RNS No 0785w
25th November 1998

                               BRISTOL WATER plc
                                INTERIM RESULTS
                 for the six months ended 30th September 1998


Six months ended 
30th September                  1998      1997      % change
                               #'000     #'000

          Turnover            33,467    31,823         5%

          Operating profit    10,017     9,132        10%

          Pre-tax profit       7,911     7,160        10%

          Net profit           7,241     6,133        18%

Earnings per ordinary share    108.9p     89.9p       21%

Interim dividend per ordinary
share, net                     19.44p    18.00p        8%

The Company is one of the largest independent water supply companies
in  the country providing  an average of over 300 million litres  of
water  each day through 6,500 kilometres of mains. It is responsible
for  supplying over one million people and businesses in an area  of
almost  2,400 square kilometres, centred on Bristol. The area served
covers  the Bristol conurbation and surrounding parts of   Somerset,
Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.

The  Company's  performance in customer service, water  quality  and
engineering standards is amongst the highest in the water industry.

Bristol Water plc is a subsidiary of Bristol Water Holdings plc.

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

Again,  I  have  pleasure in being able to report continued  success  for  the
Company.   Improved  profits  have enabled shareholders  to  benefit  from  an
increased  dividend   while customers are gaining from  both  high  levels  of
investment and service standards at the highest levels in the industry.

We  started  the  year with our reservoirs full.  We have had useful  rain  at
crucial times throughout the spring and summer keeping demand for water at low
levels.  Increasing  environmental awareness by customers,  continued  leakage
reduction  and  other  water  efficiency  measures  have  contributed  to  the
position. Demand in the six month period to 30 September was 4% below that  in
the  previous year, which itself was the lowest for five years.  As  a  result
reservoirs are 30% above our internal guideline figure for this time of  year.
Accordingly we are confident of our resource position for next year.


Profitability has increased, reflecting the benefit of a real price rise of 1%
allowed under the current price formula determined by OFWAT and the beneficial
effects on operating costs of the weather conditions.

In  total,  revenue in the current period has grown by 5% over the comparative
period.  Despite  the reduction in demand, measured income  increased  by  12%
which includes the effect of new customers and those who have opted to have  a
metered supply.  Unmeasured water income increased by 3%.

Operating  costs  continue  to be monitored carefully  to  achieve  efficiency
gains.   Benefits have been gained from lower power costs and from  having  to
repair  fewer  burst  pipes,  reflecting the impact  of  the  weather  on  our
operating  environment.   Leakage control and other customer  service  matters
remain  a  high  priority,  with work on Year 2000  compliance  continuing  to
timetable.  Total operating costs remained stable in real terms.

Operating  profit  has improved by 10% to #10.017 million.  Although  interest
costs are increasing reflecting the scale of the investment programme, pre-tax
profits were 10% higher at #7.911 million.

The  changes in tax legislation affecting Advance Corporation Tax  provided  a
one  off  benefit  to  reduce the tax charge to #0.670  million,  providing  a
substantial  boost to the net profit improvement of 18%.  Earnings  per  share
have increased by 21% to 108.9 pence per share.


The increased  rate of investment expenditure that occurred in the second half
of  last year has continued with gross investment of #18 million in the  first
half of this year.  This work has concentrated primarily on the rehabilitation
or  replacement  of  old  mains, to provide increased security  of  supply  to
customers, to improve quality and to meet the needs of new developments.   The
rate  of  investment is expected to slow for the balance of the year following
completion of major elements of the current programme.

Capital Structure

On 31 August 1998 the Company's 6.75% redeemable preference shares, which were
all owned by the parent company, Bristol Water Holdings plc, were redeemed  at
par providing a more efficient capital structure.  The transaction results  in
a  reduction in the issued share capital of the Company and an increase in net
borrowings  of  #5.770  million. A similar sum has been transferred  from  the
profit and loss account to non-distributable reserves.

