Chrysalis VCT plc 
   Final results for the year ended 31 October 2013 
                                                        31 Oct  31 Oct 
                                                         2013    2012 
                                                         pence   pence 
Net asset value per share ("NAV")                        83.50   84.50 
Cumulative dividends paid per share since launch *       40.70   35.70 
Total Return                                            124.20  120.20 
(Net asset value per share plus cumulative dividends) 
Dividends in respect of financial year 
Interim dividend per share                                1.75    1.75 
Final proposed dividend per share                         3.25    3.25 
                                                          5.00    5.00 
* Excludes final proposed dividend 
   * Dividend level retained at 5.0p for 2013 
   * Return for the year tops GBP1 million for the fourth year running 
   * 4.7% increase in net asset value over last year 
   * Total return on 80p investment now at 124.2p 
   Your Fund has continued its solid performance record during 2013 and I 
am delighted to announce that the Board is proposing a final dividend of 
3.25p which takes the payment for the full year to 5p. Total dividends 
paid since launch now top 44p. 
   Although this dividend exceeds the returns made during the financial 
year, the Directors are confident that your portfolio is strong and we 
are aware of events post year-end which we believe fully justifies this 
level of dividend. 
   At the year end, the Fund held a portfolio of 26 investments, which 
value the venture capital portion of the portfolio at GBP16.2 million. A 
detailed analysis of Fund activities appears elsewhere in this report, 
from which shareholders will see that the bulk of investment activity 
during the year centred on follow-on investments and exits. 
   We are proud of our record of continuing support for portfolio 
businesses and made three follow-on investments during the period under 
review. In our experience the small UK companies continue to find there 
is a shortage of development funding from the banking sector and 
follow-on investments have therefore outnumbered new opportunities. 
   Much of the year's activity for our investment managers has focussed on 
exits. The two exits we achieved during the year illustrate opposite 
ends of the spectrum of venture capital investment. The partial sale of 
Newquay Helicopters follows a considerable period of close involvement 
with the business by ourselves and our co-investors. In the end this 
diligent approach paid off, producing a respectable result. In contrast 
our investment in KnowledgePool was briefer - but more profitable and 
resulted in an excellent return. 
   Not every investment can be a KnowledgePool and this year has been a 
good example of how persistent and skilful portfolio management can 
produce the right outcome from a less-promising scenario. As ever, the 
Board is grateful to the key executives of our Investment Management 
company, Managing Director Chris Kay and Investment Director Robert 
Wilson, for their skill and efforts during the year. 
   Although we did not secure any new investments during the year, there 
were deals in the pipeline and after the year end we made a significant 
investment in the company behind the return of children's TV favourite, 
The Clangers, to the BBC schedules. 
   Chris Kay provides further commentary in this and other portfolio 
companies in his Investment Manager report. 
   We held cash of GBP6.4 million, at the year-end.  Since bank interest 
rates remain at long-term lows we have reviewed our cash management 
policy and since the year end, GBP2.3 million is being held in three 
corporate bonds, each of which has been selected for decent yield and 
high quality. 
   Our total dividend pay-out for the year, if shareholders approve our 
proposal at the AGM, will be GBP1.5 million. 
   Share Realisation and Reinvestment Programme 
   Shareholders will recall that in January 2013, the Company launched a 
Share Realisation and Reinvestment Programme offering Shareholders the 
option to sell their shares back to the Company via a tender offer and 
reinvest the proceeds in new shares.  This gave Shareholders the 
opportunity to gain income tax relief on their new investment, while 
remaining invested in our Fund. 
   With many of the Company's Shareholders having originally invested many 
years ago, the opportunity for further income tax relief was well 
received, with approximately 26% of shares participating. 8,266,579 
shares were purchased for cancellation at a price of 84.5p per share and 
8,018,308 new shares were allotted in respect of the tender proceeds at 
a price of approximately 87.1p per share. 
   Fundraising activities 
   The Company launched a top-up offer in conjunction with the SRRP. I am 
pleased to report that GBP326,000 was raised under the offer, with 
374,275 shares being issued at 87.1p per share. 
