Year        Year 
                                              Ended       Ended 
                                          31 Oct 11   31 Oct 10 
                                              Pence       Pence 
 Net asset value per share                     84.9        83.0 
 Cumulative dividends paid since launch        31.5        28.5 
 Total return                                 116.4       111.5 
After  a year in which gloomy headlines have dominated elsewhere, I am delighted 
to  bring you an encouraging  Report and Accounts for  the year ended 31 October 
2011 - and some excellent news on dividends. 
Your   Company  has  recorded  a  solid  performance,  securing  attractive  new 
investments for the portfolio and providing extra funds to existing companies to 
fuel their growth. We also achieved profitable exits from two of our more mature 
The  outcome was a return for  the year of  GBP1.3 million,  up by more than 22% on 
the previous year. 
Against  the background of the poor UK economic climate, we believe Shareholders 
can be satisfied with the performance of the VCT. The Chrysalis team, both Board 
members  and  investment  managers,  are  proud  that our self-managed structure 
(almost  unique among VCTs)  has produced yet  another year of value enhancement 
for  Shareholders. I  am certain  that this  structure, where  Board members are 
closely  involved  in  both  the  search  for  profitable  investments  and  the 
monitoring  of your portfolio, is key to  the year-on-year growth in value which 
has been achieved by Chrysalis since 2005, when the current VCT emerged from the 
amalgamation  of its predecessor funds. I would  like to thank all my colleagues 
for their input and support. 
Increase in dividend 
Your  Board had already pledged to pay  a 3.0p total dividend for this year, but 
we  are delighted to recommend that this  should in fact be increased by 33.3%, 
making  4.0p in total for the year  (subject to Shareholder approval). Thanks to 
the VCT rules this is, of course, tax free to individual Shareholders. 
In  dividends alone, we will be returning more than  GBP1.2 million to Shareholders 
for  the  year.  When  share  buy-backs  are  taken  into  account, we will have 
distributed more than  GBP1.5 million in the year. 
Following  payment of the  proposed 2.5p dividend, Shareholders  who invested in 
the Company at the outset will have received tax-free dividends totalling 34.0p 
per Ordinary Share. 
The  Total Return (NAV plus cumulative  dividends paid since launch) to Ordinary 
Shareholders  now stands  at 116.4p per  Ordinary Share  compared to an original 
investment (net of income tax relief) of 80p per Ordinary Share.  This places us 
firmly  in the top quartile of all VCT funds - an excellent result when compared 
with  our position when a new Board and  management team took over six years ago 
and the Company's performance was in the bottom quartile. 
At  the end of  the 2005 financial year,  the first year  after the merger which 
created  the current Chrysalis VCT,  Total Return was only 84.7p. Interestingly, 
from  total assets  of  GBP27.4  million six  years ago,  we have distributed  GBP14.4 
million in dividends and buy-backs and still retain net assets of  GBP25.1 million. 
Net asset value 
It  is pleasing  that, despite  the recent  economic turmoil  seen in  the stock 
markets,  the Fund's  net asset  value ("NAV")  per share at 31 October 2011 was 
84.9p, an  increase of 4.9p or 5.9% over the year (after adjusting for dividends 
paid during the year). 
We  are  pleased  that  our  strong  dividend  payout  has been achieved without 
weakening  the NAV. The Board and managers believe that the VCT's performance is 
best  ensured by maintaining a blend of  VCT investments and cash balances which 
are  sufficient to sustain a viable and profitable enterprise. So long as we are 
able  to seek out well-priced acquisitions  and achieve profitable exits for our 
mature  investments, the VCT can remain vigorous and produce attractive returns. 
Obviously,  your Board keeps all options under review, but we are satisfied that 
our  current policy is  in the best  interests of Shareholders  and continues to 
provide an attractive investment. 
Management of the Fund 
The  Board remains  satisfied with  our policy  of being  a self-managed Venture 
Capital  Trust  ("VCT").  We  believe  that  Shareholders  gain  both from lower 
operating  costs and from the additional  flexibility and greater involvement in 
the  investee  companies,  which  both  our  dedicated investment team and Board 
In  these increasingly cost-conscious  times, Shareholders will  be comforted to 
know  that costs are well under control. Indeed, we have been able to bring down 
the  cost  of  administrative  services  by  21% over  the last two years. Total 
running costs for the year under review have been 16% lower than the average for 
the last five years. 
Venture capital investments 
At the year end, the Company held a portfolio of 27 investments, valued at  GBP17.9 
million.   Our policy is that  Chrysalis VCT should be  an active and supportive 
investor  -  a  true  partner  with  shareholders  and  managers in our investee 
During  the  year  under  review,  our  management  team,  under  Chris Kay, has 
continued  to be  positive and  diligent, resulting  in both new investments and 
profitable  exits. In times like  these, a performance like  ours is not easy to 
Further  commentary on the portfolio, together with a schedule of the additions, 
disposals  and details of the highest value  investments can be found within the 
Investment Management Report and Review of Investments. 
