("DORIEMUS" or "the Company") 
                Final Results for Year Ending 31 December 2013 
                             Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to present the final results for the year ended 31 December 2013. 
The Company has acquired three exciting investments during the year which we 
believe will enhance future shareholder value and continues to maintain its 
interest in the TEP Exchange business. 
Your board of directors will continue to seek out further investments in the UK 
"conventional" oil and gas space and work closely with Angus Energy Limited on 
ways of increasing our oil production from the existing operating fields. 
The next financial year should see significant improvements in production at 
two of Angus Energy's licences (Lidsey and Brockham) with new production wells 
proposed to be drilled on both. We should also know the outcome of the Horse 
Hill-1 well. 
We will also continue to seek out further investments in line with the 
Company's investment strategy. 
Horse Hill Prospect: 
Doriemus has a direct 10.0% interest in Horse Hill Development Ltd ("HHDL"), a 
special purpose company that owns a 65% participating interest and operatorship 
of the Horse Hill Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence No. 137 (PEDL 
137) located in Surrey, United Kingdom. 
Angus Energy Limited ("Angus Energy"), the major shareholder of HHDL and the 
operator of PEDL 137 has provided the Company with the following update on the 
proposed Horse Hill-1 well planned for completion by the end of August 2014. 
  * All tenders are now out for the site construction and long lead items for 
    the well. 
  * The contracts for the drill rig and key service providers are in the final 
    stages of negotiation. 
  * Permitting is currently on track for a spud date in July 2014. 
  * The depth of Horse Hill-1 well has been set to 8,512 feet to test 
    conventional stacked oil and gas targets. 
As previously announced on 13 January 2014, the Horse Hill-1 well is designed 
to test a number of conventional stacked oil and gas targets which the board 
believes could contain up to an estimated 671 million stock barrels ("MMSTB") 
oil in place with an estimated total mean recoverable prospective resources of 
87 MMSTB and additional prospectivity of 456 Bcf gas in place (Mean 164+ Bcf 
recoverable prospective resource) in the proposed Triassic gas play. 
On 16 June 2014, the Company was advised that that site construction has now 
commenced for the proposed Horse Hill-1 well. The well is expected to spud in 
July 2014 and is targeting a number of conventional stacked oil and gas 
Brockham Oil Field (10% owned by DOR and operated by Angus Energy): 
The Brockham Oil Field ("Brockham"), in the Weald Basin, is held under United 
Kingdom Production Licence PL 235. Oil production was recently increased from 
42 bopd to 84 bopd after a successful work-over programme in January 2014 and 
production has only slightly tapered off to its current levels of about 66 
bopd. Brockham's 28 API oil is regularly trucked and sold to the Perenco Oil 
Refinery in southern England. 
The planned 450 metre side-track well at Brockham, designed to increase overall 
production from the field, as previously announced on 25 April 2014, has been 
temporarily delayed by up to 13 weeks due to the UK Environmental Agency having 
recently requested that the operator, Angus Energy, must apply for a new mining 
waste permit. Angus Energy is currently attending to obtaining this additional 
An appropriate drill rig is on standby to undertake this side-track well, and 
it is planned to mobilise the rig to site once the new mining waste permit has 
been issued. 
In preparation for the expected increase in oil production, post the 
side-track, Angus Energy has now completed the refurbishment of the 
1,200-barrel storage tank facilities. 
In March 2014, the Company announced that RPS Energy Consultants Limited 
("RPS") had independently assessed that, as at 31 December 2013, the Brockham 
Field contains 3.62 million barrels (gross) Oil in-place (P50 best case). 
Lidsey Oil Field (20% owned by DOR and operated by Angus Energy): 
The Lidsey Oil Field ("Lidsey"), in the Weald Basin, is held under United 
Kingdom Production Licence PL 241. Oil production was 25 bopd, prior to a 
re-completion programme completed in November and December 2013, which resulted 
in a temporary boost in oil production. Production has steadily declined to 36 
bopd and Angus Energy formally advised the partners in Lidsey that a new 
re-completion was being planned to re-perforate virgin oil zones in the 
Lidsey-1 well in order to again increase production. 
On 11 June 2014, the Company announced that work had started on the second 
stage well intervention on the producing Lidsey-1 well. Results of this work 
will be announced shortly. 
Lidsey has a fully permitted and operational 2,000-barrel storage facility and 
its 38 API oil is regularly trucked and sold to the Perenco Oil Refinery. 
In March 2014, the Company announced that RPS had independently assessed that, 
as at 31 December 2013, the Lidsey Field contained 9.52 million barrels (gross) 
of P50 best case Oil In-Place. 
Drilling of a new Lidsey-2 well has now been postponed until after the 
completion of drilling of the proposed Horse Hill-1 well. 
TEP Exchange: 
The TEP Exchange is a web-based exchange for Traded Endowment Policies (TEP), 
enabling instant deals between Market Makers (buyers) and IFAs (Sellers). This 
unique environment provides an efficient and user-friendly link between buyers 
and sellers in the TEP market. The TEP Exchange does not buy or sell 
endowments, but rather facilitates the trading of TEPs through an exchange 
The market demand for traded endowment policies was extremely depressed and 
Company continued to work closely with market makers in anticipation of 
increasing demand for policies. The board continues to maintain strong controls 
over the TEP exchange cost base but are mindful to explore other opportunities 
for the Company. 
Background Events 
During the financial year, there has been a period of considerable change for 
the Company. The uncertainty surrounding the future demand and supply of traded 
endowment policies resulted in the Board considering the strategic direction of 
the Company. 
As a consequence of the strategic review by the Board, in March 2013 three new 
Directors being Donald Strang, Hamish Harris and Grant Roberts were appointed 
simultaneously with the re-capitalisation of the Company together with the 
adoption by the Board of the new investment policy approved by shareholders at 
a general meeting on 15 March 2013. 
The new investing policy was set out in detail in the circular issued by the 
Company on 21 February 2013 whereby the Company would be able to maintain its 
interest in the TEP business but also seek to maximise shareholder value by 
drawing on the experience and expertise of the three new Directors in 
identifying accretive opportunities. 
In line with the new investing policy the Company changed its name to Doriemus 
Plc on 16 July 2013. 
The board has raised approximately GBP2.36 million to strengthen the Company's 
balance sheet and which provides funds to be invested according to the 
Company's new investing policy. 
New investing policy 
The Company's new investing policy is to invest in and/or acquire companies and 
/or projects within the natural resources sector with potential for growth. The 
Company will also consider opportunities in other sectors as they arise if the 
Board considers there is an opportunity to generate an attractive return for 
Shareholders. Investments may be considered in all regions to the extent that 
the Board considers that valuable opportunities exist and returns can be 
achieved. In selecting investment opportunities, the Board will focus on 
businesses, assets and/or projects that are available at attractive valuations 
and hold opportunities to unlock embedded value. 
