RNS No 1247d
28 September 1999
               Freeserve announces strong first quarter growth

Freeserve plc, the UK's leading Internet business, today announces its  first
set  of results since admission to the London Stock Exchange and Nasdaq,  for
the  sixteen  week  quarter ended 21 August 1999 (comparisons  are  with  the
twelve week quarter ended 1 May 1999).  Salient features are as follows:

First Quarter Results

*   1.406 million active registered accounts* as at 21 August 1999, a 19%
    increase on the previous quarter end;
*   over 2.2 billion minutes of use for the 16 week period (1.5 billion for
    the 12 week quarter ended 1 May 1999);
*   average four-weekly churn ** continued to decline from 11.9% in the
    previous quarter to 9.5% in this quarter;
*   76 million page impressions in August (64 million in May);
*   turnover of #3.4 million, and loss on ordinary activities before
    exceptional items and taxation of #5.0 million;
*   104% increase in turnover for the 16 weeks compared to the last (12
    week) quarter of 1998/1999;
*   e-commerce and advertising have overtaken connectivity as the principal
    source of revenue;
*   a host of new content services, entertainment and commerce opportunities
    (see Quarter One Events);
*   strategic investments made in GlobalNet, TelePost and Babyworld;
*   joint venture to establish UK on-line share trading.

Current Trading

*   1.478 million active registered accounts* as at 26 September;
*   active registered accounts have increased by 14,000 per week since the
    quarter end, compared to 11,000 per week during July and August;
*   594 million minutes of use in the first four weeks of the new quarter
    (557 million in the prior four weeks to 21 August);
*   churn has continued to fall since the quarter end.

*   An active registered account is one which has been used in the last 40
**  Churn is defined as those accounts which have become inactive during a
    period, expressed as a percentage of total active accounts at the         
    beginning of that period

John Pluthero, Chief Executive Officer, Freeserve plc, commented:

"I am delighted to present a strong set of results which clearly endorse our
position  as the UK's pre-eminent Internet brand. We have made good  progress
in  building  our  active  user base, introducing exciting  new  content  and
establishing commerce partnerships.  Since the holiday period, this has  been
reflected, in particular, in the growth in the number of users and time spent

For further enquiries, please contact:

Freeserve plc
John Pluthero, Chief Executive Officer
Nicholas Backhouse, Chief Financial Officer
Elena Shalneva, Media Relations

Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Julian Walker/Patrick Toyne-Sewell                        +44 (0)20 7638 9571

Financial and Operating Data Highlights

                        Quarter 1         Quarter 4                    Total
                          1999/00        1998/99 (1)             1998/99 (1)
                   16 weeks ended    12 weeks ended    Approx 32 weeks ended
                   21 August 1999        1 May 1999               1 May 1999
                  #000   $000 (2)    #000   $000 (2)         #000   $000 (2)
               -------   --------  ------    -------       ------    ------   
Turnover         3,382     5,469    1,654      2,660        2,737     4,402

expenses before        
items          (8,608)   (13,920)  (2,464)    (3,963)      (4,248)   (6,832)
               ------    -------   ------     ------       ------    ------   
Operating loss  
items          (5,226)    (8,451)    (810)    (1,303)      (1,511)   (2,430)
               ------    -------   ------     ------       ------    ------

                                            Quarter 1   Quarter 4     Total
                                              1999/00     1998/99   1998/99
                                                  000         000       000
                                            ---------   --------- ---------
Number of gross sign-ups        
in the period (3)                                 710         671     1,776

Number of active              
registered accounts at
period end  (4)                                 1,406       1,181     1,181
Minutes of use (5)                          2,213,331   1,495,320 2,632,654
                                            ---------   --------- ---------   
Page views for the month of August 1999:                                    
    Freeserve                                    45.3                         
    Content partners                             30.8  
    Total                                        76.1 
(1) Freeserve commenced business on 22 September 1998 and as
    such  it presents no results for the sixteen weeks  ended
    21  August 1998.  Freeserve prepares quarterly reports to
    the  end  of  the sixteenth, twenty-eighth, fortieth  and
    fifty-second financial week.
(2) The financial statements of Freeserve plc are published
    in  pounds sterling.  Translation into dollars is  solely
    for convenience and is at the period end exchange rate.
(3) Gross  sign-ups  are  defined  as  the  number  of  new
    registered accounts that have accessed Freeserve's  site
    within 28 days of registration.
(4) An active registered account is defined as a registered
    account  at the period end that has been used  within  40
    days prior to the period end.
(5) Minutes  of use is the total minutes during the  period
    that   users  were  connected  to  the  Internet  through
    Freeserve,  including  time spent on  the  Freeserve  Web
    site  and  time spent on other Web sites after connecting
    to the Internet through Freeserve.