As  a result of the expanded investment programme and the redemption of shares
there  was  an  increase in net debt in the six months  of  #12  million.   An
additional  #15 million ten year bank loan at fixed interest of  approximately
6.5% pa has been drawn down since the end of the period.


The  Board   declared an interim dividend of #1,166,000 (net) on the  ordinary
shares, all of which are owned by Bristol Water Holdings plc.  This is  an  8%
increase  over the previous interim dividend and will be paid on  30  November
1998. The Company provided 91% of group pre-tax profits in the period and this
dividend  represents  86%  of  the ordinary dividend  payable  by  the  parent

The  dividend on the 8.75% irredeemable preference shares, none of  which  are
owned  by Bristol Water Holdings plc, was paid on 1 October 1998 for  the  six
months  then  ended  and  amounted to #547,000.  The  final  dividend  on  the
redeemable preference shares amounted to #162,199 and was paid on 30 September

In  total,  the level of dividends increased by 3% over those of the  previous
year, leaving retained profit of #5.4 million, 24% higher than last year.

Tribute to former directors

It was with deep regret that we learned of the sudden death of  Sir John Wills
only  five weeks after retiring as the Chairman of the holding company  having
served  twenty five years as a director.  He played an important role  in  the
Company's   development  and  will  be  long  remembered  for  his   excellent
leadership and wise counsel.

It  is also with considerable sadness that I must report the untimely death on
22  October  of  Stan  Bessey at the age of 46. He  had  been  Water  Services
Director  since 1995 and had established an international reputation  for  his
work in the field of leakage measurement and control.


The Company is heavily involved with the Periodic Review process through which
OFWAT  will  set price limits beyond 2000.  We, in common with  the  industry,
await  resolution of a range of key issues that materially affect  the  future
for  all  water  companies. The OFWAT proposals in "Prospects for  Prices"  in
their  current form have important implications for the business and  will  be
taken up with the regulator.

We expect a satisfactory outcome for the year as a whole.

J R Browning , Chairman


                    PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT

                           Six months to  Six months to    Year to
                          30th September 30th September   31st March
                                1998         1997           1998
                           (unaudited)    (unaudited)
                  Note         #000's       #000's          #000's

Turnover            2        33,467        31,823         63,955

Operating costs     3       (23,450)      (22,691)       (46,383)

Operating profit             10,017         9,132         17,572

Profit on disposals              27            19             46

Interest payable    4        (2,133)       (1,991)        (3,773)

Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation               7,911         7,160         13,845
Taxation            5          (670)       (1,027)        (1,985)

Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation                7,241         6,133         11,860

Dividends -         6
On irredeemable 
preference shares               547           547          1,094
On convertible 
preference shares               162           195            389
On ordinary shares            1,166         1,080          3,600
Total dividends               1,875         1,822          5,083

Profit retained               5,366         4,311          6,777

Earnings per share            108.9p        89.9p          173.0p

Dividend per 
ordinary share      6         19.44p       18.00p          60.00p

The profit on ordinary activities after taxation includes all recognised gains
and losses.

                           SUMMARISED BALANCE SHEET

                               As at        As at            As at
                           30th September 30th September   31st March
                               1998          1997             1998
                           (unaudited)    (unaudited)
                  Note        #000's        #000's           #000's

Tangible fixed 
assets             8         155,726       139,991          147,678

Current assets -
Stocks                         1,022           854            1,409
Debtors                        9,418         7,828            7,212
Cash and term 
deposits           9            -           10,003            5,208

                              10,440        18,685           13,829

Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year -
Short term 
    borrowings     9           8,731         1,244            1,385
Other creditors               26,507        22,776           26,292

                              35,238        24,020           27,677

Net current liabilities      (24,798)       (5,335)         (13,848)

Creditors: amounts falling due
after one year     9         (54,165)      (54,790)         (54,876)

Provisions  for  
liabilities and 
charges           10            (429)       (6,026)          (2,481)

Accruals and deferred 
income                        (8,160)       (7,728)          (7,895)