The Board will seek to invest in businesses where it may influence the business 
at a board level, add their expertise to the management of the business, and 
utilise their significant industry relationships and access to finance. The 
ability to work alongside a strong management team to maximize returns through 
revenue growth will be something the Board will focus upon. 
The Company's interests in a proposed investment and/or acquisition may range 
from a minority position to full ownership. The proposed investments may be 
either quoted or unquoted, may be in companies, partnerships, earn-in joint 
ventures, debt or other loan structures, joint ventures or direct interests in 
projects. The Board may focus on investments where intrinsic value can be 
achieved from the restructuring of investments or merger of complementary 
businesses. The Board expects that investments will typically be held for the 
medium to long term, although short term disposal of assets cannot be ruled out 
if there is an opportunity to generate an attractive return for Shareholders. 
Results for the period 
Loss for the year to 31 December 2013 amounted to GBP(598,000) (2012: GBP591,000 
operating profit). 
Total revenue for the period was GBP235,000 (2012: GBP916,000). 
On 21 February 2013 the Company announced that an interim dividend for the 2013 
accounting period of 0.02p per share would be paid to shareholders on 12 April 
2013 and the dividend was duly paid. 
Your Board considers that the adoption of the new Investing Policy is in the 
best interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. The Board 
acknowledges this exciting period for the Company as it proceeds to implement 
its new investment strategy and has already commenced acquiring new investments 
and continues to evaluate further investment opportunities as they arise. 
We believe the Company is now best placed to move forward and to enhance future 
shareholder value. 
We will continue to seek out further investments in line with the Company's 
investment strategy and will also work closely with Angus Energy on ways of 
potentially increasing our oil production from the existing operating fields. 
The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders for 
their continued support. 
I look forward to reporting further progress over the next period and beyond. 
Donald Strang 
26 June 2014 
API                 American Petroleum Institute measure of the gravity of oil 
bopd                Barrels of oil per day 
Doriemus plc                                 +44 (0) 20 7440 0640 
Donald Strang / Hamish Harris 
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP                 +44 (0) 20 7148 7900 
Nominated Adviser and Broker 
James Caithie / Jo Turner / Carolyn Sansom 
                Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                    Note        2013       2012 
                                                                   GBP          GBP 
Revenue                                                2     235,100    915,886 
Cost of sales                                               (12,681)          - 
Gross profit                                                 222,419    915,886 
Administrative expenses                                    (586,904)  (334,135) 
Share based payment charge                                 (235,911)          - 
(Loss)/profit from operations                          4   (600,396)    581,751 
Finance income                                         5       2,305      9,008 
Finance expense                                        6           -          - 
(Loss)/profit before income tax                            (598,091)    590,759 
Income tax expense                                     7           -          - 
(Loss)/profit attributable to the owners of the            (598,091)    590,759 
parent and total comprehensive income for the year 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share                               9     (0.02)p      0.07p 
Diluted earnings per share                             9     (0.02)p      0.05p 
                  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                Share       Share   Share       Retained     Total 
                              capital     premium   based      earnings/ 
                                                   payment   Accumulated 
                                                   reserve        losses 
                                    GBP           GBP          GBP           GBP         GBP 
At 1 January 2012           2,267,480   4,032,678          - (6,277,292)    22,866 
Capital reduction and     (2,258,980) (4,032,678)          -   6,291,658         - 
cancellation of share 
Dividends on ordinary               -           -          -   (255,000) (255,000) 
shares declared and paid 
                             ________   _________  _________   _________  ________ 
Transactions with owners  (2,258,980) (4,032,678)          -   6,036,658 (255,000) 
Profit for the year and             -           -          -     590,759   590,759 
total comprehensive 
                             ________   _________  _________   _________  ________ 
At 1 January 2013               8,500           -          -     350,125   358,625 
Dividends on ordinary               -           -          -   (296,000) (296,000) 
shares declared and paid 
Issue of Share capital         38,900   2,359,700          -           - 2,398,600 
Share issue costs                   -    (80,000)          -           -  (80,000) 
Share based payments                -           -    235,911           -   235,911 
                             ________   _________  _________   _________  ________ 
Transactions with owners       38,900   2,279,700    235,911   (296,000) 2,258,511 
(Loss) for the year and             -           -          -   (598,091) (598,091) 
total comprehensive 
                             ________   _________  _________   _________  ________ 
At 31 December 2013            47,400   2,279,700    235,911   (543,966) 2,019,045 
                             ________   _________  _________   _________  ________ 
Share capital is the amount subscribed for ordinary shares at nominal value. 
Retained earnings / accumulated losses represent cumulative gains and losses of 
the group attributable to equity shareholders. 
Share based payment reserve represents the value of equity benefits provided to 
employees and directors as part of their remuneration and provided to 
consultants and advisors hired by the Company from time to time as part of the 
consideration paid. 
                    Company Statement of Changes in Equity 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2013 
                               Share       Share   Share      Retained       Total 
                             capital     premium   based    earnings / 
                                                  payment  Accumulated 
                                                  reserve       losses 
                                   GBP           GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP 
At 1 January 2012          2,267,480   4,032,678         - (7,912,654) (1,612,496) 
Capital reduction and    (2,258,980) (4,032,678)         -   6,291,658           - 
cancellation of share 
Dividends on ordinary              -           -         -   (255,000)   (255,000) 
shares declared and paid 
                            ________   _________ _________   _________    ________ 
Transactions with owners (2,258,980) (4,032,678)         -   6,036,658   (255,000) 
Dividend received from             -           -         -   1,500,000   1,500,000 
Profit for the year and            -           -         -     712,247     712,247 
total comprehensive 
                            ________   _________ _________   _________    ________ 
At 1 January 2013              8,500           -         -     336,251     344,751 
Dividends on ordinary              -           -         -   (296,000)   (296,000) 
shares declared and paid 
Issue of Share capital        38,900   2,359,700         -           -    2,398,600 
Share issue costs                  -    (80,000)         -           -     (80,000) 
Share based payments               -           -   235,911           -      235,911 
                            ________   _________ _________   _________    ________ 
Transactions with owners      38,900   2,279,700   235,911   (296,000)   2,258,511 
(Loss) for the year and            -           -         -   (450,307)   (450,307) 
total comprehensive 
                            ________   _________ _________   _________    ________ 
At 31 December 2013           47,400   2,279,700   235,911   (410,056)   2,152,955 
                            ________   _________ _________   _________    ________ 
Share capital is the amount subscribed for ordinary shares at nominal value. 