Chief Executive's Review

On the first anniversary of our launch, we have made
Freeserve the leading Internet brand in the UK, built the
largest active user base in the country, achieved more than
twice the market share of our nearest rival, completed a
listing on the London Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, and we are
continuing to build on this success each week by providing
our users with an ever growing range of content and services.

Freeserve the Pioneer

On 2 August 1999, Freeserve became the first major Internet
stock to float on the London Stock Exchange.  The flotation
was more than thirty times subscribed, raised net proceeds
of over #120 million and has provided Freeserve with a powerful 
acquisition currency.

Freeserve the ISP

During the quarter, and despite the expected seasonal
slowdown over the summer period, we have added a further
225,000 active registered accounts, taking our total as at
21 August to more than 1.4 million. Minutes of usage per day
increased by 11 per cent overall compared to our previous quarter.

The latest Internet surveys from both NOP and Fletcher over
the summer confirmed Freeserve's number one position in the
UK as the most used home Internet service provider with
approximately 30% market share.

We continue to make progress on retention, with the average
four-weekly churn rate declining from 11.9% in the last
quarter to 9.5% in this quarter.

We have received many awards for the quality of our product
and service offering.  Recent awards include the Grand Prix
award at the New Media Age Effectiveness Awards 1999, the
Best Consumer ISP at the 1999 ISPA awards and the On-line
Service Provider award at the PC Direct Awards 1999.

Freeserve the Portal

As shown in the list of Quarter One Events following this
review, the quarter has been characterised by intensive
product development and the launch of a wide range of
innovative and exciting services and content for our users.
We have substantially increased our content in education,
finance, job-hunting, music, technology and travel; added
new entertainment through the introduction of chat, fantasy
football, funfinder and songplayer and announced new e-
commerce opportunities and initiatives including on-line
business cards, DVDs, foreign exchange, insurance, loans,
Thorntons' chocolates and a range of professional quality
communications tools.  These include Speechmail, a service
which allows customers to access their e-mail messages over
the telephone without switching on their computer; Telserve,
a communications suite providing business-class unified
messaging, Web-based presentations and Web-initiated
conferencing; and Freeserve Virtual Office which allows
businesses quickly and easily to build web sites.  These
tools provide excellent functionality for our business and
home office users.

All these activities have continued to drive higher page
impressions within our site, rising from 64 million in the
month of May to 76 million in the month of August.

Freeserve Investments

During the quarter we made the first of our strategic
investments in companies that provide products and services
on the Freeserve site.  We invested in GlobalNet
Financial.com, the provider of our Money Channel under the
brand name UK-iNvest.com, and TelePost, a provider of low-
cost teleconferencing and telecommunications services.  We
acquired 100 per cent. of Babyworld, an Internet business
targeting families that are planning, expecting or recently
have had a baby.  Babyworld provides quality proprietary
content and will form an important part of our strategy to
build a dominant women's franchise in the UK.

In addition we have entered into an agreement with three
partners, GlobalNet, First Marathon and Mesirow Financial,
to establish a joint venture for UK on-line share trading.
We expect to launch this service early next year subject to
authorisation from the Securities and Futures Authority.

Recent and Forthcoming Developments

The high level of activity in developing content and
services has continued in September with the launch of
Sportszine, a sports search engine, Cricketline and Planet
Trivia, and the announcement of the introduction of instant
messaging, e.notifier (for forwarding Freeserve e-mails to
pagers), and the formation of InsuranceCity.com, an on-line
provider of competitive personal insurance.  Freeserve is
also hosting The Labour Party's official website.  Further
significant launches in the quarter will include the
Freeserve women's portal, the Freeserve auction site and the
Freeserve credit card.  Freeserve will participate in The
ITV Year of Promise, the year long national charitable
event, supported by all the ITV companies.

