RNS Number:5917G
Chrysalis VCT PLC
21 July 2006

Chrysalis VCT plc

Interim Statement for the six months ended 30 April 2006



The period to 30 April 2006 was another busy one for your Company.  There was a
continued good performance by the investment portfolio, with the fourth
six-monthly period in a row where the Total Return of the Company has risen,
demonstrating the success our Investment Management Team has had in extracting
value from the investment portfolio and making attractive new investments.

Net Asset Value

At 30 April 2006, the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share ("NAV") had risen to
77.8p, an increase of 3.6p (4.7%) since the previous year end of 31 October 2005
(after adjusting for the 2p per Ordinary Share dividend paid in the period).

Total Return to original Ordinary Shareholders (NAV plus cumulative dividends
paid since launch) now stands at 88.25p per share, compared to an original net
of income tax cost of 80p per share.

'D' and 'E' Share Issue

As you will be aware, earlier this year and following Shareholder approval, the
Company launched a 'D' Share and 'E' Share fundraising with the objective of
increasing the size of the Company while tax relief on VCT investments was still
at 40%.

With the good performance that the Company has experienced since the current
investment management team took over and some innovative ideas in terms of
investment sector, the Board felt there was a good chance of raising further
funds to give the Company a greater asset base across which to spread its
running costs.

In the event, the 'D Share offer (generalist) raised net proceeds of #507,000
and the 'E' Share offer (art fund) #568,000.  The Directors are very
disappointed with this outcome. I feel that the Company was badly let down by
poor organisation of key elements of the marketing campaign which appeared to
alienate key commentators in the VCT market.  The Directors are considering what
action may be appropriate against the third parties concerned, but the fact
remains that the opportunity to raise funds under such favourable tax relief
conditions has now passed.  As a result of the low level of funds raised and the
fact that the Company is a self-managed fund with no external fund manager, the
costs of the fundraising have been born by the Ordinary Shareholders.

At 30 April 2006, with the funds only recently having been raised, the NAV for
both the 'D' and 'E' Shares was 94.5p at 30 April 2006, being the issue price
less the attributable fundraising costs of 5.5%.

'E' Share Investment Strategy

In the Company's prospectus dated 2 February 2006, the Directors stated their
intention that the 'E' Share pool be invested in fine art and antique dealers.
In view of the low level of funds raised, the Directors have reviewed this
strategy.  Although the Company is able to invest the 'E' share pool in the art
and antiques sectors, the size of the investments to allow a portfolio with a
reasonable number of investments would be prohibitively small.

The Directors have therefore decided that 'E' Shareholders will be better served
by the funds being invested in a generalist portfolio where these funds can be
invested alongside those from the Ordinary and 'D' Share pools.  The Directors
will seek to invest the 'E' Share pool in low risk opportunities and, should
suitable opportunities arise,  investments in the art/antique sector will be
made to give the 'E' Shareholders some exposure to that sector.

Format of Accounts

For this accounting period, your Company is required to adopt FRS 21, under
which dividends have to be accounted for in the period in which they are liable
to be paid rather than the period in respect of which they are declared.

As a result comparative figures presented in this statement have been restated
and the 2005 NAV per Ordinary share has increased from 74.2p as previously
reported to 76.2p.

The Company has also adopted the new Statement of Recommended Practice for
Investment Trusts ("SORP"), which came into effect in December 2005. The main
noticeable change arising is that the "Statement of Total Return" has been
renamed as the "Income Statement".

Venture Capital Investments

During the period the Company made two new investments and two follow on
investments at a total cost of #798,000.  These investments were all made by the
Ordinary share pool.

The Ordinary Share pool made one disposal in the period, taking the opportunity
to dispose of part of its holding in Computer Software Group plc, realising a
gain of #65,000 against previous carrying value or #186,000 against an original
cost of #61,000. The Company also recovered a small amount of funds from an
investment that went into liquidation several years ago and some other minor
gains totalling #22,000.