Retained earnings / accumulated losses represent cumulative gains and losses of 
the company attributable to equity shareholders. 
Share based payment reserve represents the value of equity benefits provided to 
employees and directors as part of their remuneration and provided to 
consultants and advisors hired by the Company from time to time as part of the 
consideration paid. 
                 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
                              at 31 December 2013 
                                    Note      2013      2013      2012      2012 
                                                 GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                     10           1,016,000                   - 
Property, plant and equipment         11                   -                   - 
Total non-current assets                           1,016,000                   - 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables           14   387,515             426,794 
Derivative financial instruments      13   400,000                   - 
Cash and cash equivalents                  986,885              80,951 
Total current assets                               1,774,400             507,745 
Total assets                                       2,790,400             507,745 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables              15 (771,355)           (149,120) 
Total current liabilities                (771,355)           (149,120) 
Total liabilities                                  (771,355)           (149,120) 
Net assets                                         2,019,045             358,625 
Equity attributable to owners 
of the parent 
Share capital                         16              47,400               8,500 
Share premium account                              2,279,700                   - 
Share based payment reserve                          235,911                   - 
Retained earnings                                  (543,966)             350,125 
Total equity                                       2,019,045             358,625 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised 
for issue on 26 June 2014. 
H Harris 
Company registered number 03877125 
The notes on pages 17 to 32 form part of these financial statements. 
                    Company Statement of Financial Position 
                              at 31 December 2013 
                                     Note      2013      2013      2012      2012 
                                                  GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                      10           1,016,000                   - 
Property, plant and equipment          11                   -                   - 
Investments in subsidiary              12             100,006             100,006 
                                                    1,116,006             100,006 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables            14   506,937             544,374 
Derivative financial instruments       13   400,000                   - 
Cash and cash equivalents                   985,147              31,421 
Total current assets                                1,892,084             575,795 
Total assets                                        3,008,090             675,801 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables               15 (855,135)           (331,050) 
Total current liabilities                 (855,135)           (331,050) 
Total liabilities                                   (855,135)           (331,050) 
Net assets                                          2,152,955             344,751 
Equity attributable to owners 
of the parent 
Share capital                          16              47,400               8,500 
Share premium account                               2,279,700                   - 
Share based payment reserve                           235,911                   - 
Retained earnings                                   (410,056)             336,251 
Total equity                                        2,152,955             344,751 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised 
for issue on 26 June 2014. 
H Harris 
Company registered number 03877125 
                     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                          2013              2012 
                                                             GBP                 GBP 
Cash flows from operating activities 
(Loss)/profit before income tax                      (598,091)           590,759 
Adjustments for: 
Share based payment charge                             235,911                 - 
Finance costs (net)                                    (2,305)           (9,008) 
Changes in working capital: 
Inventories                                                  -             3,525 
Trade and other receivables                           (91,721)          (23,338) 
Trade and other payables                                82,235          (55,868) 
Cash generated from operations                       (373,971)           506,070 
Interest paid                                                -                 - 
Net cash generated from operating                    (373,971)           506,070 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Payments for intangible assets                       (390,000)                 - 
Loans repaid from/(granted) to                         375,000         (250,000) 
related parties 
Interest received                                        2,305             6,288 
Net cash used in investing                            (12,695)         (243,712) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds from issuance of ordinary                   1,628,600                 - 
Share issue costs                                     (40,000)                 - 
Dividend paid to owners of the                       (296,000)         (255,000) 
Net cash used in financing                           1,292,600         (255,000) 
Net increase in cash and cash                          905,934             7,358 
Cash, cash equivalents and bank 
at beginning of year                                    80,951            73,593 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end                   986,885            80,951 
of year 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 
Cash available on demand                               986,885            80,951 
                        Company Statement of Cash Flows 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                         2013               2012 
                                                            GBP                  GBP 
Cash flows from operating 
(Loss)/profit before income tax                     (450,307)            712,247 
Adjustments for: 
Share based payment charge                            235,911                  - 
Finance costs (net)                                   (2,305)            (9,008) 
Changes in working capital: 
Trade and other receivables                          (93,563)              4,452 
Trade and other payables                             (15,915)         -1,739,860 
Cash generated from operating                       (326,179)         -1,032,169 
Interest paid                                               -                  - 
Net cash generated from operating                   (326,179)         -1,032,169 
Cash flows from investing 
Payments for intangible assets                      (390,000)                  - 
Loans repaid from/(granted) to                        375,000          (250,000) 
related parties 
Interest received                                       2,305              6,288 
Dividends received                                          -          1,500,000 
Net cash used in investing                           (12,695)          1,256,288 
Cash flows from financing 
Proceeds from Issuance of ordinary                  1,628,600                  - 
share capital 
Share issue costs                                    (40,000)                  - 
Dividend paid to owners of the                      (296,000)          (255,000) 
Net cash used in financing                          1,292,600          (255,000) 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and                   953,726           (30,881) 
cash equivalents 
Cash, cash equivalents and bank 
at beginning of year                                   31,421             62,302 
Cash and cash equivalents at the                      985,147             31,421 
end of year 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 
Cash available on demand                              985,147             31,421 
                Notes forming part of the financial statements 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2013 
1 Accounting policies 
Background information 
Doriemus plc is incorporated and domiciled in Great Britain. The address of 
Doriemus plc's registered office is Suite 3B, 38 Jermyn Street, London, SW1Y 
6DN which is also the Company's principal place of business. Doriemus plc's 
shares are listed on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange. The Company changed 
its name from TEP Exchange Group Plc by resolution on 16 July 2013. 
Basis of preparation 
The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial 
statements are set out below. The policies have been consistently applied to 
the company and the group to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated. 
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards and EU 
adopted IFRICs (collectively IFRS) issued by the International Accounting 
Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by European Union ("adopted IFRSs"), and in 
accordance with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to those 
companies preparing their accounts under IFRS. The consolidated financial 
statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. 
As described in the Directors Report on page 5, the directors have a reasonable 
expectation that the group has adequate resources to continue in operational 
existence for the foreseeable future. The group therefore continues to adopt 
the going concern basis in preparing its consolidated financial statements. 
Standards, amendments and interpretations to published standards not yet 
In the current year, the following new and revised Standards and 
Interpretations have been adopted and have affected the amounts reported in 
these financial statements. 
