Chrysalis VCT plc 
Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 30 April 2012 
Recent performance summary 
                                                30 April   31 October   30 April 
                                                    2012         2011       2011 
                                                   pence        pence      pence 
Net asset value per share                           81.9         84.9       83.7 
Cumulative dividends paid per share                 34.0         31.5       30.0 
                                               ---------- ------------ --------- 
Total Return                                       115.9        116.4      113.7 
                                               ---------- ------------ --------- 
(Net asset value per share plus cumulative 
Shareholders  will not need me to tell them  that we are going through an almost 
unprecedented  period  of  economic  uncertainty  and  confusion.  Against  this 
background,  Chrysalis VCT - and  the majority of our  investee companies  - can 
report a half year of relative stability. 
Our  existing portfolio of private equity investments, regularly reviewed by the 
Board, remains heartening in its resilience when compared with the uncomfortable 
ride being experienced on stock markets. 
We  continue to  believe that  attractive investments  can be  found and, just a 
couple  of days after the close of the reporting period, we completed a  GBP525,000 
investment  in a growth capital opportunity,  Internet Fusion Limited, which has 
established an interesting business in the fast-growing e-commerce sector. 
The  stability of our portfolio, and the  fact that we have sufficient resources 
for  new investments in the medium term,  has enabled your Board to increase the 
half  year dividend to 1.75p - an improvement  of more than 16% on last year. We 
feel  that Shareholders  will welcome  this significant  improvement in dividend 
Net asset value 
At  30 April  2012, the  net  asset  value  per  share ("NAV") stood at 81.9p, a 
decrease  of 0.5p (0.6%) since  the previous year  end of 31 October 2011 (after 
adjusting for the 2.5p dividend paid on 30 March 2012). 
Total  Return (NAV  plus cumulative  dividends paid  since launch) now stands at 
115.9p per  share, compared  to an  original net  of income  tax relief  cost of 
80.0p per share. 
The  Company's net  assets are  now  GBP24.5  million, which  is a decrease of  GBP1.1 
million  since the last year  end, however,  GBP900,000 of  that decrease is due to 
the payment of dividends and share buybacks. 
Venture capital investments 
As  might be  expected, the  current troubled  economic climate  has had a mixed 
effect  on the portfolio held by  the Company. Unfortunately, Aerialcell Ltd, an 
early  stage investment, found  that its business  model was not sustainable and 
has  gone into  liquidation resulting  in a  provision of  GBP325,000. However, the 
remainder  of the portfolio has continued to adapt to the tough environment and, 
overall, has shown an increase in value of  GBP102,000. 
I would particularly like to highlight Life's Kitchen which has recently signed 
agreements to become the in-house caterer for two more Livery Halls which should 
mean  that its revenue this year will be five times greater than in 2009. We are 
also  pleased  with  the  profitable  growth  being achieved by MyHobbyStore and 
VEEMEE. All three investments have seen an uplift in value over the period. 
Less  encouraging has been  the performance of  London Italian Restaurants whose 
restaurants in South London are suffering from weak trading and, consequently, a 
provision of  GBP219,000 has been made. 
The  Company has not made any significant  disposals over the period but the few 
additions and disposals that were made are shown below. 
Listed fixed income securities 
The  Company continues to hold a portfolio of fixed income securities, which was 
valued  at  GBP3.2 million at the period  end. The unrealised loss on the portfolio 
over the period was  GBP4,000. 
Results and dividend 
The loss after taxation for the Company for the period was  GBP216,000 comprising a 
revenue return of  GBP133,000 and a capital loss of  GBP349,000. 
The  interim  dividend  of  1.75p per  share  will  be  paid  on 31 July 2012 to 
Shareholders on the register at 6 July 2012 in respect of the year to 31 October 
2012. This  will  bring  the  total  distributions paid to Ordinary Shareholders 
since inception to 35.7p per Ordinary Share. 
Share buybacks 
The  Company  does  not  operate  a  fixed-price  policy when purchasing its own 
shares.  If shares are  offered to the  Company via its  brokers, Singer Capital 
Markets,  a decision is made on a case-by-case  basis whether to buy and at what 
price.  The overriding criterion will be that the purchase represents good value 
to  remaining Shareholders. One very pleasing  statistic is that the discount to 
NAV  has been cut  yet again, improving  by approximately five percentage points 
since  the end of the financial  year. Shareholders, and potential holders, seem 
to  have noted the value and yield we offer and demand for shares is much firmer 
than it has been. 
