Chrysalis VCT plc 
Final Results for the year ended 31 October 2008 
                                                          2008   2007 
                                                         pence  pence 
Ordinary Shares 
Net asset value (per share)                              88.30  91.50 
Cumulative distributions paid since launch (per share)   18.95  13.45 
Total return (net asset value plus cumulative           107.25 104.95 
distributions paid) (per share) 
'D' Shares 
Net asset value (per share)                              81.80 106.10 
Cumulative distributions paid since launch (per share)    3.25   1.25 
Total return (net asset value plus cumulative            85.05 107.35 
distributions paid) (per share) 
'E' Shares 
Net asset value (per share)                              67.50  95.30 
Cumulative distributions paid since launch (per share)    3.25   1.25 
Total return (net asset value plus cumulative            70.75  96.55 
distributions paid) (per share) 
I am pleased to present my  first Annual Report since taking over  as 
Chairman of  Chrysalis  VCT  plc.   In view  of  the  very  difficult 
financial circumstances  in  which  the  UK finds  itself,  it  is  a 
particular pleasure to be able to report on a positive and successful 
period for Chrysalis VCT in the year 31 October 2008. 
Directorate change 
Robert Drummond, the previous Chairman, stepped down as a Director of 
the Company on 30 November 2008.  Julie Baddeley and I would like  to 
thank Robert for his commitment to the Company since his  appointment 
in 2000, and for the work undertaken during the transformation of the 
Company from Downing Classic VCT 3 plc to Chrysalis VCT plc. 
Martin Knight was appointed to the Board on 20 October 2008.   Martin 
has a  strong  track  record  in the  investment  sector  and  brings 
extensive relevant experience to the Board. 
Net Asset Value 
As shareholders are  aware, Chrysalis  has three  classes of  shares, 
namely the Ordinary Shares, which account for 97% of the value of the 
VCT, and two very much smaller share pools, the 'D' and 'E' Shares. 
Given the state of  the economy the  Ordinary Share portfolio,  which 
has investments  dating  back to  1999  has had  a  reasonable  year, 
largely due to some successful exits from long-standing investments. 
At 31 October 2008,  the Net Asset Value  ("NAV") per Ordinary  Share 
was 88.3p, an increase of 2.3p or 2.5% over the year (after adjusting 
for the dividends totalling 5.5p per share paid during the year). 
The 'D' and  'E' Share portfolios  are much less  mature having  only 
been invested since  June 2006 and  consequently, have suffered  from 
the severe change in the economy. At 31 October 2008, the NAV per 'D' 
Share had fallen to 81.8p, a decrease of 22.3p or 26.6% over the year 
(after adjusting for  the dividend of  2p per share  paid during  the 
At 31 October  2008, the NAV  per 'E'  Share had fallen  to 67.5p,  a 
decrease of 25.8p  or 37.1% over  the year (after  adjusting for  the 
dividend of 2.0p per share paid during the year). 
The Total Return (NAV plus cumulative dividends paid since launch) to 
Ordinary Shareholders since the Company's  launch (when it was  known 
as Downing Classic VCT 3 plc) now stands at 107.3p per Ordinary Share 
compared to an original investment (net of income tax relief) of  80p 
per Ordinary Share. 
The Total Return at the year end per 'D' Share stood at 85.0p and per 
'E' Share stood  at 70.7p,  which compares  to the  original cost  of 
investment for each  of the  'D' and 'E'  Shares (net  of income  tax 
relief) of 60p per share 
Venture capital investments 
The Investment Management  Team, led  by Chris Kay,  has had  another 
successful year, despite increasingly difficult conditions, achieving 
three realisations and realising profits of GBP3.5 million compared  to 
the original purchase cost. I would like to take this opportunity  in 
congratulating them on this achievement. 
The Company also invested  GBP1.7 million during  the year, across  the 
three share pools; GBP1.2 million into three new company's and GBP532,000 
in follow-on investments. 
Unfortunately, the Company suffered from a number of failures  during 
the year.  Hat Pin plc, Ultralon Holdings Limited, Spice Inns Limited 
and Zest Juice Limited were  put into administration or  liquidation, 
resulting in  an unrealised  loss of  GBP3.0 million  across the  share 
pools.  Although the larger losses  were borne by the Ordinary  Share 
pool, due to  the small  size of  the 'D'  and 'E'  Share pools,  the 
impact thereon was far greater as shown in the table below: 
               Unrealised Realised   Net    NAV 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000 GBP'000  Pence 
Ordinary Share 
                    (788)      719  (69)  (0.2) 
'D' Share           (131)        - (131) (24.4) 
'E' Share            (96)     (70) (166) (27.6) 
                  (1,015)      649 (366) 
As expected in  the current  conditions, the AIM  portfolio has  been 
affected by  weak stock  prices,  falling in  value by  GBP1.2  million 
(excluding Hat Pin discussed above) during the year from GBP2.2 million 
to GBP780,000. 
It is  somewhat comforting  that,  at present,  the majority  of  the 
Company's remaining unquoted  portfolio is performing  satisfactorily 
and, in two cases, Precision  Dental Laboratories Limited and  Wessex 
Advance Switching Products  Limited have justified  uplifts in  their 
valuations by GBP997,000 and GBP1.4 million respectively. 
Further commentary on the portfolio, together with a schedule of  the 
additions, disposals and  details of the  top performing  investments 
can be found  within the  Investment Manager's Report  and Review  of 
Investments below. 
Listed fixed income securities 
The Ordinary Share pool continues to hold a portfolio of fixed income 
securities and  a further  GBP6.4 million  (GBP3.2 million  of which  was 
re-invested from maturing securities) was invested during the  year. 
