The Company seeks to provide shareholders with long-term capital growth through 
investment in quoted companies which are either incorporated in the Republic of 
Ireland or Northern Ireland or, if elsewhere, derive the majority of their 
turnover or profits from the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland or are 
listed on the ISEQ Index. 
It is considered that the Company, through the securities in which it invests, 
offers an attractive and relatively direct means of investing in Ireland, 
thereby giving exposure to: 
? its attractive demographics; 
? low corporation tax; 
? an attractive English-speaking base for international investors, particularly 
from the USA, to service the EU market; 
? an attractive base from which Irish companies can develop international 
business; and 
? a pro-business Government and culture. 
Asset Allocation: 
The Company invests in quoted companies which are either incorporated in the 
Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland or, if elsewhere, derive the majority 
of their turnover or profits from the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland 
or are listed on the ISEQ Index. The majority of investments will be in 
equities, although other forms of equity-related securities, including warrants 
and convertibles, may be held. Cash and derivative instruments (such as futures 
and options) may be used for efficient portfolio management and as part of 
investment strategy, subject to the prior consent of the Board. 
The Company's investments are not limited by reference to market 
capitalisation, sector or weightings within the Republic of Ireland or 
elsewhere. However, a sizeable part of the portfolio is usually held in stocks 
of companies incorporated in the Republic of Ireland, since they represent a 
majority of the Company's eligible investment universe. 
Risk Diversification: 
Portfolio risk is managed by investing in a diversified spread of investments. 
There are generally up to 40 holdings at any one time, and no single holding 
will represent more than 15% of the net assets of the Company or more than 15% 
of the investee company's issued share capital at the time of acquisition. 
The Company will not invest more than 15% of its gross assets in other listed 
investment companies (including investment trusts). 
The Manager is authorised to gear the portfolio to make additional investments. 
Gearing can fluctuate between zero and 25% of shareholders' funds, with timing 
determined on the basis of market circumstances and investment opportunities. 
The level of gearing is regularly monitored by the Board. Alternatively, cash 
is held when the Manager has negative views on share prices. 
Previously, gearing has been achieved through the use of flexible borrowing 
facilities. In the recent turbulence in banking markets in Ireland and in other 
countries, the Company did not renew its borrowing facilities because the terms 
offered were unacceptable. The Board has authorised the Manager to use 
contracts for difference ("CFDs") for gearing purposes. The use of CFDs is 
subject to the limits which applied when bank loan facilities were used, and 
total gearing remains subject to a maximum of 25% of shareholders' funds. 
Performance is compared with the ISEQ Index, the Hoare Govett Smaller Companies 
(ex Investment Companies) Index, the FTSE All-Share Index and the FTSE Europe 
ex UK Index. 
H P Sheridan (Chairman) 
R A M Baillie 
G R Caldwell 
W R Cotter 
P K Cunneen 
R A Milliken 
Investment Manager: 
Gartmore Investment Limited 
Gartmore House 
8 Fenchurch Place 
London EC3M 4PB 
Telephone: 020 7782 2000 
Secretary and Registered Office 
Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited 
(trading as Capita Financial Group - Specialist Fund Services) 
Beaufort House 
51 New North Road 
Exeter EX4 4EP 
Telephone: 01392 412122 
Computershare Investor Services PLC 
The Pavilions 
Bridgwater Road 
Bristol BS99 6ZZ 
Telephone: 0870 707 1025 
Registered No. 3031629 
England and Wales 
Gartmore Irish Growth Fund PLC is managed by Gartmore Investment Limited 
("GIL") which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 
? Net asset value per Ordinary share fell by 3.99% compared with a fall in 
sterling terms of 18.21% in the ISEQ Index. 
? Revenue return of 3.74p per share compared with 2.80p per share in the six 
months to 30 September 2009. 
In the context of a difficult six months for the Irish stock market, your 
Company has recorded a relatively strong performance. 
