Half-yearly report

Chrysalis VCT plc
Half Yearly Report for the six months ended 30 April 2008


                                    30 April   31 Oct   30 April
                                        2008     2007       2007
                                       pence    pence      pence
Ordinary shares
Net asset value per share              91.10    91.50      88.70
Cumulative dividends paid per share    16.95    13.45      13.45
Total return                          108.05   104.95     102.15
'D' share
Net asset value per share              81.50   106.10     104.30
Cumulative dividends paid per share     3.25     1.25       1.25
Total return                           84.75   107.35     105.55
'E' share
Net asset value per share              67.30    95.30      95.00
Cumulative dividends paid per share     3.25     1.25       1.25
Total return                           70.55    96.55      96.25


The  period  to  30  April  2008  has  been  notable  for  the  sharp
deterioration  in   the  economic   climate  and   general   investor
confidence.  Against this backdrop, it is very pleasing to be able to
report a  further improvement  in the  performance of  the  Company's
Ordinary Share pool.   Unfortunately, the younger  and more  immature
investments which make up the 'D' Share and 'E' Share pools have been
much more vulnerable to the challenging conditions.

Net Asset Value
Ordinary Shares
At 30 April 2008, the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share ("NAV")  had
risen to 91.1p, an  increase of 3.1p (3.5%)  since the previous  year
end of 31  October 2007 (after  adjusting for the  3.5p per  Ordinary
Share dividend paid in the period).

Total Return to original  Ordinary Shareholders (NAV plus  cumulative
dividends paid  since  launch)  now  stands  at  108.05p  per  share,
compared to an  original net  of income tax  relief cost  of 80p  per

'D' Shares
The NAV of the 'D' Shares stood at 81.5p per share at 30 April 2008.
This represents a significant  fall since 31  October 2007, when  the
'D' Share NAV stood  at 106.1p (although a  dividend of 2p per  share
was paid in the period).

'E' Shares
At 30 April 2008, the NAV of the 'E' Shares  had fallen to 67.3p.  As
with the 'D' Share pool, this is a significant fall compared to at 31
October 2007 when the  NAV stood at  95.3p per share,  with a 2p  per
share dividend paid in the period.

Venture Capital Investments
Ordinary Share pool
The Ordinary  Share  pool  achieved  two  notable  exits  during  the
period.  The  investment  in  AMI was  sold  for  approximately  �1.2
million against an original cost of �615,000, producing a gain in the
period against previous carrying value of �241,000.

Even more satisfying was the  disposal of ILG Digital, an  investment
made in October 2005, which produced proceeds of �2.6 million against
an original cost of �805,600.  The gain against the previous carrying
value was �536,000.

The Ordinary  Share  pool  also  made two  new  investments  and  two
follow-on investments with a total value of �433,000.

Overall, the Ordinary  Share portfolio showed  net realised gains  of
�301,000 for the period.  Of the investments held at the period  end,
the Ordinary Share pool  showed unrealised gains  of �1.1 million  on
its unquoted investments.  Unfortunately much of  this was  cancelled
out by unrealised losses on  the AIM-quoted investments of  �852,000,
leaving net unrealised gains of �313,000.

'D' Share and 'E' Share pool
As 'D' and 'E' Shareholders will be aware, both pools are very  small
and as a result, comprise of a reasonably low number of investments.
In the  period, both  pools have  had investments  which have  either
failed or required full provisions.

Two full  provisions  were required  in  the 'D'  Share  pool,  which
produced net unrealised  losses of �130,000  over the period,  while,
there was one failure and two full provisions required within the 'E'
Share pool, which produced net unrealised losses of �96,000 over  the
period and realised losses of �70,000.

Results and dividend
The return after taxation for the Company for the period amounted  to
a gain of  �597,000 comprising  a revenue  return of  �512,000 and  a
capital surplus of �85,000.