   Management of the Fund 
   Shareholders will be aware that our Fund Management operating costs are 
low compared with the VCT industry in general, at 1.6% of net assets due 
essentially to the self-managed structure we created in 2005. The Board 
keeps this policy under review, but we remain convinced that it not only 
represents exceptional value, but also gives shareholders access to a 
steady supply of good quality small company investments which have been 
the hallmark of our Fund. 
   Our wholly-owned Fund Management subsidiary does not seek profits for 
itself and has no interests other than managing your investments 
efficiently and cost-effectively. It may not be the norm in the VCT 
sector, but it works for us - and delivers the result we want. During 
the year, one of my fellow directors, Martin Knight, joined the Board of 
the subsidiary in a non-executive capacity only. 
   Fixed income securities 
   At the year end the Fund also held a portfolio of fixed income 
securities, which were valued at GBP432,000 comprised mainly of one 
gilt-edged security. 
   Net asset value, results and dividend 
   Shareholders will be pleased that the Fund's net asset value ("NAV") per 
share at 31 October 2013 was 83.5p, an increase of 4.0p or 4.7% over the 
year (after adjusting for dividends paid during the year). 
   The return on activities after taxation for the year was GBP1.1 million 
(2012: GBP1.0 million), comprising a revenue return of GBP519,000 and a 
capital return of GBP588,000. 
   The Company paid an interim dividend of 1.75p per share on 31 July 2013. 
Subject to Shareholder approval at the forthcoming AGM, your Board is 
proposing to pay a final dividend of 3.25p per share on 30 April 2014 to 
Shareholders on the register at 26 March 2014. 
   Share buybacks 
   The Fund maintains a policy of making ad hoc share purchases; however, 
during the year, all share buybacks occurred via the SRRP facility 
previously discussed. 
   If shares are offered to the Fund via its broker, Nplus1 Singer Capital 
Markets, a decision on whether to buy, and at what price, is taken on a 
case-by-case basis. 
   In the past share purchases by third parties in the market were 
negligible but, as the attractions of our dividend policy and the 
strength of the portfolio has become more widely known, more and more 
shares are being taken up by secondary investors. During the year to 31 
October 2013, 2.2 million shares changed hands through the secondary 
market. We welcome these new shareholders. 
   Due to the "close period" rules, which apply to Chrysalis as a listed 
investment trust, there are limited occasions on which the Fund can 
enter the market and buy shares. The Directors feel that, in general, 
our resources are better applied to the dividend payments, from which 
all Shareholders benefit directly, than to share buy-backs. We will 
continue to consider ad hoc purchases when shares are offered, but we 
are pleased that the market is also providing liquidity for those who 
wish to sell. 
   During the year the Fund has again had the benefit of wise and committed 
Directors and I have greatly appreciated the support and counsel of my 
colleagues Julie Baddeley and Martin Knight. 
   Annual General Meeting 
   The forthcoming AGM will be held at 10 Lower Grosvenor Place, London 
SW1W 0EN at 11:00am on 9 April 2014. 
   Much has been said recently about economic recovery in the UK and I felt 
it was a good time to take stock of our activities since 2008. 
   At that time I promised that our focus would be on providing support to 
investee companies, where required, and making sensible new investments 
where possible but particularly to conserve sufficient resources to take 
advantage of opportunities that would arise when economic conditions 
started to improve. 
   I hope shareholders would agree that these accounts show that Chrysalis 
VCT plc has delivered on that promise. I am proud that your Fund, 
through the skill and efforts of the Board and of our investment team, 
enters 2014 in precisely the condition we had planned. 
   Despite the troubled economic times, we have also achieved a 67% growth 
in annual dividends. 
   Thank you to all shareholders for your continued support. 
   Peter Harkness 
   It is pleasing to be able to report that for the fourth consecutive year, 
total overall return for Shareholders was in excess of GBP1 million. 
   As with any reasonably sized portfolio of unquoted investments overall 
return will largely be influenced by valuation movements which is not an 
exact science and can require some subjective judgements. 