In sterling terms, the net asset value ("NAV") at 30 September 2010 amounted to 
755.62p, a decrease of 4% over the six months to 30 September 2010, and follows 
an increase in NAV of 77% in the year to 31 March 2010. The 4% decrease 
compares with a decrease in sterling terms of 18.2% in the ISEQ Index. The 
negative returns posted by the Irish market were more pronounced than in the UK 
main market, with the FTSE All-Share Index falling 1.4%, and the Hoare Govett 
Smaller Companies (excluding Investment Companies) Index increasing by 4.9% due 
to a rally in UK mid-cap stocks. 
The revenue return for the six months was 3.74p per share, representing an 
increase of 34% on the revenue return of 2.80p for the six months to 30 
September 2009. This improvement reflects strong dividend income on the 
underlying investment portfolio. 
As at 30 September 2010, the share price was 670p, representing a discount to 
NAV of 11% compared to a discount of 13% at 31 March 2010. During the six-month 
period, the Company repurchased 614,486 shares and, since 30 September 2010, a 
further 189,213 shares have been repurchased. All shares repurchased were 
cancelled. Shares are bought back with the objective of reducing the share 
price discount to NAV whilst enhancing the NAV per share, and the Company 
intends to make further purchases when stock becomes available at attractive 
The Board continues to monitor closely the investment management arrangements 
for the Company which were affected when Gervais Williams, who had managed the 
portfolio since the Company's launch in 1995, left Gartmore in September 2010. 
Since then the Company's portfolio has been managed by Adam McConkey and Moni 
Sternbach, both of whom worked closely with Gervais Williams. Further 
departures from Gartmore, although not directly associated with the Company, 
have required the Board to examine the arrangements with Gartmore as Investment 
Manager. The Board has agreed a significantly reduced notice period, from one 
year to a rolling three months, under the Company's investment management 
agreement, to recognise the impact of these developments on Gartmore Irish. 
The current management of the portfolio and other options for the Company will 
continue to be evaluated and a further announcement will be made within two 
In the meantime, the Board will continue to keep the level of discount under 
careful review and will apply the Company's share buyback policy, as 
appropriate. If necessary, the Board will seek shareholders' authority to renew 
the Company's buyback powers should the existing powers be exhausted. 
We remain cautiously optimistic about the prospects for selected Irish 
equities, which continue to benefit from a strong export performance and their 
international activities. There are still many opportunities at a stock 
specific level to invest in strong, growing businesses that have an ability to 
generate profits and dividends. Despite the clear challenges, the fundamentals 
that have worked for the economy in the past, such as an attractive demographic 
profile, a favourable tax regime and a supportive business environment, still 
persist today. 
Harry Sheridan 
29 November 2010 
The past six months have seen the Irish equity market significantly 
underperform the rest of Europe, driven by the fear that the rising costs of 
recapitalising its banking sector could drive the Irish government to default 
on their sovereign debt obligations. These concerns are reflected in the 
widening of Irish government bond spreads versus German Bunds to historic 
Recent economic data is also providing a mixed picture. Though GDP unexpectedly 
declined during the second quarter, exports continued to expand and there are 
signs that unemployment may be stabilising. 
Our lack of exposure to the Irish banking sector was a positive contributor to 
performance over the period. The sector suffered a sharp decline as the true 
costs of bailing out the sector exceeded initial estimates. 
At the stock level, our greatest positive contribution compared to the ISEQ 
Index was our underweight exposure to materials producer CRH, which posted its 
largest monthly decline on record during August after it issued a trading 
statement. The substantial drop in earnings was exacerbated by concerns 
surrounding the strength of the US economy and the continued decline in home 
Our holding in Andor Technology, which sells specialist, high-performance 
digital cameras to research departments in universities and scientific 
institutions, was a particularly strong performer. Andor's strong newsflow over 
the year to date culminated in its interim management statement at the end of 
September, in which management stated that they are confident full-year results 
will exceed market expectations. Post the period end we have substantially cut 
the position taking profits, although at the time of writing it remains one of 
our larger holdings. 
Our position in Aer Lingus also delivered a positive contribution. Towards the 
end of last year we identified Aer Lingus as a company that could attract 
greater investor interest, and it has since shown improvements in trading over 
last year. Capacity rationalisation has meant an increased load factor, and 
although revenues were down a little as expected, cost reductions resulted in 
an operating loss that represented a substantial improvement in operating 
earnings. Adding to the position during April benefited the portfolio as the 
price rose during June, and since then the market has been recognising, and 
rewarding, the progress that has been made in restructuring the business, as 
well as the fact that Aer Lingus is a potential takeover candidate. 
