Crown Place VCT PLC 
   LEI number: 213800SYIQPA3L3T1Q68 
   As required by the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency 
Rule 4.2, Crown Place VCT PLC today makes public its information 
relating to the Half-yearly Financial Report (which is unaudited) for 
the six months to 31 December 2017. This announcement was approved by 
the Board of Directors on 27 February 2018. 
   The full Half-yearly Financial Report (which is unaudited) for the 
period to 31 December 2017 will shortly be sent to shareholders and will 
be available on the Albion Capital Group LLP website at 
www.albion.capital/funds/CRWN under the Financial Reports and Circulars 
   Investment objective 
   The investment objective and policy of the Company* is to achieve long 
term capital and income growth principally through investment in smaller 
unquoted companies in the United Kingdom. 
   In pursuing this policy, the Manager has built up a portfolio which 
concentrated both on more mature or asset-based investments and higher 
risk companies with greater growth prospects. 
   Risk is spread by investing in a number of different businesses within 
venture capital trust qualifying industry sectors using a mixture of 
securities. The maximum amount which the Company will invest in a single 
company is 15 per cent. of the Company's assets at cost, thus ensuring a 
spread of investment risk. The value of an individual investment may 
increase over time as a result of trading progress and it is possible 
that it may grow in value to a point where it represents a significantly 
higher proportion of total assets prior to a realisation opportunity 
being available. 
   Your Board and the Manager are currently reviewing the implications of 
the changes in VCT legislation resulting from the Patient Capital Review, 
and will reflect on whether your Company's stated investment policy 
needs to be amended. If so, a resolution reflecting any change would be 
put to shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting. 
   Under its Articles of Association, the Company's maximum exposure in 
relation to gearing is restricted to the amount of its adjusted share 
capital and reserves. 
   *The "Company" is Crown Place VCT PLC. The "Group" is the Company 
together with its subsidiary CP1 VCT PLC. 
   Financial calendar 
Record date for second dividend   9 March 2018 
Payment of second dividend       29 March 2018 
Financial year end                     30 June 
   Financial highlights 
                       Six months ended   Six months ended      Year ended 
                       31 December 2017   31 December 2016     30 June 2017 
                       (pence per share)  (pence per share)  (pence per share) 
Opening net asset 
 value                             30.98              28.94              28.94 
Revenue return                      0.17               0.26               0.41 
Capital return                      1.32               2.59               3.63 
Total return                        1.49               2.85               4.04 
Dividends paid                    (1.00)             (1.00)             (2.00) 
Impact from buy-backs 
 and issue of share 
 capital                               -               0.05                  - 
Closing net asset 
 value                             31.47              30.84              30.98 
Shareholder return and shareholder value 
                                                            Crown Place VCT PLC 
                                                            (pence per share) 
Shareholder return from launch to April 2005 (date 
 that Albion Capital was appointed investment manager): 
Total dividends paid to 6 April 2005 (i)                                  24.93 
Decrease in net asset value                                             (56.60) 
Total shareholder return to 6 April 2005                                (31.67) 
Shareholder return from April 2005 to 31 December 
Total dividends paid                                                      29.80 
Decrease in net asset value                                             (11.93) 
Total shareholder return from April 2005 to 31 December 
 2017                                                                     17.87 
Shareholder value since launch: 
Total dividends paid to 31 December 2017 (i)                              54.73 
Net asset value as at 31 December 2017                                    31.47 
Total shareholder value as at 31 December 2017                            86.20 
Current dividend objective: 
Pence per share (per annum)                                                2.00 
Dividend yield on net asset value as at 31 December 
 2017                                                                      6.4% 
   1. Prior to 6 April 1999, venture capital trusts were able to add 20 per 
      cent. to dividends and figures for the period up until 6 April 1999 are 
      included at the gross equivalent rate actually paid to shareholders. 
   The above financial summary is for the Company, Crown Place VCT PLC 
(previously Murray VCT 3 PLC) only. Details of the financial performance 
of CP1 VCT PLC (previously Murray VCT PLC) and CP2 VCT PLC (previously 
Murray VCT 2 PLC), which were merged into the Company, can be found at 
the end of the announcement. 
                                                           31 December 2017 
Total shareholder value since launch:                      (pence per share) 
Total dividends paid during: 
the period from launch to 6 April 2005 (prior to change 
 of manager)                                                           24.93 
the year ended 28 February 2006                                         1.00 
the period ended 30 June 2007                                           3.30 
the year ended 30 June 2008                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2009                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2010                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2011                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2012                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2013                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2014                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2015                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2016                                             2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2017                                             2.00 
the six months ended 31 December 2017                                   1.00 
Total dividends paid to 31 December 2017                               54.73 
Net asset value as at 31 December 2017                                 31.47 
Total shareholder value as at 31 December 2017                         86.20 
   In addition to the dividends paid above, the Board has declared a second 
dividend for the year ending 30 June 2018 of 1 penny per Crown Place VCT 
PLC share, to be paid on 29 March 2018 to shareholders on the register 
on 9 March 2018. 
   Interim management report 
   In the six month period to 31 December 2017, the Company achieved an 
encouraging total return of 1.49 pence per share (31 December 2016: 2.85 
pence per share) equivalent to a return of 4.8% on opening net assets 
(31 December 2016: 9.8%). Following payment of the first dividend for 
the year of 1 penny per share on 30 November 2017, the net asset value 
as at 31 December 2017 was 31.47 pence per share (30 June 2017: 30.98 
pence per share) and the Company's net assets now exceed GBP50 million. 
The total return for the period was GBP2,239,000, compared to 
GBP3,670,000 for the six months to 31 December 2016, of which the 
revenue return was GBP260,000 (31 December 2016: GBP333,000) and the 
capital return was GBP1,979,000 (31 December 2016: GBP3,337,000). Total 
expenses, including investment management fees, resulted in a slightly 
lower ongoing charges ratio of 2.4% (31 December 2016: 2.5%). 
   Portfolio review 
   During the six month period, the Company deployed GBP3.0 million into 
qualifying investments (31 December 2016: GBP1.6 million). Of this 
amount, GBP778,000 related to a new investment, Women's Health (London 
West One), to develop and operate a women's health centre with a focus 
on fertility. Further investments were made in existing portfolio 
companies, most notably: GBP886,000 into Beddlestead to fund the 
development of our wedding venue site; GBP394,000 to aid the continued 
roll out of ultra-fast fibre optic broadband in central London with G. 
Network Communications; and GBP327,000 into medical nutritional therapy 
company Oviva, to accelerate its growth in Europe. 
   Investments realised during the period totalled GBP1.1 million, 
primarily related to GBP693,000 of proceeds from the sale of the 
Company's holding in Hilson Moran, achieving a return, including 
interest, of 3 times cost. During the period Relayware merged with a US 
based software company, Zift Channel Solutions Inc., and the Company 
became a shareholder in the enlarged entity. The Crown Hotel Harrogate 
was sold in September 2017, with proceeds of GBP2.0 million received 
after the period end. Further details on realisations and loan stock 
repayments can be found in the realisations table below. 
   Particularly good progress in the year was achieved by ELE Advanced 
Technologies, which saw significant growth in trading and profit in the 
period, and Grapeshot, which has now moved into profit and which is 
currently growing in excess of 150% per annum. In addition, the annual 
professional valuation of Radnor House School (Holdings) increased, as 
pupil numbers at our Radnor House Sevenoaks School continue to grow. 
   Against this, the valuations in DySIS Medical and Aridhia Informatics 
were reduced in the period as a result of their current trading levels. 
The share price of the AIM quoted Augean PLC also fell during the 
   Investment portfolio by sector 
   The chart at the end of the announcement illustrates the composition of 
the portfolio by industry sector as at 31 December 2017. 
   In line with the annual dividend target for the Company of 2 pence per 
share, the first dividend for the current financial year of 1 penny per 
share was paid on 30 November 2017. A second dividend of 1 penny per 
share will be paid on 29 March 2018 to shareholders on the register on 9 
March 2018. 
