RNS No 2799n
22nd September 1998

      Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 1998
Gyrus  Group  PLC  ("Gyrus") the "PlasmaKinetic"  endosurgical
device  company today announces its maiden preliminary results
following  flotation in November 1997, for the year  ended  30
June 1998.

Key Points

* Trading results - trading results have exceeded market
  expectations with Group turnover at #5.71 million (1997: #1.56
  million) and loss before tax of #4.00 million (1997: #2.45
  million) reflecting investment in the business.
* VAPRTM System - the arthroscopic product has been
  successfully launched by the Groups marketing partner Ethicon
  Inc., a division of Johnson & Johnson.  The product is
  installed in over 1,000 hospitals and in excess of 90,000
  electrodes were shipped during the year.
* VersaPointTM  System - following the acquisition by Johnson
  & Johnson, Gynecare are reporting excellent market reception
  and forecasting contiued strong growth.
* European sales & marketing - Gyrus has now established its
  UK sales force and appointed a country manager in Spain, the
  Directors expect to make further appointments and market
  launches in France, Germany and Italy during the forthcoming
* Gyrus Endourology launch - the Groups system for the
  treatment of enlarged prostate and other urinary tract
  diseases was launched in May 1998.  The product is being
  trialed in many hospitals and sales are expected to commence
  in the second quarter of the current financial year.
* Manufacturing capacity - the Group has satisfactorily
  increased manufacturing capacity during the year to meet the
  higher than anticipated demand.  The Group satisfied the
  requirements of an  FDA audit in September 1998 and was
  accredited to ISO 9001 which will allow it to self-audit
  products that require CE marking

Brian Steer, Chairman, commented:

"I  am  delighted  with  the  Companys  outstanding  progress
recording  remarkable  sales and manufacturing  growth  within
such a very short timeframe. In achieving these goals, it  has
become  evident that we have the capability to continue  on  a
powerful  development  course  to  maintain  growth  with  the
opportunity  to  enter  many new  surgical  fields.   We  will
continue  to  ensure that Gyrus takes full  advantage  of  the
acceptance  of its products and technology through accelerated
growth and new product development."


For Gyrus, 1997/98 has been an eventful and successful year in
which  we  have  managed  a  major  expansion,  completed  our
flotation on the London Stock Exchange and finished  the  year
ahead of sales goals by more than 30%.

Group  turnover  for  the year ended 30 June  1998  was  #5.71
million  (1997:  #1.56 million), product sales  and  royalties
were  ahead  of expectations at #5.50 million and  development
fees  were  #0.21  million.  The loss on  ordinary  activities
before  taxation  increased in line with  expectations  to  #4
million (1997: #2.45 million) and the loss per ordinary  share
was  14.9p (1997: 14.3p).  Cash and investments totalled #8.68
million (1997: #0.93 million).

Product sales
Sales   growth   reflects  the  successful   launch   of   the
arthroscopic   AxiPolar  products,  based   on   the   Groups
PlasmaKinetic technology, through our marketing partner Mitek,
a  division  of  Ethicon, a Johnson & Johnson company.   First
launched  in June 1997 by Mitek through a 85 strong salesforce
in  the  USA, followed by a phased launch in selected European
markets,  the product is now installed in over 1000  hospitals
and  will  continue  its global roll out  through  1998.   The
product  in its various configurations has been well  received
by   surgeons,   enabling  them  to  perform  minimal   access
procedures  in both the shoulder and knee joints.  Gyrus  sold
in  excess of 90,000 electrodes to Mitek in the year ended  30
June   1998  demonstrating  wide  acceptance  of  the  Groups
technology in the market.

Gynecare, our other partner, was acquired by Johnson & Johnson
in  November 1997 and effectively re-launched VersaPoint,  the
hysteroscopic  application  of  our  technology,   through   a
salesforce  specifically directed at  the  womens  healthcare
market.   The transition to Johnson & Johnson sales forces  in
both  the USA and Europe has accelerated product sales.   This
acceleration  has  been  assisted by  synergistic  positioning
alongside  other  products in their  portfolio.  Gynecare  are
reporting excellent market reception and forecasting continued
strong  growth  as  more and more surgeons become  trained  in
hysteroscopic procedures.

