RNS No 3621h
23rd February 1998


Gyrus Group PLC               0171 466 5000 (today)
Mark Goble                    0802 364480 (until Thursday)

Buchanan Communications       0171 466 5000
Tim Anderson/ Kirsty Swan

                        GYRUS GROUP PLC
   Interim results for the six months ended 31 December 1997
* Turnover increased to #1.9 million (1996: #14,000)

* Losses increased in line with expectations to #1.9
  million (1996: #1.4 million)

* Loss per ordinary share 8.5p (1996: 8.4p)

* Cash at 31 December 1997 totalled #12.3 million (1996:
  #1.6 million)

* 19,000 arthroscopy electrodes shipped in Q4 of 1997,
  exceeding our target of 17,000

* Monthly production of electrode is now 10,000

* VAPR 'T' for the thermal modification of soft tissue in
  the treatment of joint instability launched 2 months ahead of

* VersaPoint to be relaunched in Europe through the
  experienced Ethicon salesforce

* Urology product on target for launch in Q2 1998.

* UK sales team in place

* Research and development projects on target

Mark Goble, Managing Director, said:
"I am delighted to report that the Group is ahead of plan in
sales and production, shipping 19,000 electrodes in Q4 1997
against a target of 17,000.  Development activities to support
the arthroscopy system are also ahead of plan as demonstrated
by the launch of VAPR "T".  We continue to meet our milestones
with respect to our pipeline of ongoing product developments.
I expect increased market penetration to result from the
excellent progress we have made, leading to greater electrode
revenues in the long term".

Chairmans Statement

The last six months of 1997 proved both exciting and rewarding
for  the  Group.   We successfully floated the  Group  on  the
London  Stock Exchange in November 1997 in the midst  of  some
difficult market conditions triggered by the downturn  in  the
Far Eastern economy.

The  Group  has  performed  in  line  with  expectations  with
turnover  for the six months ended 31 December 1997  at  #1.87
million  (1996:  #14,000).  The loss  on  ordinary  activities
before  taxation increased in line with expectations to  #1.92
million (1996: #1.44 million) and the loss per ordinary  share
was   8.5p  (1996:  8.4p).   At  31  December  1997  cash  and
investments totalled #12.33 million.

Since flotation we have seen rapidly increasing acceptance  of
the  Companys  PlasmaKinetic  technology  in  minimal  access
surgical procedures.  The PlasmaKinetic technology is based on
the  principles  of  radiofrequency,  bipolar  electrosurgery.
Incorporating  advanced  proprietary  features,  the   systems
enable   both   rapid   tissue  removal  and   contouring   by
vaporisation  as  well as controlled thermal  modification  of
tissue  structures.   Our  partners, Johnson  &  Johnson,  who
market the arthroscopic and gynaecological applications world-
wide, continue to report growing demand for the products  with
a  user  base of over 600 hospitals in the United  States.   A
recent  market report on the US arthroscopy market cites  that
the continued growth of the market is expected to be driven by
bipolar radiofrequency devices which promise to cut costs  and
reduce patient bleeding.

We  have continued to build production capacity to meet demand
and  respond  to upwardly revised forecasts.  We  sold  19,000
arthroscopy electrodes in the fourth quarter of 1997 exceeding
our  target  of  17,000.  Our production  process  is  proving
capable  of  building products of high quality on a consistent
basis.    We   believe  however  that  we   have   significant
opportunity to improve the efficiency and volume throughput of
our  existing facility.  This process commenced in January  as
we  moved  to two shifts and increased our total workforce  to
180 people.

These  factors  are  now enabling us to achieve  a  consistent
production  level of 10,000 electrodes per month - well  ahead
of  our  original projections.  The accelerated scale  up  has
consequently had a start-up cost which has impacted  our  cost
of sales but without significantly influencing our anticipated
result  for  the year ending 30 June 1998.  The Board  expects
improved   margins  over  the  coming  months   with   greater
predictability of demand and more efficient use  of  materials
and manpower established to meet this demand.

The  Directors announced the successful launch of VAPR "T"  on
29 January 1998 following FDA approval.  This is a product for
the  thermal modification of tissue in the treatment of  joint
instability.  The launch was two months ahead of schedule  and
has  found  ready acceptance in the market with a major-league
baseball star already having been treated in the US.