   However during this year there have been a significant number of 
disposals generating over GBP4.5 million of cash (nearly 25% of the 
unquoted portfolio) which has confirmed the accuracy of the valuation 
   The largest disposal was the sale of KnowledgePool (KP) to Capita in May 
2013 which produced proceeds of GBP1.7 million with potentially another 
GBP100,000 to follow.  Chrysalis had only invested in KP in February 
2011 when GBP1 million was invested, so a capital return of at least 70% 
was achieved in just over two years.  Interestingly in more normal times 
KP would almost certainly have been able to get GBP1 million of bank 
finance but in 2011 found it impossible.  Therefore we were able to 
negotiate an equity and debt package which has produced a highly 
satisfactory return. 
   Although the banks are now stating they are keen to support SMEs, in our 
experience this is still not the case.  Accordingly similar deals to KP 
are still around although clearly it is important to avoid a "disguised 
   The second largest disposal was the sale of Escape Studios Limited.  As 
we reported last year Escape sold one of its operating divisions during 
2012 which enabled it to repay our loan in July 2013.  The repayment 
included a redemption premium which effectively reduced the holding cost 
of our equity position to zero.  The company was then sold to Pearson in 
October 2013.  Assuming all the retentions are released Chrysalis will 
have made a capital gain of GBP816,000 in just over four years from a 
GBP750,000 investment which also provided GBP45,000 of income annually. 
   Escape's two stage sale process is currently not untypical even for 
relatively small companies.  Another portfolio company, Autocue, this 
year sold off a non-core operating division in order to make the 
remaining part of the company more attractive to potential purchasers. 
   The message appears to be that purchasers are out there but they only 
want to acquire "clean" situations.  This, of course, means additional 
work for the management of the investee companies who are usually fully 
occupied with the day to day running of the business. 
   This is where our investment policy of providing experienced 
non-executive directors to the investee companies has proven 
advantageous by giving investee company boards experienced resources to 
carry out these strategic policies. 
   The third major disposal has also been far from simple.  Newquay 
Helicopters (formerly British International Holdings) has effectively 
been profitably liquidating itself over the past 18 months, selling off 
its various assets.  Chrysalis has already received just over GBP1 
million which it is just GBP20,000 less than its original investment and 
all being well should receive a further GBP432,000 over the next 12 
months.  Once again Chrysalis has also received a healthy yield 
throughout the seven years of the investment. 
   These three exits have all demonstrated the effect of structuring the 
investment correctly.  All three companies at various times experienced 
trading difficulties but the debt/equity mix means that Chrysalis 
enjoyed the benefit of downside protection and decent ongoing yield even 
when things were not going to plan but importantly meant that there was 
also some equity upside. 
   Of course if the investments had been 100% in equity the upside would 
have been greater but providing all equity finance to the type of 
companies that VCT's are eligible to invest in is a very high risk 
business.  Our philosophy remains that our shareholders would much 
prefer to enjoy a decent steady return with reduced risk as far as that 
is possible in a VCT. 
   A final example of this was the investment in Real Time Logistics Ltd. 
GBP325,000 was invested in 2006 but unfortunately the company had many 
years of struggle and had to be rescued several times by its majority 
shareholders. If the original investment had all been equity it would 
have been completely diluted and become virtually worthless. As it was 
with a structured investment we have been able to negotiate over time an 
exit which finally completed this year producing a small capital profit 
even though the company is a long away from its original business plan. 
   In addition to these exits, Life's Kitchen, Precision Dental and 
Triaster have all redeemed loan-notes over the year. 
   Chrysalis ended the year with GBP6.4 million of cash. 
   One major new investment of GBP956,000 was made just after the year-end 
into North Promotions Ltd. This investment will help finance the return 
of "The Clangers" to the BBC which is scheduled to be in early in 2016. 
   Other investments during the year include a further GBP138,000 
investment in Rhino to help finance its acquisition of its New Zealand 
competitor and GBP250,000 to K10 to help finance its third sushi 
restaurant in The City of London. 
