23 November 2006

Granby Oil and Gas plc

("Granby" or "the Company" or "the Group")

Interim results for the six months ending 30 September 2006

Granby, the oil and gas exploration and production company with interests in the UK North Sea and  the
Philippines, announces its interim results for the six months ending 30 September 2006.


In the six months to 30 September 2006, Granby has:
     *       farmed out a part interest in UK Block 15/13b to Nexen Inc and Gas Plus in exchange for a full
         carry of Granby's remaining 23.375% interest.  The well, which will explore Granby's Guinea prospect,
         is expected to begin drilling in December 2006

     *       completed farm out arrangements with Centrica and Gas Plus for UK Block 42/28c where a well to
         explore Granby's Watling prospect is expected to begin drilling in December 2006

     *       announced a farm in with a 10% carried interest to UK onshore licence PEDL071 where a well is
         planned for early 2007

     *       farmed out a 10% interest in blocks 14/8a, 14/9a and 14/14b to Atlantic Petroleum (subject to
         DTI consent)
     *       completed a placing of 10.7 million ordinary shares of 0.5p  at a price of 84p per share to
         raise �9.0 million (before expenses of �0.4 million)

Since 30 September 2006, Granby has:
     *       completed the acquisition of the Group's second development project, Tristan North West, from
         ExxonMobil and executed a loan facility agreement with Mitsubishi Corporation for the development

     *        completed the financing arrangements for the development of the Galoc oil field  in  the
         Philippines which is now fully approved by co-venturers and the relevant authorities

     *       recorded its first reserves, of 0.90 million barrels, on the Galoc field (up 38% from the 0.65
         million barrels of contingent resources previously recognised)

     *       increased its carried interest in the Watling prospect in block 42/28c from 22.2% to 33.3%
         through acquisition of TGS-NOPEC's carried participating interest
Financial highlights:

    *       Loss before tax �0.9 million (2005: Loss �0.9 million)
    *       Cash at 30 September 2006 �13.6 million (30 September 2005: �9.5 million, 31 March 2006: �7.3

Resource highlights:

    *       Unrisked and risked resources down 13% and 6% respectively since Annual Report approval on 21
        August to 314 million barrels unrisked and 61 million barrels risked as a result of additional
        technical work, partly offset by the addition of the onshore licence PEDL071

David Grassick, Managing Director of Granby Oil and Gas, said:

"Granby continues to make good progress, especially against an industry background of rising costs and
a  shortage  of resources and materials.  We now have two development projects, Galoc and Tristan  NW,
financed and underway and we are scheduled to participate in two more exploration wells before the end
of 2006, with further exploration drilling activity planned for next year."

 Granby Oil and Gas plc                                020 7653 3660
 David Grassick, Managing Director                     07785 921080
 Nigel Burton, Finance Director                        077 8523 4447
 College Hill                                          020 7457 2020
 Nick Elwes                                            
 Paddy Blewer                                          

Operational Review

Development Projects

Galoc, Philippines
Development  of  the  Galoc  Field  has recently been approved by  all  joint  venture  partners,  the
Philippine  Department  of  Energy ("DOE") and the Philippine Department of  Environment  and  Natural
Resources  ("DENR").   Granby, through its wholly owned subsidiary Team  Oil,  has  a  9.14%  indirect
interest  in  the development via its 15.69% shareholding in Galoc Production Company  ("GPC"),  which
operates the development with a 58.29% participating interest.

The  award  of the project's first two major contracts (being for a drilling rig, the Energy Searcher,
and  for the purchase of subsea trees) was announced on 3 August 2006.  Since then, a contract for the
lease  and  operation of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading ("FPSO") vessel has been  placed
with  Rubicon Offshore International, Singapore.  Rubicon is in the process of converting  the  vessel
Rubicon  Intrepid to provide capacity for 25,000 barrels of fluid per day production and approximately
400,000 barrels of storage.

Development  drilling  is  scheduled for Third Quarter 2007 followed by  installation  of  the  subsea
equipment  and  hook-up  of the FPSO in late Fourth Quarter 2007.   First oil  is  expected  in  First
Quarter 2008.  The capital cost for the first phase of the development is expected to be approximately

Granby's contribution to the project will be partially funded by equity and loans from Granby plus non-
recourse project finance debt. In addition, as previously announced on 11 August 2006, Granby will  be
required to provide guarantees for recourse debt and completion support of approximately �3.2m.

Following approval of the field development plan, Granby is able to record its first reserves for  the
Galoc  field.  The estimates shown below, which indicate a most likely (proven and probable)  case  of
0.90  million  barrels,  a 38% increase on the 0.65 million barrels prospective  resources  previously
announced. These estimates derived from the operator's Reservoir Development Plan Granby is continuing
its  own  review  of  the  independent reserves certification report conducted  by  Gaffney,  Cline  &
Associates  ("GCA"),  which shows a P50 case of 23.1 million barrels and which  would  equate  to  1.8
million  barrels net to Granby, and will make a further announcement if necessary when this review  is

The net figures attributed below are Granby's pro-rata share of the net figures for GPC's interest  in
the Galoc oil field ('net working interest').