   The Board aims to maintain this level of annualised dividend 
distribution going forward, subject to the availability of cash 
resources and distributable reserves. Based on the net asset value as at 
31 December 2017, this equates to a 6.4% yield (31 December 2016: 6.5%). 
   As noted in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 
ended 30 June 2017, a special resolution was proposed (the 'Proposal') 
to shareholders to reduce the share capital and cancel the capital 
redemption and share premium reserves, which was passed at the Annual 
General Meeting in November 2017. The Company thereafter applied to the 
High Court to confirm the reduction and cancellation. The initial 
hearing at the High Court took place on 1 February 2018, and following 
the final hearing on 13 February 2018, the High Court approved the 
Proposal. This will, over time, create additional distributable reserves 
of GBP39.2m. 
   Dividends are paid free of tax to shareholders. Qualifying shareholders 
who elect to participate in the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme will be 
able, in respect of further dividends, to receive their dividends in the 
form of new shares rather than cash, which will entitle them to income 
tax relief at the current rate of 30% (new shares will need to be held 
for at least five years to retain the tax relief). Further details of 
the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme can be found on the Manager's website 
   Patient Capital Review 
   The Patient Capital Review has been completed and the 2017 Autumn Budget 
has now been delivered. Whilst being strongly supportive of VCTs, the 
Budget has introduced a number of measures designed to re-direct 
investment towards higher growth innovative businesses. Your Board and 
the Manager are currently reviewing the implications of these measures, 
and will reflect on whether your Company's stated investment policy 
needs to be amended. If so, a resolution reflecting any change would be 
put to shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting. 
   Risks and uncertainties 
   The outlook for the UK and global economies, including the uncertainty 
and potential disruption from the departure of the UK from the EU, 
continues to be the key risk affecting the Company, despite continued 
growth in the UK.  Investment risk is mitigated in a number of ways, 
including our policy that the portfolio should be balanced across 
sectors and stages of investment. 
   Other risks and uncertainties remain unchanged and are as detailed in 
note 12. 
   Share buy-backs 
   It remains the Board's primary objective to maintain sufficient 
resources for investment in existing and new portfolio companies and for 
the continued payment of dividends to shareholders. The Board's policy 
is to buy back shares in the market, subject to the overall constraint 
that such purchases are in the Company's interest, and it is the Board's 
intention for such buy-backs to be in the region of a 5% discount to net 
asset value, so far as market conditions and liquidity permit. 
   During the period, the Company bought back and held in treasury 
1,309,000 shares at a total cost of GBP374,000, in-line with the share 
buy-back policy. 
   Transactions with the Manager 
   Details of the transactions that took place with the Manager in the 
period can be found in note 4. 
   Going concern 
   In accordance with the Guidance on Risk Management, Internal Control and 
Related Financial and Business Reporting issued by the Financial 
Reporting Council in September 2014, the Board has assessed the 
Company's operation as a going concern. The Company has significant cash 
and liquid resources, its portfolio of investments is well diversified 
in terms of sector, and the major cash outflows of the Company (namely 
investments, buy-backs and dividends) are within the Company's control. 
Accordingly, after making diligent enquiries the Directors have a 
reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to 
continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this 
reason, the Directors have adopted the going concern basis in preparing 
the accounts. 
   The Board's assessment of liquidity risk and details of the Company's 
policies for managing its capital and financial risks remain as detailed 
on pages 59 to 62 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 
year ended 30 June 2017. 
   Albion VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2017/18 
   Your Board, in conjunction with the boards of other VCTs managed by 
Albion Capital Group LLP, launched a prospectus top up offer of new 
Ordinary shares on 6 September 2017. The Board is pleased to announce 
that it reached its GBP6 million limit, which as of 26 February 2018 was 
fully subscribed and closed. The proceeds will be used to provide 
further resources at a time when a number of attractive investment 
opportunities are being seen. Details of the first allotment on 17 
November 2017 and second allotment on 31 January 2018 are shown in notes 
8 and 10 respectively. 
   Your Company's investment portfolio is well balanced across sectors and 
risk classes, and has made good progress during the period. This gives 
us confidence that we can continue to deliver shareholder value in the 
   Richard Huntingford 
   27 February 2018 
   Responsibility statement 
   The Directors, Richard Huntingford, James Agnew, Karen Brade and Penny 
Freer, are responsible for preparing the Half-yearly Financial Report. 
The Directors have chosen to prepare this Half-yearly Financial Report 
for the Group in accordance with International Financial Reporting 
Standards ("EU IFRS") as adopted by the European Union. 
   In preparing the condensed set of Financial Statements for the period to 
31 December 2017 we, the Directors, confirm that to the best of our 
   (a) the condensed set of Financial Statements has been prepared in 
accordance with International Accounting Standard 
   (IAS) 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" issued by the International 
Accounting Standards Board; 
   (b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the 
information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events 
during the first six months and description of principal risks and 
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); 
   (c) the condensed set of Financial Statements give a true and fair view 
in accordance with EU IFRS of the assets, liabilities, financial 
position and of the profit and loss of the Group for the six months 
ended 31 December 2017 as required by DTR 4.2.4R, and comply with EU 
IFRS and Companies Act 2006; and 
   (d) the interim management report includes a fair review of the 
information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties' 
transactions and changes therein). 
   This Half-yearly Financial Report has not been audited or reviewed by 
the Auditor. 
   By order of the Board of Directors 
   Richard Huntingford 
   27 February 2018 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following is a summary of non-current asset investments with a value 
as at 31 December 2017: 
                                                                                              As at 31 December 2017    As at 30 June 2017 
                                                                                                    (unaudited)              (audited) 
                                                                                  % voting 
                                                                           %      of Albion 
  Investment                                                             voting    managed       Cost        Value        Cost       Value     Change in value for the period* 
  name                          Nature of business                       rights   companies    GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000                GBP'000 
Radnor House School           Independent schools for 
 (Holdings) Limited            children aged 5-18                           9.0        50.0       2,791         6,160      2,791      5,589                                571 
                              Owner and operator of a 
Shinfield Lodge Care           residential care home for the elderly 
 Limited                       near Reading                                11.8        50.0       2,140         3,566      2,140      3,527                                 39 
ELE Advanced                  Manufacturer of precision 
 Technologies Limited          engineering components                      41.9        41.9       1,050         2,987      1,050      1,965                              1,022 
Chonais River Hydro           Hydro power project in 
 Limited                       Scotland                                    14.0        50.0       1,549         2,426      1,549      2,357                                 69 
                              Owner and operator of a 
                               residential care home for the 
Active Lives Care Limited      elderly in Oxford                            7.5        50.0       1,620         2,330      1,530      2,279                               (39) 
TCHH Limited (previously 
 The Crown Hotel Harrogate    Former owner and operator of 
 Limited)                      the Crown Hotel, Harrogate                  15.0        50.0       2,976         2,027      2,976      1,924                                103 
                              Owner and operator of a 
Ryefield Court Care            residential care home for the 
 Limited                       elderly in Hillingdon                        7.7        50.0       1,275         1,919      1,160      1,859                               (55) 
Gharagain River               Hydro power project 
 Hydro Limited                 in Scotland                                 15.0        50.0       1,116         1,370      1,116      1,330                                 40 
                              Repositioning of paediatric 
Proveca Limited                medicines                                    6.1        49.9         586         1,266        586      1,224                                 42 
                              Anaerobic digestion plant in 
Earnside Energy Limited        Scotland                                     7.0        50.0       1,123         1,234      1,123      1,232                                  2 
                              Developer and operator of a 
                               dedicated wedding venue in the 
Beddlestead Limited            UK                                           8.4        50.0         892           892          6          6                                  - 
                              Owner and operator of 
Kew Green VCT                  the 'Holiday Inn Express' at 
 (Stansted) Limited            Stansted Airport                             2.0        50.0         805           886        805        873                                 13 
                              Developer of medical 
Mirada Medical Limited         imaging software                             6.5        45.0         348           873        348        890                               (17) 
Women's Health (London        Operator of a women's health 
 West One) Limited             centre focusing on fertility                 6.2        40.0         778           778          -          -                                  - 
                              Provider of digital marketing 
Grapeshot Limited              software                                     0.8        14.2         166           765        166        337                                428 
The Street by Street 
 Solar Programme 
 Limited                      Photovoltaic installations                    4.4        50.0         461           758        461        732                                 26 
                              Owner and operator of 
Bravo Inns II Limited          freehold pubs                                3.6        50.0         595           722        595        688                                 34 
G. Network Communications     Fibre optic broadband provider 
 Limited                       in central London                            6.2        50.0         580           580        186        186                                  - 
                              Owner and operator of 
The Stanwell Hotel             the Stanwell Hotel near 
 Limited                       Heathrow Airport                            10.8        50.0       1,682           576      1,682        619                               (43) 
Alto Prodotto Wind 
 Limited                      Wind power generator                          4.1        50.0         365           570        366        567                                  5 
                              Cloud subscription platform 
MPP Global Solutions Limited   provider                                     1.9        13.5         550           550        550        550                                  - 
                              Medical nutritional 
Oviva AG                       counselling                                  2.5        15.9         435           544        108        108                                109 
