RNS Number:4684M
Crown Place VCT PLC
21 November 2006

                                                                21 November 2006

                              CROWN PLACE VCT PLC

Preliminary announcement of final results for the six months ended 31 August

Crown Place VCT PLC ("the Company"), managed by Close Ventures Limited, today
announces the preliminary results for the six months ended 31 August 2006. The
announcement has been approved by the Board of Directors on 21 November 2006.

Financial Highlights

Shareholder value since launch
Previous holders of shares            Proforma (i)   Proforma (i)    Crown Place
in:                                    Murray VCT   Murray VCT 2       VCT PLC *
                                              PLC           PLC
Dividends per share paid to 
31 August 2006 (pence per
share) (ii)                                  31.36           31.91       25.93

Net asset value (pence per 
share) as at 31 August
2006 (i)                                     31.32           37.44       44.00
                                         -----------     -----------  ----------
                                             62.68           69.35       69.93
                                         -----------     -----------  ----------

(i) The proforma shareholder value is based on the dividends paid to 31 August
2006 for a share, with a pro-rata net asset value per share based upon the
proportion of shares received by Murray VCT PLC (now renamed CP1 VCT PLC) and
Murray VCT 2 PLC (now renamed CP2 VCT PLC) shareholders at the time of the

(ii) Prior to 6 April 1999, venture capital trusts were able to add 20% to
dividends, and figures for the period until 6 April 1999 are included at the
gross equivalent rate actually paid to shareholders.

* Formerly Murray VCT 3 PLC

In addition to the dividends paid above, the Company paid a dividend of 1.25
pence per Crown Place VCT PLC share on 22 September 2006. The Directors have
also declared a second dividend of 1.25 pence per Crown Place VCT PLC share,
subject to approval from HM Revenue & Customs, (comprising 0.8 pence per share
from revenue and 0.45 pence per share paid out of realised capital gains). The
record date and payment date of this dividend will be announced on the London
Stock Exchange RNS Service.

For further information, please contact:

Patrick Reeve/ Emil Gigov            Clemmie Carr
Close Ventures Limited               Tavistock Communications
Tel: 020 7422 7830                   Tel: 020 7920 3150 07788 971 403


                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


I am pleased to report an increase in the Company's net asset value to 44.0
pence per share as at 31 August 2006, compared to 43.0 pence per share reported
as at 28 February 2006. The Company reports a revenue profit after tax for the
six month period of #796,000 and a capital loss of #107,000 which combined
represents the total profit for the period of #689,000 or 0.85 pence per share.
The revenue profit reflects the Company's strategy of concentrating a
substantial portion of the portfolio in investments which provide an income
return to the Company and which should therefore improve the predictability of
dividends to shareholders.

Shareholders should note that following the merger of CP1 VCT PLC (formerly
Murray VCT PLC), CP2 VCT PLC (formerly Murray VCT 2 PLC) and Crown Place VCT PLC
(formerly Murray VCT 3 PLC) on 13th January 2006, the accounts reflect the 
consolidated position of the merged entities, while the comparative figures for 
the six month period to 31 August 2005 relate to Murray VCT 3 PLC prior to the 
merger and renaming of the fund to Crown Place VCT PLC. The merger has resulted 
in a reduction in the running costs of the enlarged Company and will continue 
to have a positive effect on the results of future periods.

As announced in the annual report, the Board has decided to change the
accounting year end from 28 February to 30 June. The next period end will be 30
June 2007 with a second interim report due for the four month period ending 31
December 2006.

Portfolio review

The value of the AIM portfolio increased in the period. In particular, the share
prices of Tanfield Group PLC and Dobbies Garden Centres PLC had a strong

In the unquoted portfolio, House of Dorchester Ltd has traded well in the
period, securing strong sales for the Christmas trading season, while
Lowcosttravelgroup Ltd, the provider of online travel services, has seen
spectacular growth since our investment in September of last year. In addition,
Citel PLC floated on AIM in July 2006.