Other positives included Origin Enterprises, Glanbia, Elan and Smurfit Kappa. 
The largest detractor compared to the ISEQ Index was our lack of exposure to 
Ryanair. Although we were not exposed during the steep decline in April and 
May, having sold in mid-April just before the Icelandic volcanic eruption 
disrupted air travel across Europe, we missed the subsequent recovery in share 
price. We maintain our preference for Aer Lingus over Ryanair. 
Another detractor of performance was a position in Norkom Group, which suffered 
a heavy decline during September when it issued a trading statement for the 
first half and reported that revenues and earnings were both lower than for the 
same period the previous year. We have now sold this position. 
During the period under review we sold Allied Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland, 
Ryanair and Norkom. We also took profits on Glanbia and cut our exposure to 
Andor Technology. Purchases have included United Drug, Merrion and DCC. 
The processes we use to manage the Fund remain in place following Gervais 
Williams' departure at the end of September. We will continue to place an 
emphasis on our extensive company meeting program, and through our own 
fundamental research we believe we can take advantage of the pricing 
inefficiencies that exist within this market. 
We have recently reduced exposure to some of the smaller companies where the 
investment thesis was driven by event risk, with examples such as Providence 
Resources and Minco. We have also increased our exposure to Kerry, DCC and 
Smurfit Kappa. We continue to place an emphasis on international businesses, 
and businesses paying high and sustainable dividends. 
There are a number of compelling investment opportunities in Ireland whose 
prospects are not correlated to the perceived health of the Irish economy. 
Many Irish equities look undervalued, with a number of companies quoted in 
Ireland being overlooked or disregarded by investors simply because of their 
Irish incorporation. This is especially true for those businesses which are 
international in nature, and therefore have prospects which are actually more 
closely tied to other regions, such as well-known Irish companies Kerry Group, 
Smurfit Kappa and Paddy Power, and less well-known names such as Norkom, Andor 
and Glanbia. 
In spite of the uncertainty we are continuing to find plenty of quality 
investment opportunities in Ireland at very attractive valuations. 
Gartmore Investment Limited 
29 November 2010 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the condensed set 
of financial statements for the six months to 30 September 2010, which has been 
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the European Union, gives a 
true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the 
Attention is drawn to the Chairman's statement above. The other principal risks 
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year are 
substantially unchanged since the date of the annual report for the year ended 
31 March 2010 and continue to be as set out in that report. 
The Directors confirm also that the Chairman's Statement, Manager's Review and 
the condensed financial statements include a fair review of the information 
required by: 
(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the 
financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, 
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 
six months of the year; and 
(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related-party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the Company during the period, and any changes in the 
related-party transactions described in the last annual report that could do 
On behalf of the Board 
Harry Sheridan 
29 November 2010 
                                               At 30          At 31   Increase/ 
                                       September 2010    March 2010  (decrease) 
Net assets attributable to Ordinary          GBP50.133m      GBP57.050m     (12.12) 
Net asset value per Ordinary share            755.62p       786.99p      (3.99) 
ISEQ Index *                                2,318.54      2,834.64      (18.21) 
FTSE All-Share Index                        2,868.00      2,910.00       (1.44) 
Hoare Govett Smaller Companies (ex          4,019.13      3,832.23        4.88 
Investment Companies) Index 
Mid-market price per Ordinary share           670.00p       685.00p      (2.19) 
* Sterling adjusted 
                                 Six months to         Year to   Six months to 
                                  30 September        31 March    30 September 
                                          2010            2010            2009 
                                         pence           pence           pence 
Return per Ordinary share: 
Capital                                (45.42)          385.71          368.13 
Revenue                                  3.74             4.21            2.80 
Total                                  (41.68)          389.92          370.93 
                              Number of shares       Number of       Number of 
                                                        shares          shares 
Ordinary shares in issue             6,634,634     7,249,120**      10,494,442 
Weighted average Ordinary            6,869,085     9,236,716**      10,856,035 
shares in issue 
** Includes tender offer for 2,758,489 shares in October 2009. 
This financial information has been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). 