Net assets                    68,174        66,112           68,578

Ordinary shares                5,998         5,998            5,998
6.75% redeemable 
preference shares               -            5,770            5,770
8.75% irredeemable 
preference shares             12,500        12,500           12,500
Share   premium  and 
reserves                      10,185         4,415            4,415
Profit and loss account       39,491        37,429           39,895


Shareholders' funds  11       68,174        66,112           68,578

                         SUMMARISED CASHFLOW STATEMENT

                           Six months to    Six months to     Year to
                           30th September  30th September    31st March
                               1998            1997            1998
                           (unaudited)       (unaudited)
                   Note       #000's          #000's          #000's

Net  cash  inflow  
from operating
activities         12         11,906          10,302          19,847

Returns on investments
and servicing of finance -
Net interest paid             (2,387)         (2,929)         (4,402)
Dividends paid on 
preference (non-equity)shares   (709)           (742)         (1,483)

                              (3,096)         (3,671)         (5,885)

Taxation paid                   (186)           (265)         (2,307)

Capital expenditure and investing activities -
Purchase of tangible 
fixed assets                 (13,917)         (6,743)        (17,885)
Contributions received         1,698           1,585           3,421
Proceeds from disposal
 of tangible fixed assets         42              46             121

                             (12,177)         (5,112)        (14,343)

Dividends  paid  on  
ordinary (equity) shares      (2,520)         (2,330)         (3,410)


Net cash outflow before 
management of liquid 
resources and financing       (6,073)         (1,076)         (6,098)

Management of liquid 
resources, being decrease
in term deposits                -              3,250          11,250

Financing -
New loans and leases             390             948           1,808
Debt and lease repayments       (983)         (1,220)         (1,853)
Redemption of preference 
shares                        (5,770)           -               -

                              (6,363)           (272)            (45)

Increase (decrease)
in cash             12       (12,436)          1,902           5,107


                         NOTES TO THE INTERIM RESULTS

Note 1:   Accounting policies

The  financial  information contained in this  interim  announcement
does  not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of  s.240
of the Companies Act 1985.  The interim results, which have not been
audited,  have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
adopted by Bristol Water plc for the year ended 31 March 1998 as set
out in the Annual Report and Accounts.  These accounts (on which the
auditors  gave  an  unqualified report) have been delivered  to  the
Registrar of Companies.  In preparing the interim results regard has
been  given to all Financial Reporting Standards up to and including
number 14 except in so far as FRS 12 dealing with provisions relates
to  infrastructure  renewals accounting.   Discussions  between  the
water  industry  and  the  Accounting Standards  Board  continue  to
develop  a revised approach.  The Directors have continued with  the
previously  adopted  policy  in these statements.   Details  of  the
provision are shown in Note 10.

Note 2:   Turnover
                           Six months to    Six months to     Year to
                           30th September   30th September  31st March
                               1998             1997           1998
                            (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                              #000's           #000's         #000's

Turnover comprises - 
Metered water supply          9,470            8,428         17,353
Unmeasured water supply      22,048           21,446         42,538
Other services                1,949            1,949          4,064

                             33,467           31,823         63,955

Note 3:   Operating costs

Operating costs comprise -
Payroll   cost,  net  
of  recharges                4,719            4,864           9,228
Other operating expenses    12,501           12,290          25,349
Depreciation, net            3,011            2,730           5,556
Infrastructure renewals   
charge                       3,219            2,807           6,250

                            23,450           22,691          46,383

Note 4:   Interest payable

Interest payable and similar charges comprise -
Interest payable and 
similar charges              2,371            2,462           4,651
Interest income               (238)            (471)           (878)
                             2,133            1,991           3,773

Note 5:   Taxation
                           Six months to    Six months to     Year to
                           30th September   30th September  31st March
                               1998             1997           1998
                            (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                              #000's           #000's         #000's
The charge for taxation
comprises -
Mainstream corporation 
tax payable                     533              571           714
Advance corporation tax         137              456         1,271

                                670            1,027         1,985


The interim dividend for the current year will be paid to the parent
company  under  a  group election and hence  will  not  require  the
additional payment of ACT.

