RNS Number : 8208R 
China Gateway International PLC 
31 August 2010 

For immediate release 
                            31 August 2010 
The Company sets out below its unaudited interim results for the six months 
ended 31 May 2010.   The unaudited six month interim report is being posted to 
shareholders, and is available on the Company's web-site www.cgi-plc.com 
Chairman's Statement 
As reported in the Annual Financial Statements to 30 November 2009 the Company 
has exchanged contracts for the disposal of its properties at Great Farthingloe 
Farm and at Western Heights, Dover ('The Dover Properties') to Dover Gateway 
Limited for a cash consideration of GBP5 million before estimated costs of 
GBP30,000. Completion of the sale was due to take place on 5 June 2010 but has 
now been deferred to 3 September 2010 to enable the purchaser to proceed. 
Notice to complete was served on the purchasers on 20 August 2010.  This notice 
will expire on 6 September 2010. 
The Board has considered the position in the event that the purchasers fail to 
complete and are confident that the Dover Properties would soon attract 
alternative purchasers should the Company wish to proceed with a sale. The 
Directors have had very positive discussions with Israel Discount Bank regarding 
the alternatives should the current sale not complete. The bank have confirmed 
that they wish to continue working with the Company. 
The Board still expect the current purchaser to honour its contractual 
obligations with the Company having allowed an extended completion period in 
order to assist the purchaser. Subsequently the Board have issued the Completion 
Notice and formulated contingency plans as required to protect the Company's 
interests.  The proceeds from any disposal of the Dover Properties will be used 
to reduce the Company's indebtedness to Israel Discount Bank Limited. 
Further progress has been achieved with regard to "Seat Sales" at the company's 
Manston site although the first sale has not yet been completed. As previously 
reported all terms in relation to this contract have been agreed but completion 
has been deferred pending the conclusion of the Section 106 planning agreement 
for Manston and the granting of final planning permission in line with the 
earlier Resolution to Grant. 
The Company's sales team in China have received formal expressions of interests 
from a number of other organisations and are actively continuing with the 
marketing of seats at the Euro-China Cultural and Technology Industry Hub.  The 
Board expects that the Company will be in a position to commence the 
construction of the first hub during 2011. 
The Company acknowledges the continued support of local agencies including 
Locate in Kent and Thanet District Council for their help and cooperation with 
the Manston project.  The Directors continue to believe that given its excellent 
relationships with China combined with China's continued and sustained growth 
and its government's commitment to globalisation, the Company is capable of 
increasing the value of its investment property at Manston. 
The Board acknowledges and thanks its principal lending bank (Israel Discount 
Bank) for its continued support and also thanks its shareholders for their 
further investments in the Company. 
The Board continues to view the Company's future with significant optimism. 
For further information, please contact: 
Ken Wills , China Gateway International PLC                               +44 
(0) 1843 822444 
Roland Cornish, Beaumont Cornish Limited                                +44 (0) 
20 7628 3396 
|                                              |                               Unaudited |                                                             |          Audited |          | 
| CHINA GATEWAY INTERNATIONAL PLC              |                                         |                                                   Unaudited |                  |          | 
|                                              |                                         |                                                             |                  |          | 
| STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION              |                                         |                                                             |                  |          | 
|                                              |                                         |                                                             |                  |          | 
| PERIOD FROM 1 DECEMBER 2009 TO 31 MAY 2010   |                                         |                                                             |                  |          | 
|                                              |                                         |                                                             |                  |          | 
|                                              |                                      31 |                                                   31 May 09 |               30 |          | 
| Note                                         |                                     May |                                                             |              Nov |          | 
|                                              |                                      10 |                                                             |               09 |          | 
| ASSETS                                       |                                     GBP |                                                         GBP |              GBP |          | 
| Non-current assets |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                         |          | 
| Investment         |                 | 4     |                              55,900,000 |                           55,650,000 |                              55,900,000 |          | 
| property           |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                         |          | 
| Investment         |                 | 5     |                                      40 |                                    - |                                       - |          | 
| Fixtures and       |                 |       |                                   1,578 |                                4,728 |                                   3,154 |          | 
| fittings           |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                         |          | 
| Deferred tax asset |                 |       |                               2,181,809 |                            1,762,146 |                               2,034,693 |          | 
|                                      |       |  -------------------------------------- |       ------------------------------ |          ------------------------------ |          | 
| Total non-current assets             |       |                              58,083,427 |                           57,416,874 |                              57,937,847 |          | 
|                    |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Current assets     |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Properties         |                 |       |                                       - |                            2,000,000 |                                          4,970,000 | 
| intended for sale  |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Trade and other    |                 |       |                               4,553,382 |                              103,948 |                                             83,142 | 
| receivables        |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Cash and cash equivalents            |       |                                   8,563 |                               30,763 |                                             95,270 | 
|                                      |       |    ------------------------------------ |       ------------------------------ |                     ------------------------------ | 
| Total current assets                 |       |                               4,561,945 |                            2,134,711 |                                          5,148,412 | 
|                                      |       |    ------------------------------------ |       ------------------------------ |                     ------------------------------ | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                         |       |                              62,645,372 |                           59,551,585 |                                         63,086,259 | 