to 30 September 2010 
                                              Six months to 30 September 2010 
                                       Note     Revenue    Capital       Total 
                                                  GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000 
Losses on investments at fair value                  -     (2,682)     (2,682) 
Exchange losses                                      -       (124)       (124) 
Dividends and other income                4         712         -         712 
Total income                                        712    (2,806)     (2,094) 
Investment management fee                         (253)         -        (253) 
Cost of investment transactions                      -       (314)       (314) 
Other expenses                                    (182)         -        (182) 
Total expenses                                    (435)      (314)       (749) 
Profit/(loss) before finance costs                 277     (3,120)     (2,843) 
and taxation 
Finance costs                                      (20)         -         (20) 
Profit/(loss) before taxation                      257     (3,120)     (2,863) 
Taxation                                  2          -          -           - 
Profit/(loss) and total                            257     (3,120)     (2,863) 
comprehensive income for the period 
Basic and diluted return per              5       3.74p    (45.42)p    (41.68)p 
Ordinary share 
The Group does not have any income or expense that is not included in profit/ 
(loss) for the period, and therefore the "Profit/(loss) for the period" is also 
the "Total comprehensive income for the period", as defined in International 
Accounting Standard 1 (revised) ("IAS 1"). All of the profit/(loss) for the 
period and the total comprehensive income for the period is attributed to the 
Shareholders of the Group. 
The total column of this statement is the Statement of Comprehensive Income of 
the Group which incorporates the trading subsidiary, Gartmore Irish Smaller 
Companies Investment Limited, prepared under IFRS. The supplementary revenue 
and capital return columns are presented for information purposes as 
recommended by the Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") issued by the 
Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). All revenue and capital items in 
the above statement derive from continuing operations. These accounts are 
unaudited and are not the Group's statutory accounts. 
to 31 March 2010 
                                                   Year to 31 March 2010 
                                       Note    Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                                 GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Gains on investments at fair value                   -      36,283      36,283 
Exchange gains                                       -          67          67 
Dividends and other income                4      1,244           -       1,244 
Total income                                     1,244      36,350      37,594 
Investment management fee                         (619)          -        (619) 
Cost of investment transactions                      -        (686)       (686) 
Other expenses                                    (336)          -        (336) 
Total expenses                                    (955)       (686)     (1,641) 
Profit before finance costs and                    289      35,664      35,953 
Finance costs                                       (6)          -          (6) 
Profit before taxation                             283      35,664      35,947 
Taxation credit/(charge)                  2        106         (37)         69 
Profit and total comprehensive                     389      35,627      36,016 
income for the year 
Basic and diluted return per              5       4.21p     385.71p     389.92p 
Ordinary share 
The Group does not have any income or expense that is not included in profit 
for the year, and therefore the "Profit for the year" is also the "Total 
comprehensive income for the year", as defined in IAS 1. All of the profit for 
the year and the total comprehensive income for the year is attributed to the 
Shareholders of the Group. 
The total column of this statement is the Statement of Comprehensive Income of 
the Group which incorporates the trading subsidiary, Gartmore Irish Smaller 
Companies Investment Limited, prepared under IFRS. The supplementary revenue 
and capital return columns are presented for information purposes as 
recommended by the SORP issued by the AIC. All revenue and capital items in the 
above statement derive from continuing operations. 
to 30 September 2009 
                                              Six months to 30 September 2009 
                                       Note    Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                                 GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Gains on investments at fair value                   -      40,551      40,551 
Exchange losses                                      -         (53)        (53) 
Dividends and other income                4        796           -         796 
Total income                                       796      40,498      41,294 
Investment management fee                         (348)          -        (348) 
Cost of investment transactions                      -        (504)       (504) 
Other expenses                                    (178)          -        (178) 
Total expenses                                    (526)       (504)     (1,030) 
Profit before finance costs and                    270      39,994      40,264 
Finance costs                                        -           -           - 
Profit before taxation                             270      39,994      40,264 
Taxation credit/(charge)                  2         34         (30)          4 
Profit and total comprehensive                     304      39,964      40,268 
income for the period 
Basic and diluted return per              5       2.80p     368.13p     370.93p 
Ordinary share 
The Group does not have any income or expense that is not included in profit 
for the period, and therefore the "Profit for the period" is also the "Total 
comprehensive income for the period", as defined in IAS 1. All of the profit 
for the period and the total comprehensive income for the period is attributed 
to the Shareholders of the Group. 