The portfolio  comprises  almost entirely  of  gilt-edged  securities 
which have provided a higher level of comfort than many  alternatives 
and some protection against falling returns, particularly during  the 
banking crisis which occurred in the autumn. 
At 31  October 2008,  this  portfolio was  valued at  GBP8.2  million. 
During the  year  this  portfolio  produced  an  unrealised  gain  of 
GBP121,000 and a negligible realised gain. 
Results and dividend 
Due to  GBP400,000 of  received  dividends principally  from  Precision 
Dental Laboratories Limited  and Wessex  Advanced Switching  Products 
Limited, the Revenue  account performed particularly  well this  year 
enabling the total  return to be  in profit for  the year. The  total 
return on ordinary activities for the year was as follows: 
               Revenue Capital Total 
                 GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Ordinary Share     908   (366)   542 
'D' Share           16   (135) (119) 
'E' Share           15   (170) (155) 
                   939   (671)   268 
During the year the Company paid an interim capital dividend of  2.0p 
per Ordinary Share on 25 July 2008.  A further 4.0p interim dividend, 
comprising a  2.5p revenue  and 1.5p  capital dividend,  was paid  to 
Ordinary Shareholders on 15 December 2008.  No interim dividends were 
paid in respect of the 'D' or 'E' Shares. 
Following the payment of record dividends, totalling 6.0p to Ordinary 
Shareholders in respect of the year under review, the Board has taken 
the decision not to pay a final  dividend for the year to 31  October 
No final dividends will be paid in  respect of the 'D' or 'E'  Shares 
for the year to  31 October 2008, however  interim dividends for  the 
year ended 31 October 2009 will be paid as described below. 
Planned conversion of 'D' Shares and 'E' Shares 
The 'D' Share and 'E' Share pools are very small in comparison to the 
Ordinary Share  pool  and  create  additional  complications  in  the 
investment management activities, particularly  in the allocation  of 
new investments between the various pools. 
When the 'D'  and 'E' Shares  were launched, the  Company targeted  a 
return to 'D' Shareholders of 20p per share, and 'E' Shareholders 30p 
per Share by  5 April 2010.   To date 'D'  and 'E' Shareholders  have 
each received  dividends totalling  3.25p per  share.  The  Board  is 
pleased to announce that the Company  is in a position to meet  these 
targets earlier  than originally  envisaged.   The Company  will  pay 
dividends of 16.75p  per 'D'  Share and 26.75p  per 'E'  Share on  24 
April 2009 to shareholders on the register at 13 March 2009. 
Following the payment of these  dividends, the Board is proposing  to 
convert both 'D'  Shares and 'E'  Shares into Ordinary  Shares on  30 
April 2009, such that the Company will have just one share class  and 
one pool of investments.   It is proposed that the conversion will be 
undertaken using relative audited net  asset values per share of  the 
share classes  as  at 31  October  2008, adjusted  for  the  dividend 
payments noted above.  Under the  proposals, 'D' and 'E' Shares  will 
receive Ordinary Shares as follows: 
For every 1,000 'D' Shares, 736 Ordinary Shares 
For every 1,000 'E' Shares, 461 Ordinary Shares 
In order  to implement  the conversions,  the Company's  Articles  of 
Association need  to  be  amended.   A  resolution  will  be  put  to 
Shareholders at the  forthcoming AGM.   In addition  consent will  be 
required from each share class, so separate Share Class meetings  for 
each of the Ordinary Shares, 'D'  Shares and 'E' Shares will also  be 
Share buybacks 
During the year the Company  purchased 1,540,670 Ordinary Shares  for 
cancellation at  an average  price  of 75.8p  per share.   3,090  'D' 
Shares were purchased for cancellation during the year at a price  of 
81.5p per share.  No 'E' Shares were purchased during the year. 
The Board has reviewed the Company's share buyback policy in light of 
current market conditions and general trends within the VCT  market. 
The Board realises that there may be forced sellers of the  Company's 
shares and therefore  feels it  is important  to continue  to have  a 
policy of buying in its own shares. However, to protect the interests 
of all shareholders, the  Board believes that  the discount at  which 
the Company purchases  shares must  be increased from  the levels  at 
which these have been undertaken. 
In future, the Board  intends to undertake  any buybacks of  Ordinary 
shares at a 25% discount to the latest published NAV. 
In light of the 'D' Shares and 'E' Shares dividends that the  Company 
will pay on the  in April and proposed  conversion of the 'D'  Shares 
and 'E' Shares  into Ordinary Shares,  the Board does  not expect  to 
undertake any buybacks on  'D' Shares or 'E'  Shares. The Board  will 
regularly review the Company's share buyback policy and make  changes 
should circumstances change. 
Resolution 6 will be  put to Shareholders at  the forthcoming AGM  to 
give the  Company authority  to  repurchases its  own shares  in  the 
Articles of Association 
At the forthcoming AGM, the  Board will seek Shareholder approval  to 
update the Company's Articles of Association. Resolution 7, which  is 
a special  resolution,  proposes  the adoption  of  new  Articles  of 
Association which incorporate a number of changes which are  required 
as a result of the implementation  of the Companies Act 2006 as  well 
as the conversion of the 'D' and 'E' Shares. 
Articles of Association re Directors remuneration 
Under the Company's  current Articles of  Association, the  aggregate 
fees payable to  the Directors  for their normal  services shall  not 
exceed a sum of GBP75,000 per annum.   This sum has been fixed at  this 
level for some time  and is currently fully  utilised by the  current 
Board costs.  The Board believes an  increase in the spending cap  is 
overdue.  At  current  levels  we cannot  provide  for  natural  cost 
inflation, nor are we able to consider any expansion of the Board  to 
provide additional non-executive skills  which might be necessary  to 
enhance its decision making processes. 
