RNS Number:3244B
Bristol Water PLC
24 November 1999


for the six months ended 30th September 1999


Six months ended 30th September           1999        1998       % change
                                         #'000       #'000
                                    (unaudited) (unaudited)

Turnover                                34,994      33,467             5%

Operating profit                        10,766      10,017             7%

Pre-tax profit                           8,790       7,911            11%

Net profit                               7,280       7,241             1%

Earnings per ordinary share -
Shares in issue                          112.2p      108.9p            3%

Interim dividend per ordinary
share, net                               19.44p      19.44p           - %

The Company is one of the largest independent water supply companies in the
country providing 300 million litres of water each day through 6,500
kilometres of mains. It is responsible for supplying over one million people
and businesses in an area of almost 2,400 square kilometres, centred on
Bristol. The area served covers the Bristol conurbation and surrounding parts
of Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.

The Company's performance in customer service, water quality and engineering
standards is amongst the highest in the water industry.

Bristol Water plc is a subsidiary of Bristol Water Holdings plc.


These interim accounts will be the last before  price limits are set for the
next five years for the regulated business.  This is an important matter for
the Company, its future profitability, its financing requirements and its
dividend prospects.  It will take some time to review the price limits
and related obligations. Accordingly, we have decided that it is preferable to
issue our results to 30th September 1999 now and to write to you again when we
have given proper consideration to the price limits.

Although profit before tax has increased by 11%, the Board has decided to
leave the interim dividend unchanged, at 19.44 pence per ordinary share, due
to the material uncertainties of the regulated price review.  The figures for
the six months are influenced by the following key factors -

a)  good progress in the regulated business's operating profits
b)  a #600,000 gain from disposal of two properties
c)  a return to a more normal level of charge for taxation
    restraining after tax profits and earnings per share.

Each factor is reviewed in more detail below.


The Company has made good progress in the six months ended 30th September
1999.  Standards of service to customers continue to improve and are highly
rated by Ofwat.

Revenues grew by 5% to #35.0 million benefiting from the 1% real price
increase allowed by Ofwat and income from new connections but offset by
increasing numbers of customers switching to meters to reduce their bills. 
Operating costs grew by 3% including depreciation charges continuing to
increase because of the investment programme.  The increase in operating
profit of 7% to #10.8 million was supplemented by property sales yielding a
contribution of  #0.6 million. Interest cost increased by a fifth to #2.6
million reflecting the burden of financing the investment programme and the
effect of redeeming preference shares in 1998.  Pre-tax profit grew to #8.8
million, an increase of 11%.

The taxation charge has returned to more normal levels following a one off
benefit of #0.5 million in the comparative period related to ACT changes last
year. This left profit after tax 1% higher at #7.3 million.  Earnings per
share increased by 3% to 112.2 pence per share.

Investment remains significant at #11 million in the six months but at only
two thirds last year's level. Underlying cashflow has been broadly neutral in
the period.


The dividend on the 8.75% irredeemable preference shares for the first six
months of the year was paid on 1st October 1999 and amounted to #547,000.

The Board has declared a dividend of 19.44 pence (net) per share on each
ordinary share amounting to #1,166,000. This is unchanged from the previous
interim dividend and will be paid on 30th November 1999.  All of the ordinary
shares are held by Bristol Water Holdings plc. This represents 86% of the
dividend paid to external shareholders of the parent company albeit the
Company produced 98% of group profit for the period.

Overall the cost of dividends has fallen reflecting the redemption in 1998 of
preference shares at the end of their term.  Accordingly a record #5.6 million
has been retained in the business to help strengthen financial ratios.


In common with the industry, we anticipate a tough set of price limits for the
five year period starting in April 2000 to be announced by the Regulator on
25th November. We have submitted robust arguments to the Director General of
Water Services in the build up process. We will challenge his determination
if we believe it to be necessary in the best interests of the company, its
customers, employees and shareholders after considering all relevant factors.

New management structures are being put in place to meet the challenges before
us. We announced at the Annual General Meeting that I will be retiring at the
end of the financial year. Alan Parsons, our finance director, will take my
place and we are currently recruiting his replacement. Organisational
changes are already taking place to challenge continually our cost structures
and to react positively to the opening of competition in the water industry.


The Company has been active in its review of potential problems that might be
caused by computers and other equipment when we move through into the next
millennium.  Thorough testing, replacement where necessary and contingency
plans provide assurance that the Company and its customers will not be
adversely affected. Many staff will be on duty throughout the period to ensure
water supplies are not disrupted and our thanks go to them and their families
for their support.

