offices                    10%      43,839        49.7%         0.3%      (8.5)% 
London Pubs                10%      43,355        10.6%         7.1%        4.0% 
Hospitals                   4%      15,552        10.3%         1.3%        0.0% 
Nightclubs                  2%       8,380       (8.2)%      (11.0)%      (7.1)% 
                          100%     414,943        10.5%       (0.7)%        0.7% 
* acquired during the year so comparison is to purchase cost (including costs) 
and ERV at acquisition 
Portfolio valuation yields at 31 March 2012 
                                                   Capital      Weighted average 
                   Initial Equivalent Reversionary   value             unexpired 
                     yield      yield        yield     psf            lease term 
Industrious           9.8%      10.6%        11.3%      GBP32             3.7 years 
St Katharine Docks    5.8%       6.7%         9.3%     GBP340             6.0 years 
Provincial Offices    8.3%       9.8%        12.5%      GBP72             3.4 years 
London Pubs           6.0%       7.5%         6.0%     GBP376            33.9 years 
Hospitals             6.8%       6.8%         7.1%     n/a            23.2 years 
Nightclubs           16.5%      17.9%        11.6%      GBP37            22.8 years 
                      8.3%       9.3%        10.2%                     7.7 years 
Industrious portfolio 
A portfolio of multi-let industrial estates bought out of receivership in 
October 2009 for  GBP244.0 million reflecting a  GBP31 psf capital value. 
  * Vacancy rate down to 15.1% from 20.7% at acquisition and 15.9% at 31 March 
  * 76% of the space vacant on acquisition has since been let or sold 
  * Total sales of non-core assets since acquisition of  GBP85.1 million at an 
    average 7.8% net initial yield and  GBP19.3 million (30%) profit over purchase 
  *  GBP76.3 million of sales were mainly to institutions at capital values 
    averaging  GBP93 psf, with the sold portfolio having a vacancy rate of 2% and 
    realising  GBP16.7 million (29%) over purchase price 
  *  GBP8.8 million of sales of mainly vacant units to owner occupiers realising 
     GBP2.6 million (43%) over purchase price 
  * Of the 958,000 sq ft currently vacant: 
  * 72,000 sq ft (7.5%) is under offer to let 
  * 14,000 sq ft (1.4%) is under offer to owner occupiers 
  * 144,000 sq ft is known to be coming vacant up to the end of 2012 
Current portfolio 
  * 74 properties 
  * 885 tenancies 
  * 6.3 million sq ft 
  * Average unit size: 5,900 sq ft 
  * 46% of properties by value in the South East of England 
  * Highly liquid: 76% of properties by number are lot sizes of  GBP3 million or 
  * Weighted average unexpired lease term: 3.7 years 
  *  GBP21.8 million rent roll 
  * Average contracted rent:  GBP4.19 psf 
The Industrious portfolio predominantly comprises smaller units that appeal to a 
wide variety of users and provide a range of exit options, from disposals of 
individual units to a whole portfolio sale. Martlesham Heath Business Park, 
Ipswich (503,000 sq ft) makes up over 10% of the Industrious portfolio by value 
and no other property makes up more than 5% of portfolio value. 
                   31 March 
                       2012 Percentage   Capital 
                 valuation*   of total value psf      Area  Number of Number of 
Region                  GBP000          %          GBP     sq ft properties     units 
South East           93,330        46%        52 1,797,771         22       436 
Northern regions     67,240        33%        25 2,734,686         29       435 
Midlands             29,600        15%        24 1,241,118         16       144 
Scotland              5,950         3%        14   429,805          4        35 
South West            5,475         3%        39   140,818          3        27 
Total               201,595       100%        32 6,344,198         74     1,077 
* including trading property at its 31 March 2012 valuation of  GBP1.8 million 
St Katharine Docks 
St Katharine Docks was acquired in August 2011 for  GBP164.5 million, reflecting 
 GBP330 psf of capital value. The properties were acquired by a joint venture 
between Max and Newmarket Property Holdings Limited, a subsidiary of an overseas 
family trust. Max has 60% of the ownership and voting rights plus an additional 
participation of 20% of the trust's interests after cash returns of 11% per 
annum are achieved. It also controls the management of the portfolio and has 
sole control over the timing of any disposal. 
St Katharine Docks is situated on the Thames adjacent to Tower Bridge and the 
Tower of London, with some of the capital's best views. It includes central 
London's only marina, extending to ten acres and 160 berths, and comprises 
450,000 sq ft of offices, predominantly in three buildings, with 50,000 sq ft of 
waterside restaurants, bars and shops.  This purchase presented a rare 
opportunity to reposition an undermanaged estate, attracting footloose central 
London occupiers to a beautiful location and creating a premium office 
International House is the largest asset within the estate, comprising 210,000 
sq ft of office space.  The 30,000 sq ft third floor, which was vacant at 
acquisition, is in the course of refurbishment and has been pre-let to leading 
technology learning company QA on a ten year term at  GBP37.50 psf against an 
average rent passing in the building of c.  GBP30 psf.  In addition, since the year 
end an 8,000 sq ft suite has been let at  GBP39 psf to a TMT company, Sitecore. 
Planning consent has been granted for a ground floor extension and conversion of 
office space to restaurant use, and pre-letting discussions are ongoing. 
Max acquired St Katharine Docks in the knowledge that the leases on the 130,000 
sq ft Commodity Quay were due to expire in March 2012, providing an opportunity 
to upgrade the space.  Refurbishment works are underway to provide high quality, 
essentially new space behind existing facades and the building is expected to be 
launched into the letting market in autumn next year. 
  * 501,000 sq ft 
  * Weighted average unexpired lease term: 6.0 years 
  *  GBP10.5 million rent roll 
  * Average contracted rent:  GBP32.51 psf 
  * EPRA vacancy rate: 3.3% 
  * Vacancy rate including Commodity Quay (undergoing refurbishment): 32.0% of 
                                              Vacancy rate 
                         Area sq ft   At 28 May 2012   At purchase 
 International House        210,000             4.4%         20.8% 
 Commodity Quay             130,000             n/a*         19.2% 
 Devon House                 90,000               0%            0% 
 Ivory House and other       71,000             3.7%          3.7% 
                            501,000             3.3%         14.0% 
* Commodity Quay is undergoing comprehensive refurbishment and is not available 
for letting 
Provincial Offices 
A portfolio of predominantly late 1980s air conditioned offices purchased in 
February 2010 for  GBP39.0 million cash ( GBP50 psf capital value) from a property 
fund seeking liquidity to meet redemptions. 
In recent weeks, a  GBP32 million loan at c. 80% LTV has been secured against a 
420,000 sq ft portfolio of five of the properties: in Manchester, Horsham, 
Newbury, Fareham and part of Silbury Court in Milton Keynes.  Combined with 
earlier sales, this financing allows Max to have recovered its entire investment 
while retaining a further 214,000 sq ft of assets in Milton Keynes and Bristol 
debt-free, together with the majority of the future performance of the financed 
properties. Given the high loan to value ratio of the new loan, the interest 
coupon is 9% per annum and carries an exit fee equivalent to 30% of the surplus 
once Max has received its remaining equity and a 9% per annum return. 
  * 27 lettings since purchase on c.174,000 sq ft 
  * Vacancy rate down from 48% at acquisition to 28% 
  * Two properties sold since acquisition for  GBP6.7 million at 41% over purchase 
  * Eight properties 
  * Seven freeholds; one 103 year peppercorn leasehold 
  * 634,000 sq ft 
  * Average lot size:  GBP5.7 million 
  *  GBP3.9 million rent roll 
  * Average contracted rent:  GBP10.21 psf 
                                                     Vacancy rate 
                           Area sq ft At 28 May 2012 At 13 June 2011 At purchase 
Concord, Manchester           125,000            32%             57%         66% 
Broadlands, Horsham           116,000             8%             15%         34% 
Centric, Milton Keynes*       103,000            85%             82%         50% 
Silbury Court, Milton 
Keynes*                        77,000            26%             22%         34% 
Solent Centre, Fareham         72,000            19%             27%         56% 
Overbridge Square, Newbury     67,000             9%              9%         29% 
New Bond House, Bristol        47,000             6%             30%         63% 
Rookesley, Milton Keynes*      27,000             0%              0%          0% 
Aldrin Place, Farnborough 
(sold December 2011)              n/a            n/a            100%        100% 
                              634,000            28%             39%         48% 
* properties held in joint venture where Max has an 83.3% interest 
London Pubs 
In January 2011, 29 freehold pubs situated in high value residential areas in 
London were acquired for  GBP44.4 million. The pubs were let on new 35 year full 
repairing and insuring leases to Enterprise Inns Plc at market rents well 
covered by trading profits and totalling  GBP3.0 million per annum, with minimum 
3% per annum and maximum 4% per annum RPI-linked uplifts occurring annually for 
the first five years and every five years thereafter. 
The net initial yield on the portfolio was 6.7% and the capital value at cost 
was  GBP300 psf. The pubs had a floor area of 150,000 sq ft. The independently 
assessed vacant possession value of the portfolio at the time of acquisition, 
subject to the existing use as pubs, was approximately the same as the purchase 
price, and many of the properties are considered by the management team to have 
a higher alternative value for residential use in the event that they fell 
vacant and planning consent were secured. 
Enterprise is the UK's largest tenanted pub company, owning over 6,000 pubs 
which it values at  GBP4.5 billion. In its most recent interim results announcement 
in May 2012 the Enterprise group reported EBITDA of  GBP168 million and profit 
before tax of  GBP64 million for the six months ended 31 March 2012. 
The pubs acquired were located in Marylebone, Notting Hill, Chelsea, 
Clerkenwell, Spitalfields, Southwark, Camden, Highgate, Islington, Barnes, 
Sheen, Chiswick, Battersea, Clapham, Balham, Tooting and Fulham. 
The Rose & Crown in Chelsea was sold to a private investor for  GBP2.1 million in 
March 2011, reflecting a net initial yield of 4.5%. The Bedford in Balham was 
sold to the Co-operative Group for  GBP4.3 million in July 2011, reflecting a net 
initial yield of 5.5%. The profit over cost on these two sales was  GBP1.1 million, 
21% above the gross purchase price. 
The current passing rent is  GBP2.7 million per annum following a 4% increase in 
January 2012, and the average lot size is  GBP1.6 million. 
The Nightclubs portfolio was acquired in October 2010 for  GBP9.8 million in a deal 
struck with a lender seeking an exit for a larger portfolio. At the time of 
acquisition, three of the 14 clubs were vacant and the net initial yield on 
acquisition was 14.9%. 
Ten of the nightclubs are let to Atmosphere Bars and Clubs Limited on 30 year 
full repairing and insuring leases from January 2010 with a tenant break option 
at year 25. The aggregate initial net rent of  GBP1.4 million rises by 15% to  GBP1.6 
million in 2015 with five-yearly upwards only open market reviews thereafter. 
The tenant is a debt free company backed by Sun Capital Partners. 
Two properties have been sold, including the vacant Maidenhead property which 
was sold in July 2011 for  GBP0.5 million, realising a profit over cost of  GBP0.2 
million. The Colchester property was sold in December 2010 for  GBP0.8 million, 
realising a profit over cost of  GBP0.4 million and representing an 8.0% initial 
yield. Of the two remaining properties that were vacant on acquisition, Banbury 
has been let on a new 20 year lease, leaving Middlesbrough, with a value of 
under  GBP0.5 million, still vacant. 
The portfolio currently produces  GBP1.3 million annual rent.  The nightclubs 
sector is proving very challenging for many operators and this is reflected in 
the 11% valuation fall ( GBP1.0 million) over the year. 
Four freehold private hospitals in Blackburn, Liverpool, Ayr and Stirling were 
acquired in a joint venture with Lloyds Banking Group in May 2010. Max invested 
a nominal sum in the joint venture to acquire a 45% interest and Lloyds injected 
the assets with associated debt funding. The joint venture's administrative 
expenses include  GBP0.1 million (2011:  GBP0.1 million) of management fees which are 
paid direct to the Property Advisor and which result in a corresponding 
reduction of fees paid to the Property Advisor under the Company's contract with 
it. The joint venture is deadlocked with Max and Lloyds each controlling 50% of 
the votes. 