We have also announced two new access propositions.
Freeserve Time, a newly established service, enables
Freeserve users to earn up to ten hours of free Internet
calls per month, by spending money on national and
international voice calls on the Energis network.  In
addition, from November we will be trialling high speed
Internet access via BT's ADSL platform.  ADSL technology
will allow our users to send and receive data over existing
copper wires at speeds of up to 20 times faster than a
normal telephone connection, and will enable Freeserve to be
among the first to introduce broadband Internet services
using enhanced video and audio functionality.  The new
service will offer permanent connection to the Internet at a
fixed cost, with no call charges, and permits simultaneous
use of the telephone.

Current Trading

Since the quarter end we have been adding active registered
accounts at the rate of 14,000 per week, compared to less
than 11,000 during July and August.  As at 26 September 1999
we had 1.48 million active registered accounts with churn
continuing to fall.  Total minutes of use in the four weeks
to 18 September were 594 million compared to 557 million in
the prior four week period.  We expect this positive trend
to continue as we move into the autumn.

Quarter One Events

May       Purchase of 13% of GlobalNet, a leading provider
          of investment-related information services
          primarily in the UK and the US and the provider
          of the Freeserve Money Channel under the brand
          name UK-iNvest.com
          Acquisition of notes and warrants in TelePost, a
          provider of teleconferencing and
          telecommunications services
          Launch of free revision guide on the Education
          Channel, with endorsement from the National
          Associations of Head Teachers
          Launch of Thorntons' site on the Shopping Channel
June      Agreement to develop and launch server-side e-mail
          with World Telecom
          Launch of Prestophone, a low cost telephone
          service with on-line monthly billing
          Launch of the Freeserve Reference Centre, an on-
          line encyclopaedia, dictionary and atlas
          Launch of Freeserve chat
          Launch of Jobsite on the Careers Channel
July      Launch of Funfinder, a family activity finder for
          the summer
          Launch of Music 365 on the Music Channel
          Real-time share quotes offered on the Money
          Launch of the Freeserve Technology Channel
          News, sport, weather and business content launched
          for Psion users
          Launch of Premium Petcare (The Pet's Pyjamas) on
          the Shopping Channel
          Launch of low cost loans provided by HFC Bank with
          on-line application
          In partnership with Netopia, launch of Freeserve's
          Virtual Office which allows businesses quickly and 
          easily to build Web sites to showcase their companies
August    Freeserve plc floated on the London Stock Exchange
          and Nasdaq
          Acquisition of Babyworld, an Internet business
          targeting families that are planning, expecting or 
          recently have had a baby
          Agreement to develop and launch an Internet-based
          credit card with a leading co-branded credit card
          issuer, HFC Bank
          Agreement with three partners, GlobalNet, First
          Marathon and Mesirow Financial, to establish a
          securities trading and clearing business in the UK
          Launch of on-line DVD sales
          Launch of Freeserve Fantasy Football League
          Launch of Songplayer which allows users to
          download music and software to teach themselves
          how to play their favourite songs on guitar and keyboard
          Worldwide travel guides launched on the Travel
          Launch of Travelex which allows users to order
          foreign currency and travellers
          cheques on-line, commission free, for collection
          at the airport
          Launch of on-line business card ordering in
          conjunction with the Card Corporation
          Launch of Speechmail, a service which allows
          customers to access their e-mail messages over the
          telephone without switching on their computers
          Launch of Telserve, a communications suite
          providing business-class unified messaging, Web-
          based presentations and Web-initiated conferencing

Financial Review

Results of Operations

Turnover for the sixteen weeks to 21 August 1999 was #3.4
million, more than double the turnover for the last twelve
weeks of 1998/99 and an increase of 24 per cent on turnover
for the 52 weeks ended 1 May 1999 during which Freeserve
operated for approximately 32 weeks.  E-commerce and
advertising have overtaken connectivity as the principal
source of revenue, representing 52 per cent. of turnover
compared to approximately 41 per cent. for 1998/99 as a
whole and 47 per cent. for the prior quarter.

Operating expenses have risen from #2.5 million in the
previous quarter to #8.6 million for the first quarter of
1999/00.  This is largely a result of increasing marketing
and brand development, an increase in the commission payable
for disc distribution, improvement in web site content and
design and the recruitment of personnel.  As at 21 August
1999, Freeserve employed 68 employees compared to 16 as at 1
May 1999.