The total column of this statement is the Statement of Comprehensive Income of 
the Group which incorporates the trading subsidiary, Gartmore Irish Smaller 
Companies Investment Limited, prepared under IFRS. The supplementary revenue 
and capital return columns are presented for information purposes as 
recommended by the SORP issued by the AIC. All revenue and capital items in the 
above statement derive from continuing operations. These accounts are unaudited 
and are not the Group's statutory accounts. 
for the six months to 30 September 2010 
                   Share    Share  Special     Capital  Capital  Retained    Total 
                 capital  premium  reserve  redemption  reserve  earnings 
                          account              reserve 
                   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Six months to 
30 September 
31 March 2010      1,812    1,101       -        3,966   48,692     1,479   57,050 
Net (loss)/            -        -       -           -    (3,120)      257   (2,863) 
profit after 
taxation for the 
directly to 
Equity dividends       -        -       -           -        -       (102)    (102) 
Shares purchased    (154)       -       -          154   (3,952)        -   (3,952) 
for cancellation 
30 September       1,658    1,101       -        4,120   41,620     1,634   50,133 
Year to 
31 March 2010 
31 March 2009      2,742    1,101   16,645       3,036   22,869     2,406   48,799 
Net profit after       -        -       -           -    35,627       389   36,016 
taxation for the 
directly to 
Equity dividends       -        -       -            -       -     (1,316)  (1,316) 
Shares purchased    (240)       -  (2,852)         240   (3,180)        -   (6,032) 
for cancellation 
Tender offer        (690)       -  (13,793)        690   (6,624)        -  (20,417) 
31 March 2010      1,812    1,101       -        3,966   48,692     1,479   57,050 
Six months to 
30 September 
31 March 2009      2,742    1,101   16,645       3,036   22,869     2,406   48,799 
Net profit after       -        -        -          -    39,964       304   40,268 
taxation for the 
directly to 
Equity dividends       -        -        -          -         -    (1,316)  (1,316) 
Shares purchased    (118)       -   (2,852)        118        -         -   (2,852) 
for cancellation 
Tender offer           -        -        -          -       (23)        -      (23) 
30 September       2,624    1,101   13,793       3,154   62,810     1,394   84,876 
These accounts have been prepared under IFRS. 
as at 30 September 2010 
                            Note 30 September         31 March    30 September 
                                         2010             2010            2009 
                                        GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investments at fair value              40,864           49,137          66,498 
through profit or loss 
Current assets 
Stock of investments                        -                -              46 
Trade and other                           712              557           2,410 
Amounts receivable in          6          271              943               - 
respect of contracts for 
Cash and cash equivalents               9,509            7,781          16,784 
                                       10,492            9,281          19,240 
Total assets                           51,356           58,418          85,738 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables               (1,074)          (1,115)           (862) 
Amounts payable in             6         (149)            (253)              - 
respect of contracts for 
Total liabilities                      (1,223)          (1,368)           (862) 
Net assets                             50,133           57,050          84,876 
Represented by: 
Share capital                           1,658            1,812           2,624 
Share premium account                   1,101            1,101           1,101 
Special reserve                             -                -          13,793 
Capital redemption                      4,120            3,966           3,154 
Capital reserve                        41,620           48,692          62,810 
Retained earnings                       1,634            1,479           1,394 
Total equity                           50,133           57,050          84,876 
Net asset value per                    755.62p          786.99p         808.77p 
Ordinary share 
for the six months to 30 September 2010 
                                Six months to         Year to    Six months to 
                                 30 September        31 March     30 September 
                                         2010            2010             2009 
                                        GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating 
Consolidated (loss)/profit             (2,863)         35,947           40,264 
before tax 
Adjustments to reconcile net ( 
loss)/profit before tax to net 
cash flows from operating 
Losses/(gains) on investments           2,996         (35,597)         (40,047) 
Exchange losses/(gains)                   124             (67)              53 
Finance costs                              20               6                - 
Increase in stocks                          -               -              (46) 
(Decrease)/increase in trade              (72)            (98)              83 
and other payables 
Decrease in trade and other                94             161              154 
Purchases of investments              (10,934)        (47,171)         (27,327) 
Sales of investments                   18,515          78,194           43,546 
Payments made under contracts          (1,655)           (168)               - 
for difference 
