Monday 11 June 2007

Granby Oil and Gas plc

("Granby" or "the Company" or "the Group")

Preliminary results for the year to 31 March 2007

Granby,  the  oil  and gas exploration and production company with interests in the UK North  Sea  and  the
Philippines, announces its Preliminary results for the year to 31 March 2007.


During the year, Granby has:
     *        booked  its  first reserves of 1.83 million barrels of oil equivalent, following  receipt  of
         development approval for the Galoc oil field in the Philippines

     *       added contingent resources of 2.7 million barrels of oil equivalent

     *        significantly improved its North Sea portfolio by adding 15 new North Sea blocks in the  24th
         Licensing Round

     *       increased UKCS unrisked prospective resources by 37 million barrels (9%) to 460 million barrels of
         oil equivalent at 31 March 2007

     *       participated in two North Sea wells. Both were unsuccessful; the total cost to Granby was only
         �0.1 million

     *        farmed  in (jointly with Gas Plus) to the Burton Agnes-1 Prospect in Onshore Licence PEDL071,
         operated by Egdon Resources

     *       earned a 54% interest in the Tristan North West gas development in block 49/29b in the UK Southern
         North Sea

     *       acquired a 9% interest in the Monkwell gas discovery in block 42/29a in the UK Southern North Sea

     *       raised �9.0 million (before expenses of �0.4 million) in an institutional placing

Since 31 March 2007, Granby has:

    *        achieved  initial  drawdown  of the �29.7 million loan facility for  the  Tristan  North  West
    *       achieved initial drawdown of the $65.1 million loan facility for the Galoc development

    *        commenced  acquisition of three seismic surveys in Granby's first operated North  Sea  seismic

    *       farmed out a 50% interest in UKCS blocks 14/9a and 14/14b

Financial highlights:

        *       Loss after tax �1.8 million (2006: loss �2.9 million)
        *       Net cash at 31 March 2007 �7.3 million (2006: �7.3 million)


        *       Galoc and Tristan North West developments due on stream early 2008
        *       Plans  being prepared for a new well on the Monkwell field - which could potentially become
                 the Company's third development
        *       Burton Agnes-1 exploration well to be drilled this Summer
        *       A further six exploration wells aimed to be drilled in the next two years
        *       Development  operator  status applied for - expected to create  further  opportunities  for
Granby  now  has interests in 32 blocks and part blocks held in 18 licences in the North Sea,  one  onshore
block  in  the UK, a 54% interest in the Tristan North West gas development, a 9% interest in the  Monkwell
gas  discovery, and a 9.14% indirect interest in Service Contract 14C offshore Philippines, which  contains
the Galoc oil field.

In  addition  to  the  Burton Agnes-1 well expected to be drilled during summer  2007,  Granby  intends  to
continue  its  active  exploration programme with the aim of drilling a further six  exploration  prospects
identified on its current acreage.

David Grassick, Managing Director of Granby Oil and Gas, said:

"This  year  has seen Granby develop from an exploration promote company to exploration operator,  with  an
application to become a production operator. Granby has two developments underway, both scheduled to be  on
stream  before  the end of the year to 31 March 2008. We have developed some strong business  relationships
which enhance the potential and capabilities of the Company.

Granby is now poised to move forwards with the aim of an extensive exploration programme over the next  two
years and with an increased emphasis on development and production."

 Granby Oil and Gas plc                                020 7653 3660
 David Grassick, Managing Director                     07785 921080
 Nigel Burton, Finance Director                        077 8523 4447
 College Hill                                          020 7457 2020
 Nick Elwes / Paddy Blewer                             
 KBC Peel Hunt                                         020 7418 8900
 Jonathan Marren / Matt Goode                          

Chairman's statement
Granby made significant progress, despite two unsuccessful exploration wells, in the year to 31 March 2007,
with  reserves  booked for the Galoc project, the Tristan North West development project  secured,  and  an
increase in exploration licences.

