Preliminary results for 52 weeks ended 1 November 2003


Trading Results

The outcome for the year is  in line with expectations.  The trading results, before exceptional items, show a
loss of �256,000 (2002: �144,000 for 15 months).  The trading loss in the second half of �84,000 shows a
significant improvement over the �172,000 loss in the first half.  In addition to the trading loss, exceptional
costs amounted to �478,000 in line with the figurereported in the interim statement.  These items are commented
on below under Group Reorganisation.

Turnover did not show the anticipated growth in the second half due to delays by some of our customers in taking
new ranges into stock.  However, the shortfall in turnover was compensated for by improved margins and lower
overhead costs than those budgeted.


The demand for metal products has continued to increase and are now our most important product area.  Although the
decline in the sale of ceramic accessories has probably halted, the majority of sales of these products is now
going to major DIY outlets.  Our emphasis on product development is now mainly concentrated on metal products.

We were successful in obtaining a number of sales promotions with a major customer, although most of the turnover
has occurred since the year end.  In addition, new ranges of door furniture products have been introduced into
another major customer, but again most of the benefit of this has not been realised until after the end of October

In the current year we are budgeting for a significant increase in turnover with increased emphasis being placed
on small bathroom distributors and retailers.

Group Reorganisation

As reported in the Interim Statement, we have carried out a major reorganisation of the Group's activities during
the year.  As a result, �478,000 of exceptional costs have been incurred during the period under review.  These
costs comprise:

    *       Write-off of plant and equipment

    *       Redundancy payments

    *       Removal expenses

    *       Write-off of stocks

Since the end of the financial year we have completed the sale of our warehouse premises for �850,000 less
expenses.  The sale price compares with the balance sheet value of �480,000 with the surplus to be included in our
results for the financial year ending 30 October 2004.

The reorganisation has involved a great deal of hard work on the part of our staff and has gone, largely,
according to plan.  We have ceased the manufacture of door furniture, all of which is now being imported.  We are
continuing to manufacture ceramic bathroom accessories in the UK as so far we have been unable to obtain products
of the right quality from the Far East.  We will continue to seek to obtain reliable sources but in the meantime
we have been able to maintain supplies from our own reorganised production facilities.

New Product Development

During the year we have carried out a significant programme of new product development, aimed at ensuring that the
Company is seen in the trade as a leader in design and presentation.  We showed our new ranges at the Kitchen,
Bedroom and Bathroom Exhibition at the NEC, Birmingham in January 2004, and the new bathroom ranges were very well
received.  In addition to new ranges of products, new brochures, packaging and display stands have been developed.

The new ranges have meant the discontinuance of a number of our existing products and packaging, and this is the
main reason for the stock write-off in the accounts.

The programme of new product developments will continue throughout the present year with the emphasis on
broadening the product range to enable us to offer a more comprehensive range of bathroom products.

Balance Sheet

As reported in our Interim Statement, the trading loss and exceptional items have reduced shareholders' funds,
which at the end of the financial year stood at 31.8p per share.  During the year, increased borrowing facilities
were arranged with our bank but these have now been reduced following the sale of the warehouse premises.
Although our bank borrowings as a percentage of shareholders' funds at the end of the period was 88%, adjusting
for the proceeds of the sale of the warehouse premises, this falls to 36%.

With the various provisions we have made against stock values it is unlikely that further significant stock write-
offs will be necessary in the foreseeable future.  Other provisions made at the time of the reorganisation appear
to be adequate and it is unlikely that any further costs will be incurred in the current year.


A final dividend cannot be recommended due to the negative balance on the Profit and Loss Account at the end of
the year.  However, as previouslystated, dividend payments will be restored as soon as the financial results

Future Prospects

As I stated in the Interim Report, I believe the prospects for the Company are brighter than they have been for
some time.

Since my last Annual Report:

    *       We have totally reorganised the Company and lowered its cost base

    *       We have increased operating margins

    *       We have completely revamped the product ranges and improved product

    *       Since the year end we have substantially reduced the level of gearing

The main objectives in the current year must be to increase turnover and this we are committed to do.  I believe
that we have now established the platform for a return to profitability.

In conclusion I should like to thank the management and staff of the Company for all their hard work and
commitment during the year.