The joint venture paid  GBP31.6 million for the portfolio, fully debt financed on a 
non-recourse basis by Lloyds. Each hospital is let on full repairing and 
insuring terms to BMI Healthcare Limited, guaranteed by General Healthcare Group 
Limited ("GHG"), for a term of 25 years from May 2010 with a tenant option to 
renew for a further ten years. GHG is the UK's largest private healthcare 
provider with 73 hospitals and treatment centres across the UK, and generated an 
EBITDA of  GBP222 million in the year ended 30 September 2010. 
The initial rent was  GBP2.3 million per annum with annual, upwards only uncapped 
RPI-linked rent reviews throughout the term. During the financial year, the 
first review has resulted in a rental uplift of 6.1% to  GBP2.5 million per annum. 
The second review is expected to result in a 3.5% increase. 
The portfolio was independently valued at  GBP34.6 million at 31 March 2012, up 
from  GBP34.1 million at 31 March 2011, resulting in a carrying value of Max's 45% 
joint venture interest, net of debt, of  GBP1.3 million. 
Financial review 
Balance sheet 
Max remains focussed on creating growth in net asset value per share, the 
ultimate aim of the Board being to return cash to investors after realising 
value over the investment cycle. The Group's progress is measured principally 
through its growth in EPRA NAV per share (excluding interests attributable to 
third party equity providers and stripping out the impact of hedging 
revaluations) over the period since listing. In the 34 months from listing to 
31 March 2012, Max has generated a 39% increase in EPRA NAV per share which is 
an increase of 37.3 pence per share. 
The increase in EPRA NAV over the year ended 31 March 2012 and since listing 
                                                                NAV growth since 
                                       NAV growth in year                listing 
                                        GBPm Pence per share      GBPm Pence per share 
Net rental income                    29.9            13.5   63.2            28.8 
Rent smoothing adjustments*         (3.6)           (1.6)  (4.9)           (2.2) 
Net rent excluding future rental 
uplifts                              26.3            11.9   58.3            26.6 
Running costs                       (6.0)           (2.7) (15.8)           (7.3) 
Net finance costs                   (9.3)           (4.2) (18.0)           (8.2) 
Surpluses on property sales           0.1               -   22.6            10.2 
Tax                                 (0.8)           (0.4)  (4.5)           (2.1) 
Realised profit                      10.3             4.6   42.6            19.2 
Share of Hospitals joint venture      0.3             0.2    1.6             0.8 
Property revaluation                (3.0)           (1.4)   38.0            17.3 
EPRA NAV uplift                       7.6             3.4   82.2            37.3 
*  Accounting standards require lease incentives or any fixed or guaranteed 
rental uplifts to be spread evenly over the term of a lease. The amounts 
described above as 'rent smoothing adjustments' represent this adjustment and 
relate principally to the leases to Enterprise Inns where there are 3% per annum 
minimum uplifts throughout the 35 year lease term. The effect of smoothing all 
lease incentives and fixed rental uplifts in the financial statements is to 
increase net rent in the year by  GBP2.9 million and  GBP4.1 million since 
Given the Group's strategy of returning cash to shareholders over the investment 
cycle, we focus in these reports not only on NAV growth, but on the extent to 
which that growth is realised.  By 'realised', we refer to returns that are 
substantially cash returns, as opposed to valuation movements.  We split out the 
elements considered realised and unrealised in the table above, and note that, 
for the period since listing, the realised NAV movements account for 51% of NAV 
The  GBP1.3 million carrying value of the Hospitals joint venture is stated after 
losses on hedging valuations and deferred tax of  GBP0.3 million. These amounts are 
ignored in calculating the Group's EPRA NAV therefore the joint venture's 
contribution to EPRA NAV growth, including the fee income, is  GBP0.4 million in 
the year and  GBP1.8 million since acquisition. 
The accounting policies applied in arriving at the net assets are stated in note 
2 to the financial statements which highlights the key judgement areas in 
preparing these results. The more material areas include the property and 
derivatives valuations, where independent open market valuations are obtained. 
 There have been no changes in accounting policies since listing. 
EPRA triple net asset value is the net asset value after deducting certain 
adjustments for the mark to market costs of debt and hedging instruments, and 
after deducting any inherent tax liabilities not provided for in the financial 
statements. As a Jersey resident group there is no tax liability on investment 
property sales other than those held in UK corporate structures. The Hospitals 
portfolio is the only portfolio held that way, therefore the only relevant tax 
adjustment is the Group's 45% share of the inherent tax in this joint venture. 
The Group's EPRA triple net asset value is shown below: 
                                             31 March 2012         31 March 2011 
                                         GBPm Pence per share     GBPm Pence per share 
EPRA NAV                             293.5           133.4 286.1           130.0 
Share of inherent capital gains tax 
in Hospitals joint 
 venture                             (0.1)           (0.1)     -               - 
Deferred tax on trading property 
valuation surplus                    (0.2)           (0.1)     -               - 
Fair value of hedging instruments, 
net of deferred tax                  (6.5)           (2.9) (4.1)           (1.8) 
EPRA triple net asset value          286.7           130.3 282.0           128.2 
Income statement 
Given the objective to grow net asset value and the fact that the Group's equity 
is deployed in a series of transactions over time, not only is NAV growth 
unlikely ever to show a smooth progression, results in the income statement are 
likely to be 'lumpy' too. 
The income statement, adjusted to exclude the non-controlling interests in St 
Katharine Docks and the Milton Keynes offices from each line, is shown below. As 
the non-controlling interest in St Katharine Docks, at 40%, is relatively 
significant, we adopt this form of presentation here to more clearly present the 
constituent parts of net income attributable to Max shareholders. 
                                                                     Year ended 
                                                                       31 March 
                                            Year ended 31 March 2012       2011 
                                                                   GBPm          GBPm 
Net rental income                                               29.9       22.3 
(Loss)/profit on sale of trading properties                    (0.3)        1.7 
Gross profit                                                    29.6       24.0 
Administrative expenses                                        (6.1)      (5.7) 
Investment property revaluation                                (7.3)       11.4 
Profit on sale of investment properties                          0.4        2.6 
Other income                                                     0.1        0.1 
Operating profit                                                16.7       32.4 
Share of profit of joint venture                                 0.4        1.1 
Net finance costs                                              (9.4)      (7.7) 
Profit before tax                                                7.7       25.8 
Tax charge                                                     (0.9)      (1.7) 
Profit for the year                                              6.8       24.1 
Movements in the property revaluations shown in the income statement are 
described in the portfolio section of this report. The other key elements of the 
income statement are described below. 
Net income from property activities 
The rental surplus from Max's high-yielding portfolio, together with surpluses 
on sales, have in the period from listing to 
31 March 2012 accounted for 36.8p of the net 37.3p per share growth in that 
period, covering all running costs, interest and tax by approximately 2.1 times. 
                                             Net income in year       Net income 
                                                          ended     in 34 months 
                                                  31 March 2012    since listing 
                                                          Pence            Pence 
                                              GBPm       per share      GBPm per share 
Gross rent                                 38.4            17.4   83.7      38.1 
Direct property costs                     (8.5)           (3.9) (20.5)     (9.3) 
Rental surplus                             29.9            13.5   63.2      28.8 
Proceeds from sale of trading properties    0.8             0.3   28.8      13.1 
Cost of trading properties sold           (1.1)           (0.5) (22.8)    (10.4) 
Result from trading property sales        (0.3)           (0.2)    6.0       2.7 
Proceeds from sale of investment 
properties                                 12.6             5.7   69.7      31.7 
Cost of investment properties sold       (12.2)           (5.5) (53.1)    (24.2) 
Profit on sale of investment properties     0.4             0.2   16.6       7.5 
Property surplus reported in the income 
statement                                  30.0            13.5   85.8      39.0 
Rent smoothing adjustments classified 
within revaluation movements              (3.6)           (1.6)  (4.9)     (2.2) 
Realised property surpluses attributable 
to shareholders                            26.4            11.9   80.9      36.8 
Provisions for rent, service charge and other billed amounts considered 
irrecoverable from tenants amounted to  GBP0.5 million in the year compared to  GBP0.7 
million in the year to 31 March 2011. The rental element of irrecoverable 
amounts equates to 1.3% of rent billed compared to 1.2% in the year to 31 March 
The Max portfolio comprises over 1,000 tenants providing strong diversification 
of risk of tenant default. The tenant contributing the greatest proportion of 
the rent roll is Enterprise Inns Plc with a  GBP2.7 million per annum passing rent, 
c.7% of the total passing rent. We consider Enterprise to be a sufficiently 
strong covenant to comfortably service their lease liabilities, which relate to 
a profitable part of their portfolio in desirable locations, but it is worth 
noting that the acquisition cost of the London Pubs portfolio was substantially 
underpinned by its vacant possession value. All other tenants account for less 
than 5% of total passing rent, and all but 13 of those also represent less than 
1% of total passing rent, providing a low concentration of tenant risk. 
Running costs 
The Group's running costs principally comprise the fee payable to its external 
manager, Prestbury Investments LLP, which amounted to  GBP5.4 million in the year 
(2011:  GBP4.7 million) of which  GBP0.4 million (2011:  GBPnil) was borne by the non- 
controlling interests, therefore Max shareholders' share of the manager's fee is 
 GBP5.0 million (2011:  GBP4.7 million). The other principal component of the total 
 GBP6.1 million (2011:  GBP5.7 million) running costs attributable to Max shareholders 
is  GBP0.8 million (2011:  GBP0.7 million) of corporate costs, which are the costs 
necessarily incurred as a result of the Company being a listed company, such as 
listing fees and Non-Executive Directors' fees. Other than the Prestbury fee, 
which is linked to increases in the value of shareholders' equity, costs 
attributable to Max shareholders have remained relatively stable since the prior 
The financing strategy laid down by the Board is to use non-recourse leverage 
with a view to enhancing equity returns while maintaining prudent levels of 
interest cover and protecting shareholders' funds. The Board's intention is to 
ensure that: 
  * interest rate risk is hedged such that the maximum interest cost on any loan 
    is fixed or capped over the term of the loan; 
  * maturity profiles are managed to reduce refinancing risk; and 
  * interest cover is considered having regard to upside and downside 
This approach has been consistently applied in the period since listing. 
Of the six portfolios owned by the Group at the balance sheet date, four - the 
Industrious, St Katharine Docks, Hospitals and London Pubs portfolios - are debt 
financed. All facilities are financed on a strictly non-recourse basis and with 
no cross default provisions between those subgroups. 
The Group's share of the gross and net debt position (excluding the Hospitals 
joint venture) is as follows: 
                                                   St Katharine 
                                                          Docks Unsecured 
                           Industrious London Pubs        (60%)    assets  Total 
                                     GBPm           GBPm            GBPm         GBPm      GBPm 
Gross debt                       100.9        22.0         52.0         -  174.9 
Secured cash                     (4.5)       (0.7)        (8.1)         - (13.3) 
Other cash                       (1.3)       (0.1)        (2.3)    (58.3) (62.0) 
Net debt                          95.1        21.2         41.6    (58.3)   99.6 
Property value at 31 March 
2012                             199.8        43.4        102.2      53.9  399.3 
Gross LTV                        50.5%       50.7%        50.9%            43.8% 
Net LTV                          47.6%       48.8%        40.7%            24.9% 
The Hospitals portfolio is held in a joint venture where Max has a 45% economic 
interest. The non-recourse debt is held within the joint venture company where 
Max's capital at risk in that transaction is limited to the equity in the joint 
venture which at 31 March 2012 was  GBP1.3 million. The portfolio was fully debt 
financed at acquisition by Lloyds Bank and the risk of interest rate movements 
is managed by interest rate swaps which fix the total cost of the debt at 5.5% 
per annum. Max's share of the Hospitals joint venture gross debt is  GBP13.9 
million, net debt  GBP13.5 million and property value  GBP15.6 million. The Group's 
net gearing including the Hospitals joint venture is 27.3%. 
The Group's gearing ratio (net debt to equity) at 31 March 2012 is 34.8% 
excluding the Hospitals joint venture (39.6% including the joint venture). The 
Group has unsecured cash and property assets amounting to  GBP112.2 million at 
their 31 March 2012 valuations. 
