FINAL RESULTS for the year ended 31 OCTOBER 2009 
                                               2009     2008 
                                              Pence    Pence 
  Net asset value per share ("NAV")           82.90    88.30 
  Total distributions paid since inception    24.95    18.95 
  Total return                               107.85   107.25 
A  year  ago  we  were  looking  at  an uncertain and potentially very difficult 
business environment. I am pleased to report that, although it was certainly not 
easy-going,  yourCompany ended the year to 31 October 2009 in good shape. We are 
therefore  recommending the payment  of a final  dividend of 2p per share, which 
makes  a total dividend for the year under review of 4p, representing a tax-free 
yield of approximately 6.5% (based on an estimated share buyback price at a 25% 
discount to NAV) on for the year as a whole. 
In  addition, we were able to maintain  our buy-back policy, and spent in excess 
of   GBP400,000 acquiring shares which represented  more than 2% of those in issue. 
The  proposed dividend, together with the buy-backs and the interim 2p per share 
paid  on  31 July  2009, account  for  in  excess of  GBP1.6 million distributed to 
Shareholders during the year. 
The  Company's performance over  the past year  has been reasonably stable, with 
income  generated from investments meeting both the running costs of the Company 
and negating net capital losses which have arisen on the investment portfolio. 
'D' and 'E' Share Conversion 
On30  April 2009, the 'D' and 'E' Shares  were converted into Ordinary Shares at 
rates shown in the following table: 
            'D'/'E'        New   Conversion 
  Share   Shares in   Ordinary     rate per 
  class       issue     Shares        1,000 
  'D'       532,982    411,441          772 
  'E'       601,376    290,429          483 
Prior  to conversion, 'D' and 'E'  Shareholders received total dividends of 20p 
and 30p respectively, as targeted in the 2006 fundraising prospectus. 
Following  the conversion, the Company  now has just one  class of shares, which 
simplifies investment management, reporting and administration activities. 
Net Asset Value 
At  31 October 2009, the Net Asset Value ("NAV") per Ordinary Share was82.9p, an 
increase  of  0.6p or  0.7% over  the  year  (after  adjusting for the dividends 
totalling 6.0p per share paid during the year). 
The  Total Return (NAV plus cumulative  dividends paid since launch) to Ordinary 
Shareholders  since the Company's  launch (when it  was known as Downing Classic 
VCT  3 plc)  now  stands  at107.85p  per  Ordinary Share compared to an original 
investment (net of income tax relief) of 80p per Ordinary Share. 
Venture capital investments 
The  Board continues to  be satisfied that  our policy of self-management, which 
distinguishes Chrysalis from the vast majority of VCTs, brings positive benefits 
to  shareholders. Our costs of operation are very competitive and, as Chris Kay, 
leader  of our investment  team explains in  more detail elsewhere, your Company 
continues  to produce positive returns.  I commend Chris and  his team for their 
activities  during  the  year.  Their  focus  has  inevitably  been on portfolio 
management, rather than new investments, due to the economic climate, but we are 
beginning  to see more  potential investments and  believe that the current year 
will see increased investment activity. 
At the year end, the Company held a portfolio of 30 investments, valued at  GBP15.8 
million.   Unrealised losses arising  on the portfolio  amounted to  GBP987,000 and 
realised gains amounted to  GBP649,000. 
Further  commentary on the portfolio, together with a schedule of the additions, 
disposals  and details of  thehighest value investments  can be found within the 
Investment Management Report and Review of Investments. 
Listed fixed income securities 
TheCompany  continues to hold a portfolio  of fixed income securities, which was 
valued  at   GBP8.6  million  at  the  year  end  and  comprised almost entirely of 
gilt-edged securities. 
During  the year  GBP3.6 million was re-invested from maturing securities, with the 
portfolio  producing  an  unrealised  gain  of   GBP113,000, and a realised gain of 
The  gilts were purchased during last year's  banking crisis, in order to reduce 
exposure  to the banks.  The Board recognises  that there are now other products 
in  the market which provide  a higher yield and  will therefore be diversifying 
our fixed interest investments over the forthcoming year. 
The  Company  received  dividends  totalling   GBP290,000  from its two most mature 
investments  during the  year, Precision  Dental Laboratories  Group Limited and 
Wessex Advanced Switching Products Limited. 