Fixed income securities 
The Company also holds a portfolio of fixed income securities, which were valued 
at  GBP3.9 million at the year end and comprised entirely of gilt-edged securities. 
 Additionally,   GBP2.0 million is held in a fixed rate deposit bank account (shown 
as a current investment), which matures in 2012. 
Results and dividends 
The  return on activities  after taxation for  the year was   GBP1.3 million (2010: 
 GBP1.0  million), comprising a revenue return of   GBP346,000 and a capital return of 
The Company paid an interim dividend of 1.5p per share on 29 July 2011.  Subject 
to Shareholder approval at the forthcoming AGM, your Board is proposing to pay a 
final  dividend  of  2.5p per  share  on  30 March  2012 to  Shareholders on the 
register at 24 February 2012. 
Share buybacks 
The  Company  does  not  operate  a  fixed-price  policy when purchasing its own 
shares.  If shares are  offered to the  Company via its  brokers, Singer Capital 
Markets,  a decision is made on a case-by-case  basis whether to buy and at what 
price.  The key  criterion will  be that  the purchase  represents good value to 
remaining Shareholders. 
The  Board is proud to have been able to increase the liquidity in Chrysalis VCT 
shares  since the appointment of Singer Capital  Markets. It is also pleasing to 
report that as a direct result of their appointment, Singer Capital Markets have 
significantly  reduced the spread on the Company's shares, and we expect this to 
be maintained.  During the year, some new Shareholders have joined the register, 
presumably  because  of  the  attractive  dividend  policy  and  strength of our 
performance.  Shareholders may also have noticed that the Directors and managers 
have  acquired  shares  on  the  open  market  from time to time, indicating our 
collective faith in the VCT. Contact details for our brokers appear elsewhere in 
this document and any Shareholders wishing to sell part or all of their holding, 
or purchase further shares, should speak to Singer Capital Markets direct. 
During  the  year,  the  Company  repurchased  691,212 Ordinary  Shares  for  an 
aggregate  consideration  of   GBP346,000  and  these  shares  were cancelled, thus 
enhancing the value of the remaining shares. 
Directors' remuneration 
Now  I come to a section of my report in which I declare a personal interest, on 
my own behalf and on behalf of my fellow directors. 
About  the only aspect of your Fund which  has not shown growth in the last five 
years  is the level of fees paid to Directors. The total for the whole Board has 
remained  at   GBP75,000  per  year  during  that  time,  while  the Fund has moved 
significantly  forward  in  performance  and  in  the  returns  it  has  paid to 
The  results speak for themselves and I feel  that it is reasonable to propose a 
modest increase in Board fees. 
Usually,  little  is  said  in  these  reports  about  the  detailed role of the 
Directors,  but Shareholders should know that the  Chrysalis Board is not just a 
rubber  stamp on  the Fund's  activities. Board  members are  very active in the 
Fund,  outside  Board  meetings,  developing  first-hand  knowledge  of investee 
companies and providing guidance and expertise to the investment team. Chrysalis 
VCT  also  benefits  from  potential  investment  proposals  channelled  via the 
Directors.  No fees or performance bonuses are paid to Directors in this respect 
-  thus saving  the VCT  external introduction  fees which  are sometimes due on 
I  believe  your  Directors  represent  excellent  value  for  money  and  in my 
experience  receive substantially less than would  be paid for similar input and 
responsibility in a comparable stock-exchange listed business. 
At  the AGM, the Board is proposing to amend the Articles of Association so that 
the  cap on total Directors' remuneration will be increased to  GBP90,000 per year. 
Should  the resolution be passed, the Directors will increase their remuneration 
up to the level on the proposed cap from 1 April 2012 (not to be backdated), the 
split of which is shown within the Directors Remuneration Report. 
This is a modest proposal and I hope Shareholders will take the opportunity to 
acknowledge the work of the Board by voting in favour. 
Annual General Meeting 
The  forthcoming  Annual  General  Meeting  ("AGM")  will  be  held  at 10 Lower 
Grosvenor Place, London SW1W 0EN at 11:30am on 15 March 2012. 
Your Fund is in good health and the portfolio is holding up very well. We expect 
to be able to add attractive new investments in the current financial year. 
We feel comfortable about those factors we can influence and are as concerned as 
all sensible folk about those we cannot. You can be sure we will be working hard 
to  deliver another creditable performance and - unforeseen difficulties apart - 
we expect to at least match the 2011 dividend next year. 