Of the existing investments in the Ordinary Share pool, there was positive news
from the a number of investee companies.  In particular, trading at i-Level
Group Limited has been very strong and Babel Media Limited has continued to grow

Ma Potter's Limited is the one significant investment that has been valued
downwards over the period.  Previous valuations of this company were pegged
against trade offers for the business, but it seems unlikely now that the
business will be sold in the short term. The investment, however, continues to
be valued significantly ahead of cost.

Overall the venture capital portfolio gave rise to unrealised gains of #1.57
million over the period.

As at 30 April 2006, the 'D' an 'E' Share pools had not made any investments.

Results and dividend

The revenue return after taxation for the period amounted to a loss of #270,000,
representing 0.8p per share.

When launching the fundraising, the Company announced that it would pay a
dividend to Ordinary Shareholders conditional upon a successful outcome.  With
the disappointing level of funds raised, this conditional dividend was not paid.

In view of the fact that the Company did not make a significant level of
realisations in the period under review, the Directors have decided not to pay
an interim dividend at this stage.  However, the Company has made realisations
since the period end and the Board is aware of a number of other realisation
opportunities under discussion and expects to make a further capital
distribution in the second half.

Share buybacks

The Company continues to operate a share buyback policy in order to provide
liquidity in the market for its Shares.  Any Shareholders wishing to sell their
holding should consult their financial adviser to ensure they understand the
potential tax implications of such a disposal.  Shares cannot be sold directly
back to the Company but must be sold through a stockbroker.

During the period the Company repurchased 1,084,489 Ordinary Shares, at an
average price of 67.2p per share (approximately equivalent to a 10% discount to
NAV), for cancellation.


With the additional workload of the fundraising now behind us, the focus of the
Board and the Investment Management team is now wholly on the core investment
management activities at which the Company has proved so successful over the
last two years.

Since the period end, the Company has made further disposals from the holding in
Computer Software Groups plc generating additional gains of #506,000.  There are
a number of other excellent prospects in the existing portfolio with profitable
exits a possibility in the short or medium term.  It is likely that a
significant proportion of the Investment Management team's time over the coming
month will be spent pursuing these possibilities.

The Investment Management team will also be seeking new investment opportunities
for the available funds in the Ordinary Share pool and the new 'D' Share and 'E'
Share pools.  Since the period end the Company has been very active in this area
having invested a total of #2.25 million in 4 companies.

I look forward reporting progress in both activities in my statement with the
next Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2006.

Robert Drummond


21 July 2006


as at 30 April 2006
                                          30 Apr 2006          30 Apr 2005            31 Oct 2005
                                                             (as restated)          (as restated)
                                                #'000                #'000                  #'000

Investments                                    23,900               26,565                 21,721

Net current assets                              4,280                   66                  5,680

Net assets                                     28,180               26,631                 27,401

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                           360                  371                    360
Capital redemption reserve                         27                    5                     16
Share premium                                   1,064                    -                      -
Merger reserve                                  8,694                8,694                  8,694
Special reserve                                10,404               15,941                 11,791
Capital reserve - realised                      3,657                  135                  3,880
Capital reserve - unrealised                    4,166                1,360                  2,266
Revenue reserve                                 (192)                  125                    394

Total equity                                   28,180               26,631                 27,401

Net asset value per Ordinary share              77.8p                71.9p                  76.2p

Net asset value per 'D' share                   94.5p                  N/A                    N/A

Net asset value per 'E' share                   94.5p                  N/A                    N/A


                                            30 Apr 2006          30 Apr 2005          31 Oct 2005
                                                               (as restated)        (as restated)
                                                  #'000                #'000                #'000

Opening shareholder's funds                      27,401               14,220               14,220
Shares issued                                     1,075                8,851                8,851
Repurchase of own shares                          (733)                    -                (687)
Total recognised gains for the period             1,148                3,560                6,105
Distributions paid in period                      (711)                    -              (1,088)

Closing shareholder's funds                      28,180               26,631               27,401


for the six months ended 30 April 2006
                                                                 Six months ended
                                                                   30 April 2006