The  return  on  activities  after  taxation  for  the  year  was  GBP47,000 (2008: 
 GBP268,000),  comprising  a  revenue  return  of   GBP538,000  and  a capital loss of 
Dividends paid in respect of the year ended 31 October 2009 were as follows: 
                                   Pence      GBP 
                               per share 
  Interim dividend 
  Ordinary Share  - 31/07/09        2.00   629 
  Special dividend 
  'D' Share - 24/04/09             16.75    89 
  'E' Share - 24/04/09             26.75   161 
Subject  to  Shareholder  approval  at  the  forthcoming  Annual General Meeting 
("AGM"),  your Board  is proposing  to pay  a final  dividend of 2.00p per share 
(split  as 0.75p revenue and 1.25p capital)  on 16 April 2010 to Shareholders on 
the register at 12 March 2010. 
Following  payment of this dividend, Shareholders who invested in the Company at 
the outset, will have received dividends totalling 26.95p per Ordinary Share. 
Share buybacks 
The  Company continues  to operate  a share  buyback policy  in order to provide 
liquidity  in the market.  Any Shareholders wishing to sell their holding should 
consult  their  financial  adviser  toensure  they  understand the potential tax 
implications  of such a disposal.  Shares cannot be sold directly to the Company 
but  must be sold via  the Stock Market through  a stockbroker.  The Company has 
made  market purchases of shares from time to time at a 25% discount to the last 
published  NAV. The Board reviews the discount, together with the level of share 
buybacks undertaken, and makes changes as it sees fit. 
During  the year the Company repurchased  654,811 Ordinary Shares of 1p each for 
an  aggregate  consideration  of   GBP408,000  being  an average price of 61.9p per 
Ordinary Share of 1p each representing 2.1% of the issued Ordinary share capital 
held  at 1 November 2008.  These  shares were subsequently  cancelled and at the 
year end the Company had 31,175,509 Ordinary shares in issue. 
VCT Continuation 
In  line  with  the  Articles  of  Association,  a  resolution  that the Company 
continues  as a Venture Capital  Trust is proposed at  the forthcoming AGM.  The 
Directors recommend that Shareholders vote for the resolution. 
Annual General Meeting 
1.To renew  the authority to allow  the Company to make  market purchases of the 
Company's shares. 
2.To continue as a Venture Capital Trust. 
With  GBP9.7 million of liquid funds available, the Company remains well positioned 
to  support those  portfolio companies  that are  unable to obtain bank finance, 
whilst retaining the ability to invest in new opportunities that may arise. 
Finally  I would like to place  on record my appreciation of  the work of my two 
Board  colleagues, Julie Baddeley  and Martin Knight,  whose counsel and support 
has been invaluable in navigating your Company safely through a difficult year. 
Peter Harkness 
Despite  the economy being in recession for the whole of this financial year, it 
is  pleasing to note that the VCT did make a positive return over the year. This 
means  that, in  the 5Å? years  since we  took over  management of  the fund, net 
assets per share have risen by 36.4%, in addition to the 19.5p of dividends paid 
out, which overall works out at a tax-free annual IRR of 11.1%. 
However,  in many ways, it has been a surprisingly quiet year for the VCT.  This 
time  last year we  fully expected that,  during 2009, we would  be faced with a 
large   number   of  difficult  re-financing/re-structuring  decisions  for  the 
portfolio.   Equally  we  assumed  that  there  would  be  opportunities for our 
strongly performing companies to acquire competitors at very attractive prices. 
In  reality  neither  has  happened  in  any  significant  way.  We have had few 
requests  from the  portfolio for  rescue finance  and have  only made two small 
investments  in that  category, being  a  GBP14,000  participation in Planet Sports 
rights  issue and  a  GBP151,000  investment in  Optima. This investment, alongside 
considerably   more   from  our  syndicate  partners,  unfortunately  failed  to 
turnaround Optima's fortunes and, in December 2009, it went into administration. 
 Unfortunately  it  was  joined  by  CPI  which also went into administration in 
January  2010. These  two  companiesare  however  the  only significant investee 
companies  to fail during the last 18 months,  which is less than expected given 
the  state  of  the  economy  and  the  fact  that VCTs have to invest in small, 
vulnerable, companies.. 
We  also  have  not  seen  any  opportunistic  acquisitions.  Locale Enterprises 
(formerly Mentorion Limited) did buy Mentorion 2 but we were already invested in 
both companies. 
It seems to us that whilst the banks are not being very helpful in providing new 
finance  and are taking  every opportunity to  increase lending margins and take 
fees,  they  seem  reluctant  to  "pull  the  plug" on companies, perhaps due to 
political  pressure now  the government  has such  a major  stake in the sector. 
 Equally,  HMRC seems  very willing  to allow  companies to  defer tax payments. 