During  the  period,  the  Company  purchased  253,448 shares  for  an aggregate 
consideration of  GBP124,000 and these shares were subsequently cancelled. 
We  remain cautious about the remainder of the financial year - and beyond. Even 
well  run businesses are affected in a  general downturn, however, we foresee no 
unpleasant  news  from  within  the  portfolio  -  but  neither do we expect any 
significant value boost from exits. 
We're  keeping calm and we're carrying on with  the job in hand - which seems to 
me to be exactly the right approach in such peculiar times. 
Peter Harkness 
for the six months ended 30 April 2012 
                            Six months ended        Six months ended      31 Oct 
                             30 April 2012            30 April 2011         2011 
                         Revenue Capital  Total   Revenue Capital Total    Total 
                            GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000     GBP'000 
Income                       345       -    345       378       -   378      781 
Net (losses)/gains on 
- realised                     -      12     12         -    (18)  (18)      263 
- unrealised                   -   (227)  (227)         -     590   590      944 
                        ------------------------ ----------------------- ------- 
                             345   (215)    130       378     572   950    1,988 
Investment management 
fees                        (53)   (159)  (212)      (53)   (158) (211)    (423) 
Performance incentive 
fees                           -     (1)    (1)         -    (15)  (15)     (27) 
Other expenses             (133)       -  (133)     (128)     (2) (130)    (271) 
                        ------------------------ ----------------------- ------- 
Return on ordinary 
before taxation              159   (375)  (216)       197     397   594    1,267 
Taxation                    (26)      26      -      (30)      30     -        - 
                        ------------------------ ----------------------- ------- 
Return attributable to 
equity shareholders          133   (349)  (216)       167     427   594    1,267 
                        ------------------------ ----------------------- ------- 
Return per share            0.4p  (1.1p) (0.7p)      0.5p    1.4p  1.9p     4.1p 
as at 30 April 2012 
                                                  As at    As at    As at 
                                                 30 Apr   30 Apr   31 Oct 
                                                   2012     2011     2011 
                                                   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                      21,139   21,642   21,876 
                                                -------- -------- ------- 
Current assets 
Debtors                                             123      186      222 
Current investments                               2,000    2,000    2,000 
Cash at bank and in hand                          1,396    1,914    1,680 
                                                -------- -------- ------- 
                                                  3,519    4,100    3,902 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year    (110)     (93)    (138) 
                                                -------- -------- ------- 
Net current assets                                3,409    4,007    3,764 
                                                -------- -------- ------- 
Net assets                                       24,548   25,649   25,640 
                                                -------- -------- ------- 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                        8    299      306      302 
Capital redemption reserve                     9     88       81       85 
Share premium                                  9  1,064    1,064    1,064 
Merger reserve                                 9  2,106    2,186    2,128 
Special reserve                                9  6,150    7,037    6,377 
Capital reserve - realised                     9 10,447   11,086   10,897 
Revaluation reserve                            9  3,702    3,208    3,927 
Revenue reserve                                9    692      681      860 
                                                -------- -------- ------- 
Equity shareholders' funds                     7 24,548   25,649   25,640 
                                                -------- -------- ------- 
Net asset value per share                      7  81.9p    83.7p    84.9p 
for the six months ended 30 April 2012 
                                                 As at    As at    As at 
                                                30 Apr   30 Apr   31 Oct 
                                                  2012     2011     2011 
                                                  GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening Shareholders' funds                     25,640   25,638   25,638 
Purchase of own shares                           (124)    (123)    (346) 
Total recognised (losses)/gains in the period    (216)      594    1,267 
Dividends paid                                   (752)    (460)    (919) 
                                               -------- -------- ------- 
Closing Shareholders' funds                   7 24,548   25,649   25,640 
                                               -------- -------- ------- 
for the six months ended 30 April 2012 
                                            Six months   Six months         Year 
                                                 ended        ended        ended 
                                              30 April     30 April   31 October 
                                                  2012         2011         2011 
                                                  GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating 
and returns on investments                          66         (50)         (14) 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                          (500)      (2,929)      (3,579) 
Proceeds on disposal of investments              1,021        4,013        5,063 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Net cash inflow from capital                       521        1,084        1,484 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Equity dividends paid                            (752)        (460)        (919) 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before                 (165)          574          551 
Purchase of own shares                           (119)        (123)        (334) 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Net cash outflow from financing                  (119)        (123)        (334) 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
