Chrysalis VCT plc 
Half Yearly Report for the six months ended 30 April 2009 
I am pleased to present the half year Report for Chrysalis VCT plc 
for the period to 30 April 2009.  Despite the unwelcome move of the 
economy into a period of recession, Chrysalis continues to fare 
reasonably well. With GBP9.8 million of liquid funds, after the payment 
of an interim dividend, the Company remains in a strong position to 
support its existing portfolio companies and make new investments 
when suitable opportunities arise. 
The economic position has inevitably impacted on some portfolio 
companies, but I am pleased to report that the Company's net asset 
value has held up well. 
'D' and 'E' Share conversion 
Following the payment of dividends to the 'D' and 'E' Shareholders of 
16.75p and 26.75p respectively, the 'D' and 'E' Shares were converted 
into Ordinary Shares on 30 April 2009 at the rates shown in the 
following table: 
       'D'/'E'      New      rate per 
Share   Shares Ordinary         1,000 
class in issue   Shares 'D'/'E' Share 
'D'    532,982  411,441           772 
'E'    601,376  290,429           483 
Following the conversion, the Company has 31,442,475 Ordinary Shares 
in issue. 
Net Asset Value 
At 30 April 2009, the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share ("NAV") 
stood at 83.2p, a decrease of 1.1p (1.3%) since the previous year end 
of 31 October 2008 (after adjusting for the 4p per Ordinary Share 
dividend paid in the period). 
Total Return (NAV plus cumulative dividends paid since launch) to 
original Ordinary Shareholders,  who invested in 2000/2001, now 
stands at 106.15p per share, compared to an original net of income 
tax relief cost of 80p per share. 
Venture Capital Investments 
Before commenting on recent events it is worth noting how Chrysalis 
is continually refreshing itself with its venture capital portfolio 
considerably changing over time. Indeed, of the top 16 investments 
which make up 94% of the portfolio by value, 12 have been made during 
the last four years and, of the remaining four companies, two have 
received significant further investments. 
Turning to the past six months, the Company invested GBP500,000 during 
the period in Escape Studios Limited, together with follow-on 
investments in Optima Data Intelligence Limited of GBP151,000 and 
Planet Sport Holdings Limited of GBP13,000. Escape is Europe's leading 
school of computer graphics, delivering learning, recruitment and 
technology services for the visual effects and games industries 
The Company benefited from the unexpected distribution of GBP217,000 in 
respect of an investment which was liquidated several years ago.  In 
addition, the Company received confirmation of the release of 
GBP101,000 of retention monies, in respect of Babel Media Limited which 
was sold in 2008. 
The Board has been mindful of the economic climate in its valuation 
review of the unquoted portfolio.  Provisions of GBP1.2 million have 
been made against nine investments, notably Centre Design Limited has 
been written down by GBP277,000; Optima Data Intelligence Limited by 
GBP331,000 and Precision Dental Laboratories Limited by GBP396,000. 
I am pleased to report that four unquoted companies have bucked the 
trend and justified increases to their valuations of GBP456,000 in 
aggregate. Included within this figure are Mentorion Limited (trading 
as Loco Locale) and Wessex Advanced Switching Products Limited which 
are both trading well and have been revalued upwards by GBP212,000 and 
GBP187,000 respectively. 
The AIM portfolio, which made up 4.4% of the Company's venture 
capital portfolio  by value at the period end, decreased in value by 
Overall the net unrealised losses on the Venture Capital Portfolio in 
the period were GBP854,000 and net realised gains were GBP318,000. 
Listed fixed income securities 
The Company invested GBP3.6 million in two gilt-edged securities during 
the period, GBP2.8 million of which was re-invested from maturing 
securities together with GBP699,000 arising on the partial sale of the 
Nucleus Cash Trust holding. 
At the period end, this portfolio was valued at GBP8.4 million and 
comprised five gilt-edged securities, all of which are yielding at 
rates above base, together with a small Nucleus Cash Trust holding. 