The debt facilities all remain within the relevant banking covenants. The key 
financial covenants in each case are the loan to value and interest cover tests. 
These are monitored throughout the year by the management team and there have 
been no defaults or potential defaults in any facility. As at the most recent 
test dates at the end of April 2012, the valuations would need to fall by 16% 
before a covenant breach would occur on the Industrious portfolio, by 27% to 
breach the covenant on St Katharine Docks, by 28% to breach the covenant on the 
London Pubs, and by 28% to breach the covenant on the Hospitals. 
Interest cover is tested on the basis of projections of rent (taking into 
account only contracted rent), property running and void costs, and interest 
costs. The risk on the net rental line is managed through active asset 
management and the risk on the interest line by interest rate hedging in order 
to fix or cap the maximum level of interest cost payable. When most recently 
tested in April 2012 there was 32% headroom on the Industrious interest cover 
test, 17% on St Katharine Docks, 18% on the London Pubs, and 12% on the 
Medium term interest rates remain at very low levels, meaning that the strategy 
of managing a portion of the interest rate risk by way of interest rate caps has 
proved useful in enabling Max to take advantage of these low rates while still 
capping the potential rate payable, in the event that rates rise, at a rate 
considered to be affordable in the context of the portfolio income streams. The 
potential maximum rates payable and the rates payable during the year for the 
Industrious, St Katharine Docks and London Pubs portfolio facilities are: 
                         Average        Maximum 
                       rate paid   rate payable 
 Industrious                5.3%           6.4% 
 St Katharine Docks         4.6%           4.6% 
 London Pubs                3.3%           5.9% 
 Weighted average           4.8%           5.8% 
Since the balance sheet date, a non-recourse financing agreement has been 
entered into to raise  GBP32 million secured against five assets in the Provincial 
Offices portfolio.  The facility has a September 2016 maturity date and includes 
a potential exit fee payable to the lender equal to 30% of surpluses realised. 
 The interest rate on the debt is fixed at 9% per annum. Including this new 
facility, the pro forma maximum interest rate payable is 6.3% and the 
hypothetical average rate paid in the year would have been 5.5%. 
UK income tax is payable at 20% of net rental surpluses after deduction of costs 
(principally financing costs and costs of holding vacant property) and 
deductions for capital allowances. No tax is payable in Jersey on the interest 
or dividend income of Jersey incorporated and tax resident companies nor on 
investment property capital gains. The tax charge for the period represents an 
effective underlying tax rate of 7.4% (2011: 12.7%) on profits excluding 
property revaluations, derivative revaluations and joint venture contribution. 
Cash flow 
The movements in cash over the year and in the period since listing may be 
summarised as: 
                              Cash flows in year ended   Cash flows in 34 months 
                                         31 March 2012             since listing 
                                                     GBPm                         GBPm 
Cash from operations                              33.3                      80.2 
Net cash from investment and 
trading property sales                             6.7                      35.3 
Benefit of Provincial Offices 
escrow account                                     2.7                       5.4 
Net interest payable                             (7.9)                    (14.7) 
Purchase of interest rate cap                        -                     (2.6) 
 Capital expenditure                          (2.9)     (6.3) 
 Cash generated from own resources             31.9      97.3 
 Property acquisitions net of debt finance   (43.6)   (226.1) 
 Net funds raised on listing                      -     211.4 
 Cash flow in the year/period                (11.7)      82.6 
 Cash at the start of the year/period          94.3         - 
 Cash at the end of the year/period            82.6      82.6 
                                           31 March 2012 
                                         Group   Max share 
                                             GBPm           GBPm 
 Free cash                                64.0        62.0 
 Cash secured under banking facilities    18.6        13.3 
 Cash at the end of the year              82.6        75.3 
Other than at St Katharine Docks, the capital expenditure requirements in the 
portfolio are relatively modest and expected to remain broadly in line with 
levels of past expenditure. 
The most significant project at St Katharine Docks is the refurbishment of 
Commodity Quay.  This project is currently being tendered and therefore, at the 
date of this report, there is no capital commitment relating to this project for 
disclosure in note 21 to the financial statements apart from  GBP1.0 million of 
strip-out costs, of which Max's share is  GBP0.6 million.  The refurbishment period 
is expected to run until the third quarter of 2013. 
St Katharine Docks is held in a structure with 60% ownership by Max and 40% by a 
third party.  At acquisition each partner injected cash to cover the projected 
capital expenditure and working capital needs of the project that were estimated 
at that time, for the following three years.  The cash for all refurbishment 
projects at St Katharine Docks is provided in the main by an existing ring 
fenced cash deposit within the joint venture structure, to which net cash flows 
arising from rent and marina operations are added.  Further value enhancing 
improvements have been identified, but not yet committed to, that are currently 
estimated to require an additional  GBP6 million cash injection from Max. This sum, 
in addition to the cash in this structure, is regarded as ring-fenced and has 
been deducted in calculating Max's reported uncommitted cash balance of c.  GBP90 
We are operating in a tough environment, with sluggish economic recovery and 
strictly rationed credit.  Despite these challenging conditions, the management 
team remains very active in seeking out for shareholders suitable acquisition 
opportunities, and further opportunities for capital recycling to deliver 
attractive realised returns over the investment cycle. 
Mike Brown 
Chief Executive 
Prestbury Investments LLP 
28 May 2012 
Group Income Statement 
                               Year to    Year to 
                              31 March   31 March 
                                  2012       2011 
                       Note        GBP000        GBP000 
 Gross rental income            42,235     30,736 
  Proceeds from sales of trading properties                 750       4,873 
                                                         42,985      35,609 
  Property outgoings                             10     (9,793)     (8,379) 
  Cost of sales of trading properties                   (1,031)     (3,142) 
                                                       (10,824)    (11,521) 
| Net rental income                                      32,442      22,357 | 
|                                                                           | 
| (Loss)/profit on sales of trading properties            (281)       1,731 | 
  Gross profit                                           32,161      24,088 
  Administrative expenses: 
| General administrative expenses                       (5,819)     (5,037) | 
|                                                                           | 
| Corporate costs                                         (755)       (700) | 
  Total administrative expenses                         (6,574)     (5,737) 
  Investment property revaluation                10     (5,016)      11,566 
  Profit on sale of investment properties                   355       2,628 
  Other income                                              106          85 
  Operating profit                                4      21,032      32,630 
  Share of profits of joint venture              11         373       1,097 
  Finance income                                  6         365         675 
  Finance costs                                   6    (10,837)     (8,339) 
  Profit before tax                                      10,933      26,063 
  Tax charge                                      7       (881)     (1,686) 
  Profit for the year                                    10,052      24,377 
  Profit for the year attributable to: 
  Owners of the parent                                    6,829      24,141 
  Non-controlling interests                       8       3,223         236 
                                                         10,052      24,377 
                                                      Pence per   Pence per 
  Earnings per share                                      share       share 
  Basic and diluted                               9        3.1p       11.0p 
All amounts relate to continuing activities. 
Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                          Note      GBP000      GBP000 
Profit for the year                                              10,052   24,377 
Market value adjustment of interest rate derivatives in 
effective hedges                                           15b  (3,794)      787 
Amortisation of interest rate derivatives, transferred to 
income statement                                                  (258)    (183) 
Tax effect of interest rate derivative market value adjustment    7   805  (121) 
Share of market value adjustment of interest rate derivatives in 
effective hedges in joint venture, net of deferred tax           11 (178)   (37) 
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax                 6,627 24,823 
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax, 
attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                                4,429 24,587 
Non-controlling interests                                           2,198    236 
                                                                    6,627 24,823 
Group Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                                   to owners        Non- 
                       Stated Hedging  Retained       of the controlling 
                      capital reserve  earnings       parent   interests   Total 
                          GBP000     GBP000       GBP000          GBP000         GBP000     GBP000 
At 31 March 2011      211,367 (2,352)    72,475      281,490       1,735 283,225 
Profit for the year         -       -     6,829        6,829       3,223  10,052 
Market value 
adjustment of 
interest rate 
derivatives                 - (2,793)         -      (2,793)     (1,259) (4,052) 
Tax effect of 
interest rate 
derivative market 
value adjustment            -     571         -          571         234     805 
Share of market value 
adjustment of 
interest rate 
derivatives in joint 
venture, net of 
deferred tax                -   (178)         -        (178)           -   (178) 
Total comprehensive 
income for the year, 
net of tax                  - (2,400)     6,829        4,429       2,198   6,627 
Equity contribution 
from non-controlling 
investor                    -       -         -            -      35,440  35,440 
Distributions paid to 
investors                   -       -         -            -        (27)    (27) 
At 31 March 2012      211,367 (4,752)    79,304      285,919      39,346 325,265 
                                                   to owners        Non- 
                       Stated Hedging  Retained       of the controlling 
                      capital reserve  earnings       parent   interests   Total 
                          GBP000     GBP000       GBP000          GBP000         GBP000     GBP000 
At 31 March 2010      211,367 (2,798)    48,334      256,903       1,499 258,402 
Profit for the year         -       -    24,141       24,141         236  24,377 
Market value 
adjustment of 
interest rate 
derivatives                 -     604         -          604           -     604 
Tax effect of 
interest rate 
derivative market 
value adjustment            -   (121)         -        (121)           -   (121) 
Share of market value 
adjustment of 
interest rate 
derivatives in joint 
venture, net of 
deferred tax                -    (37)         -         (37)           -    (37) 
Total comprehensive 
income for the year, 
net of tax                  -     446    24,141       24,587         236  24,823 
At 31 March 2011      211,367 (2,352)    72,475      281,490       1,735 283,225 
Group Balance Sheet 
                                                              31 March  31 March 
                                                                  2012      2011 
                                                        Note       GBP000       GBP000 
Non-current assets: 
Investment properties                                     10   464,125   316,103 
Investment in joint venture                               11     1,255     1,060 
Interest rate derivatives at market value                15b       900     1,305 
Deferred tax asset                                         7     1,102       639 
                                                               467,382   319,107 
Current assets: 
Trading properties                                                 864     2,033 
Trade and other receivables                               12    11,258    16,022 
Cash deposits with maturities of more than three months              -     6,695 
Cash and cash equivalents                                 13    82,631    87,634 
                                                                94,753   112,384 
Total assets                                                   562,135   431,491 
Current liabilities: 
Trade and other payables                                  14  (19,089)  (14,873) 
Tax payable                                                    (1,106)   (2,016) 
Interest rate derivatives at market value                15b   (2,578)   (1,596) 
                                                              (22,773)  (18,485) 
Non-current liabilities: 
Borrowings                                               15a (206,983) (126,355) 
Interest rate derivatives at market value                15b   (5,462)   (1,788) 
Obligations under finance leases                          16   (1,652)   (1,638) 
                                                             (214,097) (129,781) 
Total liabilities                                            (236,870) (148,266) 
Net assets                                                     325,265   283,225 
Equity attributable to owners of the parent: 
Stated capital                                            17   211,367   211,367 
Hedging reserve                                                (4,752)   (2,352) 
Retained earnings                                               79,304    72,475 
                                                               285,919   281,490 
Non-controlling interests                                  8    39,346     1,735 
Total equity                                                   325,265   283,225 
                                                             Pence per Pence per 
                                                                 share     share 
Basic and diluted NAV per share                           19    130.0p    128.0p 
EPRA NAV per share                                        19    133.4p    130.0p 
Group Cash Flow Statement 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                         Note       GBP000      GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities: 
Profit before tax                                                10,933   26,063 
Adjustments for non-cash items: 
  Investment property revaluation                          10     5,016 (11,566) 
  Profit on sale of investment properties                         (355)  (2,628) 
Share of profits of joint venture                          11     (373)  (1,097) 
Net finance costs                                           6    10,472    7,664 
Cash flows from operating activities before changes in 
working capital                                                  25,693   18,436 
Change in trade and other receivables                             4,484  (9,247) 
Change in trade and other payables                                3,388    (261) 
Change in trading properties                                      1,229    3,219 
Tax paid                                                        (1,449)  (1,557) 
Cash flows from operating activities                             33,345   10,590 
Investing activities: 
Investment property acquisitions                              (164,173) (55,694) 
Capital expenditure on investment properties                    (2,912)  (3,269) 
Recoveries from escrow account                             10     2,709    2,499 
Proceeds from sales of investment properties                     11,953   37,349 
Cash received from short term deposit                             6,695   29,005 
Interest received                                                   416      741 
Cash flows from investing activities                          (145,312)   10,631 
Financing activities: 
Loans drawn down                                                 86,652   25,500 
Loan arrangement fees paid                                      (1,559)    (632) 
Loans repaid                                                    (5,207) (16,638) 
Interest paid                                                   (8,335)  (6,122) 
Purchase of interest rate cap                             15b         -  (2,611) 
Distribution to non-controlling investors                          (27)        - 
Capital contribution from non-controlling investors         8    35,440        - 
Cash flows from financing activities                            106,964    (503) 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents            (5,003)   20,718 
Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year               87,634   66,916 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                 82,631   87,634 
Notes to the preliminary announcement 
The following notes are an extract from the Company's Annual Report and 
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 which has been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and upon which an 
unqualified audit report has been given. 