On behalf of my Board, may I take the opportunity of wishing you well as we
enter the undoubtedly challenging start to the next century.

J R Browning Chairman


                                    Six months to  Six months to    Year to
                                   30th September 30th September 31st March
                                             1999           1998       1999
                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)
                     Note                  #000's         #000's     #000's

Turnover               2                   34,994         33,467     66,793

Operating costs        3                  (24,228)       (23,450)   (47,493)

Operating profit                           10,766         10,017     19,300

Profit on disposals                           600             27        135
Interest payable       4                   (2,576)        (2,133)    (4,650)

Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                             8,790          7,911     14,785

Taxation               5                   (1,510)          (670)    (1,213)

Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation                              7,280          7,241     13,572

Dividends -            6
On irredeemable preference shares             547            547      1,094
On redeemable preference shares              -               162        162
On ordinary shares                          1,166          1,166      3,888

Total dividends                             1,713          1,875      5,144

Profit retained                             5,567          5,366      8,428

Earnings per share -   7                    112.2p         108.9p     205.3p

Dividend per 
ordinary share         6                    19.44p         19.44p      64.8p

The profit on ordinary activities after taxation includes all recognised gains
and losses.


                            At 30th September  At30th September  At 31st March
                                         1999              1998           1999
                                   (unaudited)       (unaudited)              
                        Note           #000's            #000's        #000's

Tangible fixed assets      8          164,953           155,297       160,765

Current assets -
Stocks                                  1,010             1,022         1,128
Debtors                                 9,912             9,418         8,563
Cash and term deposits     9              340              -            2,450

                                       11,262            10,440        12,141

Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year -
Short term borrowings      9            1,552             8,731         1,523
Other creditors                        21,501            26,507        23,072

                                       23,053            35,238        24,595

Net current liabilities               (11,791)          (24,798)      (12,454)

Creditors: amounts falling 
due after one year         9          (68,021)          (54,165)      (68,821)

Accruals and deferred income           (8,338)           (8,160)       (8,254)

Net operating assets                   76,803            68,174        71,236

Ordinary shares                         5,998             5,998         5,998
8.75% irredeemable preference shares   12,500            12,500        12,500
Share premium and non-
distributable reserves                 10,185            10,185        10,185
Profit and loss account                48,120            39,491        42,553

Shareholders' funds        10          76,803            68,174        71,236


                                Six months to      Six months to      Year to
                               30th September     30th September   31st March
                                         1999               1998         1999
                                   (unaudited)        (unaudited)
                        Note           #000's             #000's       #000's

Net cash inflow from 
operating activities     11            15,005             17,177      30,355

Returns on investments and 
servicing of finance -
Net interest paid                      (2,494)            (2,387)     (4,888)
Dividends paid on preference 
(non-equity) shares                      (547)              (709)     (1,256)

                                       (3,041)            (3,096)     (6,144)

Taxation paid                            (137)              (186)     (1,604)

Capital expenditure and 
investing activities -
Purchase of tangible fixed assets     (12,520)           (19,188)    (34,065)
Contributions received                  1,420              1,698       3,860
Proceeds from disposal of 
tangible fixed assets                     656                  4         213

                                      (10,444)           (17,448)    (29,992)

Dividends paid on ordinary 
(equity) shares                        (2,722)            (2,520)     (3,686)

Net cash outflow before management
of liquid resources and financing      (1,339)            (6,073)    (11,071)

Financing -
New loans and leases                      296                390      15,586
Debt and lease repayments              (1,067)              (983)     (1,503)
Redemption of preference shares          -                (5,770)     (5,770)

                                         (771)            (6,363)      8,313

Decrease in cash      11               (2,110)           (12,436)     (2,758)


Note 1: Accounting policies

The financial information contained in this interim announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of s.240 of the Companies Act
1985.  The interim results, which have not been audited or reviewed by the
company's auditors, have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
adopted by Bristol Water plc for the year ended 31 March 1999 as set
out in the Annual Report and Accounts.  These accounts (on which the
auditors gave an unqualified report) have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.   In preparing the interim results regard has been given to all
Financial Reporting Standards up to and including number 15.  FRS 12 and 15
dealing with provisions was adopted for the first time in relation to
infrastructure renewals accounting in the last audited accounts.
This requires the inclusion of movements and balances related to
infrastructure renewals within fixed assets and depreciation. Adoption of the
new standards has required the restatement of certain 30 September 1998
comparative figures but has not affected profits.