Exceptional operating items comprise #3.6 million of
flotation fees, expenses and one-off marketing costs in
connection with the initial public offer of a minority
interest in Freeserve.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

On 2 August 1999, Freeserve was admitted to the London Stock
Exchange and Nasdaq.  The initial public offer raised net
proceeds of #122.9 million after deducting issue costs,
flotation fees, expenses and marketing costs of #12.1
million.  Freeserve intends to use the net proceeds from the
offer for general corporate purposes, including marketing,
brand and content development, acquisitions and strategic
investments.  The proceeds are invested in short-term
interest bearing securities.

On 12 May 1999, Freeserve made an investment in GlobalNet
Financial.com of #9.1 million.  On 22 July 1999, Freeserve
exercised its anti-dilution rights for #0.2 million to
maintain its 13 per cent. stake in GlobalNet.  In addition,
Freeserve has been granted options over equity sufficient to
take its total shareholding up to 19.9 per cent.  GlobalNet
provides investment-related information services primarily
in the US and UK and is the provider of Freeserve's Money
Channel under the brand name UK-iNvest.com.

During the quarter, Freeserve made a series of investments
in the loan notes of TelePost Holdings SA, a company that
provides Web-initiated unified messaging and telephony
services.  At 21 August 1999, Freeserve held $8.3 million of
loan notes, to which are attached warrants over equity that,
if fully exercised would give Freeserve 29.1 per cent. of
TelePost Holdings SA.

On 26 July 1999, Freeserve's employee benefit trust acquired
seven million Freeserve shares from Dixons Group at the
initial offer price.

On 6 August 1999, Freeserve acquired 100 per cent. of
Babyworld.com Limited for #3.8 million.

At the quarter end Freeserve had cash of #97.7 million.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the 16 weeks ended 21 August 1999

                                                        16 weeks     52 weeks 
                                                           ended        ended
                                                       21 August        1 May
                                                            1999         1999 
                                                       unaudited      audited
                                --------------------------------   ----------
                                 exceptional  Exceptional                     
                                       items        items  Total        Total
                                Note    #000         #000   #000         #000 
                                --------------------------------   ---------- 
Turnover                           2   3,382            -  3,382       2,737  
Operating loss                     2  (5,226)     (3,560) (8,786)     (1,511) 
Net interest                       4     231            -    231           -  
Loss on ordinary activities          
before taxation                       (4,995)    (3,560)  (8,555)     (1,511) 
Taxation credit on loss on                 
ordinary activities                5   1,461          -    1,461         467
Retained loss for the period          (3,534)    (3,560)  (7,094)     (1,044) 
Loss per Ordinary share (pence)                                         
Basic and diluted                  6                       (1.6)p  (5,220.0)p
Adjusted basic and diluted         6                       (0.8)p  (5,220.0)p

There  are  no recognised gains and losses other than the loss  for  the

The Freeserve business commenced trading on 22 September 1998.


Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 21 August 1999

                                          21 August     22 August     1 May
                                               1999          1998      1999
                                               #000          #000      #000
                                 Note     unaudited     unaudited   audited
Fixed assets                                                     
Intangible assets                             3,684             -         -
Tangible assets                                 249             -       137
Investments                                  20,017             -         -
                                             23,950             -       137
Current assets                                                   
Debtors                                       3,650             -     1,846
Investments                                   6,879             -         -
Cash at bank and in hand                     97,720             -         -
                                            108,249             -     1,846
Creditors - due within one year                                  
Other creditors                             (11,953)          (9)    (3,026)
Net current assets/(liabilities)             96,296           (9)    (1,180)
Total assets less current liabilities       120,246           (9)    (1,043)
Provisions for liabilities and charges           (9)           -        (10)
                                            120,237           (9)    (1,053)
Equity shareholders' funds                                       
Ordinary share capital                 7        101            -          -
Share premium account                  7    127,945            -          -
Shares to be issued                    7        188            -          -
Profit and loss account                7     (8,147)          (9)    (1,053)
                                            120,087           (9)    (1,053)
Non-equity shareholders' funds                                   
Preference share capital               7        150            -          -
Shareholders' funds/(deficit)          8    120,237           (9)    (1,053)

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the 16 weeks ended 21 August 1999