The   acquisition   of  Gynecare,  the  distributor   of   our
gynaecological system worldwide, by Ethicon Inc  has  resulted
in  aggressive  plans to relaunch the VersaPoint hysteroscopic
product  in  Europe through an experienced Ethicon salesforce.
The  original agreements with Gynecare  have been amended with
Ethicon  to  convert a prepaid supply deposit of  #195,000  to
licence  income  in  order  to support  continued  development
investment in expansion of the product line.

Pricing  has been maintained at expected levels although  some
change  in  practice is foreseen where the  capital  equipment
elements  of  the  systems  will be placed,  free  of  charge,
against a commitment to the purchase of the disposable single-
use  electrodes.   This  is becoming  common  practice  within
established markets in the hospital medical device sector.

Activities  to  set  up a Gyrus direct business  to  sell  and
distribute urological and, head and neck surgical products are
underway.  The recruitment of a UK sales team is now  complete
and  plans are well advanced to establish the European  direct
operations  in  both Spain and France, managed  from  a  newly
established  office facility in Buckinghamshire.  This  direct
marketing group will have its first products released for sale
with the launch of the Urology product line, on target, in the
second  quarter of this calendar year.  We believe the product
will  demonstrate the significant clinical advantages  in  the
treatment of benign hypertrophic prostrate, as endorsed by the
adoption of our arthroscopic and hysteroscopic products.

Research  and development activities are progressing according
to  plan  with expansion of the existing VersaPoint  and  VAPR
product  lines together with continuing preclinical trials  of
prototypes of the platform 2 and 3 technologies.  Two  further
product  launches are expected in the second quarter  of  this
calendar year.

The  Management  and  staff of the Group continue  to  develop
their  skills  and capabilities to meet the  challenges  of  a
rapidly growing business.  We have been able to attract  first
class  people in all areas and are continuously improving  our
systems and procedures to ensure proper controls and decision-
making   processes.   We  are  actively  encouraging   further
education  of our employees and have in place incentive  plans
to ensure focus on the critical areas of our business.

The  need  for  expansion of our facilities is under  constant
review.  As an interim measure, we have taken further space in
the   immediate   area   to   provide  additional   production
flexibility   in  our  current  facility.   We  are   actively
reviewing  plans  to build a new facility to  accommodate  the
continued growth in line with a projected commissioning during
mid 1999.

In  conclusion  I  am  pleased to report  that  the  Group  is
continuing to show solid growth, with sales ahead of plan  and
production  meeting  the demand.  We  expect  to  continue  to
achieve the plans and goals we have set ourselves.

Brian Steer

Consolidated profit and loss accounts
for the six months ended 31 December 1997

                          Six months  Six months
                               ended       ended   Year ended
                        31 December  31 December      30 June
                                1997        1996         1997
                          (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited)
                                #000        #000        #000

Product sales                  1,565           14         396
Development fees                 210            -       1,127
Royalties                         95            -          32
                              ------      -------     -------
 continuing operations         1,870           14       1,555

Cost of sales                 (1,331)          (6)       (301)
                            --------      -------     -------
Gross profit                     539            8       1,254

Selling and distribution 
  expenses                      (290)         (75)       (120)
General and administration 
  expenses                    (1,335)        (662)     (2,239)
Research and development 
  expenses                      (891)        (738)     (1,352)
                            --------     --------    --------
Operating loss
 continuing operations       (1,977)       (1,467)     (2,457)

Interest receivable and 
 similar income                 130           38           66
Interest payable and 
 similar charges                (78)          (8)         (60)
                            --------    ---------    --------
Loss  on ordinary activities 
 before taxation             (1,925)      (1,437)      (2,451)

Tax on loss on ordinary 
  activities                      -            -            - 
                            --------    --------    ---------
Loss for the financial 
  period retained for
  equity shareholders        (1,925)      (1,437)     (2,451)
                            =======     ========    ========

Loss per ordinary 
 share (pence)              (8.5)p         (8.4)p     (14.3)p
                            =======     ========    ========

There  are no recognised gains or losses other than  the  loss
for each of the periods stated above.