Financial results
The  results for the financial year to 31 March 2007 are shown in the Group Income Statement.   Granby made
a  loss  after tax of �1.8 million (2006: loss �2.9 million) after the impairment of exploration  costs  of
�0.1  million  (2006: �1.4 million). This equates to a loss per share of 5.59p (2006:  loss  13.14p).   The
Board does not recommend a dividend.

In  preparation for expenditure on the Galoc and Tristan North West development projects and to  facilitate
contracting  of drilling rigs, Granby raised �8.6 million after expenses from an institutional  placing  in
August 2006.

At  31  March  2007  net cash was �7.3 million (2006: �7.3 million). There have been significant  movements
since the year end, with a cash inflow of �2.3 million following partial drawdown of the loan facility  for
the  Tristan  North West project, and a cash outflow of �1.9 million to Banca Intesa as  security  for  the
recourse element of the Galoc project financing. A further �1.2 million will be placed in escrow as sponsor
completion  support  for  the Galoc project prior to commencement of drilling.  After  excluding  the  �3.1
million committed to the Galoc project, net cash was �6.4 million on 31 May 2007.

Operational Performance
During  the year to 31 March, Granby gained 15 new blocks and part blocks in seven new exploration licences
in  the  North  Sea 24th licensing Round.  Granby was carried in two North Sea exploration  wells;  neither
found  commercial  hydrocarbons, but, subject to DTI approval and completion, we  successfully  swapped  an
interest in one of these wells for a 9% interest in the Monkwell gas discovery, which could become Granby's
third  development.   The Company also acquired an interest, recently increased from 35%  to  54%,  in  the
Tristan North West gas field, where Granby will become operator of the development with production targeted
for  the  end  of Calendar 2007.  Production is also expected from the Galoc field offshore Philippines  in
early Calendar 2008.

Resources & Reserves
Granby  booked its first reserves during the year for the Galoc field, with independently certified  proven
and  probable reserves of 1.83 million barrels of oil equivalent ('mmboe'), has added contingent  resources
of 2.7 mmboe from the Tristan North West field and Monkwell, and increased net prospective resources to 460
mmboe  unrisked (31 March 2006: 423 mmboe, up 9%), although risked net resources reduced by 9% to 76  mmboe
(31 March 2006: 82 mmboe) risked.

After a year of significant development for Granby, on behalf of the Board, I thank my fellow Directors and
all the management and staff at Granby who have contributed so much during the year.

Granby's  strategy  is  to  build  a successful oil and gas exploration  and  production  business  with  a
significant  portfolio  of assets in the North Sea and selected areas overseas through  the  discovery  and
development of oil and gas reserves.

The  Board  expects  that  the  next  12 months will be very active for  Granby.  The  Company  expects  to
participate  in  the fully funded Burton Agnes-1 exploration well in Summer 2007 (for which Granby's  costs
are  fully  carried) and currently intends to continue its active exploration programme  with  the  aim  of
drilling  a  further six exploration prospects identified on its current acreage over the next  two  years.
Furthermore,  Granby will participate in drilling three production wells, one on Tristan North  West  which
will  be the Company's first operated well, and two on Galoc before the end of 2007. Both Galoc and Tristan
North West are planned to be on stream soon after the wells are completed.

High oil prices have had a major impact on industry costs. Despite this, Granby is maintaining a high level
of  business activity to provide investors with exposure to good quality exploration opportunities  and  to
create  valuable oil and gas developments to sustain and grow the business.  We will continue  to  evaluate
the potential of the Company's licences and will actively manage the portfolio and review opportunities  to
add  value.   Where  possible,  we will continue to enhance the business with innovative  developments  and

The Board looks forward to the coming year with considerable confidence, a year during which Granby expects
to achieve positive cash flow from its first two developments.

Ric Piper, Chairman


In  the  last  year Granby has continued to expand its exploration portfolio, has drilled  two  exploration
prospects and has increased its focus and effort on developments, targeting initial production and  revenue
generation by early 2008.