Following the  successful  disposals  from the  Ordinary  Share  pool
during the period, the Company is paying an interim dividend of  2.0p
per Ordinary Share on  25 July 2008 to  Ordinary Shareholders on  the
register at 11 July 2008.   This brings the total distributions  paid
to Ordinary  Shareholders since  inception,  to 18.95p  per  Ordinary

Share buybacks
The Company continues to operate a  share buyback policy in order  to
provide liquidity in  the market  for its  shares.  Any  Shareholders
wishing to sell their holding should consult their financial  adviser
to ensure they understand  the potential tax  implications of such  a
disposal.  Shares cannot be sold directly to the Company but must  be
sold via the Stock Market through a stockbroker.

During the period, the Company purchased 773,599 Ordinary shares,  at
an average  price  of  76.1p  per  share,  for  cancellation.   These
purchases were generally  undertaken at  a 15% discount  to the  last
published NAV.

The Company also purchased  3,090 'D' Shares  for cancellation, at  a
price of  81.5p per  share, which  was  a 10%  discount to  the  last
published NAV.

Risks and uncertainties
Under the Disclosure  and Transparency  Directive, the  Board is  now
required in the Company's half  year results, to report on  principal
risks and uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of  the
financial year.

The Board has concluded  that the key risks  facing the Company  over
the remainder of the financial period are as follows:
(i)       investment  risk associated  with  investing in  small  and
immature businesses; and
(ii)     failure to maintain approval as a VCT.

In both cases the Board is  satisfied with the Company's approach  to
these risks.  As  a VCT  the Company  is forced  to have  significant
exposure to relatively immature  businesses.  This risk is  mitigated
to some extent by holding a well-diversified portfolio.

The Company's  compliance with  the  VCT regulations  is  continually
monitored by the Administration Manager, who regularly reports to the
Board  on   the  current   position.    The  Company   also   retains
PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and advice in  this
area.  The Board considers that this  approach reduces the risk of  a
breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level.

The impact of the "credit crunch" has already spread far and wide and
the  short-term   prospects  for   the   economy  are   bleak.    The
unavailability of bank finance and  the more aggressive approach  now
being  taken  by  banks  towards  their  customers  will  provide   a
challenging period for small, developing businesses.

The Ordinary Share pool, which  includes more mature businesses,  has
continued to fare well.  Since the period end, this pool has achieved
another profitable disposal.  Its investment in  Babel Media  Limited
was sold in June at an uplift of �1.6 million over cost and  �253,000
over the valuation  at 31  October 2007.  This  is another  excellent
result, which comes after several years of intensive support from the
investment management team.

With exits from  many of  the Ordinary Share  pool's best  performing
investments in recent  years, it is  not realistic to  expect to  see
further substantial growth in NAV in  the short term. In the  current
conditions, the immediate goal will be preservation of value for  the
Ordinary, 'D' and 'E' Share pools.

Robert Drummond

as at 30 April 2008

                              As at    As at    As at
                             30 Apr   30 Apr   31 Oct
                               2008     2007     2007

                              Total    Total    Total
                              �'000    �'000    �'000

Investments                  23,510   24,337   26,724

Net current assets            6,379    6,438    4,316

Net assets                   29,889   30,775   31,040

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital         330      346      338
Capital redemption reserve       57       41       49
Share premium                 1,064    1,064    1,064
Merger reserve                8,694    8,694    8,694
Special reserve               6,304    8,007    7,318
Capital reserve - realised   11,211    9,518    9,870
Capital reserve - unrealised  1,513    2,784    2,993
Revenue reserve                 716      321      714

Total equity                 29,889   30,775   31,040

Net asset value per:
Ordinary share                91.1p    88.7p    91.5p

'D' share                     81.5p   104.3p   106.1p

'E' share                     67.3p    95.0p    95.3p

for the period ended 30 April 2008

                                                     30 Apr    31 Oct
                            30 Apr 2008                2007      2007
                   Ordinary    'D'    'E'
                     shares Shares Shares   Total     Total     Total
                      �'000  �'000  �'000   �'000     �'000     �'000

Opening              29,898    569    573  31,040    30,124    30,124
Purchase  of   own    (591)    (3)      -   (594)     (619)   (1,232)
Total recognised
gains/                  874  (121)  (156)     597     2,305     3,183
(losses)  in the
Distributions       (1,131)   (11)   (12) (1,154)   (1,035)   (1,035)
                     29,050    434    405  29,889    30,775    31,040

as at 30 April 2008
Analysed by share pool

Ordinary Shares                     As at    As at    As at
                                   30 Apr   30 Apr   31 Oct
                                     2008     2007     2007
                                    �'000    �'000    �'000