The current cap is clearly  inappropriate and the Board is  proposing 
to amend the Articles of  Association such that aggregate  directors' 
remuneration will not exceed GBP150,000 per annum.  Shareholders should 
note that there are no plans at the current time to fully utilise the 
proposed revised level.  This proposed  amendment to the Articles  of 
Association  is  proposed  for  adoption  by  Resolution  8  at   the 
forthcoming AGM. 
Annual General Meeting/ Separate Class Meetings 
The next AGM of the Company will be held at Kings Scholars House, 230 
Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AU at 3:00pm on 25 March 2009. 
Three items of Special Business are being proposed at the meeting  to 
renew the authority to allow the Company to make market purchases  of 
the Company's shares, to update  the Articles of Association, and  to 
uplift the upper limit on  the total aggregate ordinary  remuneration 
for the Directors to GBP150,000 per annum from GBP75,000. 
As mentioned above, separate class  meetings are also required  where 
consent from  each  share  class  will be  sought  for  the  proposed 
alterations to the Articles of  Association.  These meetings will  be 
held immediately following the AGM as follows: 
Ordinary Shares  3:15pm 
'D' Shares             3:20pm 
'E' Shares             3:25pm 
The current business climate is  unprecedented in recent times,  both 
in the severity of the swing into economic difficulties caused by the 
credit crisis and  in the lack  of clarity  as to what  is likely  to 
happen in the coming year or two.  All we can say with any  certainty 
is the  forthcoming  year  will  be  challenging  for  our  portfolio 
The  Company's  more  mature  investments,  which  comprise  a   fair 
proportion of  the  portfolio,  should  provide  some  stability  but 
experience shows that immature  companies will have less  resilience. 
All investee companies  will be  closely monitored  and supported  as 
In addition  to a  well  managed portfolio,  the key  advantage  this 
Company  possesses  is  GBP11.3  million  of  liquid  funds   available 
(following the payment of the dividend in December 2008), which means 
we are  well  placed to  provide  support to  investee  companies  if 
required, whilst still  conserving sufficient resources  in order  to 
take advantage  of  opportunities  that  will  hopefully  arise  when 
economic conditions start to improve. 
Peter Harkness 
There is no doubt that the economy is going through challenging times 
and the VCT  is not immune  with unfortunately four  of our  investee 
companies, Zest Juice Limited, Ultralon Holdings Limited, Hat Pin plc 
and Spice Inns  Limited going  into administration  during the  year. 
However that has been more  than balanced by three significant  exits 
(ILG Digital  Limited  ("ILG"),  Babel Media  Limited  ("Babel")  and 
Advance Media Information Limited ("AMI")) all at prices above  their 
previous valuations and generating GBP7.5 million of proceeds. 
These realisations, coupled  with a  deliberate slowing  down in  the 
rate of new investment as the warning signs of recession became  ever 
more apparent during the  year, means that  following the payment  of 
the dividend in December 2008, the  VCT has GBP11.3 million of cash  at 
its disposal.  This is  despite  returning GBP4.2  million of  cash  to 
shareholders in the form of dividends and share buy-backs in the last 
10 months of 2008. 
We believe that this  cash is a  major strength for  the VCT for  two 
distinct reasons. 
Firstly we have calculated that the VCT could currently refinance ALL 
the bank borrowings  of all  the companies that  make up  90% of  the 
value of our  invested portfolio. That  is not to  say that we  would 
wish to do so but it does give the VCT considerable options and means 
that our portfolio is not under threat from the whims of the banks. 
Secondly, assuming  the  economy  does  not  move  into  a  prolonged 
recession, at some stage there will be great value investments to  be 
made by those who  have ready cash to  invest. Our research based  on 
the last two recessions has indicated that in the past the best  time 
to invest in the  type of companies that  VCTs are allowed to  invest 
in, was  towards  the end  of  the  recession i.e.  once  there  were 
distinct signs of recovery in place. Therefore we will not be rushing 
into many new investments but  will be monitoring events closely  and 
hopefully getting our timing right. 
Incidentally it is worth pointing out that as a long established VCT, 
Chrysalis is allowed  to invest in  a wider range  of companies  than 
those permitted for VCTs that have raised their money in the last two 
years and  therefore for  certain investments  there should  be  less 
With regard  to the  health  of our  existing portfolio,  clearly  as 
predominantly UK  based businesses  any severe  downturn will  affect 
their trading performance and hence valuations. However our top  nine 
investee companies  which  account  for  over  80%  of  the  invested 
portfolio by value  (another example  of the famous  80:20 rule)  are 
starting from reasonable positions, in that they all reported profits 
in their last set of  accounts and all, except British  International 
Holdings Limited, are not significantly geared. 
The one area of the portfolio where valuations have suffered badly is 
our  (fortunately  small)  AIM  portfolio.  Our  seven  current   AIM 
investments were worth GBP2.17  million at the  start of the  financial 
year but had declined to GBP780,000 (down  64%) by the end of the  year 
despite virtually all reporting good sets of results. We believe that 
these companies are currently  undervalued and so  would not wish  to 
sell even  if there  was suitable  liquidity. However,  on the  other 
hand, the VCT  rules work to  discourage buying cheap  shares on  the 
market,  firstly  because  any  such  purchases  are  not  qualifying 
investments and secondly because at current prices any purchase would 
have an impact on the Inland Revenue qualification % which cannot  be 
allowed to fall below 70%. 
In summary although the immediate outlook for the UK economy is grim, 
the actions  we have  taken over  the last  3 years  particularly  in 
realising over GBP19 million of cash (equivalent to 70% of the  current 
value of the Ordinary Share Pool) and not getting involved in  highly 
leveraged investments  should  enable the  VCT  to benefit  from  the 
opportunities that the inevitable recovery will produce. 