The Company also benefited from strong income from interest and redemption
premium receipts. Against this positive performance, disappointing trading at
Unique Communications and J&S Marine has resulted in a reduction of the carrying
value of these investments, and contributed to the slight decrease in the
overall valuation of the unquoted investment portfolio.

New investments

During the period the Company made 8 investments totalling #1.9 million, as
described below. Shareholders requiring detailed information on the individual
companies are advised to visit the Manager's website (www.closeventures.co.uk)
and the individual portfolio company websites, where available. The investments
made in the period were:

   * A further investment of #625,000 in The Rutland Pub Company Limited to
    facilitate the acquisition of two further pubs (www.rutlandpubco.net);
   * A further investment of #500,000 in The Crown Hotel Harrogate Limited;
   * A #410,000 investment in Blackbay Limited, a provider of technology and
    services allowing mobile workers, such as delivery drivers and field
    engineers, to connect to their central IT systems in real time. (
   * A further investment of #130,000 in Churchill Taverns Limited, a pub
   * An investment of #110,000 in Dexela Limited, a company developing
    accurate and sensitive 3-D breast imaging methods for the early detection of
    breast cancer (www.dexela.co.uk);
   * A #50,000 investment in Evolutions Television Limited, a television post
    production business servicing a broad range of TV production companies and
    operating from its own freehold premises north of Oxford Street in London;
   * A further investment of #41,000 in Tower Bridge Health Clubs Limited, a
    health and fitness club adjacent to Tower Bridge on London's South Bank,
    offering a gym, swimming pool, indoor golf centre, hair and beauty clinic
    and a medical centre (www.thirtysevendegrees.co.uk);
   * A further investment of #34,250 in Palm Tree Technology PLC, which
    offers solutions in security, digital rights management, multimedia
    compression and identity theft protection (www.palmtreetechnology.com).

Following the period end the Company invested #210,000 in Helveta Limited, a
company enabling sustainable forestry management of the world's tropical
hardwood resources through the provision of seamless traceability, improved
production efficiency and compliance checking across extended supply chains (


During the period approximately #3.25 million of proceeds were received from the
full exit of GW1016 Limited, Inhoco 3106 Limited and Sequoia Limited, and the
partial exit of the following investments: Clamonta Limited, ELE Advanced
Technologies Limited, Enterprise Foods Limited and First Line Limited. Following
the period end, your Company sold its investment in Heathcote Restaurants

Bank guarantees

Following the period end, the bank guarantees provided by the Company to secure
the bank facilities of two investee companies were called. The guarantees were
given by the Company prior to the appointment of Close Ventures Limited and were
fully provided for, as shown on the balance sheet as at 31 August 2006. The
Company has not given any other bank guarantees or made similar commitments.

Dividends and dividend policy

In my last report, I announced the Board's intention to pay three dividends in
the period 1 March 2006 to 30 June 2007. The first dividend of 1.25 pence per
share was paid on 22 September 2006. A second dividend of 1.25 pence per share
is expected to be paid to shareholders in January 2007. This comprises 0.8 pence
per share revenue dividend and 0.45 pence per share paid out of realised capital
gains. A third dividend, the amount of which is yet to be determined, is
anticipated in the spring of 2007. All dividends are subject to HM Revenue &
Customs approval, and the record date and dividend payment date will be
announced on the London Stock Exchange RNS service as soon as clearance has been
obtained from HM Revenue & Customs.

Buy back policy

It is the Company's policy to continue to buy back shares in the market, subject
to the overall constraint of ensuring that such purchases are in the Company's
interest, including the maintenance of sufficient resources for investment in
existing and new investee companies. The Board believes that this policy
improves liquidity in the shares and has the effect of reducing the discount
between the market price and the net asset value, and thus is to the benefit of
shareholders as a whole. During the period, approximately 1.7m Ordinary Shares
were bought back by the Company. These shares are held in Treasury and may be
re-issued at a later date. The total number of Ordinary Shares held in Treasury
at the period end was 6,472,653.