R E W Newman

THE LONGMEAD GROUP PLC                                                                        

52 weeks ended 1 November 2003                                                                
                          Before     Exceptional          52 weeks         66 weeks
                                              exceptional           costs             ended            ended
                                                    costs    (Note 1)        1 November       2 November
                                                     2003            2003              2003             2002
                                                        �               �                 �     �
                      2,598,200               -         2,598,200        3,922,538
Cost of sales                                 (1,777,483)(478,253)       (2,255,736)      (3,097,260)
                                                 ________         _______          ________         ________
GROSS PROFIT                                                    (478,253)                   
                                                  820,717                           342,464          825,278
Distribution costs(685,072)                         (685,072)        (873,082)
Administrative expenses                         (313,253)               -         (313,253)        (398,427)
                                                 ________         _______           _______          _______
OPERATING (LOSS)                                (177,608)       (478,253)         (655,861)        (446,231)
              ________         _______                                   
Interest receivable and similar income           
                                                                                          5                3
Interest payable and similar charges                                               (78,503)        (107,377)
                                                                                    _______          _______
(LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                                                               
BEFORE TAXATION                                                                   (734,359)        (553,605)
Tax credit on loss on ordinary activities    
                                                                                          -                -
                                                                                _______          _______
(LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                                                               
AFTER TAXATION                                                                    (734,359)        (553,605)
      _______          _______
RETAINED (LOSS)                                                                                             
FOR THE PERIOD                           (734,359)        (553,605)
                                                                                    =======          =======
(LOSS) PER SHARE                                                                   (13.15)p         (11.79)p
There are no recognised gains and losses other than the gains and losses set out in the profit and loss


CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                                                 
At 1November 2003                                                                                        
                                                                           1 November            2 November
                                  2003                  2002
                                                                                    �                     �
FIXED ASSETS                                                           
Intangible assets                                                                                          
                                                                               24,981                27,981
Tangible assets                                                             1,979,586                      
                                     ________              ________
                                                                             ________              ________
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                             
Stocks                                                                      1,201,628                      
Debtors                                 669,677                      
Cash at bank and in hand                                                     
                                                                                9,267                 1,219
                                                                             ________              ________
DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR                                                         (955,490)           (1,058,350)
                                                                             ________              ________
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                            925,082                      
         ________              ________
TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                                                                          
CURRENT LIABILITIES                           2,929,649                      
CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING                                                                                 
DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR                                              (1,152,200)             (755,541)
            ________              ________
                                                                             ========              ========
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                                       
Called up share capital                                                       558,439                      
Share premium account                                                       1,397,747                      
Capital redemption reserve                                                                                 
                                                                               19,000    19,000
Revaluation reserve                                                           270,257                      
Profit and loss account                                                                                    
                                                                            (467,994)               261,293
                                                       ________              ________
TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                            1,777,449             2,511,808
                                                                             ========       ========

THE LONGMEAD GROUP PLC                                                                                           

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                                                 
52 weeks ended 1 November 2003 
                                                      2003             2002
                                                                                                 �                �
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                                   
ACTIVITIES                                                                               (197,392)        (125,707)
Returns on investment and                                                                                          
Servicing of finance                                                                      (80,061)        (105,907)
Capital expenditure and                                                                                            
Financial investment  (48,042)         (69,006)
                                                                                           _______          _______
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)                         
BEFORE FINANCING                                                                         (325,495)        (300,620)
Financing - Increase in debt                                                               394,653          170,631
                                                                                     _______          _______
INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH                                                                 69,158        (129,989)
                                                                                           =======        =======

52 weeks ended 1 November 2003

                                                                                            2003             2002
                                               �                �

        Stock write-offs                                                                 301,547          256,667
        Additional depreciation charge relating to write-off of fixed assets             152,040                -
        Factory closure costs                                                             24,666          115,432
        Reorganisation of Board and compensation for redundancy                                -37,275
                                                                                     ___________       __________
                                                                                         478,253          409,374
       ======           ======

        The  calculation  of the basic loss per share is based on the weighted average number of shares  in  issue
        during  the  financial  year  of  5,584,391 (2002: 4,695,213) and on the  loss  attributable  to  ordinary
        shareholders of �734,359 (2002: �553,605).

3.      The  financial information on the Group set out above does not constitute statutory information  financial
        year within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for the 52 weeks ended 1
        November 2003 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this
        preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Group's Annual General

4.      Copies of the 2003 Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders in due course. Further copies will be
        available from the registered office of The Longmead Group plc, Millwey Industrial Estate, Axminster, Devon, EX13
        5HU and from the Company,s nominated adviser, Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited at No 1 Riding House
        Street, London, W1A 3AS for one month from the date of this announcement.

The Longmead Group PLC


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