A complete summary  of realisations  made by the  Company during  the 
year is presented below.  We would just like to provide some  further 
details on the three major exits, namely AMI, ILG and Babel. 
As we  have mentioned  previously a  common feature  of most  of  our 
successful exits is that the  investee company has received a  number 
of investments from Chrysalis and  these three are no exception  with 
the VCT investing four times in both Babel and AMI, and twice in ILG. 
Clearly the decision as  to whether to reinvest  or not (since it  is 
very easy  to lose  money by  continually supporting  companies  that 
eventually fail)  can  only be  properly  made by  maintaining  close 
relationships with  the  investee  companies.  Consequently  a  large 
proportion of the investment manager's time is spent on the  existing 
All three exits  were to trade  buyers and at  prices that look  even 
better now  than they  did at  the time.  It does  seem that  in  any 
business cycle  there  is only  a  short window  when  small  private 
companies  are   "in  fashion"   and  therefore   takeover   targets, 
consequently it is important to  grab the opportunities to exit  when 
they occur. Unfortunately this  window often seems  to occur late  in 
any business cycle (and  often marks the peak)  therefore we are  not 
anticipating any significant exits this year. 
Portfolio of investments 
The following investments, all of  which are incorporated in  England 
and Wales, were held at 31 October 2008: 
                                                   movement      % of 
                                   Cost Valuation   in year portfolio 
                                  GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000  by value 
Ten largest venture capital investments 
(by value) 
Precision Dental  Laboratories    2,110     3,174       997     11.5% 
Group Limited 
Wessex   Advanced    Switching      704     2,867     1,436     10.4% 
Products Limited 
Centre Design Limited             1,350     1,482       277      5.4% 
London   Italian   Restaurants    1,000     1,000         -      3.6% 
Mentorion Limited                   700       987       167      3.6% 
Triaster Limited                    758       889      (32)      3.2% 
British International Holdings      700       797        97      2.9% 
Ensign Communications Limited       500       704        19      2.6% 
Mentorion 2 Limited                 700       700         -      2.6% 
Optima    Data    Intelligence      450       450         -      1.6% 
                                  8,972    13,050     2,961     47.4% 
Other     venture      capital 
CPI Acquisition UK Limited          300       300         -      1.1% 
Glisten plc *                       149       294     (446)      1.1% 
RFTRAQ Limited                      325       270     (410)      1.0% 
The Capital Pub Company plc *       505       237     (434)      0.9% 
Planet    Sport     (Holdings)      250       225         -      0.8% 
Gcrypt Limited                      170       193        23      0.7% 
Lifes Kitchen Ltd.                  165       165         -      0.6% 
BreakingViews Limited                 -       141         -      0.5% 
Rhino   Sport   and    Leisure      116       122         6      0.5% 
Cashfac Limited                       -        83        83      0.3% 
Global3Digital Limited               67        67         -      0.2% 
The  Mission  Marketing  Group      150        65     (110)      0.2% 
plc * 
The Kellan Group plc *              320        65      (81)      0.2% 
YouGov plc *                         20        59      (66)      0.2% 
Best of the Best plc *               98        39      (50)      0.1% 
Heath and Green Limited              30        30         -      0.1% 
ILX Group plc *                     100        21      (56)      0.1% 
Art VPS Limited                     358         -         -         - 
Forward Media Limited               440         -     (158)         - 
Hat Pin plc @ #                     245         -     (283)         - 
IX Group plc                        250         -         -         - 
Kids SafteyNet Limited              637         -         -         - 
Patterning Technology  Limited      286         -         -         - 
Shopcreator Limited #               255         -         -         - 
Spice Inns Limited #                850         -     (789)         - 
Ultralon Holdings Limited #         978         -     (978)         - 
                                  7,064     2,376   (3,749)      8.6% 
Listed fixed income securities 
Treasury 4 �% 2011 Stock          1,883     1,938        56      7.0% 
UK THM Treasury 2009              1,546     1,561        15      5.7% 
Treasury 5 �% 2012 Stock          1,477     1,507        30      5.5% 
Treasury 4%  2009 Stock           1,215     1,232        23      4.5% 
Treasury 8% 2013 Stock            1,163     1,154       (9)      4.2% 
Nucleus cash trust                  763       768         6      2.8% 
                                  8,047     8,160       121     29.7% 
Total                            24,083    23,586     (667)     85.7% 
Cash at bank and in hand                    3,941               14.3% 
Total investments                          27,527              100.0% 
                                                   movement      % of 
                                   Cost Valuation   in year portfolio 
                                  GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000  by value 
Mentorion Limited                 50           71        12     16.4% 
British International  Holdings   50           57         7     13.2% 
Rhino Sport and Leisure Limited   50           52         2     12.1% 
CPI Acquisition UK Limited        50           50         -     11.6% 
Mentorion 2 Limited               50           50         -     11.6% 
Hat Pin plc @ #                   80            -     (106)         - 
Spice Inns Limited #              50            -      (46)         - 
                                  380         280     (131)     64.9% 
Cash at bank and in hand                      151               35.1% 
Total Investments                             431              100.0% 
CPI Acquisition UK Limited           50        50         -     12.3% 
Optima    Data     Intelligence      50        50         -     12.3% 
Spice Inns Limited #                 50         -      (46)         - 
Ultralon Holdings Limited #          50         -      (50)         - 
                                    200       100      (96)     24.6% 
Cash at bank and in hand                      306               75.4% 
Total Investments                             406              100.0% 
All investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
*    Quoted on AIM                                 @  Delisted from 
AIM                             #  In Administration 
Investment movements for the year ended 31 October 2008 
                                       Ordinary     'D'     'E' 
                                         shares  Shares  Shares Total 
                                          GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
New investments 
Heath and Green Limited                      30       -       -    30 
Lifes Kitchen Limited                       165       -       -   165 
London Italian Restaurants Limited        1,000       -       - 1,000 
                                          1,195       -       - 1,195 
Follow on investments 
Babel Media Limited                         100       -       -   100 
GCrypt Limited                               64       -       -    64 
Hat Pin plc                                 125       -       -   125 
Precision Dental Laboratories Limited        10       -       -    10 
Ultralon Holdings Limited                    28       -       -    28 
Wessex Advanced Switching Products            5       -       -     5 
Zest Juice Limited                          180       -      20   200 
                                            512       -      20   532 