The portfolio rationalisation since Close Ventures Limited was appointed Manager
in April 2005 continues. The majority of investments made by Close Ventures
Limited to date are performing in accordance with expectations and the Board
remains positive about the future prospects of the Company.

Geoffrey Vero
21 November 2006

                         Consolidated Income Statement
                    for the six months ended 31 August 2006

                  Six months to 31 August 2006     Six months to 31 August 2005           Year ended 28 February 2006
                          (unaudited)                     (unaudited)                            (audited)
                          -----------                    ---------------                       --------------     
                   Revenue   Capital   Total       Revenue   Capital    Total            Revenue  Capital  Total  
                   #'000     #'000     #'000       #'000     #'000      #'000             #'000    #'000    #'000
                 ---------   -------   ------     -------    ------     ------           -------  ------   ------

income and 
interest          1,168          -     1,168         658         -        658             1,073       -     1,073
                 -------    ------    -------    ------     ------     -------           ------  ------    ------

fees               (90)       (272)     (362)        (30)      (90)      (120)             (160)    (481)    (641)
                 -------    ------    -------    ------     ------     -------           ------   -----    ------

expenses          (193)         24      (169)       (156)        -       (156)             (351)    (955)   (1,306)

expenses            (4)          -        (4)     (1,468)        -     (1,468)             (749)       -      (749)
                 -------    -------    ------    ------     -------    ------            ------  -------    ------ 

profit/(loss)      881        (248)      633        (996)      (90)    (1,086)             (187)  (1,436)   (1,623)
                 -------    ------     -------   ------     ------     -------           ------  -------    ------   

Profit on
investments          -          56        56           -       500        500                 -    2,504     2,504
                 -------    ------     ------    -------    ------     ------            -------  ------    -------

taxation            881       (192)      689        (996)      410       (586)             (187)   1,068       881
                 -------    ------     -------   ------     ------     -------            ------  ------    ------

Taxation            (85)        85         -           -         -          -                42        -        42
                 -------    ------     ------    -------    ------     ------             -------  ------   ------
for the     
period              796       (107)      689        (996)      410       (586)             (145)   1,068       923
                 -------    ------     ------    -------    ------     ------             -------  ------   ------

Basic and
per Ordinary   
share (pence)                           0.85                            (1.50)                                 2.03
                                      -------                           ------                               -------

The total column of this statement represents the Group's income statement,
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
("IFRS"). The supplementary revenue and capital reserve columns are prepared
under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.

The consolidated income statement includes the results of the subsidiaries CP1
VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC following the merger.

The profit/ (loss) for the six months to 31 August 2005 was for the Company,
prior to the merger with CP1 VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC. The profit/ (loss) for the
year ended 28 February 2006 includes results from the subsidiaries CP1 VCT PLC
and CP2 VCT PLC from the date of merger on 13 January 2006.

                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                              as at 31 August 2006

                                  31 August 2006 31 August 2005 28 February 2006
                                     (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited)
                                           #'000          #'000        #'000
Non-current assets
Investments                              28,929          13,053       30,969

Current assets
Trade and other receivables               1,548             403        1,496
Cash and cash equivalents                 6,522           3,812        4,846
                                         ------           -----        ------
                                          8,070           4,215        6,342

Total assets                             36,999          17,268       37,311

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                   (325)           (353)        (694)

Total assets less current
liabilities                              36,674          16,915       36,617
                                         ------          ------       -------

Non-current liabilities
Provision for bank
guarantees                               (1,662)           (171)      (1,662)
                                         ------            ----        ------

Total liabilities                        (1,987)           (524)      (2,356)
                                         ------             ---        ------

Net assets                               35,012          16,744       34,955
                                         ------          ------       -------

Equity attributable to equity
Ordinary share capital                    8,610           3,995        8,610
Share premium                            14,422               -       14,422
Capital redemption
reserve                                     250             250          250
Own shares held                          (2,540)              -       (1,908)
Retained earnings                        14,270          12,499       13,581
                                        -------          ------       -------
Equity                                   35,012          16,744       34,955
                                        -------          ------       -------
Net asset value per
Ordinary share              
(excluding treasury shares)               44.0p           41.9p        43.0p
                                        -------          ------       -------

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS').