 These  actions may actually  only delay the  inevitable outcomes, especially if 
the  economy  does  not  pick  up  quickly,  but  at  present  it is restricting 
opportunities  for successful  companies to  pick up  the viable parts of failed 
Therefore we have yet to significantly use our cash.  Liquid funds (cash at bank 
and  fixed interest investments)  have reduced from   GBP12.5m at the  start of the 
year,  to   GBP9.7m  at  the  end,  largely  as  a  result of the  GBP2.5m returned to 
shareholders  in the  form of  dividends (physically  paid) and share buy-backs. 
 New  investments of  GBP1.8m were largely  funded by realisations of  GBP1.4m.  Apart 
from  the  Mentorion  2 deal,  realisation  proceeds  were mainly as a result of 
deferred  payments from exits in  previous years and, as  we reported last year, 
the  window of opportunity for small private company exits tends to come late in 
the business cycle.  Therefore we are not anticipating many exits this year. 
We are, however, hopeful that the rate of new investment opportunities will pick 
up this year and, as we continue to return cash to shareholders, the consequence 
of  a lack of exits means that the VCT  is likely to be cash negative again this 
year. Therefore it was pleasing that we entered the recession with a significant 
"cash" balance. 
The  only new investment made during the year was in Escape Studios, which has a 
national  reputation for training  personnel in the  expanding computer graphics 
industry. We invested  GBP750,000 in March 2009 to enable the company to expand its 
online  teaching  facilities.  So  far  we  are  pleased with progress and since 
computer  graphics is  a worldwide  industry, the  recent weakness  of Sterling, 
which  has  made  London  a  more  attractive  place to do business ,should help 
Apart  from CPI and  Optima mentioned above,  there were three other significant 
valuation  changes.  Wessex Advanced Switching Products (up  GBP559,000) and Ensign 
Communications   (up    GBP578,000)   saw  valuations  increased  as  a  result  of 
considerably  improved  trading.   In  contrast  Precision  Dental  Laboratories 
valuation  fell by   GBP1m due  to a  35% decline in  operating profits.  Precision 
Dental  Laboratories does however remain both profitable and cash generative and 
we remain confident about its prospects. 
With  regard  to  the  prospects  for  the existing portfolio, we are relatively 
pleased  with its overall trading performance and, of the companies that make up 
88% of the value of the portfolio, only one has significant borrowings (although 
if  a proposed  land sale  goes through  even that  company will be largely debt 
free).  The portfolio is  almost totally UK  based and so  is inevitably tied up 
with  the  fortunes  of  the  UK  economy,  however we are fortunate to have the 
resources to support our companies through these difficult times. 
Chrysalis VCT Management Limited 
Portfolio of investments 
The  following investments, all of which  are incorporated in England and Wales, 
were held at 31 October 2009: 
                                                            Movement       % of 
                                            Cost Valuation   in year  portfolio 
                                            GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000   by value 
 Ten largest venture capital investments 
 (by value) 
 Wessex Advanced Switching Products          704     3,426       559      13.4% 
 Precision Dental Laboratories Group       2,110     2,175     (999)       8.5% 
 Locale Enterprises Limited 
   (formerly Mentorion Limited)            1,500     2,020       212       7.9% 
 Centre Design Limited                     1,350     1,572        90       6.2% 
 Ensign Communications Limited               500     1,282       578       5.0% 
 London Italian Restaurants Limited        1,000     1,000         -       3.9% 
 British International Holdings Limited      750       869        16       3.4% 
 Triaster Limited                            758       829      (60)       3.3% 
 Escape Studios Limited                      750       750         -       2.9% 
 The Capital Pub Company plc *               505       353       116       1.4% 
                                           9,927    14,276       512      55.9% 
 Other venture capital investments 
 Y88 Product Development Limited 
   (formerly RFTRAQ Limited)                 325       270         -       1.1% 
 Gcrypt Limited                              208       231         -       0.9% 
 Planet Sport (Holdings) Limited             263       225      (13)       0.8% 
 Rhino Sport and Leisure Limited             166       149      (25)       0.6% 
 BreakingViews Limited                         -       141         -       0.5% 
 Glisten plc *                               149       136     (158)       0.5% 
 CPI Acquisition UK Limited                  468        68     (400)       0.3% 
 Global3Digital Limited                       67        67         -       0.3% 