Listed fixed income securities 
Nucleus cash trust                          365       -       -   365 
Treasury 4 �% 2011 Stock                  1,883       -       - 1,883 
Treasury 5 �% 2012 Stock                  1,476       -       - 1,476 
Treasury 8% 2013 Stock                    1,163       -       - 1,163 
UK THM Treasury 2009                      1,546       -       - 1,546 
                                          6,433       -       - 6,433 
Total investments                         8,140       -      20 8,160 
                           Cost     MV at Proceeds   Profit/ Realised 
                                31/10/07*          (loss) vs    gain/ 
                                                        cost   (loss) 
                          GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Ordinary Share pool 
Full disposals 
Advance Media Information 
Limited                     615       934    1,175       560      241 
Babel Media Limited       1,705     2,936    3,190     1,485      254 
ILG Digital Limited         806     2,101    2,666     1,860      565 
Tellings Golden Miller 
plc                          75        30       48      (27)       18 
Partial disposals 
BreakingViews Limited         -        45       56        56       11 
You Gov plc                  24       150      106        82     (44) 
Zest Juice Limited          630       630        -     (630)    (630) 
Retention monies from 
prior disposals               -         -      304       304      304 
Listed fixed income 
Nucleus Cash Trust            2         2        2         -        - 
Treasury 4�%  2007 Stock  2,084     1,927    1,925     (159)      (2) 
Treasury 5%  2008 Stock   1,218     1,200    1,203      (15)        3 
Total venture capital     7,159     9,955   10,675     3,516      720 
'E' Share pool 
Zest Juice Limited           70        70        -      (70)     (70) 
* Adjusted for purchases in the year 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the 
financial  statements   in  accordance   with  applicable   law   and 
Company law requires  the Directors to  prepare financial  statements 
for each financial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to 
prepare the financial  statements in accordance  with United  Kingdom 
Generally Accepted  Accounting  Practice (United  Kingdom  Accounting 
Standards and applicable law). The financial statements are  required 
by law to give a  true and fair view of  the state of affairs of  the 
Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period. 
In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required 
*   select suitable accounting policies and then apply them 
*   make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
*   state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been 
  followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and 
  explained in the financial statements; 
*   prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis 
  unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will 
  continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible  for keeping proper accounting  records 
which disclose with  reasonable accuracy  at any  time the  financial 
position of  the  Company and  to  enable  them to  ensure  that  the 
financial  statements   comply   with   the   requirements   of   the 
Companies Act 1985.  They are also  responsible for safeguarding  the 
assets of the Company and hence  for taking reasonable steps for  the 
prevention and  detection of  fraud  and other  irregularities.   The 
Directors are  responsible  for  ensuring  that  the  Report  of  the 
Directors and  other information  included in  the Annual  Report  is 
prepared in accordance with company law in the United Kingdom.   They 
are also responsible  for ensuring  that the  Annual Report  includes 
information required by the Listing  Rules of the Financial  Services 
for the year ended 31 October 2008 
Company position 
                     Year ended 31 October 2008 Year ended 31 October 
                      Revenue  Capital    Total Revenue Capital Total 
                        GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Income                  1,602        -    1,602   1,294       - 1,294 
(Losses)/gains on           -    (258)    (258)       -   2,992 2,992 
                        1,602    (258)    1,344   1,294   2,992 4,286 
Investment              (126)    (377)    (503)   (125)   (377) (502) 
management fees 
Performance                 -    (175)    (175)       -   (228) (228) 
incentive fees 
Other expenses          (300)     (20)    (320)   (308)       - (308) 
Return on ordinary 
    before tax          1,176    (830)      346     861   2,387 3,248 
Tax on ordinary         (237)      159     (78)   (255)     190  (65) 
Return attributable 
to equity 
Shareholders              939    (671)      268     606   2,577 3,183 
Basic and diluted 
return per 
Ordinary Share           2.8p   (1.1p)     1.7p    1.7p    7.6p  9.3p 
'D' Share                2.8p  (25.3p)  (22.5p)    2.1p    8.8p 10.9p 
'E' Share                2.6p  (28.4p)  (25.8p)    2.5p  (1.4p)  1.1p 
Split as: 
Ordinary shares 
                     Year ended 31 October 2008 Year ended 31 October 
                       Revenue   Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total 
                         GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Income                   1,553         -  1,553   1,239       - 1,239 
Gains on investments         -        39     39       -   2,943 2,943 
                         1,553        39  1,592   1,239   2,943 4,182 
Investment               (122)     (365)  (487)   (121)   (363) (484) 
management fees 
Performance                  -     (175)  (175)       -   (228) (228) 
incentive fees 
Other expenses           (298)      (20)  (318)   (296)       - (296) 
Return on ordinary 
    before tax           1,133     (521)    612     822   2,352 3,174 
Tax on ordinary          (225)       155   (70)   (242)     186  (56) 
Return attributable 
to equity 
shareholders               908     (366)    542     580   2,538 3,118 
'D' shares 
                     Year ended 31 October 2008 Year ended 31 October 
                       Revenue   Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total 
                         GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Income                      25         -     25      24       -    24 
(Losses)/gains on            -     (131)  (131)       -      53    53 
                            25     (131)  (106)      24      53    77 
Investment                 (2)       (6)    (8)     (2)     (7)   (9) 
management fees 
Other expenses             (1)         -    (1)     (6)       -   (6) 
Return on ordinary 
    before tax              22     (137)  (115)      16      46    62 
Tax on ordinary            (6)         2    (4)     (5)       2   (3) 
Return attributable 
to equity 
shareholders                16     (135)  (119)      11      48    59 
'E' shares 
                     Year ended 31 October 2008 Year ended 31 October 
                       Revenue   Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total 
                         GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000 
Income                      24         -     24      31       -    31 
Losses on                    -     (166)  (166)       -     (4)   (4) 
                            24     (166)  (142)      31     (4)    27 
Investment                 (2)       (6)    (8)     (2)     (7)   (9) 
management fees 
Other expenses             (1)         -    (1)     (6)       -   (6) 
Return on ordinary 
    before tax              21     (172)  (151)      23    (11)    12 
Tax on ordinary            (6)         2    (4)     (8)       2   (6) 
Return attributable 
to equity 
shareholders                15     (170)  (155)      15     (9)     6 
The revenue  and  capital movements  in  the year  for  the  Ordinary 
Shares, 'D' Shares and 'E'  Shares relate to continuing  operations. 