Revaluation of foreign currency          (115)             13             (146) 
Net cash flows generated from           6,110          31,220           16,534 
operating activities 
Taxation paid                               -            (416)               - 
Cash flows from financing 
Equity dividends paid                    (102)         (1,316)          (1,316) 
Cost of share repurchases              (4,260)        (26,289)          (3,030) 
Interest on contracts for                 (20)             (6)               - 
difference and overdrafts 
Net cash flows used in                 (4,382)        (27,611)          (4,346) 
financing activities 
Increase in cash and cash               1,728           3,193           12,188 
Net cash and cash equivalents           7,781           4,588            4,588 
at start of period 
Net cash and cash equivalents           9,509           7,781           16,776 
at end of period 
1. Basis of Preparation and Accounting Policies 
The condensed consolidated financial statements comprise the unaudited results 
of the Company and its subsidiary, Gartmore Irish Smaller Companies Investment 
Limited, for the six months to 30 September 2010, and do not constitute 
statutory accounts under the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for 
the six months ended 30 September 2010 and 30 September 2009 has not been 
audited nor reviewed by the Company's Auditor. Full statutory accounts for the 
year to 31 March 2010 included an unqualified audit report and did not contain 
a statement required under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 and 
were filed with the Registrar of Companies on 10 September 2010. 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern 
basis and on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the statutory 
accounts for the year to 31 March 2010, in accordance with IFRS as adopted by 
the European Union. There have been no changes to the accounting policies since 
31 March 2010. The information is presented in pounds sterling, the currency of 
the Group's domicile. 
The Company has adequate financial resources and no significant investment 
commitments and as a consequence, the Directors believe that the Company is 
well placed to manage its business risks. After making appropriate enquiries, 
the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate 
available financial resources to continue in operational existence for the 
foreseeable future and accordingly have concluded that it is appropriate to 
continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the half-yearly report. 
2. Taxation 
                               30 September 2010            31 March 2010 
                           Revenue   Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital  Total 
                             GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
a) Analysis of charge in 
Corporation tax (credit)/        -         -       -     (36)       37      1 
Total current tax                -         -       -     (36)       37      1 
(credit)/charge for 
Deferred tax credit              -         -       -     (70)        -    (70) 
Total deferred tax credit        -         -       -     (70)        -    (70) 
for period 
Total tax (credit)/charge        -         -       -    (106)       37    (69) 
for period (see 2b) 
                                      30 September 2009 
                                  Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
a) Analysis of charge in 
Corporation tax charge                 36        30        66 
Total current tax charge for           36        30        66 
Deferred tax credit                   (70)        -       (70) 
Total deferred tax credit for         (70)        -       (70) 
Total tax (credit)/charge for         (34)       30        (4) 
period see (2b) 
b) Factors affecting current taxation charge: 
The tax assessed on the (loss)/profit of the period is lower than the rate of 
corporation tax of 28% (31 March 2010: 28% and 30 September 2009: 28%). The 
differences are explained below: 
                                       30 September     31 March  30 September 
                                               2010         2010          2009 
                                              GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000 
(Loss)/profit before taxation                (2,863)      35,947        40,264 
Corporation tax 28% (31 March                  (802)      10,065        11,274 
2010: 28% 30 September 2009: 28%) 
Effects of: 
Non-taxable UK dividends                         (6)          (6)           (6) 
Non-taxable overseas dividends                 (192)        (219)          (99) 
Expenses not deductible for tax                   -            3             - 
Excess management expenses carried              126           36             - 
Proceeds from sale of redeemable                  -           37            30 
Marginal relief                                   -            -            (5) 
Prior year adjustment                             -            1             - 
Non-taxable items in capital                    874       (9,986)      (11,198) 
Total tax credit for the period                   -          (69)           (4) 
Due to the Company's status as an investment trust, and the intention to 
continue meeting the conditions required to obtain approval to retain that 
status in the foreseeable future, the Company has not provided deferred tax on 
any capital gains and losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of 
3. Dividends Paid 
During the period, a final dividend of 1.52p (2009: final dividend of 1.27p and 
special dividend of 10.88p) per Ordinary share amounting to GBP101,799 (2009: GBP 
1,316,000) was paid to Shareholders in respect of the year ended 31 March 2010. 