Regenerco Renewable 
 Energy Limited               Photovoltaic installations                    3.4        50.0         344           519        344        479                                 40 
MHS 1 Limited                 Education                                     6.9        50.0         481           481        481        481                                  - 
                              Provider of digital marketing 
Convertr Media Limited         software                                     4.3        27.0         480           447        400        400                               (33) 
                              Provider of process 
Process Systems                systems modelling 
 Enterprise Limited            solutions                                    1.4        20.7         138           444        138        455                               (11) 
                              Provider of cloud-based 
Egress Software                email and file encryption 
 Technologies Limited          software                                     1.0        27.3         187           422         80        315                                  - 
                              Software for managing 
                               pharmaceutical adverse 
MyMeds&Me Limited              events                                       2.1        19.2         255           393        255        385                                  8 
                              Medical devices for the 
                               detection of cervical 
DySIS Medical Limited          cancer                                       3.8        26.9         949           369        949        447                               (78) 
Infinite Ventures 
 (Goathill) Limited           Wind power generator                          6.1        31.0         256           349        256        344                                  5 
                              Analytical platform for market 
Black Swan Data Limited        research                                     1.0        12.4         326           326        198        198                                  - 
                              Provider of channel partner 
Zift Channel Solutions Inc.    automation software                          0.7         7.4         321           320          -          -                                (1) 
                              Refurbisher of 
memsstar Limited               fabrication equipment                        3.0        44.7         114           241        129        240                                 16 
                              Owner and operator of 
Bravo Inns Limited             freehold pubs                                2.6        50.0         306           232        306        225                                  7 
                              Automotive technology 
Secured by Design              research and consultancy 
 Limited                       provider                                     1.5        10.0         220           220        220        220                                  - 
Aridhia Informatics           Healthcare informatics 
 Limited                       and analysis                                 2.4        22.3         412           204        382        301                              (127) 
Quantexa Limited              Fraud analytics software                      1.7        11.9         190           190        190        190                                  - 
                              Provider of cyber security 
Panaseer Limited               threat analysis                              1.3        10.2         113           180        113        142                                 38 
AVESI Limited                 Photovoltaic installations                    3.8        50.0         123           176        123        164                                 12 
                              Developer and 
                               producer of 
                               high temperature 
Oxsensis Limited               sensors                                      1.3        18.2         238           141        224        152                               (11) 
                              Web-based solutions for 
                               healthcare data capture 
Cisiv Limited                  and management                               2.8        28.9         216           111        216        111                                  - 
OmPrompt Holdings             Business to business 
 Limited                       integration software                         1.1        28.3         133           104        105         78                                (2) 
                              Services for validation and 
                               discovery of serum 
Abcodia Limited                biomarkers                                   1.7        19.5         244           100        227         97                               (14) 
Greenenerco Limited           Wind power generator                          1.9        50.0          63            96         65         97                                  - 
                              Digital platform for NHS locum 
Locum's Nest Limited           doctors                                      1.8        10.9          80            80         80         80                                  - 
                              Former owner and operator of 
                               a freehold health and 
TWCL Limited                   fitness club in Surrey                       1.2        50.0          63            76         63         63                                 13 
Palm Tree Technology 
 Limited                      Software company                              0.2         0.7         102            62        102         62                                  - 
                              Developer of mobile apps for 
InCrowd Sports Limited         professional sports clubs                    1.0         6.8          42            42         42         42                                  - 
Dickson Financial             Commercial insurance broker, 
 Services Limited              trading as Innovation Broking                2.7        30.0          27            41         27         40                                  1 
                              Provider of online gym 
Sandcroft Avenue               passes, trading as 
 Limited                       PayasUgym.com                                0.4         9.2          39            41         20         17                                  5 
                              Drinks distributor to the 
CSS Group Limited              travel sector                                2.3        15.0          28            36         28         39                                (3) 
Other holdings                                                                                      423           425        423        425                                  - 
Total unquoted 
 Investments                                                                                     30,796        40,647     27,480     35,131                              2,214 
                                                      As at 31 December 2017    As at 30 June 2017 
                                                            (unaudited)              (audited) 
  Investment                                             Cost      Value        Cost       Value     Change in the value for the period* 
  name                   Nature of business             GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000                 GBP'000 
                       Provider of mobile payment 
Mi-Pay Group PLC        services                             713          164        713        164                                    - 
Augean PLC             Waste management                      593           95        593        216                                (121) 
                       Workforce management 
ComOps Limited          solutions software                    13            6         13          9                                  (3) 
Avanti Communications  Supplier of satellite 
 Group plc              communications                       136            5        136          6                                  (1) 
Total quoted 
 investments                                               1,455          270      1,455        395                                (125) 
  Total investments                                    32,251                    28,935     35,526     2,089 
Total change in value of investments                           2,089 
Movement in loan stock accrued interest                         (55) 
Unrealised gains sub-total                                     2,034 
Realised gains in current period                                 261 
Total gains on investments as per consolidated statement 
 comprehensive income                                          2,295 
   * As adjusted for additions and disposals between the two accounting 
   The total comparative cost and valuations for 30 June 2017 do not agree 
to the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 
2017 as the above list does not include brought forward investments that 
were fully disposed of in the period. 
                                                                   Opening                 Total      Gain on 
                                                                   carrying  Disposal     realised     opening 
                                                          Cost      value     proceeds   gain/(loss)    value 
Non-current asset investment realisations                GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
Hilson Moran Holdings Limited                                 91        481        693           602       212 
Relayware Limited (merger with Zift Channel Solutions 
 Inc.)                                                       278        275        275           (3)         - 
Loan stock repayments/restructuring: 
Oxsensis Limited                                              32         45         46            14         1 
memsstar Limited                                              15         15         15             -         - 
Aridhia Informatics Limited                                   11         11         12             1         1 
Greenenerco Limited                                            1          2          2             1         - 
Alto Prodotto Wind Limited                                     1          1          1             -         - 
Escrow adjustments and other: 
Escrow adjustments                                             -          -         47            47        47 
Total realisations                                           429        830      1,091           662       261 
   Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
                                                                    Unaudited                  Unaudited                   Audited 
                                                                six months ended           six months ended              year ended 
                                                                 31 December 2017           31 December 2016             30 June 2017 
                                                            Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                                      Note  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Gains on investments                                   2          -    2,295    2,295        -    3,591    3,591        -    5,435    5,435 
Investment income and deposit interest                 3        516        -      516      566        -      566    1,032        -    1,032 
Investment management fees                             4      (105)    (316)    (421)     (85)    (254)    (339)    (177)    (531)    (708) 
Other expenses                                                (151)        -    (151)    (148)        -    (148)    (294)        -    (294) 
Profit before taxation                                          260    1,979               333    3,337    3,670      561    4,904    5,465 
Taxation                                                          -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Profit and total comprehensive income attributable                              2,239 
 to shareholders                                                260    1,979               333    3,337    3,670      561    4,904    5,465 
Basic and diluted earnings per Ordinary share 
 (pence)*                                              6       0.17     1.32     1.49     0.26     2.59     2.85     0.41     3.63     4.04 
   * excluding treasury shares 
   Comparative figures have been extracted from the unaudited Half-yearly 
Financial Report for the six months ended 31 December 2016 and the 
audited statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2017. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Half-yearly 
Financial Report. 