The total column  within the Income  Statement represents the  profit 
and loss account of the Company. 
A Statement of  Total Recognised  Gains and Losses  relating to  each 
class of share  has not  been prepared as  all gains  and losses  are 
recognised in the relevant Income Statements as shown on page 28  and 
for the year ended 31 October 2008 
                        Year ended                     Year ended 
                     31 October 2008                31 October 2007 
              Ordinary    'D'    'E'         Ordinary    'D'    'E' 
                Shares Shares Shares   Total   shares Shares Shares   Total 
                 GBP'000  GBP'000 GBP'000  GBP'000      GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
funds           29,898    569    573  31,040   29,033    517    574  30,124 
Purchase of 
shares         (1,174)    (3)      - (1,177)  (1,232)      -      - (1,232) 
gains for the 
year               542  (119)  (155)     268    3,118     59      6   3,183 
Distributions  (1,766)   (11)   (12) (1,789)  (1,021)    (7)    (7) (1,035) 
funds           27,500    436    406  28,342   29,898    569    573  31,040 
at 31 October 2008 
                        Year ended                    Year ended 
                      31 October 2008               31 October 2007 
               Ordinary    'D'    'E'        Ordinary    'D'    'E' 
                 Shares Shares Shares  Total   Shares Shares Shares Total 
                  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments      23,586    280    100 23,966   26,068    410    246 26,724 
Current assets 
Debtors             253     10      5    268      278      5      5    288 
Cash at bank 
and               3,941    151    306  4,398    3,772    158    328  4,258 
in hand 
                  4,194    161    311  4,666    4,050    163    333  4,546 
 due within 
year              (280)    (5)    (5)  (290)    (220)    (4)    (6)  (230) 
Net current 
 assets           3,914    156    306  4,376    3,830    159    327  4,316 
Net assets       27,500    436    406 28,342   29,898    569    573 31,040 
Capital and 
Called up 
share               312      5      6    323      327      5      6    338 
reserve              64      -      -     64       49      -      -     49 
Share premium         -    502    562  1,064        -    502    562  1,064 
Merger reserve    8,694      -      -  8,694    8,694      -      -  8,694 
Special           5,554      -      -  5,554    7,318      -      -  7,318 
reserve -        12,262     15   (81) 12,196    9,858     19    (7)  9,870 
reserve -         (496)  (100)  (100)  (696)    2,966     31    (4)  2,993 
Revenue           1,110     14     19  1,143      686     12     16    714 
funds            27,500    436    406 28,342   29,898    569    573 31,040 
Net asset 
value             88.3p  81.8p  67.5p           91.5p 106.1p  95.3p 
 per share 
for year ended 31 October 2008 
                         Year ended                      Year ended 
                      31 October 2008                 31 October 2007 
               Ordinary    'D'    'E'           Ordinary    'D'    'E' 
                 Shares Shares Shares   Total     Shares Shares Shares   Total 
                  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Net cash 
from operating 
activities          584     10     15     609        145      9     10     164 
Taxation           (56)    (3)    (5)    (64)               (1)    (1)    (73) 
Purchase of 
Investments     (8,140)      -   (20) (8,160)    (7,323)  (278)  (250) (7,851) 
Sale of                                            8,821 
investments      10,675      -      -  10,675                74      -   8,895 
Net cash 
(outflow) from 
expenditure       2,535      -   (20)   2,515      1,498  (204)  (250)   1,044 
paid            (1,769)   (11)   (12) (1,792) (1,021)       (7)    (7) (1,035) 
Net cash 
financing         1,294    (4)   (22)   1,268        551  (203)  (248)     100 
Share issue 
costs                 -      -      -       -        (6)      -      -     (6) 
repurchased     (1,125)    (3)      - (1,128)    (1,254)      -      - (1,254) 
                (1,125)    (3)      - (1,128)    (1,260)      -      - (1,260) 
   in cash          169    (7)   (22)     140      (709)  (203)  (248) (1,160) 
1. Basis of Accounting/Accounting policies 
The Company has prepared the financial information under UK Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP")  and in accordance with  the 
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment 
Trust Companies"  revised December  2005 ("SORP")  and has  used  the 
historical cost  convention except  for  the revaluation  of  certain 
financial instruments. 