 Lifes Kitchen Ltd.                          165        65     (100)       0.3% 
 Best of the Best plc *                       98        54        15       0.2% 
 The Mission Marketing Group plc *           150        40      (25)       0.2% 
 YouGov plc *                                 20        38      (22)       0.1% 
 ILX Group plc *                             100        38        16       0.1% 
 Cashfac Limited                               -        22      (61)       0.1% 
 The Kellan Group plc *                      320        20      (45)       0.1% 
 Art VPS Limited                             358         -         -          - 
 Heath and Green Limited                      30         -      (30)          - 
 IX Group plc                                250         -         -          - 
 Kids SafteyNet Limited                      637         -         -          - 
 Optima Data Intelligence Limited            651         -     (651)          - 
                                           4,425     1,564   (1,499)       6.1% 
 Listed fixed income securities 
 Treasury 2Å?% Stock 07/03/2014             2,513     2,508       (5)       9.8% 
 Treasury 4Å?% Stock 07/03/2011             1,883     1,986        47       7.8% 
 Treasury 5Å?% Stock 2012                   1,477     1,553        46       6.1% 
 Treasury  3Å?% Stock 07/12/2011            1,293     1,289       (4)       5.1% 
 Treasury 8% Stock 2013                    1,163     1,184        30       4.6% 
 Smith & Williamson Cash Trust                57        56       (1)       0.2% 
                                           8,386     8,576       113      33.6% 
 Total                                    22,738    24,416     (874)      95.6% 
 Cash at bank and in hand                            1,137                 4.4% 
                                                -----------         ------------ 
 Total investments                                  25,553               100.0% 
All investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
* Quoted on AIM 
Investment movements for the year ended 31 October 2009 
  New investments 
  Escape Studios Limited                         750 
  Follow on investments 
  CPI Acquisition UK Limited                     102 
  Gcrypt Limited                                  39 
  Locale Enterprises Limited                     750 
  Optima Data Intelligence Limited               151 
  Planet Sport (Holdings) Limited                 14 
  Total venture capital investment additions   1,806 
  Listed fixed income securities 
  Treasury  3Å?% Stock 07/12/2011               1,293 
  Treasury 2Å?% Stock 07/03/2014                2,513 
  Total investments                            5,612 
                                     Cost     MV at Proceeds   Profit/ Realised 
                                          31/10/08*          (loss) vs    gain/ 
                                                                  cost   (loss) 
                                     GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Venture Capital disposals 
 Mentorion 2 Limited ***              750       750      778        28       28 
 CPI Acquisition UK Limited            34        34       37         3        3 
 Liquidations/ dissolutions 
 Forward Media Limited                440         -        7     (433)        7 
 Goldstart Limited                      -         -      217       217      217 
 Hat Pin plc                          325         -        -     (325)        - 
 Patterning Technologies Limited      286         -        -     (286)        - 
 Shopcreator Limited                  255         -        -     (255)        - 
 Spice Inns Limited                   950         -        -     (950)        - 
 Ultralon Holdings Limited          1,028         -        -   (1,028)        - 
 Retention monies from prior 
 Babel Media Limited                    -         -      394       394      394 
 Listed fixed income securities 
 Smith & Williamson Cash Trust        707       711      703       (4)      (8) 
 Treasury  4% Stock 07/03/2009      1,215     1,232    1,228        13      (4) 
 UK THM Treasury 2009 **            1,546     1,561    1,580        34       19 
 Total                              7,536     4,288    4,944   (2,592)      656 
*Adjusted for purchases in the year 
**Gain recognised as revenue income 
The  Directors are  responsible for  preparing the  Report of the Directors, the 
Directors  Remuneration Report, and the  financial statements in accordance with 
applicable  law and regulations.    They are  also responsible for ensuring that 
the  Annual Report  includes information  required by  the Listing  Rules of the 
Financial Services Authority. 
Company  law requires  the Directors  to prepare  financial statements  for each 
financial  year.  Under  that  law  the  Directors  have  elected to prepare the 
financial  statements  in  accordance  with  United  Kingdom  Generally Accepted 
Accounting  Practice (United  Kingdom Accounting  Standards and applicable law). 