1.   General information about the Group 
Max Property Group Plc was listed on AIM and CISX on 27 May 2009. It is a 
closed-ended real estate investment company incorporated in Jersey. The address 
of the registered office is 26 New Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RA. The 
nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities are set out in the 
Chairman's Statement and the Report from the Property Advisor. 
The financial information set out in this report covers the year to 31 March 
2012 with comparative amounts relating to the year to 31 March 2011. 
This financial report includes the results and net assets of the Company and its 
subsidiaries, together referred to as the Group, along with the Group's interest 
in the results and net assets of its joint venture. 
Further general information about the Group can be found on its website 
2.   Accounting policies 
a) Statement of compliance 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the 
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') adopted for use in the 
European Union and therefore comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation. 
b) Basis of preparation 
The Group and Company financial statements are presented in pounds sterling. 
The Board has, at the time of preparing the financial statements, a reasonable 
expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue 
in operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore continue to 
adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial 
i) Estimates and judgements 
The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis except that 
investment properties and derivative financial instruments are stated at fair 
value. The accounting policies have been applied consistently in all material 
The preparation of financial statements requires the Board to make judgements, 
estimates and assumptions that may affect the application of accounting policies 
and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the 
financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during 
the reporting period. Any estimates and assumptions are based on experience and 
any other factors that are believed to be relevant under the circumstances and 
which the Board considers reasonable. Actual outcomes may differ from these 
estimates. Any revisions to accounting estimates will be recognised in the 
period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that 
period. If the revision affects both current and future periods, the change will 
be recognised over those periods. 
Certain accounting policies which have a significant bearing on the reported 
financial condition and results of the Group require subjective or complex 
judgements. The principal such areas of judgement are: 
  * property valuation, where the opinion of independent, external valuers is 
    obtained every six months; 
  * the value of derivative financial instruments used to hedge interest rate 
    exposures, where the valuations adopted are independently assessed every six 
    months on the basis of market rates as at the balance sheet date; and 
  * the likelihood of payments being made under the Group's carried interest 
    arrangements, where the position is monitored by the Board through 
    consideration of relevant external data. 
The Group's accounting policies for these matters where outcomes are more 
reliant on judgement, together with other policies material to the Group, are 
set out below. 
ii) Adoption of new and revised standards 
No new standards or interpretations issued by the International Accounting 
Standards Board ('IASB') or the IFRS Interpretations Committee ('IFRIC') have 
led to any material changes in the Group's accounting policies or disclosures 
during the year. 
iii) Standards and interpretations in issue not yet adopted 
The IASB and IFRIC have issued or amended the following standards and 
interpretations that are mandatory for later accounting periods, and which are 
relevant to the Group and have not been adopted early. These are: 
                                                          Effective  for periods 
                                                                 commencing from 
             Presentation of Other Comprehensive 
IAS 1 (2011) Income                                                  1 July 2012 
IAS 12       Deferred tax                                         1 January 2012 
IFRS 9       Financial instruments                                1 January 2015 
IFRS 10      Consolidated financial statements                    1 January 2013 
IFRS 11      Joint arrangements                                   1 January 2013 
             Disclosures of interests in other 
IFRS 12      entities                                             1 January 2013 
IFRS 13      Fair value measurement                               1 January 2013 
The Directors do not anticipate that the adoption of these standards and 
interpretations will have a material impact on the Group's financial statements 
in the period of initial application, other than on presentation and disclosure. 
The Group has provided certain information required by IFRS 12 in relation to 
its St Katharine Docks subsidiaries in note 8 as the Directors consider this to 
be meaningful to users of the financial statements. 
The IASB and IFRIC have also issued or revised IFRS 1, IFRS 3, IFRS 7, IAS 19, 
IAS 24, IAS 27, IAS 28, IAS 32, IAS 34, IFRIC 13, IFRIC 14, IFRIC 19 and IFRIC 
20 but these changes either have no impact or are not expected to have a 
material effect on the operations of the Group. 
c) Basis of consolidation 
i) Subsidiaries 
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of 
subsidiaries, prepared to 31 March each year under the same accounting policies 
as the Group as a whole, using the acquisition method. All intra-group balances, 
income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. 
Subsidiaries are those entities controlled by the Group. When the Group has the 
power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity to gain 
benefits from its activities, it has control within the meaning of this policy. 
Non-controlling interests represent the portion of profits and losses and net 
assets not held by the Group.  They are included in full in the relevant income 
statement, statement of comprehensive income and balance sheet captions, then 
presented separately in the income statement and statement of comprehensive 
income, and within equity in the consolidated balance sheet, to clarify the 
relevant share of earnings and net assets attributable to shareholders and non- 
controlling interests respectively. 
ii) Business combinations 
Under the acquisition method, an acquisition is recognised at the aggregate of 
the consideration transferred, measured at acquisition date fair value and the 
amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree. Acquisition costs 
incurred prior to the revision of IFRS 3 were included as part of the cost of 
the acquisition; acquisition costs incurred since the revision of IFRS 3 in the 
year ended 31 March 2011 are expensed. In the consolidated balance sheet, the 
identifiable net assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of any target 
entity are also recognised initially at fair value as at the acquisition date. 
The results of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial 
statements from the date control commences until the date that it ceases. 
Where properties are acquired through corporate acquisitions and there are no 
significant assets or liabilities other than those directly relating to 
property, an acquisition is treated as an asset acquisition and fair value 
accounting at the date of acquisition will not apply. In other cases, the 
acquisition method will be used. 
iii) Joint ventures 
A joint venture is an entity over which the Group has joint control, established 
by contractual agreement. Joint ventures are accounted for under the equity 
method, whereby the consolidated financial statements incorporate the Group's 
share of net assets and results. The results are after tax and include 
revaluation movements on investment properties and interest rate derivatives. 
The results of joint ventures are included on the basis of accounting policies 
consistent with those of the Group. Joint ventures are reviewed to determine 
whether any impairment loss should be recognised at the end of the reporting 
iv) Goodwill and discounts on acquisition 
In the event that there is an excess of the purchase price of any business 
acquired over the fair value of the business acquired - that is, its 
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities purchased and any 
resulting deferred tax thereon - the excess is recognised as goodwill. 
Any goodwill is recognised as an asset and will be reviewed by the Board for 
impairment at least annually. Any impairment is recognised immediately in the 
income statement and will not be subsequently reversed. A discount on 
acquisition arises where there is an excess of the fair value of the business 
acquired over the purchase price. Any discount arising is credited to the income 
statement in the period of acquisition. 
d) Property portfolio 
i) Investment properties 
Investment properties are properties owned or held leasehold by the Group which 
are held for capital appreciation, rental income or both. They are initially 
recorded at cost (or fair value where acquired as part of a business 
combination) and subsequently valued at each balance sheet date at fair market 
value on an open market basis as determined by professionally qualified 
independent external valuers. 
Gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment properties 
are recognised in the income statement in the period in which they arise. 
Depreciation is not provided in respect of investment properties. 
Acquisitions and disposals of investment properties are recognised on 
unconditional exchange of contracts where it is reasonable to assume at the 
balance sheet date that completion of the acquisition or disposal will occur. 
Gains on disposal are determined as the difference between net disposal proceeds 
and the carrying value of the asset in the previous audited balance sheet, 
adjusted for any subsequent capital expenditure or capital receipts. 
ii)   Trading properties 
Trading properties are initially recognised at cost and subsequently at the 
lower of cost and net realisable value. 
iii)   Occupational leases 
The Board exercises judgement in considering the potential transfer of the risks 
and rewards of ownership in accordance with IAS 17 for all properties leased to 
tenants and determines whether such leases are operating leases. A lease is 
classified as a finance lease if substantially all of the risks and rewards of 
ownership transfer to the lessee. If the Group substantially retains those 
risks, a lease is classified as an operating lease. 
iv)   Headleases 
Where an investment property is held under a headlease, the headlease is 
initially recognised as an asset at cost plus the present value of minimum 
ground rent payments. The corresponding rental liability to the head leaseholder 
is included in the balance sheet as a finance lease obligation. 
v)   Net rental income 
Revenue comprises rental income exclusive of VAT. Rental income is recognised in 
the income statement on an accruals basis. Contingent income, such as rent 
reviews and indexation, are recorded in the income statement in the periods in 
which they are earned. Specifically: 
  * rent reviews are recognised when formally agreed; 
  * any rental income from fixed and minimum guaranteed rent reviews are 
    recognised on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the term to lease 
    expiry or to the first tenant break option; 
  * rent free periods, other lease incentives and any costs associated with 
    entering into occupational leases are allocated evenly over the period from 
    the date of lease commencement to the first break option or, in the unusual 
    event that the probability that the break option will be exercised is 
    considered sufficiently low, over the lease term; and 
  * in the event that any premium is received on a lease surrender, the profit, 
    net of any payments for dilapidations and non-recoverable outgoings, is 
    reflected in the income statement in the period in which the surrender 
    becomes legally binding. 
Where this income or these costs are recognised in advance of the related cash 
flows, an adjustment is made to ensure that the carrying value of the relevant 
property including accrued rent does not exceed the external valuation. 
Property operating costs, including any property operating expenditure not 
recovered from tenants, for example through service charges, are expensed 
through the income statement on an accruals basis. 
e) Financial assets and liabilities 
Financial assets and liabilities are recognised when the relevant group entity 
becomes a party to the contractual terms of the instrument. Unless otherwise 
indicated, the carrying amounts of financial assets and liabilities are a 
reasonable estimate of their fair values. 
i) Trade and other receivables 
Trade and other receivables are recognised initially at their fair value and 
subsequently at their amortised cost. If there is objective evidence that the 
recoverability of the asset is at risk, appropriate allowances for any estimated 
irrecoverable amounts are recognised in the income statement. 
ii) Trade and other payables 
Trade and other payables are recognised initially at their fair value and 
subsequently at their amortised cost. 
iii) Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks and financial institutions and other short-term highly-liquid investments 
with original maturities of three months or less. 
iv) Other financial assets 
Other financial assets comprise deposits held with banks and other financial 
institutions where the original term to maturity was more than three months. 
v) Equity instruments 
Equity instruments issued by the Company are recorded at the proceeds received, 
net of direct issue costs. 
vi) Borrowings and finance charges 
Borrowings are initially recognised at their fair value, net of any transaction 
costs directly attributable to their issue. Subsequently, loans are carried at 
their amortised carrying value using the 'effective interest method', which 
spreads the interest expense over the period to maturity at a constant rate on 
the balance of the liability carried in the balance sheet for the relevant 
vii) Derivative financial instruments 
The Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its exposure to cash 
flow interest rate risks. Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on 
the date on which the derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently 
measured at fair value. 
Derivatives are classified either as derivatives in effective hedges or held for 
trading. It is anticipated that, generally, hedging arrangements will be 'highly 
effective' within the meaning of IAS 39 and that the criteria necessary for 
applying hedge accounting will be met. Hedges are assessed on an ongoing basis 
to ensure they continue to be effective. 
The gain or loss on the revaluation of the portion of an instrument that 
qualifies as a effective hedge of cash flow interest rate risk is recognised 
directly in other comprehensive income. The gain or loss on the revaluation of 
derivative financial instruments which are classified as held for trading 
because they are not effective hedges is recognised in the income statement. 