Peter Harkness 
It  is pleasing to  report that, despite  continuing difficult times  for the UK 
economy,  the overall  return for  Shareholders again  exceeded  GBP1 million. This 
year  the  overall  return  was  22.5% higher  than  last  year at  GBP1.3 million, 
virtually all of which was paid out to Shareholders by way of dividends or share 
Six  new investments were  made during the  year totalling  GBP2.7  million, two of 
which  were further funding to our existing portfolio (VEEMEE and Autocue). Both 
these  investments have enabled those companies  to continue to grow and develop 
at a time when traditional bank funding is largely unavailable. 
As  mentioned last year, in November we invested  GBP750,000 in a secondary buy-out 
of  MyHobbyStore (MHS), a publisher of  niche hobby magazines. MHS has performed 
strongly  since then  and has  made a  number of  acquisitions which are already 
looking successful. 
In  February we provided  GBP1  million to fund the  growth of KnowledgePool Group, 
which  specialises in Managed Learning and  has recently won multi-million pound 
contracts with Lloyds Bank and Ford. 
March  saw a small investment in property  developer Livvakt Limited and in June 
we  provided   GBP300,000  to  AerialCell,  a  company which installs and maintains 
telecommunication  masts. A few years ago both these transactions would probably 
have been debt financed but we have taken the opportunity of the current banking 
situation to get an equity position. 
The  total of these  investments of  GBP2.7  million was almost  exactly matched by 
total  realisation  proceeds  of   GBP2.7  million,  most  of  which  came from the 
profitable  sale of  two companies;  Centre Design  Limited and  The Capital Pub 
Company.  In  the  current  economic  circumstances  we are only looking to sell 
investments  if  we  receive  a  "knockout"  bid, as we believe that, generally, 
prices are depressed and we are not budgeting for any realisations this year. 
Turning  to the  portfolio, overall  it is  has been  a good  year which  is why 
valuations  have risen. We are particularly pleased by the performance of Escape 
Studios  which has  just started  trading from  its new  training school  in Los 
Angeles  which caters for the US  West Coast computer graphics industry. Trading 
has  also been  good at  the original  Shepherds Bush  studio and  therefore our 
valuation has increased by over  GBP600k. 
VEEMEE too has had a good year with profits well up on last year. Our additional 
investment  has  helped  it  fund  the  development  of  Zappar, a joint venture 
operating  in the augmented reality market. Since  our year end, Zappar has been 
demerged  from VEEMEE so Chrysalis  VCT now holds a  direct equity stake and its 
product  is  commanding  a  lot  of  attention with an interactive t-shirt being 
featured  on Blue Peter,  in December 2011. Our  valuation had been increased by 
 GBP317,000 over the year. 
In  September 2010 we  financed the  secondary buyout  of Ensign Communications. 
Since  then trading has been good and the company has been able to repay all the 
debt  associated with  the buyout  and now  has net  cash. Consequently, we have 
increased the value of our equity stake by  GBP219,000. 
Inevitably,  it is not all good news and trading at WASP has suffered due to the 
downturn  in defence spending  which has meant  a reduction in  our valuation of 
 GBP906,000. However, despite that, our stake is still valued at  GBP1.5 million above 
cost.  WASP's aviation division  continues to do  well and overall  it remains a 
cash rich, profitable company. 
It  is worth outlining our strategy regarding our liquid resources, which stands 
at   GBP7.7 million. As mentioned above, during  the year, cash invested was almost 
exactly  matched by proceeds from realisations.  This was somewhat a coincidence 
and  currently we have no realisations in  the pipeline.  However, the VCT had a 
reduction  of liquid resources during the year by  GBP1.3 million (after accounting 
for   GBP1.5 million of Treasury Gilt sales  undertaken at the end of October 2010 
which  settled  in  November  2010) due  to  the  payment of dividends and share 
The  proposed dividend  of 2.5p will  require cash  of  GBP750,000 this effectively 
means that our current cash balance is  GBP7.0 million. 
As  has  been  widely  reported,  it  is  currently very difficult for small and 
medium-sized  companies to obtain bank funding  and therefore we believe that it 
is  prudent to  put aside  20% ( GBP3.6 million)  of the  value of our portfolio in 
order that we have sufficient resources to support our companies if they require 
We clearly wish to continue paying dividends and continue with our limited share 
buyback  programme. We  also believe  that, during  the year,  there will be new 
opportunities  to take  advantage of  the continuing  credit crunch  to make new 
investments  on advantageous terms. Therefore, we feel that our cash position is 
just about sufficient for the current economic circumstances. 
Looking  forward to this year, trading within the portfolio is generally in line 
with  expectations and all  of our top  11 investee companies (which account for 
93% of  our portfolio value) are currently profitable. The performance of the UK 
economy  over the last few years has taught  us not to be complacent, but at the 
moment  we are  cautiously optimistic  about the  portfolio for  the year ahead, 
particularly  for our restaurant and catering  businesses that operate in London 
which  should benefit  from the  increased tourism  brought about by The Queen's 
Diamond Jubilee and of course, The Olympics. 