|                    |                 |       |         =============================== |      =============================== |                    =============================== | 
| EQUITY AND         |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| LIABILITIES        |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
|                    |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Equity             |                 |       |                                 247,131 |                              210,000 |                                            210,000 | 
| Issued share       |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| capital            |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Share premium      |                 |       |                              15,476,001 |                           15,064,740 |                                         15,064,740 | 
| Shares to be       |                 |       |                                       - |                                    - |                                            148,392 | 
| issued             |                 |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Retained earnings  |                 |       |                               7,399,350 |                            5,935,000 |                                          8,341,304 | 
|                    |                 |       |               ------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |                          ------------------------- | 
| Total equity                         |       |                              23,122,482 |                           21,209,740 |                                         23,764,436 | 
|                                      |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Non-current liabilities              |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Interest bearing loans and           |     1 |                                       - |                                    - |                                                  - | 
| borrowings                           |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
| Deferred tax provision               |       |                               7,241,720 | 7,447,026                            |                                          7,241,720 | 
|                                      |       | --------------------------------------- |   ---------------------------------- |              ------------------------------------- | 
| Total non-current liabilities        |       |                               7,241,720 |                            7,447,026 |                                          7,241,720 | 
|                                      |       |                                         |                                      |                                                    | 
|                           |          |       |                                  15,848 |                                                           - |                           - | 
| Current liabilities       |          |       |                                         |                                                             |                             | 
|                           |          |       |                                         |                                                             |                             | 
| Bank overdraft            |          |       |                                         |                                                             |                             | 
| Trade and other payables  |          |       |                                 862,437 |                                                     694,822 |                     644,465 | 
| Interest bearing loans    |          | 6     |                              31,402,885 |                                                  30,199,997 |                  31,435,638 | 
| and borrowings            |          |       |                                         |                                                             |                             | 
|                           |          |       |               ------------------------- |                                   ------------------------- |   ------------------------- | 
| Total current liabilities |          |       |                              32,281,170 |                                                  30,894,819 |                  32,080,103 | 
|                           |          |       |                                         |                                                             |                             | 
|                           |          |       |                                         |                                                             |                             | 
| Total liabilities         |          |       |                              39,522,890 |                                                  38,341,845 |                  39,321,823 | 
|                           |          |       |              -------------------------- |                                ---------------------------- |   ------------------------- | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES         |       |                              62,645,372 |                                                  59,551,585 |                  63,086,259 | 
|                                      |       |                                         |                                                             |                             | 
|                    |                 |       |             =========================== |                                ============================ | =========================== | 
| CHINA GATEWAY                                                       |                                             |                                                  | 
| INTERNATIONAL PLC                                                   |                                             |                                                  | 
| STATEMENT OF                                                        |                                             |                                                  | 
| COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                                |                                             |                                                  | 
| PERIOD FROM 1 DECEMBER                                              |                                             |                                                  | 
| 2009 TO 31 MAY 2010                                                 |                                             |                                                  | 
|               |        |                                  Unaudited |                                   Unaudited |                                          Audited | 
|               |   Note |                                     31 May |                                      31 May |                                           30 Nov | 
|               |        |                                         10 |                                          09 |                                               09 | 
|               |        |                                        GBP |                                         GBP |                                              GBP | 
| Continuing    |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| operations:   |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Write         |        |                                          - |                                           - |                                        2,970,000 | 
| back          |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| of            |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| properties    |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| intended      |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| for sale      |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Administrative         |                                  (416,483) |                                   (556,914) |                                      (1,098,744) | 
| expenses               |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Other operating        |                                     13,303 |                                      24,930 |                                           45,393 | 