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement 
The Company has applied IFRS13 for the first time in the current year. IFRS13 
establishes a single source of guidance for fair value measurements and 
disclosures about fair value measurements. IFRS13 defines fair value as the 
price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability 
in an orderly transaction in the principal (or most advantageous) market at the 
measurement date under current market conditions. Fair value under IFRS13 is an 
exit price regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated 
using another valuation technique. Also, IFRS13 includes extensive disclosure 
IFRS13 requires prospective application from 1 January 2013. In addition, 
specific transitional provisions were given to entities such that they need not 
apply the disclosure requirements set out in the Standard in comparative 
information provided for periods before the initial application of the 
In accordance with these transitional provisions, the Company has not made any 
new disclosures required by IFRS13 for the 2012 comparative period. Other than 
the additional disclosures, the application of IFRS13 has not had any impact on 
the amounts recognised in the consolidated financial statements. 
Amendments to IAS1 Presentation of Financial Statements 
(as part of the Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2009; 2011 Cycle issued in May 
The Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2009; 2011 have made a number of amendments to 
IFRSs. The amendments that are relevant to the Company are the amendments to 
IAS1 regarding when a statement of financial position as at the beginning of 
the preceding period (third statement of financial position) and the related 
notes are required to be presented. The amendments specify that a third 
statement of financial position is required when a) an entity applies an 
accounting policy retrospectively, or makes a retrospective restatement or 
reclassification of items in its financial statements, and b) the retrospective 
application, restatement or reclassification has a material effect on the 
information in the third statement of financial position. The amendments 
specify that related notes are not required to accompany the third statement of 
financial position. 
This has no impact for the 2013 financial statements. 
Amendments to IFRS7 Disclosures 
The Company has applied the amendments to IFRS7 Disclosures-Offsetting 
Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities for the first time in the current 
year. The amendments to IFRS7 require entities to disclose information about 
rights of offset and related arrangements (such as collateral posting 
requirements) for financial instruments under an enforceable master netting 
agreement or similar arrangement. 
As the Company does not have any offsetting arrangements in place, the 
application of the amendments has had no impact on the disclosures or on the 
amounts recognised in the financial statements. 
At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the following 
Standards and Interpretations which have not been applied in these financial 
statements were in issue but not yet effective (and in some cases had not yet 
been adopted by the EU): 
IFRS9 Financial Instruments 
IFRS10 Consolidated Financial Statements 
IFRS12 Joint Arrangements 
IAS27 (revised) Investment Entities 
IAS28 (revised) Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures 
IAS32 (revised) Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities 
IAS36 (revised) Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non Financial Assets 
IAS39 (revised) Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting 
IFRIC Interpretation21 Levies 
The directors do not expect that the adoption of the Standards and 
Interpretations listed above will have a material impact on the financial 
statements of the Company in future periods, except as that IFRS9 will impact 
both the measurement and disclosures of Financial Instruments. 
Beyond the information above, it is not practicable to provide a reasonable 
estimate of the effect of these standards until a detailed review has been 
The directors do not expect that the adoption of the standards listed above 
will have a material impact on the financial statements of the Company in 
future periods, however, it is not practicable to provide a reasonable estimate 
of the effect of these standards until a detailed review has been completed. 
Basis of consolidation 
Where the company has the power, either directly or indirectly, to govern the 
financial and operating policies of another entity or business so as to obtain 
benefits from its activities, it is classified as a subsidiary. The 
consolidated financial statements present the results of the company and its 
subsidiaries ("the group") as if they formed a single entity. Intercompany 
transactions and balances between group companies are therefore eliminated in 
full. Uniform accounting policies are adopted across the group. 
Revenue is generated from two sources of income currently. In the current and 
prior years, revenue has represented fees and commission (exclusive of value 
added tax) from licensing of the group's proprietary electronic platform and 
advertising the purchase of with profit endowment policies by market makers 
registered on the electronic platform. Fees and commission income is recognised 
when the group's contractual obligations are complete. Income has also been 
generated from the maturity of an endowment policy. In the current year, 
revenue is also being generated from the Company's Farm-in interests, on an 
accrued monthly basis, along with the associated costs. 
Expenses are recognised in the period when obligations are incurred and matched 
against when the related revenue is recognised. 
Financial assets 
The group classifies its financial assets into categories as set out below, 
depending on the purpose for which the asset was acquired. 
Trade and other receivables 
These assets are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable 
payments that are not quoted in an active market. They arise principally 
through the provision of goods and services to customers (e.g. trade 
receivables), but also incorporate other types of contractual monetary asset. 
They are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs that are 
directly attributable to their acquisition or issue, and are subsequently 
carried at cost, less provision for impairment, if appropriate. 
Impairment provisions are recognised when there is objective evidence (such as 
significant financial difficulties on the part of the counterparty or default 
or significant delay in payment) that the group will be unable to collect all 
of the amounts due under the terms receivable, the amount of such a provision 
being the difference between the net carrying amount and the present value of 
the future expected cash flows associated with the impaired receivable. For 
trade receivables, which are reported net, such provisions are recorded in a 
separate allowance account with the loss being recognised within administrative 
expenses in the statement of comprehensive income. On confirmation that the 
trade receivable will not be collectable, the gross carrying value of the asset 
is written off against the associated provision. 
The group's loans and receivables comprise trade and other receivables and cash 
and cash equivalents in the statement of financial position. Those of the 
company also include amounts due from subsidiary undertakings. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks, other short term 
highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less, and 
bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are shown within loans and borrowings in 
current liabilities on the statement of financial position. 
Financial liabilities 
The group classifies its financial liabilities into one of the following 
categories, depending on the purpose for which the liability was acquired: 
  * Trade payables and other short-term monetary liabilities, which are 
    initially recognised at fair value and subsequently carried at amortised 
    cost using the effective interest method 
  * Bank and other borrowings are initially recognised at fair value net of any 
    transaction costs directly attributable to the issue of the instrument. 
  * Income received in advance is recorded as deferred income on the balance 
Share capital 
Financial instruments issued by the group are treated as equity only to the 
extent that they do not meet the definition of a financial liability. The 
group's ordinary and deferred shares are classified as equity instruments. 
Investments in subsidiary undertakings 
Investments in subsidiary undertakings are held as non-current assets and are 
stated at cost less provision for impairment in value. 
Property, plant and equipment 
Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation 
and accumulated impairment losses. Such cost includes the cost of replacing 
part of the plant and equipment when that cost is incurred, if the recognition 
criteria are met. All other repair and maintenance costs are recognised in 
profit or loss as incurred. 
Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis over the useful life of the 
asset as follows: 
Computer equipment - 3 years 
Fixtures, fittings and equipment - 4 years 
An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when 
no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or 
loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the difference 
between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is 
included in profit or loss in the year the asset is derecognised. 
The assets' residual values, useful lives and methods of depreciation are 
reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year end. 