During the period, net unrealised gains thereon amounted to GBP165,000 
and net realised gains were GBP7,000. 
Results and dividend 
The loss after taxation for the Company for the period was GBP443,000 
comprising a revenue return of GBP91,000 and a capital loss of 
Although the Company did not have any disposals in the period, the 
Board has decided to pay an interim dividend of 2.0p per Ordinary 
Share, partly out of historic realised gains. This will be paid on 31 
July 2009 to Ordinary Shareholders on the register at 10 July 2009. 
This brings the total distributions paid to Ordinary Shareholders 
since inception, to 24.95p per Ordinary Share. 
Share buybacks 
The Company continues to operate a share buyback policy in order to 
provide liquidity in the market.  Any Shareholders wishing to sell 
their holding should consult their financial adviser to ensure they 
understand the potential tax implications of such a disposal.  Shares 
cannot be sold directly to the Company but must be sold via the Stock 
Market through a stockbroker. 
During the period, the Company purchased 387,847 Ordinary Shares, at 
an average price of 63.1p per share, for cancellation.  These 
purchases were generally undertaken at a 25% discount to the last 
published NAV. The Board reviews the discount at which share buybacks 
are undertaken and makes changes from time to time as it sees fit. 
Risks and uncertainties 
Under the Disclosure and Transparency Directive, the Board is now 
required in the Company's half year results, to report on principal 
risks and uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of the 
financial year. 
The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over 
the remainder of the financial period are as follows: 
*               investment risk associated with investing in small 
  and immature businesses; and 
*               failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
In both cases the Board is satisfied with the Company's approach to 
these risks.  As a VCT, the Company is forced to have significant 
exposure to relatively immature businesses.  This risk is mitigated 
to some extent by holding a well-diversified portfolio. 
The Company's compliance with the VCT regulations is continually 
monitored by the Administration Manager, who regularly reports to the 
Board on the current position.  The Company also retains 
PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and advice in this 
area.  The Board considers that this approach reduces the risk of a 
breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level. 
Good quality investment opportunities are currently few and far 
between. However, when the tide begins to turn, your Company will be 
in an excellent position to take advantage of the upswing. 
Peter Harkness 
as at 30 April 2009 
                                        As at  As at  As at 
                                       30 Apr 30 Apr 31 Oct 
                                         2009   2008   2008 
                                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                            24,050 23,510 23,966 
Current assets 
Debtors                                   273  2,945    268 
Cash at bank and in hand                2,037  3,762  4,398 
                                        2,310  6,707  4,666 
Creditors: amounts falling due within 
 one year                               (202)  (328)  (290) 
Net current assets                      2,108  6,379  4,376 
Net assets                             26,158 29,889 28,342 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                   314    330    323 
Capital redemption reserve                 73     57     64 
Share premium                           1,064  1,064  1,064 
Merger reserve                          8,694  8,694  8,694 
Special reserve                         5,067  6,304  5,554 
Investment holding (losses)/ gains    (1,166)  1,513  (696) 
Capital reserve - realised             11,656 11,211 12,196 
Revenue reserve                           456    716  1,143 
Equity shareholders' funds             26,158 29,889 28,342 
Net asset value per Ordinary share      83.2p  91.1p  88.3p 
for the period ended 30 April 2009 
                                   As at   As at   As at 
                                  30 Apr  30 Apr  31 Oct 
                                    2009    2008    2008 
                                   Total   Total   Total 
                                   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Opening shareholders' funds       28,342  31,040  31,040 
Purchase of own shares             (246)   (594) (1,177) 
Total recognised (losses)/ gains 
in the period                      (443)     597     268 
Dividends paid                   (1,495) (1,154) (1,789) 
Closing shareholders' funds       26,158  29,889  28,342 
for the six months ended 30 April 2009 
                                              Six months ended 
                                               30 April 2009 
                                         Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                           GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income                                       460         -      460 
Net (losses)/ gains on investments             -     (383)    (383) 
                                             460     (383)       77 
Investment management fees                  (58)     (176)    (234) 
Performance incentive fees                     -       (3)      (3) 
Other expenses                             (281)       (2)    (283) 
Return on ordinary activities before         121     (564)    (443) 
Taxation                                    (30)        30        - 
Return attributable to equity                 91     (534)    (443) 
Return per Ordinary share                   0.3p    (1.7p)   (1.4p) 
                                     Six months ended      Year ended 
                                       30 April 2008       31 October 
                                 Revenue   Capital   Total      Total 
                                   GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000 
Income                               848         -     848      1,602 