| income                 |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Fair value             |                                  (326,915) |                                   (613,908) |                                        (733,235) | 
| losses on              |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| investment             |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| property               |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|               |        | ------------------------------------------ |  ------------------------------------------ |    --------------------------------------------- | 
| OPERATING     |        |                                  (730,095) |                                 (1,145,892) |                                        1,183,414 | 
| (LOSS)/PROFIT |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Finance income         |                                          - |                                           - |                                              597 | 
| Finance       |        |                                  (358,975) |                                   (484,313) |                                        (885,764) | 
| costs         |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|                        | ------------------------------------------ |   ----------------------------------------- |        ----------------------------------------- | 
| (LOSS)/PROFIT          |                                (1,089,070) |                                 (1,630,205) |                                          298,247 | 
| BEFORE TAXATION        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Corporation tax        |                                    147,116 |                                     409,613 |                                          887,466 | 
|                        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|                        |   ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | 
| (LOSS)/PROFIT          |                                  (941,954) |                                 (1,220,592) |                                        1,185,713 | 
| FOR THE PERIOD         |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|                        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Other                  |                                          - |                                           - |                                                - | 
| comprehensive          |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| income                 |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|                        |   ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |  ----------------------------------------------- | 
|                        |                                  (941,954) |                                 (1,220,592) |                                        1,185,713 | 
| TOTAL                  |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| COMPREHENSIVE          |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| INCOME FOR THE         |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| PERIOD                 |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|                        |   ==================-===================== | ==============================-============ |  =============================================== | 
|                        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| (Loss)/profit |      7 |                                     (4.03) |                                      (5.81) |                                             5.65 | 
| per ordinary  |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| share (pence) |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|               |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
| Basic         |        |                                            |                                             |                                                  | 
|               |        |                       ==================== |                        ==================== |                             ==================== | 
| Diluted       |      7 |                                     (4.03) |                                      (5.81) |                                             5.61 | 
|               |        |                       ==================== |                        ==================== |                             ==================== | 
| CHINA GATEWAY        |                                       Share  |                                         Share |                                              |                                               |                                         Unaudited | 
| INTERNATIONAL PLC    |                                      capital |                                       premium |                                       Shares |                                               |                                             Total | 
|                      |                                              |                                               |                                        to be |                                               |                                                   | 
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES |                                              |                                               |                                      issued  |                                               |                                                   | 
| IN EQUITY            |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                               |                                                   | 
|                      |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                               |                                                   | 
| PERIOD FROM 1        |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                               |                                                   | 
| DECEMBER 2009 TO 31  |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                               |                                                   | 
| MAY 2010             |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                      Retained |                                                   | 
|                      |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                      Earnings |                                                   | 
|                      |                                          GBP |                                           GBP |                                          GBP |                                           GBP |                                               GBP | 
|                      |                                      210,000 |                                    15,064,740 |                                            - |                                               |                                        22,430,332 | 
| Balance at 1         |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                     7,155,592 |                                                   | 
| December 2008        |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                               |                                                   | 
|                      |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                               |                                                   | 
| Total comprehensive  |                                            - |                                             - |                                            - |                                               |                                       (1,220,592) | 
| income for the       |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                   (1,220,592) |                                                   | 
| period               |                                              |                                               |                                              |                                               |                                                   | 
|                      |     ---------------------------------------- |      ---------------------------------------- |     ---------------------------------------- |      ---------------------------------------- |          ---------------------------------------- | 