Oil &                       Gross                       Net attributable to Granby         Operator

of barrels
             Proven     Proven &      Proven &      Proven     Proven &      Proven &          
                        Probable     Probable &                Probable     Probable &
                                      Possible                               Possible
Galoc         4.44        9.84          20.78        0.41        0.90          1.90          Galoc
Field                                                                                     Production
Source: Granby

Tristan NW, Southern North Sea
We  are  pleased  to announce today that Granby and Mosaic Natural Resources Limited  ("Mosaic")  have
completed a Sale and Purchase Agreement with Exxon Mobil to acquire participating interests  in  block
49/29b  which contains the Tristan North West gas field. The Tristan North West field contains  proven
gas,  which  was  discovered  in  1987  by  the 49/29b-5 exploration  well.   Granby  has  acquired  a
participating interest of 42%, and Mosaic has acquired a 28% participating interest in the field.

Granby and Mosaic have reached agreement with Mitsubishi Corporation, which has established its wholly
owned  subsidiary  MCX  Exploration (UK) Limited, in its first North Sea venture,  to  acquire  a  30%
participating  interest  in  the  block in association with certain  financing  arrangements  for  the
development of the field.

The assignment to MCX Exploration (UK) Limited and development of the Tristan North West field remains
subject  to  a number of conditions including approval of the Field Development Plan by the Department
of  Trade  and Industry ("DTI").  Granby and its partners are working towards bringing the field  into
production in the Fourth Quarter of 2007. Further details on anticipated production rates and reserves
will be released after approval of the Field Development Plan.

The  field  will  be  developed via a single new subsea well tied back to existing facilities.   First
production is currently anticipated to be in late 2007, subject to availability of a suitable rig  and
other items with long lead times.

Contingent resources for the North West Tristan Field are shown below.

Gas                           Gross                     Net attributable to Granby         Operator

Billion cubic
feet (bcf)
                 Proven     Proven &    Proven &    Proven     Proven &      Proven &          
                            Probable    Probable               Probable     Probable &
                                           &                                 Possible
Tristan North     21.9        27.3        33.4       9.2         11.5          14.0         Granby
West Field
Source: TRACS


North  Sea Resources: As at 30 September 2006, Granby's net unrisked prospective resources (P50  case)
in its North Sea and onshore UK exploration prospects have decreased during the six month period since
31st March 2006 to 314 million barrels of oil equivalent.  Net risked prospective resources are now 61
million  barrels  of  oil  equivalent (P50 case). This represents a reduction  in  the  Company's  net
prospective  resources in the North Sea of 13% unrisked and  6% risked since 21 August 2006  when  the
Board  approved the FY2005/06 audited accounts as a result of additional technical work, partly offset
by  the  addition of the onshore licence PEDL071.  Since 31st March 2006 unrisked and risked resources
have each reduced by 26% , mainly as a result of the farm outs.

It  should be noted that technical work is still ongoing in a number of Granby's UK licences, and that
additional prospects currently being worked up will be added to the portfolio in due course.

Granby has also applied for additional acreage in the UK 24th Licensing Round, and hopes to be able to
update shareholders on this subject shortly.

Granby's North Sea exploration strategy remains unchanged, with the majority of our prospects lying in
relatively  shallow  water  close to existing infrastructure and able to be drilled  using  relatively
shallow, low cost wells.

The updated table of Granby's prospective resources is shown below.

                           Gross unrisked (100%)     Net unrisked volume        Net risked volume
                                  volume           Attributable to Granby    Attributable to Granby
Prospect                   P90     P50      P10     P90      P50     P10      P90      P50     P10
Northern North Sea                                                                                  
Prospects                    284     391      524    93.3    128.7   171.7     16.7     23.2    31.0
Outer Moray Firth                                                                                   
Prospects                    305     526      804    91.2    171.6   274.3     18.3     33.0    51.2
Total for Oil & Liquids                                                                             
mmboe                        589     917    1,328   184.5    300.3   446.0     35.0     56.2    82.2
Total for gas bcf                                                                                   
                             233     376      554    50.7     80.2   117.7     18.1     27.5    38.8
Total for Gas expressed                                                                             
as millions of barrels        40      65       96     8.7     13.8    20.3      3.1      4.7     6.7
of oil equivalent
Totals for Oil, Liquids                                                                             
and Gas mmboe at 30          629     982    1,424   193.2    314.1   466.3     38.2     61.0    88.9
September 2006
Note that the above table does not reflect the increased interest in the Watling prospect announced on
16  November 2006 which has the effect of increasing net unrisked and net risked resources by 2.9  and
1.0 mmboe respectively
Columns may appear not to add due to rounding
* Conversion factor applied being 1 bcf gas = 5.8 mmboe
mmbbl = million barrels
mmboe = million barrels of oil equivalent
bcf = billion cubic feet
Included in the table above are P50 net risked resources of 20mmbbl for the Guinea prospect and  14bcf
for the Watling prospect, both of which are expected to be drilled in December 2006

The table below highlights the changes that have occurred to Granby's net risked prospective resources
in  the  period from 31st March 2006, as shown in the Annual Report, to 30 September 2006, which  have
resulted primarily from dilution due to successful farmouts.