   The total column of this statement represents the Group's Statement of 
comprehensive income, prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). The supplementary revenue and 
capital reserve columns are prepared under guidance published by The 
Association of Investment Companies. 
   All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations and are wholly attributable to the parent company. 
   Condensed consolidated balance sheet 
                                                               Unaudited  Audited 
                                                               December   30 June 
                                                                 2017      2017 
                                                         Note   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investments                                                 7     40,917   36,328 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables less than one year                       342      303 
Cash and cash equivalents                                          9,064    9,265 
                                                                   9,406    9,568 
Total assets                                                      50,323   45,896 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables less than one year                        (320)    (315) 
Total assets less current liabilities                             50,003   45,581 
Equity attributable to equity holders 
  Ordinary share capital                                    8     17,521   16,211 
Share premium                                                     20,746   18,032 
Capital redemption reserve                                         1,415    1,415 
Unrealised capital reserve                                         8,371    6,739 
Realised capital reserve                                           (257)    (604) 
Other distributable reserve                                        2,207    3,788 
Total equity shareholders' funds                                  50,003   45,581 
  Basic and diluted net asset value per share (pence)*             31.47    30.98 
   * excluding treasury shares 
   Comparative figures have been extracted from the audited statutory 
accounts for the year ended 30 June 2017. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Half-yearly 
Financial Report. 
   These Financial Statements were agreed by the Board of Directors, and 
authorised for issue on 27 February 2018 and were signed on its behalf 
   Richard Huntingford 
   Company number 03495287 
   Condensed Company balance sheet 
                                                               Unaudited  Audited 
                                                               December   30 June 
                                                                 2017      2017 
                                                         Note   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investments                                                 7     40,917   36,328 
Current assets 
Investment in subsidiary undertakings                              6,400    6,400 
Trade and other receivables less than one year                       342      303 
Cash and cash equivalents                                          9,048    9,249 
                                                                  15,790   15,952 
Total assets                                                      56,707   52,280 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
Trade and other payables less than one year                      (6,704)  (6,699) 
Total assets less current liabilities                             50,003   45,581 
Equity attributable to equity holders 
Ordinary share capital                                      8     17,521   16,211 
Share premium                                                     20,746   18,032 
Capital redemption reserve                                         1,415    1,415 
Unrealised capital reserve                                         7,943    6,311 
Realised capital reserve                                           (466)    (813) 
Other distributable reserve                                        2,844    4,425 
Total equity shareholders' funds                                  50,003   45,581 
  Basic and diluted net asset value per share (pence)*             31.47    30.98 
   * excluding treasury shares 
   Comparative figures have been extracted from the audited statutory 
accounts for the year ended 30 June 2017. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Half-yearly 
Financial Report. 
   These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors, and 
authorised for issue on 27 February 2018 and were signed on its behalf 
   Richard Huntingford 
   Company number 03495287 
   Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 
                                                                                                                    Unrealised  Realised 
                                                                                                Capital redemption    capital    capital 
                                                            Ordinary                Share             reserve         reserve    reserve  Other distributable reserve     Total 
                                                      share capital GBP'000    premium GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000            GBP'000              GBP'000 
  As at 1 July 2017                                           16,211               18,032              1,415           6,739      (604)               3,788              45,581 
Profit/(loss) and total comprehensive 
 income                                                                   -                  -                   -       2,034      (55)                          260      2,239 
Transfer of previously unrealised gains on sale of 
 investments                                                              -                  -                   -       (402)       402                            -          - 
Dividends paid                                                            -                  -                   -           -         -                      (1,467)    (1,467) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)                         -                  -                   -           -         -                        (374)      (374) 
Issue of equity                                                       1,310              2,794                   -           -         -                            -      4,104 
Cost of issue of equity                                                   -               (80)                   -           -         -                            -       (80) 
As at 31 December 2017                                               17,521             20,746               1,415       8,371     (257)                        2,207     50,003 
  As at 1 July 2016                                                  14,110             13,872               1,415       2,131     (900)                        6,757     37,385 
Profit and total comprehensive 
 income                                                                   -                  -                   -       3,258        79                          333      3,670 
Transfer of previously unrealised gains on sale of 
 investments                                                              -                  -                   -       (373)       373                            -          - 
Dividends paid                                                            -                  -                   -           -         -                      (1,282)    (1,282) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)                         -                  -                   -           -         -                        (455)      (455) 
Issue of equity                                                          68                135                   -           -         -                            -        203 
Cost of issue of equity                                                   -                (1)                   -           -         -                            -        (1) 
As at 31 December 2016                                               14,178             14,006               1,415       5,016     (448)                        5,353     39,520 
  As at 1 July 2016                                                  14,110             13,872               1,415       2,131     (900)                        6,757     37,385 
Profit/(loss) and total comprehensive 
 income                                                                   -                  -                   -       4,986      (82)                          561      5,465 
Transfer of previously unrealised gains on sale or 
 write off of investments                                                 -                  -                   -       (378)       378                            -          - 
Dividends paid                                                            -                  -                   -           -         -                      (2,687)    (2,687) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)                         -                  -                   -           -         -                        (843)      (843) 
Issue of equity                                                       2,101              4,334                   -           -         -                            -      6,435 
Cost of issue of equity                                                   -              (174)                   -           -         -                            -      (174) 
As at 30 June 2017                                                   16,211             18,032               1,415       6,739     (604)                        3,788     45,581 
   Condensed Company statement of changes in equity 
                                                                                                                     Unrealised  Realised 
                                                                                                 Capital redemption    capital    capital 
                                                             Ordinary                Share             reserve         reserve    reserve*  Other distributable reserve*     Total 
                                                       share capital GBP'000    premium GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000              GBP'000              GBP'000 
  As at 1 July 2017                                                   16,211             18,032               1,415       6,311      (813)                         4,425     45,581 
Profit/(loss) and total comprehensive income                               -                  -                   -       2,034       (55)                           260      2,239 
Transfer of previously unrealised gains on sale of 
 investments                                                               -                  -                   -       (402)        402                             -          - 
Dividends paid                                                             -                  -                   -           -          -                       (1,467)    (1,467) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)                          -                  -                   -           -          -                         (374)      (374) 
Issue of equity                                                        1,310              2,794                   -           -          -                             -      4,104 
Cost of issue of equity                                                    -               (80)                   -           -          -                             -       (80) 
As at 31 December 2017                                                17,521             20,746               1,415       7,943      (466)                         2,844     50,003 
  As at 1 July 2016                                                   14,110             13,872               1,415       2,127    (1,109)                         6,970     37,385 
Profit and total comprehensive income                                      -                  -                   -       3,258         79                           544      3,881 
Revaluation of investment in subsidiaries                                  -                  -                   -       (211)          -                             -      (211) 
Transfer of previously unrealised gains on sale of 
 investments                                                               -                  -                   -       (373)        373                             -          - 
Dividends paid                                                             -                  -                   -           -          -                       (1,282)    (1,282) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)                          -                  -                   -           -          -                         (455)      (455) 
Issue of equity                                                           68                135                   -           -          -                             -        203 
Cost of issue of equity                                                    -                (1)                   -           -          -                             -        (1) 
As at 31 December 2016                                                14,178             14,006               1,415       4,801      (657)                         5,777     39,520 
As at 1 July 2016                                                     14,110             13,872               1,415       2,127    (1,109)                         6,970     37,385 
Profit/(loss) and total comprehensive income                               -                  -                   -       4,986       (82)                           985      5,889 
Revaluation of investment in subsidiaries                                  -                  -                   -       (423)          -                             -      (423) 
Transfer of previously unrealised gains on disposal 
 of investments                                                            -                  -                   -       (378)        378                             -          - 
Dividends paid                                                             -                  -                   -           -          -                       (2,687)    (2,687) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)                          -                  -                   -           -          -                         (843)      (843) 
Issue of equity                                                        2,101              4,334                   -           -          -                             -      6,435 
Cost of issue of equity                                                    -              (174)                   -           -          -                             -      (174) 
As at 30 June 2017                                                    16,211             18,032               1,415       6,311      (813)                         4,425     45,581 
   * These reserves amount to GBP2,378,000 (31 December 2016: GBP5,120,000; 