| As at 31 May 2009    |                                      210,000 |                                    15,064,740 |                                            - |                                     5,935,000 |                                        21,209,740 | 
|                      | ============================================ | ============================================= | ============================================ | ============================================= | ================================================= | 
|                      |                                       Share  |                                           Share |                                       Shares |                                       Retained |                                         Unaudited | 
|                      |                                      capital |                                         premium |                                        to be |                                       Earnings |                                             Total | 
|                      |                                              |                                                 |                                       issued |                                                |                                                   | 
|                      |                                          GBP |                                             GBP |                                          GBP |                                            GBP |                                               GBP | 
| As at 1 December     |                                      210,000 |                                      15,064,740 |                                      148,392 |                                      8,341,304 |                                        23,764,436 | 
| 2009                 |                                              |                                                 |                                              |                                                |                                                   | 
|                      |                                              |                                                 |                                              |                                                |                                                   | 
| Issue of shares      |                                       37,131 |                                         411,261 |                                    (148,392) |                                              - |                                           300,000 | 
|                      |                                              |                                                 |                                              |                                                |                                                   | 
| Total comprehensive  |                                            - |                                               - |                                            - |                                      (941,954) |                                         (941,954) | 
| income for the       |                                              |                                                 |                                              |                                                |                                                   | 
| period               |                                              |                                                 |                                              |                                                |                                                   | 
|                      |     ---------------------------------------- |        ---------------------------------------- |     ---------------------------------------- |       ---------------------------------------- |          ---------------------------------------- | 
| As at 31 May 2010    |                                      247,131 |                                      15,476,001 |                                            - |                                      7,399,350 |                                        23,122,482 | 
|                      | ============================================ | =============================================== | ============================================ | ============================================== | ================================================= | 
| CHINA GATEWAY INTERNATIONAL PLC                              |                                           Unaudited |                                                |                                        Audited | 
|                                                              |                                                     |                                      Unaudited |                                                | 
| STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                      |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| PERIOD FROM 1 DECEMBER 2009 TO 31 MAY 2010                   |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
|                                                              |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
|                                                              |                                                  31 |                                         31 May |                                         30 Nov | 
|                                                              |                                                 May |                                             09 |                                             09 | 
|                                                              |                                                  10 |                                                |                                                | 
|                                                              |                                                 GBP |                                            GBP |                                            GBP | 
| Cash used in        |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Operations          |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| (Loss)/profit       |                               |        |                                         (1,089,070) |                                    (1,630,205) |                                        298,247 | 
| before taxation     |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Adjustments for:    |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Fair value of       |                               |        |                                             326,915 |                                        613,908 |                                        733,235 | 
| investment          |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| property            |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Write back          |                               |        |                                                   - |                                              - |                                    (2,970,000) | 
| properties for      |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| sale                |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Depreciation        |                               |        |                                               1,576 |                                          1,579 |                                          3,153 | 
| Interest income     |                               |        |                                                   - |                                              - |                                          (597) | 
| Interest expense    |                               |        |                                             358,975 |                                        484,313 |                                        885,764 | 
| (Increase)/decrease |                               |        |                                               (240) |                                         12,966 |                                         78,164 | 
| in trade and other  |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| receivables         |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Increase/(decrease) in trade payables               |        |                                             187,972 |                                      (257,587) |                                      (307,945) | 