Under  company law theDirectors must not approve the financial statements unless 
they  are satisfied that they give a true  and fair view of the state of affairs 
of  the Company and  of the profit  or loss of  the Company for that period.  In 
preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
?select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
?make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
?state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to 
any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and 
?prepare  the  financial  statements  on  the  going  concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping accounting records that are sufficient 
to  show and  explain the  Company's transactions  and disclose  with reasonable 
accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to 
ensure  that the  financial statements,  and the  Directors Remuneration Report, 
comply   with  the  requirements  of  the  Companies Act 2006.   They  are  also 
responsible  for safeguarding  the assets  of the  Company and  hence for taking 
reasonable   steps   for  the  prevention  and  detection  of  fraud  and  other 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate 
and  financial  information  relating  to  the  Company included on the Managers 
websites.  Legislation  in  the  United  Kingdom  governing  the preparation and 
dissemination  of  the  financial  statements  and other information included in 
annual reports may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Directors' statement pursuant to the Disclosure and Transparency Rules 
Each  of the Directors, whose  names are listed on  the Report of the Directors, 
confirms that, to the best of each person's knowledge: 
?the  financial statements, prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally 
Accepted  Accounting  Practice,  give  a  true  and  fair  view  of  the assets, 
liabilities, financial position and result of the Company; and 
?the  Directors' Report contained in the Annual Report includes a fair review of 
the  development and performance of the business and the position of the company 
together  with a  description of  the principal  risks and uncertainties that it 
Electronic publication 
The  financial statements are published on www.chrysalisvct.co.uk (maintained by 
the   Investment   Manager)   and   on  www.downing.co.uk,  (maintained  by  the 
Administration Manager). 
Statement as to disclosure of information to auditors 
The Directors in office at the date of the report have confirmed, as far as they 
are aware, that there is no relevant audit information of which the auditors are 
unaware. Each of the Directors have confirmed that they have taken all the steps 
that  they ought to have taken as directors in order to make themselves aware of 
any relevant audit information and to establish that it has been communicated to 
the auditor. 
Grant Whitehouse 
Secretary of Chrysalis VCT plc 
Company number:  4095791 
Registered Office: 
Kings Scholars House 
230 Vauxhall Bridge Road 
London SW1V 1AU 
for the year ended 31 October 2009 
                                Year ended 31 October     Year ended 31 October 
                                                 2009                      2008 
                               Revenue Capital  Total   Revenue Capital   Total 
                                  GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Income                          1,187       -  1,187     1,602       -   1,602 
 Losses on investments               -   (237)  (237)         -   (258)   (258) 
                              ------------------------ ------------------------- 
                                 1,187   (237)    950     1,602   (258)   1,344 
 Investment management fees      (112)   (337)  (449)     (126)   (377)   (503) 
 Performance incentive fees          -    (14)   (14)         -   (175)   (175) 
 Other expenses                  (429)     (1)  (430)     (300)    (20)   (320) 
                              ------------------------ ------------------------- 
 Return on ordinary activities 
     before tax                    646   (589)     57     1,176   (830)     346 
 Tax on ordinary activities      (108)      98   (10)     (237)     159    (78) 
                              ------------------------ ------------------------- 
 Returnattributable to equity 
 Shareholders                      538   (491)     47       939   (671)     268 
 Ordinary Share                   1.7p  (1.6p)   0.1p      2.8p  (1.1p)    1.7p 
 'D' Share                         N/A     N/A    N/A      2.8p (25.3p) (22.5p) 
 'E' Share                         N/A     N/A    N/A      2.6p (28.4p) (25.8p) 
All  Revenue and  Capital items  in the  above statement  derive from continuing 
operations.   No operations were acquired or  discontinued during the year.  The 
total  column within the Income Statement represents the profit and loss account 
of the Company. 
A  Statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses has  not been prepared as all 
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as shown above. 
Other  than  revaluation  movements  arising  on  investments held at fair value 
through   the   Income   Statement,   there  were  no  differences  between  the 
return/deficit as stated above and historical cost. 
for the year ended 31 October 2009 
                                           2009      2008 
                                           GBP'000      GBP'000 
  Opening shareholders' funds            28,342    31,040 
  Purchase of own shares                  (408)   (1,177) 
  Total recognised gains for the year        47       268 
  Dividends paid                        (2,123)   (1,789) 
  Closing shareholders' funds            25,858    28,342 
at 31 October 2009 
                                                        2009         2008 
                                                 GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments                                          24,416       23,966 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                                          523          268 
 Cash at bank and in hand                       1,137        4,398 
                                               -------      ------- 
                                                1,660        4,666 
 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (218)        (290) 
                                               -------      ------- 
 Net current assets                                    1,442        4,376 
                                                     --------     -------- 
 Net assets                                           25,858       28,342 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                                 312          323 
 Capital redemption reserve                               75           64 
 Share premium                                         1,064        1,064 
 Merger reserve                                        8,694        8,694 
 Special reserve                                       1,795        5,554 
 Capital reserve - realised                           11,493       12,196 
 Investment holding gains/(losses)                     1,678        (696) 
 Revenue reserve                                         747        1,143 
                                                     --------     -------- 
 Total equity shareholders' funds                     25,858       28,342 
 Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
 Ordinary share                                        82.9p        88.3p 
 'D' Share                                               N/A        81.8p 
 'E' Share                                               N/A        67.5p 
for year ended 31 October 2009 
                                                           2009      2008 
                                                           GBP'000      GBP'000 
  Net cash inflow from operating activities                 327       609 
  Taxation                                                 (78)      (64) 
  Capital expenditure 
  Purchase of investments                               (5,612)   (8,160) 
  Sale of investments                                     4,645    10,675 
  Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from capital expenditure     (967)     2,515 
  Equity dividends paid                                 (2,121)   (1,792) 
  Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing            (2,839)     1,268 
  Purchase of own shares                                  (422)   (1,128) 
  Net cash outflow from financing                         (422)   (1,128) 
  (Decrease)/increase in cash                           (3,261)       140 
for the year ended 31 October 2009 
1.Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The  Company has prepared  its financial statements  under UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 
"Financial  Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 
January 2009 ("SORP"). 