We  have  established our European sales and marketing office,
set  up a UK force of four sales people and a product manager.
In  Spain, a Country Manager has been appointed to manage  our
business  through  a network of independent  distributors  and
plans  are  in place for marketing in France using  a  similar
approach.   This  will  be followed by  launch  in  Italy  and
Germany  early  in  the 1999.  We are reviewing  a  number  of
alternative  approaches to addressing the US market  involving
established distribution networks.

The   Gyrus  Endourology  system  for  treatment  of  enlarged
prostate  gland and other urinary tract diseases was  launched
in  May  1998 and is the first product to be brought to market
through Gyruss European sales and marketing division.  Trials
are  now  taking  place in many hospitals.   First  sales  are
expected  in the second quarter of this financial  year.   The
product has been well received with tissue effect being  ahead
of  current technologies used.  Notably the product is  viewed
as  potentially  reducing costs by causing  less  blood  loss,
allowing  earlier removal of catheters and shortening hospital

The   scale   up   of  manufacturing  has  been   particularly
outstanding in response to customers demand for our products.
The  Company completed the year with a forward order  book  of
#2.4m.   However,  in  meeting customers  demands  management
decided  to  accept  higher costs than  budgeted,  which  were
associated  with the introduction of shift working and  "rush"
material sourcing.  Management is now bringing costs into line
as  sales forecasting accuracy from our customers improves and
our  manufacturing  scheduling and material requirement  plans
become  more  effective.  To enable achievement of  long  term
goals, management is committed to an operational focus on cost
effective manufacturing, logistical and quality management  to
profitably service our partners and direct business.

Gyrus Group PLC

In  the litigious environment of the US medical device market,
success can bring with it assertions of infringement by  third
parties.  Whilst such assertions have been made, we have  been
advised   that   these  are  without  valid   or   enforceable
foundation.   Other  than  those simply  dismissed  as  purely
speculative, one has resulted in legal proceedings being taken
against  Johnson  &  Johnson  as  the  US  importer   of   our
PlasmaKinetic  systems.  As the cited party, J&J  Ethicon  are
vigorously  defending  this action with our  mutual  interests
represented under a joint defence agreement.

During  the year the Group prepared for a series of regulatory
audits.  The new FDA Quality System Regulation came fully into
force  in  June  of  this  year  and  the  Group  successfully
underwent   an   audit   by  the  FDA  early   in   September.
Additionally  the  Group received ISO  9001  accreditation  in
July,  which  will allow the Group to self-audit  against  the
Medical  Device  Directives and  apply  the  CE  mark  to  its
products without the need for third party review.

As  indicated  at  the time of flotation a  larger  production
facility  is required to meet long-term forecasts.  Management
is considering a proposal from the Welsh Development Agency to
utilise  an  adjacent site to build a further 40,000  sq.  ft.
manufacturing facility.

Research and development
Research  and  development has been  expanded  throughout  the
year,  as  planned at flotation.  This expansion has  been  to
support  development activities in three  main  sectors.   The
first  of  these  comprises  project  teams  supporting   line
extensions,  such  as the VAPR "T" introduction  announced  in
January  of  this  year, as well as improvements  to  existing
product  ranges.  The second sector of development  activities
has  been on introducing new speciality applications  for  the
Groups PlasmaKinetic technology, culminating in the launch of
the  Gyrus Endourology System in May of this year.  The  third
area  has been directed at the development of the new platform
technologies targeted at laparoscopic, ENT and head  and  neck
surgery.   With the growth in product demand and in  order  to
consolidate  acceptance and positioning of our  technology  in
the  market,  the on-going resource required  to  support  the
first  two activities is expected to increase against original
forecasts.  To accommodate this additional resource  R&D  will
be restructured during the first half of the year.

Through  the  development process, management  has  recognised
additional  market opportunities for the Groups  technologies
beyond  those  envisaged at the time  of  the  flotation.   Of
these,   the   minimal  access  cardiac  surgery   market   is
particularly attractive as an emerging, high value, segment of
the  medical  device market.  Several alliances between  large
corporations  and  small  medical  technology  companies  have
already  been established in this sector.  Management believes
that  such  an  alliance will also be the best route  for  the
Group to access this market.