|                     |                               |        | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
| Cash used in        |                               |        |                                           (213,872) |                                      (775,026) |                                    (1,279,979) | 
| Operations          |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Interest paid       |                               |        |                                           (358,975) |                                      (484,313) |                                      (885,764) | 
| Corporation tax     |                               |        |                                                   - |                                              - |                                              - | 
| paid                |                               |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
|                                    |                |        | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
| Net Cash used in Operating Activities                        |                                           (572,847) |                                    (1,259,339) |                                    (2,165,743) | 
|                                    |                |        | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
| Cash Flows from Investing Activities                |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Purchase of property, investments, fixtures and fittings     |                                           (326,955) |                                      (613,908) |                                      (983,235) | 
| Sale of property intended for sale                  |        |                                             500,000 |                                                |                                                | 
| Interest received                                   |        |                                                   - |                                              - |                                            597 | 
|                                    |                |        | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
| Net Cash from Investing            |                |        |                                             173,045 |                                      (613,908) |                                      (982,638) | 
| Activities                         |                |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
|                                    |                |        | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
|                                    |                |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Cash Flows from Financing Activities                         |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Receipts from shares allocated but not allotted   |  |        |                                                   - |                                              - |                                        104,000 | 
| Net proceeds from issue of share capital          |  |        |                                             330,000 |                                              - |                                              - | 
| Proceeds from short-term borrowings               |  |        |                                            (32,753) |                                      1,871,250 |                                      3,106,891 | 
|                                                   |  |        | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
| Net Cash from Financing Activities                |  |        |                                             297,247 |                                      1,871,250 |                                      3,210,891 | 
|                                                   |  |        | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
|                                                   |  |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Net (Decrease)/Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents         |                                           (102,555) |                                        (1,997) |                                         62,510 | 
|                                    |                |        |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Cash and Cash Equivalents and bank overdrafts at Beginning   |                                              95,270 |                                         32,760 |                                         32,760 | 
| of Period                                                    |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
|                                                              | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
| Cash and Cash Equivalents and bank overdrafts at End of      |                                             (7,285) |                                         30,763 |                                         95,270 | 
| Period                                                       |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
|                                                              |                                                     |                                                |                                                | 
| Bank overdrafts                                              |                                              15,848 |                                              - |                                              - | 
|                                                              | --------------------------------------------------- |     ------------------------------------------ |  --------------------------------------------- | 
| Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period                   |                                               8,563 |                                         30,763 |                                         95,270 | 
|                     |                               |        |     =============================================== | ============================================== | ============================================== | 
Major non cash transactions 
During the period contracts were exchanged for the sale of the Dover Properties 
for GBP5 million and a deposit of GBP500,000 was received. The balance due of 
GBP4.5 million is included within trade and other receivables in the Statement 
of Financial Position 
1    General Information 
The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.  The address of its 
registered office is One America Square, Crosswall, London, EC3N 2SG. 
The Company is listed on AIM. 
This interim financial information was approved for issue on 26 August 2010. 
This interim financial information has not been audited or reviewed. 
2     Basis of Preparation 
The interim financial information set out above does not constitute statutory 
accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.  It has 
been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with the recognition and 
measurement criteria of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 
as adopted by the European Union. The accounting policies applied in preparing 
the financial information are consistent with those that have been adopted in 
the Company's 2009 audited statutory accounts. Statutory accounts for the year 
ended 30 November 2009 were approved by the Board of Directors on 21 May 2009 
and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those 
accounts was unqualified. 
The financial information for the 6 months ended 31 May 2010 and the 6 months 
ended 31 May 2009 has not been audited. As permitted, the Company has chosen not 
to adopt IAS 34 "Interim Financial Statements" in preparing this interim 
financial information. 
3     Accounting policies 
As described below, the accounting policies applied are consistent with those of 
the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 November 2009, as detailed 
in those annual financial statements. 
Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would 
be applicable to expected total annual earnings. 
There are no new standards or amendments to standards and interpretations that 
have been issued but are not effective or not yet endorsed for the financial 
year beginning 1 December 2009 and have not been early adopted. 