The  financial  statements  are  prepared  under  the historical cost convention 
except for certain financial instruments measured at fair value and on the basis 
that it is not appropriate to prepare consolidated accounts. 
The  Company implements new Financial Reporting  Standards ("FRS") issued by the 
Accounting  Standards Board  when required.   No new  standards were  issued for 
implementation  for  the  year  under  review.   The  Association  of Investment 
Companies  issued a new  SORP in January  2009 which has been  adopted for these 
financial  statements.   No  comparative  restatements  have  been required as a 
result of the implementation of the new SORP. 
Presentation of Income Statement 
In  order to  better reflect  the activities  of a  venture capital trust and in 
accordance  with the SORP,  supplementary information which  analyses the Income 
Statement  between  items  of  a  revenue  and capital nature has been presented 
alongside  the Income  Statement. The  net revenue  is the measure the directors 
believe   appropriate   in  assessing  the  Company's  compliance  with  certain 
requirements set out in Part 6 of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
Investments  are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" assets due to 
investments  being managed and performance evaluated on  a fair value basis.   A 
financial  asset is designated within  this category if it  is both acquired and 
managed,  with a view to selling after a  period of time, in accordance with the 
Company's  documented investment policy.   The fair value  of an investment upon 
acquisition  is deemed to be cost.   Thereafter investments are measured at fair 
value  in accordance with  the International Private  Equity and Venture Capital 
Valuation Guidelines ("IPEV") together with FRS26. 
Listed fixed income investments and investments quoted on AIM are measured using 
bid prices in accordance with the IPEV. 
For  unquoted  instruments,  fair  value  is  established  using  the  IPEV. The 
valuation  methodologies for unquoted entities used by the IPEV to ascertain the 
fair value of an investment are as follows: 
?Price of recent investment; 
?Net assets; 
?Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying business); 
?Discounted cash flows (from the investment); and 
?Industry valuation benchmarks. 
The  methodology applied takes account of the nature, facts and circumstances of 
the  individual investment and uses  reasonable data, market inputs, assumptions 
and estimates in order to ascertain fair value. 
Where  an investee company has gone into receivership or liquidation the loss on 
the  investment,  although  not  physically  disposed  of,  is  treated as being 
Gains  and losses arising from changes in  fair value are included in the Income 
Statement for the year as a capital item and transaction costs on acquisition or 
disposal of the investment expensed. 
It  is not  the Company's  policy to  exercise either significant or controlling 
influence over investee companies.  Therefore the results of these companies are 
not  incorporated into the Income  Statement except to the  extent of any income 
accrued.   This is in accordance  with the SORP that  does not require portfolio 
investments to be accounted for using the equity method of accounting. 
Dividend  income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights to 
receive payment has been established, normally the ex dividend date. 
Interest  income is  accrued on  a timely  basis, by  reference to the principal 
outstanding  and at the effective interest  rate applicable and only where there 
is reasonable certainty of collection. 
All  expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the analysis 
between  revenue and  capital items  presented within  the Income Statement, all 
expenses have been presented as revenue items except as follows: 
?Expenses  which are incidental to the acquisition of an investment are deducted 
as a Capital item. 
?Expenses  which are  incidental to  the disposal  of an investment are deducted 
from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
?Expenses  are split  and presented  partly as  capital items where a connection 
with  the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments held can be 
demonstrated.  The  Company  has  adopted  the  policy  of allocating investment 
managers  fees, 75% to Capital and 25% to Revenue as permitted by the SORP.  The 
allocation is in line with the Board's expectation of long term returns from the 
Company's investments in the form of capital gains and income respectively. 