   The major challenge for this year, therefore, is to make more new 
investments although in the short term the cash balance may grow 
substantially as two more of the portfolio are currently "under offer" 
(confidentiality agreements mean we cannot say more). We have learnt 
over the years that good offers for individual small companies do not 
come very frequently and therefore each one has to be taken very 
   Chrysalis VCT Management Limited 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following investments, all of which are incorporated in England and 
Wales, were held at 31 October 2013: 
                                                                         movement   % of portfolio 
                                                      Cost    Valuation   in year      by value 
                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Top ten venture capital investments 
Wessex Advanced Switching Products Limited               704      4,115      1,552           17.9% 
Precision Dental Laboratories Limited                  1,710      2,185        542            9.5% 
Locale Enterprises Limited                             1,338      1,801      (276)            7.8% 
MyTime Media Holdings Limited                            750      1,598        116            6.9% 
Triaster Ltd                                             417      1,134        411            4.9% 
Internet Fusion Limited                                  700        880        180            3.8% 
VEEMEE Limited                                           500        824      (195)            3.6% 
Autocue Group Limited                                    500        811         79            3.5% 
Ensign Communication Holdings Limited                    292        438      (858)            1.9% 
London Italian Restaurants Limited                     1,000        437      (109)            1.9% 
                                                       7,911     14,223      1,442           61.7% 
Other venture capital investments 
Newquay Helicopters (2013) Limited 
 (formerly British International Holdings Limited)       295        432      (600)            1.9% 
K10 (London) Limited                                     350        410         60            1.8% 
Livvakt Limited                                          550        329       (82)            1.4% 
Rhino Sport & Leisure Limited                            304        273       (14)            1.2% 
Life's Kitchen Limited                                   255        255        (3)            1.1% 
Cashfac plc                                                -        107          5            0.5% 
Best of the Best plc *                                    81         64         38            0.3% 
The Mission Marketing Group plc *                        150         34        (1)            0.1% 
Zappar Limited                                             -         31       (94)            0.1% 
Progility plc * (formerly ILX Group plc)                 100         10        (6)               - 
The Kellan Group plc *                                   320          3        (6)               - 
Art VPS Limited                                          358          -          -               - 
G-Crypt Limited                                          305          -          -               - 
IX Group Limited                                         250          -          -               - 
Kids Safteynet Limited                                   637          -          -               - 
Planet Sport Holdings Limited                            263          -          -               - 
                                                       4,218      1,948      (703)            8.4% 
Fixed income securities 
United Kingdom 2.25% Gilt 07/03/2014                     415        423        (8)            1.9% 
S&W Investment Funds Cash Fund                             9          9          -               - 
                                                         424        432        (8)            1.9% 
                                                      12,553     16,603        731           72.0% 
Cash at bank and in hand                                          6,445                      28.0% 
Total investments                                                23,048                     100.0% 
   All investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
   *        Quoted on AIM 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 October 2013 
Follow-on investments 
K10 (London) Limited                     250 
Newquay Helicopters (2013) Limited       126 
Rhino Sport & Leisure Limited            138 
Total investments                        514 
                                 Value at              Profit   Realised gain/ 
                        Cost     01/11/12*  Proceeds   vs cost      (loss) 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000 
Venture capital 
Full and partial 
Escape Studios 
 Limited                   750       1,605     1,566       816            (39) 
KnowledgePool Group 
 Limited                 1,000       1,614     1,799       799             185 
Real Time Logistic 
 Solutions Limited          55           -        68        13              68 
Newquay Helicopters 
 (2013) Limited            739       1,013     1,013       274               - 
Loan note redemptions 
 and conversions 
Precision Dental 
 Limited                   200         200       200         -               - 
Life's Kitchen 
 Limited                    45          45        45         -               - 
Triaster Ltd               286         286       286         -               - 
Aerialcell Limited         350          25         -     (350)            (25) 
                         3,425       4,788     4,977     1,552             189 
Fixed income 
S&W Investment Funds 
 Cash Fund                   1           1         1         -               - 
United Kingdom 1% 
 Gilt 07/09/2017         1,235       1,240     1,242         7               2 
                         1,236       1,241     1,243         7               2 
Total                    4,661       6,029     6,220     1,559             191 
   *   Adjusted for purchases in the year where applicable 
   The Directors are responsible for preparing the Directors Report, the 
Strategic Report and the Directors' Remuneration Report and the 
financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
They are also responsible for ensuring that the annual report includes 
information required by the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct 
   Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for 
each financial year. Under that law, the Directors have elected to 
prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting 
Standards and applicable law).  Under company law the Directors must not 
approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they 
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of 
the profit or loss of the Company for that period. 