Investments                        23,130   23,789   26,068
Net current assets                  5,920    5,856    3,830
Net assets                         29,050   29,645   29,898

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital               319      335      327
Reserves                           28,731   29,310   29,571
Total equity                       29,050   29,645   29,898

Net asset value per Ordinary Share  91.1p    88.7p    91.5p

'D' Shares                          As at         As at         As at
                              30 Apr 2008   30 Apr 2007   31 Oct 2007
                                    �'000         �'000         �'000

Investments                           280           448           410
Net current assets                    154           111           159
Net assets                            434           559           569

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                 5             5             5
Reserves                              429           554           564
Total equity                          434           559           569

Net asset value per 'D' Share       81.5p        104.3p        106.1p

'E' Shares                     As at    As at    As at
                              30 Apr   30 Apr   31 Oct
                                2008     2007     2007
                               �'000    �'000    �'000

Investments                      100      100      246
Net current assets               305      471      327
Net assets                       405      571      573

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital            6        6        6
Reserves                         399      565      567
Total equity                     405      571      573

Net asset value per 'E' Share  67.3p    95.0p    95.3p

for the six months ended 30 April 2008

                                             Six months ended
Company Total                                  30 April 2008
                                        Revenue   Capital     Total
                                          �'000     �'000     �'000

Income                                      848         -       848

Gains on investments - Realised               -       232       232
- - Unrealised                                  -        84        84
                                            848       316     1,164

Investment management fees                 (64)     (192)     (256)
Performance incentive fees                    -     (114)     (114)
Other expenses                            (143)      (17)     (160)

Return on  ordinary  activities  before     641       (7)       634

Taxation                                  (129)        92      (37)

Return    attributable    to     equity     512        85       597

Return per Ordinary share                  1.5p      1.2p      2.7p
Return per 'D' share                       1.6p   (24.3p)   (22.7p)
Return per 'E' share                       1.7p   (27.7p)   (26.0p)

                                Six months ended           Year ended
Company Total                     30 April 2007       31 October 2007
                            Revenue   Capital   Total       Total
                              �'000   �'000     �'000           �'000

Income                          522         -     522           1,294

Gains  on   investments   -       -     1,207   1,207           1,436
- - Unrealised                      -     1,195   1,195           1,556
                                522     2,402   2,924           4,286

Investment management fees     (62)     (188)   (250)           (502)
Performance incentive fees        -     (219)   (219)           (228)
Other expenses                (150)         -   (150)           (308)

Return     on      ordinary     310     1,995   2,305           3,248
activities before taxation

Taxation                       (97)        97       -            (65)

Return   attributable    to
equity shareholders             213     2,092   2,305           3,183

Return per Ordinary share      0.6p      6.0p    6.6p            9.3p
Return per 'D' share           1.1p      8.0p    9.1p           10.9p
Return per 'E' share           1.3p    (0.5p)    0.8p            1.1p

                                              Six months ended
Ordinary shares                                 30 April 2008
                                          Revenue   Capital   Total
                                          �'000       �'000   �'000

Income                                        820         -     820

Gains on investments - Realised                 -       302     302
- - Unrealised                                    -       310     310
                                              820       612   1,432

Investment management fees                   (64)     (192)   (256)
Performance incentive fees                      -     (114)   (114)
Other expenses                              (143)      (17)   (160)

Return  on  ordinary  activities   before     613       289     902

Taxation                                    (120)        92    (28)

Return     attributable     to     equity     493       381     874

                                Six months ended           Year ended
Ordinary shares                   30 April 2007       31 October 2007
                            Revenue   Capital   Total       Total
                              �'000     �'000   �'000           �'000

Income                          496         -     496           1,239

Gains  on   investments   -       -     1,207   1,207           1,409
- - Unrealised                      -     1,150   1,150           1,534
                                496     2,357   2,853           4,182

Investment management fees     (60)     (180)   (240)           (484)
Performance incentive fees        -     (219)   (219)           (228)
Other expenses                (144)         -   (144)           (296)