Note 2: Turnover
                    Six months to    Six months to      Year to
                   30th September   30th September   31st March
                             1999             1998         1999
                       (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                           #000's           #000's       #000's

Turnover comprises -
Metered water supply       10,666            9,470       19,332
Unmetered water supply     22,209           22,048       43,657
Other services              2,119            1,949        3,804

                           34,994           33,467       66,793

Note 3:   Operating costs

Operating costs comprise -

Payroll cost, net of 
recharges                   5,106            4,719        9,224
Other operating expenses   12,536           12,501       25,817
Depreciation, net           6,586            6,230       12,452

                           24,228           23,450       47,493

Note 4:   Interest payable

Interest payable and similar charges comprise -

Interest payable and 
similar charges             2,702            2,371        5,028
Interest Income              (126)            (238)        (378)

                            2,576            2,133        4,650

Note 5:   Taxation
                    Six months to    Six months to      Year to
                   30th September   30th September   31st March
                             1999             1998         1999
                       (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                           #000's           #000's       #000's

The charge for taxation comprises -
Corporation Tax at 30% 
(prior - 31%)               2,160            1,519        2,875
Less advanced corporation
tax set off                  (787)            (986)      (1,839)

                            1,373              533        1,036
Advance corporation tax       137              137          177

                            1,510              670        1,213

Note 6:   Dividends

The dividend on the 8.75% Irredeemable Preference Shares for the first
half of the financial year was paid on 1st October 1999 and amounted to

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 19.44 pence (net) on each
Ordinary Share amounting to #1,166,000, payable on 30 November 1999.

Note 7:   Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based on profit attributable to
holders of Ordinary Shares of #6,733,000  (1998 - #6,532,000) and the weighted
average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period of 5,998,025
(1998 - 5,998,025).

Note 8:   Movement in tangible fixed assets

The movement in tangible fixed assets comprises -

Net book value, beginning of period     160,765     145,197     145,197
Additions                                12,166      17,778      31,599
Disposals                                   (56)        (15)        (78)
Contributions                            (1,204)     (1,320)     (3,244)
Depreciation                             (6,718)     (6,343)    (12,709)

Net book value, end of period           164,953     155,297     160,765


Note 9:   Net debt
                       At 30th September At 30th September At 31st March
                                    1999              1998          1999
                              (unaudited)       (unaudited)
                                  #000's            #000's        #000's
Net debt comprises -

Cash less overdrafts                 340            (7,228)        2,450
Debt due within one year          (1,552)           (1,503)       (1,523)
Debt due after one year          (68,021)          (54,165)      (68,821)
Net debt                         (69,233)          (62,896)      (67,894)

Note 10:  Shareholders' funds

                           Six months to     Six months to       Year to
                          30th September    30th September    31st March
                                    1999              1998          1999
                              (unaudited)       (unaudited)
                                  #000's            #000's        #000's

Movement in shareholders' funds -

Beginning of period               71,236            68,578        68,578
Profit for the period              7,280             7,241        13,572
Dividends                         (1,713)           (1,875)       (5,144)
Redemption of preference shares     -               (5,770)       (5,770)

End of period                     76,803            68,174        71,236

Note 11:  Supplementary cashflow information

                           Six months to      Six months to      Year to
                          30th September     30th September   31st March
                                    1999               1998         1999
                              (unaudited)        (unaudited)
                                  #000's             #000's       #000's

a)Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
activities -

Operating profit                  10,766             10,017       19,300
Depreciation, net                  6,586              6,230       12,452

Cashflow from operations          17,352             16,247       31,752
Working capital movements         (2,347)               930       (1,397)

Net cash inflow from 
operating activities              15,005             17,177       30,355

b)  Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net debt -

Decrease in cash in the period    (2,110)           (12,436)      (2,758)
Cash used to reduce debt           1,067                983        1,503
Cash from new financing             (296)              (390)     (15,586)

Increase in net debt in period    (1,339)           (11,843)     (16,841)
Net debt, beginning of period    (67,894)           (51,053)     (51,053)

Net debt, end of period          (69,233)           (62,896)     (67,894)

Note 12:  Circulation

This interim announcement is being sent to all shareholders and debenture
holders.  Copies are available to the public from the Company's registered
office at PO Box 218, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 7AU.


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