The consolidated balance sheets as at 31 August 2006 and 28 February 2006
include the results of the subsidiaries CP1 VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC following 
the merger on 13 January 2006.

The balance sheet as at 31 August 2005 was for the Company prior to the merger
with CP1 VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC.

                             Company Balance Sheet
                              as at 31 August 2006

                                31 August 2006  31 August 2005  28 February 2006
                                   (unaudited)      (unaudited)     (audited)
                                         #'000           #'000         #'000
Fixed assets

Fixed asset investments                 28,929           13,053       30,969

Investment in subsidiary
undertakings                            17,851                -       17,506
                                        ------            -----       ------
                                        46,780           13,053       48,475

Current assets
Debtors                                    667              403          806
Cash at bank                             3,155            3,812        1,327
                                         ------           -----        ------
                                         3,822            4,215        2,133

Total assets                            50,602           17,268       50,608

Creditors : amounts falling due
within one year                        (15,003)            (353)     (15,066)
                                         ------           -----        ------

Total assets less current
liabilities                             35,599           16,915       35,542

Provision for bank
guarantees                                (587)            (171)        (587)
                                         ------           -----        ------

Total liabilities                      (15,590)            (524)     (15,653)
                                         ------           -----        ------

Net assets                              35,012           16,744       34,955
                                         ------           -----        ------

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                  8,610            3,995        8,610
Share premium                           14,422                -       14,422
Capital redemption
reserve                                    250              250          250
Own shares held                         (2,540)               -       (1,908)
Retained earnings                       14,270           12,499       13,581
                                        ------           -----        ------

Equity shareholders' funds              35,012           16,744       34,955
                                        ------           -----        ------

Net asset value per
Ordinary share                 
(excluding treasury shares)               44.0p            41.9p        43.0p
                                         ------           -----        ------

The Company Balance sheet has been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP.

                  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity                                            
               for the six months ended 31 August 2006 (unaudited)

--------------   -------   -------     --------    --------   -------    -------   -------
                Ordinary     Share  Revaluation     Capital       Own   Retained     Total
                   share   premium      reserve  redemption    shares   earnings
                 capital                            reserve      held
                   #'000     #'000        #'000       #'000      #'000     #'000     #'000
As at 28
February 2006      8,610    14,422            -         250     (1,908)   13,581    34,955

Net profit for 
the period             -         -            -           -          -       689       689
Costs of
repurchased            -         -            -           -       (632)        -      (632)
                 -------   -------     --------    --------    -------    -------   -------

As at 31
August 2006        8,610    14,422            -         250     (2,540)   14,270    35,012
                 =======   =======      ========    ========   =======    =======   =======

As at 28
February 2005
(restated)         3,995         -      (15,287)        250          -    28,389    17,347

Adjustment in
respect of IAS
39                     -         -            -           -          -       (17)      (17)

of revaluation
reserve                -         -       15,287           -          -   (15,287)        -
                 -------   -------     --------    --------   -------    -------   -------
As at 1 March
2005 (restated
and adjusted)      3,995         -            -         250          -    13,085    17,330

Net loss for
the period             -         -            -           -          -      (586)     (586)
                 -------   -------     --------    --------    -------    -------   -------
As at 31
August 2005        3,995         -            -         250         -     12,499    16,744
                 =======   =======     ========    ========    =======    =======    =======

As at 28
February 2005
(restated)         3,995         -      (15,287)        250         -     28,389    17,347
Adjustment in
respect of IAS
39                     -         -            -           -         -        (17)      (17)
adjustment in
respect of IAS 
39                     -         -            -           -         -        (27)      (27)
of revaluation
reserve                -         -       15,287           -         -    (15,287)        -
                 -------   -------     --------    --------   -------    -------   -------
As at 1 March
2005 (restated
and adjusted)      3,995         -            -         250         -     13,058    17,303

Net profit for
the year               -         -            -           -         -        923       923

Costs of
repurchased            -         -            -           -    (1,908)         -    (1,908)

Shares issued
in year            4,615    14,422            -           -         -          -    19,037
Dividends paid
in year                -         -            -           -         -       (400)     (400)
                 -------   -------     --------    --------   -------    -------   -------
As at 28
February 2006      8,610    14,422            -         250    (1,908)    13,581    34,955
                 =======   =======     ========    ========   =======    =======   =======

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS').