Going Concern 
In considering the Company's ability to continue operations for the foreseeable 
future, the Directors have considered the Company's forecast operating cashflow 
for the period up to the end of May 2011 and the development cashflow associated 
with the Company's investment properties over periods appropriate to the 
development in each case. 
In the view of the Directors the Company requires continued financial support in 
order to continue as a going concern. These financial statements have been 
prepared on a going concern basis in view of the continued support being 
received from the Company's lending bank Israel Discount Bank and from its 
shareholders and in view of the likelihood of funds being received and 
subsequently released from escrow once sufficient seat sales, estimated to be 
50, have been achieved during the period to 31 May 2011. 
The support received from Israel Discount Bank takes the form of facilities 
available subject to both specific and general conditions. The current facility 
was made available on 26 February 2010 in the amount of GBP31.4 million. 
In March 2010 the company exchanged contracts on the disposal of its property 
interest in Dover. The proceeds of this disposal will be utilised to reduce the 
Company's indebtedness to Israel Discount Bank.  The bank have indicated their 
willingness to defer the collection of the loan interest due in August 2010 
until after the Dover property sale has been completed. 
The facility is repayable on demand however the bank have confirmed that, 
subject to no breach of covenants, it is their present intention to continue to 
make this facility available until at least 30 June 2011. 
One of the covenants in Israel Discount Bank's facility letter dated 26 February 
2010 was in respect of the sale of the Dover Properties for a cash consideration 
of GBP5 million less costs. The covenant stated that the proceeds would be used 
to reduce the Company's indebtedness to Israel Discount Bank Limited upon 
completion of the sale by 31 March 2010. The sale contract was signed in March 
2010, and the completion date is now 3 September 2010. This was contrary toone 
of the covenants in Israel Discount Bank's facility letter dated 26 February 
2010. Israel Discount Bank have confirmed that they have extended the condition 
in respect of the sale of the Dover Properties to be completed by September 2010 
and that all other terms and conditions have been met and all covenants are 
complied with to date. 
The Board has considered the position in the event that the purchasers fail to 
complete and are confident that the Dover Properties would soon attract 
alternative purchasers should the Company wish to proceed with a sale. The 
Directors have had very positive discussions with Israel Discount Bank regarding 
the alternatives should the current sale not complete. The bank have confirmed 
that they wish to continue working with the Company. The Directors do however 
expect the current purchasers to complete before the expiry of the notice to 
complete on 6 September 2010. 
The Directors have reviewed the relevant aspects of the Company's forecasts and 
the potential development position of the investment property for the period to 
31 May 2011 and consider there should be no breaches of the covenants concerned 
other than that in respect of the sale of the Dover Properties as referred to 
above. The Directors believe that the Company will meet all of the specific and 
general conditions associated with the facility going forward. 
During the period to 31 May 2010 the Company's shareholders invested further 
funds totalling  GBP300,000 by way of private placements. 
The shareholders have indicated that future requests for additional investment 
to fund ongoing working capital for interest and overhead costs pending the 
receipt of funds from seat sales will be considered favourably subject to 
continuing bank support, the completion of the Dover sale and satisfactory 
progress on seat sales. 
After making enquiries and considering the matters described above, the 
Directors have a reasonable expectation that the company has adequate resources 
to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For these 
reasons they continue to adopt the going concern basis in the preparation of the 
condensed financial statements. 
The Manston site was last revalued at 30 November 2009. 
The amount shown as investment represents the Company's 40% shareholding in 
Dover Gateway Limited that resulted from the disposal of the Company's Dover 
properties as detailed in the annual financial statements to 30 November 2009. 
The bank facility at 31 May 2010 was GBP31.4 million.  The facility is repayable 
on demand however, the bank has confirmed that it is their present intention to 
continue to make this facility available until 30 June 2011, subject to no 
breach of covenants. 