Note 6:   Dividends

The  dividend  on the 8.75% Irredeemable Preference Shares  for  the
first  half  of  the financial year was paid on 1 October  1998  and
amounted to #547,000.

The  dividend  on the 6.75% Convertible Preference  Shares  for  the
period  from 1 April 1998 until redemption was paid on 30  September
1998 and amounted to #162,199.

The  Board has declared an interim dividend of 19.44pence  (net)  on
each  Ordinary share amounting to #1,166,000, payable on 30 November

Note 7:   Earnings per share

The   calculation  of  earnings  per  share  is  based   on   profit
attributable  to holders of Ordinary Shares of #6,532,000   (1997  -
#5,391,000)  and the weighted average number of Ordinary  Shares  in
issue during the period of 5,998,025 (1997 - 5,998,025).

Note 8:   Movement in tangible fixed assets

The movement in tangible fixed assets comprises -

          Net book value, 
          beginning of period   147,678     137,531    137,531
          Additions              12,507       6,725     18,955
          Disposals                 (15)        (27)      (75)
          Contributions          (1,320)     (1,390)   (2,935)
          Depreciation           (3,124)     (2,848)   (5,798)
          Net book value, 
          end of period         155,726     139,991   147,678

Note 9:   Net debt
                       At 30th September At30th September   At 31st March
                             1998             1997              1998
                          (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                            #000's           #000's            #000's
Net debt comprises -

Term deposits                -                8,000             -
Cash less overdrafts       (7,228)            2,003            5,208
Debt due within one year   (1,503)           (1,244)          (1,385)
Debt due after one year   (54,165)          (54,790)         (54,876)
Net debt                  (62,896)          (46,031)         (51,053)

Note 10:  Movement in provisions for liabilities and charges

                        Six months to     Six months to       Year to
                        30th September   30th September     31st March
                            1998             1997              1998
                         (unaudited)       (unaudited)
                           #000's           #000's            #000's

The movement on maintenance provisions  comprises -

Balance, beginning 
of period                 2,481            6,513             6,513
Charge for the period     3,219            2,807             6,250
Expenditure incurred     (5,271)          (3,294)          (10,282)

Balance, end of period      429            6,026             2,481

Note 11:  Shareholders' funds

Movement in shareholders' funds -

Beginning of period      68,578           61,801            61,801
Profit for the  
period                    7,241            6,133            11,860
Dividends                (1,875)          (1,822)           (5,083)
Redemption of preference 
shares                   (5,770)            -                 -
End of period            68,174           66,112            68,578

Note 12:  Supplementary cashflow information

                           Six months to    Six months to      Year to
                           30th September  30th September     31st March
                               1998            1997              1998
                             (unaudited)     (unaudited)
                              #000's          #000's            #000's

a)Reconciliation  of  operating profit to net  cash  inflow  from
operating activities -

Operating profit             10,017           9,132            17,572
Depreciation, net             3,011           2,730             5,556
Decrease in provisions       (2,052)           (487)           (4,032)
Cashflow from operations     10,976          11,375            19,096
Working capital movements       930          (1,073)              751
Net cash inflow from 
operating activities         11,906          10,302            19,847


b)Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net debt -

Increase (decrease) 
in cash in the period       (12,436)          1,902             5,107
Cash used to reduce debt        983           1,220             1,853
Cash from new financing        (390)           (948)           (1,808)
Cash inflow from management
of liquid resources            -             (3,250)          (11,250)
Increase  in  net debt  
in period                   (11,843)         (1,076)           (6,098)
Net debt, beginning 
of period                   (51,053)        (44,955)          (44,955)
Net debt, end of period     (62,896)        (46,031)          (51,053)

Note 13:  Circulation

This  interim  announcement is being sent to  all  shareholders  and
debenture  holders.   Copies are available to the  public  from  the
Company's registered office at PO Box 218, Bridgwater Road,  Bristol
BS99 7AU.



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