In  addition to the Galoc oil development offshore the Philippines, where good progress is being  made,  we
have  added a second development, Tristan North West, which is due on stream by early 2008.  This has  been
achieved  through  the  support  and  project financing provided by the Mitsubishi  Corporation,  with  the
participation of its wholly owned subsidiary MCX Exploration (UK) Limited.  Furthermore, through a swap for
an  option (which has now expired) to participate in the Watling exploration well, we have acquired, for no
cash outlay and, subject to DTI approval and completion, a 9% interest in the Monkwell gas discovery, which
could become the third development in Granby's portfolio.

Both  the  Galoc  and  Tristan North West developments are now financed and scheduled to  reach  production
within  the  current financial year.  As a consequence of further technical work on Galoc  and  independent
certification, we have increased our booked reserves by 103% to 1.83 million stock tank barrels of oil.  We
have added contingent resources for Tristan North West of 2.4 mmboe and expect to book these as reserves in
the  near  future.   We  have also added contingent resources of 0.3 mmboe for Monkwell.   Net  prospective
resources stood at 460 mmboe at 31 March 2007.

Granby  is  now  a  licensed exploration operator, and will be acquiring three new seismic  surveys  during
Summer  2007.  We have recently applied to be the production operator of the Tristan North West  field  and
plan  to drill our first development well in the field before the end of 2007.  Operator status will enable
the  Company to have more control of its own destiny, enhances its reputation and credibility and will help
to create additional business opportunities.

Moving from Promote
During  the  year  to 31 March 2007, Granby increased its UK exploration and development  portfolio  to  18
licences.  In  a  very successful 24th Licensing Round, we gained 15 new blocks and part  blocks  in  seven
licences.   Granby  was  offered  the highest number of operated blocks  and  part  blocks  in  the  Round.
Significantly, of our 18 UK licences, nine are now Traditional licences which have a four year initial term
as  opposed  to  the  commitment to drill a well required to continue Promote licences  beyond  two  years.
Importantly, this has been achieved with only very modest work commitments.

Granby participated in two North Sea exploration wells, following successful farm-outs.  The first well was
drilled  by  Centrica  on  the Watling prospect in block 42/28c. It encountered good  gas  shows,  but  was
interpreted  as  water bearing. Granby's contribution to costs was only �0.1 million,  with  the  remainder
carried by other participants.  The second well was drilled on block 15/13b and operated by Nexen, but  did
not find hydrocarbons, although the geological prognosis was proved accurate.  Granby did not contribute to
the cost of the well.

Looking  forward,  Granby  will participate in the Burton Agnes-1 well (previously  named  Fraisthorpe)  in
Yorkshire,  which  is  now  expected to commence drilling in Summer 2007 and  will  be  operated  by  Egdon
Resources.   The  target is a Rotliegendes gas prospect which, if successful, is estimated  to  contain  43
billion  cubic  feet (bcf) of gas in the P50 case.  Granby has a 10% interest in the well,  for  which  its
costs are fully carried.

Granby has observed that it has become more difficult to farm-out exploration licences, largely because  of
high  drilling costs. Granby has responded by increasing the emphasis on prospect risk reduction, including
the  acquisition of high resolution seismic on some blocks, to improve the attractiveness of our  prospects
to farminees, and by diversifying the acreage between areas which utilise different rig markets.

We  continue to develop our prospects for farming-out, seeking to benefit from the greater emphasis on risk
reduction prior to farm-out and drilling.  Granby's enlarged portfolio now provides a strong cross  section
of drillable prospects, including some opportunities for low cost wells.

The  past  year has seen Granby make excellent progress in this area, including successfully acquiring  its
second  development  project,  Tristan North West, where we now have a 54%  interest.  The  development  is
financed  by  Mitsubishi Corporation, and we welcome their wholly owned subsidiary,  MCX  Exploration  (UK)
Limited, which joins us as a co-venturer in Mitsubishi's first North Sea project.

As  described  above,  we  have  also acquired a 9% interest in the Monkwell  gas  discovery,  where  three
exploration and appraisal wells have produced gas on test.