Chrysalis VCT Management Limited 
Portfolio of investments 
The  following investments, all of which  are incorporated in England and Wales, 
were held at 31 October 2011: 
                                          Valuation movement 
                                                     in year   % of portfolio by 
                          Cost Valuation                GBP'000               value 
                          GBP'000      GBP'000 
Ten   largest   venture 
capital investments (by 
Wessex         Advanced    704     2,217               (906)                8.7% 
Switching      Products 
Locale      Enterprises  1,338     2,090                  97                8.2% 
British   International    908     1,991                 271                7.8% 
Holdings Limited 
Precision        Dental  2,110     1,837               (324)                7.2% 
Laboratories Limited 
Ensign    Communication    292     1,644                 219                6.4% 
Holdings Limited 
Escape Studios Limited     750     1,603                 614                6.3% 
MyHobbyStore   Holdings    750     1,236                 486                4.8% 
Knowledge   Pool  Group  1,000     1,000                   -                3.9% 
Triaster Ltd               758       894                 207                3.5% 
London          Italian  1,000       875                   -                3.4% 
Restaurants Limited 
                         9,610    15,387                 664               60.2% 
Other  venture  capital 
VEEMEE Limited             500       817                 317                3.2% 
Autocue Group Limited      500       500                   -                1.9% 
Life's Kitchen Limited     300       300                   -                1.2% 
Aerialcell Limited         300       300                   -                1.2% 
Livvakt Limited            250       250                   -                1.0% 
G-Crypt Limited            305       152               (153)                0.6% 
Rhino  Sport  & Leisure    166        74                   -                0.3% 
Cashfac     Initiatives      -        50                  24                0.2% 
ILX Group plc *            100        33                   1                0.1% 
Best of the Best plc *      97        25                 (4)                0.1% 
The  Mission  Marketing    150        19                   7                0.1% 
Group plc * 
The Kellan Group plc *     320        10                 (2)                   - 
Art VPS Limited            358         -                   -                   - 
IX Group Limited           250         -                   -                   - 
Kids Safteynet Limited     637         -                   -                   - 
Planet  Sport  Holdings    263         -                   -                   - 
Real    Time   Logistic     55         -                   -                   - 
Solutions Limited 
                         4,551     2,530                 190                9.9% 
Listed   fixed   income 
United  Kingdom  2.25%   1,827     1,922                  11                7.5% 
Gilt  07/03/2014 
United  Kingdom  2.75%   1,032     1,043                  14                4.1% 
Gilt 22/01/2015 
United  Kingdom 2% Gilt    929       994                  65                3.9% 
                         3,788     3,959                  90               15.5% 
                        17,949    21,876                 944               85.6% 
                       --------         --------------------- 
Cash  at  bank  and  in            1,680                                    6.6% 
Royal  Bank of Scotland            2,000                                    7.8% 
plc 3.41% 2012 deposit 
                              -----------                   -------------------- 
Total investments                 25,556                                  100.0% 
                              -----------                   -------------------- 
All investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
*   Quoted on AIM 
Investment movements for the year ended 31 October 2011 
 New investments 
 Aerialcell Limited                    300 
 Knowledge Pool Group Limited        1,000 
 Livvakt Limited                       250 
 MyHobbyStore Holding Limited          750 
 Follow-on investments 
 Autocue Group Limited                 200 
 VEEMEE Limited                        150 
 Listed fixed income securities 
 United Kingdom 2% Gilt 22/01/2016     929 
 Total investments                   3,579 
                       Cost       MV at Proceeds        Profit/ Realised (loss)/ 
                            31/10/10(*)          (loss) vs cost             gain 
                       GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000 
Venture capital 
BreakingViews Limited     -          18       18             18                - 
Centre Design Limited 1,350       1,386    1,384             34              (2) 
CPI Acquisitions (UK) 
Limited                 400           -        -          (400)                - 
Ensign Communication 
Holdings Ltd            230         230      230              -                - 
Global3 Digital 
Limited                  66          66       55           (11)             (11) 
Locale Enterprises 
Limited                 163         163      163              -                - 
The Capital Pub 
Company plc             505         540      832            327              292 
YouGov plc               20          30       33             13                3 
                      2,734       2,433    2,715           (19)              282 
Listed fixed income 
United Kingdom 4.5% 
Bond 07/03/2013         878         876      857           (21)             (19) 
Total                 3,612       3,309    3,572           (40)              263 
(* )Adjusted for purchases in the year where applicable 
Directors' responsibilities statement 
The  Directors are  responsible for  preparing the  Report of the Directors, the 
Directors'  Remuneration Report and the  financial statements in accordance with 
applicable  law and regulations. They are also responsible for ensuring that the 
annual  report  includes  information  required  by  the  Listing  Rules  of the 
Financial Services Authority. 