Consolidated balance sheets
as at 31 December 1997

                          31 December  31 December
                                 1997         1996      30 June
                           (unaudited)  (unaudited)        1997
                                 #000         #000         #000

Tangible assets                 1,519          959       1,232
                              -------      -------     -------
Current assets
Stocks                            645          117         260
Debtors                           936          174         332
Investments - cash on deposit  11,000            -           -
Cash at bank and in hand        1,328        1,575         934
                             --------      -------     -------
                               13,909        1,866       1,526

Creditors: amounts falling 
  due within one year          (1,943)        (759)       (886) 
                            ---------     --------     -------
Net current assets             11,966        1,107         640
                            ---------     --------     -------
Total  assets less 
  current liabilities          13,485        2,066       1,872

Creditors: amounts falling 
  due after more than one year   (331)        (376)       (357)

Deferred income                (1,066)      (1,106)      (1,356)
                            ---------       ------      -------
Net assets                     12,088          584          159
                            ---------      -------      -------
Capital and reserves
Share capital                  13,853        1,193       1,379
Merger reserve                  3,562        1,723       2,182
Profit and loss account        (5,327)      (2,332)     (3,402)
                            ---------    ---------    --------
Equity shareholders funds     12,088          584         159
                            ---------    ---------    --------

Reconciliation of movements 
  in shareholders funds

                         31 December  31 December
                                1997         1996     30 June
                         (unaudited)  (unaudited)        1997
                                #000         #000        #000

At beginning of period           159          (9)         (9)
Loss for the financial period 
attributable to
equity shareholder            (1,925)      (1,437)     (2,451)
New share capital issued      13,854        1,899       2,544
Change in relation to 
  share-related awards             -          131         181
Goodwill written off               -            -        (106)
                           ---------    ---------    --------
At end of period              12,088          584         159
                           ---------    ---------    --------

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the six months ended 31 December 1997

                   Six months ended Six months ended Year ended
                        31 December      31 December    30 June
                               1997             1996       1997
                         (unaudited)      (unaudited)  (audited)
                               #000             #000       #000

Net cash outflow from
operating activities         (1,931)            (440)     (1,274)

Returns on investment and 
  servicing finance
Interest received                94               38          67
Interest paid                   (55)               -         (25)
Interest element in 
 financial lease 
 rental payments                (14)              (8)        (29)
                            --------          ------     -------
Net cash flows for 
  returns on investments
  and servicing finance          25               30          13
                            --------         -------    --------
Taxation                          -                -          (4)
                            --------         -------    ---------
Capital expenditure and 
  financial investments
Purchase of tangible 
  fixed assets                 (431)            (714)     (1,046)
Sale of tangible fixed assets     -                -          26
                            --------         --------   ---------
                               (431)            (714)     (1,020)
                            --------         --------   ---------
Cash outflow before 
  management of liquid
  resources and financing    (2,337)          (1,124)     (2,285)
                           ---------        --------    --------
Loan from customer                 -            (645)       (645)
Capital element of finance 
  lease rental payments         (28)             (16)       (123)
Bank loan                       (18)             250         232
Issue  of share capital, 
  net of issue costs         13,777            1,899       2,544
                           ---------         -------     -------
Net cash inflow 
  from financing             13,731            1,488       2,008
                           ---------         -------     -------
Management of liquid resources
Cash placed on short 
  term deposit              (11,000)               -           -
                           ---------         -------     -------
Increase/(decrease) in cash 
  in the period                 394              364        (277)
                           ---------        --------    --------

Reconciliation of net cash 
  flow to movement in net funds

                         Six months   Six months  
                              ended        ended   Year ended
                        31 December  31 December      30 June
                                1997         1996        1997
                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)
                                #000         #000        #000

  in cash in period              394          364        (277)
Cash inflow from decrease 
  in debt                         18          395         413
Cash outflow from decrease 
  in lease financing              28           16         123
                            --------     --------    --------
                                 440          775         259

New finance leases               (42)        (171)       (279)
Issue of unsecured loans           -            -        (100)
                            --------     --------   ---------
Change in net funds              398          604        (120)

Net funds at beginning 
  of period                      380          500         500
                            --------     --------   ---------
Net funds at end of period       778        1,104         380
                            --------     --------   ---------
Analysis of net funds

                         Six months   Six months 
                              ended        ended        ended
                        31 December  31 December      30 June
                                1997         1996        1997
                          (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited)
                                #000         #000        #000
Cash at bank and in hand       1,328        1,575         934
Finance leases                  (236)        (221)       (222)
Debt due within one year        (136)         (36)       (136)
Debt due after one year         (178)        (214)       (196)
                          ----------   ----------  ----------
Net funds at end of period       778        1,104         380
                          ----------   ----------  ----------