Net (losses)/ gains on                 -       316     316      (258) 
                                     848       316   1,164      1,344 
Investment management fees          (64)     (192)   (256)      (503) 
Performance incentive fees             -     (114)   (114)      (175) 
Other expenses                     (143)      (17)   (160)      (320) 
Return on ordinary activities        641       (7)     634        346 
before taxation 
Taxation                           (129)        92    (37)       (78) 
Return attributable to equity        512        85     597        268 
Return per Ordinary share           1.5p      1.2p    2.7p       1.7p 
for the six months ended 30 April 2009 
                                                 Six      Six   Year 
                                              months   months   ended 
                                               ended    ended      31 
                                            30 April 30 April October 
                                                2009     2008    2008 
                                       Note    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Cash (outflow)/inflow from operating 
activities and returns on investments  1        (10)      369     609 
Taxation                                           -        -    (64) 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                      (4,273)  (3,790) (8,160) 
Proceeds on disposal of investments            3,724    4,683  10,675 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital         (549)      893   2,515 
Equity dividends paid                        (1,496)  (1,154) (1,792) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before             (2,055)      108   1,268 
Purchase of own shares                         (306)    (604) (1,128) 
Net cash outflow from financing                (306)    (604) (1,128) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash            2     (2,361)    (496)     140 
Notes to the cash flow statement: 
1. Cash inflow from operating 
activities and 
returns on investments 
(Loss)/return on ordinary activities           (443)      634     346 
(Losses)/gains on investments                    384    (316)     258 
Decrease/(increase) in other debtors              45     (21)       8 
(Decrease)/increase in other creditors          (30)       72     (3) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                  (10)      369     609 
2. Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period                            4,398    4,258   4,258 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                    (2,361)    (496)     140 
End of period                                  2,037    3,762   4,398 
as at 30 April 2009 
                                                 Movement        % of 
                                                 in the     portfolio 
                                  Cost Valuation   period          by 
                                 GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000       value 
Top ten venture capital 
Wessex Advanced Switching          704     3,054      187       11.7% 
Products Limited 
Precision Dental Laboratories    2,110     2,778    (396)       10.7% 
Group Limited 
Mentorion Limited                  750     1,269      212        4.9% 
Centre Design Limited            1,350     1,205    (277)        4.6% 
London Italian Restaurants       1,000     1,000        -        3.8% 
Triaster Limited                   758       829     (60)        3.2% 
British International Holdings     750       795     (59)        3.0% 
Mentorion 2 Limited                750       778       28        3.0% 
Ensign Communications Limited      500       772       68        3.0% 
Escape Studios Limited             500       500        -        1.9% 
                                 9,172    12,980    (297)       49.8% 
Other venture capital            7,853     2,637    (557)       10.1% 
Listed fixed income securities   8,191     8,433      165       32.3% 
Subtotal                        25,216    24,050    (689)       92.2% 
Cash at bank and in hand                   2,037                 7.8% 
Total investments                         26,087               100.0% 
All venture capital investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
for the six months ended 30 April 2009 
New investments 
Escape Studios Limited             500 
Follow on investments 
Optima Data Intelligence Limited   151 
Planet Sport Holdings Limited       13 
Treasury Gilt 3¿% 07/12/2011     1,293 
Treasury Gilt 2¿% 07/03/2014     2,316 
                                     Market            Gain/    Total 
                                 value at 1           (loss) realised 
                                   November Disposal against    gain/ 
                            Cost     2008 * Proceeds    cost   (loss) 
                           GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Retention monies               -          -      101     101      101 
Net liquidation position     255          -      217    (38)      217 
Nucleus Cash Trust           703        707      699     (4)      (8) 
Treasury Gilt 4% 
07/12/2011                 1,215      1,232    1,228      13      (4) 
                           2,173      1,939    2,245      72      306 
Treated as income 
UK THM Treasury 2009       1,546      1,561    1,580      34       19 
* Adjusted for purchases in the period 
1. The unaudited half yearly financial results cover the six months 
to 30 April 2009 and have been prepared in accordance with the 
accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year 
ended 31 October 2008 which were prepared under UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and in accordance with the Statement 
of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" issued in January 2009 
2. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
3. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income 
from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
4. The comparative figures were in respect of the six months ended 30 
April 2008 and the year ended 31 October 2008 respectively. 
