RNS Number : 2674L
  Bramdean Alternatives Limited
  07 January 2009

    RNS Announcement 
    7 January 2009

    Factsheet November 2008

    Bramdean Alternatives Limited

    This Factsheet contains commentary and news for the calendar month ended 30th November 2008, unless otherwise stated. 

    November Estimated Net Asset Values

    Sterling shares:      95.52 pence
    U.S. Dollar shares: US$0.8138

    Bramdean Alternatives Limited, (the "Company") is a Guernsey-based Investment Company listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company
invests in a diversified portfolio of private equity funds, hedge funds and other specialty funds.

 KEY FACTS                                           
 Market Capitalisation                 �110.2 million
 Manager                               Bramdean Asset
                                       Management LLP
 Annual Management Fee                           1.5%
 Performance fee                 10% subject to an 8%
                                    return and a high
 Company Brokers                             JPMorgan
                                       Securities Plc
 Sterling class share price on                 66.00p
 28thNovember 2008             
 Sterling class issue price                   100.00p
 (9th July 2007)               
 Number of Sterling shares in              92,142,177
 U.S. Dollar class share price             US$ 0.9950
 on 28thNovember 2008          
 U.S. Dollar class issue price               US$ 1.00
 (9th July 2007)               
 Number of U.S. Dollar shares              76,116,060
 in issue                      
 Minimum investment                               N/A
 Dealing                                        Daily
 Valuation                                    Monthly
 NAV publication                              Monthly
 November Sterling Estimated              95.52 pence
 NAV per share                
 November U.S. Dollar Estimated            US$ 0.8138
 NAV per share            
 Total common assets                   US$198,626,294
 Total Estimated Net Asset             US$196,999,889
 Half-year end                     30thSeptember 2009
 Financial year end                    31stMarch 2009
 Company Secretary and              RBC Offshore Fund
 Administrator                       Managers Limited
 Registrar                          Capita Registrars
                                   (Guernsey) Limited
 Stock Exchange code (Sterling                   BRAL
 Stock Exchange code (US Dollar                  BRAU
 Sedol code (Sterling shares)                 B1XCHB9
 Sedol code (US Dollar shares)                B1XCLF1
 ISIN code (Sterling shares)             GG00B1XCHB94
 ISIN code (US Dollar shares)            GG00B1XCLF11


    The month opened with the election of Barack Obama as the next U.S. President.

    Global economic news continued to confirm a deteriorating picture. In the UK, the IMF forecast UK growth would be -1.3% in 2009; retail
sales in October 2008 showed their first monthly drop since April 2005; UK property prices continued to fall, losing 2.6% during November to
give an annual fall of 14.9%, as measured by the Halifax House Price Index.

    Central banks continued to take unprecedented steps to ease monetary policy. The Bank of England cut interest rates by 1.5% to 3%, the
lowest level since 1955. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve cut the Fed Funds rate to 1% while the European Central Bank cut rates by 0.5% to

    Sterling continued to depreciate, falling to its lowest level in six years mid-month as statistics reported UK unemployment rising from
5.4% at the end of the second quarter to 5.8% at the end of the third quarter. The UK's CBI forecast that the UK would enter a recession as
severe as that of 1991 with unemployment expected to reach 9% or 3 million by 2010. UK inflation in October fell back to an annualised 4.5%
from 5.2% in September 2008. The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer announced a �20 billion fiscal stimulus with VAT cut from 17.5% to 15% as of
1 December 2008 to January 2010. He also announced a new higher income tax on incomes over �150,000 and a 0.5% increase in National
Insurance Contributions from both employers and employees.

    U.S. economic news was equally negative with producer prices falling by 2.8% in October after a 0.4% fall in September. House prices of
new homes in the U.S. fell by 7% during October while new home sales fell by 5.3% during October, the lowest level since 1991, and retail
sales fell by 1% during October, the sharpest fall for seven years. 

    With markets and investors seeing little reason to support Sterling, the currency lost a further 5% during the month against the U.S.
Dollar to $/� 1.533 and locked onto a course that threatened  parity against the Euro after a month-end close of �/EUR 0.827. Oil continued
to slide as demand sank, ending November at US$54.44.

    Equity markets continued to fall, but at a slower rate than in October: the FTSE-100 index lost 2.0%; the FTSE Eurofirst 300 Index
declined by 7.2%; the S&P 500 Index lost 7.5%; and the MSCI World Index fell by 6.7%.