(Decrease)/increase in cash              b       (284)          451          217 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Notes to the cash flow statement: 
a) Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 
and returns on investments 
(Loss)/return on ordinary activities before      (216)          594        1,267 
Losses/(gains) on investments                      215        (572)      (1,207) 
Decrease/(increase) in other debtors                98          (5)         (40) 
Decrease in other creditors                       (31)         (67)         (34) 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating            66         (50)         (14) 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
b)Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period                              3,680        3,463        3,463 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                        (284)          451          217 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
End of period                                    3,396        3,914        3,680 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
as at 30 April 2012 
                                                             in the        % of 
                                          Cost   Valuation   period   portfolio 
                                          GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000    by value 
 Top ten venture capital 
 Wessex Advanced Switching Products        704       2,250       33        9.2% 
 Locale Enterprises Limited              1,338       2,019     (71)        8.2% 
 Precision Dental Laboratories           2,110       1,955      117        8.0% 
 British International Holdings            908       1,919     (71)        7.8% 
 Ensign Communication Holdings             292       1,614     (30)        6.6% 
 MyHobbyStore Holding Limited              750       1,366      130        5.6% 
 Escape Studios Limited                    750       1,364    (238)        5.6% 
 VEEMEE Limited                            500       1,019      202        4.1% 
 KnowledgePool Group Limited             1,000       1,000        -        4.1% 
 Triaster Limited                          707         922       78        3.8% 
                                   ------------ ----------- -------- ---------- 
                                         9,059      15,428      150       63.0% 
 Other venture capital investments       5,385       2,560    (373)       10.4% 
 Listed fixed income securities          2,993       3,151      (4)       12.8% 
                                   ------------ ----------- -------- ---------- 
                                        17,437      21,139    (227)       86.2% 
                                   ------------             -------- 
 Royal Bank of Scotland 3.41% fixed term                                   8.1% 
 deposit account                                     2,000 
 Cash at bank and in hand                            1,396                 5.7% 
                                                -----------          ---------- 
 Total investments                                  24,535               100.0% 
                                                -----------          ---------- 
All venture capital investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
for the six months ended 30 April 2012 
 Follow-on investments 
 Aerialcell Limited                   50 
 Livvakt Limited                     300 
 S&W Investment Funds Cash Funds     150 
                                             value at             Gain     Total 
                                           1 November Disposal against  realised 
                                      Cost       2011 proceeds    cost      gain 
                                      GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Venture capital disposals 
Best of the Best plc                    16          4       16       -        12 
Triaster Limited                        51         51       51       -         - 
United Kingdom Bonds 
2.75% 22/01/2015                       944        954      954      10         - 
                                     1,011      1,009    1,021      10        12 
* Adjusted for purchases in the period 
 1.     The unaudited half yearly financial results  cover the six months to 30 
April 2012 and have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set 
out  in the  statutory accounts  for the  year ended  31 October 2011 which were 
prepared  under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice and in accordance with 
the  Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies" revised January 2009. 
 2.     All  revenue  and  capital  items  in  the  Income Statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
 3.     The Company has only  one class of business  and derives its income from 
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
 4.     The comparative figures were in respect of the six months ended 30 April 
2011 and the year ended 31 October 2011 respectively. 
 5.    Basic and diluted return per share 
                                                30 Apr       30 Apr       31 Oct 
                                                  2012         2011         2011 
Return per share based on: 
Net revenue return for the period ( GBP'000)          133          167          346 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Capital return per share based on: 
Net capital (loss)/gain for the period           (349)          427          921 
( GBP'000) 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares  30,576,806   30,780,243   30,655,950 
                                           ------------ ------------ ----------- 
 6.    Dividends 
                                                          30 Apr       31 Oct 
                                30 April 2012               2011         2011 
              Pence per   Revenue   Capital   Total        Total        Total 
                  share      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Paid in period 
 2011 final         2.5       301       451     752            -            - 
 2011 interim       1.5         -         -       -            -          459 
 2010 final         1.5         -         -       -          460          460 
                        -----------------------------   ----------   --------- 
                              301       451     752          460          919 
                        -----------------------------   ----------   --------- 
 7.    Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
                                        30 Apr       30 Apr       31 Oct 