Throughout  the  year  we have continued  to  build  a  robust
management   infrastructure  and  have  been   successful   in
recruiting  high  calibre individuals into all  areas  of  the
business.   The  workforce  has been  totally  supportive  and
responsive to the need to successfully meet demand beyond  our
original forecast.

In  summary, I am pleased to report that the Company has  made
outstanding   progress,   recording   remarkable   sales   and
manufacturing  growth within such a very short timeframe.   In
achieving these goals, it has become evident that we have  the
capability  to  continue on a powerful development  course  to
maintain  growth  with  the  opportunity  to  enter  many  new
surgical  fields,  either through our direct distribution,  or
through  additional partnerships.  The Board,  in  recognising
the   excellent   performance  of   the   Group   in   meeting
significantly over forecast sales, believes that it is in  the
best  interests of the Company to continue to ensure  that  it
takes  full  advantage of the acceptance of its  products  and
technology   through  accelerated  growth  and   new   product

The  Board wishes to thank the management, staff and investors
for  their support and contribution to the outstanding  result
achieved by the Company in 1997/98.

Brian L Steer

Gyrus Group PLC
Consolidated profit and loss accounts
for the year ended 30 June 1998

                                Year ended        Year ended
                              30 June 1998      30 June 1997
                                      #000              #000

Product sales                        5,089               396
Development fees                       212             1,127
Royalties                              408                32
                                 _________         _________

Turnover - continuing operations     5,709             1,555

Cost of sales                       (4,043)             (301)
                                 _________         _________

Gross profit                         1,666             1,254

Selling and distribution expenses     (717)             (120)
General and administration expenses (3,042)           (2,239)
Research and development expenses   (2,319)           (1,352)
                                 _________         _________

Operating loss - continuing
                 operations         (4,412)           (2,457)

Interest receivable and
 similar income                        506                66
Interest payable and similar
 charges                              (100)              (60)
                                 _________         _________

Loss on ordinary activities 
 before and after taxation,
 being the loss for the
 financial year                     (4,006)           (2,451)
                                __________         _________
Loss per ordinary share (pence)      (14.9)p           (14.3)p
                                __________         _________

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the loss
for each of the periods stated above.

Gyrus Group PLC
Consolidated balance sheets
as at 30 June 1998
                                30 June 1998   30 June 1997
                                        #000           #000

Tangible assets                        1,773          1,232
                                    ________       ________

Current assets
Stocks                                 1,550            260
Debtors                                1,527            332
Investments                            8,300              0
Cash at bank and in hand                 378            934
                                    ________       ________

                                      11,755          1,526

Creditors:amounts falling 
  due within one year                 (2,401)          (886)
                                   _________       ________

Net current assets                     9,354            640
                                   _________       ________

Creditors: amounts falling
 due after more than one year           (291)          (357)

Deferred income                         (749)        (1,356)
                                   _________       ________

Net assets                            10,087            159
                                   _________       ________

Capital and reserves
Share capital                         13,854          1,379
Merger reserve                         3,561          2,182
Profit and loss account               (7,328)        (3,402)
                                   _________       ________

Equity shareholders' funds            10,087            159
                                   _________       ________

Reconciliation of movements
 in shareholders' funds

                                30 June 1998    30 June 1997
                                        #000            #000

At beginning of year                     159              (9)
Loss for the financial year
 attributable to equity
 shareholders                         (4,006)         (2,451)
New share capital issued              13,854           2,544
Charge for share related awards           80             181
Goodwill written off                       0            (106)
                                   _________         _______

At end of year                        10,087             159
                                   _________         _______

Gyrus Group PLC
Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 30 June 1998

                                Year ended       Year ended
                              30 June 1998     30 June 1997
                                      #000             #000

Net cash outflow from
 operating activities               (5,027)          (1,274)

Returns on investment 
 and servicing of finance
Interest received                      427               67
Interest paid                          (67)             (25)
Interest element in financial
 lease rental payments                 (28)             (29)
                                   ________        _________
Net cash flows for returns
 on investments and
 servicing finance                     332               13
                                   ________        _________