   In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
   -- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   -- make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
   -- state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, 
      subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
      financial statements; and 
   -- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
      inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
   The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records 
that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions, to 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of 
the Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements 
comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for 
safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable 
steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other 
   In addition, each of the Directors considers that the Annual Report, 
taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the 
information necessary for Shareholders to assess the Company's 
performance, business model and strategy. 
   The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. 
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and 
dissemination of the financial statements and other information included 
in annual reports may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
   for the year ended 31 October 2013 
                                             2013                       2012 
                          Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                          GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                        966        -      966      765        -      765 
Gains on investments            -      922      922        -      914      914 
                              966      922    1,888      765      914    1,679 
Investment management 
 fees                       (103)    (308)    (411)    (104)    (310)    (414) 
Performance incentive 
 fees                           -     (98)     (98)        -      (1)      (1) 
Other expenses              (252)     (20)    (272)    (219)     (33)    (252) 
Return on ordinary 
 activities before tax        611      496    1,107      442      570    1,012 
Tax on ordinary 
 activities                  (92)       92        -     (59)       59        - 
Return attributable to 
 equity shareholders          519      588    1,107      383      629    1,012 
Basic and diluted return     1.7p     2.0p     3.7p     1.3p     2.1p     3.4p 
 per share 
   All Revenue and Capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued 
during the year. The total column within the Income Statement represents 
the profit and loss account of the Company. 
   A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared 
as all gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as shown 
   Other than revaluation movements arising on investments held at fair 
value through profit or loss account, there were no differences between 
the return as stated above and historical cost. 
   for the year ended 31 October 2013 
                                                            2013     2012 
                                                           GBP'000  GBP'000 
Opening Shareholders' funds                                 25,168   25,640 
Issue of shares                                                326        - 
Issue of shares under Share Realisation and Reinvestment 
 Programme                                                   6,985        - 
Share issue costs                                             (90)        - 
Purchase of own shares                                           -    (208) 
Purchase of own shares under Share Realisation and 
 Reinvestment Programme                                    (7,020)        - 
Total recognised gains for the year                          1,107    1,012 
Dividends paid                                             (1,497)  (1,276) 
Closing Shareholders' funds                                 24,979   25,168 
   at 31 October 2013 
                                                      2013                2012 
                                            GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                           16,603            21,387 
Current assets 
Debtors                                       2,031               190 
Current investments                               -             2,000 
Cash at bank and in hand                      6,445             1,690 
                                              8,476             3,880 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one 
 year                                         (100)              (99) 
Net current assets                                     8,376             3,781 
Net assets                                            24,979            25,168 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                  299               298 
Capital redemption reserve                                89                89 
Share premium                                          1,478             1,064 
Merger reserve                                         1,981             2,104 
Special reserve                                        2,320             3,653 
Capital reserve - realised                            11,051            10,138 
Capital reserve - unrealised                           7,122             7,104 
Revenue reserve                                          639               718 
Total equity shareholders' funds                      24,979            25,168 
Net asset value per share                              83.5p             84.5p 
   for the year ended 31 October 2013 
                                                         2013     2012 
                                                        GBP'000  GBP'000 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                   260       55 
Taxation                                                      -        - 
Capital expenditure 
Payments to acquire investments                         (1,970)  (2,535) 
Receipts from sale of investments                         5,809    3,938 
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure                  3,839    1,403 
Equity dividends paid                                   (1,497)  (1,276) 
Net cash inflow before management of liquid resources 
 and financing                                            2,602      182 
Management of liquid resources 
Redemption of current investment                          2,000        - 
Net cash inflow from liquid resources                     2,000        - 
Proceeds from shares issued                                 326        - 
Proceeds from shares issue under Share Realisation 
 and Reinvestment Programme                               6,985        - 
Share issue costs                                          (90)        - 
Purchase of own shares                                     (48)    (172) 
Purchase of own shares under Share Realisation and 
 Reinvestment Programme                                 (7,020)        - 
Net cash outflow from financing                             153    (172) 
Increase in cash                                          4,755       10 
   for the year ended 31 October 2013 
   1.Accounting policies 
   Basis of accounting 
   The Company has prepared its financial statements under UK Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice and in accordance with the Statement of 
Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies 
and Venture Capital Trusts" January 2009 ("SORP"). 