4. Dividends and Other Income 
                                     Six months to       Year to  Six months to 
                                      30 September      31 March   30 September 
                                              2010          2010           2009 
                                             GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
Income from listed investments: 
Franked dividend income                         23            23             23 
Unfranked investment income                    686           942            655 
Dividends reinvested                             -            88              - 
Dividends on contracts for                      13            44              - 
Dealing (losses/gains of subsidiary            (24)          124            114 
                                               698         1,221            792 
Interest on deposits                             9             6              4 
Underwriting commission                          5            17              - 
                                               712         1,244            796 
5. Return per Ordinary Share 
                       Six months to     Year to 31 March        Six months to 
                  30 September  2010                 2010   30 September  2009 
                    GBP'000   per share     GBP'000  per share    GBP'000   per share 
Capital return     (3,120)   (45.42)p    35,627    385.71p   39,964     368.13p 
Revenue return        257       3.74p       389      4.21p      304       2.80p 
Total return       (2,863)   (41.68)p    36,016    389.92p   40,268     370.93p 
Weighted                    6,869,085            9,236,716           10,856,035 
Ordinary shares 
in issue 
6. Derivative Instruments 
Whilst the Group and Company may use a variety of derivative contracts, the 
only derivatives entered into during the period were CFDs under a master 
agreement with HSBC to enable the Company to gain long exposure on individual 
securities through CFDs. CFDs are synthetic equities and are valued by 
reference to the investments' underlying market values. 
                                   Six months to        Year to  Six months to 
                                    30 September       31 March   30 September 
                                            2010           2010           2009 
                                           GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Net (losses)/gains on derivative 
instruments in the period 
Payments made under contracts for         (1,455)          (362)             - 
Holding (losses)/gains under                (569)           690              - 
contracts for difference 
                                          (2,024)           328              - 
At the period end the Company had exposure to the following derivative 
                                   Six months to        Year to  Six months to 
                                    30 September       31 March   30 September 
                                            2010           2010           2009 
                                           GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Contracts for difference - assets            271            943              - 
Contracts for difference -                  (149)          (253)             - 
                                             122            690              - 
Market exposure                            5,943          9,062              - 
7. Share Capital 
During the six-month period to 30 September 2010, the Company repurchased and 
cancelled 614,486 Ordinary shares, at a cost of GBP3,952,000. This reduced the 
number of Ordinary shares in issue from 7,249,120 to 6,634,634. 
Since the period end, a further 189,213 Ordinary shares have been repurchased 
and cancelled at a cost of GBP1,290,000. 
8. Related Party Transactions 
Under the terms of an agreement dated 8 July 2002, the Company has appointed 
Gartmore Investment Limited to be the Manager. The investment management fee 
payable to the Manager is calculated at 1.0% per annum of the gross asset value 
(less current liabilities) of the Group held at each month end. The total fees 
payable under the agreement are shown in the Condensed Consolidated Income 
Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
At 30 September 2010 an amount of GBP42,000 (31 March 2010: GBP48,000, 30 September 
2009: GBP246,000) was outstanding and due to Gartmore Investment Limited. 
In addition to the fees paid under the management agreement, the Company also 
pays Gartmore Investment Limited up to a maximum of GBP20,000 per annum for the 
services provided in respect of Gartmore SAVEit and Gartmore ISAit. The fees 
included in the accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2010 were 
GBP10,000 (31 March 2010: GBP17,000, 30 September 2009: GBP10,000), of which GBP4,000 
(31 March 2010: GBP2,000, 30 September 2009: GBP5,000) was outstanding. 