Only the intrinsic value of a cap is designated as a hedging instrument, with 
changes in the time value taken directly to the income statement. 
f) Provisions 
A provision is recognised when a legal or constructive obligation exists as a 
result of an event that has occurred prior to the balance sheet date and where 
it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle 
the obligation. Provisions will be measured at the Directors' best estimate of 
the expenditure required to settle that obligation as at the balance sheet date, 
and will be discounted to present value if the effect is material. 
g) Distributions 
Distributions relating to equity shares are recognised when they become legally 
h) Management fees and incentive arrangement payments 
Management fees and incentive arrangement payments are recognised in the income 
statement in the period to which they relate. Incentive fees earned that are 
reasonably likely to become payable will be provided for in the financial 
statements and balances will be discounted to reflect the deferred payment. 
i) Tax 
Tax is included in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to 
income or expense items recognised directly in equity, in which case the related 
tax will be recognised in equity. 
Current tax is the expected tax payable on taxable income for the reporting 
period, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet 
date, together with any adjustment in respect of previous periods. 
Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, providing for 
temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for 
financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for tax purposes. 
The tax effect of the following differences is not provided for: 
  * the initial recognition of goodwill; 
  * goodwill for which amortisation is not tax deductible; 
  * the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is 
    not a business combination and at the time of the transaction affects 
    neither accounting or taxable profit; and 
  * investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities 
    where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the 
    difference and it is probable that the difference will not reverse in the 
    foreseeable future. 
The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of 
realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, 
using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that 
future taxable profits will be available against which the asset can be 
3.   Operating segments 
IFRS 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal 
reports about components of the Group that are reviewed by the chief operating 
decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated between 
segments and assess their performance. The Group's chief operating decision 
maker is considered to be the Board. 
The Group owns a number of property portfolios. Although these are described 
individually elsewhere in this Annual Report, they are not separately managed 
and the Board receives quarterly management accounts prepared on a basis which 
aggregates the performance of all the portfolios and focuses on total returns on 
shareholders' equity. The Board has therefore concluded that in the period from 
incorporation to 31 March 2012 the Group was operated in and was managed as one 
business segment, being property investment. All revenue arises from the Group's 
property activities, with all properties located in the United Kingdom. No 
single tenant represented 10% or more of the Group's revenues in either the 
current or the prior year. 
4.   Operating profit 
Operating profit is stated after charging: 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Directors' fees                                                     228      218 
Auditors' remuneration for the audit of the Group and Company 
financial statements                                                125      154 
The auditors received no payments in either the current or the prior year in 
relation to non-audit services. 
The Group had no employees in either the current or the prior year. 
Directors' fees payable in the year are as follows: 
                                           Year to    Year to 
                                          31 March   31 March 
                                              2012       2011 
                                               GBP000        GBP000 
 Aubrey Adams                                   70         70 
 Mike Brown                                      -          - 
 Freddie Cohen (appointed 28 June 2010)         30         23 
 Keith Hamill                                   30         30 
 Nick Leslau                                     -          - 
 Alex Ohlsson                                   38         35 
 John Stephen                                   30         30 
 David Waters                                   30         30 
 Total charged to the income statement         228        218 
5.   Operating leases 
As a commercial property investor, the Group enters into operating leases on its 
real estate assets. Leases are for fixed terms, typically between five and 15 
years but potentially up to 35 years depending on the type of property. They 
include terms that reflect market conditions at the time of letting including 
landlord and/or tenant break options before expiry and periodic rent reviews, 
the vast majority of which are upwards only open market reviews. 
Future minimum rents receivable under non-cancellable operating leases are set 
out in the table below, calculated on the assumption that any tenant with a 
break option does exercise that option. 
                             31 March   31 March 
                                 2012       2011 
                                  GBP000        GBP000 
 Minimum rents receivable: 
   within one year             34,884     27,013 
   in two to five years        99,354     70,665 
   in more than five years    214,758    216,048 
                              348,996    313,726 
There was no contingent rental income in the year (2011:  GBPnil). 
6.   Finance income and costs 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Recognised in the income statement: 
Finance income 
Interest on cash deposits                                           365      675 
Finance costs 
Interest on secured debt                                          8,902    5,952 
Amortisation of loan issue costs                                    739      660 
Market value adjustment of interest rate derivatives in 
ineffective hedges (note 15b)                                     1,267    1,726 
Amount recycled from the hedging reserve                          (258)    (183) 
Finance lease interest                                              187      184 
Total finance costs                                              10,837    8,339 
Net finance costs recognised in the income statement             10,472    7,664 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Recognised in other comprehensive income: 
Market value adjustment of interest rate derivatives in 
effective hedges                                                (3,794)      787 
Amount recycled to the income statement                           (258)    (183) 
Net finance (costs)/income recognised in other comprehensive 
income                                                          (4,052)      604 
Net finance costs analysed by the categories of financial asset and liability 
shown in note 15c are as follows: 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Loans and receivables                                             (365)    (675) 
Financial assets held for trading                                   880    1,154 
Derivatives in effective hedges                                     129      389 
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost                  9,641    6,612 
                                                                 10,285    7,480 
Non-financial assets and liabilities - obligations under 
finance leases                                                      187      184 
Net finance costs recognised in the income statement             10,472    7,664 
Further information about the hedging instruments, including details of their 
valuation at the balance sheet date, is included in note 15b. 
The Group's sensitivity to changes in interest rates, calculated on the basis of 
a 1% increase or decrease in LIBOR such that LIBOR is not more than 3.5%, was as 
                                         Year to    Year to 
                                        31 March   31 March 
                                            2012       2011 
                                             GBP000        GBP000 
 Effect on profit before tax                 148        360 
 Effect on other comprehensive income        331        214 
 Effect on equity                            479        574 
Figures will differ if LIBOR exceeds 3.5% and 4.0% as these are the strike rates 
of the interest rate caps held by the Group.  Any increase in LIBOR above 4.0% 
will have no effect on financing costs, as the maximum average rate payable of 
5.8% will have been reached. 
The average interest rate payable by the Group on bank borrowings for the year, 
including all lender's margins but excluding amortised finance costs, was 4.8% 
(2011: 5.2%). The maximum rate payable in the year was 5.8% (2011: 6.3%). 
7.   Taxation 
The tax charge for the year recognised in the income statement was as follows: 
                                                        Year to    Year to 
                                                       31 March   31 March 
                                                           2012       2011 
                                                            GBP000        GBP000 
 Current tax - current year                                 814      1,746 
 Current tax - adjustments in respect of prior years      (274)          - 
 Deferred tax                                               341       (60) 
 Tax on results for the year                                881      1,686 
The tax charge for the year varies from the standard rate of income tax in the 
UK of 20%. The differences are explained below: 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Profit before tax                                                10,933   26,063 
Profit before tax at the standard rate of income tax in the UK 
of 20%                                                            2,187    5,213 
Adjustments in respect of prior years                             (274)        - 
Adjusted for the effects of: 
  Revaluations not subject to tax                                 1,003  (2,313) 
  Income and property disposal profits not subject to tax       (2,860)  (2,071) 
  Share of profit of joint venture shown after tax                 (75)    (219) 
  Expenses not deductible for tax                                   893    1,115 
  Other                                                               7     (39) 
                                                                    881    1,686 
The movement on the deferred tax asset was as follows: 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
At the start of the year                                            639      700 
Tax on recognition of fixed and minimum guaranteed rent 
reviews, charged to the income statement                          (352)     (69) 
Tax on market value adjustment of interest rate derivatives, 
credited to the income statement                                     10      129 
Tax on market value adjustment of interest rate derivatives, 
credited/(charged) to other comprehensive income                    805    (121) 
At the end of the year                                            1,102      639 
Tax status of the Company and its subsidiaries 
Any Group undertakings earning income are either tax resident in Jersey or are 
tax transparent entities owned by Jersey resident entities. Jersey has a 
corporate income tax rate of zero, so the Company and its subsidiaries are not 
subject to tax in Jersey on their income or gains. The Company is not subject to 
UK Corporation tax on any dividend or interest income it receives. 
The Group's real estate assets are located in the United Kingdom and the net 
rental income earned, less deductible costs including void property costs and 
interest, is subject to UK income tax currently at a rate applicable to Group 
undertakings of 20%. 
The joint venture comprises two UK companies which are subject to UK Corporation 
tax on profits at 26% (2011: 28%). 
8.   Non-controlling interests 
The non-controlling interests represent a 16.7% investment by a third party in 
three properties in Milton Keynes within the Provincial Offices portfolio and a 
40% investment by another third party in St Katharine Docks. 
                                                          Year to    Year to 
                                                         31 March   31 March 
                                                             2012       2011 
                                                              GBP000        GBP000 
 At the start of the year                                   1,735      1,499 
 Capital invested by third party in St Katharine Docks     35,440          - 
 Share of profit for the year                               3,223        236 
 Share of other comprehensive income for the year         (1,025)          - 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                 (27)          - 
 At the end of the year                                    39,346      1,735 
The non-controlling investor in St Katharine Docks holds a 40% interest in 
subsidiary undertakings MPG St Katharine Limited Partnership and SKD Marina 
Limited. The principal place of business of these entities, which between them 
own the real estate and marina investments at St Katharine Docks, is the United 
Kingdom. As St Katharine Docks is such a material investment, we include below 
summarised financial information in relation to that investment. 
                                                Year to 31 March 2012 
                                           Max Non-controlling interest's 
                                     60% share                  40% share  Total 
                                           GBP000                        GBP000    GBP000 
At the start of the year                     -                          -      - 
Equity and loan capital injected        53,160                     35,440 88,600 
Share of profit recognised in the 
income statement                         4,483                      2,989  7,472 
 Share of other comprehensive income   (1,511)   (1,007)   (2,518) 
 At the end of the year                 56,132    37,422    93,554 
                                                   31 March 2012 
                                         Max Non-controlling interest's 
                                   60% share                  40% share    Total 
                                         GBP000                        GBP000      GBP000 
Net assets 
Investment properties                102,190                     68,126  170,316 
Cash and cash equivalents              2,275                      1,516    3,791 
Cash and cash equivalents held as 
security for bank debt                 8,085                      5,390   13,475 
Other current assets                     524                        352      876 
Current liabilities                  (3,793)                    (2,529)  (6,322) 
Secured non-recourse bank debt      (51,992)                   (34,661) (86,653) 
Other non-current liabilities        (1,157)                      (772)  (1,929) 
Net assets                            56,132                     37,422   93,554 
                                               Year to 31 March 2012 
                                          Max Non-controlling interest's 
                                    60% share                  40% share   Total 
                                          GBP000                        GBP000     GBP000 
Rental income                           5,486                      3,658   9,144 
Property outgoings                    (1,794)                    (1,196) (2,990) 
Administrative expenses                 (661)                      (440) (1,101) 
Net finance costs                     (1,709)                    (1,140) (2,849) 
Investment property revaluation         3,077                      2,051   5,128 
Market value adjustment of interest 
rate derivatives                          132                         88     220 
Tax charge                               (48)                       (32)    (80) 
Profit for the period                   4,483                      2,989   7,472 
                                               Year to 31 March 2012 
                                          Max Non-controlling interest's 
                                    60% share                  40% share   Total 
                                          GBP000                        GBP000     GBP000 
Other comprehensive income 
Market value adjustment of interest 
rate derivative                       (1,888)                    (1,259) (3,147) 
Tax effect of interest rate 
derivative market value adjustment        377                        252     629 
Other comprehensive income for the 
period                                (1,511)                    (1,007) (2,518) 
Profits were earned from 8 August 2011, which was the date of completion of the 
St Katharine Docks acquisition. 
9.   Earnings per share 
Earnings per share is calculated as profits attributable to shareholders of the 
Company for each year divided by 220,000,002 shares in issue. There are no share 
options or other equity instruments in issue and therefore no adjustments to be 
made for dilutive or potentially dilutive equity arrangements. 
The European Public Real Estate Association ('EPRA') publishes guidelines for 
calculating adjusted earnings designed to represent core operational activities. 