30 June 2017: GBP3,612,000) which is considered distributable. 
   Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                                              Unaudited                           Audited 
                                                           six months ended      Unaudited       year ended 
                                                             31 December      six months ended    30 June 
                                                                 2017         31 December 2016      2017 
                                                               GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
Cash flow from operating activities 
Investment income received                                              448                397          858 
Deposit interest received                                                 3                 32           34 
Dividend income received                                                 13                 15           48 
Investment management fees paid                                       (400)              (328)        (672) 
Other cash payments                                                   (167)              (191)        (315) 
  Net cash flow from operating activities                             (103)               (75)         (47) 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of non-current asset investments                           (2,997)            (1,553)      (2,917) 
Disposal of non-current asset investments                               748              1,136        2,546 
Net cash flow from investing activities                             (2,249)              (417)        (371) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Issue of share capital                                                3,792                  -        5,833 
Cost of issue of equity                                                 (2)                  -          (2) 
Equity dividends paid                                               (1,233)            (1,078)      (2,255) 
Purchase of shares for treasury                                       (406)              (471)        (826) 
Receipt of CP2 VCT PLC cash upon liquidation                              -                  -           37 
Net cash flow from financing activities                               2,151            (1,549)        2,787 
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                      (201)            (2,041)        2,369 
  Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the period                9,265              6,896        6,896 
  Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                  9,064              4,855        9,265 
   Condensed Company statement of cash flows 
                               Unaudited                           Audited 
                            six months ended      Unaudited       year ended 
                              31 December      six months ended    30 June 
                                  2017         31 December 2016      2017 
                                GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
Cash flow from operating 
Investment income 
 received                                448                397          858 
Deposit interest received                  3                 32           34 
Dividend income received                  13                649        1,098 
Investment management 
 fees paid                             (400)              (328)        (672) 
Intercompany interest 
 paid                                      -              (634)      (1,050) 
Other cash payments                    (167)              (191)        (315) 
Net cash flow from 
 operating activities                  (103)               (75)         (47) 
Cash flow from investing 
Purchase of non-current 
 asset investments                   (2,997)            (1,553)      (2,917) 
Disposal of non-current 
 asset investments                       748              1,136        2,546 
Net cash flow from 
 investing activities                (2,249)              (417)        (371) 
Cash flow from financing 
Issue of share capital                 3,792                  -        5,833 
Cost of issue of equity                  (2)                  -          (2) 
Equity dividends paid                (1,233)            (1,078)      (2,255) 
Purchase of shares for 
 treasury (including 
 costs)                                (406)              (471)        (826) 
Receipt of CP2 VCT PLC 
 cash upon liquidation                     -                  -           37 
Net cash flow from 
 financing activities                  2,151            (1,549)        2,787 
(Decrease)/increase in 
 cash and cash 
 equivalents                           (201)            (2,041)        2,369 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 at the start of the 
 period                                9,249              6,880        6,880 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 at the end of the 
 period                                9,048              4,839        9,249 
   Notes to the unaudited condensed Financial Statements 
   1. Accounting policies 
   The following policies refer to the Group and the Company except where 
noted. References to International Financial Reporting Standards 
('IFRS') relate to the Group Financial Statements and FRS 101 "Reduced 
Disclosure Framework" for the Company, which is based on the recognition 
and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting 
Standards ('EU IFRS') as adopted by the European Union. 
   Basis of accounting 
   The Half-yearly Financial Report has been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ('EU IFRS') as adopted by 
the European Union (and therefore comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS 
regulation). This Half-yearly Financial Report has been prepared in 
accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' in the case of the 
Group, and in accordance with FRS 104 'Interim Financial Reporting' 
("FRS 104") in the case of the Company. 
   Both the Group and the Company Financial Statements also apply the 
Statement of Recommended Practice: "Financial Statements of Investment 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" ('SORP') issued by the Association 
of Investment Companies ("AIC") in 2014, in so far as this does not 
conflict with IFRS. The Financial Statements have been prepared in 
accordance with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to the 
companies reporting under IFRS and UK GAAP. The information in this 
document does not include all of the disclosures required by EU IFRS and 
the SORP in full annual Financial Statements, and it should be read in 
conjunction with the consolidated Financial Statements of the Group for 
the year ended 30 June 2017. This Half-yearly Financial Report has been 
prepared applying the accounting policies and presentation that were 
applied in the preparation of the Group's published consolidated 
Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2017. 
   These Financial Statements are presented in Sterling to the nearest 
thousand.The accounting policies applied to the Half-yearly Financial 
Report have been consistently applied in current and prior periods and 
are those applied in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 
year ended 30 June 2017. 
   Basis of consolidation 
   The Group consolidated Financial Statements incorporate the Financial 
Statements of the Company for the period ended 31 December 2017 and the 
entity controlled by the Company (its subsidiary), for the same period. 
Where necessary, adjustments are made to the Financial Statements of 
subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies into line with those used 
by the Group. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and 
expenses are eliminated on consolidation. 
   As permitted by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the Company has 
not presented its own profit and loss account. The amount of the 
Company's profit before tax for the period dealt within the accounts of 
the Group is GBP2,239,000 (31 December 2016: GBP3,881,000; 30 June 2017: 
   Segmental reporting 
   The Directors are of the opinion that the Group and the Company are 
engaged in a single operating segment of business, being investment in 
equity and debt in smaller companies principally based in the UK. The 
Group and the Company report to the Board which acts as the chief 
decision maker. 
   Business combinations 
   The acquisition of subsidiaries is accounted for using the purchase 
method in the Group Financial Statements. The cost of the acquisition is 
measured at the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, 
of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments 
issued by the Group in exchange for control of the subsidiaries, plus 
any costs directly attributable to the business combination. The 
subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities 
that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3 "Business 
Combinations" are recognised at their fair value at the acquisition 
   The preparation of the Group and Company's Half-yearly Financial Report 
requires estimates, assumptions and judgements to be made, which affect 
the reported results and balances. Actual outcomes may differ from these 
estimates, with a consequential impact on the results of future periods. 
Those estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing 
a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities 
within the next financial year are those used to determine the fair 
value of investments at fair value through profit or loss ('FVTPL'). 
   The valuation of investments held at FVTPL or measured in assessing any 
impairment of loan stocks is determined by using valuation techniques. 
The Group and the Company use judgements to select a variety of methods 
and makes assumptions that are mainly based on market conditions at each 
balance sheet date. 
   Investment in subsidiaries 
   Investments in subsidiaries are revalued at the balance sheet date based 
on the underlying net assets of the subsidiary. Revaluation movements 
are recognised in the unrealised reserve. 
   CP1 VCT PLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. CP1 VCT PLC 
transferred its business to Crown Place VCT PLC and ceased trading with 
effect from the date of merger on 12 January 2006. Since then, CP1 VCT 
PLC has had no further business other than to hold cash and intercompany 
balances. CP1 VCT PLC had significant tax losses which have been 
utilised by the Company through group relief. As the tax losses were 
depleted, the Directors decided to appoint PKF Geoffrey Martin & Co 
Limited as liquidators and CP1 VCT PLC was formally placed into members' 
voluntary liquidation on 10 August 2017.The liquidation is expected to 
be completed by June 2018. 