   The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost 
convention except for certain financial instruments measured at fair 
value and on the basis that it is not required to prepare consolidated 
accounts as explained in note 9. The Company's accounts therefore 
present information about it as an individual undertaking rather than as 
a group undertaking. 
   The Company implements new Financial Reporting Standards issued by the 
Accounting Standards Board when required. 
   Presentation of Income Statement 
   In order to better reflect the activities of a venture capital trust and 
in accordance with the SORP, supplementary information which analyses 
the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has 
been presented alongside the Income Statement. Net revenue is the 
measure the Directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company's 
compliance with certain requirements set out in Part 6 of the Income Tax 
Act 2007. 
   Fixed asset investments 
   Investments are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" assets, 
upon acquisition, due to investments being managed and performance 
evaluated on a fair value basis. A financial asset is designated within 
this category if it is both acquired and managed, with a view to selling 
after a period of time, in accordance with the Company's documented 
investment policy. The fair value of an investment upon acquisition is 
deemed to be cost. Thereafter, investments are measured at fair value in 
accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital 
Valuation Guidelines ("IPEV") together with FRS26. 
   Fixed income investments and investments quoted on AIM are measured 
using bid prices in accordance with the IPEV. 
   For unquoted instruments, fair value is established using the IPEV. The 
valuation methodologies for unquoted entities used by the IPEV to 
ascertain the fair value of an investment are as follows: 
   * Price of recent investment; 
   * Multiples; 
   * Net assets; 
   * Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying business); 
   * Discounted cash flows (from the investment); and 
   * Industry valuation benchmarks. 
   The methodology applied takes account of the nature, facts and 
circumstances of the individual investment and uses reasonable data, 
market inputs, assumptions and estimates in order to ascertain fair 
   Where an investee company has gone into receivership, liquidation, or 
administration (where there is little likelihood of recovery), the loss 
on the investment, although not physically disposed of, is treated as 
being realised. Permanent impairments in the value of investments are 
deemed to be realised losses and held within the Capital Reserve - 
   Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are included in the 
Income Statement for the year as a capital item and transaction costs on 
acquisition or disposal of the investment expensed. 
   Fixed asset investments (continued) 
   It is not the Company's policy to exercise controlling influence over 
investee companies. Therefore, the results of these companies are not 
incorporated into the Income Statement except to the extent of any 
income accrued. This is in accordance with the SORP that does not 
require portfolio investments to be accounted for using the equity 
method of accounting. 
   Current asset investments 
   Current asset investments comprise amounts held on a fixed term deposit 
at a banking institution and are valued at par. 
   Dividend income from investments is recognised when the Shareholders' 
rights to receive payment have been established, normally the 
ex-dividend date. 
   Interest income is accrued on a timely basis, by reference to the 
principal outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable and 
only where there is reasonable certainty of collection. 
   All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the 
analysis between revenue and capital items presented within the Income 
Statement, all expenses have been presented as revenue items except as 
   * Expenses which are incidental to the acquisition of an investment are 
deducted as a capital item. 
   * Expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an investment are 
deducted from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
   * Expenses are split and presented partly as capital items where a 
connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the 
investments held can be demonstrated. The Company has adopted the policy 
of allocating investment management fees, 75% to capital and 25% to 
revenue as permitted by the SORP. The allocation is in line with the 
Board's expectation of long term returns from the Company's investments 
in the form of capital gains and income respectively. 
   * Performance incentive fees arising from the disposal of investments 
are deducted as a capital item. 
   The tax effects on different items in the Income Statement are allocated 
between capital and revenue on the same basis as the particular item to 
which they relate using the Company's effective rate of tax for the 
accounting period. 