The adjusted EPRA earnings per share calculation is as follows, with all figures 
shown net of any non-controlling interests: 
                                            Year to 31 March    Year to 31 March 
                                                        2012                2011 
                                                       Pence               Pence 
                                            GBP000    per share      GBP000  per share 
Basic earnings attributable to 
shareholders                              6,829          3.1   24,141       11.0 
Adjusted for: 
Investment property revaluation           7,230          3.3 (11,382)      (5.2) 
Profit on sale of investment properties   (355)        (0.2)  (2,628)      (1.2) 
Loss/(profit) on sale of trading 
properties                                  281          0.2  (1,731)      (0.8) 
Property acquisition costs recognised in 
the income statement                         51            -        -          - 
Market value adjustment of interest rate 
derivatives, net of tax                      15            -    1,465        0.7 
Market value adjustment of interest rate 
derivatives within joint venture, net of 
tax                                          32            -       29          - 
EPRA earnings                            14,083          6.4    9,894        4.5 
10.   Investment properties 
                                                         Long     Short 
                                           Freehold leasehold leasehold    Total 
                                                GBP000       GBP000       GBP000      GBP000 
At 31 March 2010                            205,389    79,049       920  285,358 
Acquisition of Nightclubs portfolio at 
cost                                          9,376         -       455    9,831 
Acquisition of London Pubs portfolio at 
cost                                         44,718         -         -   44,718 
Deferred completion of Provincial Offices 
property                                        961         -         -      961 
Capital expenditure                           2,665       303         -    2,968 
Drawings from escrow account                (1,823)     (676)         -  (2,499) 
Disposals                                  (35,947)     (853)         - (36,800) 
Revaluation movements                        11,423       348     (205)   11,566 
Carrying value as at 31 March 2011          236,762    78,171     1,170  316,103 
Acquisition of St Katharine Docks           162,216     2,272         -  164,488 
SDLT recovery on London Pubs portfolio        (301)         -         -    (301) 
Capital expenditure                           1,944       932        50    2,926 
Recoveries from escrow account              (2,581)     (128)         -  (2,709) 
Disposals                                  (10,766)     (600)         - (11,366) 
Revaluation movements                         (545)   (4,379)      (92)  (5,016) 
Carrying value as at 31 March 2012          386,729    76,268     1,128  464,125 
Revaluation movements comprise: 
           Year to         Year to 
     31 March 2012   31 March 2011 
               GBP000             GBP000 
Property revaluation                                             (1,440)  12,822 
Movement in rent free periods, fixed or guaranteed rent reviews 
and capitalised letting fees                                     (3,576) (1,256) 
Investment property revaluation in the income statement          (5,016)  11,566 
Investment property revaluation attributable to non-controlling 
interests                                                        (2,214)   (184) 
Investment property revaluation attributable to owners of the 
parent                                                           (7,230)  11,382 
The following table reconciles the carrying values of the investment properties 
to their independent valuation: 
                                                          Long     Short 
                                            Freehold leasehold leasehold   Total 
                                                 GBP000       GBP000       GBP000     GBP000 
Carrying value as at 31 March 2011           236,762    78,171     1,170 316,103 
Headlease liabilities (note 16)                    -   (1,638)         - (1,638) 
Rent free periods and fixed or guaranteed 
rent reviews, included within trade and 
other receivables (note 12)                    1,213       342         5   1,560 
Portfolio valuation as at 31 March 2011      237,975    76,875     1,175 316,025 
Carrying value as at 31 March 2012           386,729    76,268     1,128 464,125 
Headlease liabilities (note 16)                    -   (1,634)      (18) (1,652) 
Capitalised letting fees                         333       225        13     571 
Rent free periods and fixed or guaranteed 
rent reviews, included within trade and 
other receivables (note 12)                    3,908       596        67   4,571 
Portfolio valuation as at 31 March 2012      390,970    75,455     1,190 467,615 
The properties were valued as at 31 March 2012 by CBRE Limited, Commercial Real 
Estate Advisors, in their capacity as external valuers. The valuation was 
prepared on a fixed fee basis, independent of the portfolio value. The valuation 
was undertaken in accordance with the RICS Valuation - Professional Standards 
(2012) on the basis of Market Value, supported by reference to market evidence 
of transaction prices for similar properties. Market Value represents the 
estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of valuation 
between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's length transaction 
after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, 
prudently and without compulsion. 
The Group had the benefit of an escrow account established by the seller of the 
Provincial Offices portfolio from which funds could be drawn to meet void costs 
for the period from the portfolio acquisition in February 2010 until 31 December 
2012. The agreement was terminated in August 2011 at which time  GBP2.0 million was 
received by the Group in consideration net of costs. Drawings from the escrow 
account are treated as reductions in the cost of the assets. During the year but 
before the date of termination,  GBP0.7 million (2011:  GBP2.5 million) was drawn. 
The historic cost of the Group's investment properties as at 31 March 2012 was 
 GBP428.2 million (2011:  GBP273.1 million). 
Property outgoings were split as follows: 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Property outgoings arising from investment properties that 
generated rental 
 income in the year                                               9,608    8,158 
Property outgoings arising from investment properties that did 
not generate 
  rental income in the year                                         185      221 
Total property outgoings                                          9,793    8,379 
11.   Investment in joint venture 
The joint venture investment represents the Group's 45% economic interest (50% 
voting interest) in MPG Hospital Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in 
England & Wales and operating in the United Kingdom. The movement in the 
investment in joint venture during the year was as follows: 
                                                       Year to    Year to 
                                                      31 March   31 March 
                                                          2012       2011 
                                                           GBP000        GBP000 
 At the start of the year                                1,060          - 
 Share of profit recognised in the income statement        373      1,097 
 Share of other comprehensive income                     (178)       (37) 
 At the end of the year                                  1,255      1,060 
The net assets and results of the joint venture for the year were as follows: 
                                                            31 March   31 March 
                                                                2012       2011 
                                                                 GBP000        GBP000 
 Investment properties                                        34,560     34,100 
 Other non-current assets                                      1,037        137 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                       258        156 
 Cash and cash equivalents held as security for bank debt        623        614 
 Other net current liabilities                               (1,672)    (1,104) 
 Secured non-recourse bank debt                             (30,893)   (31,182) 
 Other non-current liabilities                               (1,126)      (366) 
 Net assets                                                    2,787      2,355 
 Group share of net assets                                     1,255      1,060 
                                                         Year to    Year to 
                                                        31 March   31 March 
                                                            2012       2011 
                                                             GBP000        GBP000 
 Rental income                                             2,493      1,982 
 Property outgoings                                          (6)        (4) 
 Administrative expenses                                   (181)      (139) 
 Net finance costs                                       (1,793)    (1,502) 
 Investment property revaluation                             460      2,762 
 Market value adjustment of interest rate derivatives       (43)       (41) 
 Tax charge                                                (101)      (622) 
 Profit for the period                                       829      2,436 
 Group share of profit for the period                        373      1,097 
                                                                Year to  Year to 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Market value adjustment of interest rate derivative               (541)    (113) 
Tax effect of interest rate derivative market value adjustment      145       32 
Other comprehensive income for the period                         (396)     (81) 
Group share of other comprehensive income for the period          (178)     (37) 
The joint venture owns four private hospitals in Blackburn, Liverpool, Ayr and 
Stirling, all held on long leases with annual RPI-linked uplifts throughout the 
term, with an aggregate current rent of  GBP2.5 million (2011:  GBP2.3 million) per 
annum. Throughout the period of ownership, the joint venture has been funded 
with non-recourse debt, which at 31 March 2012 totalled  GBP30.9 million (2011: 
 GBP31.2 million). 
The properties were independently valued at  GBP34.6 million (2011:  GBP34.1 million) 
by CBRE Limited, Commercial Real Estate Advisors, in their capacity as external 
valuers. The valuation was prepared on a fixed fee basis, independent of the 
portfolio value. The valuation was undertaken in accordance with the RICS 
Valuation - Professional Standards (2012) on the basis of Market Value, 
supported by reference to market evidence of transaction prices for similar 
Administrative expenses include  GBP0.1 million (2011:  GBP0.1 million) of management 
fees paid to the Property Advisor, which results in a corresponding reduction of 
fees paid to the Property Advisor by the Group under the Investment Advisory 
The Group has no capital commitments or contingent liabilities in relation to 
the joint venture, and the joint venture itself has no capital commitments or 
contingent liabilities. 
12.   Trade and other receivables 
                                                               31 March 31 March 
                                                                   2012     2011 
                                                                    GBP000      GBP000 
Trade receivables                                                 4,367    3,486 
Provision for doubtful debts                                    (1,123)    (986) 
Net trade receivables                                             3,244    2,500 
Investment property disposal proceeds receivable                  1,847    2,079 
VAT receivable                                                        -    7,535 
Interest receivable                                                   1       52 
Rent free periods and fixed or guaranteed rent reviews - 
investment properties                                             4,571    1,560 
Rent free periods and fixed or guaranteed rent reviews - 
trading properties                                                   88        - 
Prepayments and accrued income                                    1,482    1,936 
Other receivables                                                    25      360 
                                                                 11,258   16,022 
Other than  GBP1.0 million (2011:  GBP1.0 million) of rent free periods and fixed or 
guaranteed rent reviews which are due in more than one year, all amounts above 
are due within one year. 
The Group's net trade receivables comprise amounts payable by tenants of the 
Group's investment properties. The ageing of net trade receivables was as 
                     31 March   31 March 
                         2012       2011 
                          GBP000        GBP000 
 Less than 30 days      2,713      2,330 
 30 to 60 days             21         33 
 60 to 120 days           193         47 
 Over 120 days            317         90 
                        3,244      2,500 
The Group holds collateral of  GBP2.4 million (2011:  GBP1.9 million) in the form of 
rent deposits received from tenants. The average age of net trade receivables is 
11 days (2011: 18 days). 
The movement in the provision for doubtful debts was as follows: 
                                         Year to    Year to 
                                        31 March   31 March 
                                            2012       2011 
                                             GBP000        GBP000 
 At the start of the year                    986        896 
 Amounts written off as uncollectable      (976)      (169) 
 Amounts recovered                         (548)      (364) 
 New amounts provided for                  1,661        623 
 At the end of the year                    1,123        986 
13.   Cash and cash equivalents 
Included within the Group's cash and cash equivalents balance as at 31 March 
2012 of  GBP82.6 million (2011:  GBP87.6 million) are cash deposits of  GBP18.7 million 
(2011:  GBP7.5 million) in blocked accounts held as security by the provider of the 
secured bank debt.  GBP7.4 million (2011:  GBP0.3 million) of the Group's cash and 
cash equivalents balance is attributable to non-controlling interests. 
14.   Trade and other payables 
                                   31 March   31 March 
                                       2012       2011 
                                        GBP000        GBP000 
 Trade payables                       2,437      3,056 
 Rent received in advance             8,728      6,541 
 Other taxes and social security      1,783      1,912 
 Other amounts payable                2,689        576 
 Accruals and deferred income         3,452      2,788 
                                     19,089     14,873 
All amounts above are due within one year and none incur interest. 
15. Financial assets and liabilities 
a) Non-current financial liabilities 
                                              31 March   31 March 
                                                  2012       2011 
                                                   GBP000        GBP000 
 Secured bank loans                            209,504    128,056 
 Unamortised finance costs                     (2,521)    (1,701) 
                                               206,983    126,355 
 Obligations under finance leases (note 16)      1,652      1,638 
 Interest rate derivatives at market value       5,462      1,788 
                                               214,097    129,781 
There is no difference between the book value and fair value of the non-current 
financial liabilities shown above. 
The Group's principal borrowing arrangements are as follows: 
                      St Katharine Docks                             London Pubs 
                                facility Industrious facility           facility 
Lender                       Eurohypo AG          Eurohypo AG        Eurohypo AG 
Recourse beyond 
ring-fenced sub- 
group                               None                 None               None 
Drawdown date                August 2011         October 2009       January 2011 
Initial drawdown                   GBP86.7m               GBP127.7m              GBP25.5m 
Balance at 31 March 
2012                               GBP86.7m               GBP100.9m              GBP22.0m 
Value of secured 
properties at 31 
March 2012                        GBP170.4m               GBP199.8m              GBP43.4m 
Gross LTV ratio at 
31 March 2012                      50.9%                50.5%              50.7% 
Net LTV ratio at 31 
March 2012                         40.7%                47.6%              48.8% 
Current repayment 
terms                      Interest only        Interest only      Interest only 
Repayment date               August 2016          August 2014       January 2016 
The terms of the bank loans may, in the event of a covenant default, restrict 
the ability of certain subsidiaries to transfer funds outside the relevant 
security group. There have been no defaults or other breaches of financial 
covenants under any of the loans during the current or the prior year, or in the 
period since the balance sheet date. 