Licence, Block,            31 March 2006        30 September 2006         Change   Explanation
Prospect           P50 net risked volume    P50 net risked volume        (mmboe)
                                 (mmboe)                  (mmboe)
P1212                               20.4                      7.6          -12.7   Reduction of equity from 65% to
15/13b Guinea                                                                      24.375% on farmout
P1212                                6.8                      2.5           -4.2   
15/13b Eagle
Subtotal due to                                                            -17.0   
P1209                                3.1                      0.0           -3.1   Prospect reassigned 'lead' status
13/19 & 13/24c                                                                     and no longer included in table
13/25 Centurion
PEDL071  Burton                      0.0                     0.13           +0.1   Farm-in to former 'Fraisthorpe'
Agnes-1                                                                            prospect, now renamed Burton Agnes-
Technical                                                                   -1.1   
Total                                                                      -21.0   
Columns may appear not to add due to rounding

The  prospective resources above have been reviewed independently in a recent competent persons report
("CPR") prepared by TRACS international. This CPR has been prepared in accordance with the guidance in
AIM  notice  16 (AIM Rules - Guidance for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies) issued in March  2006.  This
resource  update  is  prepared in accordance with the definitions used by  The  Society  of  Petroleum
Engineers. The numbers quoted are those of TRACS. The contingent resources for the North West  Tristan
Field  have  also  been independently reviewed by TRACS. The reserves quoted for the Galoc  Field  are
Granby's  own  numbers  derived from the operator's Reservoir Development Plan.  As  mentioned  above,
Granby continues to review the independent reserves certification report conducted by Gaffney, Cline &
Associates.  These figures have been reviewed by Richard Moreton, Executive Director,  a  geophysicist
with 22 years' relevant experience.

Against  an industry background of rising costs and a shortage of resources and materials,  Granby  is
maintaining  a high level of business activity to provide its investors with exposure to good  quality
exploration  opportunities and to create valuable oil and gas developments to underpin  the  business.
Granby's  technical and management teams continue to enhance the business with innovative developments
and financing.

Granby Oil and Gas plc                                                                                         
Interim financial information                                                                                  
for the six months ended 30 September 2006
Group income statement                                       Six months to      Six months to        Year to 31
                                                              30 September       30 September        March 2006
                                                                      2006               2005
                                                    Notes      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                                                     �'000              �'000             �'000
Revenue                                                                  -                126               126
Impairment of intangible assets                                          -                  -           (1,445)
Other administrative expenses                                      (1,065)            (1,149)           (1,894)
Operating loss                                                     (1,065)            (1,023)           (3,213)
Interest receivable                                                    165                128               304
Loss before tax                                                      (900)              (895)           (2,909)
                                                                         -                  -                 -
Loss after tax                                                       (900)              (895)           (2,909)
Loss per share                                          2          (3.32)p            (4.43)p          (13.14)p
Basic and Diluted                                                                                              
All operations were continuing throughout the periods                                                          

Granby Oil and Gas plc                                                                                         
Statement of recognised income and expense                                                                     
                                                             Six months to      Six months to        Year to 31
                                                              30 September       30 September        March 2006
                                                                      2006               2005
                                                               (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                                                     �'000              �'000             �'000
Revaluation of available for sale securities                          (45)              (253)             (149)
Loss for the period                                                  (900)              (895)           (2,909)
Total recognised income and expense for period                       (945)            (1,148)           (3,058)

Granby Oil and Gas plc                                                                                         
Group balance sheet                                               As at 30           As at 30          As at 31
                                                            September 2006          September        March 2006
                                                               (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                                                     �'000              �'000             �'000
Non-current assets                                                                                             
Intangible assets                                                      238                                  151
Property, plant and equipment                                                                                66
                                                                        51                 34
Financial assets                                        3            1,346                                  369
                                                                     1,635                598               586
Current assets                                                                                                 
Trade and other receivables                                            362                                     
                                                                                           90               148
Cash and cash equivalents                                           13,625              9,524                  
                                                                    13,987              9,614                  
Current liabilities                                                                                            
Trade and other payables                                               187                                  160
Current tax liabilities                                                                                       -
                                                                         -                  -
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                 149                                  226
                                                                       336                442                  
Net current assets                                                  13,651              9,172                  
Net assets                                                          15,286              9,770                  
Called up share capital                                                182                128                  
Share premium                                                       18,938             10,368            10,363
Other reserves                                                          46                240                91
Accumulated losses                                                 (3,880)              (966)           (2,980)
Total shareholders' equity                                          15,286              9,770                  