Company  law requires  the Directors  to prepare  financial statements  for each 
financial  year.  Under  that  law  the  Directors  have  elected to prepare the 
financial  statements  in  accordance  with  United  Kingdom  Generally Accepted 
Accounting  Practice (United  Kingdom Accounting  Standards and applicable law). 
Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless 
they  are satisfied that they give a true  and fair view of the state of affairs 
of the Company and of the profit and loss of the Company for that period. 
In preparing these financial statements the Directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  * make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject 
    to  any  material  departures  disclosed  and  explained  in  the  financial 
    statements; and 
  * prepare  the financial  statements on  the going  concern basis unless it is 
    inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The  Directors are responsible for keeping  adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient  to show and explain the  Company's transactions and to disclose with 
reasonable  accuracy at any  time the financial  position of the  Company and to 
enable  them to ensure  that the financial  statements comply with the Companies 
Act  2006. They are also responsible for  safeguarding the assets of the Company 
and  hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud 
and other irregularities. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate 
and  financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the 
United  Kingdom  governing  the  preparation  and dissemination of the financial 
statements  and other  information included  in annual  reports may  differ from 
legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Statement as to disclosure of information to the Auditor 
The  Directors in office  at the date  of this report  have confirmed, as far as 
they are aware, that there is no relevant audit information of which the Auditor 
is  unaware. Each of  the Directors has  confirmed that they  have taken all the 
steps  that they ought  to have taken  as Directors in  order to make themselves 
aware  of  any  relevant  audit  information  and  to establish that it has been 
communicated to the Auditor. 
By order of the Board 
Grant Whitehouse 
Secretary of Chrysalis VCT plc 
for the year ended 31 October 2011 
                                                      2011                  2010 
                                     Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 
                                        GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                                   781       -   781     713       -   713 
Gains on investments                       -   1,207 1,207       -   1,077 1,077 
                                         781   1,207 1,988     713   1,077 1,790 
Investment management fees             (106)   (317) (423)   (106)   (319) (425) 
Performance incentive fees                 -    (27)  (27)       -     (8)   (8) 
Other expenses                         (270)     (1) (271)   (320)     (3) (323) 
Return on ordinary activities before 
tax                                      405     862 1,267     287     747 1,034 
Tax on ordinary activities              (59)      59     -    (57)      57     - 
Return attributable to equity 
shareholders                             346     921 1,267     230     804 1,034 
Basic and diluted return per share 
                                        1.1p    3.0p  4.1p    0.7p    2.6p  3.3p 
All  Revenue and  Capital items  in the  above statement  derive from continuing 
operations.  No operations were  acquired or discontinued  during the year.  The 
total  column within the Income Statement represents the profit and loss account 
of the Company. 
A  Statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses has  not been prepared as all 
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as shown above. 
Other  than  revaluation  movements  arising  on  investments held at fair value 
through  the  profit  and  loss  account,  there were no differences between the 
return as stated above and historical cost. 
for the year ended 31 October 2011 
                                         2011      2010 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' funds           25,638    25,858 
 Purchase of own shares                 (346)     (167) 
 Total recognised gains for the year    1,267     1,034 
 Dividends paid                         (919)   (1,087) 
 Closing Shareholders' funds           25,640    25,638 
at 31 October 2011 
                                                       2011         2010 
                                                GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                          21,876       20,662 
Current assets 
Debtors                                          222        1,672 
Current investments                            2,000        2,000 
Cash at bank and in hand                       1,680        1,463 
                                              -------      ------- 
                                               3,902        5,135 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (138)        (159) 
                                              -------      ------- 
Net current assets                                    3,764        4,976 
                                                    --------     ------- 
Net assets                                           25,640       25,638 
                                                    --------     ------- 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                 302          309 
Capital redemption reserve                               85           78 
Share premium                                         1,064        1,064 
Merger reserve                                        2,128        2,832 
Special reserve                                       6,377        6,599 
Capital reserve - realised                           10,897       11,333 
Revaluation reserve                                   3,927        2,679 
Revenue reserve                                         860          744 
                                                    --------     ------- 
Total equity shareholders' funds                     25,640       25,638 
                                                    --------     ------- 
Basic and diluted net asset value per share           84.9p        83.0p 
for the year ended 31 October 2011 
                                                 2011            2010 
                                                 GBP'000            GBP'000 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities      (14)             (8) 
 Taxation                                           -            (10) 
 Capital expenditure 
 Purchase of investments                      (3,579)         (5,391) 
 Sale of investments                            5,063           9,030 
 Net cash inflow from capital expenditure       1,484           3,639 
 Management of liquid resources 
 Purchase of current investment                     -         (2,000) 
 Net cash outflow from liquid resources             -         (2,000) 
 Equity dividends paid                          (919)         (1,083) 
 Net cash inflow before financing                 551             538 
 Purchase of own shares                         (334)           (212) 
 Net cash outflow from financing                (334)           (212) 
 Increase in cash                                 217             326 
for the year ended 31 October 2011 
1.  Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The  Company has prepared  its financial statements  under UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 
"Financial  Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 
January 2009 ("SORP"). 