                        Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                      for the six months to 31 August 2006

                                     ------------    -----------     -----------
                                    Six months to  Six months to      Year ended
                                   31 August 2006 31 August 2005     28 February
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited)  2006 (audited)
                                          #'000          #'000           #'000
                                     ------------    -----------     -----------
Cash flows from operating

income received                           1,162            535           1,087
Deposit interest
received                                    115             14              30
Investment management
fees paid                                  (646)          (107)           (694)
Secretarial fees paid                       (36)           (20)            (91)
Other cash payments                        (320)          (765)         (1,324)
                                     ------------    -----------     -----------
Cash generated/(expended) from
operations                                  275           (343)           (992)
Tax recovered                             1,431             78              90
                                     ------------    -----------     -----------

Net cash flows from/(used in)
operating activities                      1,706           (265)           (902)

Cash flows from investing activities

Purchases of investments                 (2,094)          (605)         (2,169)
Sales of investments                      4,122          4,608           6,349
Payment to solicitors re loan
guarantees                               (1,406)             -               -
                                     ------------    -----------     -----------

Net cash flows from investing
activities                                  622          4,003           4,180
                                            ---            ---             ---
Cash flows from financing activities

Equity dividends paid                         -              -            (400)
Cash acquired from subsidiaries
at date of merger                             -              -           3,791
Repurchase of Ordinary shares                 -           (140)           (140)
Purchase of Ordinary shares for
treasury                                   (652)             -          (1,897)
                                     ------------    -----------     -----------

Net cash flows (used in)/from
financing activities                       (652)          (140)          1,354

Increase in cash and cash
equivalents                               1,676          3,598           4,632
                                     ------------    -----------     -----------

Cash and cash equivalents at
start of period                           4,846            214             214
                                     ------------    -----------     -----------
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period                             6,522          3,812           4,846
----------------------               ------------    -----------     -----------

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS').

The consolidated cash flow statements for the six months to 31 August 2006 and
the year ended 28 February 2006 include the transactions of the subsidiaries CP1
VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC from the date merger on 13 January 2006.

The cash flow statement for the six months to 31 August 2005 was for the Company
prior to the merger with CP1 VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC.

Notes to the announcement

 1. Details about the Investment Manager

Crown Place VCT PLC is managed by Close Ventures Limited. Close Ventures Limited
is a subsidiary of Close Brothers Group plc and is authorised and regulated by
the Financial Services Authority.

 2. Statutory accounts

The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the periods ended 31 August 2006 and 31 August
2005, as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

Statutory accounts for the year ended 28 February 2006 have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors have reported on those accounts; their
report was unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or
(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Whilst the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has
been computed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRSs), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to
comply with IFRSs. The Company expects to publish full financial statements
that comply with IFRSs within the next two weeks. 

 3. Accounting policies

The accounts have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out
in the latest annual report for the year ended 28 February 2006.

4. Basic and diluted return per share

Return per share has been calculated on 80,824,690 Ordinary shares (2005:
39,952,670) being the weighted average number of shares in issue in the period
(excluding Treasury shares).

There are no convertible instruments, derivatives or contingent share agreements
in issue for the Company hence there are no dilution effects to the return per
share. The basic return per share is therefore the same as the diluted return
per share.

5. Net asset value

The net asset value per share is based on net assets of #35,012,000 and on
79,627,220 Ordinary shares being the number of Ordinary shares in issue
(excluding Treasury shares) at the period end.

6. Contingencies

After the period end, the Company met its obligations to make payments under 
bank guarantees to the value of #1.4 million.  

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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