   Non-current asset investments 
   Quoted and unquoted equity investments, debt issued at a discount and 
convertible bonds 
   In accordance with IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and 
Measurement', quoted and unquoted equity, debt issued at a discount and 
convertible bonds are designated as FVTPL. Investments listed on 
recognised exchanges are valued at the closing bid prices at the end of 
the accounting period. Unquoted investments' fair value is determined by 
the Directors in accordance with the International Private Equity and 
Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines (IPEVCV guidelines). 
   Fair value movements and gains and losses arising on the disposal of 
investments are reflected in the capital column of the Statement of 
comprehensive income in accordance with the AIC SORP. Realised gains or 
losses on the sale of investments will be reflected in the realised 
capital reserve, and unrealised gains or losses arising from the 
revaluation of investments will be reflected in the unrealised capital 
   Investments are recognised as financial assets on legal completion of 
the investment contract and are de-recognised on legal completion of the 
sale of an investment. 
   Warrants and unquoted equity derived instruments 
   Warrants and unquoted equity derived instruments are only valued if 
there is deemed to be additional value to the Company in exercising or 
converting as at the balance sheet date. Otherwise these instruments are 
held at nil value. The valuation techniques used are those used for the 
underlying equity investment as a whole on a unit of account basis. 
   Unquoted loan stock 
   Unquoted loan stock (excluding debt issued at a discount and convertible 
bonds) is classified as loans and receivables as permitted by IAS 39 and 
measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method less 
impairment. Movements in the amortised cost relating to interest income 
are reflected in the revenue column of the Statement of comprehensive 
income, and hence are reflected in the other distributable reserve, and 
movements in respect of capital provisions are reflected in the capital 
column of the Statement of comprehensive income and are reflected in the 
realised capital reserve following sale, or in the unrealised capital 
reserve for impairments arising from revaluations of the fair value of 
the security. 
   For all unquoted loan stock, fully performing, past due or impaired, the 
Board considers that the fair value is equal to or greater than the 
security value of these assets. For unquoted loan stock, the amount of 
the impairment is the difference between the asset's cost and the 
present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original 
effective interest rate. The future cash flows are estimated based on 
the fair value of the security held less estimated selling costs. 
   Loan stock accrued interest is recognised in the Balance sheet as part 
of the carrying value of the loans and receivables at the end of each 
reporting period. 
   In accordance with the exemptions under IAS 28 "Investments in 
associates", undertakings in which the Group or Company holds more than 
20 per cent. of the equity as part of an investment portfolio are not 
accounted for using the equity method. 
   Investment income 
   Quoted and unquoted equity income 
   Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are recognised on the 
ex-dividend date. Income receivable on unquoted equity is recognised 
when the Company's right to receive payment and expected settlement is 
   Unquoted loan stock income 
   Fixed returns on non-equity shares and debt securities are recognised on 
a time apportionment basis using an effective interest rate over the 
life of the financial instrument. Income which is not capable of being 
received within a reasonable period of time is reflected in the capital 
value of the investment. 
   Bank interest income 
   Interest income is recognised on an accruals basis using the rate of 
interest agreed with the bank. 
   Investment management fees, performance incentive fees and other 
   All expenses have been accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are 
charged through the revenue column of the Statement of comprehensive 
income, except for management fees and performance incentive fees which 
are allocated in part to the capital column of the Statement of 
comprehensive income, to the extent that these relate to the maintenance 
or enhancement in the value of the investments and in line with the 
Board's expectation that over the long term 75 per cent. of the Group's 
investment returns will be in the form of capital gains. 
   Issue costs 
   Issue costs associated with the allotment of share capital have been 
deducted from the share premium account. 
   Taxation is applied on a current basis in accordance with IAS 12 "Income 
taxes". Taxation associated with capital expenses is applied in 
accordance with the SORP. Deferred taxation is provided in full on 
timing differences, and temporary differences (in accordance with IAS 
12) that result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more 
tax or a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to 
apply when they crystallise based on current tax rates and law. 
Temporary differences arise from differences between the carrying 
amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting and the 
amounts used for taxation purposes. Timing differences (IAS 12) arise 
from the inclusion of items of income and expenditure in taxation 
computations in periods different from those in which they are included 
in the Financial Statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the 
extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available 
against which unused tax losses and credits can be utilised. Deferred 
tax assets and liabilities are not discounted. 
   In accordance with IAS 10 "Events after the balance sheet date", 
dividends are accounted for in the period in which the dividend is paid 
or approved at the Annual General Meeting. 
   Share premium 
   This reserve accounts for the difference between the price paid for the 
Company's shares and the nominal value of the shares, less issue costs 
and transfers to the other distributable reserve. 
   Capital redemption reserve 
   This reserve accounts for amounts by which the issued share capital is 
diminished through the repurchase and cancellation of the Company's own 
   Unrealised capital reserve 
   Increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held at the year 
end, against cost are included in this reserve. 
   Realised capital reserve 
   The following are disclosed in this reserve: 
   -- gains and losses compared to cost on the realisation of investments; 
   -- expenses, together with the related taxation effect, charged in 
      accordance with the above policies; and 
   -- dividends paid to equity holders. 
   Other distributable reserve 
   This reserve accounts for movements from the revenue column of the 
Statement of comprehensive income, the payment of dividends, the buyback 
of shares and other non-capital realised movements. 
   2. Gains on investments 
                                                                 Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited 
                                                              six months ended   six months ended    year ended 
                                                              31 December 2017   31 December 2016   30 June 2017 
                                                                  GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
Unrealised gains on investments held at fair value 
 through profit or loss                                                  1,834              3,060          4,629 
Unrealised reversal of impairments measured at amortised 
 cost                                                                      200                198            357 
  Unrealised gains on investments                                        2,034              3,258          4,986 
  Realised gains on investments held at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                           261                333             51 
Realised gains on investments measured at amortised 
 cost                                                                        -                  -            398 
Realised gains on investments                                              261                333            449 
                                                                         2,295              3,591          5,435 
   Investments measured at amortised cost are unquoted loan stock 
   3. Investment income and deposit interest 
                                                             Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited 
                                                          six months ended   six months ended    year ended 
                                                          31 December 2017   31 December 2016   30 June 2017 
                                                              GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
Income recognised on investments held at fair value 
 through profit or loss 
UK dividend income                                                      10                 15             51 
Interest on convertible bonds and debt issued at a 
 discount                                                              332                274            528 
                                                                       342                289            579 
Income recognised on investments measured at amortised 
Return on loan stock investments                                       171                250            425 
Bank deposit interest                                                    3                 27             28 
                                                                       174                277            453 
                                                                       516                566          1,032 
   4. Investment management fees 
                       Unaudited                     Unaudited                      Audited 
                    six months ended              six months ended                 year ended 
                    31 December 2017              31 December 2016                30 June 2017 
              Revenue   Capital    Total    Revenue   Capital    Total    Revenue   Capital    Total 
              GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 fee           105           316       421        85       254       339       177       531       708 
   Further details of the management agreement under which the investment 
management fee is paid are given on page 12 of the Strategic report in 
the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 
   During the period, services of a total value of GBP446,000 (six months 
ended 31 December 2016: GBP364,000; year ended 30 June 2017: GBP758,000) 
were purchased by the Company from Albion Capital Group LLP; comprising 
GBP421,000 management fee and GBP25,000 administration fee. At the 
financial period end, the amount due to Albion Capital Group LLP 
disclosed as payables was GBP233,000 (administration fee accrual 
GBP12,500, management fee accrual GBP220,500) (31 December 2016: 
GBP186,500; 30 June 2017: GBP211,500). 
   Albion Capital Group LLP is, from time to time, eligible to receive 
transaction fees and Directors' fees from portfolio companies. During 
the period to 31 December 2017, fees of GBP86,000 attributable to the 
investments of the Company were received pursuant to these arrangements 
(31 December 2016: GBP72,100; 30 June 2017: GBP125,000). 