        Basic (loss)/profit per share is calculated by dividing the loss 
attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of 
ordinary shares in issue during the period. 
|                                   | 6                                        | 6                                          |                                  Period | 
|                                   | months                                   | months                                     |                                      to | 
|                                   | to                                       | to                                         |                                         | 
|                                   |                                   31 May |                                     31 May |                                  30 Nov | 
|                                   |                                       10 |                                         09 |                                      09 | 
|                                   |                                      GBP |                                        GBP |                                     GBP | 
|                                   |                                          |                                            |                                         | 
| (Loss)/profit attributable to     |                                (941,954) |                                (1,220,592) |                               1,185,713 | 
| equity holders of the Company     |                                          |                                            |                                         | 
|                                   | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------- | 
|                                   |                                          |                                            |                                         | 
|                                   |                                          |                                            |                                         | 
| Weighted average number of        |                               23,381,255 |                                 21,000,000 |                              21,000,000 | 
| ordinary shares in issue          |                                          |                                            |                                         | 
|                                   |                    ===================== |                     ====================== |                   ===================== | 
|                                   |                                          |                                            |                                         | 
| Basic (loss)/profit per share     |                                  (4.03)p |                                    (5.81)p |                                   5.65p | 
| (pence per share)                 |                                          |                                            |                                         | 
|                                   |                    ===================== |                      ===================== |                   ===================== | 
Diluted (loss)/profit per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive 
potential ordinary shares. 
        Persuant to a signed subscription agreement, dated 30 October 2009, the 
Company allotted 1,570,283 shares on 22 December 2009. The signed subscription 
agreement created an obligation before the year ended 30 November 2009 and the 
number of dilutive potential ordinary shares is calculated assuming the shares 
were allotted. 
|        |               | 6          | 6           |     Period | 
|        |               | months     | months      |         to | 
|        |               | to         | to          |            | 
|        |               |     31 May |      31 May |     30 Nov | 
|        |               |         10 |          09 |         09 | 
|        |               |        GBP |         GBP |        GBP | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
|        | (Loss)/profit |  (941,954) | (1,220,592) |  1,185,713 | 
|        | attributable  |            |             |            | 
|        | to equity     |            |             |            | 
|        | holders of    |            |             |            | 
|        | the Company   |            |             |            | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
|        | Adjustments   |          - |           - |          - | 
|        |               |  _________ |   _________ |  _________ | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
|        | (Loss)/profit |  (941,954) | (1,220,592) |  1,185,713 | 
|        | used to       |            |             |            | 
|        | determine     |            |             |            | 
|        | diluted       |            |             |            | 
|        | earnings per  |            |             |            | 
|        | share         |            |             |            | 
|        |               |  _________ |   _________ |  _________ | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
|        | Weighted      | 23,381,255 |  21,000,000 | 21,000,000 | 
|        | average       |            |             |            | 
|        | number        |            |             |            | 
|        | of            |            |             |            | 
|        | ordinary      |            |             |            | 
|        | shares        |            |             |            | 
|        | in issue      |            |             |            | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
|        | Adjustments:  |          - |           - |    130,857 | 
|        | allotment of  |            |             |            | 
|        | shares        |            |             |            | 
|        |               |  _________ |   _________ |  _________ | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
|        | Weighted      | 23,381,255 |  21,000,000 | 21,130,857 | 
|        | average       |            |             |            | 
|        | number        |            |             |            | 
|        | of            |            |             |            | 
|        | ordinary      |            |             |            | 
|        | shares        |            |             |            | 
|        | for           |            |             |            | 
|        | diluted       |            |             |            | 
|        | earnings      |            |             |            | 
|        | per           |            |             |            | 
|        | share         |            |             |            | 
|        |               |  _________ |   _________ |  _________ | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
|        | Diluted       |    (4.03)p |     (5.81)p |      5.61p | 
|        | (loss)/profit |            |             |            | 
|        | per share     |            |             |            | 
|        | (pence per    |            |             |            | 
|        | share)        |            |             |            | 
|        |               |  _________ |   _________ |  _________ | 
|        |               |            |             |            | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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