?Performance  incentive  fees  arising  from  the  disposal  of  investments are 
deducted as a Capital item. 
The tax effects on different items in the Income Statement are allocated between 
capital  and revenue  on the  same basis  as the  particular item  to which they 
relate using the Company's effective rate of tax for the accounting period. 
Due  to  the  Company's  status  as  a  Venture  Capital Trust and the continued 
intention  to meet the conditions  required to comply with  Part 6 of the Income 
Tax  Act 2007, no provision for taxation is  required in respect of any realised 
or unrealised appreciation of the Company's investments which arises. 
Deferred  taxation is provided in  full on timing differences  that result in an 
obligation  at the balance  sheet date to  pay more tax,  or a right to pay less 
tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they crystallise based on 
current  tax rates and law. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items 
of  income and  expenditure in  taxation computations  in periods different from 
those in which they are included in the accounts. 
Other debtors and other creditors 
Other debtors (including accrued income) and other creditors are included within 
the  accounts at amortised  cost, equivalent to  the fair value  of the expected 
balance receivable/payable by the Company. 
2.Basic and diluted return per share 
                                             number of     Revenue 
                                             shares in  return per Capital loss 
                                                 issue       share    per share 
                                                              GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Return  per  share  is  calculated  on the 
 Year ended31 October 2009 
 Ordinary Shares                            31,183,605         538        (491) 
 Year ended31 October 2008 
 Ordinary Shares                            32,053,843         908        (366) 
 'D' Shares                                    533,987          16        (135) 
 'E' Shares                                    601,376          15        (170) 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there 
is  no dilutive  effect on  return per  share.  The  return per  share disclosed 
therefore represents both basic and diluted return per share. 
3.Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
                                                      2009                 2008 
                      Shares in issue      Net Asset Value      Net Asset Value 
                    2009         2008   Pence per    GBP'000    Pence per     GBP'000 
                                            share                share 
 Shares       31,175,509   31,128,450       82.9p   25,858       88.3p   27,500 
 'D' Shares          N/A      532,982         N/A        -       81.8p      436 
 'E' Shares          N/A      601,376         N/A        -       67.5p      406 
                                                   --------             -------- 
                                                    25,858               28,342 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there 
is  no dilutive effect  on net asset  per share.  The  net asset value per share 
disclosed therefore represents both basic and diluted return per share. 
4.Principal financial risks 
As  a VCT,  the majority  of the  Company's assets  are represented by financial 
instruments  which are  held as  part of  the investment  portfolio. In order to 
ensure  continued  compliance  with  relevant  VCT  regulations  and  to be in a 
position to deliver the long term capital growth, which is part of the Company's 
investment  objective, the Board  is very much  aware of the  need to manage and 
mitigate the risks associated with these financial instruments. 
The  management of these risks starts with the application of a clear investment 
policy  which has  been developed  by the  Board who  are experienced investment 
professionals.  Furthermore, the  Board has  appointed an experienced Investment 
Manager  to whom they have communicated  the Company's investment objectives and 
whose  remuneration  is  linked  to  the  achievement  of  those objectives. The 
Investment  Manager  reports  regularly  to  the  Board  on  performance, and to 
facilitate the direct Board involvement with key decisions, on whether or not to 
invest,  disinvest and the  nature, terms and  the security of investments being 
Further  information about the VCT's investment policy  is set out in the Report 
of the Directors. 
In  assessing  the  risk  profile  of  its  investment  portfolio, the Board has 
identified  three principal  classes of  financial instrument.   Investments are 
"fair  value through the profit and loss  account" and are recognised as such on 
initial recognition. 
In addition to its investment portfolio, the VCT holds cash balances with one of 
the  main UK banks and the Listed Fixed Income Securities Manager. The Directors 
consider that the risk profile associated with cash deposits is low and thus the 
carrying  value in the Financial Statements is a close approximation of its fair 
The  Board has reviewed the Company's  financial risk profile and concluded that 
the current sensitivity level remains appropriate. 
A review of the specific financial risks faced by the Company follows. 
Market risks 
The  key market risks to which the Company is exposed are interest rate risk and 
market  price  risk.   The  Company  has  undertaken sensitivity analysis on its 
financial  instruments,  split  into  the  relevant component parts, taking into 
consideration  the economic climate at the time  of review in order to ascertain 
the appropriate risk allocation. 
Interest rate risk 
Board  decisions in relation to amounts to be retained as cash deposits and held 
in  fixed interest investments  (including yields) are  influenced by actual and 
potential changes in the Bank of England base rate. 