   Albion Capital Group LLP, the Manager, holds 59,924 Ordinary shares in 
the Company. 
   5. Dividends 
                                                           Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited 
                                                        six months ended   six months ended    year ended 
                                                        31 December 2017   31 December 2016   30 June 2017 
                                                            GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
First dividend paid on 30 November 2016 (1 penny per 
 share)                                                         -                1,282            1,282 
Second dividend paid on 31 March 2017 (1 penny per 
 share)                                                                -                  -          1,405 
First dividend paid on 30 November 2017 (1 penny per 
 share)                                                            1,467                  -              - 
                                                                   1,467              1,282          2,687 
   In addition, the Board has declared a second dividend of 1 penny per 
share for the year ending 30 June 2018. This will be paid on 29 March 
2018 to shareholders on the register on 9 March 2018. This is expected 
to amount to approximately GBP1,632,000. 
   6. Basic and diluted return per share 
                              Unaudited                 Unaudited                 Audited 
                           six months ended          six months ended            year ended 
                           31 December 2017          31 December 2016           30 June 2017 
                        Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital  Total 
Return attributable 
 to equity shares 
 (GBP'000)               260       1,979  2,239      333    3,337  3,670      561    4,904  5,465 
Weighted average 
 shares in issue 
 (excluding treasury 
 shares)                 149,849,592                         128,752,216              135,345,435 
Return attributable 
 per share (pence) 
 (basic and diluted)     0.17       1.32   1.49     0.26     2.59   2.85     0.41     3.63   4.04 
   The return per share has been calculated excluding treasury shares of 
16,311,410 (31 December 2016: 13,653,410; 30 June 2017: 15,002,410). 
   There are no convertible instruments, derivatives or contingent share 
agreements in issue, and therefore no dilution affecting the return per 
share. The basic return per share is therefore the same as the diluted 
return per share. 
   7. Non-current asset investments 
                                                  Unaudited         Audited 
                                               31 December 2017   30 June 2017 
                                                   GBP'000          GBP'000 
Investments held at fair value through 
profit or loss 
Unquoted equity and preference shares                    21,414         18,573 
Quoted equity                                               270            395 
Discounted debt and convertible loan stock               10,368          8,613 
                                                         32,052         27,581 
Investments measured at amortised cost 
Unquoted loan stock                                       8,865          8,747 
                                                         40,917         36,328 
   8. Ordinary share capital 
                                                             Unaudited         Audited 
                                                          31 December 2017   30 June 2017 
                                                              GBP'000          GBP'000 
Allotted, called up and fully paid 
175,211,641 Ordinary shares of 10p each (30 June 2017: 
 162,110,978)                                                       17,521         16,211 
Voting rights 
158,900,231 Ordinary shares of 10p each (30 June 2017: 
   The Company purchased 1,309,000 Ordinary shares for treasury during the 
period at a cost of GBP374,000 (year ended 30 June 2017: 3,087,000 
shares at a cost of GBP843,000). The total number of shares held in 
treasury as at 31 December 2017 was 16,311,410 (30 June 2017: 
   Under the terms of the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme Circular dated 26 
February 2009, the following new Ordinary shares of nominal value 10 
pence per share were allotted during the period: 
                                                Aggregate nominal value of shares     Issue price      Net invested  Opening market price on allotment date 
  Allotment date     Number of shares allotted              (GBP'000)               (pence per share)    (GBP'000)              (pence per share) 
30 November 2017                       761,258                                 76               30.71           232                                   28.88 
   Albion VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2017/18 
   On 6 September 2017 the Company announced the publication of a 
prospectus in relation to an offer for subscription for new Ordinary 
shares. A Securities Note, which forms part of the prospectus, has been 
sent to shareholders. Under the terms of the offer, the following new 
Ordinary shares of nominal value 10 pence per share were issued during 
the period. 
                                                Aggregate nominal value of shares     Issue price      Net consideration received  Opening market price on allotment date 
  Allotment date     Number of shares allotted              (GBP'000)               (pence per share)           (GBP'000)                     (pence per share) 
17 November 2017                     4,335,689                                433               31.20                       1,332                                   28.88 
17 November 2017                     2,657,447                                266               31.40                         818                                   28.88 
17 November 2017                     5,346,269                                535               31.50                       1,642                                   28.88 
                                    12,339,405                              1,234                                           3,792 
   9. Contingencies and guarantees 
   There are no external contingencies for or guarantees by the Group or 
Company as at 31 December 2017 (30 June 2017: nil). 
   As at 31 December 2017 the Company had no financial commitments in 
respect of investments (30 June 2017: GBP5,000). 
   Under the terms of the Transfer Agreement dated 16 January 2006, the 
Company has indemnified its subsidiary, CP1 VCT PLC in respect of all 
costs, claims and liabilities in exchange for the transfer of assets. 
   10. Post balance sheet events 
   Since 31 December 2017, the Company has completed the following material 
   -- Proceeds of GBP2.0 million received from the sale of The Crown Hotel 
   Albion VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2017/18 
   Under the terms of the Albion VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2017/18, the 
following new Ordinary shares of nominal value 10 pence each were issued 
since the period end: 
            Number of  value of      Issue price 
Allotment    shares     shares       (pence per      Net consideration received  Opening market price on allotment date (pence per 
date        allotted   (GBP'000)       share)                 (GBP'000)                                share) 
31 January 
 2018       4,349,218        435              31.50                       1,336                                              28.60 
   The Board is pleased to announce that it reached its GBP6 million limit 
under its Offer, which as of 26 February 2018 was fully subscribed and 
has now closed. 
   Reduction of share capital and cancellation of capital redemption and 
share premium reserves 
   As noted in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 
ended 30 June 2017, a special resolution was proposed (the 'Proposal') 
to shareholders to reduce the share capital and cancel the capital 
redemption and share premium reserves, which was passed at the Annual 
General Meeting in November 2017. 
   The Company thereafter applied to the High Court to confirm the 
reduction and cancellation. The initial hearing at the High Court took 
place on 1 February 2018, and following the final hearing on 13 February 
2018, the High Court approved the Proposal. This will, over time, create 
additional distributable reserves of GBP39.2m. 
   11. Related party transactions 
   Other than transactions with 100 per cent. owned Group companies and 
those with the Manager as disclosed in note 4, there are no other 
related party transactions. The Company has taken advantage of FRS 101 
exemption paragraph 8.K. which allows the Company not to disclose 
related party transactions with wholly owned subsidiaries. 
   12. Risks and uncertainties 
   The Board considers that the Company faces the following principal risks 
and uncertainties: 
   1. Investment and performance risk 
   The risk of investment in poor quality assets, which could reduce the 
capital and income returns to shareholders, and could negatively impact 
on the Company's current and future valuations. 
   By nature, smaller unquoted businesses, such as those that qualify for 
venture capital trust purposes, are more fragile than larger, long 
established businesses. 
   To reduce this risk, the Board places reliance upon the skills and 
expertise of the Manager and its track record over many years of making 
successful investments in this segment of the market. In addition, the 
Manager operates a formal and structured investment appraisal and review 
process, which includes an Investment Committee, comprising investment 
professionals from the Manager and at least one external investment 
professional. The Manager also invites and takes account of comments 
from non-executive Directors of the Company on investments discussed at 
the Investment Committee meetings. Investments are actively and 
regularly monitored by the Manager (investment managers normally sit on 
portfolio company boards), including the level of diversification in the 
portfolio, and the Board receives detailed reports on each investment as 
part of the Manager's report at quarterly Board meetings. 
   2. Valuation risk 
   The Company's investment valuation methodology is reliant on the 
accuracy and completeness of information that is issued by portfolio 
companies. In particular, the Directors may not be aware of or take into 
account certain events or circumstances which occur after the 
information issued by such companies is reported. 