5. Basic and diluted NAV per share for the period has been calculated 
on 31,442,475 shares, being the number of shares in issue at the 
period end. 
6. Basic and diluted return per share for the period has been 
calculated on 31,014,960 shares, being the weighted average number of 
shares in issue during the period. 
7. Dividends 
                                        30 April 2009     31 Oct 2008 
                                    Revenue Capital Total       Total 
                                      GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000       GBP'000 
Paid in year 
Ordinary shares 2007 final (paid 20       -       -     -       1,131 
Mar 08) 
'D' shares 2007 final (paid 20 Mar        -       -     -          11 
'E' shares 2007 final (paid 20 Mar        -       -     -          12 
Ordinary shares 2008 interim (paid        -       -     -         635 
25 Jul 08) 
Ordinary shares 2008 interim (paid      778     467 1,245           - 
15 Dec 08) 
'D' shares 2008 interim (paid 24          -      89    89           - 
Apr 09) 
'E' shares 2008 interim (paid 24          -     161   161           - 
Apr 09) 
                                        778     717 1,495       1,789 
Ordinary shares 2009 interim (due       157     472   629           - 
31 July 09) 
8. Reserves 
               Capital                         Investment  Capital 
            redemption   Share  Merger Special    holding  reserve Revenue 
               reserve premium reserve reserve     losses realised reserve 
                 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
At 1                64   1,064   8,694   5,554      (696)   12,196   1,143 
Shares               9       -       -   (246)          -        -       - 
Expenses             -       -       -       -          -    (181)       - 
Tax on               -       -       -       -          -       30       - 
gains on             -       -       -       -      (689)      306       - 
between              -       -       -   (241)        219       22       - 
net revenue          -       -       -       -          -        -      91 
for the 
Dividends            -       -       -       -          -    (717)   (778) 
At 30 April         73   1,064   8,694   5,067    (1,166)   11,656     456 
Distributable reserves comprise the Special Reserve, Capital Reserve 
- Realised and the Revenue Reserve.  Additionally GBP5,974,000 of the 
Merger Reserve is considered to be distributable together with losses 
within the Investment Holding Losses Reserve of GBP5,306,000.  Reserves 
available for distribution at the period end therefore amounted to 
9. The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the 
half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
with the "Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the UK 
Accounting Standards Board and the half-yearly financial report 
includes a fair review of the information required by: 
a.        DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being 
an indication of important events that have occurred during the first 
six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed 
set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks 
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and 
b.       DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being 
related party transactions that have taken place in the first six 
months of the current financial year and that have materially 
affected the financial position or performance of the entity during 
that period, and any changes in the related party transactions 
described in the last annual report that could do so. 
10. The unaudited financial statements set out herein do not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of 
the Companies Act 2006 and have not been delivered to the Registrar 
of Companies.  The figures for the year ended 31 October 2008 have 
been extracted from the financial statements for that year, which 
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the Independent 
Auditors' Report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
11. Copies of the unaudited half yearly report will be sent to 
Shareholders shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the 
Company's Registered Office and will be available for download from 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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