Both  the  Tristan  North  West and Galoc developments have also been successfully  financed,  and  initial
drawdown of the respective loan facilities has been achieved since the year end.

We  are  pleased  to  report that good progress continues to be made on the Galoc oil development  offshore
Philippines.   As  previously  announced in March 2007, the Galoc Production Company  ('GPC')  successfully
completed  the  project financing for its share of the US$100 million development project.   Granby  has  a
9.14% indirect interest in the Galoc field through its 15.69% shareholding in GPC.
The  first phase of development is now well underway, with all regulatory approvals obtained and the  major
contracts  awarded.  The two subsea horizontal production wells will be drilled by the  drill  ship  Energy
Searcher,  the arrival of which controls the critical path to first oil, now expected in the first  quarter
of 2008.  Once completed, the wells will be tied back to the Floating Production Storage and Offtake Vessel
('FPSO'),  Rubicon  Intrepid  which is being converted in Johor, Malaysia  prior  to  installation  of  the
helideck,  process equipment and other associated items in Singapore.  A truly international  project,  the
subsea  tree refurbishment & controls fabrication is underway in Perth, Western Australia, and the  process
equipment prefabrication has commenced in Batam, Indonesia.

Gaffney,  Cline  &  Associates  have independently certified the proved and  probable  Galoc  oil  reserves
associated with the first phase of the development as 23.6 million stock tank barrels. This results  in  an
increase of 103% in the booked proven and probable reserves to 1.83 million stock tank barrels of  oil  net
to Granby.

Tristan North West
Following  completion  by  Granby and Mosaic Natural Resources of the Sales  and  Purchase  Agreement  with
ExxonMobil  in  November 2006, Granby became the exploration operator for the Tristan North  West  area  of
block 49/29a.  Since then, we have increased our participating interest in the field from 35% to 54%  as  a
result  of  providing  short  term financing for Mosaic Natural Resources.   Granby  introduced  Mitsubishi
Corporation to the group as financier and its wholly owned subsidiary MCX Exploration (UK) Ltd participates
as a co-venturer in the �44 million development.

Granby  has  published the Environmental Statement, submitted the field development plan  to  the  DTI  for
approval  and has applied to be the production operator.  On approval, this will be a significant step  for
Granby,  becoming  a  production operator for the first time.   The development will consist  of  a  single
subsea  well  tied  back to the Davy Field Platform via a 15km long 6" diameter flowline and  the  existing
subsea manifold at Davy.

Contingent  resources  net to Granby are 14.0 bcf (2.4 mmboe) and we expect these to  be  re-classified  as
reserves shortly.

The project has a target of first gas by early Calendar 2008.

In  January 2007 Granby acquired, subject to DTI approval and completion, a 9% interest in the Monkwell gas
discovery in the Southern North Sea from Dana Petroleum. Granby's interest was acquired through a  swap  of
an  option, which has since expired without being exercised by Dana Petroleum, through which Dana Petroleum
would  have  acquired an interest in Granby's Watling prospect. Three wells drilled in the  Monkwell  field
have  produced gas on test.  Plans are being prepared for a new well to be drilled on the field within  the
next 12 months, with Monkwell possibly becoming Granby's third development.

Reserves and Prospective Resources
Granby booked its first reserves during the year for the Galoc oil field. As noted above, there was a  103%
increase  in  proven and probable reserves to 1.83 million stock tank barrels of oil as  a  consequence  of
additional  technical  studies.   These  reserves have been independently  certified  by  Gaffney  Cline  &

We  have  also recorded contingent (proven and probable) resources of 14.0 bcf of gas (2.4 mmboe)  for  the
Tristan  North West field and 1.8 bcf of gas (0.3 mmboe) for Monkwell. We anticipate booking  reserves  for
Tristan North West in the near future.

Prospective resources in Granby's enlarged North Sea exploration portfolio lie in some 27 prospects,  which
have been independently evaluated by TRACS International, and are summarised in the table below.