Intangible assets - Licences 
Licences are recognised as an intangible asset at historical cost and are 
carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment 
losses. The licences have a finite life and no residual value and are amortised 
over the life of the licence. 
Exploration of mineral resources 
Acquired intangible assets, which consist of mining rights, are valued at cost 
less accumulated amortisation. 
The Group applies the full cost method of accounting for exploration and 
evaluation costs, having regard to the requirements of IFRS 6 'Exploration for 
and Evaluation of Mineral Resources'. All costs associated with mining 
development and investment are capitalised on a project by project basis 
pending determination of the feasibility of the project. Such expenditure 
comprises appropriate technical and administrative expenses but not general 
Such exploration and evaluation costs are capitalised provided that the Group's 
rights to tenure are current and one of the following conditions is met: 
 i. such costs are expected to be recouped through successful development and 
    exploitation of the area of interest or alternatively by its sale; or 
ii. the activities have not reached a stage which permits a reasonable 
    assessment of whether or not economically recoverable resources exist; or 
iii. active and significant operations in relation to the area are continuing. 
Exploration of mineral resources (continued) 
When an area of interest is abandoned or the directors decide that it is not 
commercial, any exploration and evaluation costs previously capitalised in 
respect of that area are written off to profit or loss. 
Amortisation does not take place until production commences in these areas. 
Once production commences, amortisation is calculated on the unit of production 
method, over the remaining life of the mine. Impairment assessments are carried 
out regularly by the directors. Exploration and evaluation assets are assessed 
for impairment when facts and circumstances suggest that the carrying amount 
may exceed its recoverable amount. Such indicators include the point at which a 
determination is made as to whether or not commercial reserves exist. 
The asset's residual value and useful lives are reviewed and adjusted if 
appropriate, at each reporting date. An assets' carrying value is written down 
immediately to its recoverable value if the assets carrying amount is greater 
than its listed recoverable amount. 
Impairment testing of goodwill and other intangible assets 
For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest 
levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating 
units). As a result, some assets are tested individually for impairment and 
some are tested at cash-generating unit level. Goodwill is allocated to those 
cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from synergies of the 
related business combination and represent the lowest level within the Group at 
which management monitors the related cash flows. 
Goodwill, other individual assets or cash-generating units that include 
goodwill and other intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are tested 
for impairment at least annually. 
An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's or 
cash-generating unit's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The 
recoverable amount is the higher of fair value, reflecting market conditions 
less costs to sell, and value in use. Impairment losses recognised for 
cash-generating units, to which goodwill has been allocated, are credited 
initially to the carrying amount of goodwill. Any remaining impairment loss is 
charged pro rata to the other assets in the cash generating unit. With the 
exception of goodwill, all assets are subsequently reassessed for indications 
that an impairment loss previously recognised may no longer exist. 
Current and deferred income tax 
The tax expense for the period comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is 
recognised in the income statement, except to the extent that it relates to 
items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity. In this 
case the tax is also recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in 
equity, respectively. 
The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws 
enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date in the countries 
where the company's subsidiaries and associates operate and generate taxable 
income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with 
respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to 
interpretation and establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of 
amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities. 
Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on 
temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities 
and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. However, 
the deferred income tax is not accounted for if it arises from initial 
recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business 
combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor 
taxable profit nor loss. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and 
laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date 
and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is 
realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled. 
Deferred income tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable 
that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary 
differences can be utilised. Deferred income tax is provided on temporary 
differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and associates, expect where 
the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by the 
group and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the 
foreseeable future. 
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally 
enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities 
and when the deferred income taxes assets and liabilities relate to income 
taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the taxable entity or 
different taxable entities where there is an intention to settle the balances 
on a net basis. 
Segmental reporting 
Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal 
reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating 
decision maker, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing 
performance of the operating segments, has been identified as the Board. 
Deferred Income 
License fees received in advance are recorded as deferred income on the balance 
sheet, and the income released to the comprehensive income as services are 
Distribution of dividends 
Dividends are recorded in the accounts when they become a legal obligation of 
the payer. For final dividends, this will be when they are approved by the 
company. For interim dividends, this will be when they have been paid. 
2 Revenue and segmental reporting 
The group's current revenue is all generated in the United Kingdom mainly from 
the licensing of its electronic platform for trading endowment policies. The 
group also earns fees from advertising the purchase of with profit endowment 
policies by market makers registered on the electronic platform. The revenue 
from this segment was GBP219,587. 
The group has no other geographical segments. 
The group's other operating segment is mining, within the United Kingdom. 
However with this segment in its infancy, and with the only major related 
transactions being the acquisition of the intangible assets as described in 
note 10. The revenue from this segmental was GBP15,513. 
Subject to further acquisitions and disposals, the Group expects to further 
review its segmental information during the forthcoming financial year, as it 
begins to see the full impact of its acquisitions and disposals. 
Transactions with related parties are disclosed in note 17. 
3 Staff and director costs 
Group                                                            2013      2012 
                                                                    GBP         GBP 
Staff costs, including directors, consist of: 
Fees and remuneration for management services                 235,911    28,338 
The group had no employees other than the executive director. No pension 
contributions were made in respect of the directors (2012: GBPnil). The key 
management personnel of the group are the board of directors and their 
compensation is disclosed below; 
                                       Fees and  Share based payments     Total 
2013                                           GBP                    GBP         GBP 
D Strang (appointed 25 March               6,750               84,254    91,004 
H Harris (appointed (25 March              6,750               84,254    91,004 
D Roxburgh                                 6,750               33,702    40,452 
M Kraus (resigned 25 March                   900                    -       900 
A Weitz (resigned 25 March                   900                    -       900 
G Roberts (appointed 25 March              6,750               33,701    40,451 
G Kynoch (resigned 10 October              7,500                    -     7,500 
                                          36,300              235,911   272,211 
2012                                           GBP                    GBP         GBP 
D Roxburgh                                12,138 
M Kraus                                    3,600                    - 
A Weitz                                    3,600                    - 
G Kynoch                                   9,000                    - 
                                          28,338                    -    28,338 
4 Profit from operations 
Group                                                             2013     2012 
                                                                     GBP        GBP 
Profit from operations is stated after charging: 
Fees payable to the company's auditor for the audit of: 
Parent company and consolidated financial statements            12,000    9,000 
Fees payable to the company's auditor and its associates 
for other services: 
- The audit of the company's subsidiaries pursuant to            3,835    5,700 
- Taxation services                                           -        - 
5 Finance income 
Group                                                            2013      2012 
                                                                    GBP         GBP 
Interest receivable                                             2,305     9,000 
6 Finance expense 
Group                                                           2013      2012 
                                                                   GBP         GBP 
Interest payable on other borrowings                               -         - 
7 Income tax expense 
No liability to corporation tax arises on the results for the year due to the 
utilisation of losses brought forward. 