The Directors of the Company may be or have been directors of companies held in 
the portfolio. The Board has delegated authority for investment selection to 
the Manager and the Manager has selected all investments independently in 
accordance with the investment strategy set out above. The Board as a whole 
reviews the investment portfolio on a regular basis and is satisfied that the 
investments were selected in an objective manner and that no conflict of 
interest has arisen as a result of the selection of these stocks. 
                                 Valuation at              Valuation at 
                            30 September 2010             31 March 2010 
                         GBP'000              %          GBP'000          % 
United Kingdom            5,327           10.6          5,124        9.0 
Republic of              35,537           70.9         44,013       77.1 
Total                    40,864           81.5         49,137       86.1 
Net current               9,269           18.5          7,913       13.9 
Net assets               50,133          100.0         57,050      100.0 
PORTFOLIO (including cash and CFDs) 
as at 30 September 2010 
Company                      Sector classification       Market  Total Exposure 
                                                          GBP'000        % 
1    (6)   Andor Technology  Electronic & Electrical      4,378       7.8 (5.1) 
2    (1)   Greencore         Food Producers               3,791       6.7 (7.9) 
3    (7)   Origin            Food Producers               3,657       6.5 (5.1) 
4    (15)  Aer Lingus        Travel & Leisure             3,608       6.4 (2.8) 
5    (2)   Irish Continental Travel & Leisure             3,572       6.3 (7.1) 
6    (8)   Paddy Power       Travel & Leisure             2,676       4.7 (4.8) 
7    (-)   United Drug       Food & Drug Retailers        2,557       4.5   (-) 
8    (3)   Total Produce     Food & Drug Retailers        2,398       4.3 (6.1) 
9    (-)   DCC               Support Services             2,398       4.3   (-) 
10   (9)   Smurfit Kappa     General Industrials          2,223       3.9 (4.6) 
11   (13)  Worldspreads      General Financial            2,030       3.6 (3.5) 
12   (5)   Glanbia           Food Producers               2,002       3.6 (5.6) 
13   (14)  FBD Holdings      Non Life Insurance           1,975       3.5 (3.5) 
14   (10)  Fyffes            Food Producers               1,722       3.1 (3.9) 
15   (-)   Merrion Pharmacy  Pharmaceuticals &            1,695       3.0   (-) 
16   (-)   Kerry             Food Producers               1,550       2.8   (-) 
17   (18)  TVC Holdings      General Financial            1,114       2.0 (2.0) 
18   (-)   Dragon Oil        Oil & Gas Producers            929       1.6   (-) 
19   (17)  UTV Media         Media                          842       1.5 (2.5) 
20   (20)  Datalex           Software & Computer            830       1.5 (1.1) 
21   (-)   Minco             Mining                         264       0.5   (-) 
22   (11)  Bank of Ireland   Banks                          251       0.4 (3.8) 
23   (22)  Providence        Oil & Gas Producers            134       0.2 (0.9) 
24   (28)  Galantis Gold     Mining                         106       0.2 (0.1) 
25   (26)  Zamano            Mobile Telecommunications       73       0.1 (0.5) 
26   (29)  Prime Active      Media                           32       0.1 (0.1) 
27   (27)  Veris             Support Services                -         -  (0.3) 
28   (31)  Newcourt          Support Services                -         -    (-) 
29   (32)  Fortfield         Electronic & Electrical         -         -    (-) 
           Total equity                                  46,807      83.1 
           Cash                                           9,509      16.9 
           Total exposure & cash¹                        56,316     100.0 
           CFD notional cash exposure                   (5,821) 
           Other net current liabilities                  (362) 
           Net assets                                    50,133 
¹ Percentage based on total exposure which comprises fixed asset investments of 
GBP40,864,000 plus exposure to underlying securities represented by CFDs of 
GBP5,943,000 and cash balances of GBP9,509,000. 
Previous year end ranking and percentages in brackets. 
The foregoing represents the full text of the Half-Yearly Report for the six 
months to 30 September 2010, which will be posted to shareholders shortly. The 
Report will also be available for download from the Company's website: 
www.gartmoreirishgrowthfund.com or on request from the Company Secretary. 
Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited 
29 November 2010 

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