    The Company has recently made two announcements through the London Stock Exchange's regulatory information service ("RNS") on 12 and 18
December 2008 regarding its exposure to certain hedge funds which, directly or indirectly, had trading accounts with Bernard L. Madoff
Investment Securities LLC ("BMIS"), a securities broker dealer based in New York. Both announcements are available to view on the Company's
website:  www.bramdeanalternatives.com in the News Centre section.

    The Company holds two investments that, directly or indirectly, have trading accounts with BMIS. The first is Rye Select Broad Market XL
Portfolio Ltd. ("Rye Select"), an investment which represented 4.4% of the Company's net asset value as at 31 October 2008. The second is
Defender Ltd. ("Defender"), which represented 5.1% of the Company's net asset value as at 31 October 2008.

    On Friday 12 December 2008, the Company received a letter from Defender informing the Company that the Federal Bureau of Investigation
in the U.S. had arrested Mr. Madoff, the founder of BMIS, on charges of alleged securities fraud. 

    Further to the announcement on 12 December 2008, the Company has decided, in consultation with its auditors PwC CI LLP, to take a full
provision against its investments in Rye Select and Defender to nil in the calculation of the November 2008 net asset value, which was
announced via RNS on 18 December 2008.  

    As at the close of business on 28 November 2008, the net asset value of the Company was as follows:-

 Share class      Net Asset Value     Net Asset Value  Performance 
               28th November 2008   31st October 2008
 GBP Shares           95.52 pence        101.78 pence        -6.15%
 US$ Shares        US$ 0.8138        US$ 0.9028              -9.86%

    Prior to the decision to write down the investments in Rye Select and Defender, the November 2008 valuation showed an increase of 4.17%
in the Sterling Share class and a fall of 0.05% in the U.S. Dollar Share class. The November 2008 valuation now shows a fall of 6.15% in the
Sterling Share class and a fall of 9.86% in the U.S. Dollar Share class, having included that full provision. In November 2008, the HFRI
Fund of Funds Composite Index and the Credit Suisse/Tremont Hedge Fund Index fell by 1.93% and 4.15% respectively. 

    The Company will continue to monitor the situation in respect of its investments in Rye Select and Defender and will make every
appropriate effort to seek recovery of the assets. The Company will inform investors of any new information as it becomes available. On 16
December 2008, a statement was issued by the primary U.S. regulatory authority, the Securities and Exchange Commission, in connection with
the investigation into Bernard Madoff and BMIS. A full transcript of this statement can be found by following this link:



    The underlying unaudited performance in November was -6.15% for the Sterling Share class and
     -9.86% for the U.S Dollar Share class, after the provisions taken against the holdings in Rye Select and Defender, as measured against
the October 2008 NAV. This compares to falls of 
    -1.93% and -4.15% for the HFRI Fund of Funds Composite Index and Credit Suisse/Tremont Hedge Fund Index. As stated above, prior to the
decision to write down the investments in Rye Select and Defender, the November 2008 valuation showed an increase of 4.17% in the Sterling
Share class and a fall of 0.05% in the U.S. Dollar Share class.

    The discrepancy in performance between the two Share classes is caused by the continued strengthening of the U.S. Dollar, which
appreciated by a further 5% against Sterling during November. The Company hedges at the Share class level with the Sterling Share class
hedging during November 35% of its U.S. Dollar and Euro exposure, while the U.S. Dollar Share class hedged 70% of its Euro and Sterling
exposure. Since 8 December 2008, the default hedge ratio has been reduced to zero on both Share classes to limit the impact on cash balances
from the currency hedging. This position remains under constant review and is taken only as a tactical measure. As set out in the October
2008 Factsheet, Mesirow Financial Currency Management manages the hedging policy tactically.

    There were 32 holdings in the Company's overall Portfolio, following the write-down of the holdings in Defender and Rye Select, at the
end of November. During the month, no additional redemptions became effective. As reported over the year to date, the Company has been
reducing the Portfolio's exposure to certain holdings given the continuing equity market volatility and the global economic downturn. As
part of that strategy, the Company has submitted redemption notices to Deephaven Global Multi-Strategy Fund Ltd., Atticus European Fund
Ltd., Hard Assets 2X Fund Ltd., Renaissance Institutional Futures Fund International LLC ("RIFF"), Aarkad plc, together with a partial
redemption notice to Rye Select. 