Granby Oil and Gas plc                                                                                         
Group cash flow statement                                    Six months to      Six months to        Year to 31
                                                              30 September       30 September        March 2006
                                                                      2006               2005
                                                               (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                                                                     �'000              �'000             �'000
Cash flows from operating activities                                                                           
Operating loss for the period                                      (1,065)            (1,013)           (3,213)
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                           17                  6                19
Amortisation of intangible assets                                        9                  -                11
Impairment of intangible assets                                          -                  -             1,445
Operating cash flows before movements                                                                          
in working capital                                                 (1,039)            (1,007)           (1,738)
(Increase) in trade and other operating                              (214)               (17)              (75)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other operating                      (50)                 15             (212)
Net cash used in operating activities                              (1,303)            (1,009)           (2,025)
Purchase of property plant and equipment                               (2)               (33)              (78)
Purchase of intangible assets                                         (98)               (43)              (58)
Purchase of investments                                                  -               (11)              (24)
Loan advanced to GPC                                               (1,022)                  -                 -
Exploration expenditure                                                  -                  -           (1,353)
Interest received                                                      165                128               304
Net cash used in investing activities                                (957)                 41           (1,209)
Issue of ordinary shares                                             9,000             11,500            11,500
Costs of share issues                                                (372)            (1,065)           (1,069)
Net cash inflow from financing activities                            8,628             10,435            10,431
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                            6,368              9,467             7,197
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                     7,254                 57                57
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                          13,622              9,524             7,254

Granby Oil and Gas plc                                                                                       
Group statement of changes in equity (unaudited)                                                             
                                             Share            Share          Retained        Other      Total
                                           Capital          Premium          Earnings     Reserves     Equity
                                             �'000            �'000             �'000        �'000      �'000
At 1 April 2005                                 60                -              (71)          493        482
Loss for the period                              -                -             (895)            -      (895)
Issue of share capital                          68           11,432                 -            -     11,500
Costs of share issue                             -          (1,064)                 -            -    (1,064)
Revaluation of investments                       -                -                 -        (253)      (253)
At 30 September 2005                           128           10,368             (966)          240      9,770
Loss for the period                              -                -           (2,014)            -    (2,014)
Costs of share issue                             -              (5)                 -            -        (5)
Revaluation of investments                       -                -                 -        (149)      (149)
At 31 March 2006                               128           10,363           (2,980)           91      7,602
Issue of share capital                          54            8,946                 -            -      9,000
Costs of share issue                             -            (371)                 -            -      (371)
Loss for the period                              -                -             (900)            -      (900)
Revaluation of investments                       -                -                 -         (45)       (45)
At 30 September 2006                           182           18,938           (3,880)           46     15,286

Notes to the interim financial information

1.      Basis of accounting and presentation of financial information

This  unaudited interim financial information comprises the interim consolidated balance sheets as  at
30  September 2006 and 30 September 2005 and related group interim statements of income,  cash  flows,
recognised  income  and expense and changes in equity for six months ended 30 September  2006  and  30
September  2005  (hereinafter referred to as 'Financial Information').  The information  contained  in
these statements in relation to the year ended 31 March 2006 does not constitute statutory accounts as
defined  in  section  240 of the Companies Act 1985.  A copy of the audited and unqualified  statutory
accounts  for  that  year  has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.   The  interim  financial
information,  including  all  comparatives, has been prepared in accordance  with  the  Rules  of  the
Alternative Investment Market issued by the London Stock Exchange.

The  interim  financial  information has been prepared in accordance  with  the  principal  accounting
policies as set out in the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006.   The
accounting policies have been consistently applied to all periods presented.

The  Group has elected not to adopt IAS 34, Interim financial statements and, therefore, this  interim
financial information is not in compliance with IFRS.

2.      Loss per share
The  calculation  for the basic loss per share is based on the loss for the period after  taxation  of
�0.900m  (2005:  Loss �0.895m) and a weighted average number of shares in issue of  27,099,478  (2005:

3.      Financial assets
The  increase  in the value of financial assets of �0.977m consists of the reduction in the  value  of
Granby's investment in Elixir Petroleum Limited (to �0.300m from �0.345m at 31 March 2006) plus a loan
to GPC of �1.022m which is repayable within five years

4.      Dividend
The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend

5.      Approval of the interim financial information
The  interim  financial information (unaudited) was approved by the Board of Directors on 22  November

Granby Oil & Gas plc


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