The tax assessed for the year varies from the standard rate of corporation tax 
in the UK. The differences are explained below: 
                                                                   2013    2012 
                                                                      GBP       GBP 
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before income tax        (598,091) 590,759 
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before income tax 
by the standard rate of UK corporation tax of 23.5% (2012:    (140,551) 144,736 
Unutilised tax losses                                           140,551 144,736 
Current year income tax charge                                        -       - 
At 31 December 2013 the group had a deferred income tax asset of GBP1,488,491 
(2012: GBP1,123,479) in respect of losses which has not been recognised in these 
financial statements. 
8 (Loss)/profit for the year attributable to the members of Doriemus PLC 
                                                                  2013     2012 
                                                                     GBP        GBP 
Dealt with in financial statements of the parent company     (450,307)  712,247 
The Company has taken advantage of the exemption allowed under section 408 of 
the Companies Act 2006 and has not presented its own statement of comprehensive 
income in these financial statements. 
9 Earnings per share 
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based upon: 
                                                        2013          2012 
Basic earnings per share (pence)                         (0.02) p        0.07 p 
Diluted earnings per share (pence)                       (0.02) p        0.05 p 
(Loss)/profit attributable to equity shareholders   (GBP598,091)    GBP590,759 
                                                    Number        Number 
Weighted average number of shares - basic           2,791,780,820 849,999,999 
Weighted average number of shares - diluted         2,929,972,601 1,100,273,972 
The diluted number of shares includes 500 million warrants and 140 million 
share options (2012: 630million warrants) as described in Note 15. 
10 Intangible assets 
Group and Company                                    Exploration          Total 
                                                               GBP              GBP 
At 1 January 2012, 31 December 2012, 
01-Jan-13                                                      -              - 
Additions                                              1,016,000      1,016,000 
At 31 December 2013                                    1,016,000      1,016,000 
Amortisation and impairment 
At 1 January 2012, 31 December 2012, 
1 January 2013 and at 31 December 2013                         -              - 
Net book value 
At 31 December 2013                                    1,016,000      1,016,000 
At 31 December 2012                                            -              - 
On 18 October 2013 the Company entered into an agreement to acquire a 10 % 
participating interest in the Lidsey Oil Field, in the United Kingdom, with a 
further 10% acquired on 14 November 2013. Consideration paid totalled GBP630,000. 
A 10% participating interest in the Brockham Oil Field, in the United Kingdom, 
was also acquired for a total consideration of GBP386,000 on 3 December 2013. 
Impairment Review 
At 31 December 2013, the directors have carried out an impairment review and 
have considered that no impairment write-down is required (2012: GBPnil). The 
directors are of the opinion that the carrying value is stated at fair value. 
11 Property, plant and equipment 
Group and Company                             Computer       Fixtures,    Total 
                                             equipment    fittings and 
                                                     GBP               GBP        GBP 
At 1 January 2012, 31 December 2012, 
1 January 2013 and 31 December 2013            173,446          65,474  238,920 
Accumulated depreciation 
At 1 January 2012, 31 December 2012, 
1 January 2013 and at 31 December 2013         173,446          65,474  238,920 
Net book value 
At 31 December 2013                                  -               -        - 
At 31 December 2012                                  -               -        - 
12 Investments in subsidiary undertakings - Company 
                                                                 2013      2012 
                                                                    GBP         GBP 
Subsidiary undertakings - shares at cost and net book value   100,006   100,006 
The following were subsidiary undertakings held directly by the Company at the 
end of the year: 
Name                       Country of    Proportion of     Nature of business 
                           incorporation voting rights and 
                                         ordinary share 
                                         capital held 
                                         voting right 
TEP-Exchange Limited       England       100%              Advertising services 
                                                           to the traded 
                                                           endowment policy 
TEP-Exchange Interim       England       100%              Trading of traded 
Portfolio Limited                                          endowment policies 
TEP Transfer Limited       England       100%              Dormant 
Interactive Intelligence   England       100%              Dormant 
Interactive Intelligence   England       100%              Dormant 
UK Limited 
Property Exchange Systems  England       100%              Dormant 
E-X Group Limited          England       100%              Dormant 
Electronic Market Place    England       100%              Dormant 
Endowment Exchange (UK)    England       100%              Dormant 
Traded Endowment Exchange  England       100%              Dormant 
E-TEP Limited              England       100%              Dormant 
13 Derivative Financial Instrument 
On 10 December 2013, the Company announced that it had entered into an equity 
swap agreement ("the Equity Swap Agreement") with YAGM over 400,000,000 of the 
Subscription Shares ("the Swap Shares"). In return for a payment by the Company 
to YAGM of GBP400,000 ("the Initial Escrowed Funds"), twelve monthly settlement 
payments in respect of such payment were to be made by YAGM to the Company, or 
by the Company to YAGM, based on a formula related to the difference between 
the prevailing market price (as defined in the Equity Swap Agreement) of the 
Company's ordinary shares in any month and a 'benchmark price' that is 10% 
above the Subscription Price. Thus the funds received by the Company in respect 
of the Swap Shares are dependent on the future price performance of the 
Company's ordinary shares. 
The Initial Escrowed Funds was deposited into an escrow account ("the Escrow 
Account") and the subsequent monthly settlement payments will be managed 
through the Escrow Account under the terms of the Equity Swap Agreement. 
YAGM may elect to terminate the Equity Swap Agreement and accelerate the 
payments due under it in certain circumstances. The Company may pause a monthly 
payment under the Equity Swap Agreement once in each six month period. 
YAGM has agreed that it and its affiliates will refrain from holding any net 
short position in respect of the Company's ordinary shares and has agreed 
restrictions on the volume of ordinary shares in the Company that it can trade 
from time to time until the expiry or if earlier termination of the Equity Swap 
By 31 December 2013 nil shares had been closed out for net proceeds of GBPnil. 
The remaining balance has been fair valued at 31 December 2013, which has not 
resulted in any fair value adjustment based on the benchmark price and formula 
of the arrangement, with any unrealised gain credited to reserve and 
highlighted in other comprehensive income. 
                                                      2013                 2012 
                                                         GBP                    GBP 
Fair Value as at 1 January                               -                    - 
Cost of equity swap arrangement                    400,000                    - 
Settled during the year                                  -                    - 
Fair value adjustment to 31 December                     -                    - 
Fair Value carried forward as at 31                400,000                    - 
14 Trade and other receivables 
                                             2013     2012      2013       2012 
                                            Group    Group   Company    Company 
                                                GBP        GBP         GBP          GBP 
Trade receivables                         108,410    2,720   107,832      2,720 
Amounts due from subsidiary undertakings        -        -   150,000    150,000 
Other receivables                         244,000  376,000   244,000    376,000 
Prepayments and accrued income             35,105   48,074     5,105     15,654 
                                          387,515  426,794   506,937    544,374 
At the year end, there were no receivables which are past due or impaired. 