In order to better reflect the activities of a Venture Capital  Trust 
and  in  accordance  with  guidance  issued  by  the  Association  of 
Investment  Companies   ("AIC"),  supplementary   information   which 
analyses the income statement between items of a revenue and  capital 
nature has been  presented alongside  the income  statement. The  net 
revenue is the measure the Directors believe appropriate in assessing 
the Company's compliance with certain requirements set out in Section 
274 Income Tax Act 2007. 
2. Return per ordinary share 
                                             Ordinary     'D'     'E' 
                                               Shares  Shares  Shares 
Return per share based on: 
Net  revenue   after  taxation   for   the        908      16      15 
financial year (GBP'000) 
Weighted average number of shares in issue 32,053,843 533,987 601,376 
Capital return per share based on: 
Net capital  loss for  the financial  year      (366)   (130)   (170) 
Weighted average number of shares in issue 32,053,843 533,987 601,376 
As the Company  has not  issued any convertible  securities or  share 
options, there is no dilutive  effect on return per ordinary  share. 
The return per  share disclosed therefore  represents both basic  and 
diluted return per share. 
3. Net asset value per ordinary share 
                                                2008             2007 
                    Shares in issue  Net Asset Value  Net Asset Value 
                    2008       2007 Pence per GBP'000  Pence per GBP'000 
                                        share            share 
Shares        31,128,450 32,669,120     88.3p 27,500     91.5p 29,898 
'D' Shares       532,982    536,072     81.8p    436    106.1p    569 
'E' Shares       601,376    601,376     67.5p    406     95.3p    573 
                                              28,342           31,040 
As the Company  has not  issued any convertible  securities or  share 
options, there  is  no dilutive  effect  on net  asset  per  ordinary 
share.  The net asset value per share disclosed therefore  represents 
both basic and diluted return per share. 
4. Principal financial risks 
As a VCT,  the majority of  the Company's assets  are represented  by 
financial instruments  which  are  held as  part  of  the  investment 
portfolio. In order to ensure continued compliance with relevant  VCT 
regulation and to be in a  position to deliver the long term  capital 
growth which is part of the Company's investment objective, the Board 
is very  much aware  of the  need to  manage and  mitigate the  risks 
associated with the financial instruments held within the  investment 
The management of these risks starts with the application of a  clear 
investment strategy which  has been  developed by the  Board who  are 
experienced investment  professionals.  Furthermore,  the  Board  has 
appointed  an  experienced  investment  manager  to  whom  they  have 
communicated  the   Company's   investment   objectives   and   whose 
remuneration is linked  to the achievement  of those objectives.  The 
Investment Manager reports regularly to the Board on performance, and 
to facilitate the  direct Board  involvement with  key decisions,  on 
whether or not  to invest, disinvest  and the nature,  terms and  the 
security of investments being made. 
Further information about the VCT's  investment policy is set out  in 
the Report of the Directors on page 16. 
In addition to  its investment  portfolio, the VCT  maintains a  cash 
position. The  Directors consider  that the  risk profile  associated 
with cash  deposits  is  low  and thus  the  carrying  value  in  the 
financial statements is a close approximation of its fair value. 
A review of the specific financial risks faced by the Company 
Market risks 
The key market  risks to which  the Company is  exposed are  interest 
rate  risk  and  market  price  risk.   The  Company  has  undertaken 
sensitivity analysis  on its  financial instruments,  split into  the 
relevant component  parts,  taking into  consideration  the  economic 
climate at the time of review  in order to ascertain the  appropriate 
risk allocation. 
Interest rate risk 
The Company receives interest on cash deposits at a rate agreed  with 
its banker,  while  investments  in loan  stock  and  fixed  interest 
investments predominately  attract  interest  at  fixed  rates.   The 
Company's future cash flows can be influenced by changes in  interest 
rates resulting in an increase or decrease in income from investments 
linked to the base  rate. A summary of  the interest rate profile  of 
the Company's investments is shown in  Note 17.  As the Company  must 
comply with the  VCT regulations, increases  in interest rates  could 
lead to a potential breach of these regulations as the proportion  of 
the Company's income  from sources other  than shares and  securities 
could exceed the required level.  The Company therefore monitors  the 
level of  income  received  from fixed,  floating  and  non  interest 
bearing assets to ensure that  the regulations are not breached.  The 
Company has reviewed the financial impact that a 1.0% change in  base 
rate would have on the Company  with income and the total return  for 
the year changing by GBP39,000, equivalent to a 4.2% impact on  overall 
income receivable  by  the Company.   Such  a change  would  have  an 
immaterial impact on Net Asset Value. 
Market price risk 
Market price risk arises from uncertainty about the future prices  of 
financial  instruments  held   in  accordance   with  the   Company's 
investment objectives.   It represents  the potential  loss that  the 
Company might suffer through holding market positions in the face  of 
market movements. At 31 October 2008, the net unrealised loss on  the 
quoted portfolios  (AIM-quoted  and  fixed  income  investments)  was 
GBP774,000 (2007: net gain GBP641,000). 
The investments the  Company holds  are, in the  main, thinly  traded 
(due to the underlying nature of  the investments) and, as such,  the 
prices are more volatile than those of more widely traded, full list, 
securities.  In addition, the ability  of the Company to realise  the 
investments at their carrying value may  at times not be possible  if 
there are  no willing  purchasers.   The ability  of the  Company  to 
purchase or sell investments is also constrained by the  requirements 
set down for VCTs. 
The Board  considers  each  investment purchase  to  ensure  that  an 
acquisition  will  enable  the  Company   to  continue  to  have   an 
appropriate spread of market risk and that an appropriate risk reward 
profile is maintained. 