Reconciliation  of operating loss to cash flow from  operating

                           Six months  Six months   
                                ended       ended   Year ended
                          31 December 31 December      30 June
                                1997         1996         1997
                          (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited)
                                #000         #000         #000

Operating loss                (1,977)      (1,467)     (2,457)
Depreciation charges             186           37         188
Profit on disposal of 
  fixed assets                     -            -         (12)
Increase in stocks              (385)        (115)       (258)
Increase in debtors             (568)        (112)       (277)
Increase in creditors          1,103          488           5
(Decrease) increase in 
  deferred income               (290)         598       1,356
Share-related awards               -          131         181
                            --------     --------   ---------
                              (1,931)        (440)     (1,274)
                            --------     --------   ---------


1.  Basic of preparation
The  interim  statement  has been  drawn  up  under  the  same
accounting policies as those used for the financial statements
for  the  year  ended  30  June 1997.  The  interim  financial
statements  do not constitute statutory accounts as  they  are
unaudited.  They have however been reviewed by KPMG Audit  Plc
and  their report is set out below.  On 20 October 1997  Gyrus
Group  PLC acquired the entire share capital of Gyrus  Medical
Limited   in  a  share  for  share  exchange.   The  financial
information  for the six month period ended 31  December  1996
and  the  year  ended  30  June  1997  has  been  prepared  by
consolidating Gyrus Group PLC and Gyrus Medical Limited  under
merger  accounting principles as if Gyrus Group PLC had always
owned  Gyrus Medical Limited.  The annual report and  accounts
of  Gyrus  Medical  Limited for the year ended  30  June  1997
received an unqualified audit report and have been filed  with
the Registrar of Companies.

2.  Loss per share
The  loss  per  share  is based on losses of  #1,925,000  (six
months  ended  31 December 1996: loss of #1,437,000  and  year
ended  30  June  1997: loss of #2,451,000), and on  22,683,924
ordinary shares (six months ended 31 December 1996: 17,039,297
and  year  ended 30 June 1997:17,161,000), being the  weighted
average number of share in issue during the period.

3.  Dividend
The directors do not recommend payment of a dividend.

4.  Approval
This  Interim Statement was approved by the Board of Directors
on 20 February 1998.

5.  Copies of the Interim Statement
Copies   of  the  interim  statement  will  be  sent  to   all
shareholders and further copies are available at the Companys
registered office, Fortran Road, St Mellons, Cardiff, CF3 OLT.

Review Report by KPMG Audit Plc to the Director of Gyrus Group

We have reviewed the interim financial information for the six
months  ended  31  December 1997 set out above  which  is  the
responsibility  of, and has been approved by,  the  Directors.
Our responsibility is to report on the results of our review.

Our  review  was  carried out having regard  to  the  Bulletin
"Review  of  Interim  Financial  Information"  issued  by  the
Auditing  Practices Board.  This review consisted  principally
of  applying analytical procedures to the underlying financial
data,   assessing  whether  accounting  policies   have   been
consistently applied and making enquiries of Group  management
responsible for financial and accounting matters.  The  review
was  substantially  less in scope than an audit  performed  in
accordance with Auditing Standards.  Accordingly,  we  do  not
express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

We  draw  your  attention to the fact  that  Gyrus  Group  PLC
acquired  the  entire share capital of Gyrus  Medical  Limited
under  an  agreement dated 20 October 1997.   The  comparative
information for the year ended 30 June 1997 and the six months
ended  31  December  1996 has been prepared  using  accounting
policies  consistent  with  those  adopted  by  Gyrus  Medical
Limited  for the year ended 30 June 1997, taking into  account
the  group  reorganisation, and the  losses,  cash  flows  and
balance  sheets have been consolidated using merger accounting

On the basis of our review:
in  our  opinion, the interim financial information  has  been
prepared  using  accounting  policies  consistent  with  those
adopted by Gyrus Group PLC in its financial statements for the
year  ended 30 June 1997, and in the accountants report dated
6  November 1997 included in the prospectus of the same  date,
and  taking into account the group reorganisation referred  to
above; and

we  are not aware of any material modifications that should be
made to the interim information as presented.

KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants
Cardiff                                   20 February 1998



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