   As described in note 1 of the Financial Statements, the unquoted equity 
investments, convertible loan stock and debt issued at a discount held 
by the Company are designated at fair value through profit or loss and 
valued in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture 
Capital Valuation Guidelines. These guidelines set out recommendations, 
intended to represent current best practice on the valuation of venture 
capital investments. These investments are valued on the basis of 
forward looking estimates and judgements about the business itself, its 
market and the environment in which it operates, together with the state 
of the mergers and acquisitions market, stock market conditions and 
other factors. In making these judgements the valuation takes into 
account all known material facts up to the date of approval of the 
Financial Statements by the Board. The sensitivity of these assumptions 
are commented on further in notes 9 and 16 of the Annual Report and 
Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2017.  All other 
unquoted loan stock is measured at amortised cost. The values of a 
number of investments are also underpinned by independent third party 
professional valuations. 
   3. VCT approval risk 
   The Company must comply with section 274 of the Income Tax Act 2007 
which enables its investors to take advantage of tax relief on their 
investment and on future returns. Breach of any of the rules enabling 
the Company to hold VCT status could result in the loss of that status. 
   To reduce this risk, the Board has appointed the Manager, which has a 
team with significant experience in venture capital trust management, 
used to operating within the requirements of the venture capital trust 
legislation. In addition, to provide further formal reassurance, the 
Board has appointed Philip Hare & Associates LLP as its taxation adviser, 
who report quarterly to the Board to independently confirm compliance 
with the venture capital trust legislation, to highlight areas of risk 
and to inform on changes in legislation. Each investment in a new 
portfolio company is also pre-cleared with H.M. Revenue & Customs. 
   4. Regulatory and compliance risk 
   The Company is listed on The London Stock Exchange and is required to 
comply with the rules of the UK Listing Authority, as well as with the 
Companies Act, Accounting Standards and other legislation. Failure to 
comply with these regulations could result in a delisting of the 
Company's shares, or other penalties under the Companies Act or from 
financial reporting oversight bodies. 
   Board members and the Manager have experience of operating at senior 
levels within or advising quoted companies. In addition, the Board and 
the Manager receive regular updates on new regulation from its auditor, 
lawyers and other professional bodies. The Company is subject to 
compliance checks through the Manager's Compliance Officer. The Manager 
reports monthly to its Board on any issues arising from compliance or 
regulation. These controls are also reviewed as part of the quarterly 
Board meetings, and also as part of the review work undertaken by the 
Manager's Compliance Officer. The report on controls is also evaluated 
by the internal auditor. 
   5. Operational and internal control risk 
   The Company relies on a number of third parties, in particular the 
Manager, for the provision of investment management and administrative 
functions. Failures in key systems and controls within the Manager's 
business could put assets of the Company at risk or result in reduced or 
inaccurate information being passed to the Board or to shareholders. 
   The Company and its operations are subject to a series of rigorous 
internal controls and review procedures exercised throughout the year. 
   The Audit and Risk Committee reviews the Internal Audit Reports prepared 
by the Manager's internal auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP. On an annual 
basis, the Audit and Risk Committee chairman meets with the internal 
audit partner to provide an opportunity to ask specific detailed 
questions in order to satisfy itself that the Manager has strong systems 
and controls in place including those in relation to business 
   In addition, the Board regularly reviews the performance of the Manager, 
to ensure they continue to have the necessary expertise and resources to 
deliver the Company's investment objective and policies. The Manager 
regularly reviews the performance of its key service providers and 
reports its results to the Board. The Manager and other service 
providers have also demonstrated to the Board that there is no undue 
reliance placed upon any one individual within Albion Capital Group LLP. 
   6. Economic and political risk 
   Changes in economic conditions, including, for example, interest rates, 
rates of inflation, industry conditions, competition, political and 
diplomatic events and other factors could substantially and adversely 
affect the Company's prospects in a number of ways. 
   The Company invests in a diversified portfolio of companies across a 
number of industry sectors and in addition often invests a mixture of 
equity and secured loan stock in portfolio companies and has a general 
policy of not normally permitting any external bank borrowings within 
portfolio companies. 
   At any given time, the Company has sufficient cash resources to meet its 
operating requirements, including share buy-backs and follow on 
   7. Market value of Ordinary shares 
   The market value of Ordinary shares can fluctuate. The market value of 
an Ordinary share, as well as being affected by its net asset value and 
prospective net asset value, also takes into account its dividend yield 
and prevailing interest rates. As such, the market value of an Ordinary 
share may vary considerably from its underlying net asset value. The 
market prices of shares in quoted investment companies can, therefore, 
be at a discount or premium to the net asset value at different times, 
depending on supply and demand, market conditions, general investor 
sentiment and other factors. Accordingly the market price of the 
Ordinary shares may not fully reflect their underlying net asset value. 
   The Company operates a share buy-back policy, which is designed to limit 
the discount at which the Ordinary shares trade to around 5 per cent. to 
net asset value, by providing a purchaser through the Company in absence 
of market purchasers.  From time to time buy-backs cannot be applied, 
for example when the Company is subject to a close period, or if it were 
to exhaust its buy-back authorities, which are renewed each year. 
   New Ordinary shares are issued at sufficient premium to net asset value 
to cover the costs of issue and to avoid net asset value dilution to 
existing investors. 
   13. Other information 
   The information set out in the Half-yearly Financial Report does not 
constitute the Group's statutory accounts within the terms of section 
434 of the Companies Act 2006 for the periods ended 31 December 2017 and 
31 December 2016 and is unaudited. The financial information for the 
year ended 30 June 2017 does not constitute statutory accounts within 
the terms of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and is derived from 
the statutory accounts for the financial year, which have been delivered 
to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditor's report on those accounts 
was unqualified and did not contain statements under s498 (2) or (3) of 
the Companies Act 2006. 
   14. Publication 
   This Half-yearly Financial Report is being sent to shareholders and 
copies will be made available to the public at the registered office of 
the Company, Companies House, the National Storage Mechanism and also 
electronically at www.albion.capital/funds/CRWN. 
   Shareholder returns for CP1 VCT PLC (previously Murray VCT PLC) and CP2 
VCT PLC (previously Murray VCT 2 PLC) (unaudited) 
                                                            Proforma (i)       Proforma (i) 
                                                            Murray VCT PLC    Murray VCT 2 PLC 
                                                          (pence per share)  (pence per share) 
Shareholder return from launch to April 2005 (date 
 that Albion Capital was appointed investment manager): 
Total dividends paid to 6 April 2005 (ii)                             30.36              30.91 
Decrease in net asset value                                         (69.90)            (64.50) 
Total shareholder return to 6 April 2005                            (39.54)            (33.59) 
Shareholder return from April 2005 to 31 December 
Total dividends paid                                                  21.49              25.51 
Decrease in net asset value                                          (7.71)             (8.72) 
Total shareholder return from April 2005 to 31 December 
 2017                                                                 13.78              16.79 
Shareholder value since launch: 
Total dividends paid to 31 December 2017 (ii)                         51.85              56.42 
Net asset value as at 31 December 2017                                22.39              26.78 
Total shareholder value as at 31 December 2017                        74.24              83.20 
Current dividend objective: 
Pence per share (per annum)                                            1.42               1.70 
Dividend yield on net asset value as at 31 December 
 2017                                                       6.4%               6.4% 
   1. The proforma shareholder returns presented above are based on the 
      dividends paid to shareholders before the merger and the pro-rata net 
      asset value per share and pro-rata dividends per share paid to 31 
      December 2017 since the merger. This pro-forma is based upon the 
      proportion of shares received by Murray VCT PLC (since renamed CP1 VCT 
      PLC) and Murray VCT 2 PLC (since renamed CP2 VCT PLC) shareholders at the 
      time of the merger with Crown Place VCT PLC on 13 January 2006. 
   2. Prior to 6 April 1999, venture capital trusts were able to add 20 per 
      cent. to dividends and figures for the period up until 6 April 1999 are 
      included at the gross equivalent rate actually paid to shareholders. 
   Investment portfolio by sector (PDF): 
   This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf 
of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Crown Place VCT PLC via Globenewswire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 27, 2018 08:48 ET (13:48 GMT)

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