 Classification                Unrisked Net Volume                           Risked Net Volume
   Millions of      Low Estimate       Best           High       Low Estimate       Best           High
 Barrels of Oil                      Estimate       Estimate                      Estimate       Estimate
   Prospective          272            423            610             53             82            117
 Resources at 31
   March 2006
   Prospective          263            460            778             45             76            124
 Resources at 31
   March 2007
Source: TRACS International

The  resource  and  reserves information in this announcement have been prepared  in  accordance  with  the
guidance  in AIM notice 16 (AIM rules - guidance for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies) issued in March  2006.
This  resource  update  is  prepared in accordance with the definitions used by the  Society  of  Petroleum
Engineers  (SPE).  The  Directors can confirm that these figures have been  reviewed  by  Richard  Moreton,
Executive Director, who has over 23 years experience as a geophysicist within the oil industry.

This  year has seen Granby develop from an exploration promote company to an exploration operator, with  an
application made to become a production operator. We have two developments underway and scheduled to be  on
stream  before  the end of the year to 31 March 2008. We have developed some strong business  relationships
which enhance the potential and capabilities of the Company.

Granby  is  now poised to move forwards with an extensive exploration programme planned for  the  next  two
years and with an increased emphasis on development and production.

David Grassick
Managing Director

Granby Oil and Gas plc                                                                                 
Group Income Statement                                                                                 
For the year ended 31 March                                                2007                    2006
Unaudited                                         Notes                   �'000                   �'000
Revenue                                                                     157                     126
Impairment of intangible assets                                           (131)                 (1,445)
Other administrative expenses                                           (2,115)                 (1,894)
Total administrative expenses                                           (2,246)                 (3,339)
Operating loss                                                          (2,089)                 (3,213)
Finance income                                        3                     466                     304
Finance costs                                         3                    (16)                       -
Profit on sale of listed investments                                        104                       -
Loss before tax                                                         (1,535)                 (2,909)
Taxation                                                                  (250)                       -
Loss for the year                                                       (1,785)                 (2,909)
Loss per share                                                                                         
Basic and diluted                                     4                 (5.59)p                (13.14)p
All operations were continuing throughout both periods                                                 

Group Balance Sheet                                                                                        
As at 31 March                                                          Notes           2007           2006
                                                                                       �'000          �'000
Non-current assets                                                                                         
Intangible assets                                                           5          4,043            151
Property, plant and equipment                                                             34             66
Financial assets                                                            6          1,376            369
                                                                                       5,453            586
Current assets                                                                                             
Trade and other receivables                                                            2,127            148
Cash and cash equivalents                                                   7          8,512          7,254
                                                                                      10,639          7,402
Current liabilities                                                                                        
Financial liabilities - borrowings                                          8        (1,246)              -
Trade and other payables                                                               (278)          (386)
Current tax liabilities                                                                (250)              -
Net current assets/(liabilities)                                                       8,865          7,016
Net assets                                                                            14,318          7,602
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                                       
Share capital                                                                            182            128
Share premium                                                                         18,938         10,363
Other reserves                                                                          (59)             91
Retained earnings                                                                    (4,743)        (2,980)
Total shareholders' equity                                                            14,318          7,602

Group Cash Flow Statement                                                                                         
For the period ended 31 March                                                            2007                 2006
                                                                                        �'000                �'000
Loss for the year                                                                     (1,785)              (2,909)
Adjustments for:                                                                                                  
Share-based payments to employees                                                          22                    -
Finance costs                                                                           (466)                (304)
Finance income                                                                           (16)                    -
Taxation                                                                                  250                    -
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                              33                   19
Amortisation of intangible assets                                                          19                   11
Impairment of intangible assets                                                           131                1,445
Realisation of revaluation reserve                                                      (104)                    -
Operating cash flows before movements in working capital                              (1,884)              (1,738)
Increase in trade and other operating receivables                                     (1,979)                 (75)
Increase/(decrease)in trade and other operating payables                                (108)                (212)
Net cash flows used in operating activities                                           (3,971)              (2,025)
Loan to Galoc Production Company                                                      (1,352)                 (24)
Proceeds on sale of listed investments                                                    299                    -
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                                (1)                 (78)
Purchase of intangible assets                                                               -                 (58)
Exploration expenditure                                                               (4,042)              (1,353)
Interest received                                                                         450                  304
Net cash flows used in investing activities                                           (4,646)              (1,209)
Short term borrowings                                                                   1,246                    -
Issue of ordinary shares                                                                9,000               11,500
Costs of share issues                                                                   (371)              (1,069)
Net cash flows provided by financing activities                                         9,875               10,431
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                               1,258                7,197
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April                                                    7,254                   57
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March                                                   8,512                7,254