Market price risk 
Market  price risk arises from uncertainty  about the future prices of financial 
instruments  held in  accordance with  the Company's  investment objectives.  It 
represents  the potential  loss that  the Company  might suffer  through holding 
market  positions in the  face of market  movements. At 31 October 2009, the net 
unrealised   loss   on  the  quoted  portfolios  (AIM-quoted  and  fixed  income 
investments) was  GBP799,000 (2008:  GBP774,000). 
The investments the Company holds are (with the exception of listed fixed income 
securities),  in the main,  thinly traded (due  to the underlying  nature of the 
investments)  and, as  such, the  prices are  more volatile  than those  of more 
widely  traded, full list, securities.  In  addition, the ability of the Company 
to  realise the investments at their carrying value may at times not be possible 
if  there are no willing purchasers.  The  ability of the Company to purchase or 
sell investments is also constrained by the requirements set down for VCTs. 
The  Board considers each investment purchase to ensure that an acquisition will 
enable  the Company to continue to have an appropriate spread of market risk and 
that an appropriate risk reward profile is maintained. 
It  is not the Company's policy to use derivative instruments to mitigate market 
risk,  as the Board believes that the effectiveness of such instruments does not 
justify the cost or risk involved. 
Credit risk 
Credit  risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument is unable 
to  discharge  a  commitment  to  the  Company  made under that instrument.  The 
Company's  financial assets  that are  exposed to  credit risk are summarised as 
                                                    2009         2008 
                                                    GBP'000         GBP'000 
  Fair value through profit or loss assets 
  Investments in listed fixed income securities    8,576        8,160 
  Investments in loan stocks                       7,557        7,584 
  Loans and receivables 
  Cash and cash equivalents                        1,137        4,398 
  Interest and other receivables                     207          206 
                                                ----------   ---------- 
                                                  17,477       20,348 
Investments  in loan stocks comprise a fundamental part of the Company's venture 
capital  investments  and  are  managed  within  the  main investment management 
Cash  is mainly held  by Bank of  Scotland plc, which  is an Aa3 rated financial 
institution  (Moody's)and,  consequently  the  Directors  consider that the risk 
profile associated with cash deposits is low. 
Interest,  dividends and other receivables  are predominantly covered within the 
investment management procedures. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity  risk is the risk that  the Company encounters difficulties in meeting 
obligations associated with its financial liabilities.  As the Company only ever 
has a very low level of creditors and has no borrowings, the Board believes that 
the Company's exposure to liquidity risk is minimal. 
5.Related party transactions 
Chrysalis  VCT Management Limited,  a wholly owned  subsidiary, is the Company's 
Investment  Manager  which  receives  a  fee  of  1.65% of net assets per annum. 
 During  the  period   GBP449,000  (2008:   GBP503,000)  was  paid  to  Chrysalis  VCT 
Management Limited in respect of these fees.  No amounts were outstanding at the 
year end. 
An  exit  fee  is  payable  quarterly  to Chrysalis VCT Management Limited (with 
effect  from  1 May  2006) based  on  cash  realisations  from  all  investments 
excluding  quoted loan notes, redemptions of loan  notes in the normal course of 
business  and other treasury functions. The exit fee is the greater of 1% of the 
cash  proceeds of any exit or 5% of the gain to the Company after all exit costs 
for  investments  made  after  30 April  2004 reduced to 2Å?% of investments made 
prior  to 30 April 2004.  During the year  exit fees of  GBP14,000 (2008:  GBP175,000) 
were  due  to  Chrysalis  VCT  Management  Ltd.   At  the  year  end  GBP10,000 was 
outstanding (2008:  GBP1,000). 
Announcement based on audited accounts 
The  financial information set out in  this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's  statutory  financial  statements  in  accordance  with  section  434 
Companies  Act 2006 for the  year ended 31 October  2009, but has been extracted 
from  the statutory  financial statements  for the  year ended 31 October 2009, 
which  were approved  by the  Board of  Directors on29  January 2010 and will be 
delivered  to the Registrar of Companies  following the Company's Annual General 
Meeting.   The Independent  Auditor's Report  on those  financial statements was 
unqualified  and did not contain  any emphasis of matter  nor statements under s 
498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2008 have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies and received an Independent Auditors report which was 
unqualified  and did  not contain  any emphasis  of matter  nor statements under 
S237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 
October  2009 will be  printed and  posted to  shareholders shortly. Copies will 
also be available to the public at the registered office of the Company at Kings 
Scholars  House, 230 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AU and will be available 
for download from www.downing.co.uk and www.chrysalisvct.co.uk. 

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