                                                            Revenue    Capital     Total
                                                              #'000      #'000     #'000

Income                                                          446          -       446

Gains on investments - Realised                                   -         87        87
                     - Unrealised                                 -      1,523     1,523
                                                                446      1,610     2,056

Investment management fees                                     (58)      (175)     (233)
Other expenses                                                (165)          -     (165)

Return on ordinary activities                                   223      1,435     1,658

Share issue costs (note 3)                                    (507)          -     (507)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                 (284)      1,435     1,151

Taxation                                                       (36)         33       (3)

Return attributable to equity shareholders                    (320)      1,468     1,148

Return per Ordinary share                                    (0.9p)       4.1p      3.2p

Return per 'D' share                                              -          -         -

Return per 'E' share                                              -          -         -

                                                           Six months ended                Year ended
                                                              30 April 2005           31 October 2005
                                                                                        (as restated)

                                                     Revenue    Capital       Total             Total
                                                       #'000      #'000       #'000             #'000

Income                                                   200          -         200               725

Gains on investments - Realised                            -      3,594       3,594             1,971
                     - Unrealised                                     9           9             4,077
                                                         200      3,603       3,803             6,773

Investment management fees                              (24)       (71)        (95)             (314)
Other expenses                                         (148)          -       (148)             (356)

Return on ordinary activities                             28      3,532       3,560             6,103

Share issue costs (note 3)                                 -          -           -                 -

Return on ordinary activities before taxation             28      3,532       3,560             6,103

Taxation                                                   -          -           -                 2

Return attributable to equity shareholders                28      3,532       3,560             6,105

Return per Ordinary share                               0.1p      16.4p       16.5p             20.1p

Return per 'D' share                                     N/A        N/A         N/A               N/A

Return per 'E' share                                     N/A        N/A         N/A               N/A


for the six months ended 30 April 2006
                                                                Six months ended
                                                                 30 April 2006

                                                          Revenue    Capital      Total
                                                            #'000      #'000      #'000

Return attributable to equity shareholders                  (320)      1,468      1,148

Total recognised gains for the period                       (320)      1,468      1,148

                                                               Six months ended                Year ended
                                                                 30 April 2005                31 Oct 2005
                                                                 (as restated)              (as restated)

                                                         Revenue    Capital       Total             Total
                                                           #'000      #'000       #'000             #'000

Return attributable to equity shareholders                    28      3,532       3,560             6,105

Total recognised gains for the period                         28      3,532       3,560             6,105


for the six months ended 30 April 2006
                                                                                   Six          Six    Year ended
                                                                                months       months    31 October
                                                                                 ended        ended          2005
                                                                              30 April     30 April
                                                                                  2006         2005
                                                                       Note      #'000        #'000         #'000

Cash inflow from operating activities and returns on investments        1           72           22           108

Capital expenditure

Purchase of investments                                                          (885)      (1,556)       (5,256)

Proceeds on disposal of investments                                                 34        1,859        11,881

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital expenditure                               (851)          303         6,625


Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                                                  3        (294)         (362)

Net cash transferred from subsidiary undertakings                                    -            -           992

                                                                                     3        (294)           630

Equity dividends paid                                                            (711)            -       (1,088)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                                     (1,487)           31         6,275


Issue of shares                                                                  1,137            -             -
Share issue costs                                                                (431)            -             -
Purchase of own shares                                                           (681)         (11)         (696)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                                            25         (11)         (696)
(Decrease)/increase in cash                                             2      (1,462)           20         5,579

Notes to the cash flow statement:

1  Cash inflow from operating activities and returns on investments
Net revenue before taxation                                                      (284)           28           296
Costs in respect of D and E Share issue                                            444            -             -
Expenses charged to capital                                                      (175)         (71)         (241)
Increase in other debtors                                                            3           71            71
Increase/(decrease) in other creditors                                              84          (6)          (18)
  Net cash inflow from operating activities                                         72           22           108