The  financial  statements  are  prepared  under  the historical cost convention 
except for certain financial instruments measured at fair value and on the basis 
that it is not required to prepare consolidated accounts. The Company's accounts 
therefore  present information about it as an individual undertaking rather than 
as a group undertaking. 
The   Company  implements  new  Financial  Reporting  Standards  issued  by  the 
Accounting Standards Board when required. 
Presentation of Income Statement 
In  order to  better reflect  the activities  of a  venture capital trust and in 
accordance  with the SORP,  supplementary information which  analyses the Income 
Statement  between  items  of  a  revenue  and capital nature has been presented 
alongside  the Income  Statement. The  net revenue  is the measure the Directors 
believe   appropriate   in  assessing  the  Company's  compliance  with  certain 
requirements set out in Part 6 of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
Fixed asset investments 
Investments  are designated as "fair value  through profit or loss" assets, upon 
acquisition,  due to  investments being  managed and  performance evaluated on a 
fair value basis.  A financial asset is designated within this category if it is 
both  acquired and managed,  with a view  to selling after  a period of time, in 
accordance  with the Company's documented investment  policy.  The fair value of 
an investment upon acquisition is deemed to be cost. Thereafter, investments are 
measured  at fair value in accordance  with the International Private Equity and 
Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines ("IPEV") together with FRS26. 
Listed fixed income investments and investments quoted on AIM are measured using 
bid prices in accordance with the IPEV. 
For  unquoted  instruments,  fair  value  is  established  using  the  IPEV. The 
valuation  methodologies for unquoted entities used by the IPEV to ascertain the 
fair value of an investment are as follows: 
* Price of recent investment; 
* Multiples; 
* Net assets; 
* Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying business); 
* Discounted cash flows (from the investment); and 
* Industry valuation benchmarks. 
The  methodology applied takes account of the nature, facts and circumstances of 
the  individual investment and uses  reasonable data, market inputs, assumptions 
and estimates in order to ascertain fair value. 
Where   an   investee  company  has  gone  into  receivership,  liquidation,  or 
administration  (where there is little likelihood  of recovery), the loss on the 
investment, although not physically disposed of, is treated as being realised. 
Gains  and losses arising from changes in  fair value are included in the Income 
Statement for the year as a capital item and transaction costs on acquisition or 
disposal of the investment expensed. 
It  is not  the Company's  policy to  exercise either significant or controlling 
influence over investee companies. Therefore, the results of these companies are 
not  incorporated into the Income  Statement except to the  extent of any income 
accrued.  This is in  accordance with the  SORP that does  not require portfolio 
investments to be accounted for using the equity method of accounting. 
Current asset investments 
Current  asset investments comprise  amounts held on  a fixed term  deposit at a 
banking institution and are valued at par. 
Dividend  income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights to 
receive payment has been established, normally the ex-dividend date. 
Interest  income is  accrued on  a timely  basis, by  reference to the principal 
outstanding  and at the effective interest  rate applicable and only where there 
is reasonable certainty of collection. 
All  expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the analysis 
between  revenue and  capital items  presented within  the Income Statement, all 
expenses have been presented as revenue items except as follows: 
* Expenses which are incidental to the acquisition of an investment are deducted 
as a capital item. 
*  Expenses which are incidental  to the disposal of  an investment are deducted 
from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
*          Expenses  are split  and presented  partly as  capital items  where a 
connection  with the maintenance or enhancement  of the value of the investments 
held  can  be  demonstrated.  The  Company  has adopted the policy of allocating 
investment manager's fees, 75% to capital and 25% to revenue as permitted by the 
SORP.  The  allocation  is  in  line  with  the Board's expectation of long term 
returns  from the Company's investments in the  form of capital gains and income 
*        Performance incentive fees arising from the disposal of investments are 
deducted as a capital item. 
The tax effects on different items in the Income Statement are allocated between 
capital  and revenue  on the  same basis  as the  particular item  to which they 
relate using the Company's effective rate of tax for the accounting period. 
Due  to  the  Company's  status  as  a  Venture  Capital Trust and the continued 
intention  to meet the conditions  required to comply with  Part 6 of the Income 
Tax  Act 2007, no provision for taxation is  required in respect of any realised 
or unrealised appreciation of the Company's investments which arises. 
Deferred  taxation  is  not  discounted  and  is  provided  in  full  on  timing 
differences  that result in an obligation at  the balance sheet date to pay more 
tax,  or a right to pay  less tax, at a future  date, at rates expected to apply 
when  they crystallise  based on  current tax  rates and law. Timing differences 
arise  from  the  inclusion  of  items  of  income  and  expenditure in taxation 
computations  in periods different from those in  which they are included in the 
Other debtors and other creditors 
Other debtors (including accrued income) and other creditors are included within 
the accounts at amortised cost. 