    The Company continues its programme of tactically reducing its allocation to hedge funds, a strategy that the investment manager started
to implement in December 2007. In December 2007, the Company's hedge fund holdings represented 86.3% of the Company's overall Portfolio. As
at the end of November 2008, they represented 46.0% of the overall Portfolio. As a result of the repositioning of the Portfolio during the
course of 2008, the Company holds 21.5% of its net assets in cash as at the end of November. The investment manager intends to maintain cash
reserves in order to fund draw-downs from the Private Equity and Specialty Funds and also to protect the NAV in these continuing volatile

    The stand-out performers during November were Evergreen MAC Ltd., Kei Ltd., Paulson Advantage Plus Ltd. and Lansdowne UK Equity Fund,
with positive returns reported also by Renaissance Institutional Futures Fund International LLC, Aarkad plc, Kaiser Trading Fund and Kaiser
Trading Diversified 2X Segregated Portfolio. During November, Atticus European Fund Ltd. and Deephaven Global Multi-Strategy Fund Ltd.
reported negative returns.

    Private Equity and Specialty

    The Company has now made commitments to eighteen underlying Private Equity Funds and underlying Specialty Funds amounting to
approximately $222.0 million, taking into account the U.S. Dollar's appreciation over the month. No new commitments have been made during

    The total amount that has been drawn-down on the commitments made is approximately 
    $83.4 million, with approximately $4.0 million of capital having been drawn-down in November. The Company received no distributions
during November and has now received total distributions of $2.3 million since inception.

    Capital calls were received from seven of the underlying Funds. Revaluations were received from six managers of the Company's Private
Equity and Specialty Funds and these have been incorporated into the November NAV calculations. Of these six revaluations, three were
revalued upwards and three were revalued downwards. As stated in previous communications, downward valuations are to be expected given the
exceptional market environment and it is likely that the Company will receive further fair market valuation write-downs from some of its
managers over the coming months. 

    Transitional Portfolio

    The portfolio held three Funds at the end of November 2008 following the write-down of Defender.  These three Fund investments in the
Transitional portfolio represent 9.9% of the Company's overall Portfolio as at 30 November 2008. 

    The Transitional portfolio returned -14.8%, including cash, during November with the return impacted by the write-down of the holding in
Defender Ltd. The Transitional portfolio has returned an unaudited -22.7%, including cash, in the calendar year-to-date compared with -19.4%
year-to-date return for the HFRI Fund of Funds Composite Index and -19.04% for the Credit Suisse/Tremont Hedge Fund Index. Since inception,
the Transitional portfolio has returned -21.6%. 
    The portfolio's holdings in Aarkad plc, RIFF and Kaiser Trading Fund all showed positive returns during November. 

    As reported in the October 2008 Factsheet, redemption notices have been submitted to both Aarkad plc and RIFF. In the short term, the
proceeds, once received, will be held in cash, pending reinvestment in due course. 

    Strategic Hedge Funds Portfolio

    Following on the heels of October's severe conditions, equities exhibited high levels of volatility in November. Despite the erratic
market environment, the portfolio would have returned a small gain but for the Company's holding in Rye Select.  

    The portfolio posted a loss during the month. The portfolio held 11 Funds and returned -11.7% during November 2008 and has returned an
unaudited -10.6% in the calendar year-to-date. Since inception, the portfolio has returned an unaudited -2.1%. 

    Portfolio Highlights

    Equity Hedged
    The style was slightly up this month. Managers that reduced exposure were not necessarily rewarded as they were unable to take advantage
of the month-end rally. Our UK manager benefited from successful long positions in Telecommunications and short positions to international
property companies. Our U.S. manager was impacted through long exposure to industrials and financials.  

    Event Driven
    The style posted a gain. One manager posted strong returns following the closing of the Anheuser Busch/Inbev deal. Further disarray
spread through the credit markets, and our distressed manager produced a positive return on the back of its short credit positioning. 

    Global Macro
    Performance was down following another challenging month. With Central Banks cutting rates across all regions, our global trader was
able to post a small gain from its exposure to currencies. Commodity markets reacted in line with mounting recessionary news, with crude
prices continuing to fall in response to weakening demand, creating instability for our energy-focused manager. 

    Managed Futures
    It was an outstanding month for the style, with the continuation of well-established trends beneficial for both short term traders and
long-term trend followers. Interest rate futures trended higher in the falling interest rate environment, driving performance. Our managers
with heavier equity shorts performed well given continued falls across indices. 