Return     on      ordinary     292     1,958   2,250           3,174
activities before taxation

Taxation                       (93)        95       2            (56)

Return   attributable    to     199     2,053   2,252           3,118
equity shareholders

                                              Six months ended
'D' Shares                                      30 April 2008
                                          Revenue   Capital   Total
                                            �'000     �'000   �'000

Income                                         12         -      12

Gains on investments - Realised                 -         -       -
- - Unrealised                                    -     (130)   (130)
                                               12     (130)   (118)

Investment management fees                      -         -       -
Other expenses                                  -         -       -

Return  on  ordinary  activities   before      12     (130)   (118)

Taxation                                      (3)         -     (3)

Return     attributable     to     equity       9     (130)   (121)

                               Six months ended            Year ended
'D' Shares                       30 April 2007       31 October  2007
                           Revenue   Capital   Total        Total
                             �'000     �'000   �'000            �'000

Income                          11         -      11               24

Gains  on  investments   -       -         -       -               27
- - Unrealised                     -        45      45               26
                                11        45      56               77

Investment management fees     (1)       (3)     (4)              (9)
Other expenses                 (2)         -     (2)              (6)

Return     on     ordinary       8        42      50               62
activities before taxation

Taxation                       (2)         1     (1)              (3)

Return   attributable   to       6        43      49               59
equity shareholders

                                              Six months ended
'E' Shares                                      30 April 2008
                                          Revenue   Capital   Total
                                            �'000     �'000   �'000

Income                                         16         -      16

Gains on investments - Realised                 -      (70)    (70)
- - Unrealised                                    -      (96)    (96)
                                               16     (166)   (150)

Investment management fees                      -         -       -
Other expenses                                  -         -       -

Return on ordinary activities before           16     (166)   (150)

Taxation                                      (6)         -     (6)

Return attributable to equity                  10     (166)   (156)

                                Six months ended           Year ended
'E' Shares                        30 April 2007       31 October 2007
                            Revenue   Capital   Total       Total
                              �'000     �'000   �'000           �'000

Income                           15         -      15              31

Gains  on   investments   -       -         -       -               -
- - Unrealised                      -         -       -             (4)
                                 15         -      15              27

Investment management fees      (1)       (5)     (6)             (9)
Other expenses                  (4)         -     (4)             (6)

Return     on      ordinary      10       (5)       5              12
activities before taxation

Taxation                        (2)         1     (1)             (6)

Return   attributable    to       8       (4)       4               6
equity shareholders

for the six months ended 30 April 2008

                                Six months   Six months   Year  ended
                                     ended        ended    31 October
                                  30 April     30 April          2007
                                      2008         2007
                           Note      �'000        �'000         �'000
Cash inflow/(outflow) from
operating activities and      1
returns on investments                 369      (1,639)           164

Taxation                                 -            -          (73)

Capital expenditure
Purchase of investments            (3,790)      (5,585)       (7,851)
Proceeds on disposal of              4,683        8,426         8,895
Net cash outflow from                  893        2,841         1,044
capital expenditure

Equity dividends paid              (1,154)      (1,035)       (1,035)

Net cash inflow before                 108          167           100

Share issue costs                        -          (6)           (6)
Purchase of own shares               (604)        (588)       (1,254)
Net cash outflow from                (604)        (594)       (1,260)

Decrease in cash              2      (496)        (427)       (1,160)

Notes to the cash flow

1 Cash inflow from
operating activities and
returns on investments
Return on ordinary                     634        2,305         3,248
activities before taxation
Gains on investments                 (316)      (2,402)       (2,992)
Increase in other debtors             (21)      (1,608)         (106)
Increase in other                       72           66            14
Net cash inflow/(outflow)              369      (1,639)           164
from operating activities