The Group had no undrawn, committed borrowing facilities at 31 March 2012 or 31 
March 2011. 
b) Derivative financial instruments 
The following derivative financial instruments were in place as at each balance 
sheet date: 
                                              Principal amount        Fair value 
                                             31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March 
                                                 2012     2011     2012     2011 
                                      Expiry      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
4% amortising swap               August 2014   64,242   68,059  (4,359)  (3,712) 
4% cap                           August 2014   56,750   56,750       22      328 
2.3% amortising swap and 
swaption                         August 2016   86,000        -  (2,927)        - 
3.5% cap                          March 2015   25,500   25,500       32      333 
3.5% cap held for future 
transactions                      March 2015   74,500   74,500       92      972 
                                              306,992  224,809  (7,140)  (2,079) 
The interest rate protection relates in the main to specific ring-fenced 
financing structures as follows: 
  * the 4% interest rate swap and 4% interest rate cap hedge the interest rate 
    liabilities on the Industrious portfolio loan, maturing in August 2014; 
  * a cap at 3.5% on  GBP25.5 million notional principal hedges the interest rate 
    liabilities on the London Pubs portfolio loan, maturing in March 2015; and 
  * the 2.3% interest rate swap and swaption hedge the interest rate liabilities 
    on the St Katharine Docks loan, maturing in August 2016. 
In addition, a Group company holds the benefit of a 3.5% cap on  GBP74.5 million 
notional principal, maturing in March 2015, for potential use in financing 
future acquisitions. Accounting standards require this to be classified as 'held 
for trading' in note 15c below. 
The profiles of the notional swapped and capped amounts have been estimated to 
match the expected loan profiles reasonably closely. Since the loan profiles 
cannot be predicted with certainty the swap and cap profiles are monitored 
regularly and adjusted as necessary. 
Movements in the valuation of derivative financial instruments in the year were 
as follows: 
                                                       Year to    Year to 
                                                      31 March   31 March 
                                                          2012       2011 
                                                           GBP000        GBP000 
 At the start of the year                              (2,079)    (3,751) 
 Charged to the income statement (note 6)              (1,267)    (1,726) 
 (Charged)/credited directly to the hedging reserve    (3,794)        787 
 Premium paid on acquisition of interest rate cap            -      2,611 
 At the end of the year                                (7,140)    (2,079) 
Derivative financial instruments are categorised as follows: 
                           31 March   31 March 
                               2012       2011 
                                GBP000        GBP000 
 Financial assets 
   within one year                -          - 
   in more than one year        900      1,305 
 Financial liabilities 
   within one year          (2,578)    (1,596) 
   in more than one year    (5,462)    (1,788) 
                            (7,140)    (2,079) 
The derivative contracts have been valued by reference to interbank bid market 
rates as at the close of business as at 31 March 2012 by JC Rathbone Associates 
Limited, and include the full LIBOR basis spread. All derivative financial 
instruments are classified as 'level 2' as defined in IFRS 7 as their fair value 
measurements are those derived from inputs other than quoted prices in active 
markets for identical assets and liabilities, but that are observable either 
directly or indirectly. 
The market values of hedging instruments change constantly with interest rate 
fluctuations, but the cash flow exposure of the Group to movements in interest 
rates is protected by way of its effective hedges. These valuation movements do 
not necessarily reflect the cost or gain to the Group of cancelling its interest 
rate protection, which is generally a marginally higher cost or smaller gain 
than a market valuation. 
c) Categories of financial instruments 
                                                           31 March  31 March 
                                                               2012      2011 
                                                                GBP000       GBP000 
Financial assets 
Loans and receivables: 
  Cash and cash equivalents (note 13)                        82,631    87,634 
  Cash deposits with maturities of more than three months         -     6,695 
  Trade receivables (note 12)                                 3,244     2,500 
  Interest receivable (note 12)                                   1        52 
Financial assets held for trading: 
  Interest rate cap (note 15b)                                   92       972 
Derivatives in effective hedges: 
  Interest rate cap and swaption                                808       333 
                                                             86,776    98,186 
Financial liabilities 
Financial liabilities at amortised cost: 
  Trade payables (note 14)                                  (2,437)   (3,056) 
  Accrued interest                                          (1,781)   (1,027) 
  Borrowings (note 15a)                                   (206,983) (126,355) 
Derivatives in effective hedges: 
  Interest rate swap and cap                                (8,040)   (3,384) 
                                                          (219,241) (133,822) 
All financial assets and liabilities are measured at amortised cost except for 
derivative financial instruments which are measured at fair value. 
d) Financial risk management 
Through the Group's operations and use of debt financing it is exposed to 
certain risks. The Group's financial risk management objectives are to minimise 
the effect of these risks by using derivative financial instruments, 
particularly to manage exposure to fluctuations in interest rates. Such 
instruments are not employed for speculative purposes. The use of any 
derivatives is approved by the Board, which provides guidelines on acceptable 
levels of interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. 
The exposure to each risk considered potentially material to the Group, how it 
arises and the policy for managing it is summarised below. 
i) Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a counterparty fails 
to meet its contractual obligations. The relevant counterparties are in the main 
tenants in respect of amounts receivable under operating leases and banks acting 
either as hedging counterparties or as recipients of the Group's cash deposits. 
The Group places cash deposits for a range of maturities with a panel of 
reputable Board approved institutions. As at the year end, there were eleven 
(2011: nine) approved banks on the panel and deposits are spread across the 
banks according to guidelines that are regularly reassessed by the Board, and 
across maturities that are considered appropriate to the Group's needs. The 
credit ratings of the institutions are monitored by the Board at least quarterly 
with changes made as necessary to manage risk. The Board weighs up counterparty 
risk and maturity profiles, having regard to credit ratings and other financial 
information, and aims to avoid inappropriate concentration of risk. 
Rigorous credit control procedures are applied to facilitate the recovery of 
trade receivables. Recovery details and statistics are benchmarked in Board 
reports to identify any ongoing trends or problems. The credit risk of trade 
receivables is assessed on a case by case basis and where the likelihood of 
recovery is considered low, provisions are made. 
The credit risk relating to counterparties transacting with the Group for 
property acquisitions and disposals is managed through appropriate due diligence 
and contractual protection in the relevant agreements. 
ii) Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk arises from the Group's management of working capital and the 
finance charges and principal repayments on its debt instruments. It is the risk 
that the Group will encounter difficulty in meeting its financial obligations as 
they fall due. 
Before entering into any debt instrument, the Board assesses the resources that 
are expected to be available to the Group to meet the liabilities when they fall 
due. These assessments are made on the basis of both conservative and 'downside' 
scenarios. The Group prepares budgets and working capital forecasts which are 
reviewed by the Board at least quarterly to assess ongoing cash requirements and 
compliance with loan covenants. The Board also keeps under review the maturity 
profile of the Group's cash deposits in order to have reasonable assurance that 
cash will be available for the settlement of liabilities when they fall due and 
entering into future transactions as required. 
The following table shows the maturity analysis for financial assets and 
liabilities and, where applicable, their effective interest rates. The table has 
been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities, 
including future interest payments, based on the earliest date on which the 
Group can be required to pay. 
                                            one Between two 
                  Effective Less than   and two    and five  More than 
                   interest  one year     years       years five years     Total 
31 March 2012          rate       GBP000       GBP000         GBP000        GBP000       GBP000 
receivables                     3,244         -           -          -     3,244 
receivable                          1         -           -          -         1 
Cash and cash 
equivalents            0.4%    82,631         -           -          -    82,631 
instruments                         -        16         884          -       900 
                               85,876        16         884          -    86,776 
Trade payables                (2,437)         -           -          -   (2,437) 
interest                      (1,781)         -           -          -   (1,781) 
Borrowings             4.8%   (1,609)   (1,789)   (213,326)          - (216,724) 
instruments                   (2,578)   (2,964)     (2,498)          -   (8,040) 
under finance 
leases                          (187)     (187)       (561)   (16,267)  (17,202) 
                              (8,592)   (4,940)   (216,385)   (16,267) (246,184) 
                                        Between Between two 
                  Effective Less than   one and    and five  More than 
                   interest  one year two years       years five years     Total 
31 March 2011          rate       GBP000       GBP000         GBP000        GBP000       GBP000 
receivables                     2,500         -           -          -     2,500 
receivable                         52         -           -          -        52 
Cash and cash 
equivalents            0.4%    87,634         -           -          -    87,634 
Cash with 
maturities of 
over three 
months                 1.1%     6,695         -           -          -     6,695 
instruments                         -        70       1,235          -     1,305 
                               96,881        70       1,235          -    98,186 
Trade payables                (3,056)         -           -          -   (3,056) 
interest                      (1,027)         -           -          -   (1,027) 
Borrowings             5.2%   (1,495)   (2,475)   (132,766)          - (136,736) 
instruments                   (1,596)   (1,208)       (580)          -   (3,384) 
under finance 
leases                          (185)     (185)       (556)   (16,369)  (17,295) 
                              (7,359)   (3,868)   (133,902)   (16,369) (161,498) 
iii) Market risk - interest rate risk 
Market risk arises from the Group's use of debt financing. It is the risk that 
the future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of 
changes in interest rates. 
The Group is exposed to cash flow interest rate risk from its variable rate 
borrowings. The Group uses interest rate hedging products such as swaps and caps 
in order to mitigate this risk. 
The Group's outstanding derivative financial instruments are described in note 
15b and the Group's sensitivity to changes in interest rates is disclosed in 
note 6. 
iv) Capital risk management 
The Group's capital comprises equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 
(stated capital, retained earnings and the hedging reserve) and debt, which 
includes the borrowings disclosed in note 15a and cash and cash equivalents. The 
Group's primary objective when monitoring capital is to safeguard the entity's 
ability to continue as a going concern, while ensuring that it remains within 
its banking covenants so as to safeguard secured assets and avoid financial 
penalties. Borrowings are secured on specific property portfolios and are non- 
recourse to the Group as a whole. 
In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group keeps under 
review the amount of any dividends or capital returns to be paid to 
shareholders, and monitors the extent to which the issue of new shares or the 
realisation of assets may be required. 
The Group is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. 
Details of the significant accounting policies adopted, including the criteria 
for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which income and 
expenses are recognised, in respect of each class of financial asset, financial 
liability and equity instrument are disclosed in the accounting policies in note 
16.   Obligations under finance leases 
Finance lease obligations in respect of fixed rents payable on long leasehold 
properties are as follows: 
                                      31 March   31 March 
                                          2012       2011 
                                           GBP000        GBP000 
 Minimum lease payments 
 Less than one year                        187        185 
 Between one and two years                 187        185 
 Between two and five years                561        556 
 More than five years                   16,267     16,369 
                                        17,202     17,295 
 Less future finance charges          (15,550)   (15,657) 
 Present value of lease obligations      1,652      1,638 
The present value of lease obligations arises in more than five years in both 
the current and prior year. 
17.   Stated capital 
The Company has an unlimited authorised share capital of no par value. The 
issued and fully paid up share capital comprises: 
                                                        31 March      31 March 
                                                            2012          2011 
                                                          Number        Number 
 Ordinary shares of no par value issued at  GBP1 each   220,000,002   220,000,002 
The stated capital reserve is made up as follows: 
                                            31 March   31 March 
                                                2012       2011 
                                                 GBP000        GBP000 
 Issued and fully paid up ordinary shares    220,000    220,000 
 Share issue costs                           (8,633)    (8,633) 
                                             211,367    211,367 
18.   Reserves 
The nature and purpose of each reserve within equity is as follows: 
Stated capital        represents the excess of cash received from the issue of 
shares over their nominal value (which is zero), net of issue costs. 
Hedging reserve   represents gains and losses arising on the effective portion 
of hedging instruments carried at fair value, net of any deferred tax. 