                                         16 weeks ended      52 weeks ended
                                              21 August               1 May
                                                   1999                1999
                                                   #000                #000
                                       Note   unaudited             audited
Net cash outflow from operating        
activities                                9      (2,061)            (1,706)   
Returns on investments and servicing                            
of finance
Interest received                                   291                  -
Capital expenditure and financial                               
Purchase of fixed asset investments              (9,612)                 -
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                  (107)              (141)
Purchase of own shares                          (10,500)                 -
Purchase of loan notes                           (5,354)                 -
                                                (25,573)              (141)
Cash consideration for acquisition of                
subsidiary                                       (2,038)                 -    
Net cash acquired with subsidiary                   117                  -
                                                 (1,921)                 -
Net cash outflow before management of                           
liquid resources and financing                  (29,264)            (1,847)
Issue of Ordinary share capital       3,7       135,092                  -
Issue costs in respect of the initial                
public offer                                     (6,411)                 -
Issue of Preference share capital       7           150                  -
Working capital funding from the                     
Dixons Group                                     (1,847)             1,847
                                                126,984              1,847
Increase in cash in the period                   97,720                  -

Notes to the Quarterly Financial Report

1  Basis of preparation

   Freeserve  plc commenced trading on 22 September 1998 and as  such  it
   presents  no  profit and loss account or cash flow statement  for  the
   sixteen weeks ended 21 August 1998.

   The  quarterly  financial  report has been prepared  using  accounting
   policies  consistent  with those set out in the  financial  statements
   for  the  52  weeks ended 1 May 1999.  The quarterly financial  report
   does  not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of  section
   240 of the Companies Act 1985 and it is unaudited.

   The  financial information for the 52 weeks ended 1 May 1999 has  been
   extracted  from  the  financial statements  for  that  period.   Those
   statements, which contain an unqualified auditors' report,  have  been
   delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

   The  quarterly financial report for the 16 weeks ended 21 August  1999
   was approved by the directors on 27 September 1999.

2 Operating loss                                                     

  Freeserve  plc  reports on a four weekly basis so that  the  financial
  period  is  split  into thirteen periods of four weeks.   It  prepares
  quarterly reports at the end of the sixteenth, twenty-eight,  fortieth
  and fifty-second week.

                                                               16         52
                                                            weeks      weeks
                                                            ended      ended
                                                        21 August      1 May
                                                             1999       1999
                                exceptional  Exceptional                      
                                      items        items    Total      Total
                                       #000         #000     #000       #000
    - connectivity                   1,617             -    1,617     1,608
    - e-commerce and advertising     1,765             -    1,765     1,129
                                     3,382             -    3,382     2,737
   Sales and marketing              (6,100)            -   (6,100)   (2,722)
   Product technology and         
   development                        (802)            -     (802)     (510)
   Selling and distribution costs   (6,902)            -   (6,902)   (3,232)
   Administrative expenses          (1,706)       (3,560)  (5,266)   (1,016)
   Operating loss                   (5,226)       (3,560)  (8,786)   (1,511)
  Freeserve  plc  is engaged in one line of business as a U.K.  Internet
  portal.  All operations are derived from activities in the U.K.
  Operating  loss  includes  #18,000 loss  in  respect  of  acquisitions
  during  the  period.   This  comprises:  turnover  #2,000;  sales  and
  marketing  expense #6,000; product technology and development  expense
  #13,000; and administrative expense #1,000.
  Administrative  expenses  include  #57,000  of  goodwill  amortisation
  arising  on  the acquisition of Babyworld.com Limited and  #95,000  in
  respect  of non-cash compensation relating to the shares conditionally
  allocated under Freeserve's long term share incentive plan.
  The  exceptional  item  for the sixteen weeks  ended  21  August  1999
  represents  flotation  fees,  expenses  and  one-off  marketing  costs
  incurred in respect of the initial public offer of Freeserve plc.
3 Initial public offer of Freeserve plc                          
  On  2  August  1999, Freeserve plc was admitted to  the  London  Stock
  Exchange  and  Nasdaq,  with an initial public  offer  of  a  minority
  interest  in Freeserve plc.  The Ordinary shares were offered  at  150
  pence  per  share  ($23.67 per American Depositary Share  (ADS),  each
  representing  10  Ordinary shares).  The offer  comprised  153,043,478
  shares in the form of Ordinary shares or ADSs of which 90,000,000 were
  new shares issued by Freeserve plc and 63,043,478 were shares sold  by
  the  Dixons  Group.   In  addition,  the  joint  global  co-ordinators
  exercised  their  over-allotment  option  to  purchase  an  additional
  22,956,522  shares.   The  offer was allocated  to  institutional  and
  retail investors.
  From  this initial public offer, Freeserve plc received gross proceeds
  of  #135.0  million before issue costs of #8.5 million  and  flotation
  fees, expenses and marketing costs of #3.6 million.
  On  completion of the offer and exercise of the over-allotment option,
  the Dixons Group held 80.11% of the Ordinary shares of Freeserve plc.