Taxation                                 0               (4)
                                   ________        _________

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets     (960)          (1,046)
Sale of tangible fixed assets            2               26
                                    ________      _________

                                      (958)          (1,020)
                                    ________      _________

Cash outflow before use of liquid
resources and financing             (5,833)          (2,285)

Management of liquid resources
Cash placed on short term deposit   (8,300)               0
                                    ________          _________
                                   (14,133)          (2,285)

Loan from customer                       0             (645)
Capital element of finance 
  lease rental payments                (65)            (123)
Bank loan                             (135)             232
Issue of share capital,
  net of issue costs                13,777            2,544
                                    ________      _________

Net cash inflow from financing      13,577            2,008
                                    ________      _________

Decrease in cash                     (556)             (277)
                                    ________      _________

Gyrus Group PLC

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                   Year ended     Year ended
                                 30 June 1998   30 June 1997
                                         #000           #000

Decrease in cash in year                 (556)          (277)

Cash outflow from decrease
 in debt and lease financing              200            536

Increase in liquid funds                8,300              0
                                     _________      _________

                                        7,944            259

Inception of new finance leases           (71)          (279)
Loan notes issued                           0           (100)
                                     _________      _________

Change in net funds                     7,873           (120)

Net funds at beginning of year            380            500
                                     _________      _________
Net funds at end of year                8,253            380
                                      _________      _________

Analysis of net funds
                                    Year ended     Year ended
                                  30 June 1998   30 June 1997
                                          #000           #000

Cash at bank and in hand                   378            934
Debt due within one year                   (36)          (136)
Debt due after one year                   (161)          (196)
Finance leases                            (228)          (222)
Current asset investments                8,300              0
                                      _________       _______

Net funds at end of year                 8,253            380
                                      _________       _______

Reconciliation of operating loss to cash flow from operating
                                    Year ended     Year ended
                                  30 June 1998   30 June 1997
                                          #000           #000

Operating loss                          (4,412)        (2,457)
Depreciation charges                       505            188
Profit on disposal of fixed assets           0            (12)
Increase in stocks                      (1,290)          (258)
Increase in debtors                     (1,116)          (277)
Increase in creditors                    1,633              5
(Decrease) increase in deferred income    (607)         1,356
Share-related awards                        80            181
                                        ________       ________

                                        (5,207)        (1,274)
                                        ________       ________

Gyrus Group PLC

1. Basis of preparation
     The   financial  information  set  out  above  does   not
     constitute  the Companys statutory  financial statements
     for  the  years  ended 30 June 1998 or  1997  within  the
     meaning  of Section 240 of the Companies Act  1985.   The
     financial  information contained  on  pages  4  to  8  is
     derived  from  the Companys audited statutory  financial
     The consolidated financial information has been drawn  up
     under the same accounting policies as those used for  the
     financial statements for the year ended 30 June 1997.  On
     20 October 1997 Gyrus Group PLC acquired the entire share
     capital  of  Gyrus Medical Limited in a share  for  share
     exchange.  The financial information for the years  ended
     30  June  1998  and  30 June 1997 has  been  prepared  by
     consolidating  Gyrus Group PLC and Gyrus Medical  Limited
     as  if  Gyrus  Group PLC had always owned  Gyrus  Medical
     The  annual report and accounts of Gyrus Medical  Limited
     for  the  year ended 30 June 1997 received an unqualified
     audit  report  and have been filed with the Registrar  of
2. Loss per share
     The loss per share is based on losses of #4,006,000 (year
     ended 30 June 1997: loss of #2,451,000) and on 26,834,016
     ordinary  shares  (year ended 30 June  1997:  17,161,000)
     being  the  average number of shares in issue during  the
3. Dividend
     The directors do not recommend payment of a dividend.
4. Approval
     This statement was approved by the Board of Directors  on
     21 September 1998.

For further information please contact:

Mark Goble        Today       0171 466 5000
Gyrus Group PLC   Thereafter  01222 300100

Tim Anderson/Zena Bates
Buchanan Communications       0171 466 5000



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