Group Statement of Changes in                                                                          
Unaudited                         Share          Share         Retained            Other          Total
                                capital        premium         earnings         reserves         equity
                                  �'000          �'000            �'000            �'000          �'000
At 1 April 2005                      60              -             (71)              493            482
Loss for the year                     -              -          (2,909)                -        (2,909)
Issue of share capital               68         11,432                -                -         11,500
Cost of share issue                   -        (1,069)                -                -        (1,069)
Revaluation of investments            -              -                -            (402)          (402)
Balance at 31 March 2006            128         10,363          (2,980)               91          7,602
At 1 April 2006                     128         10,363          (2,980)               91          7,602
Loss for the year                     -              -          (1,785)                -        (1,785)
Issue of share capital               54          8,946                -                -          9,000
Cost of share issue                   -          (371)                -                -          (371)
Release of revaluation                -              -                -            (150)          (150)
Share-based payments                  -              -               22                -             22
Balance at 31 March 2007            182         18,938          (4,743)             (59)         14,318

Granby Oil and Gas plc

Notes to the preliminary financial information for the year ended 31 March 2007

1     Basis of preparation
The  Group financial information contained in this document contains preliminary financial information  for
the  year  ended  31  March 2007 together with comparatives.   It has been prepared on  the  basis  of  the
policies  that  will be applied in the consolidated statutory accounts for the year ended  31  March  2007.
These  policies  remain unchanged from those applied in the consolidated statutory accounts  for  the  year
ended 31 March 2006.

The financial information in this statement, which was approved by the Board on 8 June 2007, is not audited
and  does  not constitute statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2007 or 31 March 2006 within  the
meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended).

Financial  statements  for Granby Oil & Gas plc for the year ended 31 March 2006 presented  under  IFRS  as
adopted by the European Union have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors reported  on
those  accounts: their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237  (2)
or  Section  237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985. As at the date of this announcement the auditors  have  not
reported  on  the  Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007, nor have  such  financial
statements been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 will be distributed to shareholders prior to, and
filed with the Registrar of Companies following, the Annual General Meeting.

2     Segmental Reporting

Geographical segments
The  Group currently operates in two geographical markets: UK and The Rest of The World. This is the  basis
on  which  the  Group records its primary segment information. Unallocated operating expenses,  assets  and
liabilities relate to general management, financing and administration of the Group.

                                                   UK     Rest of the         Unallocated          Consolidated
Year ended 31 March 2007                        �'000           �'000               �'000                 �'000

Segment revenue                                   157               -                   -                   157
Segment result                                  (402)           (393)             (1,190)               (1,985)
Profit on sale of listed investment                 -               -                 104                   104
Net interest income                                 -               -                 450                   450
Loss before tax attributable to equity          (402)           (393)               (740)               (1,535)
Taxation                                            -               -               (250)                 (250)
Loss after tax attributable to equity           (402)           (393)               (990)               (1,785)
Segment assets                                  4,015           1,376              10,701                16,092
Segment liabilities                             (905)               -               (869)               (1,774)
Capital additions                               4,042               -                   1                 4,043
Depreciation and amortisation                       -               -                (52)                  (52)
Impairment of intangible assets                 (131)               -                   -                 (131)