                                          2012         2011         2011 
Net asset value per share based on: 
Net assets ( GBP'000)                      24,548       25,649       25,640 
                                   ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Number of Ordinary Shares in issue 
at the period end 
                                    29,958,849   30,655,065   30,212,297 
                                   ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Net asset value per share                81.9p        83.7p        84.9p 
                                   ------------ ------------ ----------- 
 8.    Called up share capital 
                                                     No. of shares        GBP'000 
 As at 1 November 2011: ordinary shares of 1p each      30,212,297         302 
 Shares bought back and cancelled                        (253,448)         (3) 
                                                   -----------------   -------- 
 As at 30 April 2012: ordinary shares of 1p each        29,958,849         299 
                                                   -----------------   -------- 
 9.    Reserves 
                   Capital                           Capital 
                redemption   Share  Merger Special   reserve Revaluation Revenue 
                   reserve premium reserve reserve -realised     reserve reserve 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000 
At 1 November 2011      85   1,064   2,128   6,377    10,897       3,927     860 
Shares repurchased       3       -       -   (124)         -           -       - 
Expenses capitalised     -       -       -       -     (160)           -       - 
Tax on capital           -       -       -       -        26           -       - 
Gains/(losses) on        -       -       -       -        12       (227)       - 
Realisation of 
from previous years      -       -       -       -       (2)           2       - 
Realisation of 
acquired through         - 
historic merger 
                                 -    (22)       -        22           -       - 
Transfer between 
                         -       -       -   (103)       103           -       - 
Retained net revenue 
the period               -       -       -       -         -           -     133 
Dividends paid           -       -       -       -     (451)           -   (301) 
At 30 April 2012        88   1,064   2,106   6,150    10,447       3,702     692 
The  special reserve is a distributable reserve, which was created to enable the 
Company  to purchase its own shares in  the market without affecting its ability 
to pay dividends/capital distributions. 
Distributable reserves comprise the special reserve, capital reserve - realised, 
revenue   reserve,  and  include  investment  holding  losses  of   GBP3.1  million 
(31/10/2011:   GBP2.6 million).  GBP275,000 of the merger reserve is also deemed to be 
distributable.  At  the  period  end  there  were   GBP14  million (31/10/2011:  GBP16 
million) of reserves available for distribution. 
 10.    The Directors confirm  that, to the  best of their  knowledge, the half- 
yearly   financial   statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  the 
"Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the UK Accounting Standards 
Board  and  the  half-yearly  financial  report  includes  a  fair review of the 
information required by: 
   a.  DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and  Transparency Rules, being an indication 
of  important  events  that  have  occurred  during  the first six months of the 
financial  year and their  impact on the  condensed set of financial statements, 
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
   b.DTR  4.2.8R of the Disclosure  and Transparency Rules,  being related party 
transactions  that  have  taken  place  in  the  first six months of the current 
financial  year  and  that  have  materially  affected the financial position or 
performance  of the entity  during that period,  and any changes  in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
 11.    The  unaudited  financial  statements  set  out herein do not constitute 
statutory  accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 
and  have not been delivered to the  Registrar of Companies. The figures for the 
year ended 31 October 2011 have been extracted from the financial statements for 
that  year,  which  have  been  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of Companies; the 
Independent Auditor's Report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
 12.   Risks and uncertainties 
Under  the Disclosure and  Transparency Directive, the  Board is required in the 
Company's  half  year  results  to  report  on principal risks and uncertainties 
facing the Company over the remainder of the financial year. 
The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the remainder 
of the financial period are as follows: 
   i)        investment  risk  associated  with  investing in small and immature 
businesses; and 
   ii)      failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
In  both cases,  the Board  is satisfied  with the  Company's approach  to these 
risks.  As  a  VCT,  the  Company  is  forced  to  have  significant exposure to 
relatively immature businesses. This risk is mitigated to some extent by holding 
a well-diversified portfolio. 
The  Company's compliance with  the VCT regulations  is continually monitored by 
the  Administration Manager, who  regularly reports to  the Board on the current 
position.  The Company  also retains  PricewaterhouseCoopers to  provide regular 
reviews  and advice in this area. The Board considers that this approach reduces 
the risk of a breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level. 
 13.   Going concern 
The  Company has sufficient financial  resources at the period  end, and holds a 
diversified  portfolio of investments.  As a consequence,  the Directors believe 
that  the  Company  is  well  placed  to  manage its business risks successfully 
despite the current uncertain economic outlook. 
The  Directors confirm  that they  are satisfied  that the  Company has adequate 
resources  to continue in business for  the foreseeable future. For this reason, 
they  believe that the  Company continues to  be a going  concern and that it is 
appropriate  to  apply  the  going  concern  basis  in  preparing  the financial 
 14.    Copies of the unaudited half yearly  report will be sent to Shareholders 
shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's registered office and 
will be available for download from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Chrysalis VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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