4 Net interest

                                                   16 weeks       52 weeks
                                                      ended          ended
                                                  21 August          1 May
                                                       1999           1999    
                                                       #000           #000
    Interest receivable and similar income              231              -

5 Taxation

  The  taxation  credit  on  the  loss  on  ordinary  activities  before
  exceptional  items  is  based  on  the  estimated  effective  rate  of
  taxation of 29 per cent for the 52 weeks ending 29 April 2000.

  Freeserve  has  a  tax  sharing arrangement  with  the  Dixons  Group,
  whereby  tax  losses incurred by Freeserve plc can be  surrendered  to
  the  Dixons Group at a price at least equal to the U.K. statutory rate
  of taxation.

6 Loss per Ordinary share

                                                    16 weeks    52 weeks
                                                       ended       ended
                                                   21 August       1 May
                                                        1999        1999   
                                                        #000        #000
    Basic and diluted loss                            (7,094)     (1,044)
                                                      Number      Number
    Basic and diluted weighted average             
    number of shares in the period               442,616,985      20,000 
                                                       pence       pence
  Basic and diluted loss per Ordinary share             (1.6)   (5,220.0)
  Exceptional items, net of taxation                     0.8           -
  Adjusted basic and diluted loss per            
  Ordinary share                                        (0.8)   (5,220.0) 
  Adjusted   basic   and  diluted  loss  per  Ordinary   share   exclude
  exceptional  items.  In the opinion of the directors,  adjusted  basic
  and  diluted loss per Ordinary share provides a clearer indication  of
  the  underlying performance of the Group than basic and  diluted  loss
  per  Ordinary  share.  Basic and diluted loss per  Ordinary  share  is
  calculated  in  accordance with U.K. Financial Reporting  Standard  14
  "Earnings Per Share"  which is not materially different from  the  U.S.
  Statement of Financial Accounting Standard 128 "Earnings Per Share".

  The  weighted average number of shares has been restated for the share
  split on 29 June 1999, whereby the two existing Ordinary shares of  #1
  each were split into 20,000 Ordinary shares of 0.01 pence each.

  Basic  and  diluted loss per Ordinary share are equal as all potential
  Ordinary shares are anti-dilutive.
7  Share capital and reserves                                      
                       Ordinary    Share                            Preference
                          share  premium  Shares to be    Profit and     share
                        capital  account        issued  loss account   capital
                           #000     #000          #000          #000      #000
   At 1 May 1999              -        -             -        (1,053)        -
   Retained loss for the 
   period                     -        -             -        (7,094)        -
   Share reorganisation and                                        
   subscription of additional
   shares by the Dixons Group 
   prior to the initial                       
   public offer              90        -             -             -       150
   Gross proceeds from the       
   initial public offer       9  134,991             -             -         -
   Issue costs in respect of 
   the initial public offer   -  (8,520)             -             -        -
   Shares issued to Energis   
   Holdings Limited           2       -              -             -        -
   Shares issued/to be issued 
   in respect of the 
   acquisition of
   Babyworld.com Limited      -   1,474            188             -        -
   At 21 August 1999        101  127,945           188        (8,147)     150

  On  29  June  1999, the two existing Ordinary shares of #1  each  were
  split  into  20,000 Ordinary shares of 0.01 pence each.   On  29  June
  1999,  the Dixons Group subscribed for 899,980,000 new Ordinary shares
  at  par and on 5 July 1999 for 150,000 new preference shares of  #1.00

  On  2 August 1999, Freeserve plc issued 90,000,000 new Ordinary shares
  at  #1.50  each  in  an  initial public offer.  Issue  costs  of  #8.5
  million have been charged to the share premium account.
  Upon closing of the initial public offer, Energis Holdings Limited,  a
  subsidiary   of   Energis  plc,  Freeserve's  network  infrastructure
  provider, subscribed for 17,325,000 new Ordinary shares at par.
  On  6  August 1999, 983,158 new Ordinary shares were issued,  in  part
  consideration for the acquisition of Babyworld.com Limited.   Provided
  certain  conditions  are  not breached regarding  restriction  of  the
  vendor's business activities, confidentiality and continued service, a
  further 125,086 new Ordinary shares will be issued on 6 August 2001.