                                                   UK     Rest of the         Unallocated          Consolidated
Year ended 31 March 2006                        �'000           �'000               �'000                 �'000
Segment revenue                                   126               -                   -                   126
Segment result                                (1,868)           (135)             (1,210)               (3,213)
Finance income                                      -               -                 304                   304
Loss before and after tax attributable        (1,868)           (135)               (906)               (2,909)
to equity shareholders
Segment assets                                    208             369               7,411                 7,988
Segment liabilities                             (170)               -               (216)                 (386)
Capital additions                               1,523               -                 136                 1,659
Depreciation and amortisation                       -               -                (30)                  (30)
Impairment of intangible assets               (1,445)               -                   -               (1,445)

The  segment  assets  attributable to the UK segment consist mainly of capital  additions  related  to  the
Tristan  North  West  project  as  well  as the costs of exploration pending  determination,  whilst  those
attributable  to the Rest of the World segment consist of the shares held in Galoc Production Company.  The
Unallocated segment assets consist mainly of cash and cash equivalents.

Business segments
The operations of the Group comprise Oil and Gas Exploration, and Oil and Gas Development and Production.

Geographically  these  business segments are split such that the UK operations include  both  Oil  and  Gas
Exploration and Oil and Gas Development and Production in the year to 31 March 2007 (2006: only Oil and Gas
Exploration), and the operations of the Rest of the World comprise Oil and Gas Development and Production.

                                            Explorati     Development            Unallocated           Consolidated
                                                   on             and
Year ended 31 March 2007                        �'000           �'000                  �'000                  �'000
Segment revenue                                   157               -                      -                    157
Segment result                                  (402)           (393)                (1,294)                (2,089)
Profit on sale of listed investment                                                      104                    104
Net finance income                                  -               -                    450                    450
Loss before tax attributable to equity          (402)           (393)                  (740)                (1,535)
Taxation                                            -               -                  (250)                  (250)
Loss after tax attributable to equity           (402)           (393)                  (990)                (1,785)
Segment assets                                    404           4,987                 10,701                 16,092
Segment liabilities                             (100)           (805)                  (869)                (1,774)
Capital additions                                 431            3611                      1                  4,043
Depreciation and amortisation                       -               -                   (52)                   (52)
Impairment of intangible assets                 (131)               -                      -                  (131)
                                            Explorati     Development            Unallocated           Consolidated
                                                   on             and
Year ended 31 March 2006                        �'000           �'000                  �'000                  �'000
Segment revenue                                   126               -                      -                    126
Segment result                                (1,868)           (135)                (1,210)                (3,213)
Finance income                                      -               -                    304                    304
Loss before and after tax attributable        (1,868)           (135)                  (906)                (2,909)
to equity shareholders
Segment assets                                    208             369                  7,411                  7,988
Segment liabilities                             (170)               -                  (216)                  (386)
Capital additions                               1,523               -                    136                  1,659
Depreciation and amortisation                       -               -                   (30)                   (30)
Impairment of intangible assets               (1,445)               -                      -                (1,445)

3     Finance income and costs
                                                                                     2006                2005
                                                                                     �000                 �00
Interest receivable on bank deposits                                                  466                 304
Interest payable on bank deposits                                                    (16)                   -
                                                                                      450                 304

4     Loss per Ordinary Share

Basic and diluted earnings per share                                                        
                                                    Loss for the       Weighted average      Per share amount
                                                     year (�000)       number of shares               (pence)
Year ended 31 March 2007                                                                                     
Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders               (1,785)                 31,940               (5.59)p
Year ended 31 March 2006                                                                                     
Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders               (2,909)                 22,137              (13.14)p

Basic  earnings  per  share are calculated by dividing the profit attributable to  equity  holders  of  the
Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.  Due to the loss making
position of the Group, there is no difference basic and diluted earnings per share.