Included in amounts due from subsidiary undertakings is an amount of GBP150,000 
(2012: GBP150,000) in respect of an unsecured loan to TEP-Exchange Limited and is 
subject to a tripartite agreement with Doriemus plc (the lender) and the 
Financial Conduct Authority. Interest can be demanded by Doriemus plc and if so 
demanded will be calculated at the annual rate of 5% above the London 
Inter-Bank Offered Rate for deposits of pounds sterling. 
15 Trade and other payables 
                                             2013    2012       2013      2012 
                                            Group   Group    Company   Company 
                                                GBP       GBP          GBP         GBP 
Trade payables                            125,238  44,018     34,891    44,018 
Other payables                                  -   3,500          -     3,500 
Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings          -       -    174,127   182,259 
Creditors for taxation and social           9,972  25,772      9,972    25,773 
Accrued liabilities and deferred income   636,145  75,830    636,145    75,500 
                                          771,355 149,120    855,135   331,050 
For the amounts owing to subsidiary undertakings, there are no scheduled 
repayment terms, no interest is charged, and no security is held. 
                                                              Ordinary  Nominal 
                                                                Shares    Value 
Ordinary shares of 0.001p each                                  Number        GBP 
Allotted, called up and fully paid 
As at 1 January 2012, and as at 31                         849,999,999    8,500 
December 2012 
15 March 2013 - Placing for cash at                      1,479,999,999   14,800 
0.0135p per share 
15 March 2013 - Warrants exercised at                      630,000,000    6,300 
0.002p per share 
4 October 2013 - Placing for cash at                       500,000,000    5,000 
0.04p per share 
18 October 2013 - Shares issued for                        100,000,000    1,000 
non-cash consideration 
1 November 2013 - Placing for cash at                      400,000,000    4,000 
0.09p per share 
14 November 2013 - Shares issued for                       100,000,000    1,000 
non-cash consideration 
3 December 2013 - Shares issued for                        130,000,000    1,300 
non-cash consideration 
11 December 2013 - Placing for cash at                     550,000,000    5,500 
0.2p per share 
As at 31 December 2013                                   4,739,999,998   47,400 
During the year ended 31 December 2012, TEP Exchange Group Plc effected a court 
and shareholder approved capital reduction by way of cancellation of its 
deferred shares (225,897,991,731 of 0.001p each, GBP2,258,980) and cancellation 
of its share premium account (GBP4,032,678). 
Dividends Paid 
On 12 April 2013 the Company paid a dividend of 0.02p (2012: 0.03p per share), 
to shareholders. Total dividend paid GBP296,000. (2012: GBP255,000) 
Capital Management 
The group's capital comprises the ordinary shares 0.001p (2012: 0.001p) each, 
as shown above. 
The group's objectives when maintaining capital are: 
  * to safeguard the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, so that 
    it can continue to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other 
    stakeholders, and 
  * to provide an adequate return to shareholders by pricing products and 
    services commensurately with the level of risk. 
The group sets the amount of capital it requires in proportion to risk. The 
group manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it in the light of 
changes in economic conditions and the risk characteristics of the underlying 
assets. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the group may 
adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to 
shareholders, issue new shares, or sell assets to reduce debt. 
Warrants in issue 
As at 1 January 2013, shareholders had the option of up to 4,500,000,000 
subscription warrants for each subscription share, exercisable at 0.002p per 
ordinary share. The warrants were only exercisable if the Company (and its 
wholly owned subsidiaries) met certain performance criteria over the three 
financial years ending 31 December 2013. The Company would also have had to 
declared, made and paid dividends of at least GBP250,000 to all shareholders 
before the warrants could be exercised. The warrants may only be exercised 
together as a whole and not in part. However, 3,870,000,000 of the warrant 
shares were waived in recognition of a reduced ongoing recurring income stream, 
and on 15 March 2013, 630,000,000 of the 4,500,000,000 subscription warrants 
were therefore exercised. 
On 4 October 2013 subscribers to the share issue were awarded one warrant per 
share at an exercise price of 0.04 pence, resulting in the issue of 500,000,000 
warrants. All of these warrants expire on 30 September 2014. All of these 
warrants remain outstanding and exercisable at 31 December 2013. 
Share Options 
The Company has as at 31 December 2013, 140,000,000 (2012: nil) share options 
issued through its share schemes, all issued during the year. (2012: nil) 
16 Share based payments 
The expense recognised for employee services received during the period is 
shown in the following table: 
                                                                2013       2012 
Expenses arising from equity settled share-based                   GBP          GBP 
Share options issued and vested                              235,911          - 
Share options held by directors, employees and third parties are as follows: 
Grant date       Expiry date       Exercise      31 December 2013 
                                               GBP           Number 
15 November 2013 14 November 2018         0.0022      140,000,000 
A modified Black-Scholes model has been used to determine the fair value of the 
share options on the date of grant. The fair value is expensed to the income 
statement on a straight line basis over the vesting period, which is determined 
annually. The model assesses a number of factors in calculating the fair value. 
These include the market price on the date of grant, the exercise price of the 
share options, the expected share price volatility of the Company's share 
price, the expected life of the options, the risk free rate of interest and the 
expected level of dividends in future periods. 
The inputs into the model for the 15 November 2013 issue were as follows: 
Granted                                                              2013 
Weighted average share price                                        0.18p 
Expected volatility                                                  166% 
Expected life                                                     5 years 
Risk-free rate                                                       2.3% 
Expected dividend yield                                                0% 
17 Related party transactions 
During the year end 31 December 2012. Doriemus Plc received a dividend of GBP1.5m 
from TEP Exchange Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary. No dividend was received 
during the year ended 31 December 2013. 
During the year ended 31 December 2013, the group earned fees of GBP219,550 
(2012: GBP902,189) from SL Investment Management Limited ("SL"), a major 
shareholder in the group. At the end of the year SL owed the group GBP105,000. 
These fees relate predominantly to amounts earned from a licence agreement with 
SL, allowing SL to develop and exploit the TEP Exchange platform and software. 
During the year the group was charged GBP100,000 (2012: GBP124,000) by SL. At the 
end of the year the group owed SL GBP7,443 (2012: GBP2,400). 