8 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds/(deficit)

                                             21 August   22 August    1 May
                                                  1999        1998     1999   
                                                  #000        #000     #000
  Opening shareholders' funds/(deficit)        (1,053)         (9)      (9)
  Retained loss for the period                 (7,094)          -   (1,044)
  Ordinary shares issued                      128,234           -        -
  Preference shares issued                        150           -        -
  Net addition/(reduction) to shareholders'   
  funds/(deficit)                             121,290           -   (1,044)
  Closing shareholders'funds/(deficit)        120,237          (9)  (1,053)

9  Net cash outflow from operating                                
                                                  16 weeks         52 weeks
                                                     ended            ended
                                                 21 August            1 May
                                                      1999             1999
                                                      #000             #000
   Operating loss before exceptional                
   operating items                                  (5,226)         (1,511)  
   Exceptional flotation fees, expenses and           
   marketing costs paid                             (1,724)              -    
   Depreciation                                         18               4
   Amortisation of goodwill                             57               -
   Amortisation of own shares                           95               -
   Increase in debtors                                (321)         (1,369)
   Increase in creditors                             5,040           1,170
                                                    (2,061)         (1,706)
10  Current asset investments

   During the quarter, Freeserve made a series of investments in the
   loan notes of TelePost Holdings SA, a company that provides Web-
   initiated unified messaging and telephony services.  At 21 August
   1999, Freeserve held $8.3 million of loan notes, to which are
   attached warrants over equity that, if fully exercised would give
   Freeserve 29.1 per cent. of TelePost Holdings SA.  Since the quarter
   end Freeserve has provided additional short-term financing totalling
   $2.5 million.

11 Acquisitions

   On  6  August  1999, Freeserve plc acquired 100% of the  issued  share
   capital of Babyworld.com Limited.
                                                   fair value          
                                     Book value   adjustments   Fair value
                                           #000          #000         #000
   Tangible fixed assets                     33          (10)           23
   Net current assets                        56            -            56
                                             89          (10)           79
   Goodwill acquired                                                 3,741
   Purchase consideration                                            3,820
   Purchase consideration satisfied by:                           
      Issue of 1,108,244 Ordinary shares at #1.50 each               1,662
      Cash                                                           2,158

  Fair value adjustments mainly represent the write down of fixtures and
  fittings to fair value.  The contribution to Group cash flows for  the
  period was not material.
  Pending finalisation of the completion accounts, all intangible assets
  arising  on  the  acquisition  of  Babyworld.com  Limited  have   been
  disclosed as goodwill.

12  Summary of differences between U.K. and U.S. GAAP
                                                   16 weeks       52 weeks
                                                      ended          ended
                                                  21 August          1 May
                                                       1999           1999
                                                       #000           #000
   Net loss as reported in accordance with              
   U.K. GAAP                                         (7,094)        (1,044)
   Non-employee stock-based compensation to             
   Energis                                             (327)             -
   Net loss as reported in accordance with              
   U.S. GAAP                                         (7,421)        (1,044)   
                                                       pence         pence
   Basic and diluted loss per Ordinary share              
   in accordance with U.S. GAAP                        (1.7)      (5,220.0) 
   The  quarterly  financial report has been prepared in accordance  with
   U.K. generally accepted accounting principles (U.K. GAAP) which differ
   in certain significant respects from U.S. GAAP.
  On completion of the initial public offer, Energis subscribed for
  17,325,000 new Ordinary shares at par value.  For U.S. GAAP purposes
  the difference between the par value and the fair market value at the
  date Freeserve plc shares began trading on the London Stock Exchange
  is recognised in the income statement over the term of the contract
  with Energis.  Under U.K. GAAP there is no charge to income.



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