2  Analysis of net funds
Beginning of period                                                              5,642           63            63
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                                      (1,462)           20         5,579
End of period                                                                    4,180           83         5,642


as at 30 April 2006
                                      Cost Valuation       % of                Movement
                                                      portfolio                  in the
                                                             by                  period
                                     #'000     #'000      value                   #'000
Ordinary Share pool
  Top ten venture capital
  Babel Media Limited                1,155     2,386       8.8%                     389
  Ma Potter's Limited                1,000     1,919       7.1%                   (419)
  Strainstall Group Limited          1,244     1,736       6.4%                     (4)
  Computer Software Group plc *        940     1,630       6.0%                     417
  Protx Group Limited                  438     1,362       5.0%                     255
  Centre Design Limited              1,350     1,205       4.4%                       -
  Wessex Advanced Switching            694     1,173       4.3%                       -
  Products Limited
  Precision Dental Laboratories      1,100     1,167       4.3%                       -
  Group plc
  i-Level Group Limited                600     1,013       3.7%                     413
  Glisten plc *                        224       935       3.4%                      75
                                     8,745    14,526      53.4%                   1,134

  Other venture capital              6,339     4,960      18.3%                     436

  Listed fixed income securities     4,650     4,414      16.3%                    (47)


  Net current assets (including                3,255      12.0%

  Ordinary Share Pool - Total       19,734    27,155     100.0%

'D' Share pool
  Net current assets (including                  507     100.0%

'E' Share pool
  Net current assets (including                  568     100.0%

  Company Total                     19,734    28,230

All venture capital investments are unquoted on the unless otherwise stated.

*  quoted on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM")


1.   Adoption of FRS 21

These accounts have been prepared in accordance with FRS 21, which requires the
Company to account for dividends in the period they are liable to be paid rather
than in respect of the period in respect for which they are declared.
Comparative figures have been restated accordingly.  The effect of the above
change on the reported net assets and net asset per share is as follows:

                                                             30 Apr 2005       31 Oct 2005
                                                                     Net               Net
                                                                   asset             asset
                                                                   value             value
                                                                     per               per
                                                                   share             share
                                                             Net               Net
                                                          assets            assets
                                                           #'000       p     #'000       p

As reported pre FRS21                                     26,631    71.9    26,683    74.2
Add: proposed dividends in respect of
period not accounted for until declared
and paid                                                       -       -       718     2.0
As reported under FRS 21                                  26,631    71.9    27,401    76.2

2.   Accounting policies

Basis of accounting

The Company has prepared its financial statements under UK Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP").  Where presentation guidance set out in the
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust
Companies" revised December 2005 ("SORP") is consistent with the requirements of
UK GAAP, the Directors have sought to prepare the financial statements on a
basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP.

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention
except for the revaluation of certain financial instruments.

Presentation of Income Statement

In order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and in
accordance with guidance issued by the AITC, supplementary information which
analyses the income statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has
been presented alongside the income statement. The net revenue is the measure
the directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company's compliance with
certain requirements set out in Section 842 Income and Corporation Taxes Act


All investments are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" assets and
are initially measured at cost. Thereafter the investments are measured at
subsequent reporting dates at fair value.

Listed fixed income investments and investments quoted on the Alternative
Investment Market ("AIM") are designated measured using bid prices with
illiquidity discounts applied where deemed appropriate.

In respect of unquoted instruments, fair value is established by using
International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines. Where no
reliable fair value can be estimated for such unquoted equity investments they
are carried at cost, subject to any provision for impairment. Where an investee
company has gone into receivership or liquidation the investment, although not
physically disposed of, is treated as being realised.

Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are included in the income
statement for the year as a capital item and transaction costs on acquisition or
disposal of the investment expensed.

It is not the Company's policy to exercise either significant or controlling
influence over investee companies.  Therefore the results of these companies are
not incorporated into the revenue account except to the extent of any income


Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights to
receive payment has been established, normally the ex dividend date.