   Due to the Company's status as a Venture Capital Trust and the continued 
intention to meet the conditions required to comply with Part 6 of the 
Income Tax Act 2007, no provision for taxation is required in respect of 
any realised or unrealised appreciation of the Company's investments 
which arises. 
   Deferred taxation is not discounted and is provided in full on timing 
differences that result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to 
pay more tax, or a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates 
expected to apply when they crystallise based on current tax rates and 
law. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items of income and 
expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from those in 
which they are included in the accounts. 
   Other debtors and other creditors 
   Other debtors (including accrued income) and other creditors are 
included within the accounts at amortised cost. 
   Share issue costs 
   Issue costs in relation to shares issued are deducted from the share 
premium account. 
   2. Basic and diluted return per share 
                                                         2013        2012 
Return per share based on: 
Net revenue return for the financial year (GBP'000)          519         383 
Capital return per share based on: 
Net capital gain for the financial year (GBP'000)            588         629 
Weighted average number of shares in issue            29,864,316  30,023,505 
   As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share 
options, there is no dilutive effect on return per share. The return per 
share disclosed therefore represents both basic and diluted return per 
   3. Basic and diluted net asset value per Ordinary Share 
                                                  2013                2012 
              Shares in issue          Net asset value     Net asset value 
                                     Pence              Pence per 
              2013        2012      per share  GBP'000    share    GBP'000 
 Shares    29,917,025  29,791,021       83.5p   24,979      84.5p   25,168 
   As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share 
options, there is no dilutive effect on net asset per share. The net 
asset value per share disclosed therefore represents both basic and 
diluted return per share. 
   4. Principal risks 
   The Company's investment activities expose the Company to a number of 
risks associated with financial instruments and the sectors in which the 
Company invests. The principal financial risks arising from the 
Company's operations are: 
   * Investment risks; 
   * Credit risk; and 
   * Liquidity risk. 
   The Board regularly reviews these risks and the policies in place for 
managing them. There have been no significant changes to the nature of 
the risks that the Company is exposed to over the year and there have 
also been no significant changes to the policies for managing those 
risks during the year. 
   The risk management policies used by the Company in respect of the 
principal financial risks and a review of the financial instruments held 
at the year-end are provided below: 
   Investment risks 
   As a VCT, the Company is exposed to investment risks in the form of 
potential losses and gains that may arise on the investments it holds in 
accordance with its investment policy. The management of these 
investment risks is a fundamental part of investment activities 
undertaken by Chrysalis VCT Management Limited and overseen by the 
Board. The Manager monitors investments through regular contact with 
management of investee companies, regular review of management accounts 
and other financial information and attendance at investee company board 
meetings. This enables the Manager to manage the investment risk in 
respect of individual investments. Investment risk is also mitigated by 
holding a diversified portfolio spread across various business sectors 
and asset classes. 
   The key investment risks to which the Company is exposed are: 
   * Investment price risk; and 
   * Interest rate risk. 
   The Company has undertaken sensitivity analysis on its financial 
instruments, split into the relevant component parts, taking into 
consideration the economic climate at the time of review in order to 
ascertain the appropriate risk allocation. 
   Investment price risk 
   Market price risk arises from uncertainty about the future prices and 
valuations of financial instruments held in accordance with the 
Company's investment objectives. It represents the potential loss that 
the Company might suffer through market price movements in respect of 
quoted investments and also changes in the fair value of unquoted 
investments that it holds. 
   Interest rate risk 
   The Company accepts exposure to interest rate risk on floating-rate 
financial assets through the effect of changes in prevailing interest 
rates. The Company receives interest on its cash deposits at a rate 
agreed with its bankers and on liquidity funds at rates based on the 
underlying investments. Investments in loan stock and fixed interest 
investments attract interest predominantly at fixed rates. A summary of 
the interest rate profile of the Company's investments is shown below. 
   Interest rate risk profile of financial assets and financial liabilities 
   There are three levels of interest which are attributable to the 
financial instruments as follows: 
   * "Fixed rate" assets represent investments with predetermined yield 
targets and comprise fixed interest and loan note investments. 
   * "Floating rate" assets predominantly bear interest at rates linked to 
Bank of England base rate and comprise cash at bank. 