2. Basic and diluted return per share 
                                                           2011         2010 
 Return per Share based on: 
 Net revenue return for the financial year ( GBP'000)          346          230 
 Capital return per Share based on: 
 Net capital gain for the financial year ( GBP'000)            921          804 
 Weighted average number of Shares in issue          30,655,950   31,060,084 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there 
is  no dilutive  effect on  return per  share.  The  return per  share disclosed 
therefore represents both basic and diluted return per share. 
3. Basic and diluted net asset value per ordinary share 
                      Shares in issue                  2011                 2010 
                                            Net Asset Value      Net Asset Value 
                      2011       2010      Pence per  GBP'000      Pence per  GBP'000 
                                               share                share 
Ordinary Shares 30,212,297 30,903,509          84.9p 25,640         83.0p 25,638 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there 
is  no dilutive  effect on  net asset  per share.  The net asset value per share 
disclosed therefore represents both basic and diluted return per share. 
4. Financial instruments 
The  Company's  financial  instruments  comprise  investments held at fair value 
through  profit  and  loss,  being  equity  and loan stock investments in quoted 
companies and unquoted companies; loans and receivables, being cash deposits and 
short  term debtors; and financial liabilities, being creditors arising from its 
operations.   The main  purpose of  these financial  instruments is  to generate 
cashflow,  revenue and  capital appreciation  for the  Company's operations. The 
Company  has no  gearing or  other financial  liabilities apart  from short-term 
creditors and does not use any derivatives. 
The fair value of investments is determined using the detailed accounting policy 
as shown in note 1.   The fair value of cash deposits and short-term debtors and 
creditors equates to their carrying value in the balance sheet. 
The  Company's investment  activities expose  the Company  to a  number of risks 
associated  with  financial  instruments  and  the  sectors in which the Company 
invests.   The principal financial  risks arising from  the Company's operations 
* Market risks, 
* Credit risk and 
* Liquidity risk 
The  Board regularly reviews these risks and  the policies in place for managing 
them.   There have been no  significant changes to the  nature of the risks that 
the  Company is exposed to over the year and there have also been no significant 
changes to the policies for managing those risks during the year. 
The  risk management policies  used by the  Company in respect  of the principal 
financial  risks and a review of the  financial instruments held at the year end 
are provided below: 
Market risks 
As a VCT, the Company is exposed to market risks in the form of potential losses 
and  gains that  may arise  on the  investments it  holds in accordance with its 
investment policy. The management of these market risks is a fundamental part of 
investment  activities undertaken by the Investment  Manager and overseen by the 
Board.  The Manager monitors investments through regular contact with management 
of investee companies, regular review of management accounts and other financial 
information and attendance at investee company board meetings.  This enables the 
Manager  to manage  the investment  risk in  respect of  individual investments. 
Market  risk is also mitigated by  holding a diversified portfolio spread across 
various business sectors and asset classes. 
The key market risks to which the Company is exposed are: 
* Market price risk and 
* Interest rate risk. 
The  Company has undertaken  sensitivity analysis on  its financial instruments, 
split  into the relevant component parts, taking into consideration the economic 
climate  at  the  time  of  review  in  order  to ascertain the appropriate risk 
Market price risk 
Market price risk arises from uncertainty about the future prices and valuations 
of  financial  instruments  held  in  accordance  with  the Company's investment 
objectives.   It represents  the potential  loss that  the Company  might suffer 
through market price movements in respect of quoted investments and also changes 
in the fair value of unquoted investments that it holds. 
Interest rate risk 
The  Company accepts exposure  to interest rate  risk on floating-rate financial 
assets  through the effect of changes in prevailing interest rates.  The Company 
receives  interest on its cash deposits at a rate agreed with its bankers and on 
liquidity  funds at  rates based  on the  underlying investments. Investments in 
loan  stock  and  fixed  interest  investments attract interest predominately at 
fixed  rates.   A  summary  of  the  interest  rate  profile  of  the  Company's 
investments is shown below. 
Interest rate risk profile of financial assets and financial liabilities 
There  are  three  levels  of  interest  which are attributable to the financial 
instruments as follows: 
* "Fixed rate" assets represent investments with predetermined yield targets and 
comprise fixed interest and loan note investments. 
*  "Floating rate" assets predominantly bear interest at rates linked to Bank of 
England base rate and comprise cash at bank. 