2 Analysis of net funds
Beginning of period                  4,258        5,418         5,418
Net cash outflow                     (496)        (427)       (1,160)
End of period                        3,762        4,991         4,258

as at 30 April 2008

Ordinary Share pool                                              % of
                                                   Movement portfolio
                                                    in the   by value
                                  Cost   Valuation   period
                                   �'000     �'000    �'000
Top ten venture capital
Babel Media Limited                1,705     3,189      253     12.1%
Precision Dental Laboratories      2,100     3,072      905     11.6%
Group plc
Wessex Advanced Switching            699     2,861    1,435     10.8%
Products Limited
Triaster Limited                     758     1,245      325      4.7%
Centre Design Limited              1,350     1,205        -      4.6%
Mentorion Limited                    700       987      167      3.7%
British International Holdings       700       807      106      3.0%
Ensign Communications Limited        500       704       19      2.7%
Mentorion II Limited                 700       700        -      2.6%
Glisten plc *                        149       604    (136)      2.3%
                                   9,361    15,374    3,074     58.1%

Other venture capital investments  7,105     2,815  (2,761)     10.7%

Listed fixed income securities     4,951     4,941      (3)     18.7%

Subtotal                          21,417    23,130      310     87.5%

Cash at bank and in hand                     3,297              12.5%

Ordinary Share Pool - Total                 26,427             100.0%

                                                   Movement      % of
                                                    in the  portfolio
                                   Cost  Valuation   period  by value
                                   �'000     �'000    �'000

'D' Share pool
Mentorion Limited                     50        70       11     16.1%
British   International   Holdings    50        58        8     13.4%
Rhino Sport and Leisure Limited       50        52        2     12.0%
CPI Acquisition UK Limited            50        50        -     11.5%
Mentorion 2 Limited                   50        50        -     11.5%
Hat Pin plc **                        80         -    (105)         -
Spice Inns Limited                    50         -     (46)         -

                                     380       280    (130)     64.5%

Cash at bank and in hand                       154              35.5%

'D' Share pool - Total                         434             100.0%

'E' Share pool
CPI Acquisition UK Limited            50        50        -     12.2%
Optima Data Intelligence Services     50        50        -     12.2%
Spice Inns Limited                    50         -     (46)         -
Ultralon Holdings Limited             50         -     (50)         -
                                     200       100     (96)     24.4%

Cash at bank and in hand                       311              75.6%

'E' Share pool - Total                         411             100.0%

All venture capital investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated.
*                      quoted on AIM
**                   quoted on AIM (currently suspended)

for the six months ended 30 April 2008

                                Ordinary    'D'    'E'
                          Total   Shares Shares Shares
                          �'000    �'000  �'000  �'000
Babel Media Limited         100      100      -      -
Hat Pin plc                 125      125      -      -
Nucleus Cash Trust          291      291      -      -
Treasury 4�%  2011 Stock  1,883    1,883      -      -
Treasury 8%  2013 Stock   1,163    1,163      -      -
Ultralon Holdings Limited    28       28      -      -
Zest Juice Limited          200      180      -     20
                          3,790    3,770      -     20


                                    Market            Gain/     Total
                                  value at           (loss) realised
                                1 November Disposal against     gain/
                          Cost      2007 * Proceeds    cost    (loss)
                         �'000       �'000    �'000   �'000     �'000
Ordinary Share pool
Full disposals
Advance Media
Information Limited        615         934    1,175     560       241
ILG Digital Limited        806       2,101    2,637   1,831       536
Tellings Golden Miller
plc                         75          30       48    (27)        18
Partial disposals
BreakingViews Limited        -          45       56      56        11
You Gov plc                 24         150      106      82      (44)
Zest Juice Limited         630         630        -   (630)     (630)

Retention monies from
prior disposals              -           -      169     169       169

Fixed interest
Nucleus Cash Trust           2           2        2       -         -
Treasury 4�%  2007 Stock 2,084       1,927    1,925   (159)       (2)
Treasury 5%  2008 Stock  1,218       1,200    1,203    (15)         3
                         5,454       7,019    7,321   1,867       302

'E' Share pool
Zest Juice Limited          70          70        -    (70)      (70)
                            70          70        -    (70)      (70)

* Adjusted for purchases in the period

1. The unaudited half yearly financial  results cover the six  months
to 30  April 2008  and  have been  prepared  in accordance  with  the
accounting policies set out  in the statutory  accounts for the  year
ended 31 October 2007 which were prepared under UK Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and in accordance with the  Statement
of Recommended  Practice "Financial  Statements of  Investment  Trust
Companies" revised December 2005 ("SORP").

2. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive  from
continuing operations.

3. The Company has only one class of business and derives its  income
from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.

4. The comparative figures  were in  respect of the  period ended  30
April 2007 and the year ended 31 October 2007 respectively.

5.  Basic and  diluted Net  Asset Value  per share  calculations  are
based on the following:

                            Ordinary Shares   'D' Shares   'E' Shares

Net Assets (�'000)                   29,050          434          405

Number of shares in issue        31,895,521      532,982      601,376
at period end

6. Basic and diluted return per  share calculations are based on  the

                            Ordinary Shares   'D' Shares   'E' Shares
Revenue return per share
based on:
Net revenue return after                493            9           10
taxation (�'000)

Capital return per share
based on:
Net capital gain/(loss)                 381        (130)        (166)
after taxation (�'000)

Weighted average number of       32,427,098      535,002      601,376
shares in issue

7. Dividends

                              30 April 2008               31 Oct 2007

                              Revenue   Capital   Total         Total
                                �'000     �'000   �'000         �'000
Paid in year
Ordinary shares 2007 final  (paid 484       647   1,131             -
20 Mar 08)
'D' shares  2007 final  (paid  20  11         -      11             -
Mar 08)
'E' shares  2007 final  (paid  20  12         -      12             -
Mar 08)
Ordinary  shares   2006   interim   -         -       -         1,021
(paid 2 Mar 07)
'D' shares  2006 final  (paid  27   -         -       -             7
Mar 07)
'E' shares  2006 final  (paid  27   -         -       -             7
Mar 07)
                                  507       647   1,154         1,035
Ordinary   shares   2008    interim -       638     638             -
(payable on 25 July 08)
Ordinary shares 2007 final          -         -       -         1,143
'D' shares 2007 final               -         -       -            11
'E' shares 2007 final               -         -       -            12
                                    -       638     638         1,166

8. Reserves

                Share    Capital  Merger Special    Capital  Capital Revenue
              premium redemption reserve reserve    reserve  reserve reserve
                         reserve                 unrealised realised
                �'000      �'000   �'000   �'000      �'000    �'000   �'000

At 1 November   1,064         49   8,694   7,318      2,993    9,870     714
Shares              -          8       -   (591)          -        -     (3)
Expenses            -          -       -       -          -    (323)       -
Tax on              -          -       -       -          -       92       -
Gains on            -          -       -       -         84      232       -
between             -          -       -   (423)    (1,564)    1,987       -
Retained net
revenue for         -          -       -       -          -        -     512
the year
Distributions       -          -       -       -          -    (647)   (507)
paid in year
At 30 April     1,064         57   8,694   6,304      1,513   11,211     716

      The  above figures  relate  to the  Company  as a  whole.   The
Special Reserve, Capital Reserve -  Realised and Revenue Reserve  are
all distributable reserves.

9.  The Directors confirm that, to  the best of their knowledge,  the
half-yearly financial  statements have  been prepared  in  accordance
with the "Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the  UK
Accounting Standards  Board  and  the  half-yearly  financial  report
includes a fair review of the information required by:

a.   DTR 4.2.7R of  the Disclosure and  Transparency Rules, being  an
indication of important  events that have  occurred during the  first
six months of the  financial year and their  impact on the  condensed
set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

b.   DTR  4.2.8R  of the  Disclosure  and Transparency  Rules,  being
related party transactions  that have  taken place in  the first  six
months of  the  current  financial  year  and  that  have  materially
affected the financial position or  performance of the entity  during
that period,  and  any  changes in  the  related  party  transactions
described in the last annual report that could do so.

10. The  unaudited  financial  statements  set  out  herein  do   not
constitute statutory accounts  within the meaning  of Section 434  of
the Companies Act 2006 and have  not been delivered to the  Registrar
of Companies.  The figures  for the year ended  31 October 2007  have
been extracted from  the financial  statements for  that year,  which
have been delivered  to the Registrar  of Companies; the  Independent
Auditors' Report on those financial statements was unqualified.

11. Copies of  the  unaudited half  yearly  report will  be  sent  to
Shareholders  shortly.  Further  copies  can  be  obtained  from  the
Company's Registered Office and will  be available for download  from


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