Interest income is accrued on a timely basis, by reference to the principal
outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate
that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life
of the financial asset to that asset's net carrying amount, and only where there
is reasonable certainty of collection.


All expenses are accounted for on accruals basis. In respect of the analysis
between revenue and capital items presented within the income statement, all
expenses have been presented as revenue items except that expenses which are
incidental to the disposal of an investment are deducted from the disposal
proceeds of the investment.

Deferred taxation

Deferred taxation is provided in full on timing differences that result in an
obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or a right to pay less
tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they crystallise based on
current tax rates and law. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items
of income and expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from
those in which they are included in financial statements.

3.   Share issue costs

Share issue costs in relation to the 'D' and 'E' shares have been accounted in
accordance with the 'D' and 'E' share offer for subscription as follows:


Total costs in respect of 'D' and 'E' share issue                          569

Allocated as:
Set off against Share Premium (representing 5.5% of share issue             62
Set off against Ordinary Shareholders' Revenue Reserve                     507

4.   All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from
continuing operations.

5.   The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.

6.   The comparative figures were in respect of the period ended 30 April 2005
and the year ended 31 October 2005 respectively.

7.   Net Asset Value per share calculations are based on the following:
                                             Ordinary           'D'          'E'
                                               Shares        Shares       Shares

Net Assets (#'000)                             27,105           507          568

Number of shares in issue at period end    34,863,027       536,072      601,376

8.   Return per share calculations are based on the following:
                                             Ordinary           'D'          'E'
                                               Shares        Shares       Shares

Revenue return per share based on:
Net revenue loss after taxation (#'000)         (320)             -            -

Weighted average number of shares in       35,217,630       444,612      441,682

Capital return per share based on:
Net capital gain after taxation (#'000)         1,468             -            -

Weighted average number of shares in       35,217,630       444,612      441,682

9.   Dividends
                                    30 April 2006                  30 April 2005               31 Oct
                                                                   (as restated)        (as restated)
                             Revenue    Capital    Total    Revenue    Capital    Total         Total
                             #'000      #'000      #'000    #'000      #'000      #'000         #'000
Paid in year
2005 Final                       266        445      711          -          -        -             -
2005 Interim                       -          -        -          -          -        -         1,088
                                 266        445      711          -          -        -         1,088

2005 Final                         -          -        -          -          -        -           718
2005 Interim                       -          -        -          -          -        -             -
                                   -          -        -          -          -        -           718

                                         Share     Capital  Merger  Special     Capital   Capital Revenue
                                                redemption          reserve     reserve   reserve reserve
                                       premium     reserve reserve           unrealised  realised
                                         #'000       #'000   #'000    #'000       #'000     #'000   #'000

At 1 November 2005                           -          16   8,694   11,791       2,266     3,431     125
Restatement of unpaid dividends in
line with FRS 21                             -           -       -        -           -       449     269

At 1 November 2005 (as restated)             -          16   8,694   11,791       2,266     3,880     394
Share issues( net of costs)              1,064           -       -        -           -         -       -
Shares repurchased                           -          11       -    (733)           -         -       -
Expenses capitalised                         -           -       -        -           -     (175)       -
Tax on capital expenses                      -           -       -        -           -        33       -
Realised gains                               -           -       -        -           -        87       -
Unrealised gains                             -           -       -        -       1,523         -       -
Transfer between reserves                    -           -       -    (654)         377       277       -
Retained net revenue for the year            -           -       -        -           -         -   (320)
Distributions paid in year                   -           -       -        -           -     (445)   (266)
At 30 April 2006                         1,064          27   8,694   10,404       4,166     3,657   (192)

      The Special Reserve, Capital Reserve - Realised and Revenue Reserve are
all distributable reserves.

11. The unaudited financial statements set out herein do not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985
and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The figures for the
year ended 31 October 2005 have been extracted from the financial statements for
that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the
auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified.

12.  Copies of the unaudited interim results will be sent to shareholders
shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's Registered Office.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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