5     Intangible Assets
                                                      Computer     Costs of development                   Total
                                                      software       and of exploration
                                                         �'000                    �'000                   �'000
At 1 April 2006                                             58                    1,549                   1,607
Additions                                                    -                    4,042                   4,042
At 31 March 2007                                            58                    5,591                   5,649
Accumulated amortisation                                                                                       
At 1 April 2006                                             11                    1,445                   1,456
Charge for the year                                         19                        -                      19
Impairment                                                   -                      131                     131
At 31 March 2007                                            30                    1,576                   1,606
Net book value                                                                                                 
At 1 April 2006                                             47                      104                     151
At 31 March 2007                                            28                    4,015                   4,043

At 1 April 2005                                              -                       26                      26
Additions                                                   58                    1,523                   1,581
Disposals                                                    -                        -                       -
At 31 March 2006                                            58                    1,549                   1,607
Accumulated amortisation                                                                                       
At 1 April 2005                                              -                        -                       -
Charge for the year                                         11                        -                      11
Impairment                                                   -                    1,445                   1,445
At 1 April 2006                                             11                    1,445                   1,456
Net book value                                                                                                 
At 1 April 2005                                              -                       26                      26
At 31 March 2006                                            47                      104                     151

Intangible  assets  represent  computer  software  and capitalised  expenditure  directly  related  to  the
acquisition  and development of North Sea exploration licences, granted to the Group during  the  22nd  and
23rd  UK  offshore licensing round, together with an amount of �3,611,000 in respect of the  Tristan  North
West  development acquired during the year. The impairment charge is related to amounts expensed to  ensure
capitalised  amounts  do  not exceed their useful economic values.  The amounts expensed  during  the  year
mainly relate to the Watling and Guinea licences.

6     Financial assets
                                                   2007             2006       2007 Company      2006 Company
                                                  Group            Group
As at 31 March                                    �'000            �'000              �'000             �'000
Shares at cost in subsidiary                          -                -                 60                60
Shares in unlisted investments                       24               24                  -                 -
Shares in listed investments                          -              345                  -                 -
Loans and advances                                1,352                -                  -                 -
                                                  1,376              369                 60                60

A  loan  to  Galoc Production Company of �1,352,203 (2006: �nil) has been made which repayable within  five

7     Cash and cash equivalents
                                                   2007             2006       2007 Company      2006 Company
                                                  Group            Group
As at 31 March                                    �'000            �'000              �'000             �'000
Cash                                                 16               11                  -                 -
Short term deposits                               8,496            7,243                  -                 -
                                                  8,512            7,254                  -                 -

8     Financial liabilities - borrowings
                                                   2007             2006       2007 Company      2006 Company
                                                  Group            Group
As at 31 March                                    �'000            �'000              �'000             �'000
Bank loans and overdrafts due within                                                                         
one year or on demand:
Unsecured                                         1,246                -                  -                 -
                                                  1,246                -                  -                 -

9     Post Balance Sheet Events

Tristan North West project financing
On 30 April 2007 Granby completed a financing arrangement with MC Energy Solutions Limited, a subsidiary of
Mitsubishi  Corporation, and achieved initial drawdown of funds on the same date. Granby secured  a  �29.7m
non-recourse loan facility which it will utilise to fund up to 95% of its share of the Tristan  North  West
development  project, as well as the related financing costs. In addition to drawing down sufficient  funds
to cover its expected share of May and June 2007 joint venture costs, Granby also recovered a further �2.3m
in  cash  of  its  previous  capital contributions to the project and loans made  to  other  joint  venture
partners.  Immediately  subsequent to this initial drawdown of the loan Granby's total  investment  in  the
Tristan North West development, net of non-recourse borrowing, amounted to �2.3m.

Galoc project financing
On  6 June 2007 Galoc Production Company completed a financing arrangement with Intesa Sanpaulo S.p.A.  The
total  facility  consists of US$40.8m of non-recourse debt and US$24.2m of recourse debt. On  29  May  2007
Granby  placed �1.9m in escrow as security for Granby's share of the security for the recourse  element  of
the project financing. Granby will be liable to make a further cash deposit of �1.2m for sponsor completion
support  prior to commencement of drilling. These amounts will be returned to Granby once the Galoc project
finance has been repaid by the Galoc Production Company.

Granby Oil & Gas plc


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