Retained earnings   represents the cumulative profits and losses recognised in 
the Group statement of comprehensive income. 
19. Net asset value per share 
Net asset value per share is calculated as the net assets of the Group 
attributable to shareholders at each balance sheet date, divided by the number 
of shares in issue at that date. 
There are no share options or other equity instruments in issue and therefore no 
adjustments to be made for dilutive or potentially dilutive equity arrangements. 
The European Public Real Estate Association ('EPRA') has issued guidelines aimed 
at providing a measure of net asset value ('NAV') on the basis of long term fair 
values. The EPRA measure excludes items that are considered to have no impact in 
the long term, such as the fair value of derivative instruments and deferred tax 
balances. The Group's EPRA NAV is calculated as follows, with all figures shown 
net of any non-controlling interests: 
     31 March 2012   31 March 2011 
                                                         Pence             Pence 
                                                 GBP000 per share     GBP000 per share 
Basic NAV                                    285,919     130.0 281,490     128.0 
Fair value of trading property in excess of 
book value                                       961       0.4     367       0.2 
Fair value of financial instruments            7,542       3.4   4,690       2.1 
Deferred tax                                 (1,219)     (0.6)   (708)     (0.3) 
Fair value of financial instruments in joint 
venture, net of deferred tax                     252       0.1      51         - 
Share of inherent capital gains tax in joint 
venture                                           88       0.1     177         - 
EPRA NAV                                     293,543     133.4 286,067     130.0 
20. Related party transactions and balances 
Directors' fees 
Directors' fees of  GBP0.2 million (2011:  GBP0.2 million) were payable for the year, 
as disclosed in note 4. As at 31 March 2012  GBP28,000 (2011:  GBP12,000) of these 
fees remained outstanding and are included within other amounts payable (note 
Management fees payable 
Nick Leslau and Mike Brown hold partnership interests in, and are Chairman and 
Chief Executive respectively of, Prestbury Investments LLP which is Property 
Advisor to the Group under the terms of the Investment Advisory Agreement 
entered into on 21 May 2009. Under the terms of that agreement, management fees 
of  GBP5.4 million (2011:  GBP4.7 million) were payable to Prestbury Investments LLP 
in respect of the year, of which  GBPnil (2011:  GBP0.1 million) was outstanding as at 
the balance sheet date.  GBP0.1 million (2011  GBP0.1 million) of this fee has been 
offset by the Property Advisor in recognition of the fact that the Property 
Advisor directly receives a management fee of the same amount from the Hospitals 
joint venture as described in note 11, in relation to the services provided 
which are sub-contracted by the Company.  This amount is included in other 
income in the income statement. 
In the course of its duties as Property Advisor and in accordance with the terms 
of the Investment Advisory Agreement, Prestbury is entitled to recover the costs 
and expenses properly incurred in connection with its duties. 
During the year, Prestbury has recharged at cost  GBP50,000 (2011:  GBP79,000) to the 
Group in this respect, of which  GBPnil (2011:  GBPnil) remains outstanding at 31 
March 2012. 
Incentive payments 
Under the terms of the carried interest arrangements between the Company, 
Prestbury (Scotland) Limited Partnership ('Prestbury Scotland', a partnership in 
which Nick Leslau and Mike Brown have 49% and 25% interests respectively in 
relation to its business regarding the Group), and OZ UK Real Estate Securities 
Limited ('Och-Ziff'), once the  GBP211.4 million of net funds raised on listing 
have been returned to shareholders (assuming no further share issues), then cash 
returns over and above that amount may ultimately be shared as to 80% to 
shareholders and 20% to Prestbury Scotland and Och-Ziff, subject to shareholders 
having first received the net proceeds of share issues in cash plus an 11% per 
annum preferred return. 
The carried interest payments are payable only on cash realisations other than 
where either the Investment Advisory Agreement has been terminated (where the 
net asset value of the Group is used in the calculation as if that amount had 
been returned to shareholders in cash) or there has been a takeover of the 
Company (in which case the offer price is used in the calculation). 
No carried interest payment has yet become payable. If the net asset value of 
the Group as at the end of the relevant year is used as the basis of the 
calculation, at 31 March 2012 this would theoretically amount to  GBP0.6 million 
(2011:  GBP9.8 million) payable to Prestbury Scotland and  GBP0.1 million (2011:  GBP2.8 
million) payable to Och-Ziff, totalling  GBP0.7 million or 0.3 pence per share 
(2011:  GBP12.6 million or 5.7 pence per share). The minimum NAV growth required to 
generate incentive fees is in the order of  GBP2 million per month. 
Taking account of the uncertainties arising from the length of the period over 
which the incentive fee will be determined, the challenging future returns 
required and current market index projections of property value growth over the 
medium term, the Board has concluded that it continues to be inappropriate to 
make a provision for the incentive fee at this stage. 
The Board will keep the position under review and will provide for a liability 
for incentive payments if and when there is more certainty as to the likelihood 
of payments being made. 
Subsidiary entities 
The Group financial statements include the financial statements of Max Property 
Group Plc and the subsidiary and joint venture entities shown below. Max 
Property Group Plc is the ultimate controlling party of its subsidiaries. 
                             Country of incorporation         Nature of business 
Wholly owned 
Max Property GP Limited(1)                     Jersey            General partner 
Max Property LP Limited(1)                     Jersey            Limited partner 
Max Property Limited                                        Intermediate holding 
Partnership(2)                                 Jersey                     entity 
                                                            Intermediate holding 
MPG Opco Limited                               Jersey                    company 
MPG Finco Limited                     England & Wales              Group finance 
MPG Hedging Limited                            Jersey        Treasury operations 
                                                            Intermediate holding 
Max Investor Limited                           Jersey                    company 
                                                            Intermediate holding 
Max Industrial Limited                         Jersey                    company 
Max Industrial Finance 
Limited                                        Jersey              Group finance 
Max Industrial 2 Limited                       Jersey           Property trading 
Max Industrial 3 Limited                       Jersey              Group finance 
Max Industrial Limited 
Partner Limited                                Jersey            Limited partner 
Max Industrial GP Limited             England & Wales            General partner 
Max Industrial Nominee 
Limited                               England & Wales            Nominee company 
Max Industrial Limited 
Partnership                           England & Wales        Property investment 
Max Office Properties                                       Intermediate holding 
Limited                                        Jersey                    company 
                                                            Intermediate holding 
Max Office Limited                             Jersey                    company 
                                                            Intermediate holding 
Max Office Investor Limited                    Jersey                    company 
Max Office Finance Limited                     Jersey           Property trading 
Max Office Limited Partner 
Limited                                        Jersey            Limited partner 
Max Office GP Limited                 England & Wales            General partner 
Max Office Nominee Limited            England & Wales            Nominee company 
Max Office Limited 
Partnership                           England & Wales        Property investment 
Max Bars Limited Partner 
Limited                                        Jersey            Limited partner 
Max Bars GP Limited                   England & Wales            General partner 
Max Bars Nominee Limited              England & Wales            Nominee company 
Max Bars Limited Partnership          England & Wales        Property investment 
                                                            Intermediate holding 
MPG Pubs Holdings Limited                      Jersey                    company 
MPG Pubs Finance Limited                       Jersey              Group finance 
MPG Pubs Limited Partner 
Limited                                        Jersey            Limited partner 
MPG Pubs GP Limited                   England & Wales            General partner 
MPG Pubs Nominee Limited              England & Wales            Nominee company 
MPG Pubs Limited Partnership          England & Wales        Property investment 
                                                            Intermediate holding 
MPG St Katharine Limited                       Jersey                    company 
MPG St Katharine Finance 
Limited                                        Jersey              Group finance 
MPG St Katharine Limited 
Partner Limited                                Jersey            Limited partner 
MPG St Katharine Nominee 1 
Limited                               England & Wales            Nominee company 
MPG St Katharine Nominee 2 
Limited                               England & Wales            Nominee company 
Max Property Group Limited            England & Wales                    Dormant 
Max Property 1 Limited                England & Wales                    Dormant 
Max Property 2 Limited                England & Wales                    Dormant 
83.3% owned 
Max Office 2 Limited 
Liability Partnership                 England & Wales        Property investment 
60% owned 
MPG St Katharine Limited 
Partnership                           England & Wales        Property investment 
SKIL 3 Limited                        England & Wales            Nominee company 
SKIL 4 Limited                        England & Wales            Nominee company 
St Katharine's Estate 
Management Company Limited            England & Wales          Estate management 
SKD Marina Limited                    England & Wales         Operator of marina 
45% owned 
MPG Hospital Holdings                                       Intermediate holding 
Limited(3)                            England & Wales                    company 
MPG Hospital Properties 
Limited(3)                            England & Wales        Property investment 
(1)        Max Property GP Limited and Max Property LP Limited are directly 
owned by Max Property Group Plc. All other entities are indirectly owned 
(2)        Prestbury (Scotland) Limited Partnership and OZ UK Real Estate 
Securities Limited have partnership interests in Max Property Limited 
Partnership which entitle them to share in any incentives that may become 
payable, as more fully described above under the heading 'incentive payments' 
(3) treated as joint ventures because the Group has 50% of the voting rights 
21.   Commitments and contingent liabilities 
At 31 March 2012 the Group had capital commitments in respect of refurbishment 
works on its property portfolios amounting to  GBP3.5 million (2011:  GBP2.2 million). 
Of this amount,  GBP2.6 million (2011:  GBP2.2 million) relates to Max and  GBP0.9 
million (2011:  GBPnil) to non-controlling interests. 
22.   Events after the balance sheet date 
On 22 May 2012, the Company announced a new non-recourse loan facility of  GBP32 
million to boost acquisition firepower. The loan is secured against a previously 
unencumbered 420,000 sq ft group of properties within the Provincial Offices 
portfolio. The assets secured are in Fareham, Horsham, Manchester, Milton Keynes 
and Newbury, following successful asset management at these properties.  With a 
loan to value ratio of 80%, the lender receives a priority coupon of 9% per 
annum and, once Max has also received a 9% per annum return on its equity, is 
entitled to 30% of net profits on sale.  The loan matures in September 2016. The 
net proceeds raised are included in the Group's uncommitted cash of c.  GBP90 
On 10 May 2012, the sale of two industrial estates at Rotherham and Wakefield 
completed for cash consideration of  GBP1.8 million.   GBP0.9 million of the proceeds 
was used to repay part of the loan secured on the portfolio and the remainder 
was added to the Group's cash reserves. 
AIM                           The Alternative Investment Market of the London 
                              Stock Exchange 
CISX                          The Daily Official List of the Channel Islands 
                              Stock Exchange 
EPRA                          European Public Real Estate Association 
EPRA EPS                      A measure of earnings per share designed by EPRA 
                              to present underlying earnings from core operating 
EPRA NAV                      A measure of net asset value designed by EPRA to 
                              present net asset value excluding the effects of 
                              fluctuations in value of instruments that are held 
                              for long-term benefit, net of deferred tax 
EPRA vacancy rate             ERV of vacant space divided by ERV of the whole 
                              portfolio, excluding in each case any property 
                              under development 
EPS                           Earnings per share, calculated as the earnings for 
                              the year after tax attributable to members of the 
                              parent Company (that is, excluding any non- 
                              controlling interests) divided by the weighted 
                              average number of shares in issue in the year 
Equivalent Yield              The constant capitalisation rate which, if applied 
                              to all cash flows from an investment property, 
                              results in the market value 
ERV                           Estimated rental value: the open market rental 
                              value expected to be achievable at the date of 
Initial Yield                 Annualised net rents on investment properties as a 
                              percentage of the investment property valuation 
Investment Advisory Agreement The agreement made between the Company, Prestbury 
                              Investments LLP and Gallium Fund Solutions Limited 
                              under which Prestbury provides certain services to 
                              the Group 
LTV                           The outstanding amount of a loan as a percentage 
                              of property value. Gross LTV is the calculation 
                              for the gross loan amount and net LTV offsets cash 
                              balances against the loan amount 
NAV                           Net asset value 
Property Advisor or Prestbury Prestbury Investments LLP 
psf                           Per square foot 
Reversionary Yield            The anticipated yield to which the Initial Yield 
                              will rise once the rent reaches the ERV 
sq ft                         Square feet 
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Source: Max Property Group plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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