    Relative Value
    Any gains in the portfolio were offset by losses from relative value and the portfolio's exposure to Rye Select. A drawdown also came
from our multi-strategy manager's U.S. Credit book, as well as from the significant mark down of distressed bank debt and airline credit

    Portfolio Highlights

    Geographical Allocation 

 North America   56.1%
 Global                23.5%
 Europe                16.6%
 Asia & Other       3.8%

    Portfolio Holdings Asset Allocation 

 Strategic Hedge Funds  36.1%
 Private Equity                  23.3%
 Cash                                 21.5%
 Transitional                        9.9%
 Specialty                             9.2%


 Manager                            Type                   Portfolio Weighting
 Cash                               Cash                   21.5%
 Greenpark International Investors  Private Equity          5.5%

 Paulson Advantage Plus Ltd.        Strategic Hedge Funds   5.4%
 D.E. Shaw Oculus International     Strategic Hedge Funds   5.3%
 Members Interest
 Alydar Fund Ltd.                   Strategic Hedge Funds   4.7%
 Oaktree OCM Opportunities Fund     Specialty               4.3%
 VIIb L.P.
 Aarkad Plc                         Transitional            4.2%
 Lansdowne UK Equity Fund           Strategic Hedge Funds   4.2%
 Hard Assets 2X Fund Ltd.           Strategic Hedge Funds   4.0%
 Thomas H. Lee Parallel Fund VI     Private Equity          4.0%
 Renaissance Institutional Futures  Transitional            3.0%
 Fund International LLC
 Deephaven Global Multi-Strategy    Strategic Hedge Funds   2.9%
 Fund Ltd.
 King Street Capital Ltd.           Strategic Hedge Funds   2.9%
 Coller International Partners V    Private Equity          2.8%
 Kaiser Trading Fund                Transitional            2.6%
 Goldman Sachs Capital Partners     Private Equity          2.6%
 VI L.P.
 MatlinPatterson Global             Specialty               2.5%
 Opportunities Partners III L.P.
 Terra Firma Capital Partners III   Private Equity          2.0%
 Kaiser Trading Diversified 2X      Strategic Hedge Funds   2.0%
 Segregated Portfolio
 Kei Ltd.                           Strategic Hedge Funds   2.0%
 Evergreen MAC Ltd.                 Strategic Hedge Funds   1.8%
 DFJ Athena                         Private Equity          1.4%
 Lehman Brothers Venture Partners   Private Equity          1.4%
 V L.P.
 Silver Lake Partners III L.P.      Private Equity          1.2%
 SVG Strategic Recovery Fund II     Specialty                0.9%
 AIG Brazil Special Situations II   Private Equity           0.8%
 Atticus European Fund Ltd.         Strategic Hedge Funds    0.8%
 Pine Brook Capital Partners L.P.   Specialty                0.7%
 HIG Bayside Debt & LBO II Fund     Specialty                0.7%
 Resonant Music I L.P.              Specialty                0.7%
 Thoma Bravo Fund IX L.P            Private Equity           0.4%
 Rho Ventures VI L.P.               Private Equity           0.4%
 LimeTree Emerging Beachfront Land  Specialty                0.2%
 Investment Fund II L.P.

    This Factsheet has been produced by Bramdean Asset Management LLP, authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. It is
aimed solely at shareholders of Bramdean Alternatives Limited and it should not be relied upon by any other person.

    Please note that Bramdean Asset Management LLP has obtained information from a wide variety of sources for the content of this
Factsheet. Whilst it has made reasonable endeavours to verify such information, this Factsheet should not be used as the exclusive basis of
any investment decisions. It relates to a relatively short time period whilst many of the investments of Bramdean Alternatives Limited are
of a long-term nature.

    Bramdean Alternatives Limited invests in high risk alternative investment vehicles. It is
    aimed at professional or sophisticated investors who intend to hold their investment
    for the longer term. If you are not a professional or sophisticated investor you should take independent financial advice in relation to
any proposed investment in 
Bramdean Alternatives Limited.

    Please note that up to date information on the Company, including its monthly NAV and share prices, fact sheets, Prospectus and
portfolio information can be found at www.bramdeanalternatives.com. 

    This Factsheet will be available on www.bramdeanalternatives.com in PDF format in due course.

    Capita Registrar's helpline is 0871 664 0300 (Calls cost 10 pence per minute plus network extras). For callers outside the UK, please
dial: +44 (0)20 8639 3399. 

    Registered Office: Canada Court, Upland Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3QE, Channel Islands.


    Amanda McCrystal, or amccrystal@bramdean.com
    Bramdean Asset Management LLP. 35 Park Lane, London W1K 1RB, United Kingdom 

    T+44 (0)20 7052 9272 F+44 (0)20 7052 9273 W www.bramdean.com

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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