It is  not the  Company's  policy to  use derivative  instruments  to 
mitigate market risk, as the Board believes that the effectiveness of 
such instruments does not justify the cost or risk involved. 
The Company's sensitivity to fluctuations in the share prices of  its 
quoted investments (AIM-quoted  but excluding  listed fixed  interest 
investments) is summarised below.  A 50%  fall in the share price  in 
each of the  quoted investments  held by  the Company  would have  an 
effect as follows: 
                           exposure             Impact on 
                           (current   Impact on   NAV per 
                             val'n)  Net Assets     share 
                              GBP'000       GBP'000     Pence 
50% fall in quoted stocks 
Ordinary Share pool             780       (399)    (1.2p) 
'D' Share pool                    -           -         - 
'E' Share pool                    -           -         - 
A fall in shares prices generally  would have a lesser impact on  the 
valuation of the unquoted portfolio  due to the underlying nature  of 
the investment and securities held within each individual company.  A 
25% fall in the valuations of all of the unquoted investments held by 
the Company would have an effect as follows: 
                                       exposure             Impact on 
                                       (current   Impact on   NAV per 
                                         val'n)  Net Assets     share 
                                          GBP'000       GBP'000     Pence 
25%  fall   in   unquoted   investment 
Ordinary Share pool                      14,646     (3,662)   (11.8p) 
'D' Share pool                              280        (70)   (13.1p) 
'E' Share pool                              100        (25)    (4.2p) 
      The Company also has exposure to variations in the price of its 
 non-qualifying investments.  As the investment is a government gilt, 
    such securities are subject to lower price fluctuations.   A 2.5% 
 fall in the valuation of these assets held by the Company would have 
                                                the following impact: 
                                        exposure            Impact on 
                                        (current  Impact on   NAV per 
                                          val'n) Net Assets     share 
                                           GBP'000      GBP'000     Pence 
2.5% fall  in value  of  non-qualifying 
 (government gilt) 
Ordinary Share pool                        8,160      (204) (0.7p) 
'D' Share pool                                 -          - - 
'E' Share pool                                 -          - - 
In each case, the impact of such  changes on the return for the  year 
would be that same as that on Net Assets and NAV per share. 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument 
is unable to discharge  a commitment to the  Company made under  that 
instrument.  The  Company's  financial  assets that  are  exposed  to 
credit risk are summarised as follows: 
                                                2008       2007 
                                               GBP'000      GBP'000 
Fair value through profit or loss assets 
Investments in listed fixed income securities  8,160      4,735 
Investments in loan stocks                     7,584     10,793 
Loans and receivables 
Cash and cash equivalents                      4,398      4,258 
Interest and other receivables                   206        271 
                                              20,348     20,057 
Investments in  loan  stocks  comprise  a  fundamental  part  of  the 
Company's venture capital investments and are managed within the main 
investment management procedures. 
Cash is mainly held by  Bank of Scotland plc,  which is an AA-  rated 
financial institution and, consequently  the Directors consider  that 
the risk profile associated with cash deposits is low. 
Interest, dividends and other  receivables are predominantly  covered 
within the investment management procedures. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk  that the Company encounters  difficulties 
in meeting obligations associated with its financial liabilities.  As 
the Company only ever has  a very low level  of creditors and has  no 
borrowings,  the  Board  believes  that  the  Company's  exposure  to 
liquidity risk is minimal. 
5. Related party transactions 
Chrysalis VCT Management Limited, a  wholly owned subsidiary, is  the 
Company's Investment Manager and they receive  a fee of 1.65% of  net 
assets per annum.   During the period  GBP503,000 (2007: GBP502,000)  was 
paid to Chrysalis VCT Management  Limited in respect of these  fees. 
No amounts were outstanding at the year end. 
An exit fee is payable quarterly to Chrysalis VCT Management  Limited 
(with effect from  1 May 2006)  based on cash  realisations from  all 
investments excluding quoted loan notes, redemptions of loan notes in 
the normal course of business and other treasury functions. The  exit 
fee is the greater of  1% of the cash proceeds  of any exit or 5%  of 
the gain to  the Company after  all exit costs  for investments  made 
after 30 April 2004  reduced to 2�% of  investments made prior to  30 
April 2004.  During the year  exit fees of GBP175,000 (2007:  GBP228,000) 
were due to Chrysalis VCT Management Ltd.  At the year end GBP1,000 was 
outstanding (2007: GBP9,000). 
Announcement based on audited accounts 
The financial  information  set out  in  this announcement  does  not 
constitute the Company's statutory financial statements in accordance 
with section 434  Companies Act 2006  for the year  ended 31  October 
2008, but has been extracted from the statutory financial  statements 
for the year ended 31 October 2008, which were approved by the  Board 
of Directors  on  5  February  2009 and  will  be  delivered  to  the 
Registrar  of  Companies  following  the  Company's  Annual   General 
Meeting.   The  Independent  Auditor's  Report  on  those   financial 
statements was unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter 
nor statements under s 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The statutory accounts for the year  ended 31 October 2007 have  been 
delivered to the Registrar of  Companies and received an  Independent 
Auditors report  which  was  unqualified  and  did  not  contain  any 
emphasis of  matter  nor  statements  under S237(2)  or  (3)  of  the 
Companies Act 1985. 
A copy of  the full annual  report and financial  statements for  the 
year ended 31 October 2008 will be printed and posted to shareholders 
shortly.  Copies  will  also  be  available  to  the  public  at  the 
registered office  of  the  Company  at  Kings  Scholars  House,  230 
Vauxhall Bridge  Road, London  SW1V  1AU and  will be  available  for 
download from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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