*  "No  interest  rate"  assets  do  not  attract  interest  and comprise equity 
investments,  loans and receivables (excluding Cash at Bank) and other financial 
                        Weighted average         Weighted     2011     2010 
                                           average period 
                           interest rate   until maturity     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed rate                          4.5%       1,121 days   14,573   13,532 
Floating rate                       0.5%                     1,680    1,463 
No interest rate                                             9,387   10,643 
                                                           -------- ------- 
                                                            25,640   25,638 
                                                           -------- ------- 
The  Company monitors the level of income  received from fixed, floating and non 
interest rate assets and, if appropriate, may make adjustments to the allocation 
between  the  categories,  in  particular,  should  this  be  required to ensure 
compliance with the VCT regulations. 
It  is estimated that an increase of  1.25% in interest rates would increase net 
assets  and total return before taxation for the year by  GBP4,000.  As the Bank of 
England  base  rate  stood  at  0.5% per  annum  throughout  the year, it is not 
believed that a reduction from this level is likely. 
Credit risk 
Credit  risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument is unable 
to  discharge  a  commitment  to  the  Company  made under that instrument.  The 
Company is exposed to credit risk through its holdings of loan stock in investee 
companies, investments in liquidity funds, cash deposits and debtors. 
The Company's financial assets that are exposed to credit risk are summarised as 
                                                   2011             2010 
                                                   GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Fair value through profit or loss assets 
 Investments in listed fixed income securities    3,959            3,816 
 Investments in loan stocks                       8,614            7,716 
 Loans and receivables 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        1,680            1,463 
 Current investments                              2,000            2,000 
 Interest and other receivables                     146              108 
                                               ----------   ------------- 
                                                 16,399           15,103 
                                               ----------   ------------- 
The Manager manages credit risk in respect of loan stock with a similar approach 
as  described under Market risks above.  Similarly the management of credit risk 
associated  interest,  dividends  and  other  receivables  is covered within the 
investment management procedures. 
Cash  is mainly  held by  Bank of  Scotland plc,  which is  an A-rated financial 
institution  and ultimately part-owned by  the UK Government.  Consequently, the 
Directors consider that the risk profile associated with cash deposits is low. 
There  have been no changes  in fair value during  the year that can be directly 
attributable to changes in credit risk. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity  risk is the risk that  the Company encounters difficulties in meeting 
obligations  associated with its financial  liabilities. Liquidity risk may also 
arise  from either the inability to  sell financial instruments when required at 
their  fair values or from  the inability to generate  cash inflows as required. 
The  Company  only  normally  has  a  relatively  low  level of creditors (2011: 
 GBP138,000,  2010:  GBP159,000)  and  has  no  borrowings.   The Company always holds 
sufficient  levels of funds as cash  and readily realisable investments in order 
to  meet expenses and other cash outflows as they arise.  For these reasons, the 
Board believes that the Company's exposure to liquidity risk is minimal. 
The  Company's liquidity risk is managed by  the Investment Manager in line with 
guidance  agreed  with  the  Board  and  is  reviewed  by  the  Board at regular 
5. Related party transactions 
Chrysalis  VCT Management Limited,  a wholly owned  subsidiary, is the Company's 
Investment  Manager  which  receives  a  fee  of  1.65% of net assets per annum. 
 During  the  period,   GBP423,000  (2010:   GBP425,000)  was  paid  to  Chrysalis VCT 
Management  Limited in respect of these fees. No amounts were outstanding at the 
year end. 
A  performance incentive  fee is  payable quarterly  to Chrysalis VCT Management 
Limited (with effect from 1 May 2006) based on realisations from all investments 
excluding  quoted loan notes, redemptions of loan  notes in the normal course of 
business  and other  treasury functions.  The performance  incentive fee  is the 
greater  of 1% of the cash proceeds of any exit or 5% of the gain to the Company 
after all exit costs for investments made after 30 April 2004 reduced to 2.5% of 
investments  made prior to 30 April 2004.  During the year performance incentive 
fees  of  GBP27,000 (2010:  GBP8,000) were due to Chrysalis VCT Management Limited. At 
the year end,  GBP1,000 was outstanding (2010:  GBP4,000). 
During  the year the Company invested  GBP750,000 in My HobbyStore Holding Limited, 
a company of which Peter Harkness is Chairman and a shareholder. 
6. Controlling party 
In  the opinion of the  Directors there is no  immediate or ultimate controlling 
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory financial statements in accordance with section 434 
Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 October 2011, but has been extracted 
from the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2011, 
which were approved by the Board of Directors on 2 February 2012 and will be 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General 
Meeting.  The Independent Auditor's Report on those financial statements was 
unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements under s 
498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2010 have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies and received an Independent Auditors report which was 
unqualified  and did not contain  any emphasis of matter  nor statements under s 
498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 
October  2011 will be  printed and  posted to  Shareholders shortly. Copies will 
also  be available to the public at the  registered office of the Company at 10 
Lower  Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EN and will be available for download from 
www.chrysalisvct.co.uk and www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Chrysalis VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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