   * "No interest rate" assets do not attract interest and comprise equity 
investments, loans and receivables (excluding cash at bank) and other 
financial liabilities. 
   The Company monitors the level of income received from fixed, floating 
and non interest rate assets and, if appropriate, may make adjustments 
to the allocation between the categories, in particular, should this be 
required to ensure compliance with the VCT regulations. 
   Credit risk 
   Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument is 
unable to discharge a commitment to the Company made under that 
instrument. The Company is exposed to credit risk through its holdings 
of loan stock in investee companies, investments in liquidity funds, 
cash deposits and debtors. 
   The Manager manages credit risk in respect of loan stock with a similar 
approach as described under Investment risks above. In addition the 
credit risk is partially mitigated by registering floating charges over 
the assets of certain investee companies. The strength of this security 
in each case is dependent on the nature of the investee company's 
business and its identifiable assets. The level of security is a key 
means of managing credit risk. Similarly, the management of credit risk 
associated interest, dividends and other receivables is covered within 
the investment management procedures. 
   Cash is mainly held at Royal Bank of Scotland plc with a balance also 
maintained at Bank of Scotland plc, both of which are A-rated financial 
institution and ultimately part-owned by the UK Government. Consequently, 
the Directors consider that the risk profile associated with cash 
deposits is low. 
   There have been no changes in fair value during the year that can be 
directly attributable to changes in credit risk. 
   Liquidity risk 
   Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company encounters difficulties in 
meeting obligations associated with its financial liabilities. Liquidity 
risk may also arise from either the inability to sell financial 
instruments when required at their fair values or from the inability to 
generate cash inflows as required. The Company usually has a relatively 
low level of creditors (2013: GBP100,000, 2012: GBP99,000) and has no 
borrowings. The Company always holds sufficient levels of funds as cash 
and readily realisable investments in order to meet expenses and other 
cash outflows as they arise. For these reasons, the Board believes that 
the Company's exposure to liquidity risk is minimal. 
   The Company's liquidity risk is managed by Chrysalis VCT Management 
Limited in line with guidance agreed with the Board and is reviewed by 
the Board at regular intervals. 
   5. Related party transactions 
   Chrysalis VCT Management Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary, provides 
investment management services to the Company for a fee of 1.65% of net 
assets per annum. During the period, GBP411,000 (2012: GBP414,000) was 
paid to Chrysalis VCT Management Limited in respect of these fees. No 
amounts were outstanding at the year end. 
   A performance incentive fee is payable quarterly to Chrysalis VCT 
Management Limited (with effect from 1 May 2006) based on realisations 
from all investments excluding quoted loan notes, redemptions of loan 
notes in the normal course of business and other treasury functions. The 
performance incentive fee is the greater of 1% of the cash proceeds of 
any exit or 5% of the gain to the Company after all exit costs for 
investments made after 30 April 2004 reduced to 2.5% of investments made 
prior to 30 April 2004. During the year performance incentive fees of 
GBP98,000 (2012: GBP1,000) were due to Chrysalis VCT Management Limited. 
At the year end, GBP46,000 was outstanding (2012: GBPNil). 
   Peter Harkness holds a position of significant influence within MyTime 
Media Holdings Limited (formerly MyHobbyStore Holding Limited), an 
investment held by the Company, and therefore abstains from discussions 
surrounding the valuation or investment decisions regarding the company. 
Details of the investment, including cost, valuation and income received 
during the year are shown within the Annual Report. 
   The financial information set out in this announcement does not 
constitute the Company's statutory financial statements in accordance 
with section 434 Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 October 2013, 
but has been extracted from the statutory financial statements for the 
year ended 31 October 2013, which were approved by the Board of 
Directors on 14 February 2014 and will be delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The 
Independent Auditor's Report on those financial statements was 
unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements 
under s498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
   The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2012 have been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an Independent 
Auditors report which was unqualified and did not contain any emphasis 
of matter nor statements under s 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 
   A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year 
ended 31 October 2013 will be printed and posted to shareholders 
shortly. Copies will also be available to the public at the registered 
office of the Company at 10 Lower Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EN and 
will be available for download from www.downing.co.uk. 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Chrysalis VCT PLC via Globenewswire 

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