At 31 December 2013, the Group has loaned SL GBPnil (2012: GBP375,000). The loan 
was fully repaid on 2 April 2013. The total quarterly licence fees payable to 
the company was reduced from GBP250,000 to GBP50,000 in the year, and in addition, 
SL now has the right to terminate the licence agreement upon giving 30 days 
prior written notice to the company. 
On 10 October 2013, Mr G Kynoch resigned as a director of the company, and as 
such the agreement with Drumduan Associates, to provide the services of G 
Kynoch to act as a non-executive director and chairman of the company also was 
terminated. The fees paid to Drumduan during the year amounted to GBP7,500 in 
(2012: GBP9,000). 
18 Financial instruments 
Financial risk management 
The Board of Directors sets the treasury policies and objectives of the group, 
which includes controls over the procedures used to manage financial market 
It is, and has been throughput the period under review, the group's policy that 
no trading in financial instruments shall be undertaken. The main risks arising 
from the group's financial instruments are: 
  * interest rate risk; 
  * liquidity risk; 
  * credit risk. 
Interest rate risk 
The group borrows only in sterling at both fixed and floating rates of 
interest. At the year end, all borrowings were at variable rates. 
Liquidity risk 
The group's objective is to maintain a balance between continuity of funding 
and flexibility through the use of bank loans and overdrafts as well as funding 
from its largest shareholder. 
Credit risk 
The group has no significant concentration of credit risk. The main operating 
subsidiary has strict verification procedures in place prior to credit being 
advanced to customers and there are systems in place to ensure that there is a 
regular monitoring of each customer's credit levels. 
The Board agrees and reviews policies and financial instruments for risk 
management. The primary objectives of the treasury function are to provide 
competitively priced funding for the activities of the group and to identify 
and manage financial risk. 
Principal financial instruments 
The principal financial instruments used by the group and the company from 
which financial instrument risk arises, are as follows: 
Financial assets                                2013    2012      2013     2012 
                                               Group   Group   Company  Company 
                                                   GBP       GBP         GBP        GBP 
Trade receivables                            108,410   2,720   107,832    2,720 
Amount due from subsidiary undertakings            -       -   150,000  150,000 
Other receivables                            244,000 376,000   244,000  376,000 
Cash and cash equivalents                    986,885  80,951   985,147   31,421 
Total financial assets classified as loans 1,338,295 459,671 1,486,979  560,141 
and receivables 
The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the fair value of 
each class of receivable set out above. 
At 31 December 2013 and 2012 the carrying amounts of financial assets 
approximate to their fair values. 
Financial liabilities                         2013     2012      2013      2012 
                                             Group    Group   Company   Company 
                                                 GBP        GBP         GBP         GBP 
Trade payables - current                   125,238   44,018    34,891    44,018 
Other payables                                   -    3,500         -     3,500 
Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings           -        -   174,127   182,259 
Accrued liabilities                        636,145   75,830   636,145    75,500 
Creditors for taxation and social            9,972   25,772     9,972    25,773 
Total financial liabilities measured at    771,355  149,120   855,135   331,050 
amortised cost 
To the extent trade and other payables are not carried at fair value in the 
consolidated statement of financial position, book value approximates to fair 
value at 31 December 2013 and 2012. 
All financial assets and liabilities are due in less than 1 year. 
The group and the Company are exposed through its operations to one or more of 
the following financial risks: 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk arises from the group's management of working capital and the 
finance charges and principal repayments on its debt instruments. It is the 
risk that the group will encounter difficulty in meeting its financial 
obligations as they fall due. 
Short term liquidity risk is managed by preparing forecasts together with 
obtaining and reviewing the adequacy of banking facilities. There is currently 
no long term liquidity risk. 
Market operational and pricing risks 
The group operates only in the United Kingdom. The group's only revenues are 
derived from fee and commission income chargeable to customers. The level of 
fees and commission is entirely dependent upon the level of activity in the 
traded endowment policy market. 
Credit risk 
Credit risk represents the loss that the Company would incur if the 
counterparty failed to perform its contractual obligations. The group is 
exposed to credit risk in respect of fees and commission income chargeable to 
companies with whom it had a contractual relationship and interest receivable 
from its investments. Credit risk is mitigated through regular credit review of 
counterparties. As these counterparties are regulated by the Financial Conduct 
Authority, the credit reviews allow for the fact that they are subject to the 
regulatory capital requirements. 
The group's maximum exposure to credit risk is GBP50,000 plus VAT, on the net 
quarterly licence fee agreement, and GBP400,000 in respect of the equity swap 
arrangement with YAGM, a shareholder of the company. No collateral is held as 
security. The credit qualities of financial assets that are neither past nor 
impaired are considered to be good, as they are primarily trade receivables 
from FSA regulated businesses and cash held with the Bank of Scotland. There 
are no financial assets which are past due or impaired. 
Credit risk also arises from cash and cash equivalents and deposits with banks 
and financial institutions. For banks and financial institutions, only 
independently rated parties with minimum rating "AA" are accepted. 
Cash flow interest rate risk 
The Group has minimal risk towards interest rate changes, other than those 
effects on interest being received on cash held in the Group's bank accounts. 
Currency risk 
The group is not directly exposed to currency risk as its assets, liabilities, 
revenue and expenditure are denominated in Sterling. 
19 Events after the end of the reporting period 
On 13 January 2014, the Company announced it had signed a Binding Term Sheet to 
acquire an initial 7.5% interest in Horse Hill Development Ltd, a special 
purpose company that holds the rights to a 65% participating interest and 
operatorship in the highly prospective UK onshore Horse Hill Oil Field in the 
Weald Basin. The cost of the initial 7.5% is GBP450,000. 
On 3 March 2014, the Company announced it had increased its interest to 10% in 
Horse Hill Development Ltd (as above) for a total consideration of GBP150,000. 
On 2 May 2014, the Company raised GBP500,000 through the subscription for 
500,000,000 ordinary shares at 0.10p per share. Furthermore, each Subscription 
Share carries a half warrant which entitles the holder to subscribe for one new 
ordinary share in the Company for every one full warrant held at 0.11 pence per 
share up to 2 May 2015. 
On 16 June 2014, the Company issued 105 million new ordinary shares pursuant to 
a notice of exercise of warrants at an exercise price of 0.04p. 
20 Commitments and contingencies 
Doriemus plc has committed to providing support to its 100% subsidiary TEP 
Exchange Interim Portfolio Limited in order that it can meet its obligations as 
they fall due. 
The directors have confirmed that there were no contingent liabilities or 
capital commitments which should be disclosed at 31 December 2013. 
21 Posting of accounts 
The Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013 will be posted to 
shareholders on 30 June 2014 and will be available on the Company's website on 
the same date. 

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Doriemus (LSE:DOR)
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